WHO (finally) admits PCR test is potentially flawed
Second PCR memo in two months casts even more doubt on the “gold standard” of Covid diagnosis

The World Health Organisation has released a memorandum which potentially completely undermines all the “pandemic” case numbers from all over the world.
On the 13th of January, they put out this memo, stating that a single positive PCR test should not be used for diagnosing Sars-Cov-2 infection.
To quote them directly:
Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.
Translation: If you get a positive test for someone with no symptoms, re-test them. Or rather: any PCR positive test is potentially a false positive.
It goes on to say:
Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.
Note it says “an aid for diagnosis” and NOT “a diagnostic test”.
In careful bureaucratic language, they are essentially admitting that PCR tests were not meant to be used diagnostically, and cannot be relied upon to do so accurately. Just as Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, said himself many times.
Understand this. The PCR test is virtually the ENTIRE foundation of the Covid narrative. Without it you have nothing but healthy people and the normal winter flulike illnesses. Every ‘case’ you read about is only a case because of a PCR test.
We and others have been saying since at least June that the PCR test is scientifically meaningless. And now, by degrees the WHO is admitting it too.
And if the PCR test is meaningless. So is the “pandemic”. A lie built in the deliberate misuse of a tool not fit for purpose.
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Pcr is not a detection test…..its an amplification test…..it cannot diagnose anything…..come on…..
It’s not about a virus its about global takeover by the elite….come on wake up you lot…the PCR was just the tool used so they could produce FEAR across the globe ready for the genocidal jab….its not a vaccine….the PCR only picks up debris in the system of the human body which is why you can PCR test your dog, the pavement, an apple banana etc etc and they’ll come back positive……if your not awake now you never will be…..
Exactly! It’s about depopulation with the hype to incentivize taking the kill shot. Conspiracy to murder Americans and people globally.
There is a difference between having virus in you (which the test is very sensitive at detecting) and having a disease.
The test does produce a small number of false positives and that can be a problem if no one actually has the virus. In that extreme all the positives would be false ones. But if lots of people have the virus then the small number of false positives don’t matter much.
If you want to diagnose a disease, proof they have the virus is just part of the process.
What makes any of that an admission of something bad? I really don’t get what you are seeing.
That’s the problem it does NOT test for the virus. It tests for a fragment of DNA or RNA of pathogenic material…any pathogen. NOT specific! That’s the point. It does NOT diagnose a specific disease or pathogen. Any old fragment of genetic material will do. And yes, false positives galore, especially when amplified to the degree that was done…over 35 cycles. Do a little research on PCR and what Dr Kary Mullis himself said, many times. He invented the PCR test. https://youtu.be/FEMNAZ_0JX0?si=3giKqHRVWN8sTYCD …for starters…
They didnt say there were flaws, not their words……..how it is used and interprteted in conjunction with other tests was defined. You can read the WHOs report with confirmation bias and arrive at thr correct answer.
Of course they’re not going to SAY they are flawed! But it means the same thing, if you can understand plain English.
NO symptoms? Bend over!
We have to make sure!
God damn these evil mongers.
Pieter Borger et.al. showed it all in their request for retraction paper of Drosten flawed basic paper of Jan.2020.
WHO, held captive by funders and ill-intentioned governmetns for past several years, has played a major role in spreading the ‘covid’ hoax.
If WHO is truly saying that there are flaws in the PCR test then a few things must happen:
Take a look at how obsessed some entities still are to the testing process. It is from today’s press release of IATA, the airlines body ( https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/pr/2021-01-27-01/ ):
“Many governments are implementing testing regimes to facilitate travel, which IATA supports. Germany and the US, for example, are taking advantage of the rapid improvement in testing technologies to accept PCR and antigen testing to safely manage the risks of travel. While rapid antigen tests are preferred for their speed and cost advantages, it is clear that PCR testing will play a role as many governments are requiring tests within a 48- to 72-hour window prior to travel.”
Good point.
Considering the PCR test is so badly flawed how can it be used as a condition of travel.
