“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative
In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water
Kit Knightly

The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:
- Most people won’t get the virus.
- Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
- Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.
- Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.
- And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.
This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.
There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic.
Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked.
Here are three leaks showing that those in power know that the coronavirus poses no threat, and in no way justifies the lockdown that is going to destroy the livelihoods of so many.
1. “It’s all bullshit!”
On May 26th Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak in which he apparently let slip his true feelings.
Believing the interview over, and the camera turned off, Myasnikov said:
It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know,”
2. “covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease”
According to an e-mail leaked to Danish newspaper Politiken, the Danish Health Authority disagree with their government’s approach to the coronavirus. They cover it in two articles here and here (For those who don’t speak Danish, thelocal.dk have covered the story too).
There’s a lot of interesting information there, not least of which is the clear implication that politicians appear to be pressing the scientific advisors to overstate the danger (they did the same thing in the UK), along with the decision of some civil servants to withhold data from the public until after the lockdown had been extended.
But by far the most important quote is from a March 15th e-mail [our emphasis]:
The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate,”
On March 12th the Danish parliament passed an emergency law which – among many other things – decreased the power of the Danish Health Authority, demoting it from a “regulatory authority” to just an “advisory” one.
3. “A Global False Alarm”
Earlier this month, on May 9th, a report was leaked to the German alternate media magazine Tichys Einblick titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management”.
The report was commissioned by the German department of the interior, but then its findings were ignored, prompting one of the authors to release it through non-official channels.
The fall out of that, including attacks on the authors and minimising of the report’s findings, is all very fascinating and we highly recommend this detailed report on Strategic Culture (or read the full report here in German).
We’re going to focus on just the reports conclusions, including [our emphasis]:
- The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
- The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
- During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.
After being attacked in the press, and suspended from his job, the leaker and other authors of the report released a joint statement, calling on the government to respond to their findings.
If the current crisis was being approached rationally by all parties, these leaks would seal the debate.
Evidence is piling up that the people in charge knew, from the very beginning, that the virus was not dangerous.
The question remaining is: Why are these leaks happening now?
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We as a species have evolved, actually steared to be dumb, ignorant and gullable. I’m quite certain we’re the laughing stock of the galaxy. All you box dwellers!
Sorry for being so blunt, but somebody had to say it.
whats this covid i hear about? pretty good stuff huh?no one around here has any,no one for thosunds of miles. im felling left out,want to try some covid.where can i get some?hope theres still some left
It’s about legally depopulating the world, controlling the people and the rise of communism.
It’s always been communism. They just make new fancy names. Democracy. Civilization. President , king ,queen, prime minister ect. are all diCtraitors. Aka Wolf in sheeps clothing
It’s been a political disease.
Covid is rebranded flu: what are the chances of flu disappearing at the same time as Covid appears in the same quantity, with the same symptoms, infection rate and death rate? Zero.
Covid shows that a majority of people cannot use reason when suffering from fear: the response of most individuals appears to not be related to their intelligence, it appears to be an emotional response resulting from the fear of the situation.
When your rational brain cannot overcome your emotional response, then you will not be able to work out what is going on and you behave like a sheep, looking for a solution to your emotional trauma, regardless of whether you are a professor or a dunce.
‘As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.’
it likely is the goddamn flu.
They won’t make much money selling vaccines if people are not in fear and panic. And what is better than all countries in the world are economically struggling and had to increase their debt to the World Bank?
They won’t ebe able to get rid of President Trump unless this thing is declared to be a “crisis” that shuts down the world economy and therefore the US econcomy. Was very likely the justification.
YES FINALLY!!! Someone who actually can agree that this virus is just fucking bullshit. So you’re going to tell me that I have to wear a mask to “protect me” for a virus that ~literally~ has a 99.8% survival rate but yet we’re all still risking our lives when we go outside because that’s just how life works..anything can happen! And I’m 100% sure I have more of chance from dying of another cause (like choking on broccoli) than this virus. This shit is obviously to
control society, to make us more anxious and depressed than we already are. To make us go in debt from all the businesses shutting down because that’s ACTUALLY doing more harm than the virus it’s self. If we don’t stand up as a society and say FUCK IT to this mask, we’re never going to get anywhere. We have more power as a people than we think. And I truly believe (even though there are many of us who are just brain washed by the media) that we are waking up as a society. And I can’t fucking wait until the day we truly realize there’s more at risk than dying from a virus.
Is it about waking up or are the sheep the ones who suffer more from the emotional impact of fear? Fear is an emotion and most of the sheep are emotional, afraid of Covid. Most people on OG appear to not be afraid of Covid and are able to reason, so maybe we need most people in society to suffer more fear so that they get used to fear and are not disabled by fear because it will no longer be such a strong and infrequent emotion.
In 2011 Julian Assange said: “Facebook is “the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations, their communications with each other, and their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. Intelligence.” Assange added that it’s not just Facebook, but Google and Yahoo as well as all other major U.S. organizations have developed built-in interfaces for U.S. Intelligence. It helps get around the costly and time-consuming serving of subpoenas. In other words, Facebook is the “most appalling spy machine” ever invented. Users are creating the “world’s most comprehensive database” for U.S. Intelligence.” https://www.csoonline.com/article/2229148/microsoft-subnet-julian-assange-facebook-is-a-spy-machine-for-us-intelligence.html
If Facebook is essentially a CIA database, then it’s only logical they’d censor all info which contradicts the official COVID-19 narrative.
After all, the security state instigated the lockdowns devastating the lives of millions, so one can only imagine the rage which would be unleashed if this same populations knew their financial stability is being “sacrificed” to restructure the economy by transferring trillions to the most wealthy intensifying the power of existing monopolies; to implement heightened AI surveillance through contact tracing and bioidentity programs; and to effect the results of the 2020 elections ensuring Obama’s security state warmongering hacks re-enter the White House.
All roads lead back to Bill Gates. Gates is now the largest contributor to the WHO since the US stopped contributing.
Governments around the globe are engineering a situation where in reality more people will die because of state-imposed Corona virus measures than are being killed by the virus.
This has been planned to engineer a “Social tipping point.”
‘book em Danno’ remember Hawaii Five- O ? I never joined fb since the electronic paper trail is too easier to follow. Also I’m thankful to have worn out my last chisel.
There should be a new national holiday called ‘Mormans Day’ where everyone can sit back and reflect. They seen it coming 200 years ago or something like that. I myself, just shy of half a century.
I commented on an article on Guardian Facebook page, saying the government should have gone for a targeted lockdown etc. here is their response:
“You can’t shield vulnerable people when there’s a raging epidemic outside their door. No one can be that isolated, and I don’t mean because it’s psychologically difficult, I mean it’s impossible to physically do, particularly since so many people need personal care. There is also no strict cutoff for who is vulnerable vs not, it’s a spectrum. The risk for people in their 60s is quite high, for example, even though lower than for people in their 70s. And large numbers of people in their 40s and 50s get very ill and require hospitalisation. And nurses and doctors keep getting sick and dying. Vulnerable people are most protected by having lower numbers of cases – then attempts to isolate can actually be sufficient.”
How would you argue against it?
