REPORT: EU Planning “Vaccination Passport” Since 2018
“Roadmap on Vaccination” outlines 3 year plan for boosting “vaccine confidence” and advancing “electronic tracking”
Kit Knightly

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A report published by the European Commission in late 2019 reveals that the EU has been looking to increase the scope and power of vaccination programmes since well before the current “pandemic”.
The endpoint of the Roadmap is, among many other things, to introduce a “common vaccination card/passport” for all EU citizens.
This proposal will be appearing before the commission in 2022, with a “feasibility study” set to run from 2019 through 2021 (meaning, as of now, it’s about halfway through).
To underline the point: The “vaccination roadmap” is not an improvised response to the Covid19 pandemic, but rather an ongoing plan with roots going back to 2018, when the EU released a survey of the public’s attitude toward vaccines titled “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence”
On the back of this research, the EU then commissioned a technical report titled “Designing and implementing an immunisation information system”, on – among other things – the plausibility of an EU-wide vaccination monitoring system.
In the 3rd quarter of 2019 these reports were all combined into the latest version of the the “Vaccination Roadmap”, a long-term policy plan to spread vaccine “awareness and understanding” whilst counteracting “vaccine myths” and combatting “vaccine hesitancy”.
You can read the entire report here, but below are some of the more concerning highlights [emphasis throughout is ours]:
- “Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccinationcard/passport for EU citizens“
- “Develop EU guidance for establishing comprehensive electronic immunization information systems for effective monitoring of immunization programmes.”
- “overcome the legal and technical barriers impeding the interoperability of national immunisation information systems”
On the 12th September 2019, at the joint EU-WHO “Global Vaccination Summit”, they announced the “10 Actions Towards Vaccination for All”, which cover much of the same ground.
One month later, in October 2019, Event 201 was held.
For those who don’t know, Event 201 was a simulated pandemic exercise focusing on a zoonotic novel coronavirus originating in bats. It was sponsored by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The result of the simulation was seven key suggestions.
In November of 2019, these suggestions were published as a “call to action”.
One month later, China reported the first cases of Covid19.
To be clear here (and forestall any below-the-line arguments): this is not about vaccines, their effectiveness, safety or lack thereof.
The point is that proposed COVID countermeasures, which have been presented to the public as emergency measures thought up on the fly by panicking institutions, have in fact existed since before the emergence the disease.
They already wanted to monitor your vaccination records and tie that to your passport, introduce mandatory vaccinations and clampdown on “misinformation”. They just didn’t have a reason yet.
This was a situation which required a crisis and, fortuitously, it got one.
The exact ratio of contrivance to happenstance will never be known. What we DO know, at this point, is that Sars-Cov-2 is nothing like the threat originally reported, they admit as much themselves.
We also know they keep churning out the fear anyway.
And, thanks to documents like this, maybe now we’re starting to see why.
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Who vaccine action plan for Europe 2015objective three
Its all strange that countries that want to get rid of borders are suddenly reaping the harvest of open borders. Mass migration and disease. Now they are taken away liberty by asking you for a vaccination card but its ok if your are a criminal. One messed up idea. We dont need to travel to these countries we are all just brainwashed to believe we haven’t had a holiday unless we went to Spain to club.
First article I have read on your site.
A great start.
Thank you. JC
See the similarities between the Rockefellers’ plans BEFORE 9/11 and their plans in 2014: Eliminate cash, RFID chip everyone for total control… and remember THE BEST WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE IS TO CREATE IT.
Rockefeller Reveals 9 11 FRAUD and New World Order to Aaron Russo
‘Lock Step’: 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper/ #Coronavirus
PM call with Bill and Melinda Gates: 19 May 2020
If they want to monkey around (a pointed pun) with vaccines, who can stop them.
The problem ~and the “Rubicon” of civil liberties and human freedom and person soverrignty that they cross~ is any and all intents to mandate them.
They will argue that public health concerns eliminate our personal prerogative to say no to a vaccine, but there are many things to protect the public that they coveniently overlook, holicausts and wars and pandemics of hunger, pollution, that don’t provoke any response from them.
I had a visceral reflex years ago when I saw lifesized carboard cutouts of nurses with stethoscopes outside my local Albertsons market smiling in my face with “Free Flu Shots”.
I knew nothing about it all then, but by instinct I avoided them like “the plague”. Just the “free” set off alarms, right.
In a nutshell, this is all about making a bundle by vacci nating a “captive audience”.
And it needs to be totally repudiated. Lawsuits showing all the past deadly injuries of “trials” may well be tbe cutting edge.
Thanks for the article – I could not figure out how to post an image here, so a link will have to do :
hmmmm link did not appear … (
Not to nit-pick, but event 201 featured a coronavirus with pigs in South America as host.
Since it was based on SARS, it was a bat virus that jumped the species boundary.
The real novel Coronavirus was a bat-based virus whose host was most likely either lab personnel, ferrets, or petri dishes.
Fortuitous coincidences do occur, but the fact that Bill Gates sponsors the WHO, this event, the two modelers that everybody preferred over the thousands of others, Moderna (candidate vaccine #1), the promotion of remdesavir (scored zero in RCT), the witch hunt against HCQ which after decades of being safer than aspirin is now touted as a safety hazard, everybody talking about micro-needle arrays with luminescent micro-dots to give you a biological vaccine passport, rolled out globally, Gates obsession with birth control that can be turned on/off remotely, the amount of money Defense agencies keep sticking in this forbidden Gain-Of-Function virus research, billions authorized to procure 500 million injection devices before any vaccine is on the horizon … how the story fits together is impossible to say, but there is ample reason to worry about nefarious forces.
The world is being held hostage, and the only permissible ransom is globally desployed:
!!! Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine !!!
I notice that the 7 key suggestions in the “Public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness and response” ( are all about post-pandemic (real or not) measures and that none of them are about eliminating the causes of coronavirus pandemics, which are closely linked to animal abuse in factory farming, abattoirs and animal markets, “wet” or otherwise. It seems really plausible that the elites are obsessing about forcibly vaccinating all of us in the very near future, with the intention of externally controlling our health, or lack of it, and reducing our fertility. And it seems that an awful lot of people will go along with all this. I despair.
My vaccination card will always be empty.
Its probably not as sinister as its made out to be. “Back in the day” — more than 40 years ago or so — you had to have proof of up to date vaccination for specified diseases to get a visa to enter many countries. This was a nuisance for the traveler but as there weren’t that many people traveling and they were mostly going by sea the process was manageable. In recent years this requirement has been dropped for most countries with infectious disease being treated on an ad-hoc basis. This hasn’t worked out too well so I suppose its back to vaccination certificates. I’d guess that just like passports, documents that became standardized many years ago, these certificates will also be standardized and may even become part of one’s passport information.
I don’t see anything to make a conspiracy out of here. Governments already know a lot about individuals, especially travelers, so adding health information isn’t really going to increase their power over you.
The (major) problem is scope creep.
If you are a scared little child hiding behind your mother’s skirts, please stay out of our way.
Except that you won’t have a Passport or document saying you have been vaxxed, you will have a stain on your arm at the vax site as well as having a nano chip inserted with all your personal details! This will take the place of your bank card so no need for money! It’s all been carefully thought out 😡
If it follows old fashioned practice then its a stamp in your passport (they’ve mentioned a Vaccine ID card). It will be in your health record.
You are either a fool or on their side
That’s not very constructive — I could make the same assertion about you and it would be just as meaningless. The thing is, you can go around shaking your fist at ‘government’ and they’ll probably ignore you or maybe swat you if you’re nuisance enough. If you want to change things you have to be organized and you have to work on ‘hearts and minds’ — there’s no point in telling everyone that disagrees with you that they’re an idiot (even if they are), it just gets their backs up.
It absolutely made sense to have vaccinations against highly contagious viruses with relatively high mortality rates, e.g. yellow fever with a mortality around 60%, or typhoid, or TB.
Those vaccines took years to develop – partly because they came about before our current technology was available – and were thoroughly tested before being given out to the wider public.
I don’t know if people had been refused entry to those countries if they weren’t vaccinated. They certainly weren’t stopped from travelling altogether, even within their own country, for a viral disease that has a survival rate of 99.98% for those under 60, and where most people don’t have any symptoms.
These vaccines have been rolled out under emergency approval, and are not yet licensed. They have not completed clinical trials. It is impossible to do long-term clinical trials in less than eight months, even assuming they started developing the vaccine last February and had it ready in March. The longer effects are not known. The level of adverse effects is very high, unlike most vaccines.