Currently to travel around the EU one needs to pay 80euros for a PCR test for each border crossing.
Organisations that represent doomed industries like the airlines cheerfully dig their clients graves. The complicity of union leaders in this hoax is palpable. Perhaps this psyop was inevitable. Modern humans are a herdable species and can be led to the abbatoir.
Ever seen No Country For Old Men?
When Chigurh takes the police car and pulls over that guy. He asks him to get out of the car.
Despite Chigurh not being dressed like a cop, or looking like one whatsoever, and the guy getting no answer to what this is about, he gets out the car. He ask Chigurh what he’s carrying (a cattle bolt gun), twice. No response.
Chigurh asks him to hold still. The man obeys. Even as Chigurh is putting the nozzle to his forehead, he remains still. He has this inherent, pathetic trusting and confused look on his face, as he is being murdered.
Presumably the fact Chigurh was in a cop car was enough. Despite nothing else making sense.
2020 was the year I truly separated from the herd.
Nice comment. A2
You can get away with quite a lot by simply donning a hi-viz vest over black clothes.
in what way did you separate? Pl explain. I’m interested.
Superb comment.
You only need to go and look at any FDA “approved” PCR test kit insert and read for yourself these two sentences “For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.” See link for one such approved test by Thermofisher https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/K0171#/K0171
This scarf is not Trump-approved PSPE (Personal Storming Protection Equipment).
This response by the WHO is indicative of them being complicit in the biggest human rights crime ever. THese organisations includung the UN must be taken to task and defunded. It is a crime against humanity.
A visual of how many injections a child might have been assaulted with between birth and adulthood (if they survive it that long).
This is actually a pic depicting a woman’s journey to have a baby via ivf. These were the shots to achieve ivf.
Can you substantiate that, because it seems a bit unlikely. I tried blowing up the picture to read what was on the boxes, but the writing is all out of focus.
A Homeopath from Amsterdam says:
“During my 40 years practice as a classical homeopath i discovered that most diseases were caused by vaccines. I see children but also elderly people who were suffering a long time not realizing it was vaccine damage, i tell them, they believe me, i cure them. Diagnosis VACCINOSIS”
Homeopaths have as much financial interest in selling us bullshit as big pharma does.
have you checked the prices of homeopathic remedies and compared them to what you pay directly and via taxation for pharma?
I don’t believe this image was meant to be a document, which does not diminish either its strength or its eloquence.
“This is actually a pic depicting a woman’s journey to have a baby via ivf. These were the shots to achieve ivf.”
Any links to prove that?
I haven’t figured out the convoluted means to post images on this site, but there are a number of graphic representations of the obscene number and kind of vaccines mandated for infants and other humans– some are photos similar to this one, some cartoons.
But if there’s any doubt that this image substantially expresses the truth of the matter, just have a peek at the official US Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine schedule:
I suppose I ought to post a warning or disclaimer that sensitive persons may wish to avoid scrutinizing this linked material– it’s pure Gates and Fauci (et al) porn.
Why so many negative down votes ????people here lost their minds literally. Everything must be as they say or it must be wrong or down voted. It is funny and non debatabelty is like the very much criticised MSM.. you could have found them yourselves but here are similar images are found online. This was somehow popular emotional thing once… just some examples below
I could not recommend more highly the videos by NZ MD, Sam Bailey, on general health topics as well as COVID. She is such a breath of fresh air in the world of lies we currently inhabit.
In this video Sam analyses the fraudulent science applied in SARS-1 … . You will no doubt find some mirth in what she says in relation to a cave … they love their caves, don’t they? I wonder if there’s some sort of connection to Plato’s cave.
Apart from the fact that doctors who wink at their patients while delivering diagnoses are at the least unsettling, the video is a good, rigorous analysis of the a flawed methodology of couple of clinical studies of SARS along the lines of Ioannidis’ more inclusive meta-analysis of the flawed methodology of many clinical studies in general a decade or so earlier.
However, at the very last moment and in full view of her guests, she then spits in the scientific-rigour soup she has so carefully prepared just before she serves it up.
