REPORT: Over 95% of UK “Covid19” deaths had “pre-existing condition”

Latest statistics show vast majority of fatalities had at least one other disease

Over 95% of “COVID Deaths” recorded in England and Wales had potentially serious comorbidities, according to statistics released by NHS England.

The latest figures make for pretty stark reading. Or, rather, they would make for stark reading…if they didn’t follow the exact same pattern already shown in other nations around the world.

You can read the full report here. We’re going to focus on the comorbidity stats. Here are the number of deaths where Covid19 was listed as the only cause, split by age:

  • Ages 0-19: 3
  • Ages 20-39: 32
  • Ages 40-59: 255
  • Ages 60-79: 551
  • Ages 80+: 477

These are across all of England and Wales since the beginning of the “pandemic”.

Simply put: Of the 27045 deaths with Covid19 in English hospitals (up to June 3rd), only 1318 had no pre-existing conditions. That’s less than 5%.

This mirrors, almost exactly, the statistics reported in Italy back in March.

Christopher Bowyer has made some great graphs for the figures at Hector Drummond Magazine, none more impactful than this this:

[click to enlarge]

Those big green bars are all the people who died “with” Covid19 AND some other serious disease. The little yellow bars are the people who died with Covid19 and nothing else.

In fact, the 25,727 other cases were listed as having over 42,000 comorbidities. That’s almost 2 each (the report itself points out that many patients had multiple conditions). This, again, aligns completely with the Italian figures which said over 80% of fatalities had at least 2 comorbidities.

What are these comorbidities? We don’t know. Not entirely specifically. The report lists ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, asthma and dementia among others. But it also lists nearly 19,000 “other” conditions, presumably including liver failure, emphysema, AIDS, ALL forms of cancers and literally potentially thousands of other diseases.

Implicit in this is the possibility that these diseases were the actual cause of death, and that Covid19 played no direct role at all.

Further, the PCR test for coronavirus can return false positives in up to 80% of cases, so it’s entirely possible the majority of these deaths never even had the virus.

This isn’t breaking news. We have covered this numerous times. No matter how you switch them around the Covid numbers, as they currently stand, will never add up.


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Jun 15, 2020 5:48 AM

Why do so many health professionals who are young with no comorbidities dying?
Sometimes you lot here are seeing conspiracy where there is none.
This is a serious disease, yes it kills old people but it kills younger people too.
What we need to see is if the tissue damage it causes is cumulative over repeat infections, so you get mild sick first time, bad sick the next time and dead sick the time after that.
We still know next to nothing. Caution is the best option when consequences are extreme.

Jun 13, 2020 3:59 PM

– In USA, doctors’ life expectancy is about 10 years less than the average. During strikes by Israeli doctors for 1 month in 1973, by Colombian doctors for 2 months in 1976 and by English doctors for 1 month in 1978, there were 50%, 38% and 40% less deaths respectively. Draw your own conclusions. – Dr. Amir Isahak, 2009

– I published a list of 98 medicines that can cause you to commit suicide or homicide. If I had made this claim without proof, the pharmaceuticals would have sued me. There have been no lawsuits. – Prof. David Healy, 2013

Jun 13, 2020 11:02 AM

Can anyone still access this data from NHS England? I can’t seem to find the breakdown of comorbidities anymore, only death by age, region etc

Jun 13, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Rmma

I Think they’re hiding the info as this is the logical place to look. Google Deaths in England Jan1 to end of march & there are the total numbers for 2018. From there onwards the figures for current years are all messed up. Coincidence -I don’t think so.
This is Plandemic for sure. Worth looking at info below:
https://thewallwillfall.org/2020/06/05/lockdown-lunacy-the-thinking-persons-guide/  — LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person’s guide

Jun 15, 2020 5:28 PM
Reply to  James

The link is broken ☹️

Jun 16, 2020 9:30 AM
Reply to  Emma

It’s NOT actually — If you look at list you’ll see the Title BUT here it is again:

David Keegan
David Keegan
Jun 13, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Rmma

It’s very odd. The link when it was first published took me to the NHS stats site – now it just appears to give you a link to a spreadsheet.
Anyone know what’s up here?

Jun 15, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  David Keegan

It’s not just me going mad then?

Katherine Mulholland
Katherine Mulholland
Jun 13, 2020 3:29 AM

“Implicit in this is the possibility that these diseases were the actual cause of death, and that Covid19 played no direct role at all.”
No it is not implicit. Doctors would certainly know if a patient died of cancer. And as it has been proved that the disease causes damage to the heart, arteries, brain, and lungs, the statement is nonsensical. Further, if a disease makes you so sick your heart of lungs fail when they would not have otherwise even if they had a pre-existing condition, it is totally illogical to infer that CV19 was not the cause of these deaths.
Then there is the completely spurious “…the PCR test for coronavirus can return false positives in up to 80% of cases, so it’s entirely possible the majority of these deaths never even had the virus.
Doctors follow up on all positive tests by testing multiple samples from each patient’s nose and mouth plus blood tests. Deliberately seeking to deceive people with misinformation that could cause their deaths is immoral, unethical and should be a crime.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 13, 2020 10:33 AM

Calling this virus deadly as and locking up millions of healthy people is the crime. How can anyone with a brain claim that people over 90 with end stage alzheimers claim they died ”from” covid or call it a tragedy because they died a couple of days earlier.

Richard Son
Richard Son
Jun 13, 2020 3:04 PM

You are an enemy of humanity, but of course you’re just following orders.

Jun 15, 2020 12:51 PM

Itt states very clearly that it’s not meant for diagnostics, it’s meant for research purposes only as it amplifies the viral load in any given amount of DNA sample. It’s been know for as long as it’s been a test, to give a large % of false positives.
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a tiny slither of COVID virus in your system, if you don’t have the correct viral load, you simply won’t get ill or pass it on.
Learn some science will you mate, you’re sounding like a fool for simply regurgitating the bullshit that the government palm the public off with.

Andrew Charnley
Andrew Charnley
Jun 22, 2020 11:09 PM

It is a crime even for middle management to suppress debate, inclusion to to misrepresent. Moreover, if information is not provided or if solutions and choices were not provided to patients or their families the managers from middle rung upward could, but more likely will be, facing a virtual criminal charge of malfeasance, which is a higher level of wrongdoing than say nonfeasance, which is where someone fails to act where there was a duty to do so.

Katherine Mulholland
Katherine Mulholland
Jun 13, 2020 3:13 AM

“Implicit in this is the possibility that these diseases were the actual cause of death, and that Covid19 played no direct role at all.”

Jun 11, 2020 5:23 PM

For Brits, here’s an accountability question: Where did the Lockdown policy come from? It wasn’t just the hapless Neil Ferguson. This was pushed at government level. But which level?
Alarmist headlines from the Corporatist Media declared “Coronavirus could kill half a million Britons and infect 80% of population”. Who sent out the information that led to those headlines that created demand for the government to ‘do something’? UK Column investigates the origin of that headline which led directly to the lockdown, the cancellation of appointments and the emptying of hospitals.
Turns out the National Security Communications Team issued the directive to the media. What is the NSCT? PRWeek reported in May 2018 “Government boosts capability to combat international threats…catching up with NATO allies which have impressive ‘war rooms’. The UK Government Communication Plan 2019/2020 also mentioned the NSCT would increase public resilience to disinformation.
So a unit set up to counter fake news was instead used to create the COVID narrative, building public demand for the lockdown.
A government document, Controlling The Narrative, in March 2018 established the FUSION DOCTRINE & the NSCT. This was followed in April by the Rapid Response and in July 2018 by the Rapid Response Mechanism proposed by Theresa May to ensure all European governments spoke with one voice.
The bureaucrat in command of all this is Mark Sedwill, as head of the Civil Service and of the Cabinet Office which answers not to Parliament but directly to the Privy Council, 800 people sworn to secrecy to do the monarch’s bidding, as Alex Thomson of Eastern Approaches explains:

   “However the Queen’s personal exercise of the Crown’s prerogative, by the Queen herself with the Prime Minister, has been spun out into what you could call a corporate crown. The final decisions on what is just and constitutional take place not in broad institutions but the Cabinet Office…

   The Cabinet draws its members from Parliament but at law the Cabinet, or Cabinet Office which is the civil servants, is an executive subcommittee of the Privy Council. Likewise the old Law Lords, now the Supreme Court, is a judicial subcommittee of the Privy Council. The separation of powers breaks down at that point. These [are] people who call themselves The Crown, they are a corporate crown. They do not have a separate executive, legislative and judicial branches or a distinction between ministers and civil servants, it is just ‘we are the crowd around the queen’. The way into that bubble is through Mr Sedwill but that is not to say he is running the policy… Who crowned him?”

Sedwill is also National Security Adviser in control of all the Intel agencies, the new BioSecurity Center, as well as the Rapid Response Unit/NSCT, 77th Brigade, and the new 13th Signals Regiment set up last week.
Responsibility for Lockdown and consequences thus flows like this: Mark Sedwill –> Rapid Response Unit –> National Security Communications Team –> Corporatist Media –> pressure on PM Boris Johnson
Mark Sedwill is a bureaucrat. He is not the boss. Someone else is the boss. UK Column looks at where the lockdown policy came from @36:00 minutes


Jun 11, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You might be interested to see this information I posted about Sir Mark Sedwill back in November. I also included a reference to (Dame) Karen Pierce, former UK UN Ambassador. She and Sedwill appeared to have crossed career paths. At the time she departed from the UN I thought she was likely to retire from Foreign Office duties. But, as we now know, she was given the role of UK Ambassador in Washington DC and is still there. As was identified at the time of my post last November, all these shady characters weave a very tangled but tightly knit web.


Jun 11, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Thank you for the tip. It’s notable that Dominic Cummings was quoted as saying it needs 10 people or less to effect a major change in policy – and he was probably exaggerating.
Another vignette: NATO is driving these public info ‘rapid response’ units supposedly to counter external disinfo – yet it turns out these units also amplified the Covid messaging. So in Norway, the Director-General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health is Camilla Stoltenberg. Who is her brother? NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg.
Tight-knit groups of people are exerting outsize influence by working outside the democratic structures of government.