Rewind in you saying government should’ve done targeted lockdown. There should not have been any lockdown at all.
Just remember 80% of the fatalities from this “virus” were from those who we thought lockdown would work. Nursing home residents.
We are told that they contracted a disease, but what really happened? First, they said the public could have no access to residents in these facilities. Second, the W.H.O. implemented strange intubation protocols using ventilators mass produced from automotive factories. Third, pandemic used as an excuse to try all this other treatment protocol, which would produce death in healthy people. Fourth, brainwash all medical staff into believing that all of this euthanasia resembles medicine, and to question otherwise would be insensitive and unscientific.
Still supporting the treacherous Guardian: oh dear. No wonder they behave the way they do, there are no ramifications for treating people like crap.
Every word of that is bullshit and not even logical. There’s a good reason we always ONLY isolated vulnerable people and quarantined sick people. This allows vulnerable to get best protection whilst the non-vulnerable get the virus circulated and achieve herd immunity. This then protects the vulnerable best. Instead they stretch it out, and make the vulnerable no more protected than anyone else.
It isn’t some awesome new knowledge, we’ve been doing this for quite some time. We even know mask wearing contributed to making The Spanish Flu much worse these days.
It took me a little longer than it took me on 9/11 to realize we’d been punked once again by our friendly PTB until they started issuing idiotic “safety measures” like social distancing and wearing a mask which has as much chance of stopping a virus as holding up a newspaper to stop a bullet. Also if Covid 19 was truly an airborne virus then standing 6 feet away would make as much sense as standing 20 miles away.
This “social distancing” BS is what they used to during medieval times when lepers approached. They did it during the Black Plague and actually wore masks back then too and guess what? Most Europeans died anyway.
So what the WHO and its biggest promoter Bill Gates has done is take us back to the Middle Ages which brings us back to the question of vaccines which going back to Small Pox inoculations have had. Small Pox eventually like Polio died out on its own and the only actual cases of Polio now reported are those that are believed to be of vaccine origin.
Polio is definitely still alive and real.
WHO acknowledged that polio is mostly alive as a result of Bill Gates vaccination efforts.
Look it up yourself please. Most smart people know it. Easy to find.
If you didn’t know this, you’re out of your depth. Go find some kiddies truth site.
Actually I just noticed the date, maybe you have by now earned more.
Bruh. I just wanted the source because I wanted to share it and have something to back it up.
Yes, the vaccines keep it that way. The last few outbreaks trace back to them.
It’s designed to shatter people’s trust in Governments, in order that the self appointed cabal of billionaires, intellectuals and wannabe-philosophers can take a step closer to their plan to sweep nations, flags and Governments aside, and take over ruling the earth.
This is all documented.
I may have low levels of trust in my government, but I have zero trust in the cabal. Smart people are going to be hunting down the cabal soon. Not even their bunkers in New Zealand or wherever will save them.
“bunkers” can be locked to keep people out or in! I like the latter.
We trusted government and medical authorities to make informed decisions based on cold, hard facts. Didn’t happen and it never will. This is all about control and the destruction of our current ways of living to be replaced with the most insane, horrific and morbid dictates and laws that one could ever imagine. The people running this show are not human in any sense of the word. Trusting government is futile because they have sided with the unseen enemy. Congress has no guts or viability and are only concerned for themselves. In a world where most people have no clue as to how to think beyond the main-street media, us who remain unattached to the propaganda are completely on our own.
Agree, with one important proviso. We are not on our own, growing numbers of people are waking up.
The current madness with the riots and protests are proof that the lockdown is a sham. If mothers can be arrested for simply taking their kids to the park yet thousands are allowed to congregate and destroy… there is then a disconnect with reality.
But the virus has no power when it is being spread in context of protesting racist violence, by burning cities and destroying black owned businesses.
You could call it the “Woke Wuhan” virus. The first politically conscious bug of the 21st century.
Now if we could just get rid of the FORCED wearing of masks. If you want to wear one, go for it. It’s almost summer, people are suffering, experiencing dizzyness, headaches, literally gasping for oxygen, all to keep up this phony narrative. Former NY Time reporter Alex Berensen stated, “Our leaders are spending time haranguing us about masks and destroying the economy with lockdowns, and every day it makes less sense, and every day it’s more infuriating. They are fools and haven’t read the data, which is publicly available and which is available on their own government websites.”
Passed a sweating overweight 40-year-old (who couldn’t get sick from this virus if he french kissed his dying grandma) gasping for breath behind his mask as he jogged uphill in humid 85-degree weather. Sounds mean, I know, but at this point, it might just be best to let evolution do its awful work.
We just simply need to let our local governments know what OSHA says about masks. And even dental association has an article about it. Just type it up, multiples will come up for you. Even surgeons know their masks are just for the APPEARANCE that all is sterile.
Show those articles to your local bureaucrats in charge, health authorities, and such. Then when they are enlightened make a petition and have it signed by the 80% of your local people who are done with this. Numerous labs are announcing false positives, why ? Likely to keep milking this amazing business of tests.
Just tell the mask-enforcers to sod off.
Please support the new legal action against the lockdown, social distancing, testing, tracing etc. in the UK that will lead to the failure of lockdowns, social distancing, testing and coronavirus vaccine policy around the world. The scamdemic/ plandemic fight back starts here! https://click.pstmrk.it/2sm/www.crowdjustice.com%2Fcase%2Fthe-coronavirus-act-2020%2F/iwKdMQg/UnpD/peaXLgm8or/Y2FzZV9hcHByb3ZlZA
Thank you for this link – all should read it. So much pertinent info in it, including the tests being 80% false positives. Considering people’s livelihoods may depend of FAKE tests (80% false is not a real, but a fake test) – quite important information. I have sent this link to my entire list. https://click.pstmrk.it/2sm/www.crowdjustice.com%2Fcase%2Fthe-coronavirus-act-2020%2F/iwKdMQg/UnpD/peaXLgm8or/Y2FzZV9hcHByb3ZlZA
There is no complete clear evidence as to WHY we had to have lockdown , so in other words we were all Lied to big time and now we have to make sure that “they” can not damage humanity any more than they have already . They will pay for this .
But who are “they”?
The ones who are controlling you are governments and many corporations that want a piece of you .
Good question ! Start with Dr. Fauci who has money in vaccines and Remdesvir, and was willing to hold the entire USA on a lockdown until a vaccine would come out. Did not care that that children were starving and people dying.
Remdesvir again? That explains why I keep seeing that drug cropping up again and again… even when the topic is on trials with Hydroxychloroquine they continue to slip that damn drug into the mix even though its been shown , Remdesvir, time and again to be ineffective. Can someone say “coincidence”?
It’s HCQ + Zinc Sulfate
Zinc does the heavy lifting/boosting the immune system, and HCQ is the delivery system.
If infection should occur, Azithromycin (Z-pak) works well!!
I also find it coincidental that the two anti parasitic drugs are working in clinical trials
“Why are the leaks happening now?”
Because now it doesn’t matter if ppl know the truth or not. The damage has already been done. A better question is why does anyone obey the edicts of lunatics? A plethora of evidence exists that our leaders are.not qualified nor are they at all competent to determine what is best for anyone. Yet ppl obey mindlessly. How utterly stupid!