Perhaps you, Petra, would care to definitively source, on her behalf, Pasteur’s otherwise urban myth of a deathbed statement about microbes and terrain? Nor that, in virology, the virological terrain is not extremely important, as some post-john-Holland virlogists now question–on equally scientifically rigorous grounds–the orthodoxy of the neo-Darwinian paradigm that–like all such yesterday’s fresh approaches that serve to advance yesterday’s science until today reveals their inadequacies–is currently strangling the biological sciences in general.
It’s funny. It occurred to me that her quote at the end may well be apocryphal. There is no clear evidence of it though it is widely cited. As far as I’m concerned though the odd apocryphal quote (assuming it is) is nothing in the scheme of things.
She’s not winking at her patients but her audience – nothing wrong with that except she’s not a very good winker. I’m not either so I don’t do it.
“Ioannidis’ more inclusive meta-analysis of the flawed methodology …” which doesn’t, unfortunately, include the fundamental flawed methodology involved in determining infection in the first place. We must always start with the fundamental problem of the lack of evidence of the alleged virus and its causal link to the virus illness in the first place. Immediately that you see a scientist is from an Ivy League university (or, indeed, has any kind of serious standing) you need to surely be on the alert for whatever “noise” they make not really addressing the key fraudulence.
Sam Bailey addresses the problem, if not 100% directly but close enough, though including in this video, “What is a COVID-19 case?”
More and more MSM are admitting that the Moderna trial is not over. That is strange. Actually, even the AstraZeneca trial is not over, and will only end around June.
I work in regulatory affairs and if you look at other product types, e.g. ontology products, it is not unusual for a product to be authorised before the pivotal clinical trial completes entirely.
Brigade 77 I presume.
Marching through the Convid Gloom/
“Ontology products?”
I suppose those must undergo “epistemological trials”?
That’s ontology for you … it’ll do it every time!
I admit that I’m not sure what is meant by “regulatory affairs” and “ontology products”, but as a retired bureaucrat I recognize a universal principle of modern sociotechnic administration: authorizing and tolerating as many wrongs as possible to declare a right.
No prob. Rachel has an ontology problem too.
your the trail
Yes, the guinea pig.
AstraZeneca is being used in UK now
So it’s from the same pharma psychopaths behind the others
Gates foundation funded too
This is without mentioning the scientific fraud that is the absence of evidence for purification of alleged SARS-CoV-2 and – most importantly – absence of alleged SARS-CoV-2 causing alleged COVID-19.
Four teams who’ve produced papers alleged “isolation” admit the electron micrographs do not show purified virus particles
No scientific literature shows causal link between virus and virus illness
Ah that famous medical and scientific Journal quoted twice.
It’s called an echo chamber
Said he, echoing himself.
And her echoing herself
When did they start injecting people in the UK?

Sarah Jones, did you compile the charts? Or is there a link?
Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.
Not that the world is waiting for me to belatedly add to the chorus of 500 or so commenters, but the weaselspeak in the above quote leaped out at me.
First of all, it seems to me as if the WHO is still clinging to a pathetic fig leaf of respectability by admitting the plain truth that the PCR test is not a diagnostic tool (ergo, never should’ve been presented as one in the first place), but can still be a diagnostic “aid” if carefully administered in conjunction with a comprehensive, scrupulous clinical diagnosis.
Then they imply that the egregious misuse, or abuse, of this non-diagnostic test can be cured, or mitigated, by doubling down and administering a second non-test– a PCR test or a close relative!
Translation: if the first coin-toss yields an unacceptable result, we recommend a second toss of the same counterfeit coin or another denomination from the same mint.
I did the above and I am pregnant apparently…..look out for the star in the sky:)
don’t look at me, i was wearing a firewall
I have posted two relevant links in these BTLs, one a few weeks ago, one a week ago.
What is a ‘close relative’ of PCR?
We need to know if the new guidance is being followed by governments and their medical advisers and has this advice been sent to the testing team and the testing laboratories.