Jun 12, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Worth noting that the Joint Biosecurity Centre is being set up and run by Tom Hurd (son of Douglas), a spook. The JBC will effectively replace Sage and determine the level of ‘threat’.

Jun 11, 2020 1:58 PM

Here’s a new fact-
Despite mass quarantine mobs and riots, there’s been no significant increase in Covid-19 infections

For those under 75 who don’t have complex, and serious comorbidities- it’s rare to die

So if someone has Cancer, organ failure and they get Covid the stats put them down as Covid not Cancer

What I really want folks to understand about this UK Tory Govn’t is:

THEY ARE NOT TORIES. They’re progressives

Hence Johnson oversaw a meeting with similar GliboCap Progressuves last week that met in October to PLAN for a pandemic. And we now know it was released in October

Last week as planned then, Boris, Tedros S-r-s, Gates etc decided to go with the Gates Vaccine

Note- SARS vaccine caused serious side effects and had to be halted

I for one with comorbidities will refuse this untested vaccine. I have comorbidities and have fought off an atypical pneumonia in December and March. I’ll take the risk again

Fact is, I get pneumonia from common cold. But with antibiotics (Doxycycline-an antimalarial antibiotic) I can fight it off

As for track and trace? REFUSE ITZ

Jun 11, 2020 8:58 AM

The scarey part is, if the virus mainly culled, the vulnerable and was genetically modified /made, then what was the main objective of the labs that engineered it, or crazier still what we’re the bats thinking when they passed it on ??

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 11, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Carl

That’s hysterical nonsense fed into discussions like these in order to lead them back to acceptance of the virus as unique and dangerous.
There is no evidence the virus is more deadly to vulnerable people than many other similar pathogens. The official data makes it clear SARSCOV-2 is not scary, not unique, and not especially dangerous.

Jun 11, 2020 2:12 PM

No it’s not hysterical nonsense. I

have major comorbities, chronic serious conditions, and an inherited disorder than causes disabilities. (Still fought off Covid but took 10 weeks to fully recover)


GPs told to have scripted ‘conversations’ with elderly and chronically ill patients and their families, to sign DNRs during this hyped Pandemic

You’ll hear their nudge theory lines from those that signed DNR

“I’ve had a good long life”
“I don’t want to take a ventilator away from someone younger’
“I’m already ill/disabled with a poorer quality of life’

Societal messages to ‘nudge’ aka brainwash the infirm to stop being a burden on other’s

The National Socialists began with the chronically ill, elderly, mentally ill and those with neurological conditions. They scored them and included number of contacts with family. Those scored high were eliminated. After all they couldn’t work so weren’t free

Move to today. NHS issued with scoring system as to whether patients should be offered Hospital care:

First scores are for level of physical disabilities. Next scores based on age.

I’m at the cut off of 8

According to my friend, a Covid ICU nurse, I would receive only palliative care if I became seriously ill from Covid

As you can read- my brain still functions. I believe I deserve life.

Do you agree?

Jun 11, 2020 3:30 AM

Yip the PCR test for corona states on it that the test “cannot be used to diagnose a disease”.
And these monkeys use a meaningless PCR test to blame death on!
So its one thing to test positive, ie have a Corona virus in your virome (up your nose like many healthy people do) , its quite another to prove that there is even a disease ( let alone death caused by said fictional disease)caused by said virus.
They have not proved a “new /deadly disease” from a “SARS corona 2” virus only even exists!!!

Jun 10, 2020 9:19 PM

98.4% of covid “deaths” had comorbidities in state of Massachusetts. All based on their own data: https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-dashboard-may-10-2020/download. That’s without challenging the assumptions of the testing. All while more people than ever wearing masks were I live. Never underestimate narrative control.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 11, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  LuckyLui

/That is one impressive dashboard

Jun 11, 2020 9:56 PM

It is. The key being they include data which offers critical context, unlike many other reporting jurisdictions which somehow can’t be bothered with inconvient details like co-morbidity and demographic data. Let alone a myriad of other anomalies.

Jun 10, 2020 11:34 AM

Who authored this article?

There has never been any argument about who is mostly vulnerable to this virus and it is proved that Excess Deaths occurred.

It is also proved that quarantine and social distancing has contained the amplitude of the peak.

The recent INS analysis has also shown the dynamics of the virus.

Who wrote this article? I want to ask them a few questions.

Jun 10, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

ONS reports – my summary.

All Deaths were BELOW average into the new year. Near the end of Jan that trend took a initial change of trajectory. Followed by the inflection in February. By March the trend was back towards crossing the 5 year average and the exponential trend of Excess Deaths was in full flow by the time of the criminally delayed containment measures of this unidimensional hard BrexShit obsessed government and media and troll army.

The ONS analysis also shows that all the other expected causes of death have followed the trends expected (including from stopping elective surgery deaths and work and traffic related deaths due to shut down) accept for degenerative conditions afflicting the aged who would normally have received care in hospitals.
Hospital deaths reduced as these poor old people were decanted into the community – some obviously would have taken CV to these care homes because they were NOT tested before discharged from hospitals. Care Homes without PPE and sufficient personnel, and even many of these moved from home to home during the day Visiting different patients. These non -hospital deaths therefore increased.

The Occupational analysis adds further clarity – mostly disproportionate are low paid, low skilled, service people AND more definitively transport workers. Clearly indicating spread via transport of the low skilled workers.

Those are also disproportionately black and asian. So nothing to do with genetic disposition! Only socio-economic.

Now if you have the gonads and sincerity of actually being able to analyse such FACTS for yourself – do it. Prove me wrong or admit your narrative is wrong, whoever wrote this article.



Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 10, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This presentation is simply inaccurate. This year there were no above the five yearly average deaths for the corresponding period until after the lockdown measures were introduced. That fact is shown by the Office for National Statistics weekly figures.
The same source also shows that thousands of the above the five yearly average deaths were non-coronavirus related, even if we take the obviously inflated coronavirus related figure at face value. This leads to the obvious conclusion that the lockdown measures caused people to die. And there are various likely explanations for those deaths, not least of which is the denial of medical attention.
When are you going to accept that the lockdown measures are lethal?

Jun 10, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

You are deliberately ignoring that ALL deaths were below the 5 year average in January and trending further down – until at a point at the end of January and then a further acceleration upwards in February.


You are also ignoring that ‘Covid’ deaths are deliberately under reported by the government – because not all deaths were tested.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 10, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I am not ignoring any relevant facts. As I said, there were no above the five yearly average deaths for the corresponding period until after the lockdown measures were introduced. That statement referred to all cause mortality as reported by the Office for National Statistics weekly figures.
As to your assertion that coronavirus deaths are under-reported: that is just blatantly false. And I know that why it is false has been repeatedly explained to you by articles on this site, by me and by others in the comments.
Accusing me of ignoring relevant facts looks like nothing so much as projection.

Jun 10, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

What test was used to confirm cv19, In these stats?

Jun 10, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  Objective

Exaxtly. The layers of presupposed info all covid reports are based on exposes a whole new level of scrutiny, which, at worst, makes everything on top meaningless. Even the FDA’s (in the states) own guidance on antibody testing indicates it’s basically useless. Whereas the PCR test being based on a percent (about 80%) of similar genetic material to cov1. For context chimps are closer genetically to humans than cov2 is to cov1. And it gets worse from here.

Jun 10, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

if we look at the whos measles attrocity in samoa the deaths also followed their terror campaign. the supposedly highly contagiouse virus only became so when the schools closed.

Jun 10, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

blacks need more sun to get adequate vitamin d. the socio economics also would suggest lockdown would be more of a problem. vaccines are inherently racist to those who need the sun more.

Jun 10, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  rachel


I don’t recall dancing with you before so I won’t stomp on your toes. This time.

Are you suggesting that there are no African American or Black submariners ? Or they wouldn’t make astronauts? Or there are none in artic regions with months of darkness? However do Inuits manage?

Do you have any reliable data that shows such groups experiencing disproportionately during regular winter months?

Are you suggesting that humans can get all their necessary vitamins from food?

What exactly is informing your … opinion?

Jun 11, 2020 1:10 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

do you think northern italy is the poor part?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jun 10, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The main thrust of the article is, as its first sentence says, “Over 95% of ‘COVID Deaths’ recorded in England and Wales had potentially serious comorbidities, according to statistics released by NHS England,” and this claim is backed up with a link to the relevant government document. I am puzzled as to what you think the “false narrative” to be.

Jun 10, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The false narrative is that government declared Covid deaths is an arbitrary measure because not ALL deaths are tested for CV.

It is as plain a lie as a suggesting your nose is the whole of your face.

The Excess Deaths are the whole and they are almost wholly related to the spread of the CV and the analysis of the causes of deaths from all causes clearly shows that the excess are CV related.

A figure the government and MSM and trolls here have tried to minimise.

They have at least stopped pretending it was just a extended flu season with a second spike – since the ONS proof of upto 120% excess for one week were published. Further analysis being conducted to the granular level for every death will reveal more exact timings – including showing that we were already experiencing the start of the epidemic in January.

The government in its dash for hard BrexShit is guilty of causing a large part of at the at least 60,000 Excess deaths and comments here are happy to excuse that! That is complicity.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jun 10, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Sorry, I re-read the article and can find nothing that claims “government declared Covid deaths is an arbitrary measure because not ALL deaths are tested for CV.” Perhaps my command of the English language is deficient.

Jun 11, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

It is in the ONS analysis. And has been for months.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 11, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Could you provide a specific source, context and citation please.
Let’s get this pinned down and cleared up.
UPDATE (June12) – Hmmm…You failed to respond and provide a source. Disappointing.