State and local leaders need to be confronted with info in the above link. Governors, local commissioners, and town council. All need to be confronted with this on Monday.
From Fort Riley to Fort Detrick…like goldfish round and round in the goldfish bowl
Rockefeller gave the world the Fort Riley “Flu” (blame the Spanish) and Gates gave the world the Fort Detrick “flu” (blame the Chinese). However, the doubt remains as to whether all this terror will be enough to save the fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petro dollah and the worthless €urodollah.
Read what the Kansas press says about the Fort Riley Kansas virus…aka the Spanish Flu. You couldn’t make this shit up….but they did and now they are doing it again…..round and round the goldfish bowl…..
Hey look at the damage the lockdowns (cure) have caused the world , very evident in USA now.
The race card has been played since the people have not been faked out by the ” virus”
This Plandemic is all about the NWO …..new normal. and the chipping of everyone….
Sheeple don’t think. It’s better that way for the aristocracy and zionazis that milk them.
Cov ID 1984 is in your head… their $olution is in your arm.
Just say NO to juice genocide
There were over 1.2 million children poisoned with the infamous poison MMR “vaccine” (mumps, measles, rubella) in 2014 in USSA. If USSANS continue to allow the satanists to carry on poisoning their children (60% boys) then every second child will be autistic by the year 2030.
VAXXED !! (FREE FULL MOVIE) From Cover up to Catastrophe, Screening Event July 29th 2016.
Yes it is genocide for profit.
Gates of hell must be executed for his crimes.
Dr. Mikovits – “Plandemic Documentary”
Former Pentacon Fort Detrick employee….confirms it came from Fort Detrick!
Plandemic Documentary The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid 19
If we let them. People are waking up fast, and majority are not sheeple anymore where I live.
I’m on the fence on the justification for lockdown. Looking at each country, the stats are different. There are inconsistencies. Some countries that did lockdown, did well with less death. Others didn’t. Could it be that countries that went into lockdown late meant that the virus had already spread and lockdown was then pointless. And early lock downers did better?
The dissenting view is that no matter what, the virus trajectory is the same: death rate goes up and then drops. Is it that the virus itself losing strength over time? (Does that mean that as the virus itself diminishes, it doesn’t spread as easily or as much?) And that lockdowns had no influence at all on death numbers?
But in this regard, I want a more comprehensive non agenda evidence based discussion on this site or anywhere about the Swedish rise in deaths: Are anti lockdowners saying that even if Sweden had locked down early, the death toll would have been the same? If -as some epidemiologists say- the virus was already dying off in April, why did Sweden have a surge of deaths in May? (I know that Sweden had a death toll way bigger than with Covid in the 1993 influenza season. I guess that Pandemic scare wasn’t in the media then.)
The dissenters say lockdown only delays the virus and then people will be infected post lockdown. Yet they also say there won’t be a ‘second wave’. Isn’t that a contradiction?
The majority of Covid deaths seemed to be in aged care homes. How could this have been handled better?
I have many questions and am still confused.
After this period has passed I’d like to see a book or two about it.
Maybe we’ll only be able to honestly appraise the Covid policies retrospectively.
The inhabitants of care homes generally have a co-morbidity which, if exposed to Covid becomes deadly.
Based on what science? This is a hypothesis that requires an isolated virus to test and prove. COViD was not properly isolated until May 24th. In Korea. So sorry but you have made a completely factless assertion.
Never trust whoever gave you this information ever again (was it Samsung or LG?). Its wrong down to the turtles.
My mother was in a care home for 4 years, and I having spent a lot of time visiting. I can assure you that people in care homes are not there because they want to be. Most suffer the frailty of old age, and most have other conditions, including dementia, which require care.
The clue is in the “care” in care homes.
At £45,000/year relatives tend to think twice before committing their loved ones to a care home.
Life expectancy in a care home is less than 2 years. My mum did well.
Hi Deuce do you have a link to the Korean isolation of covid please?
Dave, type it in, and search. We all have to become our own researchers. That is the way we gain power as the people. I have learned to find pretty much anything. You will become a bright light to many when you master this simple skill.
There has to be a second “wave” in the case of any lockdown because those who’ve been hidden away will then come in contact, finally, with what they should have come in contact with months earlier. Its inevitable. But the idiots crying about this will point to it as somehow justifying an ever endless lockdown which only extends that inevitability at the cost of tens of millions of livelihoods and their wealth going up in smoke. Its beyond absurd. Its evil.
Now it is coming as the ‘reopening’ wave. But what is real is not that, but just recently found out that labs are faking many tests. Many false positives. Why ? Naively thinking it could be to keep going on this newly found testing money making gravy train. Why waste the great income ?
Theres too much graft and corruption to let something as irritating as a “remedy” or accurate results get in the way.
Lockdowns can kill more for the same reasons that flu season happens in winter (even though viruses are around all year). In winter we stay indoors more, get less sun, eat less vegetables, and feel more depressed, all of which lower our immunity. The increased population density means that once a virus gets into a household / building it spreads quickly. Winter creates lockdown conditions.
Maybe you should start by asking why you would trust any death figures. Do you have some information that the rest of us don’t about a test that was properly designed and validated? Because this never existed. In Tanzania a sheep, a goat, a guanabana fruit and motor oil all tested positive for COViD 19. Using the tests provided by the WHO. So why are you asking a question based on information that doesn’t and CANNOT actually exist. They’ve told you two things over and over:
1) here are some ominous sounding death figures
2) the tests keep giving inconsistent results
Well if the tests keep giving inconsistent results, how can the death figures be real or represent anything but uncertainty? And why would you try to make any rational analysis or comparison based on figures that all of the evidence says have no validity.
I know the answer to my questions BTW. You are trying to rationalize or put into context the things you heard on TV. Because you are stuck clinging to the entirely ridiculous idea that the TV is telling you the truth OR EVEN HAS ANY IMPETUS TO. TV is a business. Did YOU pay the TV to tell you the truth? Or even just to tell you what you wanted to hear? Do you not fully grasp the sums of money that WERE paid to the TV to tell you exactly what they told you? Billions of dollars, the majority of which came from big pharma. Do you not fully grasp that THE TRUTH WAS NEVER EVEN PART OF THE CONVERSATION? The TV has no legal obligation to tell you the truth. They rarely do. And in this case they clearly told you two contradictory things. So why the blind, unquestioning and totally random trust?