There has been no mention of this anywhere in the MSM.
The WHO are covering their asses against impending legal action and of course to give the impression the ‘vaccine’ works.
I’ll do a FOI request and ascertain are they following this new protocol for testing.
Oh yes. In my country now, they’re mulling over another lockdown. I’m SURE these guys know about this WHO announcement, and yet they are keeping it from the public. We all know who lockdowns benefit the most.
Seems like a growing number are using the lockout to have a damn good go at debenefitting the benefitters of lockdowns but so far none of the sit-on-their-arses-stroking-their-parrotanoia who hang out around here have a fucking clue except miss that point. “Let’s have a Great Reset,” said Ponderous Klaus so the get-off-their-arses-and-do-somethingers said, Let’s!” and I wouldn’t be surprised if Surprised Klaus took some time out at the next WEF to say “I didn’t mean like that.” Meanwhile where are all the whining Off-Guardianistas at? In the toilet stroking their parrotanoias–like, nowhere Great Reset Klaus would even notice them, like.
Probably smoke, mirrors and propaganda…..yep that old chestnut !
In Germany, the district court in Weimar issued a significant ruling that is consistent with the current WHO assessment of inappropriate PCR testing. Conclusion: There was no ‘epidemic situation of national importance’, although the Bundestag continues to maintain this with a self-empowering law passed last summer.
At no time has the German health care system been in remote danger of being overwhelmed. There is no excess mortality in Germany, there are only more old people dying at the age of 80 and above. But the state arbitrariness sends itself to prevent every „Covid-death“ with a new guideline of „Zero Covid“. The basis is the PCR test which is completely unsuitable as a diagnosis as the WHO states.
German citizens are unaware that the WHO and now, for the first time, a German district court judge have confirmed the unsuitability of PCR tests.
The MSM report 24/7 of terrible mutations that justify every measure. Boris Johnson warns of worst possible mutations in UK so it must be true. Citizens who have mutated into Corona paranoiacs now want to enforce a vow of silence in public spaces. The subjects should not say a word behind their muzzles so that the most terrible pandemic of all times can finally be ended and no one dies of Corona anymore. The vaccination deaths and other deaths are completely irrelevant.
People who refuse to be PCR tested, claiming their civil rights, and who will not accept house arrest if a bogus PCR test shows them to be a „virus superspreader“ even though they are healthy, will be placed in quarantine at remote sites that are now being rapidly made available.
This is reported in the MSM and meets with great approval among the brainwashed citizens. The end justifies the means. Their ancestors saw it the same way.The blame for the economy being driven to the wall is not the government but the Corona deniers who wear a slipped mask when they go shopping.
The public prosecutor’s office in Weimar, which is bound by instructions, is doing everything in its power to overturn the first verdict in Germany, which wants to have the lockdown lifted immediately so that the coronapanic can continue to be maintained until the mass vaccination of the German population with experimental mRNA vaccines has been completed. Meanwhile, the disenfranchised citizens are sent into hard lockdown. Everything is allowed again if the end justifies the means. Sorry for repetitions in the text but this is „das Leitmotiv“.
In Bavaria, no one is allowed to take the dog for a walk after 9 p.m.
The brainwashed catholics there would even report the participants of the last supper to the state minister markuS Söder for distancing offenses.
Does that remind anyone?
I have difficulty posting on offg and cannot watch the Corbett report
Maybe it is coincidence and if not then let´s remind ourselves to keep resisting the New Normal!
And Gwyn keep strong, don´t take the vaccine!
If they lowered the pcr amplifications then the number of covid defined deaths would decrease unless deaths in ‘vaccinated’ people tested positive or were otherwise defined as covid.
Can you provide a reference for the court ruling?
In German, but here’s an article:
Here is the original court ruling.
The judge has deliberately dealt with each of the defendants’ charges in extraordinary detail, they had a birthday party and thus violated the corona regulations, because he expects the objection of his colleagues who are bound by instructions and do not want the lockdown to be overturned.