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 10, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

So you say all excess deaths were covid or byproduct of it and covid is under reported, i say all non covid excess deaths are really byproducts but not covid but the lockdown,
nationwide lockdown of healthy young people was stupid and slowed the herd immunity but what was made terribly wrong is not locking down the care homes.
They should have been protected but it didnt happen and abnormal numbers of frail care home residents passed away. Nhs servises were so slowed people couldnt receive care they needed.
Tell me the reason of locking the whole effing country and stopping all nsh almost till the mid april instead locking down the care home residents, kidney, liver, heart failure, oncology patients etc…those needed protection but with whole lockdown and stopping almost everythinh nhs related had catastrophic effects on these patients. So lockdown did have an effect but the opposite it is catastrophic it never should have included healthy individuals below 65. It should have been only for those who were in immense danger, nhs should have never stopped.
No this lock down didnt work it made everything worse.
yes covid killed a lot but lockdown and covid together killed more than covid itself..
and even the italy which introduced the harshest lockdowns in eu confessed that they were very liberal in counting the covid deaths so no it is not under reported in my opinion

Jun 11, 2020 11:48 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Whatever the proximate causes for the excess deaths the ultimate cause is the CV pandemic – I agree that much with you.

Jun 11, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

why not test everyone to see if deaths were caused by low vitamin d. it would atleast vaguely make sence. testing 4 some newly discovered cellular debris is far out. how would it be of any benefit ?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 11, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The point is they are very much overstating the deaths FROM the virus, and we know from other reports that 40,000 people died from pollution in the UK and 17,000 died in homes that were too cold. Here is a reality check though 100% of people die

Jun 11, 2020 11:57 AM

No Marilyn the point, I have been making for almost 2 months now, they are UNDERSTATING , the deaths FROM CV.

Why are you deliberately reversing that?


The ONS is an independent data gathering organisation for the U.K. it does not have a government appointed political controller- like the Health department – so its statistics are wholly reliable and audit trailed, even if they are not as timely as I would like, due to their limited resources.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 11, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

You do keep saying it, but you never offer any evidence.

Why would they change the diagnostic standards in order to make it many times easier to diagnose covid19, encourage healthcare workers to prioritise a covid19 diagnosis, even absent testing, if the aim was to ‘UNDERSTATE’ the deaths?

Why do all the controlled media and health NGOs promote these inflated mortality numbers without question if the aim was to ‘UNDERSTATE’ the deaths?

Why aren’t they instead publishing articles like ours that point up the exaggerations and inaccuracies?

Surely if the aim was to ‘UNDERSTATE’ the deaths they would introduce legislation to curb the reporting and tighten the definition of covid19 so that almost no deaths would qualify?

Why do the exact opposite?

Can you explain?

Jun 11, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

In the UK, they changed the rules about 2 weeks into lockdown from recording the main comorbidity as the cause of death, to recording a death from covid-19 if the patient had tested positive, regardless of whether they had lung cancer for example.
You can just read it, it’s in the Coronavirus Act 2020
If we were reporting deaths in the old way, then far fewer deaths would have been reported as a Covid death. That is just a fact, and is in public knowledge in the most accessible sense.
The reason they wanted to inflate the death toll, in the UK at least, was because they wanted to enforce a lockdown by consent and, with the media already on board, already driving their narrative, the government thought that to nullify sceptics an exaggerated danger had to be created.
I think they fully expected to need additional hospitals, ventilators etc, because they’d seen news reports from Italy (a country with a terribly unfunded health and social care system)
When it was obvious that extra capacity and equipment wasn’t needed, they wanted to start rowing back, but now can’t, because of a media hell bent on using covid 19 as a political weapon against populism, and hell bent on punishing the government for it’s mistakes. To do that people still need to be afraid of the virus.
In the meantime, Macmillan, the cancer charity, estimates 2 million people in the UK have missed either cancer treatment and screening, and it’s estimated that 10% of the adult population in the UK will be unemployed next year
How much more misery and additional deaths do you want to inflict by your scaremongering?

Richard Son
Richard Son
Jun 13, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I don’t think you understand what “proof” means.

Jun 10, 2020 11:31 AM

More absurdities from WSWS. Not only they purposefully conflate dubious SC2 test positives with COVID clinical cases that are scarce, obviously trying to spread more hysteria but now they promote mass surveillance regime by promoting lawsuits demanding more corporate, control over workers more contact tracing at work, more face masks and more social distancing while none of those were found and inefficacious in previous coronavirus pandemics by WHO supposedly worshiped by WSWS editors.

Three Amazon employees in New York have filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming that it has failed to follow guidelines set by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It asserts that the company has mounted only a “facade of compliance,” but has failed to adequately protect workers from the virus in a number of ways, including “sloppy contact tracing” and failure to provide adequate personal protective equipment.

Jun 10, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Well said Kalen

Jun 11, 2020 3:24 AM
Reply to  Kalen

WSWS has gone full schizophrenic only two weeks ago anyone who even thought about stepping outside should have been jailed or at the very least shot for going outside and now like the goodbye little controlled media glove puppet it always was its demanding young people get out and riot,i mean peacefully protest police brutality IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!!!

Jun 10, 2020 9:47 AM

Lancet Editor Spills the Beans and Britain’s PM Surrenders to the Gates Vaccine Cartel


Jun 10, 2020 7:54 AM

Jon Rappoport of https://blog.nomorefakenews.com holds his latest conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts
Vaccines prevent symptoms, they don’t prevent the disease.

Jun 10, 2020 8:00 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Catherine Austin Fitts cites Forrest Maready who has looked at the links between pesticide and vaccine industries. He gives examples where sickness caused by a pesticide was designated as ‘disease’ and then ‘cured’ by a vaccine.

Jun 10, 2020 2:19 AM

I had pneumonia in December. Another one in March slightly different as was proceeded with loss of taste. Both times treated with Doxycycline similar to CHQ -Antimalarial antibiotic

Neither down as Covid. And I have preexisting conditions

What if covid is shown to be as deadly as that Common Coronavirus, the cold?

Than we’ve just seen the biggest mass hysteria in the history of the world

Akin to asteroids and meteor showers foretelling the end of the world in Medieval times

But at least they didn’t hide inside for 3 months but carried on with their economies

But in our so called advanced tech savvy world- governments fell for it

Now they must find a way out ‘without losing the public’s confidence’ said s SAGE expert. Because that’s certainly more important than individuals having a love life or cuddling grandchildren.

Jun 10, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  Blackwater

joh rose has a pneumonia secrets. basically look after your kidneys. fruits heal.

Jun 10, 2020 12:21 AM

“I can’t breathe” and the George Floyd murder playbook, all played in perfectly with the covid 19 total nonsense, and all played in perfectly with dear little Greta and the totally phony Extinction Rebellion nonsense.
Why the feck can’t people see what’s going on here?!
I’ve almost given up ranting about this, so I’ll go to bed, but I’ll leave you with this…

Jun 10, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  RobG

There is a very convenient connection here between a “novel” respiratory disease that slowly suffocates you & a slogan about brutal police tactics suffocating PEOPLE.
Its certainly one for conspiracy theorists.

Jun 10, 2020 3:05 AM
Reply to  Objective

Objective it might be an idea to stay clear of people like me.
Because people like me know for a fact that this is all total and complete bullshit.
If egits want to put on masks and practice ‘social distancing’ etc, that’s fine.
Just fuck off and do it somewhere else, you little twats.
Because you are not going to do it in my world.
I hope you get the message.

Jun 10, 2020 4:10 AM
Reply to  RobG

Nope haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, I can only think you read my comment wrongly & didn’t understand my point, perhaps it was to subtle for someone like you? Whatever “you” are like.
Perhaps you’d like to reflect a little more on my words?
“I can’t breath” an irony really for BLM & antifa protesters, who buy into everything liberal leftists sell them including the panic-demic yet still believe alleged “racism” is more important than a propagandized racist virus that allegedly kills more blacks than any other race, its funny to see them spit & bleed on each other whilst wearing face masks.
To be clear neo-liberal globalists behind this culture war don’t care about any of us least of all ethnic minorities. Conveient in the US that they are attempting to scrub history as it was the democrats that were against abolishing slavery. I’m all for reforming a brutal militarized police FORCEs but I worry what they (liberals) intend to put in its place.
The only flag i wave is for truth & freedom!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 11, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Objective

Very few people die FROM covid, but everyone with a cops knee on their neck that way Chauvin did it will stop breathing

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 10, 2020 12:03 AM

The obesely overweight, folks with heart disease, diabetics, cancer patients, or the extremely elderly are always more impacted by upper-respiratory infections or the flu. These vulnerable groups should take more precautions during any virulent flu season. However, the elderly usually don’t self-isolate during a typical flu season. Many enjoy social activities and don’t want to be isolated. In 2018, when 80,000 died of a very aggressive flu strain in the US, bridge clubs were jam-packed with the elderly sneezing and coughing on each other. These older adults were more interested in socializing than worrying about the flu. And now in 2020, the young and healthy were forced to quarantine over a virus which does not affect 80% of those who contract it.  
And just yesterday it was revealed by the WHO that it’s rare for those who test positive, but are asymptomatic to transfer the coronavirus.  Well, that would explain why Florida beaches packed during March spring-break did not cause thousands of deaths. It would also explain why the recent Memorial Day pool parties in the Ozarks packed with hundreds did not yield one new case of COVID-19. It also appears that after 10 days of mass protests millions are not succumbing to the coronavirus.  
 The mainstream media news is underplaying the WHO findings about the asymptomatic rarely transferring COVID-19.  Today, on “Morning Joe” Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel the brother of crooked Rahm Emanuel appeared for the purpose of dismissing the recent WHO info about COVID-19.  He followed up with a facetious comment saying not many people will hear about it since most are out protesting. Emmanuel, is an oncologist and bioethicist not a virologist or epidemiologist. However, the most important credential the Emmanuel brothers possess is being deep state stooges. In fact, that’s the only criteria required for expressing an opinion about  COVID-19 on MSNBC and CNN. This also holds true for the NYT and WAPO.  By the way, Ezekiel Emanuel and Paul A. Offit, authored an Op-ed, in the Monday’s New York Times , entitled “Could Trump Turn a Vaccine Into a Campaign Stunt?”  
I’m not a fan of the buffoon, but this Op-ed was just another NYT Trump derangement syndrome article scaring the electorate by saying the Orangeman will push a vaccine as a reelection ploy. This is a silly premise since Democratic Party politicians are equally paid-off by the pharmaceutical companies, so they’d hardly be a genuine opposition against untested vaccines and mucho profits for big pharma. I personally, would never take a COVID-19 vaccine, but then again I don’t take flu shots. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but there’s some vaccines which are pointless…… The flu strain changes so frequently millions often take flu vaccines for the incorrect strain.
The bottomline is obvious, the deep state has a few more election day tricks up their sleeve. And one of them is a second round of COVID-19, which is probably why creepy  Ezekiel Emanuel does want the public to be aware of info which doesn’t fit into the official COVID-19 narrative–namely COVID-19 isn’t as contagious as reported, and the panic causing lockdowns were probably not justified.  