I’ve had a typhoid vaccine years ago, and it gave me a very painful arm for a couple of days, a well-known side effect, but that was all. I didn’t get a high temperature, hallucinations (as some have reported after the CV19 jab), or anything else.
Grundian story:
(apologies if already linked in this thread)
Typical MSM, eh? It is an egregious example of emotionally manipulative junk writing, with the whole article based in the point-of-view that anyone who opposes vaccines is somehow a problem (or loony weirdo), rather than the other way around. This quote halfway through the article makes clear that powerful people (ie. Gates-to-hell and his cronies) are quite aware that their lies are a “narrative” that not everyone is buying like a sucker:
Indeed. Here’s a different “narrative” giving a historical, environmental and political context relative vaccines, that’s well worth considering before rushing in to get the “jab” of whatever latest laboratory experiments have been cooked up by psychopaths:
Another fab Guardian piece:
Yet another of those blandly asserted grandiose statements (cf. “Thousands of bodies are piled up in the streets!”) Millions are counting the days when they can actually come out of their homes and breath fresh air without a mask and without fear of Gestapo neighbours ratting them in. As for a vaccine, if the lockdown prisoners aren’t against it, they’re likely to be thinking, “Yeah whatever. Whack your little slice of gunge in, cast your spells, we’ll go through whatever little rigmarole you want just to get back out there!”
“One woman”, eh? Phew! What a looney!
And of course, no morally concerned article on the recalcitrance of crowds would be complete without a Nazi reference:
Note the ending:
Ever get the feeling that the terms of debate have already been decided in advance?
We are all so looking forward to resettlement in the east and starting our wonderful new lives in the world of the new normal. I hope its a comfortable box car train with a nice warm shower upon arrival. Thank you so much Bill and Melinda.
I believe the Nazis used to play Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony as the inmates arrived. I wonder what we’ll be hearing? U2 and Taylor Swift?
Probably “Europe” and ‘The Final Countdown’……?
To which the only response should be two words.
its all about the vaccine/passport/chip/tattoo/farming of human cattle. thats why the hysteria over the zinc/hydroxychloroquine (or other zinc ionophore) cure. the active ingredient, zinc, is always left out of the ‘studies’.
the screenplay is already going off script. israel was supposed to show up early as a knight in shining armor with their premade vaccine for their premade virus. but then they realized that would have let the cat out of the bag.
Such a good point (which I should have spotted myself).
Yup, never think that events in this scale and scope isnt pre-planned, they all are, and the clue is the MSM, not only confined to the Britain but more or less every european nation, incl Norway, where right now they are on their knees about the Saint Gate and this remedidick eh…. medicine and have had an massive camagne against HQC and Zink, as the devils remedies, and in the comentary fields witch they now as we speak have chopped off, the minions where howling along the MSMs “official” narrative and attacks vigerously anyone whom dont comply, yup and the MSM all over the board did this within the same time frame just after the CONvid hit Europa and the lockdown began, since then the MSM have been unisone and prints more or less the same, and now, some duchebag from Lancet is yapping something about the vaccine as our saviour, even when the papers so far isnt even near, but again they as always cuts and paists the vaccine to be something of an revelation of the evil Corona, hallelujah we are saved.
And how I know its been preplanned is the propaganda, like all the wars, the sactions, etc to more or less stupid articles and their twisting of facts, like the problems economicaly to medical in nations as Venezuela is blamed squarly on Socialism, yeah, and sites like ZH to our very own national MSMs like and in the comentary fields witch is taken over by rightwinged freaks, never debates why, because of the insane evil UssA Gov sactions, embargoes etc because the Venezuelans are so mean, that they defy the Imperial banana republic Moronika and Trumo have stated time and time again some obscure hatred of this nation, and Iran, why, I really dont know, other than it must be economical, etc or something much worse, groomed by the neo-CONs and Globalist scums, since non of this nations, incl North Korea have an BIS controlled central bank, Libya was crushed because of just that, and Gaddafy so mean since he wanted an Gold backed African currency, oh… horror, the links, just find the French Presidents speaches about Libya, its right in the open, and then this comes, the CONvid, and the same people, the same MSM, the same shameless use of “experts” and unofficial source to medical sources of course telling is what to belive, right, and yet, some people belive this is what they claim it is, that, is where we stand to day and so far, nothing is going to improve anything but the continuation of their plans for the coming autm and next year when they have more or less shackled us all.
What I stil cant wrap my head around is the hysteria among ordinary people, Sweden, where the maojority was elderly in care, they even admitted the flaws of their riginal intentions of protecting only the people most lightly to be infected as anual flues do attack, but the numbers, of an population of ca 11 millions, we have now what, 3500 deaths, and that is if you count into procents, what, close to nothing, but the hype is stil the same, we are all going to die tomorrow and people belives, and Norway, with soon 300 deaths mainly in the same cateGory as Sweden, is been hyped to unimaginal heights despite the numbers are even lower than the usual flus have inflicted, and that leads me to conclude people in general are de facto morons.
And the second is the comoners and the vaccine pimpers and gate keepers irrational fear of us whom dont want to inject our bodys with batshit and shinnola, why, I have never gotten an real good anwer to just that, if they are “safe” then why on earth care about us that refuses to comply, imagine that, and ask they why.
Conspiracys since sombody mentioned 9/11, I can give you this, as said before, I usually need just one majore inconsitency to realise that whatever they tell us it is, I simply ignore that when I can show you inconsitencys to their story, so I give you this, two things, one is an video of the impackt zone on the asylum known as PentaGoon, and stop the video at, 24 seconds, and then go frame by frame, and take an close look at the image at 25 sec. and pay attention to where the police car enters the image/video, keep your eyes on that area and slightly above the roof of the police car and stop the video at 24 second and what do you see, an passsanger plane, huh, an full blown Boingboing 737, that is not what they claim it is, its nothing more than the size of an smal craft, but again since an smal craft dont make this level of explosion.
I know what you are watching. Its an AGM 86, american made cruice missile, and they have hidden another video witch is much closer, to the impact zone, and in that video if you stop it and go frame by frame, you can clearly see that spesific cruice missile.
Have an nice day and take care.
It s really crazy that we call democracy in western world this big farce, of elected people to take care of their people.
This coronavirus did many things, one is to show us that all political parties, with some small exceptions perhaps, as well the MSM are in the same agenda together.
A renowed journalist, now politician in the EU parliament, that he s known amongst other works, for a well known documentary about how US intervene in the regime change of countries of their interest, now he s mute, him and his news site. He even goes as far as to make articles to help in this propaganda as he can.
This is refreshing….
I was watching a guy in the street yesterday… wearing his mask, all prim and sanitized. Anyway he was walking on a newly-paved sidewalk. The slabs were alternated except in this one spot where they aligned. The young man in the mask suddenly stops before the line, shuffles his toes so that they are close to, but not touching, the line. Then strides off, making sure he doesn’t step on the cracks.
The mask wearing is certainly an example of magical/superstitious/religious thinking.
Several years ago I set about purging all conformists from my life, save for a few family I can’t purge. The best thing is that it’s opened up my life to other non-conformists.
No-it’s just a useful public health measure. A Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention as the jargon says. The hatred of masks-that is religious thinking.
What a nonsensical thing to say.
Richard perhaps you would like to cite a scientific study (that is an empirical study, not a computer modelled outcome) that shows wearing face coverings (which is the government guidance) protects against viral infection?
Any barrier will protect somewhat from respiratory secretions, both from others’, or from yours affecting others. Moreover, even if not perfect, the mask reduces the quantum of viral particles that hit others, and the size of the initial inoculum is strongly linked to virulence of disease. So masks, if worn widely, and changed often, will reduce the spread of illness through society. It is BASIC public health practise, opposed with fanatic intensity for reasons known only to the cultists.
Richard, I note that you failed to cite an empirical scientific study. There is, of course, a rather obvious reason for your failure to do so: there aren’t any.
As a youngster I would purposely step ON the cracks, to the horror / bemusement of the person I was with, who 99% of the time would avoid the cracks.
Didn’t understand it then, but makes sense now.
Whenever I walk in a London street,
I’m ever so careful to watch my feet;
And I keep in the squares,
And the masses of bears,
Who wait at the corners all ready to eat
The sillies who tread on the lines of the street
Go back to their lairs,
And I say to them, “Bears,
Just look how I’m walking in all the squares!”
And the little bears growl to each other, “He’s mine,
As soon as he’s silly and steps on a line.”