It will now be very difficult for them to maintain the politically desired lockdown as every single charge must be refuted.
The name of the judge has been leaked and he has already been vilified in the press as a possible Querdenker and conspiracy theorist.
Here it is in English
It has never been about a virus or a vaccine……it is all about control and power over people. The world wide web that was thrown out is gradually being drawn in
Correct, by the same group who want control of the Earth – “for whom it is written”. Even though everyone ignores this fact.
I have noticed a common approach to this vax with the ones who “signed up for it”. Granted that some are criminally stupid and gasping for the wretched poison to protect themselves from the Big Bad Nasty Nasty. But I think the vast majority think of it in legal terms i.e. they are actually not happy taking it but feel they have to in order to get back some kind of normality.
The media has been playing a dirty little game of leading everyone on with just the right amount of hope (“Hopefully when everyone has had the vax we’ll get back to some sense of normality”) whilst darkly murmuring the opposite (“To ensure safety for all, we will not be able to lift the restrictions for the foreseeable future even if everyone has the vax”)
And then there are the more realistic ones who, when asked if they’re going for the juice, just nod their heads whilst rolling their eyes as if to say, “It’s all shit but I suppose I’d better. Don’t want to make waves” etc. I reckon these ones think in terms of just hanging on and paying lip service to whatever bullshit comes next.
So there is the sad array of the vax takers:
I rek its going to fizzle out, spring will come and all those that not come here compleley move on. Will we still be here.?
I sure hope you are right!
You are spot on. Unfortunately we have far too many willing sheep who don’t mind being vaccinated tagged and tracked like the herd of docile animals certain global players want us all to be. The new “vaccines” are not even vaccines in the traditional sense and are actually injectable mRNA gene “therapy” drugs. These can be tweaked, adjusted and modified anytime the elite players dictate what the want from the human herd by programming our cells to produce various proteins. The semi harmless current versions are just the start of much more radical technologies involving nano-technologies which will be smuggled into our cells via lipid coatings. The ultimate aim is transhumanism which is an advanced slave system.
mRNA should never be injected into a human being it is unethical and immoral….but I doubt ttb are unconcerned. The vaccines that are being pedaled around now all have nano lipid particles in them.
My husband is pressuring me to submit to testing so we can take a trip to Mexico in a couple months (you need a negative test to get back from there now). I’m against testing, and I’m fighting with him about our daughter being tested. We haven’t talked vax yet but I’m bracing myself for a battle.
I don’t know about Mexico, but of the countries that I’m familiar with (know people who have travelled to and from them) the test needs to be taken (and “passed”) within 72 hours of the time of travel. So you have to allow time for getting the result of your test back (typically 24 hours in the UK). Quite apart from the principles involved, this causes tricky practical problems, especially when flights become limited, as they have been.
Good luck with your trip anyway.
Thanks Mike. It looks like the nearest testing site to where we go in Mexico is about an hour, and costs are $100-$200 per person for the test. If we got stuck there (tested pos) it’d be another 2 weeks off work and school for our kid. I don’t know how it’s sustainable.
Try telling your husband that by all the rules of science covid-19 doesnot exist
It has not been identified
it has not been transcribed
it does not produce antibodies
No antibodies have been recovered from the plasma of a ‘survivor’
There can be no test for it if it does not exist…..so what is it +ve or -ve for ?
It therefore follows that with all of the above being present, no vaccine can exist to provide immunity to a non existant virus. Indeed, even the BBC propaganda team will tell you, you are still not immune if you have been vaccinated and you can indeed still pass covid-19 on even if your PCR test is -ve you can still pass on covid-19.
Getting to Mexico in a couple of months may be ruled out anyway because of covid regulations, so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Thanks tish. I actually had a small breakthrough with him the other day. I showed him some clips of Kary Mullis saying PCR wasn’t diagnostic and Fauci is a liar. They were clips from a Corbett video posted on here. He watched the video and had an ‘aha’ moment that got me really excited. It fell apart shortly after though when he asked what Mullis thinks today about Covid and I said with a raised eyebrow “Hard to say, he died of pnuemonia in fall 2019.” To which my husband replied “I hate that conspiracy stuff” and moved on.