Jun 10, 2020 1:10 AM

Well, that would explain why Florida beaches packed during March spring-break did not cause thousands of deaths. It would also explain why the recent Memorial Day pool parties in the Ozarks packed with hundreds did not yield one new case of COVID-19. It also appears that after 10 days of mass protests millions are not succumbing to the coronavirus.
To counter such factual contradictions of the COVID Big Lie, local mass-media and Internet trash-tabloid venues like the aptly-named Yahoo site are rife with stories of groups of people who wantonly committed social intercourse without observing the draconian restrictions, and later became ill with the virus. 
With the requisite breathless, sensational tone to promote a satisfying rush of righteous indignation in enthralled readers or viewers, these reports usually include local negative reaction, e.g. that local authorities, parents, neighbors, etc. are “furious” or “outraged” at these heretics’ irresponsible misconduct. These anecdotes, in turn, invariably set up the “moral” that such alleged illicit virus transmission justifies aggressive, totalitarian tracing & tracking programs. (They don’t call them “aggressive” or “totalitarian”, of course.)

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 10, 2020 1:39 AM
Reply to  Ort

Yes, all good points…
Check out this video it explains why COVID-19 death statistics are so high. Elmhurst Hospital is like a slaughterhouse.


Jun 10, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Charlotte, thanks for the link. Extremely disturbing testimony supporting many suspicions.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 10, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

City hospitals should be investigated.
It sounded like Dachau.

Jun 10, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Ort

is anyone still watching? rule one is dont let him in. loads of views on new rules video. also seems to have sunbathing n a house phone. eat it breath it. practice makes perfect.

Jun 10, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Ort

That is a very good observation. The one I have noticed is regarding schools where in news reports parents and students are said “to be glad schools are closed as it is best to be safe”. Perhaps that is true but somehow to me it has a false ring to it.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 11, 2020 12:15 PM

Yeah and locking down old people in old folks homes with untrained staff is just cruel, we didn’t get old by accident.

Jun 12, 2020 4:00 AM

I dare say the woman, Van Kerkhove, looks like an overly serious ghost, a ghostly city, office and elite meetings dweller, perhaps too much artificial light and unhealthy air from lab environments too, seems she needs lots of more sunshine. Lots of lack of life, vitality and sunshine to lighten up these elites… It seems they want to extract the life, vitality and sunshine from the general people too. Many many levels managerial classes we are subject to today, they are everywhere, vampiring and parasitizing in many ways.

Jun 9, 2020 11:30 PM

So if my math is right this puts dying OF covid on par with death by hornet, wasp, and bee stings 1 in ~50,000.

Jun 10, 2020 12:59 AM
Reply to  LuckyLui

And for those under age 60 chances of dying OF covid is 1 in ~230,000, where death by lightning is 1 in ~180,000 for context.

The Walrus
The Walrus
Jun 9, 2020 11:23 PM

98.3% of deaths in Massachusetts had underlying conditions.

Jun 9, 2020 9:30 PM

In the beginning of March I was unwell for a week with gastro problems, so had to self isolate. Following that I still felt washed out and needed a sick note. My GP over the phone reckoned that because I had ‘something like this at this time’ it was caused by Sars-Cov-2. Unfortunately, he said, I couldn’t be offered a test. When my sick note arrived it said Covid-19. o it was official, I had Covid-19. Even if I possibly didn’t. It was on the books, adding to the numbers.
I may well have had the virus but it was the readiness of the medical professional to officially diagnose Covid-19 without any proof when really with a new virus like this you would want any proof you can get to be able to tie particular symptoms to it. But this is just my own non-scientific opinion.
Soon after that my cat developed a cough, among other ailments, and I took him to the vet (which entailed a lot of complicated social distancing where they picked my cat up from the car and later brought him back out again). The consultation happened over the phone. The vet asked if I wanted my cat’s blood tested for Covid-19. When I expressed surprise at the availability of the test my vet explained that they were able to test pets for it until they’d be told that the tests would be needed for people. And here I was thinking that there weren’t any tests available! .. (My cat tested negative, he was given an antibiotic and the cough cleared up).
Now volunteers are already signing up for a Sars-Cov-2 vaccine trial, when it normally takes much longer to develop vaccines.
GPs are paid for every vaccine they have someone (themselves or a nurse) administer to patients on their books.
And so the story unfolds .. none of us know all the answers about the novel Corona virus affair (yet) and maybe we’ll never know it all. Except our politicians. They have an answer for everything, no matter how far fetched it may be.

Free 723
Free 723
Jun 10, 2020 12:21 AM
Reply to  whatever

“Vaccines” are something of a basic intelligence test. If you voluntarily have such injected into your body, then it’s sad to say that you have failed that test. With 20% of recipients of the new Moderna “coronavirus vaccine” suffering “serious injury” the odds are not looking that good for whatever new poisonous cocktails are being brewed up this year:
comment image

Jun 10, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  Free 723

Free723, I was merely pointing out another inconsistency. whatever

Jun 10, 2020 2:30 AM
Reply to  whatever

The test wouldn’t have helped prove your contagious status anyway.
To date the only test used is unacceptably inaccurate. Frankly the whole corona pandemic narrative is nonsense without an accurate method to accrue data. Nearly all “THE Science” is bogus reliant on a faulty method of testing.
It makes you wonder on the veracity of Spanish flu claims by “THE Scientists” asserting 50 million deaths. Less we forget this whole lockdown is based on spanish flu fear mongering despite “THE Scientists” telling us its not flu. Thou I wager a good many people dying “with” cv19 Died of flu, most had probably been vaccinated!

Jun 10, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Objective

50 million deaths caused by a destructive cult spreading panic. it is easy to tell what happened after their rerun attempt. in sardinia there was caves where people with flu were sent. guess they died of cold n rain, hunger, abandonment, terror etc.

Richard Son
Richard Son
Jun 13, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  whatever

I’ve been suffering from nasty dental issues fro months. I finally lost patience the other day and decided to add some pressure onto the inhuman medical establishment: I called the dental practice to ask for help. The person that called me back was a dentist, and we both knew from the start that I was not going to be seen any time soon, or given an appointment. Despite that, the first thing they asked was if I had coronavirus, followed by a couple more questions that amounted to the same thing. They were obviously following a script. I was in pain at the time and not in the mood so I didn’t think to ask them why they asked those questions and why they thought I would be calling a dentist if I had flu symptoms.
Dehumanisation, episode 999.

Jun 9, 2020 9:22 PM

But OffG, you are ignoring the 3.1 million Europeans saved by lockdowns and social distancing as reported by Ferguson, Gates et al in this “accelerated article preview” in Nature – it’s Imperial College modelling so it must be accurate 😉

Jun 10, 2020 2:35 AM
Reply to  Novicurious

Oops down thumbed you by accident, i do apologize.
Funny how this total garbage ‘mystical’ fortune telling misinformation unscientific model has made it into all mainstream media outlets. How does one report disinformation to 77 brigade?

Jun 9, 2020 8:00 PM

just turned on the telly to check tomorrow’s weather and all i find is live George Floyd funeral on both sky and bbc – WTF???????????????
watch this instead

Jun 9, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

My house mate said the counterfeit money part of this is Zionist symbolism for the financial crash and the robbing of the poor of the rich by the fed. It’s a great metaphor when you analyse it more and see the motifs being placed subconsciously on this 2020 paper trail. It’s like a Hitchcock psychological hidden meaning played out in real life.

Jun 9, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  bob

Candace ‘owens’ Floyd Big time.

Jun 9, 2020 7:45 PM

the support the present regime has had from both sky tv and the bbc has had a major effect in co-opting the great british public into its covid psyop:
not only do we need to remove the regime but the whole of the uncivil service including sedwill but the media and all the businesses that are supporting this tyranny – a small job , maybe take 30 minutes then we can go back to our usual gardening and drinking a nice cuppa tea ………… and maybe travelling this planet of OURS without the help of kay burleyhuman :0)

Jun 9, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  bob

global radio owns most of the uk radio stations
it is a zionist front at the moment 80% of advertising revenue stream is the westminster dolphin square regime
one big satanic circle jerk

Jun 9, 2020 7:43 PM

Third R–, Third Way–, Third World, Third Wave. Fourth World, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Fourth R–.
Have I put too fine a point on it? I don’t like to be unsubtle but you will find that not only are the same people involved who promoted the ‘Third’ variant… they don’t even try too hard to disguise the naming convention. And need I point out that words like Agenda are cover words, euphemisms, as in Agenda 21, 2030 those are just place holders, soft targets, contracts but undated? You are being asked to interrogate those naming conventions. You are asked and if you do not reply, your consent will be assumed. Legally.
And when someone named E de R, talks about the “World Wilderness Concept” and goes on to say to a select, invite-only audience of some of the most savvy, connected and informed people in the world that “it is of paramount important to find ways and means of finding and promoting this rationale, there are ways and means of putting this concept into effect”… that he is not talking about the wilderness.
Please watch the George Hunt video. It was made in 1992. I know there are people of all ages who proudly declare they don’t read last year’s academics or watch B&W movies as “that’s old”… I do not agree that good analysis or good cinema goes out of date. /sarc smiley

Jun 10, 2020 3:20 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This causes me personally great distress & conflict!
On the one hand it is evident with overwhelming evidence we as a species are consuming natural resources at such an alarming rate, the planet can not replenish itself. That will only have one outcome, its not going to end well for any species, those at the top have the furthest to fall.
On the other the globalist agenda weaponizing environmental & ecological concerns is & will do nothing to mitigate against the damage we collectively as a species are doing. Where & when they use pseudo-science to manage & control nature whilst subverting natural process mostly for their “elites” profits.
We are entering the begining of the end of a culture war, were one side use terror to instill fear & the other sticks its head in a optimistic sand pit with overly confident attitude to ecological sustainability.
No one is addressing the real problems with OBJECTIVE solutions. We do have to change our relationship with the natural world. But I offer no solutions that’s for better men than me.