And some of the bigger bears try to pretend
That they came round the corner to look for a friend;
And they try to pretend that nobody cares
Whether you walk on the lines or squares.
But only the sillies believe their talk;
It’s ever so portant how you walk.
And it’s ever so jolly to call out, “Bears,
Just watch me walking in all the squares!”
Here’s a link to Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s assessment of one of the vaccines that has been prepared. To believe the others are any better would be foolish.
In short, the little that is known about clinical trials is that 1 in 3 developed the most serious level of side-effects, and hence were everyone vaccinated in the world, 1.5 billion people may well develop these. Besides, the problem is that with other vaccines for covid so far its been seen that despite developing antibodies (and not all seem to do, only 8 in 15, so about 1/2), the vaccinated died when they came into contact with the real virus.
Sorry its not 1 in 5.
Sorry again, its not 1 in 3, but 1 in 5.
This is 5 minutes of further revelation, which can be followed up by further videos…
It’s the Antibody Dependent Enhancement phenomenon, verboten in the MSM disinformation sewer.
Why does nobody talk about this (sneaking in the back door with a grin)? the vaxx won’t kill you but the next cold probably will
Perhaps off topic again but let me say that Off-G is the ONLY website I now regularly visit. Every other site has utterly disgraced itself by its nauseatingly supine (and in many cases, nauseatingly enthusiastic) embracing of the COVID narrative. This narrative – far more than the 9/11 one – has proved to be a litmus test as to who to trust and who to dismiss as moles or useful idiots or spineless procrastinators.
Same. I’m so thirsty for new articles, and the comments.
I recommend Lockdown Sceptics a new and interesting webpage.
Very good page also.
If you’d like intelligent sardonic view on this
Thomas Sheridan on YT
Spiked! is generally very critical of the narrative, especially Brendan O’Neill. I comment there sometimes. 21st Century Wire/UK Column as well.
Lockdown skeptics someone has mentioned. I generally read a number of twitter pages as well (though I don’t have a twitter account) and get a lot of information from them. James Delingpole (on the Right politically) is good. I was pleased also to see Neil Clark on the Left who is a colleague of Galloway is also a strong critic of the lockdown. There are others.
O’Neill could easily sleep on a corkscrew.
Vernon Coleman
Marginally off topic perhaps – but since the topic of the Craig Murray website came up, I saw this reference there to a link which was reproduced with relish from a commenter who enthusiastically toed the COVID line:
To which I responded:
Oh, but it is. Aren’t all the people falling for this hoax a little zombie-like? If there’s anything comparable to a zombie apocalypse here, there it is.
I was watching Sky News. Three journalists were moralising about Dominic Cummings violating “the lockdown rules” (one of them actually claimed they were laws). They apparently wanted him burned at the stake or at least cast out into the wilderness for this horrendous crime. But I could not but notice that it was obvious all three had not be deprived of the services of a hair stylist for the past two months.
Hypocrites all.
And evidently ‘journalism’ as they call it is somehow an ‘essential’ job in the government’s eyes.
Is it not revealing that the corporate media’s mis and dis information is considered by the government to be essential?
So, what you say to the 60 million people who haven’t seen their family, cuddled their grandchild, been harrased by police, been harrangued by Bozo/Squeelers, lost their busnesses…
Burning at the stake is too good and quick for this evil, gnome like, whizzened little Demon.
A covid Stasi Force is proposed…
Well yes, quite, but at least there is one thing that can be said for the likes of him, Ferguson, and the other public figures who have defied the government’s own “rules” on not travelling to see your family etc, is that they have shown these rules to be complete bollocks, if you’ll forgive the technical term.
We should all be following their example. (Those of us who are not already doing so).
BTW, I’d forgotten that Cummings was actually showing symptoms at the time. I wouldn’t advocate visiting family under those circumstances, although it should be a personal decision between the individual and the family concerned, and not some sort of Stasi law.
I’d obviously encourage all concerned to boost their immune systems by all natural means possible, whether travelling, or staying at home.
Bozo’s handcock cummings?
Why do a lot of these government clowns look like grey aliens?
Interbreeding-or inbreeding?
Here’s an interesting read ,
This looks awfully like the script conveniently handed to Boris & co by their good chums over at Rockerfeller/Rothschild/Goldsmith HQ . Never mind the “science “ just keep everyone confused while the agenda kicks in .
Yep. Tests and ‘contact tracing’ until the vaccines ‘save’ us all. Job done.
The Fed Reserve head says the US economy is gurgling down the toilet because of this “coronavirus”. Off t0pic but John Titus has come out with a new video on the illusion called money.
Everybody should watch John Titus, even if it sounds dry or ‘financial’. John is one of the tiny handful who are exposing the reason for the corona event, which is a cover for a huge monetary reset.
This is why the New Normal is really Normalisation (look it up here ).
BestEvidence – YouTube channel of John Titus
He has educated this economic simpleton
Always recommended to others
You don’t know the half of it. Back in the 1970s I became fascinated with the books, etc of Dannion Brinkley. (He had a near death experience). In one of his books, “Saved by the Light” he told of his experience on the other side with “Beings of Light” who showed him glimpses of the future–ALL of these visions have come true except the 12th and 13th vision. Guess what the 12th vision was? “Vision of Technology and Virus”. If this is posted I will tell you the details of that vision– which he wrote about in his book back in the 1970’s
Dannion Brinkley’s Saved by the Light was published in 1994.
Science fiction is mostly that: fiction
This whole mandatory vaccination thing is a scaremongering story, just like Snowden’s story of a big machine that is monitoring all your thoughts and movements. Vaccines are there and monitoring is possible, but the logistics of enrolling such things globally (billions of people) is out of the question and also not of their interest.
Their interest is control, and they control you as long as you are in fear.
An antimovement could be: who owns a company after it is bailed out by a central bank? – I would say, that is us! Make a movement out of that thought and not a movement out of the thought of Kayser Soze: a spook story.
I agree that the vaccination plan may be smokescreen for what is truly happening, the transformation of society into a dystopian one. So people will concentrate on fighting the vaccine and not noticing the rest, or accepting it as lesser evil, like teaching becoming online and so on. Not only are the means to vaccinate everyone not there, they also perfectly know that if they try to there will be a rebellion because the general distrust and scare of vaccines.
What Im a bit worried about is they make it mandatory for international travel. A friend said in that case he and most will never travel again. Unfortunately some of us havent got the option not to travel.
Absolutely. This is a fear from my selfish point of view, as I now have several branches of the family living abroad.
If it ever comes that far, you could always ask for a medical exemption at your GP. For instance you could say that during your last vaccination for e.g., flu (and flu may be a good one because some companies give flu injections to their personnel for ‘free’ which is not registered at GP level) you had a huge allergic reaction: red itchy spots, even shortness of breath (urticaria, see
Now that is a lie but a noble one I would say. However, if you’re a Kantian and don’t want to lie, you could also say that you are afraid to develop an allergic reaction for this new vaccination and therefore want an exemption from the GP. The doctor will then consider you crazy and write and an exemption because of your craziness. Would also be fine by me.
And I am sure there are multiple other ways to counter a forced vaccination legally instead of fear and despair.
People are being extorted systemically by this exploitative socioeconomic system. Gangsters, governments and oligarchic corporates all know that extortion induces compliance.
COVID hysteria is just another example how ruling elites get what they want.
Resistance is not an option but imperative.
Time to find another job.
It is often said that if you dont fear death, then there is nothing to fear. Im not quite sure how true that is. Someone may not fear death, but may fear torture, slowly being killed, I mean may fear the physical pain. Possibly that stops people from rebelling against totalitarian rule, even if they would like to do so.
As Woody Allen said “I don’t fear death – I just don’t want to be around when it happens!”.
Allen also said in his film Love and Death following:
I think this would much better resonate with fearful but greedy COVID sheeple.
The fear of death is much more prevalent in the western world these days because of a number of reasons. The undermining of religion and the fact that it is never physically seen now by most of the population, being hidden away in hospitals or nursing homes, are two of the most obvious. It is much more accepted as a fact of life in less developed nations because of the inverse.
Western populations also lead much more comfortable lives, and do not often experience physical pain or discomfort. If they do then they have the option of medical treatments in the form of analgesic medicines. An option much less available in poorer countries.
Modern medical imaging has discovered that the fear of pain lights up the pain centres of the brain five times more than the actual physical pain itself. I have found that pain can be ameliorated by not fearing it and shifting one’s attention away from it. For example, I began to have toothache a week after the lockdown began and my dental practice is still not operating their surgery. So far I have been able to manage without the use of painkillers by using the above methods. But then again, I grew up in a world where complaining about discomfort or pain was “soft”, was beaten regularly by teachers, parents and peers, usually justifiably, and my early working life could often be hard and painful.