Please understand that I am not trying to beat up on you. I’m just highlighting what is sadly a common case. You go to the TV for information. It gives you information. You trust that information. So formulate opinions and further questions about that information. But at no time do you ever question where that info came from, what purpose it served, or if it is even remotely true. And it happens over and over and next thing you know we’re all locked in our houses, unemployed and wearing paper masks. Over a virus whose existence wasn’t even fully confirmed (by the accepted scientific standard of isolation/characterization) until May 24. Where does it end? Yes the TV gave you death figures. NO at NO point in time did it tell you how those figures were collected. At no point in time did they point out that these ‘deaths attributed to COViD’ had no valid scientific methodology behind them to support attributing these deaths to COViD. Nor had they ever been tested or proven to accurately attribute anything to COViD. There is no scientifically valid test. Death figures of 0 are no more accurate than death figures of 100,000,000. If you would like me to give you a death figure I will. 6. That figure is no more or less accurate than any you’ve heard. Because it is of the same scientific validity as the other figures: NONE. It is of the utmost importance that you and everyone else get this point. More important than the lockdown, or who responded in what way, or whose fake death figures are lower or higher than someone else’s fake death figures. What are they really telling you, who paid them to tell you and what is the ultimate aim? That is the only question you need to answer. The details don’t matter because they don’t even really exist. THERE IS NO SCIENTIFICALLY VALID TEST FOR COViD 19. THUS THERE ARE NO FIGURES THAT ARE REMOTELY ACCURATE. PERIOD. This is how science works on the rare occasion that anyone even tries. Repeat this to yourself over and over and over and over until you fully grasp it. Then ask and answer why you are believing anything the TV is telling you, or why you are watching at all.
Media in the aggragate is an extension of the State. Its propagand in one form or another. Whether its to stir you up to vote or scare you shitless… It’s an oligarchical propaganda machine.
Indeed. When the entire aim of the Holocough is to bamboozle and impoverish you then any and all means will be used to deceive and defraud.
The lockdowns were justified by the PTB on a completely shoddy computer model that couldn’t spit out the same answer twice given identical inputs. And THATS what people were basing their actions on? That’s not science… that’s fantasy! So when these clowns tell us they were using “science” they’re lying because they honestly don’t know and are covering their butts or they knew all along it was phony and were hell bent on going ahead with the biggest fraud the world has ever seen. Now they’re distracting us from this fraud by using a race case in order to stir up the proles in a “look its a squirrel” moment. With all the idiots, the very same ones who earlier were clamoring for “social distancing”, now egging on everyone to march and protest… you know… you just know its all an evil farce. And yet you’ll see knuckleheads all around who honestly never see the disconnect. They’ll march at someone elses direction regardless of reasons why because they’re robots.
Jen, we have to look HOW the countries COUNT deaths. Our CDC/Vital Statistics on March 24 issued a directive to doctors HOW to count Covid deaths. The one page says clearly “We expect that most deaths will be counted as Covid.” Hm. Then instructions continue, in that last paragraph to say that doctor can add a contributing reason of death , but it is not necessary. No test is required to rule someone has died from Covid ? Yes. No test necessary to confirm.
Down here in Colorado town of Cortez a man died from massive alcohol poisoning on the Indian reservation. Yet he was reported as dead from Covid. Media got a hold of this, and Colorado had to lower death numbers by full 20%. I bet if we went case by case looking into patient’s charts we would find majority died from their other health problems (like cancer stage 4, diabetes etc.).
If you compare regular deaths count in the first 6 months of this year, with a regular total death count a few years ago (from all reasons) in CDC database, I bet it is just about the same. Likely even less, because the routine deaths due to hospital procedures, the medical journals well published a few years ago, which amount to about 225,000 yearly did not happen due to hospitals closed to doing routine surgeries.
I agree that the numbers are about the same – although COVID-19 are higher but we also counted COVID-19 deaths differently.
However, they are the same having only measured the COVID-19 virus for 5 months with the country (USA) locked down for 3 months against the flu measured for 12 months and having the country fully operational.
Wouldn’t that say that COVID-19 is significantly worse?
Covid numbers are so tainted as to be meaningless. Every day that passes it’s becoming clearer and clearer that it’s a fraud and the authorities are doing everything in their power to suppress or ignore it. For certain theyll use anything, even riots, to distract the boobs from their own criminal behavior
There’s a vaccine for flu, that keeps deaths artificially low. If you want to compare like for like, compare covid19 deaths with flu deaths pre-vaccine.
I understand your point. However, I don’t think we should compare the flu as of 80 years ago (pre-vaccine) to Covid-19 today. Like for Like would be Flu today and Covid today. That is what everyone is concerned about – today. People have been saying Covid is no worse than the flu – and by that they mean the flu as it is today not 80 years ago.
I do understand that they #s are so distorted it’s hard to know what to believe. I have been extremely cautious about going out as one who has asthma. I caught the flu just over a year ago and after a month of fighting it the doctors put me in the hospital for a week. So, any kind of respiratory illness causes me concern.
The lockdown is also something I question. Did we really have to close the country? We have now set a precedence for the next time. A country cannot survive being shut down and printing trillions of dollars in order to keep people from starving. I am, however, buying precious metals to combat the coming inflation. 🙂
Jim, There’s never been a vaccine created against any Coronavirus ever, let alone SARS2, which is the position we were in re Flu 100 years ago. Immuno-tech wise comparing Flu vs Covid19 deaths today is like comparing air-bag fitted car crash deaths vs seat-belt only car crash deaths then proclaiming crashes are more dangerous. No, air-bags are safer, compare crashes where the same tech in involved then you’ll see which crashes are more dangerous.
Cochrane database is the gold standard for medical statistics because they only accept fully tested and verified case studies. And according to Cochrane Database there were less than 800 flu deaths in the US in 2017. CDC reported over 36000 for the same year. So if you’re going to go comparing figures, choose wisely.
Interesting. Which would mean that what we’ve been force fed these months is so wildly innacurate as to be meaningless.
The effect of our exaggerated response, as seen in lockdown+restrictions+fear, is one thing to question.
But irrespective of how many more or less deaths we could have had, we should also look with all earnestness at defining the consequences of our response.
There has been very little discussion of this, and almost none back in March and April when we were propositioned with the economic dismantling and sent into panic by the towncriers.
And there has been even less attempt to COMPARE: consequences of virus VS consequences from our response.
I know of Dawie Roodt who advised of more DEATHS from the response than from the virus, and a group of actuaries, who advised of at least an order of magnitude more YEARS OF LIFE LOST (the measure used in the insurance industry and in epidemiology).
These apples-with-apples comparisons did not make it very far.
What would be needed for them to have any effect would be for people to be able to put the high certainty of risk to the COMMON GOOD as well as FUTURE GENERATIONS ahead of the small certainty of risk to themselves and their vulnerable contacts who were not able to isolate.
What would be needed would be an attitude similar to what I would imagine one could have imagined in Britain of 1940. Ofcourse never having had a lockdown would have helped this preparedness drastically.
Ofcourse 1940, the birth date of someone born 80 years ago, does bring to mind an apples-to-apples comparison that can help: that then we sent our men prepared to die in the prime of life in order to save their world and ennoble the lives of the children being born then, while today we are prepared to throw our world and our children’s world away for fright of the possible death of some who have already lived the prime of their life. A life, mind you, afforded to them by the bravery and understanding of those who gave their lives around the time of their birth.
this wins the internet today bravo
Excellent point. The absurdity of destroying the younger generation and their livelihood in order to “save granny” doesn’t escape me.
So, this is all bullshit? Ask NYC and their health system if it was BS. Ask them if those refrigerated trailers and mass graves were bullshit. Ask people like Dr.Fauci and Dr. Birx if a 5% death rate vs a 0.5% death, average, for an influenza virus is bullshit. I’m going to lend more credence to infectious disease doctors, virologists, and epidemiologists than than the “feelings” of your sources.