Jun 11, 2020 8:17 AM
Reply to  Objective

are consuming natural resources

I would argue it is the Corporations that are driving us to consume so much !!! I don’t need all that packaging on various things that was used for the past 40-50 yrs. that then landed in landfills once something was opened. Corporations made it so. I would gladly return bottles and containers once I drank my milk or beer. BUT NO, corporations did not want it that way. There is a endless list of such observations

Jun 11, 2020 8:50 AM
Reply to  Tom_12

That’s a cop out!
Always some one elses fault? Don’t get me wrong capitalism drives growth in consumption, but we all consume it & we are collectively responsible for habitat destruction.

Jun 13, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Objective

Humanity was enslaved by breaking our relationship with the natural world… this was a long term project involving abrahamic religion ( Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and then Science, the religion of the NWO. The lockdown worked with minimal resistance because the religion is very widely adopted. To pretend to be intelligent, sorry, that should be “smart” all you have to do is to claim to be scientifically informed. It’s very easy to join the new religion. So now we have countless people who never studied science but unquestionably believe the “experts” on life and health. Bill Gates made Windows and everyone uses Windows, ergo Bill Gates is very smart , must be a scientist. “Scientists said” is all the media needs to say to get blind faith.
I think that by undoing the narratives and removing the practices that broke our relationship with the natural world, we could come to a better world… but also that there are no objective solutions because this is a vicious circle of perpetual and mutually reinforced illusions. Most people cannot see beyond putting food on the table and their domestication / dehumanisation programs and don’t really care about the natural world or indeed “human rights” beyond maybe writing well meaning posts or parroting slogans on their “social” media. To change our relationship with the natural world is THE solution but it requires an awakened and liberated consciousness … and that doesn’t tend to happen en masse. The only thing to do in my current view is work on yourself, stay healthy, help others live with less pain/ fear if you can, communicate your truth and live and die with dignity.

Jun 13, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  Almondson

I think it all started to go tits up for biodiversity when we started rubbing 2 sticks together. But the moment we started to subvert natural process our fate was sealed.

Jun 13, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Objective

There are no objective solutions because this is a vicious circle of mutually reinforced illusions. Humanity was enslaved because our relationship with the natural world was broken by Abrahamic religions and then Science, the religion of the NWO.

Jun 13, 2020 4:57 PM
Reply to  Almondson

Sadly i’ve always known there is no solution, its a simple toss up either civilisation collapses first or biodiversity does, either way humanity is screwed.

Jun 11, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Wow !!!!
Amazing how far back this goes !!! Billionares at a Environmental meeting 🙁

Jun 9, 2020 7:33 PM

Also you might find these reports interesting as well?
People with asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 are not the driving force behind the spread of the coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.
Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said during a press conference on Monday that it is “very rare” for asymptomatic people to widely spread coronavirus.
and Link
“The global supply of a potential coronavirus vaccine being developed at Oxford University has been doubled to 2 billion after a deal including $US750 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”
A completely unproven vaccine as you will read. No matter 2 billion doses will do for starters

Jun 9, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  Penny

Her “superiors” in the WHO forced Van Kerkhove to recant today. Now she says asymptomatic transmission is “a big, open question.” In Canada, the website of our loyal state broadcaster (CBC) is reporting the story after predictably neglecting to report her original comments yesterday. Of course no comments are allowed on the article.

Jun 10, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  kevin

Hey Kevin:
Of course the CBC would report the recant, but, not the original statement
I’m in Canada and call the CBC- Canadian Bullsh*t Corporation
(gotta stay on the fear message- how else to get the jump on selling a second wave?)

Jun 9, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Penny

Earlier today I came across this report at another site. I think it’s worth sharing a post by an appropriately enraged and disgusted commenter, and my reply– it’s relevant to both your comment and Kevin’s reply:
“Watching the truth about this virus come out now is like watching a drunk driver timidly admit he was drunk after he totaled his car, seriously damaged several other cars, and injured or killed a few pedestrians. Too late.” — Saint Jimmy (Russian American)
My reply: It’s reprehensible and insidious, and all the worse because even the belated truth of these revelations doesn’t have the force or reach to set us free of the Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative and its draconian New Abnormal consequences.
Just as an aside, to extend your drunk driver metaphor, it’s entirely possible that the culprit will recant or “clarify” that admission against interest if it’s used against them– possibly claiming that they were drunk when they made the admission of guilt. 😉
And notice that these would-be damning admissions are nicely folded back into the plandemic narrative. They don’t appear to function as a deterrent to the emerging totalitarian tracking and tracing regime, on the grounds that even apparent “good news” is used as a rationale for requiring more “research and data”, i.e. surveillance.
Also, my cynical guess is that every revelation that the lockdown, etc. regime was at best a panic-driven overreaction based on spurious “science” will be resisted by the chain of control-freak pissant politicians, public-health officials, and administrators. It’s obvious that they are either so gratified, and/or terrified, by driving the Plandemic New Abnormal Express that their iron boot is keeping the pedal to the metal.
To switch metaphors, if their “spell” is broken, and it becomes obvious to the beleaguered and bemused public that these tyrants recklessly caused a lot of unnecessary social grief and “collateral damage”, they won’t be heroes any more. They’ve put all their career eggs in the plandemic basket, so they can’t risk the bottom falling out.
So, they will downplay the cumulative evidence that their COVID tyranny is misguided and destructive. It’s easy to imagine the state Gauleiters and their Ministers of Health hypocritically applauding reports that seem to diminish the severity of the Virus of Doom, while simultaneously remaing in Stern Parent mode: insisting that the public must avoid irrational exhuberance, and, as noted, using the “obviously more research and data is needed” disclaimer to continue to enforce the draconian response because “better safe than sorry”.

Jun 9, 2020 7:29 PM

Hey All!
Are any of you listeners of Legalise Freedom?
There have been some great interviews here, absolutely worth listening to, covering the Covidinsanity- Including his latest with
Frank Furedi Also the one with Paul Levy is excellent as well

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jun 9, 2020 7:22 PM

So, the WHO announced that the spread of COVID-19 by those who are asymptomatic is very rare. I suspect that they either understood this all along or are simply declaring it because it suits their purposes of the moment. Those who are not ill in any stage do not spread disease. It’s an understanding for which no notion of questioning would have arisen prior to the discovery of microbes and which overrides the materialistic germ theory.
They shall let us frolic in the summertime, lest we grow too much in discontent (and so everything won’t come completely crashing down, which would suit nobody’s agenda. It will not interfere with their further plans.)
Then, come autumn, amidst the withering of the leaves, the people will be served with warnings of ominous peril, and they will be herded, and inoculated.
It can’t be money anymore, in this case, that the Masters are after. The situation has spiraled out beyond that. They might or might not, as it turns out, obtain much profit. At this point it’s the fulfillment of the plan, because their status and credibility totally ride on it. Resisting the unnecessary, dangerous, and possibly futile vaccine is the most important battle you will fight in your lifetime because widespread successful resistance will make the Elite fail. Having one’s personal sovereignty violated by a mandatory invasive medical procedure is an abrogation of liberty that I would not have thought possible in modern liberal democracies.
Is this scenario alarmist and hyperbolic? I wish it were so, but there’s nowhere near enough information to create that kind of assurance.

Jun 9, 2020 8:03 PM

“So, the WHO announced that the spread of COVID-19 by those who are asymptomatic is very rare. I suspect that they either understood this all along or are simply declaring it because it suits their purposes of the moment.”
Or possibly it was an unsubstantiated claim all along? That they may or may not have known about? Was it the WHO that made this claim originally or was it the fear mongering media?
I don’t know- It seemed to me the idea came from the media to up the fear, but, I could be mistaken

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jun 9, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  Penny

That’s a good point to bring up.

Jun 11, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Penny

I don’t know- It seemed to me the idea came from the media to up the fear, but, I could be mistaken

Media is owned and follows the orders of the owners. The owners are part of the Elite. So all are on the same page.

Jun 9, 2020 8:15 PM

I think this plan is coming at us from many sides. It just goes back so far.. this has been discussed since 1910 in one variant or another. It is all consistent. The only question is what triggered it at this point – did the WWF, Unesco, UNCED, Agenda 21 crowd get impatient, was Prince Charles getting urgent, is this a parting gift to his father, was the tension between the dollar, gold and crypto unsustainable, did the looting of government and bank bailouts finally push the economy over the edge (✓)?
Whatever the trigger, what’s happened is consistent with too many published plans, like Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 LockStep document and, in the past week, WEF has come out with The Great Reset: How the world can ‘reset’ itself after COVID-19 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond.
This claims action unspecified is required immediately because “the inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems – from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever.” The very lack of specifics is a giveaway. What precisely is exposed? What is the nature of this emergency Mr Karl Swamp has called from his grotto in Davos? https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/
No need to listen to any more dummkopfs with opportunist or random incompetence explanations.
Things to Come 1936 – HG WELLS


Jun 9, 2020 8:17 PM

i think they must be on the backfoot n trying to salvage what they can of the belief in the virus. time to press the advantage home i suppose.

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 11, 2020 8:19 AM

“Those who are not ill in any stage do not spread disease. It’s an understanding for which no notion of questioning would have arisen prior to the discovery of microbes and which overrides the materialistic germ theory”
No this is actually very wrong.
in the world of viruses asymptomathic spreaders do very much exist. People who have hiv, hep b, hpv etc might never ever get ill and live and die from other causes but very much spread the viruses if they don’t know they have it. My best friend is hep b carrier for the last 20 years found out from a routine blood test and never oncegot ill, her liver tests are veey normal but she has a virus load and if blood containation happens the person will very much get hep b from her

walter hewitt
walter hewitt
Jun 9, 2020 7:15 PM

Who wrote this report? I’m trying to confirm it’s source and [email protected] is giving me the run around sending me to nhs scotland. Oh and the Microsoft Excel download has now changed it’s source address to nhs england. Can anyone clarify this situation?