Pain doesn’t last, and if it truly becomes unbearable your brain will automatically shut down causing you to fall unconscious, nature’s natural pain relief. All the above may seem callous to many people but I believe the west has become soft in it’s decadence, the decadence that I have attempted to avoid for most of my adult life.
Our fears have not grown by accident, they have been carefully cultivated over the decades in this materialistic consumer culture we live in. If we don’t fear death or pain then we can’t be easily manipulated, which is not in the interest of those who profit from the consumer culture.
Yep, that’s how the cycle of abuse continues down the generations. Many who think that’s justifiable are likely to do the same to their children.
I don’t have children.
It was a different era when corporal punishment was legal, by state employees and parents. You knew what to expect if you crossed the boundary, which I did frequently and deliberately because I did not fear the pain, but I am lucky because I have a high pain tolerance threshold. I simply saw it as a risk/reward calculation because I was a very naughty boy, something that I grew out of.
Most children were smacked for being naughty then, are you suggesting most parents at that time were child abusers?
It seems that most people who were children during those days have not suffered psychological damage because of it. All social animals, of which we are one, use controlled aggression to discipline their offspring when all else fails.
Psychological pain, in various forms of emotional blackmail, is the modern alternative suggested as a replacement that has far more negative effects. This has also been demonstrated in modern brain scanning experiments where fear activates the pain receptors up to five times more than actual physical pain. In light of this evidence, which is more humane, a mild slap as a quick reminder or psychological torture?
I’ll tell you what I feared in a situation when young and on the verge of rebelling: that I’d be portrayed as crazy, shunned, and drugged by psychiatrists, with permanent harmful consequences that would serve as a proof of my initial unsoundness of mind.
What would have actually happened? And what is the best to do? I’d say that it’s good first to acknowledge that we’re ignorant of a mass of things: how we function, what are our limits and surroundings, and that, with enough patience, we might learn about those things.
I thank you for grounding the topic in material reality. I agree that a global program is out of the question. You might wish to assess the feasibility of these things :
> the logistics of a universal vaccination program in guinea-pig nations like Haiti or Estonia
> the logistics of an “agenda 2030” of vaccinating the citizenry of the US and other major developed countries in the way of boiling the frog : a ten-year period program, 2020-2030., during which vaccination would become mandatory for a certain fraction of the population now, and for another fraction a few years later, and ultimately, everyone but the 1% is vaccinated.
> the interest in vaccination as a material-technological basis for – what those oligarchic twits are said to dream about – a surveillance state…that can be sufficiently totalitarian and militaristic to give its elites a false hope that it can decisively defeat China.
OK— This is the rest. (I will quote most of it). Vision of Technology and Virus: “…this man was among the richest of the world, so rich he had a strong hold on the economy… still the world welcomed him since the computer chip he had designed somehow put the world on an even keel…His method was unique. Everyone in the world was mandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted beneath his/her skin. This chip contained all of an individual’s personal information. If a government agency wanted to know something, all it had to do was to scan your chip with a special device. By doing so, it could discover everything about you, from where you worked and lived to your medical records and even what kind of illnesses you might get in the future. There was an even more sinister side to the chip. A person’s lifetime could be limited by programming this chip to dissolve and kill him with the viral substance it was made from. Lifetimes were controlled like this to avoid the cost that growing old places on the government. It was a means of eliminating people with chronic illnesses that put a drain on the medical system. People who refused to have chips roamed as outcastes. They could not be employed and were denied government services.” —-From “Saved by the Light” — written back in the 1970’s!!!!
You don’t know the half of it. Back in the 1970’s I became fascinated with the books, etc. of Dannion Brinkley. (He had a near death experience). In one of his books, “Saved by the Light”, he wrote of going to the other side and coming in contact with these Beings of light who showed him glimpses of the future. ALL of his visions have come true except the 12th and 13th vision. Guess what the 12th vision was? “Vision of Technology and Virus.” If I am able to post this part I will tell you the details of that vision
Example of Ionesco theatre of absurd. Those young and healthy who are doing everything not to be naturally inoculated by virus using potentially harmful face masks, incessant hygiene, anti-social distancing, detrimental to physical and mental health self house arrest or near solitary self-confinement line up in a queue to get artificially inoculated by potentially dangerous engineered virus in a form of viral vaccine.
But they are not unaware morons but simply social machines, products of totalitarian culture within socioeconomic system of extortion, exploitation and control, ready to give up all humanity, self determination and courage for illusion of security, safety and systemic purpose driven by fear of near total alienation.
In quest to protect their individual lives from disease at any cost to themselves or to others those people forget that individual life itself is a terminal disease without cure nobody is immune to.
‘Potentially harmful masks’. Perhaps if you didn’t change them for a week or so, or they caught fire while you were wearing them. ‘Incessant hygiene’?. No, just regular hygiene. I agree that protracted isolation is poor policy, because social interaction is vital to our species, and sunlight produces Vitamin D, essential to a healthy immune response to the SARS 2 virus. And I very much agree with the distaste for vaccines, which looks increasingly sinister.
No mention of the CO2 level inside a mask being north of 40,000 PPM when the atmosphere is +- 400 PPM. Many love to talk about CO2.
I wonder why they do not talk about forcing people to re-breathe their waste products, including the exhaled viruses and germs day in and day out, and what the results of that might be.
That 40,000 figure is grotesquely dubious. At such levels people would be incapacitated and delirious, and I am unaware of any reports of such effects in East Asia, where wearing masks in winter, and at other times for pollution reduction, is widespread. And ‘day in day out’ is a red herring, because masks should be changed or washed if of cloth, regularly.
Read official guidelines (not orders) for wearing masks in US. It exempts people for whom wearing masks is harmful because of certain circumstances and medical conditions. People with all major mental disorders are exempted. In fact they only recommend masks for those infected closely interacting when in public places. It is corporate tyranny in some places like COSTCO that illegally forcing people to wear masks while other places like Walmart little sanity still prevails.
Excessive hygiene is not needed even detrimental for respiratory viral infection for young and healthy but it is recommended if other much more deadly pathogens are present in human environment.
Although general efficacy for any purpose of commonly used face masks is highly questionable and in fact creates illusion of safety.
They are not ‘sheeple’. They are human beings just like you and me. They’re sick. Don’t become sick yourself by treating fellow-humans as ‘un-human’ calling them ‘sheeple’
Free speech means that you can say what you want.
“Sheeple” as satire, as humour is perfectly acceptible. I make frequent use of it.
People are not fragile like eggs.
‘Free Speech’ stops at hate speech. Some people ARE fragile, like eggs.
They love their hate speech. Such a classic hard Right phenomenon.
Yes, they, like many, have not grown up and are still terrified children seeing these ‘authority figures’ as big mummy and daddy. And they, and all of us, have hearts and feelings. Let’s have compassion and try to relate at a heart level. Even the men of Big Money have hearts, believe it or not.
“Even the men of Big Money have hearts, believe it or not.”
The following would have made more sense: ‘Even the men of Big Money have hearts…NOT!’
Black hearts, Jean. Black as night.
Sure, but by consenting to all of this they are condemning the rest of us and our children and grandchildren. Their consent makes all of this possible.
Agreed Willem. If people use dehumanising language such as “sheeple”, then they are exhibiting the same narcissistic psychopathology as the psychopaths who are causing all the trouble that they condemn.
They are not “sheeple”, they have been misled, manipulated by the conditioned response to Authority Bias instilled in them from childhood and are psychologically abused. The fact that they exhibit Stockholm Syndrome is not their fault, they suffer from psychological illness.
Would you blame an abused child or woman for their own abuse?
They are not “sheeple”, they are your brothers and sisters.
Sheepleness (or whatever other name it goes by) is a ubiquitous reality of human nature. Examples of recognition include those of Emerson in Self-Reliance, Dostoevsky in The Grand Inquisitor, William James in The Varieties of Religious Experience, R.D. Laing in The Politics of Experience, and Monty Python in The Life of Brian. Given that it is often a highly destructive component of human nature, it is vitally important that it is properly understood.
Bozo’s main adviser who formulate the governments policies on lockdown has been exposed..
Dominic Cummings investigated by police for breaking lockdown rules while self-isolating with coronavirus symptoms: Boris faces calls to sack aide who was questioned after visiting parents’ Durham home – 264 miles away
Cummings sat in on SAGE.
oops “formulated”.
