War, US Government Propaganda, the CIA and the Russian "Putin Threat"

Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University.  His research interests include modern propaganda, history and tactics of advertising, American film, and media ownership.  Mark Crispin Miller is the author of Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies, ed.; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon.  His newest book is Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order.

Here he talks about US government propaganda, the corporate media, the CIA and the Russian “Putin” threat.  He also discusses the recent attempt by the corporate media to get him fired using a NYU graduate student working for Rupert Murdock-owned VICE.  Finally, he “looks at the role of the CIA and the US government in their organized effort to demonize Putin and Russia and create a US population hysteria similar to the 1950s.  This interview was done during the Project Censored 40th anniversary at Sonoma State University on October 22, 2016 by Pacifica KPFA WorkWeek host Steve Zeltzer.”


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Nov 1, 2016 12:02 PM

Great to see this posted, I think it is a most pertinent interview.
‘We are drowning in propaganda’ – Peter Philips (former head of Project Censored).
I share Miller’s fear that it might soon get harder to stay mentally ‘afloat’. In the UK, Greg Philo of Glasgow Media Group urges us to:
‘Attack, attack, attack them.
Phone, complain, get in, argue. Because it’s our media. We own the BBC. The most important communications system probably in the world is the BBC. We own it, it’s ours. Get on it and insist our views are heard.’


Oct 31, 2016 11:15 PM

He’s great: hooray for Mark Crispin Miller! A shame we have so few people like him in similar positions.

Oct 31, 2016 9:24 PM

Interesting interview. I wonder what he thinks about Trump’s chances after the weekend.

Oct 31, 2016 10:12 PM
Reply to  ultra909

Just what I was thinking.

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Oct 31, 2016 6:29 PM

Reblogged this on Taking Sides.

Oct 31, 2016 5:45 PM

What government should know by now is that today’s population have multiple sources of information at their fingertips. When its propaganda isn’t getting the response it was created for, it is because it is being countered by the truth. No wonder attempts are being made to confiscate the internet!