Jun 10, 2020 12:22 AM
Reply to  walter hewitt

Hopefully this helps. It opens at the home page where you can access the table featuring the figures in this OffG article.
Scroll down the front page and click on the link to: Covid19 all announced deaths…weekly tables. Then click on Table 3 for the relevant page.

walter hewitt
walter hewitt
Jun 10, 2020 1:34 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

I know that because I can read…. What I want to know is where the article came from? Who wrote it? And where’s the link to an NHS site? 95 per cent is an extrordinary claim. Prove it now. Please.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 10, 2020 2:06 AM
Reply to  walter hewitt

1) don’t be aggressively unpleasant to other commenters taking time to help you
2) the numbers are RIGHT THERE in the table, which is taken from the linked NHS website. 27,045 deaths. 1,318 with no comorbidities.
1,318 is 4.85% of 27,045.
Use a calculator if it helps.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 6:59 PM

So what are you saying? “If you have an existing condition, too bad, just catch it and die?”
“If you have an existing condition, just stay locked up while all the rest of get on with our lives”?
“And meanwhile we will continue to stoke the old capitalist system so we can guzzle, drink and shag ourselves into oblivion. PS Good luck with the undertaker if you have an existing condition, or maybe are over 70. I hear the Co-op are good.”
Is that really your line, or have you just not explained it properly?
You say: “Implicit in this is the possibility that these diseases were the actual cause of death, and that Covid19 played no direct role at all.” So explain why deaths are being reported as being (latest I heard) 50,000 over normal. Is someone making these figures ‘over normal’ up, or are you just in a world of your own? 

Jun 9, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Actually those that quote the supposed “ONS defined true Covid deaths” are quite simply guessing at the number of extra deaths over the official figures. However, those that embrace this fail to state that the official Covid figures have been overstated due to the true causes of death. Now you can come out with all sorts MSM induced brainwashing defense but unless heart disease and pneumonia have mysteriously being cured then the official figures are far too high. Then there’s manslaughter by incompetance : decanting the elderly with diagnosed Covid from hospitals to care homes…….FFS you could not make up this incompetance in a movie for it to be believable.
Taking everything into account then you end up with “your” 50000 being the “lets scare people witless” approach so they become compliant. Social distancing is a guess by arrogant experts who can’t admit to not knowing it has never been studied and proved. Masks were proved BEFORE covid to be of no use in protecting the wearer and yet the brainwashed continue to defned this course of action and hang out of windows on thursdays at 8pm to applaud the situation they are……..welcome to North Korea.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  yorkshirelad

Perhaps with these great insights you should approach the government for an official post? Because if they are guessing, so are you. Unless the government are much more shameless liars than I thought they were, (and that’s taking Cummings into account), they can’t reduce the normal figures for heart disease and pneumonia to increase the numbers of Covid deaths – it just would be too obvious to the statisticians – and they are not all government stooges. It just is not feasible, except in the sort of visions where lizards rule the word. My take is that there is a lot of wishful thinking involved in this subject. 
As for the manslaughter by incompetence – yes – you are absolutely right there, but that does not alter the general analysis.
And tell us – how does the government benefit from shutting down the economy? People are not being ‘scared witless’and becoming more compliant – they are becoming less compliant. Instead the witless are taking to the beaches to scare those with pre-existing illnesses.
Social distancing has in fact been studied and proved – extensive tests of how far moisture from breathing travels both with and without masks has been carried out.
What I get from your position is a commitment to an Ayn Rand style individualistic ‘freedom’ to do as you like, with no consideration for anyone else. But please correct me if I’m wrong in that.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Social distancing has in fact been studied and proved

I find it very interesting that you know this, as Professor Yvonne Doyle of Public Health England is ignorant of it. She testified before the House of Commons Select Committee Science and Technology on 22 May and was asked specifically about the scientific basis for the two metre social distancing rule. She told the Committee: the precautionary principle. So, perhaps, you could cite the empirical studies that you are referring to?

Humble Bum
Humble Bum
Jun 9, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

The word used is “comorbidity”, athletes feet, a squint, bad breath, dandruff etc would not count.
Compounding the death toll, the government removed the treatment of those sick and old who were in hospital to die in care homes. Then, guess what, these 10s of thousands of deaths were covidised. 
The death toll “over-normal” has been above 80000 at times, so it is not really that unusual. The numbers did spike after lockdown was prosecuted when the numbers were dropping…go figure why…

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  Humble Bum

“Covidised” – is that a new procedure? And you’re saying that a death toll ‘over normal’ has been over 80,000 at times. When was that – during the ‘Black Death’? Some more detail required here from you.

Jun 9, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Excess winter deaths England and Wales 2017-18: >49,000. And that doesn’t include Scotland and Northern Ireland; deaths caused by killing off old people in care homes with and without ‘Covid19’; deaths resulting from cancelled treatments for other illnesses; deaths of people reluctant to go to hospital after the onset of serious medical symptoms; deaths of people who lose the will to live or neglect themselves whilst self-isolating; or iatrogenic deaths amongst ‘Covid19’ patients.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
Jun 10, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  Humble Bum

What’s your source for 80,000 excess deaths? This site shows 40,883 UK deaths as of 9 June 2020. If 95% of them cannot safely be said to have been caused by SARS-CoV-2, there are going to be other explanations for those deaths, especially seeing as no autopsies are being performed in the UK, as I understand it. One of the explanations for these excess deaths is how care homes were treated. Here’s a quote from the British Medical Journal:

At a briefing hosted by the Science Media Centre on 12 May [David Spiegelhalter] explained that, over the past five weeks, care homes and other community settings had had to deal with a “staggering burden” of 30 000 more deaths than would normally be expected, as patients were moved out of hospitals that were anticipating high demand for beds.

Of those 30 000, only 10 000 have had covid-19 specified on the death certificate. While Spiegelhalter acknowledged that some of these “excess deaths” might be the result of underdiagnosis, “the huge number of unexplained extra deaths in homes and care homes is extraordinary. When we look back … this rise in non-covid extra deaths outside the hospital is something I hope will be given really severe attention.”

By way of very revealing contrast, Japan had no lockdown but has suffered only 916 deaths in a population of around 126 million souls. UK population is around half that. And there is mounting evidence that neither children nor asymptomatic ‘carriers’ are infectious, withdrawn scientific papers from The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine that fraudulently claimed hydroxychloroquine was a dangerous, even deadly drug, while good science and usage of the drug in combination with zinc shows clearly how effective it is against covid19.
All in all, we have no reason to continue the lockdown, anywhere on earth. As to why governments are continuing with this, please see the plethora or reports coming out about how this lockdown is a great opportunity for a sorely needed economic reset, from the World Economic Forum, IMF, and even our very own Prince Charles. Add the very powerful motivation to not admit that the lockdown was a grotesque mistake to this suddenly admitted need for the economy to be radically changed, and you have your explanation.
There are of course other factors, but that lot is a good start.

Jun 9, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

increased deaths have been expected for decades. gcse gegraphy as the baby boomers get old there would obviously be death boom following a baby boom. the media terror campaign n increased vitamin d deficiency could quite easily have accelerated things.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  rachel

Jeez – Geezabrek. Statistics are derived from a percentage of the existing population. Even if the population rises, the percentages should still be consistent.

Jun 10, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

No they wouldn’t.
If every woman of child bearing age had a child this year, the population would shoot up and and the death rate as a percentage would decline.
This is because different age groups contribute different absolute amounts to the total number of deaths. In an aging population, eventually the death rate percentages would increase as the population hits the tipping point for decreasing.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 10, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Apologies to Rachel then – you’re right.

Jun 9, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  rachel

thats right genocide n it makes no difference if it was deliberate or not. i do fail to see how anyone with even basic knowledge of health could accept the idea without some years of research. couse there is prison populations. the negative health effects are well known. lockdown could have caused millions ofdeaths,depends how quickly we turn things around. we need land 4 food gardening not lockdowns.

Jun 9, 2020 6:22 PM

When commenting in the Guardian one needs to keep changing accounts because they keep deleting, perfectly reasonable comments or moderating ones accounts, rendering them unusable, if one is not ‘on-message’ or repeating the party line.
Then the Guardian uses the excuse that you have ‘changed accounts’ for deleting you forever more. It is a bit like being charged and sentenced to life imprisonment for resisting arrest. whilst being arrested for jaywalking. It’s a very unfair American flavoured response.
Off guardian are starting to do the same; I have never doubted that they and the guardian are part of the same dark organisation, but they are starting to moderate my comments for no good reason. I can only guess that my critical comments on the USA is what is upsetting, them, that in itself is revealing.
I object to this only because they claim to be different not because they do it, this is what i expect in a tyranny. But be warned they are not no your side.

Jun 9, 2020 6:36 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

‘These’ sort of comments are interesting. First they introduce something useful and true, and then they add a lie or a distortion.

The way I read comments like ‘these’ is to judge it on the weakest argument, not the strongest.

So you understand the downvote.

Jun 9, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

join us do
join us
ressist yes eye no spelling and all that
no matter
it’s futile
winston or is it danny
banana party @8
room 232
101 dolphin square
james obrien and the global mossad radio crew will mpeg 4 you
for ever and ever and ever

Jun 9, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

In what way are they moderating your comments? I’ve seen these claims several times, mostly related to posts not showing. This has been seen to be down to server load errors and various guards like anti-DDOS and anti-man in the middle attack software. I’ve seen this happen to my own submissions.
I very strongly doubt that any moderation is occuring given some of the stuff they do let through.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Yes. My position too – bad luck or bad timing rather than malice. This applies to most things.

Jun 10, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

They let arsebiscuits carry on posting, despite every one containing the word c**t about 20 times and warning him on each occasion.
Although that can be a tactic of the Guardian to leave the genuinely offensive stuff behind and delete the reasoned detractors, so who knows?

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 10, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Well, they seem to have deleted all his invective aimed at me, so I can’t really say anything relevant about this.

Jun 10, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Maybe they did start deleting his stuff. I remember a few months back he was getting constant warnings without deletions.