You have swallowed the BS hook, line and sinker. Do a bit of research. The “mass graves” are standard procedure for the New York unidentified homeless, not new to this particular virus outbreak. The final statistics are not 5% and hospitals are PAID 13,000 for each “corona” patient. It is in their interest to record all deaths as “corona” where ever possible. Fauci has a vested interest in the vaccine industry. There are many virologists, epidemiologist and doctors that express the same “feeelings” about the handling of this epidemic.
Source of this $13000 ?
Actually it is is $13,000 for anyone put on a ventilator and $37,000 for each death reported to have been due to coronavirus. No proof of the cause of death is required in most cases. A doctor in New York has reported that he as well as other doctors there were strongly encouraged to say deaths were due to coronavirus even when they had no proof of such. CDC actual death stats are down by over 50,000 for the year 2020 as of April 28 compared to the same time period for the year before. Check various government web sites for proof of such.
U.S government 3 trillion counterfeit job
Re: hospitals and “corona” patients is this:
Ah, anyone who trusts a single word from snake-oil salesman Fauci (deeply in Gates pocket) is a fool who doesn’t understand “follow the money” or any other basic principles of politics and human behavior.
Here’s a good analysis of fatality rate with data from many countries:
So then there’s a properly designed, validated test for COViD 19? Which wasn’t even properly isolated and characterized until May 24th? News to me. It seems like it was you who was taken in by the ‘feelings’ you felt when you saw people on TV telling you about the NYC Health System and mass graves. Your virtue signaling mock sympathy is completely disingenuous and based on nothing. Did you go and verify these things in person? Just like you verified Saddam’s WMDs, Bin Ladens attack on the WTC, Hillary Clinton’s 98% certain election win, Trump’s Russian Collusion, etc, etc. Of course not. You are repeating as gospel things that you know nothing about besides that you heard them on TV. And that is fool’s errand.
Its a hard pill to swallow that you’ve been completely duped, but sadly you have. How can a death figure of even 1 person be valid when there is no test to verify a virus that hasn’t been isolated or characterized? When the symptoms overlap with a dozen other diseases that are actually proven to exist in far greater prevalence? Answer that and maybe I’ll indulge the rest of your quesitons. But you can’t.
knowing what I know about Fauci and his industry, Goals of Bill Gates and the Rothschild’s, seeing the fake news videos at NYC hospitals and listening to nurses tell of horrors in the care of patients. I say you are misinformed.
Periodic collective ‘leadership’ insanity fueled by ignorance of actual science and epidemiology and the precautionary principle gone mad. Notice how the work of any real epidemiologists, who were baffled by the actions taken by the governments, has been ignored, then almost immediately censored.
After a moment’s thought most ordinary people called bullshit on this a few months ago.
Why now ? Leaks take time ; just ask the Captain of the Titanic.
Do you have contact infor for the captain?
Captain Smith,
c/o Davy Jones’ Locker,
Two miles under the black seas of the North Atlantic.
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/320079 – petition to end ‘social distancing’.
Not sure if this has been posted:
(That dates from 2015, so is not about SARS-CoV-2 specifically).
I know that not everyone here by any means is a virus-sceptic, but people might nevertheless find it interesting to read the ideas of one “extreme” sceptical doctor (Stefan Lanka) .
This is also an excellent critique of the “Coronavirus Panic” specifically with regards the utterly useless tests (also see https://theinfectiousmyth.com/):
Another example of the latest ridiculous and baseless fearmongering.
And just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…. We’re all doomed.
The article cites no evidence whatsoever to back up the headline. There are a couple of sentences inserted randomly in the article claiming that experts now believe those who weren’t even hospitalised may suffer organ damage in the long-term, but then goes on to quote experts referring to the possible long-term effects on ‘healthy’ people who supposedly had a serious case of Covid-19 and had to be hospitalised. So not what the headline says at all.
Judy, I can’t link to an “official” source, but David Crowe tells me that intubation can lead to organ damage (as one example of these effects being due to treatment, rather than as an inherent affect of the virus).
There are numerous risks starting with the anesthesia:
Those are if you actually need the intubation in the first place.
Hi Mike,
Yes, very much so. Most of the mainstream media very much avoid giving us any of the well known medical science and statistics about that but they are quick to highlight very questionable science as fact.
From the beginning there was a suspicion of chicanery. This was strengthened by the censorship of any contrary opinions, especially in the UK, concerning the truth of the virulence or otherwise of the (supposed) virus. Complicit in this cover-up were the BBC with their anodyne reportage and truly appalling 24/7 Corona Virus scare propaganda which was making many people – who trusted the BBC – panic into wearing masks and leaping away from anybody too near them. How we all turned into docile sheep is beyond the powers of comprehension, but I suppose it was brought about by years of conditioning and the whittling away of our freedoms. Also complicit in this great deception were the media, the BMC, the BMA and all the rest of the programme endorsed by Big Pharma, Bill Gates and all the other depopulation and eugenics supporters who think it OK to murder millions of people and rule the planet. Elon Musk was also busy with installing his 5G murder machines everywhere and installing satellites to track everybody’s movements or whatever other insane agenda he was following. They aren’t giving up easily, either. We’ve now got Track and Trace, ostensibly to protect us against infection. The mistake here is that the only infection is a mild dose of flu egregiously exaggerated by the corrupt media falsely reporting enormous numbers of sick and dying patients most of whom did not exist. This agenda must have been in place for many years and will probably take a while to unravel, but unravel it will, and hopefully the perpetrators for these activities will be brought to justice. As to why the leaks are happening now is, I think, because Donald Trump and others have been aware of these machinations for some years and have decided that the time was ripe for a counter attack. This has encouraged many people to come out with what they really believed and knew to be the truth They refused to be silenced any longer.
That’s a great summary statement and thanks for also including psycho Musk in the list (who likes to speak out against “lockdown” while profiting as much as anyone from it, two-faced rich scumbag as usual). The five wealthiest in the USA have made over $75 billion between them since “lockdown” began:
It’s good to be well educated about “vaccines” including all the false claims about them having any notable effect in the historical reduction of disease last century (hint: they didn’t have any such notable effect, based on all the actual scientific evidence):
A lot of “vaccine injury” related evidence is cited in the above post, including the summaries from 54 studies on vaccines, with a litany of serious health effects for vast numbers. Over US$4 billion has now been paid out by the US “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program” (NVICP) since 1989, with a clear rising linear trend of “awarded payments” (chart included near end of above linked post).
Analysis of the new quadrivalent (four “flu viruses”) mammalian cell based vaccine is also included, with that brand new vaccine distributed to the EU and US for the 2019-20 “flu season” being more dangerous to the elderly (over 65s, in other words the most vulnerable demographic to respiratory infections) than previous vaccines. Is 1 in 16 odds actually at all acceptable relative a possible “serious adverse event” after a “flu shot” if over 65 years of age? Not good odds to me!