“Epsom Derby Festival 2020 cancelled over coronavirus”
Has Her Majesty approved of this? She usually turns up. We have seen her there.
We never pay to get in. We go with the gypsies on the hill. It has always been free. There will almost certainly be many thousands of us there, just having a well spaced out picnic. It’s traditional. The horseys and jockies are almost certianly going to be there, like they are every day training them even in the depths of winter. They might as well have a few races too.
There does seem to be a lot of evidence that there were many preparations for what is happening now, including the example in the above article.
It doesn’t seem to be working as planned though, skimming through the MSM today, know thine enemy, I found this in the Independent:-
An Oxford University study found that 21% of people think the virus is a hoax, and 59% believe the Government are misleading the public. The public scepticism was of course rubbished as conspiracy theory but it must make uncomfortable reading for the clowns who thought it would work.
It’s good news and gives me further hope that we can win this battle, it does look like people are wising up.
Meanwhile, the Guardian published this :-
A disgusting piece extolling the merits of informing on people. Comments were of course pre-moderated to only show agreement with the author.
I also see this as a positive, if they have to stoop this low in their psychological warfare then they really are worried.
Oops, the link embedding went awry, see below.
Independent link:-
Guardian link:-
Q’n for moderator: I voted up this comment, but the number stays at zero. But when I try again (assuming it hasn’t registered), I’m told I’ve already voted on this comment! Is this explainable / a glitch?
The picture at the top of the guardian article – she looks a real hard-faced cow.
Where do they dig these people up?
Wow. That piece in the Guardian … I would write that sort of thing for a joke. Can someone really think like that? It’s worse than I thought.
I immediately thought it was more likely she was given it by her MI5 handler when I read it. Even Goebbels would blush at this kind of garbage.
I don’t know why, but I also read the grauniad piece. I wonder if the “author” did, though.
Quote: “And as for some snooping friends, well, I didn’t know they had it in them. A woman I know in her mid-50s, famed for her lively parties where the guest list stretches to hundreds, took to social media last weekend to complain that some of her neighbours were having a barbecue. Should I call the police, she asked rhetorically. “It’s like they think lockdown is over!” she said, clearly upset and, yes, possibly within reason. “Definitely call them!” came the answer from many, including the kind of people who last year were being sick in her rhododendrons.”
How can someone with lots of neighbours hold parties where the guest list “stretches to hundreds”?
How can someone read this and not just think “bullshit”?
Hilariously, the phrase “News is under threat” appears immediately after this garbage article. The only truthful statement on the site.
Yes we have to believe the human race is more resilient than it appears to be right now, and that solid good sense will make whatever agenda has been prepared impossible to implement.
Well said Hope. Psychological studies show that there will always be a sizable minority who can’t be fooled, a reservoir of dissent if you like. When the remaining majority of the people get over the initial panic of these, manufactured, traumatic headlines, as is now happening, they will begin to question the false narrative.
The survey in the Independent article shows this. A window of opportunity is now opening for us dissenters and we must take advantage of it by “shouting from the rooftops” to everyone we meet in public places. Like the defiant song of the Stormcock, ringing out between the peals of thunder and rain lashed gales, reminding us of sunlit days.
Spring eternal, Hope.
Pseudo Revolutionary Marxists did it again, they forgot recent memory of ICL Ferguson’s disastrous pandemic model predictions fiasco of 2.7 millions dead in US alone by June.
WSWS is trying to use scaremongering from proven liars to stop easing lockdowns in US:
Please remember that Ferguson missed the pandemic inception date in US which in fact was not mid to late February but early January or before in US as well as he hopelessly overestimated reproduction rate and and used IFR up to ten fold higher that it actually was in late February. All that led to nonsensical result of 2.7 millions dead expedient projections UK US governments WHO and CDC embraced .
Such a result came from, proven by peer analysis, deeply flawed and useless ICL prediction model recently supposedly “fixed” by Microsoft software engineers. Also ICL performed no large scale independent empirical epidemiological studies to validate their models but again used fabricated official data from US to again make baseless assertions about prevalence and reproduction rates that in fact other studies placed at R=1 or less by the end of March which is typical for any pandemic profile of 4-6 weeks of exponential growth of infections via community spreading only to stagnate and decline in following 8-10 weeks. If not for lockdown pandemic would have been almost completely over by late April early May as it is the case of seasonal flu.
Sooner lockdown and social distancing among healthy and young and adults ends sooner sufficient population immunity is achieved if it is not already achieved and flu like Coronavirus pandemic ends. But that would mean no need for SC2 vaccine governments already spend billions paying big corporate Pharma took and hence charade will continue now only to escape criminal responsibility for enacted policies that killed tens or hundreds of thousands worldwide.
Unfortunately as ICL fraudsters were rewarded not punished for their deadly doomsday prediction blunder ICL doubles down on failure and sadly lapsed Marxists act like Ferguson cult and regurgitate absurdities.
Those who push for continuing lockdown should face the reality of suicide deaths lockdown and socioeconomic collapse causes.
Be curious to get stats on suicides
The very nassty social dystopia known as the USA is not coping well with the pandemic. Ditto the UK. Other societies, like China, where the ruling elite are not insane and imbecilic, are coping very well.
Don’t forget that the US elites WANT a huge death-toll, mostly restricted to the underclasses, as a casus belli for war on China.
Can there any more be a war with China than with Russia, due to MAD? The idea of nation states pitted on one another seems inadequate to explain the new phenomenon we have seen here.
The USA has long planned war on China. Pilger’s The Coming War on China outlines the ‘thinking’. As the General in Dr. Strangelove said, ‘I’m not sayin’ we won’t get our hair mussed-but forty fifty million dead, tops!’. The ruling Western elites are Evil, insane, psychopaths. And half of them, like the odious Pompeo and Pence, actually WANT an Armageddon in their lifetimes because of their perverted religions.
1) Why do most people carefully check and study the ‘ingrediants’ of the food they eat, yet they almost never check the ‘ingrediants’ of a vaccine before it is injected into thier bloodstream?
2) How many people have EVER checked the ‘ingrediants’ of a vaccine before it was given (to themselves or thier children)?
3) How many people, amongst the tiny minority who have checked the ‘ingrediants’ of a vaccine, know what those ‘ingrediants’ actually are, how they are made, and why they are in the vaccine?
4) How many people have ever asked their Doctor / Nurse if THEY know what is inside the vaccine they are about to inject you with (and if not why the heck are they injecting an unknown substance into you – and more so why the heck are you consenting)?
5) How many people have EVER read the warning sheet that comes with a vaccine (and all drugs / chemicals used in medicine).
6) Have you ever considered ANY of the questions above previously (and if not why not)?
Answers on a postcard please.
And why are the vaccine makers and vaccine injectors protected against any libel from those harmed by their vaccines and actions?
This point doesn’t seem to penetrate the hermetically sealed brains of the fanatics.
It is almost impossible to find the full list of vaccine adjuvants, and where they are deemed ‘commercially’ secret, it is impossible. Trust us.
They always trusted the doctors and the science.
I don’t blame people who trust doctors and science (that is what we pay them for, right?)
I blame doctors and science
Its not science, its pseudo-science.
Or at least a pseudo-science based on cherry picking from a range of areas of what may be genuine science, at least as far as it goes. If you’ve ever read any medically-related research papers, you’ll know that they almost all end up with something like “….but further research is needed”, which is of course a marker that they’d like more research grants please.
But it’s also confirmation that the science isn’t settled, because science is never settled.
But if you have an agenda, such as selling huge quantities of expensive pharmaceuticals to governments and health professionals, it’s extremely convenient to try to cover up the fact that the science is anything but settled. And a public which doesn’t know any better, because it has been trained to trust the professionals, won’t look any further.
Dont forget the winter suprise they have been predictively programming the masses to expect- The dredded and more deadly than the first ‘Second Wave’.
This BS is not over by a long shot, it has barely begun!
There is global economic collapse taking place behind the scenes and a very clear collapse of the US Petro-Dollar system (both the forced use of Dollars for pricing and the US ability to enforce through military force and enforced economic sanctions).
Most dangerous for the sleeping masses / sheeple is the looming food crisis.
During the winter suprise / second-wave food shortages are going to raise thier ugly and dangerous heads to the point they can no longer be hidden by clever shelf management in the supermarkets (I hope you have all already noticed some types of food – canned meats and fish in particular, have become both more expensive and less plentiful).