Jun 10, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

My mistake, I was thinking of Crispy. Apologies to arsebiscuits…

Jun 10, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

I assume that’s you, Kimmy, voting me down. Not that I’m usually bothered by such things as we’re all entitled to opinions nevermind clicking up and down arrows.
However, I asked a simple question: how are they moderating you? If you can’t answer that, then how is anyone supposed to take the claim seriously? If OffG are censoring, I’d like to know, because it is something that would cause me to stop funding them as I consider free speech a higher ideal than agreeing with everything that I see.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jun 9, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

Just saying, cries of censorship are a tactic employed by the halfwits in the 77th brigade and their ilk.
Why not address the article and about how this alleged bollocks of a virus is not the deadly virus the propagandists make it out to be and how the halfiwts in the 77th brigade and their ilk have no idea what it is they are actually advocating..because if they stopped for just a moment to consider why they are being employed to be here and start asking serious questions not only about this coronavirus bollocks but their actual input in keeping the lies going then maybe there is some hope for them but as it goes, cretinous people with shit for brains.

walter hewitt
walter hewitt
Jun 9, 2020 10:41 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Ok lets address the article…. Who wrote it? Why doesn’t the link provided ([email protected]) prove it’s from NHS? It’s a PDF. This article has been up for several hours in the meantime it’s source has been changed to NHS england. The author is stated as Lara Dearing. Who is she? Only asking.

Jun 10, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  walter hewitt

I click on the link and it opens an excel spreadsheet. I copy the link and it is, verbatim: https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/COVID-19-total-announced-deaths-3-June-2020-weekly-tables.xlsx
So what exactly is your problem here? Of course the spreadsheet may have nothing to do with NHS England and they’re just hosting it on their domain for a laugh but it is certainly from where it says it is from.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

I can tell you that ‘off-G’ are not doing censoring – despite lots of provocation from various (opposing) sources, including me.
The Guardian though certainly do, anytime the come across criticism of Israel, criticism of the Guardian, or any sort of real criticism of the Neo-con ideology that they sponsor.

Jun 9, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

the redesign is a classic tell
even at a benign level it is a form of censor
think of the trillions 100s of trillions stolen since 9 and 11
at this stage everything and anything is purchased taken over or being processed.
while we are slow 5g cooking
being stripped of electrons
even vitamin d production is not possible on a sunny day

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  gordon


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 9, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

We all should avoid the temptation to vent. You might be mightily pissed off — you and many others — but you should try to resist adding to the noise by asking yourself “Is my post really contributing anything useful to the discussion?” before hitting that Post Comment button.
Off-G is a wonderful resource but it is in danger of becoming just another home for the latest conspiracy theories.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 10, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Yes. Agreed.

Jun 9, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

Laughable attempt at ” countering disinformation ” …. lower rank 77th twooper stuff.

Jun 9, 2020 5:56 PM

latest from the house of lords
SPI-B members giving evidence to STC of House of Lords. @SusanMichie on the importance of ISOLATION, which is omitted in the NHS Test & Trace. Safe household isolations are simply impossible in many households. Together with hospital & care home infections they fuel the epidemic.
So families/ households fuel the epidemic (sic) so keep them apart – who are these people?

Jun 11, 2020 8:48 AM
Reply to  bob

Parrots of Fear !!!

kevin king
kevin king
Jun 9, 2020 5:53 PM

Yes well as I keep on saying the virus doesn’t exist so of course the numbers will always be wrong. What these criminals have done and what they have been doing for the last 20 plus years is to use the PCR test to claim they have ‘isolated’ the virus. Of course they have done nothing of the sort. Neither have they proven the virus is infectious, causes the symptoms they claim it does and also prove it is transmissible. They may claim to have done these things but once you actually read any of the papers you will realise they haven’t. They never will. Germ theory is not even wrong.

Jun 9, 2020 5:24 PM

I have to post this with a warning – that it could seriously damage your health – maybe more than covid!!
at 11.0am MPs stood for a minutes silence for the 5 times gaoled George Floyd (but the cabinet apparently didn’t)
this is what we have pretending to run the country

Jun 9, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  bob

I always thought it absurd and sad the way the ancient Egyptians used to deface their monuments to eradicate a ‘bad’ pharaoh reign, but I see we haven’t evolved much is 5,000 years.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  muffin

So you think a statue of someone who made a fortune out of the ruination, or murder or rape or near genocide of other people should stay up to perpetuate his/her memory? Maybe we should start erecting memorials to Chingis Khan, Hitler, Jack the Ripper etc too? Try to think this through, from a position of empathy towards those who were wronged, rather than those who rose to the top through evil behaviour. And in addition, it’s not as if the statue which now lies in Bristol harbour had any great redeeming artistic value (which you might be able to claim in the case of some of the Pharaohs).

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 9, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Bit of a thuggish way to go about it though. But it’s also the kind of tokenism that can be used by the power elite as a sub for real change. Interesting that the cops were told to stand down and let it happen.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:01 PM

It wasn’t described as ‘thuggish’ by the establishment when the relevant populations were tearing down statues of Saddam or Stalin. That was ‘showing their freedom`’
But yes, it has to be followed up by sustained and continuous pressure to get real change. The Democrats in the US have begun with the token stuff already, but I don’t think that many are fooled by it. Maybe though, if they take one step back, they may have to take another. Time will tell. Getting the UK tories to do anything will be a harder sell.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 9, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Actually and possibly tellingly wasn’t the toppling of Saddam’s statue later shown to be a photo op organised by the US?

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:29 PM

Not aware, but wouldn’t be surprised.

Jun 10, 2020 2:54 AM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

What do you mean not aware?
The Iraqi, Saddam statue, pull down was a massive propaganda PR move. I remember watching it live, it was my instant conclusion! & i thought who set that up?
Why were statues of slave traders EVER erected is a valid debate as is WHY did they invade & occupy Iraq.
It wasn’t for the benefit of Iraqis. And this shit isn’t going to benefit disadvantaged people of any color.
That’s the benefit of remembering history, we learn from it, we don’t learn anything if we willfully forget it. But Floyd will be forgotten in a few months the consequences of this political opportunism never will.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 10, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Objective

I was aware of the statue being pulled down, and it’s a reasonable assumption that it was a set-up – I just haven’t seen any documented proof. That’s what I mean by “not aware”

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Saddam Hussein’s statue was toppled by US Marines.

Jun 10, 2020 4:07 PM

I’d be rather more impressed if they actually held the people for Iraq I/II, Libya and Yemen accountable. Wars, held under false pretense, that have led to over a million deaths and actual modern day slavery.
Apparently no one gives a shit about that.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 10, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Don’t hold your breath for that. The only ‘war criminals’ who end up in the dock are the ones from poor countries like Serbia who don’t have the power to resist.

Jun 9, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  bob

global radio who own most of the radio stations in the uk had a 1 min silence today all over the uk for george
zion babylon has taken over
everything is borged and in lockstep

Jun 9, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  gordon

we no longer have an elected government in the uk – the un and the who and bill gates etc are now in control of the british government – sovereignty is a thing of the past – this is a coup d’etat by unknown artists who are anti-democratic and anti-human

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  gordon

Maybe be a bit more obscure – I understood a little of that.

Jun 9, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  bob

I don’t recall such a mark of respect in Parliament for Jean Charles de Menezes, Iain Tomlinson, Anthony Grainger, Olaseni Lewis, Kingsley Burrell….the list goes on, and all of which deemed unlawful killings. All at the hands of the compassionate British police and each of which no doubt led to proclamations of ‘lessons have been learned’.
Here is a recent example of our wonderful caring boys in blue acting in everyone’s interests by recklessly and dangerously (in a petrol station!) deploying a Taser when it clearly wasn’t necessary. Thankfully he survived. Had he died it may well have triggered a national outcry but I don’t for one minute imagine that MPs would have held a minute’s silence. Hypocrites and frauds nearly every one of them.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Don’t you know that Johnston has said that the UK is not racist? Therefore of course it must be – but getting them to admit it? Its will be a long hard struggle. The institutions never want to admit their flaws – if racism can be called anything smiled as a ‘flaw’

Jun 9, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I was about to snarkily observe that it’s a shame that Parliament (and other esteemed deliberative bodies, e.g. the Congress of the United States) couldn’t spare a minute of silence for Julian Assange.
But then I realized that this is quite wrong– not because Assange is still nominally among the living, but because these august conclaves have commemorated Assange with month upon month of silence.

Jun 10, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

They deployed a taser in a petrol station?
If not for the obvious loss of or severe injury to innocent life, I would have really like to see that in the Darwin Awards. It may be worth an honoury mention regardless.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:31 PM
Reply to  bob

You know what they say about scum . . . 

Jun 9, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  bob

Pity George didn’t just drive off high on his meth and fentanyl amd run someone over instead and just be a statistic he was bound to be than this fake outrage garbage circuses his dead Spirit has enraged the planet with.
He was probably on the way to a porn shoot

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Lots of scum here too, of course – racist scum at that.

Jun 9, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Nice projection.
I’d say your a bully.
Behind it all your bitter.
Obviously can’t take a joke either.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 9, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Let’s not descend into totally content-free ad hom please.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:40 PM

OK – no more, even if provoked.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

If that’s your idea of a joke, maybe you could arrange to get your own throat stood on for ten minutes, get it video taped and mailed to your own family. I’m sure they would get the joke.

Jun 9, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

Well yeah I’ll Rob a woman’s house first and hold a gun to her stomach and become a known felon in my locality also, the lifestyle of a criminal put him in that situation. Now he’s a saint?
The joke is on you of you fall for that mass psychosis.

Jun 10, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Crime pays, he was buried in a gold coffin!

Jun 10, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell
Paul too
Paul too
Jun 10, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

As in the UK or OffG?