“Vaccines” are something like roulette then, with one’s health and life no less. Relative to Trump, he’s pro-vaccine that’s for sure (with him evidently being bought and paid for by Big Pharma, like all major politicians), so he is certainly not one to be trusted regardless of perceived counter-attacks and other shenanigans:
I wouldn’t credit Trump. He never applied “fake news” to anything but his narcissistic self. But millions have seen hundreds of doctors & scientists try to speak out on youtube, then get censored within days or a week or two. They are far from all being Trump supporters, but get immediately dismissed as Trump supporters when they try to share this stuff, so please don’t add to the polarization. I’m bilingual, so have had the advantage of listening to Raoult & hundreds of other French scientists who seem to escape the censoring better. A few weeks, some 60,000 of them organized to offset the BS. We’ll see where that gets them, if anywhere!
Not as florid and hysterical as the WSWS but in the same ball park.
Lockdowns can’t last forever, and even two-month ones are stretching it. Using an illness to become a Prison Planet is a temporary fix at best.
It is very important that all publications going against the decreed narrative be 100% accurate. It is false that the leaked analysis was commissioned by the German Department of the Interior (BMI). The analysis paper was written by a single employee of the BMI (not a member of the crisis management task force), who was neither commissioned nor authorised to do so.
And when disputing the narrative in publications, it’s extremely important to cite references to backup your assertions.
Funny. The German Department of the Interior made this claim at first. Then others came forward and asserted that it was in fact an official document. They have since admitted this to be the truth. It was an official document and not the rogue actions of one person. Sorry to bust your myth.
I’m happy this long overdue article is out but it appears the entire COVID thing fell apart with the George Floyd contrived controversy where these people knew each other, worked in porn together, have marital ties to one and where violent rioters against just white people are called “protesters.” Climate change fell off the wagon, too as it was just as contrived as COVID and the Floyd murder as racially stoked.
100% I watched the video several times before all you mentioned above was uncovered & noticed Illuminati symbolism & clues all over the recorded incident. “Smoke & Mirrors.”
“There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic.”
But this has been known from the start. And there is no justification for “lockdown”. Dan Hannan in the Washington Examiner seems to have read my mind when he talks about how the idea for “lockdown” spread:
Actually, I dislike the implication here that there could be such a beast as an “effective” lockdown. As I said before “lockdown” can have no justification. It is an outrageous imposition on healthy people. We are now guilty until proven innocent.
We have been trying to play hide and seek with a smaller-than-microscopic and completely invisible infectious agent. Something so small that it can only be seen with an electron microscope. We have absolutely no chance of evading it, but at the same time we are none of us guaranteed to even catch it. We must just get on with life and let the contagion run it’s course.
Thanks for stating clearly that there is never a justification for “lockdown” as such is only blatant police state totalitarianism. The “lockdowns” were only ever about control and mainstream media believers are key to the lie having been perpetuated this far. Interestingly, Democrat voters in the US were from 4 to 19 times more fearful of 13 types of ordinary activity than Republican voters (early May survey data), which is clear evidence that Democrat voters also tend to believe MSM lies more often (see the chart further down):
No, it isn’t like the flu. And we know it isn’t like the flu because hospitals never get overloaded with the flu, but they’re getting overloaded with this. That settles it.
Where are they being overloaded?
In hollywood
Love it!
In the UK, every winter, hospitals get over run with flu. EVERY WINTER.
Old people also die of hypothermia in a country rather generously provisioned with natural gas. Yet for that we don’t get the death counter treatment on every news channel…
This is the actual opposite of the truth. every year, almost ALL hospitals are full with flu patients, amongst others. this year, during “COVID”, 99.99% of hospitals were sitting idle. I cannot believe people still believe this lie about “overwhelmed hospitals”.
Hospitals weren’t overloaded with Covid-19 beds are standing empty. Nightingale was never used.
Sweden, possibly the most open country in all of this, today announced they would close down their version of Nightingale with immediate effect. Not a single bed was ever used, in spite of the fact that it logically should have been the most overwhelmed country in the world with its open policy.
We (…well dumb non-critical thinkers….) have been so duped that I would be laughing if it wasn’t so unbelievably tragic.
Doly Garcia, you’re a scream aren’t you 😂
You’ve actually just said the exact opposite of what happens in reality.
If I met you, face to face, I’m guessing, when you talk, I’ll hear “blah, blah, blah. Blah blah, blah blarity blah”
Thanks Dolly, you’ve really cheered me up this morning 🍻
How about this story from 2018?
Hospital admissions for flu triple and 111 phoneline overwhelmed by deepening NHS crisis
Hmm… mustn’t be any of the 266 hospitals in the US that have now furloughed thousands and thousands of staff since “lockdown” due how quiet they are these days, with no actual real patients to treat any more, and subsequently no income. Hospitals are going broke!
No one knew how severe it would be and still dont. We needed to be careful at first. Now is the time to relax and get back to work. Party over.
Wrong, at least for the UK & US, for sure. By the time of lockdown in the UK, there was ACTUAL evidence from China & South Korea. But UK govt chose to beleive Ferguson’s retarded computer model – which gave a different result on each running. They ran it a half dozen times and took an average. This guy’s work had failed many times before. The only way to get back to the ‘old normal’ is for governments to admit their mistakes & say they overreacted.
Take it from a London Cabbie
you know it makes sense
Thanks, Bob. The sentence that summed up the hypocrisy of the masses and was particularly poignant to me was
At 88 years of age he is supposedly at particular risk of being infected. Were these people worried for his welfare? Is that why they had a go at him? Of course not. Whether or not they thought he wasn’t social distancing sufficiently well they should not be proud of chastising an 88 year old man. Shame on them and all they would claim to be standing for.
You expect that sort of thing in Tesco.
His body his choice! Right??
“I had that Dominic Cummings in the back of the cab once”
“…and the b****r want me to take ‘im to Durham! F**k that for a game of soldiers, an’ I told ‘im straight…”
The answer to Covid has been to increase government control. Perhaps it is as simple as globalist vs nationalist. Trump’s election. Brexit. Salvini. Orban. Merkel losing the major. Macron losing the majority. Citizens refusing to buy the “diversity is our strength” bilge. Workers upset their jobs are disappearing to Asia and South America. All this threatens the globalist movement
You state “The question remaining is: Why are these leaks happening now? ” The fact that leaks are happening now is simply a by-product of the overwhelming evidence emerging across the world that it is all bullshit!
The real question is why are goverments around the western world ignoring the science and seemingly conspiring to exaggerate this disease and implement harsh and damaging policies? And why does the media seem to be in “Lock Step” (yeah, look it up, along with Rockefeller foundation, if you don’t get the reference), with the messaging. Clearly this is another 911 in scale but the goals aren’t clear yet. I suspect greater population controls/mandatory vaccines for nefarious purposes, along with a restructuring of the western economic system to damage trade with China in order to weaken that nation. The other ‘added bonus’ for the rulers would be the near complete gutting of the global warming protest movement which was building a lot of momentum to the end of last year!
Bill Hick’s pigeons provide the answer – coo, coo.
“Leaks” have been happening since April 2020 in fact, repeatedly, utterly ignored by the corporate-owned lamestream and just as repeatedly censored on youtube. This last in itself is the source of all the “conspiracy” theories – ’cause what the hell else could such relentless censorship be a part of if not some kind of “conspiracy”? None of those posts break youtube’s rules against obscenity, hate-mongering, etc. They are simply doctors & scientists trying to be heard above the daily fear porn.