Also, as the economic collapse continues expect to see ‘bank holidays’ (the type of holiday when the bank keep hold of your cash) around Christmas or New Year (when people most need both cash and food).
Want some assistance from the Government? A grant, a loan, Universal Credit? Well make sure you have your vaccine ID stamped up or its going to be, quote: “a dark winter”.
Look up ‘Dark Winter’ and get ready for the worst to come.
Time for school,
I did my old knee in a bit in the garden earlier this week, planting my sixth row of spuds, and have just now been watering them again -its been very hot and dry in the UK…
The broccoli from somwhere in Poland is doing amazingly well, carrots OK, onions not that good, but my wife’s fruit and spinach is amazing, as are my tomatoes and spuds.
They don’t half come up quick, in excellent weather, if you water them.
I expect things to get considerably worse, but don’t want my grandkids to go hungry in the winter if the sh1t hits the fan, which it probably will.
I think it is going to get really tough for a lot of people.
“From the Archive: Dig For Victory”
It is not too late to start growing your own food.
Check out what happenned in Russia, when their economic system crashed around 1991.
Their life expectancy suddenly crashed from about 78 to 57.
They’ve recovered now.
Tony I hope you have access to water – tank or pond or spring. You will need this for yourself and your garden as we may not have reliable supplies of water, power, garbage collection, etc. fairly soon. Hope not, but could be.
And perhaps protection for your growing food, from the hungry city refugees and looters.
We live very near an old spring. It is what our very old village is famous for. It is still incredibly beautiful. It feeds the River Thames.
Good advice, Tony: grow food if you can. I agree with you that it will all probably go belly-up by the end of the year, and total anarchy will ensue.
We could all live in a peaceful and ordered world, if we stop tolerating the psychopaths who rule us.
Unfortunately the psychopaths totally control the MSM.
I know some of them
Thanks for that Tony,
It is always reasuring to hear that some people are prepared for what has been planned.
Sadly though, food grown outside will need protecting from either opportunists or roaming gangs. I hope you can defend what is yours if it comes to that.
By the way, I walked past some local allotments today and was very impressed by how well they were kept and the range of ‘food’ being grown. Sadly, the allotments are at the side of a road and close to a large housing estate – so my thoughts went to how disapointed those growers will be if there is a food shortage and they were relying on that and future harvests it is likely all of the allotments will be cleaned out in one night if shtf comes.
Where I live, many people have fallen for the psyop of the lifting (albeit partial) of the ‘lockdown’ and they dont notice the drastically reduced variety of food (especially canned meats and fish) in the supermarkets, much less have any concerns about winter and beyond. They will not stock up (and risk being called ‘selfish hoarders’ or some other psychologically freezing term) and many will become hungry and desperate if the supply lines stay shut or remain restricted.
But of course, hungary and desperate is exactly where the Government want people (preferably in fear too) as people in that state are easily herded like sheep.
All the best to you.
“It is not too late to start growing your own food.”
Unfortunately, not everyone has land, or may be elderly or severely disabled, and thus unable to do that.
It is the deprived who will suffer most with what is to come.
Your comment sounds rather smug, I am afraid.
Are garden centres or whatever near you open? Or else how did you get your seed potatoes, etc?
Mike – Yes the garden centres are now open. Some people may not be lucky enough to have a garden, but if you do, please help the small garden centres whose livelihood has been decimated during this awful time. Maybe grow a few herbs, or a pot of tomatoes? Even on your window ledge if you don’t have a garden. A bit of gardening can also help with the stress of all this lockdown.
There are mega riots going on in Chile at the moment, because people have no money and are literally starving…
This will be coming to a city near you sometime soon.
And that includes cities in the West.
Neoliberalism in its death-throes. Musk better get working on his Mars colony.
The narrative is certainly collapsing around them. Trump made a shrewd move today in decreeing that churches and places of worship are ‘essential’. I’m sure he couldnt give a shit because Trump is a character to enforce the narrative with his multiple illusory roles, even though I absolutely support the freedom of religion for all. But really this move was about saving face and that its gone too far. Today is the first day Ive seen where people are calling out the emperor for no clothes. The people running this have bet the farm on this and they are fucking up. Does the British establishment truly go into full Bolshevik/1984 totalitarianism or will they stick to the faux Conservative patrician attitude with the gently gently approach to achieve their goals?
The top comment on Lockdown Sceptics right now is:
‘Boris, Hancock and Gove need to swing for this.’
‘Trump made a shrewd move today in decreeing that churches and places of worship are ‘essential’
You think this deep state operation wasn’t going to make the far-right & trump the heroes, who do you think this operation was for?
The unemployment alone is going to make the far right soar, as the media support their boys, Trump and Farage.
What exactly is the ‘far right’? I see this phrase used so often but its never defined.
Go and look it up.
I’m asking you for your definition as ‘go and look it up’ is just pathetic and shows the lack of conviction in your ideology
The far right is anything the faux left doesn’t like, including the real Left
The entire Western political/business/MSM complex. The equivalent ruling elite in the 50s look like Commos in retrospect.
You know you can still detest Trump and the “far right” while acknowledging that they’re not the ones responsible for this GLOBAL deep state operation. They do not have the control of global institutions, governments worldwide and the MSM to orchestrate these coordinated lockdowns. If only the US, UK, Brazil, Russia and perhaps a few other governments implemented lockdowns and the MSM was demanding an end to the lockdowns, then I would agree with you. However, the pro-globalist “liberal” media has demanded the lockdowns and has done nothing but attack Trump every step of the way. No, this is not a trick. Their hatred of Trump is real. That doesn’t mean you have to like him though.
Churches are good places for spreading the virus. Crammed together, singing their lungs out, no doubt refusing to wear masks as ‘God will protect’, there will tragically be casualties.
No, they won’t, Dick. This is just a sick fantasy in your diseased head.
Even if it happens, you’ll deny it, won’t you ‘reg’. At least I think it will tragic if it happens.
I see Nigel Farage is back on his war drums, banging up a cross channel xenophobia medley, to help distract from the total collapse of the British economy and drum up support for his cause.(racism)
After all, one of the wonderful side effects for the far-right, who are just the political wing of the American neoliberal project, is that when they collapse the economy, the newly unemployed and impoverished are even more willing to vote for them, and demand even more impoverishment and austerity, as long as they are racist enough, so it’s a win win for the neoliberal project.
Very cogent analysis, kim. The worse the situation, the better it is for the ruling fascists.
We are already starting to see drip feed from the main perpetrators as to what’s coming next…. the announcement today about closing borders unless your prepared to do a 14 day quarantine effectively kills the aviation and tourism industry.
Patrick Vallance is now claiming if you get a test for Covid and it’s negative to still think you may have it as this ‘virus ‘ takes a few days to show up in your system.
Pure trauma based mind control.
The announcement earlier this week about losing taste and smell are symptoms.
The official narrative is collapsing around them.
The 2nd wave nonsense is being excreted from the mouths of these people as well without any evidence to back it up. The vaccine they have for us is obviously already there but will they decide to roll it out when the 2nd wave hits during flu season.
Remember they control all the statistics. So they can choose when they want to roll it back and ramp it back up again.
Here in Northern Ireland our First Minister Arlene Foster has warned us if we want to get our freedom back we have to follow their orders even though 1 person died with Covid related issues in last 24 hours and 13 people in ICU in the whole country and we’re still in phase 1.
Who does she think she is …. a Tyrant.
I think many of the readers here have known for a long time the punchline to this nonsense is the Gates vaccine and all world leaders are reading straight off the new world order hymn sheet.
They don’t have to make vaccines mandatory.
It’s very obvious that if you refuse your life will be severely limited. No travel for sure but will there be restrictions on your right to work, purchase, claim benefits if unemployed and the vast majority will be when the economic chaos unfolds.
What can we do? I’d really love to hear suggestions.
The media and our MPS don’t want to know.
Who else can we turn too?
Too many awake now to the vaccine
I read draft up a legal letter and ask the doctor to sign it to pay all the damages if I get vaccine injured.
If they refuse they know its a threat to health and confirmation I don’t have to take it as of your refusal.
Here in the Republic of I Varwanker still in his PR stunts to try manipulate a new election.
His shine has worm off even to the fickle crowd
People are going to have a rude awakening that they’ve been shafted.
I think that it is children who are most likely to be vaccine damaged, and you can bet they will insist on vaccinating children, probably from a young age.