Jun 9, 2020 5:13 PM

We are seeing incalculable damage to children. The Lizards that run the UK (I won’t say monkeys because I’ll fall foul of racism with respect to some MP or other – so thank you, DAVID ICKE, lizards it is)… The UK lizards are rowing back their decision to open all schools.
The problem is not just the lost weeks and months of schooling but the loss of routine, of families getting up and going to work, of all the small disciplines.
I saw this in ex-Communist countries where young employees lacked initiative because they’d never grown up with that example of motivated working mum or dad. “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us,” was the Soviet joke. That is where we’ll be heading before long. The fabric of society could prove brittle. We really don’t know how much disruption it will stand.
The lizards at the UN, WEF, WHO, Soros’ Openly National Socialist Society etc etc are behaving as hooligans. Creative destruction doesn’t work as “well let’s see what happens”.
Either the military-police state is ready to move in hard in the coming months to impose a plan that’s all ready to go, or the law of unintended consequences will come into play.
But all the objectives were revealed in the Unsaid Earth Summit 1992 (UNCED is pronounced unsaid) discussed below by George Washington Hunt 1939–2013. 

Jun 9, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Do you know what the UN is?
The UN is an organisation run by its member states, it can do nothing without their consent.
If there is any bias it comes from the USA which bank rolls and sponsors it, so as long as it bullies its members in the USA’s interests it will get funding.
But similar to the EU, the UN does not have the ability or the conscienceless to create its own policy. it is not a sentient organisation, it is a grouping of national states.

Jun 9, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  muffin

UN agencies like the World Bank and World Health Organization are controlled by the power elite, not member states.

Jun 9, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  kevin

You need to look at how the UN works because you are talking…………….

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 9, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Kimmy

Kimmy – “look at how the UN works” – you mean like this? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/mar/02/usa.iraq

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 9, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  kevin

kevin – we can add to that list of organizations “controlled by the power elite” – the OPCW (post Syria propaganda reporting), while both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch added themselves years ago shilling for American led and Western supported so called “regime-change” wars – read “illegal immoral invasions of sovereign nations posing no threat to the West.”
The EU of course simply rubber stamps whatever illegal crazy the U.S. happens to have in the pipeline at the moment from the assaults on Venezuela (appointing “random Guaido” as president & ruthless sanctions), Ukraine (right wing coup) and Honduras (right wing coup) – to the destruction of Libya and the attempted destruction of Syria in violation of international law.
While the list of nations now or once under siege and/or destroyed is of course endless – the reality in short is that our vaunted Western institutions and organizations are corrupted to their very core by the same Western imperialism and oligarchic interests that have plagued the planet for 500+ years now.

Jun 9, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  muffin

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” –Thomas Jefferson
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

Jun 9, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

id be more worried n kids being conditioned to fear social interaction, told to wear masks n other such medical abuse. children should never been sent to these types of abusers so daddy can be off shopping 4 cars n bimbos.

Jun 9, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us,” was the Soviet joke.

I like the joke. Certainly not Soviet anymore…

Jun 9, 2020 5:00 PM

Notice how Google are controlling the UK’s Covid app and have written the whole thing to serve their interests, as far as I know there is no US app. Anyone who downloads that shit needs to have their head examining, because retarded does not do it justice.

Jun 9, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Anyone who downloads that shit needs to have their head examined
fortunately, examining people’s heads is Goolag’s entire raison d’etre, so the necessary procedures are already well underway.

Jun 9, 2020 4:50 PM

The government are obviously well aware of these figures so now they are left with nothing to obscure the true nature of the agenda …

Jun 9, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Norbertrand

They will have known these figures, as long as I have, which is 3 months. That is the worrying thing. They knew which they were doing was wrong. So one needs to ask why they were doing it. My answer is the US told them to do it. And when the US tells the UK to do something, the UK does it.

Jun 9, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Who do you think is ‘the US’ in this case?
Trump … the CDC … Bill Gates … Big Pharma ?

Jun 9, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Norbertrand

I mean the military industrial Corporate complex, like any empire it has its elites. Gates is just a service provider, ordered around by the CIA no doubt, like google and Facebook are. I think blaming gate is just an absurd distraction.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jun 9, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Norbertrand

The International Jooz that run it.

kevin king
kevin king
Jun 9, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Muffin

I have known way before you little muffin. You see this trick has been pulled many times before to the exact same template. HIV/AIDS, ebola,swine flu (x2) etc. The secret to knowing well in advance that the numbers are always wrong is simple. Germ theory is wrong. Virus do not exist as exogenous particles that invade the body and cause disease. What the virologists have been observing are endogenous and a natural part of the biological processes within the body. So you see, as soon as I heard of the ‘corona virus’ I knew straight away no one had ever died from it and no one ever will.

Jun 9, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  kevin king

yes the goals r preety much what they have been promoting eg. tech medical doctors, contactless payment, tracking people. longer term probably genetics.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  kevin king

We are eagerly looking forward to your forthcoming book which will turn biological science on it’s head.

Jun 9, 2020 8:37 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

The book has already been written JD … it’s called “Bechamp or Pasteur” by Ethel Hume. It describes in detail how the battle between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory was waged. And as always financial interests prevailed.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  Norbertrand

OK – I’ll look it up. Thanks

Jun 9, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  kevin king

I feel that the mind-captured many, under a pathogenic-fear, support and feed a global protection racket, but finding the way to bring this into an integrative awareness is an art as well as a science. Because the belief is heavily defended AS a protection – unless already being brought into question.
We meet an actuality and we also meet a conflict of narratives modelling our life in our world. Something truly ‘happens’ but we have invested and defended narratives of ‘what happened’ that determine how we perceive and react to any situation.
So I note the false flag of pandemic diversion and cover story as the pretext from which a defence ‘lockdowns’ us, as a siege of ‘infection’ awaiting biotechnical saviours.
I am currently reading virus mania by Torsten Engelbrecht / Claus Köhnlein
It is extremely relevant to both the medical and corporate context of which covid is an other iteration. It is the reaction that is ‘novel’.
I also highly recommend Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts.
They are both clear and readable and supported by documented fact.
While a false flag can be set up to sow fear – it can also be assigned to cover for negative effects by causes that powerful interests seek to hide. 
I hold toxicity, malnutrition and poverty as the underlying vectors generally being hidden by ‘infectious diseases’. The toxic debts that pile up are not just in banker’s portfolios…
…Full post at

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Knowing what they were doing was wrong is a vast miscalculation of the UK government. Everything they do is by definition wrong, thats what they are in power for – to do the wrong thing, and help themselves to the wealth of the nation.

Jun 9, 2020 4:39 PM

I think one of the major problem in the British government is that they have weaponised all of their policies, whatever their policy is, it is implemented with massive vigour, across many platforms of, propaganda, censorship and ‘nudge’ mind control, so if the message is fundamentally wrong, it is still forced on the public with massive amounts of force and truth distortion, to make it seem right.
In this case they terrified the population into hysteria. In a way the government has become far too good at persuading it’s population to do as it is told, that it is fundamentally undemocratic and dictatorial.

Jun 9, 2020 4:31 PM

Simon Dolan, who is fighting an anti-lock down court case against the UK government, claims that during the whole episode only 260 people died from Covid who were under 65 or without serious preexisting conditions. So for the vast majority of the working population you stood next to zero chance of dying from this virus.

Jun 9, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Indeed. To pass the time I’ve been doing some DIY, which probably had more chance of killing me.

Jun 9, 2020 4:29 PM

This is a really good twitter thread
Charlotte works in the nhs and there’s a lot of info on her thread

Jun 9, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  bob

I would be very surprised if a private or state institution could not demand, as conditions of entry into a hospital or a train, the wearing of a face mask. I don’t see where the legal situation generally affects that. Except if it affects human rights and that would be a long legal case.

Jun 9, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  Muffin

consent is required 4 medical procedures. if its not a medical procedure what is it?

Jun 9, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Even if no institution demanded it you can bet your bottom dollar that the vigilante masses would shame anyone who didn’t, or worse.

Jun 9, 2020 4:27 PM

The figure in Italy was 99%, three months ago, and the mortality rate was shown to be 0.4% in Germany around the same time. I’ve known these figures for a long time now. The rate will be the same in the UK, except for the ones the UK murdered, but called Covid in the old peoples homes.

Because it was never based in fact, and was only a fabrication, to me this was clearly a demonstration of power by the US Empire, ordering it’s subject states to commit suicide. What we don’t appreciate is how desperate our leaders are to serve the USA and how much their futures & lives depend on it.

Since Operation Brexit the UK is now totally run from the US, even details of policy are identical. Just compare US and UK policy, you’ll see they are almost identical.

Covid was probably done to cover up for the desperately needed QE which saved the US dollar and US banking system from imminent collapse, but it got slightly out of hand, but why would the US care. I think they wanted a little cover but it developed a life of its own. Better to destroy the world economy and ensure nobody is talking about the collapse of the Dollar and the US economy.

The US will not go down alone when their end nears, they will try to take us all with them. They would happily destroy the planet to be the ‘last man standing’.

Jun 9, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Muffin

Brexit is now totally irrelevant. None of it matters anymore because the psychopaths who rule us have totally trashed the global economy. In the coming months huge numbers of people will be left unemployed and destitute, what the psychopaths call ‘the new normal’ will be a global economic depression the like of which has never been seen before.
For example, last month in California 1 million people were evicted from their homes, because they could no longer pay their rent or mortgage. Likewise, last month in Louisiana half a million people were evicted from their homes. It goes on and on. Most of these people who have been thrown out on the street will receive little or none social security payment from the Government. What’s going on is absolutely breathtaking.
And I’m not picking on the USA, although it’s probably the worst of any. This scenario of people being made unemployed and destitute is being repeated in many countries across the world.
And perhaps what is most breathtaking is that this wrecking of the global economy has been done on purpose.
There is evil afoot in the world the like of which has never been seen before.

Jun 9, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  RobG

The US and UK will be worst affected because of the nature of their economies. In the US nobody was really helped, they just let people go out of business, so millions will now be bankrupt and without medical insurance.
The UK was a little better by covering wages but because of the dominance of the low skilled, low wage, service economy, many will be wiped out.
The Europeans will weather it better, because of their comprehensive protections, their problem will be debt, something the British will also need to worry about.
The USA’s debt is on a galactic scale, The US may have printed $9 trillion, 42% of it’s GDP to protect it’s banks and it’s rich corporations, so we could be looking at the end of the dollar…. very soon.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 9, 2020 7:57 PM