Symptons of the alleged Covid disease:
cough and shortness of breath,
gastrointestinal symptoms,
Taste or olfactory disorders,
loss of the ability to detect one or more smells,
ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke,
musculoskeletal disturbance,
altered mental state,
Guillain-Barré syndrome
acute necrotising disease of the brain,
myocardial injury,
myopericarditis with reduced systolic function,
cardiac arrhythmias,
heart failure,
[misdiagnosis as] acute coronary syndrome,
Chest pain,
conjunctival hyperaemia,
increased secretions,
runny nose,
sore throat
Hypochondriac hypocrisy also.
It will soon be catching up with AIDS as the syndrome with the most symptoms (30 plus and rising, I believe).
Nice, Magnus! My blood pressure increased as soon as the lockdown started. Maybe that should be added to the list of symptoms.
A common sentiment I see on the Left is that “The worst thing that can happen is that we go back to the old normal”. Now there is a fair point there that this old normal was shit and getting shittier. But that’s not the odd thing here. If the Left are sincere about this sentiment, then it implies that they see COVID as a gift horse which they are certainly not going to look in the mouth. But that warps their view of it i.e. it serves an ideological purpose therefore they WANT it to be as bad possible. It also blinds them to the possibility that COVID, far from being a “weakness” of capitalism, is being used to “reset” capitalism.
That’s the thing. This insidious form of capitalism isn’t going away. It’s jamming its blood funnel tighter on the face of humanity.
“The worst thing that can happen is that we go back to the old normal.”
but what’s the point of having a New Normal, if it isn’t worse than the Old Normal?
They can’t tell the difference.
They would piss their pants and thought it was raining.
If you are on the left politically you tend to have been bombarded with capitalist triumphalism since about 1989. You also had a rash of “lefts” like Tony Blair who were merely disguised pro-market conservatives, if not Conservatives. So turmoil in the system tends to be welcomed by the left as evidence that capitalism does not have it all figured out. Same as in 2008. A genuinely thriving system would not need a “reset” – the current capitalist economy resmbles a Ponzi scheme. To the left, even a tip towards fascism is yet more evidence of capitalism’s problems (and not without reason) as this is traditionally seen as what capitalism does in an emergency.
Some of the left have little existence other than on the Web, this is particularly true of the WSWS, so lockdown does not really inconvenience them.
Norway’s Prime Minister has said that the lockdown was a mistake. She admitted that she panicked.
Oh dear, I just lost my citizens tens of billions in income.
But that’s life, so I have no intention of resigning.
Now if I had had consensual sex with a male escort, that would be different.
That has no effect on prosperity, minimal effects on mental health, but outrages coked up journalists.
And their billionaire tax-avoiding masters.
Hi Rhys, agreed. However, at least she had the good grace to apologise which is more than we will get here. We have still got the pseudo-scientists here who have seriously messianic tendencies and are spouting bullshit at the rate of the rat a tat tat of a machine gun. They literally are making it up as they are going along. Something has gone badly wrong with the propaganda when from today, it is against the law to have sex from someone that isn’t from your household. Well, I wonder how the hell they are going to enforce that one! This ‘law’ is just another shit show of the ridiculous!
Jo, I’m intrigued by this concept of having sex from another person. Would you kindly elaborate? Tell us about the ins and outs, so to speak? ;o)
They hollow out your body and hop your carcass and have a good old romp.
Ah. It doesn’t sound as enjoyable as I thought it’d be. :o(
Hi Gwyn ah, well spotted!! As for the ‘ins and outs’ so to speak I am unable to provide a running commentary!! Hah!! I meant to say with of course – lockdown is turning my brain to soup I think!
Hi Jo
Surely this has technically been the position since social distancing began: not allowed within 2 metres of anyone from outside your household. That would preclude sex for most ( 😉 )people.
That’s what I find intriguing about the contact and trace scheme. The guidance for it says that anyone with symptoms who has been within 2 metres of someone else from outside their household for 15 minutes or more, or has had sex with someone else (presumably this is stipulated separately in case such shenanigans are completed within 15 minutes) should provide contact details under the contact and trace scheme. So in other words (other than for the relatively small number of people who can legitimately be within 2 metres of others using PPE) people are being asked to admit they broke the lockdown rules. I haven’t looked into it but I wonder if the scheme indemnifies people against such admissions.
Hi JudyJ, interesting conundrum here comes the ‘less than 15mins’ sexathon!! (;-O)
This contact and trace scheme is the height of incompetence – I cannot make head or tail of it myself!
Hi Jo
Indeed. Everything that the Government comes out with, with such authority, is full of holes and inconsistencies. I don’t get why the tracing scheme effectively allows people to break lockdown rules for 15 minutes before worrying about spread of infection, whereas the general social distancing rules lead us to believe that we’ve only got to glance fleetingly at someone from more than six feet away and we might be responsible for killing them. None of it makes any sense but most of the media are quite happy to publish and endorse this nonsense without question.
Hi JudyJ It’s becoming easier and easier for me to spot the fake news from genuine inasmuch as there is no genuine news! There are a mass of contradictions none of which are credible. There is a glaring absence of any information about the 50 or so countries who never locked down and the ones who have lifted it like, most recently, Denmark. Also, the apology from the Norwegian Prime Minister who all but admitted it had been the wrong decision and she had panicked wasn’t given MSM time here.
I am concerned though, that I think it was yesterday, Parliamentary scrutiny of the Coronavirus Bill has been extended from 21 days to 28 days. That went under the radar
Also, Dearwell, ex-MI6 Chief has now kickstarted the anti-China campaign saying he had allegedly seen a ‘report’ that showed the virus was manmade in a lab in China. If he is talking about the one in Wuhan that is a WHO Lab. However, it’s bullshit but, here we go again.
And panic, plus highly flawed and essentially useless projections from the Imperial College in England is what set the whole sorry mess into motion.
Now the politicians are finding themselves forced to slowly unlock local economies, and pretend that a danger still exists in order to save face and avoid being fingered as the prime culprits behind the substantial economic and societal damage caused by the lockdowns.
It will likely take years, if not the better part of a decade, for the world to recover, and there are some things that may never go back to normal.
All so very needless and because politicians are not scientists, and lack the skill to properly evaluate the scientific data they’re given. While science has proved beneficial to mankind in so many ways, it isn’t always correct. Scientists are people too, and fallible.
Steve, the minutes of SAGE show that there was no scientific advice for the “lockdown” measures.
Steve, that is a very interesting point. So, apart from the fatally flawed Imperial College projections fiasco, is it fair to say this was a purely political decision?
Jo, the “lockdown” measures were an entirely political decision. You can read the SAGE minutes here: https://www.gov.uk/search/transparency-and-freedom-of-information-releases?organisations%5B%5D=scientific-advisory-group-for-emergencies&parent=scientific-advisory-group-for-emergencies
If you read the minutes prior to the “lockdown” measures, you will see SAGE did not advise the adoption of the “lockdown” measures; and Neil Ferguson was still a member of the SAGE at the time, and was in fact present at the meeting immediately prior to the government’s decision to introduce the “lockdown” measures. The “lockdown” measures were clearly not introduced on the basis of scientific advice, which is of course contrary to what government ministers claimed.