There needs to be mass civil disobedience to stop this coup in its tracks. Before that can happen, mass awareness must be raised as to what is going on. No easy task. I am trying to raise the issue on a few forums and getting a hostile response from “true believers” in the official narrative, although there are some out there who share my suspicions. There is little time and we lack the massive array of propaganda tools available to the promoters of the official narrative. I am not optimistic, frankly – in fact I’ve put a lot of my retirement money into Covid vaccine stocks – but the only thing we can do is to try to get the message out from now until it’s too late.
“I’ve put a lot of my retirement money into Covid vaccine stocks”
I hope you get burnt.
Don’t worry folks the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have Covid-20 already on standby should the lemmings start refusing their new vaccination and RFID chipping. They will then release a second wave of the virus and Bill even mentioned the possibility of a bio terrorist incident (just to help things along a little). A new heavier lockdown with added curfew will then be enforced and managed by a new Stasi and Gauleiters from the World Health Organisation. How we in the west all used to laugh at the former East German DDR. Erich Honecker were he still alive today would be so utterly impressed with what is being achieved by this wonderful world Government.
As I kind have an especial affection for Clark on Craig Murray’s blog…He even had to put up with me for years when he was the moderator (enough to drive anyone insane)…This is his best most recent effort. We both like good drummers. He certainly used to be very good looking, probably still is. Never met him nor any of the clan, but I can’t argue with this. If we actually met each other, I think we would get on, and even Craig Murray’s wife, would like mine… they would run to the girls together and get on instantly.
If The Murray Clan gets the musical festival on (Doune the Rabbit Hole) any time soon, we might turn up)
My wife and I got married in Scotland today 33 years ago today. We had road tested each other, and lived together for over 5 years before- and we looked into each other’s eyes and said, lets run away to Gretna Green and make kids. We didn’t tell anyone, till on our way back home to now London. We called at our families, and said we’ve just got married.
Best decision we have ever made. We did not want to waste £10,000 of our parent’s money on one day.
That was for our kids in the future.
“Thrash Metal Washing Machine”
We are grandparents now, and they come round all the time (its a secret), but Our neighbours haven’t snitched on us yet.
daznez – ‘Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse’ live @ the bbc
Thanks for putting up this video. So enjoyable I listened to it twice! This was made in the days when they didn’t arrest you for protesting, or take down your videos. I think the police in this video look quite human compared to the ones they deploy these days to break up a little protest, dressed all in black with riot shields and batons.
The EU is looking somewhat shaky, and although it is clear there was some planning before the virus hit, I have some doubt that they can actually organise this. It takes years to set up such systems and Covid may well have burned itself out by next year, even based on negative projections.
When are you Brexiters going to grow up and accept responsibility for your decision. You got what you wanted, now move on, try to make the UK work and stop trying to wish the EU would collapse to justify your utterly idiotic decision to leave. Move on, Europe has.
PS. The EU is doing fine and will do better, get over it.
The poster was making an observation – not advancing a view on Brexit. There’s a difference.
The poster is a rabid Brexiter who needs the EU to collapse to make him feel good, I find it sad.
And are you not the mirror image, wanting Brexit to fail, so that you can feel good?
I am so anti-European that I am currently in Greece, and got to experience the dubious joys of its lockdown.
The ability of people to draw erroneous conclusions about you on the Internet based on the thinnest of evidence and assert it as fact is one of the many wonders of the Internet.
Greece has done pretty well so far. Looks like they use chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, (among others)the naughty people.
I just wanted to correct something I wrote on the previous thread. (My apologies to those who already know this!)
COVID-19 is the disease
SARS-CoV-2 is the virus
I got these the wrong way around. I would have been very happy to have been corrected in my quite genuine misunderstanding about this.
I am not here to score points, and I while I am reasonably well educated (having a BSc(Hons) in Chemistry) I certainly don’t know everything. Like everyone else I make mistakes from time to time!
Covid is not a disease.
“Covid19” is the name given to the disease. That is simple fact.
I’m not getting into the semantics here. And I’m not going to repeat this.
No prizes for guessing who downvoted you?
Seriously, I have no idea and I don’t care.
If you or anyone else wants to downvote a comment I make that’s fine by me.
I am not your keeper. I am not your boss. I have no control over your actions.
Your use of the conditional (or possibly the subjunctive) seems to imply that you were not corrected.
I did, quite politely, and I hope in a friendly way, correct you.
(I cannot, of course, speak for others).
lol, well Mike I did get an A grade on ‘O’ Level English, but grammar was never my strong point.
I’ll never believe you again!
Now, with outstanding journalism, such as found here on Off-Guardian and many other sites, the picture is becoming quite clear. Many are being manipulated, while some of us aren’t. Yes, we are probably in for a long haul, but people’s minds are gradually being opened. The way they enacted this madness was to capitalize on the shock value, and it worked quite well for a time, but I think the window is now closing. I know they’re already banging on about the 2nd wave and, oh, they might have to shut everything down again (which they will attempt), but I don’t think that will fly. People have instincts that have been dulled intentionally over the years, but these instincts are there, nonetheless. This induced shock has temporarily incapacitated some people, like a flash grenade, but they will soon become wise to the fact that they’re quickly losing everything for no justifiable reason, whatsoever. They will have to rise above it all to survive. Everybody wants to survive, right? I know I do.
Hysteria does not last forever. The Salem witch-hunts burned themselves out, the Popish Plot hysteria ran for a time but eventually Titus Oates was unmasked, and eventually enough people start to calm down and ask searching questions.
Yes, I also hope it’s just something to do with hysteria. But how long do hysterias last on average? It seems like it’s lasting a long time here. In my corner of the world it seems to be getting worse.
It can last a while. The last victim of the craze started by Oates in 1678 was executed in 1681, although significantly he was the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, Oliver Plunkett, where Catholics were particularly feared because they were the majority. Oates was already losing credibility by the time Plunkett was executed.
I hope you are right, but I fear you are not.
These days we have social media, internet, email and TV. All these powerful mind-benders will be used by the planner-demics. And they no doubt have already had their servants write many articles about the much-deadlier ‘mutated’ virus waiting to pounce if the minds of the many show any sign of opening. And their platoons of gestapo ‘contact trappers’ are employed and ready.
I also suspect that the successful installation of the 5gee network will coincide with the press releases of the next lot of intensified fear-porn. Their plans of total control are dependent on a functioning 5gee communications network. This 5gee has already been used for some years by the military as a form of crowd-control, by the way.
You may’ve read it M, but over 2 weeks ago, my PC (read Neoliberalist) Job Consultant offered me a job as a
Contact Tracer.
Told him it was straight out fascism and asked if he’d read 1984, and said a few other things also. Havn’t heard a word from him since. Last year he offered me a job as a Metro Ticket Inspector with the power to fine people $220 for not having a valid ticket.
He obviously thinks I’m some wannabe control freak cop.
Sending him a strongly worded text tomorrow telling him about the unfolding fascist police state that would have made Orwell plush, how there was no pandemic, how he wanted me to help enable this fascism, plus a few other choice words, then tell him to delete my file.
I’m trying to find your other comment about putting your phone batteries and sim card (?) in a coffee bag. Spotted it a few mins ago. Hope your week is okay.
Protests next Sat (30th) in all the major cities in Aussie.
Well done Gezzah. I admire your courage. Do you know where I can find out more about the protests on 30th May? Thanks.
Hi May…. One of the Facebook groups I’ve joined is called The People’s Collective (Australia Says No!!!).
They seem to be the largest group here and are organising protests in all capital cities this Sat 30th. I think you’re in Sydney, but couldn’t find any info,as lots of info being posted, literally hourly!
Another group Millions March Australia is tho organising a separate event in Hyde Park. I’d check out those two groups.
The People’s Collective have people reading the constitution, issuing cease and desist notices against Dutton, sharing lots of information and updates.
We have been threatened by fecken Facebook about ‘fake news’ and Admin have warned that FB could ban us at any time. If you have any issues finding them, get back to me.
There are American groups as well, tho I’d stick with the Aussie ones (more level headed) Have a good day✌️👍
Thanks again. Will check these sites out.
More on the disease than never was except in the minds .
“England Falsifies COVID Data: More than A Hundred Thousand Coronavirus Tests were “Double-counted”
All nations are falsifying it and since the PCR tests that state on them they cannot be used to determine disease all data on COVID19 is meaningless anyway, the govt figures released are nonsense.
Stand by for incoming abuse from you know who 🙂
YKW is hiding behind a negative vote for the time being.