There were rumours circulating that the UK Govt wasn’t intending to have a lockdown, but after France announced theirs France then threatened to block the UK/French border which prompted UK to lockdown. UK lockdown was the day after France. This makes a great deal of sense “politically” as UK is reliant on food/supplies from EU & a significant food shortages could have posed the question “How can UK leave the EU – look what happens when the border to EU is closed”
In that case, I suppose I have to be grateful for the UK lockdown, as I was in France at the time, and would have been unable to come back for the foreseeable future. As it was, we were pretty sure we’d get stuck there, but in the end, we did get back only a couple of days later than planned.
(Selfish attitude, I know).
let’s have a reference for that.
snuffleupagus, as you appear have missed it, here it is again:
Unfortunately Steve S, our scientists here are spouting such bullshit that people are having to resort to wearing masks to blot out its stench. They don’t know what they are talking about, the maths would give even Einstein a serious challenge to work out, the figures are false, the science is false and badly flawed here, cue Imperial College, but they are still making out as they know best. Well they don’t. However, as scientists are generally given to messianic tendencies, this is what we are witnessing now, they cannot tell the truth now because there has been to much falsification of the data, so much fake news, so much scaremongering and hysteria whipped up, they have to continue to justify their original very serious, misguided mistakes. The truth would never do would it?
Once again the hoax around the virus is highlighted in plain sight. On yesterdays Andrew Marr propaganda piece Peter Openshaw, member of Sage, expresses concern about ‘easing the imprisonment of the people’ and also claims, using Chinese studies, that there has only been one case where transmission of the virus happened outside – rather than expand on that Marr talks about something else – here’s the link:
Why have we been imprisoned then? Marr didn’t ask that – but I am – as yet more information becomes available to challenge the almost cult-like phenomena in front of us
The minutes of the SAGE meetings show that the scientists never advised the adoption of the lockdown measures.
Here’s the correct link :
Here’s the moment when he says that that the Chinese in a paper say they could find only a single example of transmission outdoors:
Another example of Marr & BBC broadcasters not asking the relevant questions. I’m keeping an eye on what is happening Stateside at the moment as the revolution appears to be taking root there.
When I was a child, Children’s Favourites on the BBC Light Programme was a Saturday morning favourite. And one of my greatest favourites that often appeared was ‘The Emperor’s Suit of Clothes’ by the great Danny Kaye.
That song was a political education in itself and its lesson has always stayed with me. The Covid scare has been a supreme example of mass hysteria. I don’t rule out the possibility that such hysteria might be manipulated for political, for economic, for philosophical or even for philosophical ends, but the truth is that over Covid 19 many governments cocked up and the people who always pay will be us.
All I can say is, it’s a great shame that The Emperor’s Suit of Clothes is no longer heard, for its lessons are as urgent now as they were back in the fifties- possibly more so
Hi Kevin, yes, the great Danny Kaye. Wot? The Emperor’s got no clothes on!! No Gov, he hasn’t
Given that OffG is concentrating on everything Covid:
I can’t wait for the People’s Public Inquiry into the Governments handing of it.
Maybe OffG could source like minded Bloggers and Medical People, like Prof Delores Cahill to pen a Petition to Parliament for such an inquiry?
OffG could also start a document about all the questions it wants answering in such an Inquiry and open it up for discussion.
My Question: How many of the people who died with Covid, had received a flu jab in the past?
But Delores Cahill is an Irish Citizen. Petitions to Parliament would be better coming from British citizens.
Who is there? Vernon Coleman? Peter Hitchens? Lord Sumption? Piers Corbyn? Jason Liosatos?
Who else?
All of us as sovereign people should be there in courtrooms to put these lying cabal psychopaths under the hot spotlight.
Some might advocate vaporizing the truly evil cabal for all the death, pain, misery and suffering they have inflicted in the past in addition to the current fascistic global takeover.
Simon Dolan UK businessman is taking legal action. He’s close to target crowdfunding.
Jeremy Corbyn, I cannot remember his name but the snooker player who has gone large on it and it’s worth scouting for another notable names.
Peter Ebdon’s the snooker player.
Peter Ebden
Peter Ebdon.
We must demand a full independent public inquiry into this Covid-19 “Plandemic”.
Sadly our courts are run by (and funded by) the lying cheating establishment who see this “Scamdemic” as a huge power-grab, using our army and police to secure it along with supermarket staff treating us like domesticated animals.
We the people are sovereign, and we need to firstly be in charge of our own food/water supply, working upwards to delete the cabal pyramid of control levels.
Hi BornHuman, We need to organise somehow to do this but we should be taking to the streets. They are in Latin America, the are in the USA, they are in Berlin and in other countries. The African Nations are standing up to the global PTB so I don’t understand why we, the British, have this sheeple mentality whereby if the MSM or the Government (even though it is populated by pathological liars, narcissists and incompetent idiots) then we must follow like bleating sheep.
I was glad to see crowded beaches yesterday with thousands of people flouting lockdown and social distancing regulations. The police are pretty powerless now given the conduct of certain Tories and their Advisors in breaching the lockdown themselves.
It’s a shame Stoogie Starmer is such a waste of space isn’t it? He could be a strong force to mount a serious oppostion but he won’t because he will do what the MSM and the BoD tell him to do. I mean, for an alleged Human Rights Lawyer he hasn’t uttered a single word of condemnation on the fatal shooting of a young Autistic Palestinian walking to school as he did every day. Justice won’t be done. He hasn’t even condemned Bibi’s plans to annexe the West Bank. So, he doesn’t seem to be too inclined to support us proles in challenging this mass imprisonment. The only opponents I can see are Richard Burgeon MP (inestimable MP), Ian Blackford (SNP Leader in the House) and previous comments made by Jeremy Corbyn.
You may be correct. Here’s results of a study which is shocking. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X19313647?via=ihub#t0015
TFS excellent question. I am, in the spare time I have which isn’t much at the moment, compiling such a document having just completed an Investigative Journalism course. Of course, when I have a working document I will send it to OffG to see if they can do something with it. It is unfortunate that you will not be able to obtain an answer to your good question as the data is now so fake and so manipulated as to be incoherent.
However, we’ll keep trying to get the information. I have made an FOI request of our local hospital here for data re covid, deaths due to the lockdown and elective and essential surgery being cancelled and the same for life saving treatment and for how many staff and in which categories have been working in the Trust since lockdown. I have also asked which departments have been shut down since lockdown. I’ll keep you posted when/if I get any information.
Chris Whitty, England’s CMO, has stated the truth at least once. But the sheeple love a drama and this is better than EastEnders in their eyes. They can hand wring and be horribly pious. They don’t question, of course – that would be heresy. And it would require thought. What’s behind the actual event? Well, I expect Big Pharma, mechanically chanting ‘VACCINATE! VACCINATE!’ like a herd of deranged Daleks, has a lot to do with it. Together with a cover-up of the collapsing financial system.