I have major concerns regarding the expedited trial of the Oxford vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19). Generally, I have a very positive view of vaccines and I think they are one of the greatest achievements of medicine. However, it is frightening to see how the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is being pushed through testing before we have reached a full understanding of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is a novel type of methodology that, I believe, has not previously been approved for any infectious disease. Thus, there is limited experience with adenoviral-vector vaccines in healthy people, and we already know of some serious risks. One of these risks is that a vaccinated person could, instead of being protected, get severely ill when exposed to the virus in the future. This major risk, combined with the public hysteria-motivated rush to bring it to market, is a dangerous situation.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine will now be administered to children, the section of population that has nothing to do with this disease, nor with the current chaos. The extent of detrimental effects on their lives may not be revealed until they actually get exposed to this virus, or, indeed, other kinds of coronaviruses in the future. I disagree with using children to test a novel vaccine technology for a virus that does not concern them.
With the current media confusion of facts and sloppy writing, I am also concerned that the public will confuse this “adenoviral-vector vaccine” with “adenovirus vaccine”. While the safe “adenovirus vaccine” is not novel, “adenoviral-vector vaccine” is still in experimental stages for infectious disease.
It takes years to develop a vaccine because one needs to be absolutely sure of the safety to a healthy recipient. Therefore, the current rush to get the novel vaccines to market, with artificially added risk to children, is alarming.
Moderna vaccine technology is at an even earlier stage of development. It is a completely novel method and has never been approved for any disease.
Here’s a review of current SARS-CoV-2 vaccine developments for anyone interested:
Clean air, clean water, clean food. The basic infrastructure of a healthy life. We could have had that but humanity being inherently warped we chose the path of self-destruction. So are you going to take this new series of vaccines when your government orders you to?
@Shruti: Thanks for a very comprehensive and useful posting.
Is it OK with you if I quote this in full a letter to my MP? (who represents part of Oxford, as it happens)? I will give full credit to you, and Off-G.
Full Disclosure: I do not share your confidence in vaccines generally, but I don’t think that affects the validity of my quoting your very sensible posting in my letter.
I will also make clear my difference of opinion in that regard (but in a cool and reasonable way, and not as part of a rant. :- ) ).
Yes, go ahead, as long as it’s in context of this site. I cannot speak for Off-G, though.
I mean, referenced to this site.
what do we need a vaccine for?
“Heads Up. 328,000 alleged deaths from covid-19 globally. World population stands at 7.8 billion. So 0.004% of Population died of virus to date. Lockdown worked? OK Let’s say sans lockdown, 1 million die from virus. That’s 0.012% The Pandemic is a hoax & the lockdown is tyranny.” (Richie Allen)
Despite the figures being constantly screwed there is no evidence of a pandemic.
I think there needs to be some organised opposition to compulsory vaccination plans.
I am not against people being vaccinated, if they want it – it’s their choice.
At the same time, as far as I’m concerned, if people don’t want to be vaccinated that is also their choice.
Whether or not a vaccine is safe is besides the point. If you don’t want it you don’t have to have it is my view. You don’t have to justify your decision.
I would not want to be vaccinated (a) because I see it as pointless for a virus such as this and (b) because I don’t trust the people who are pushing this agenda.
But even if they were to convince me that it is 100% safe I can still say, “Nah! Not for me Billy.”
You are not dangerous to those who are vaccinated (assuming it works), so I don’t see the problem. But we have dangerous clowns running the country and I can see a lot of trouble ahead for people who say “no” if these clowns want to make it compulsory.
As I said, I think that opposition to compulsory vaccination needs to be properly organised.
Organised opposition is a dangerous place to be. The so called ‘elite’ have planned for this for decades and are able and willing to crush anything organised, or at least centralised.
Asymetric resistance is the way to fight the monster they have created. Fight it head on and it will devour you. Think ‘asymetric’ and think ‘Sun Tzu’ and we will have a good chance.
If all else fails, and the so called ‘elite’ go full Soviet and try to force vacinate people who exercise thier God given right to refuse (there there is such a right) and someone or some people come to harm them (maybe wearing a costume called a ‘uniform’ and carrying a weapon or two) then every Human has the God given right to defend themselves against violence and harm (it is now called ‘the right to self defence’).
As a final warning to as to how bad things can get I quote the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn below, from his epic book ‘The Gulag Arcipeligo’:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”
Think carefully, think hard, and think long, because when the knock at the door comes your time will be up.
The result of downloading contact tracing apps will be a knock on your door. This 30 second ad was made 12 years ago! :
Violation of social distancing ‘rules’ be not be tolerated. This was also made 12 years ago:
I’m not downloading any contact tracing apps!
You can turn off your phone and remove the battery for no contact. Or you can put it in a closed, clean and empty coffee bag made of foil. Signals will not reach your phone, even if it is turned on. Copper mesh will also block mobile signals.
Even without the spying ap on your phone, trappers will contact you if you are on the address list of a person they test/apprehend/quarantine. The planners already have much of your private data, especially if you have a ‘smart’ TV in your home, with camera and microphone. Unplug it when not in use. I put a band aid over the camera lens on my laptop computer. These are some useful tips to help us. Any more out there – please share.
and your mobile phone smells good too!
My phone is a bit of an antique now. I mostly just use it for taking photographs and phoning members of my family.
I’m not even sure I can download this app on my phone.
But if I did get concerned about being traced on it I can just leave it at home when I go out.
That’s what I do. Every time. It’s actually quite liberating. It’s also quite unsettling to realise how quickly we have got used to carrying these things around with us.
Having not been carrying it around all the time, and with the sky not having fallen on me as a result, I’m tempted to just bin the thing. Or at the very least, get hold of an ‘old’ 1st gen mobile that enabled calls and texts and nothing else. I’m sure I could find one somewhere, but not sure if I’d be able to find a compatible sim now – they all seem to be tiny, as opposed to the large ones we had when mobiles first appeared. I shall do some research!
Wow, prophetic!
I’ve thought about it and I still say that opposition to compulsory vaccination needs to be organised.
I’m not afraid of “elites” – sorry!
“The so called ‘elite’ have planned for this for decades and are able and willing to crush anything organised, or at least centralised.”
but only if the mass of people choose to believe their lies and remain fearful.
I would say you are right.
I would also say the organised route is right.
They use a multipronged approach.
Therefore, so should we in our resistance!
Organised centralised resistance
Asymmetric resistance
individual resistance
small group granular resistance.
All Cohesive in intent for freedom!
I don’t know about the Russians, but we know what the Germans did in France when Resistance fighters killed Germans: they would round up Frenchmen and kill them in a ratio of 10 Frenchmen to 1 German, or even worse.
And when Czech resistance fighters killed Reinhard Heydrich, overall head of Nazi security, there were severe reprisals including the destruction of whole villages and the mass killing of civilians.
Reprisals for resistance against the current situation will no doubt take a different form, but could still mess up people’s lives in a major way. So one has to act with eyes wide open.
SC2 vaccine is not only completely inefficacious, like flu shots proven not to decrease probability of being infected with Influenza .. because there is entire spectrum of flu like viruses continuously mutating so is coronavirus group.
What however massively decreases probability to get a flu or coronavirus infection is good health of immune system and generally good state of health of organism meaning ability of organism itself to cope with or most importantly to prevent infections in the first place by asymptomatically acquiring immunity.
Not viral vaccines but boosting immune system of elderly, exposure to fresh warm , moderate humidity air, sun and nutritious foods in adequate quality and quantity, stress reducing social engagements is what we need to fight epidemic as well as in addition free appropriate medical therapies focused not on handling symptoms but on healing for those with preexisting conditions and chronic disease.
Only revolutionary systemic changes creating equal, equitable and egalitarian society of caring and sharing may assure real control over viral pandemics. Socioeconomically unstable capitalism is pushing high profitable for oligarchs and potentially deadly to population vaccines as remedy to failure serving basic social needs of well being.
Mandating hastily developed untested vaccines is another example of systemic extortion of control over people participation in society and economy.
If anything, I see the people who have been vaccinated as being the most dangerous part of the population, especially given that this is a new and untested form of vaccine.
And using young children as guinea-pigs is nothing short of criminal.
If what they achieved in Kenya, with their ‘tetanus vaccine’, is anything to go by, vaccinating young children would be a pretty effective population control measure. It would only take a generation to bear fruit (or not, as the case may be) and won’t involve actually executing anybody.
I just hope the concept is as far fetched as it sounds. Even contemplating that they would consider such a thing would have been impossible only a short time ago. I would be more than happy to be accused of being outrageously paranoid and for that accusation to turn out to be correct.