I have tried to tell him before that the virus is not proven real but it’s just too much at this juncture. But I do feel we are getting closer.
Sorry for the delayed response. I am still not getting reply notifications on here like I used to.
Rare honesty from Big Pharma. Respect to Merck
‘In plain English: Our vaccine does not work, and we are surprised that other candidates claim a sufficient immune response.’ – Denis Rancourt
I asked the editors to link to this report. I didn’t find anything like that at WHO. Isn’t that Hoax?
There’s a link to the notice posted at the WHO website in the second paragraph:
As Ort says, there’s a link in the article which leads to a WHO document that does indeed contain the quotes given.
Duplicate comment, but I am sorry, where is my comment? I don’t see him anywhere.
Can someone from the newsroom insert a link to confirm this message? I went to the WHO, but I did not find any similar information there. So it looks like Hoax.
Things at work have taken an interesting turn. I have refused the vax and it has “gotten out”. Most just accept it but I’m experiencing a bit of tension with some.
Here’s what I think is going to happen. The govt didn’t dare make the vax mandatory because they knew that would lead to protests which would be difficult to ignore. And that would lead to …actual discussion and, even worse, dispute over the entire virus issue. Too risky. So they allow people to choose, knowing full well that the vast majority – being media zombies – will just take the juice.
But the inevitable refusers will equally inevitably cause tension with the more criminally gullible vax demanders. No need for the govt to get directly involved. Just let the more stirred up elements of the public take over, go on witch hunts, vendettas, kangaroo courts etc. With that ever venal media ready to amplify the outrage. While the govt says, “Nothing to do with us!”
And the best bit is that when the inevitable lockdown prolongation comes round, the vax refusers can be blamed.
Win win for the new COVID culture.
No, they won’t make the vaccine madatory, it makes them look more like baddies. However,it will become more and more difficult for you to carry on with your day to day life. I guess that is the point you are at now. In eu and uk a new twist has occured ….there may not be enough vaccine to go round….well that’s clever the people who want a vaccine will be running like lemmings to get one. I suppose you could come over all philanthropic and say ‘ I won’t have my shot, others need it more’
Brilliant idea. Use the shortage story to signal your virtue of abnegation.
Not going to happen. Too many nutters who are wise. Did not any here take e, 98+?
Yep, fascism would never have emerged without their indoctrinated collaborators at grass roots level.
So, from what I gather, the WHO changed their info re PCR testing within one hour of Biden’s inauguration?
Yesterday, Sanofi and Merck declared that they were abandoning their search for a covid19 vaccine.
Today, the French dictature delayed their imposition of a renewed confinement and declared that the vaccination would no longer be available to healthcare workers – only to the elderly.
And, three or four days ago, Pfizer closed down their plant in Belgium, citing a delay of one week, which was then extended to four.
That must be in order to avoid rioting by people desperate to get their dose, as one French medic said he feared 🙂
Fauci had said test was throwing up many false +ve results, while Trump was still in power, couple of months ago maybe…… his advice was just get vaccine.
so track and trace didn’t work
mass testing didn’t work
my best guess is mass vaccination won’t work either…..they are using reverse psychology because not enough people are taking up offer of vaccination….
Smoking gun ?
Further :
The exchange of emails from our intrepid researcher, and an accompanying PDF are reproduced here :
( Question : when we think of computer viruses we think Microsoft. When we think Microsoft we think Windows. When we think of Microsoft Windows we think of Bill Gates. When we think of biological viruses do we think of Microsoft or Windows ? Or the WHO ? Who is the most ‘generous‘ donor to their already vast financial resources ? )
The concept of merging our biological and digital identities eludes me still. But the ‘in silico’ PCR test and computer generated vaccine seem to show us how it is done. With regular updates.
It’s all about waves, like the sea. Digital is point’s predicted on the waves. Which experience do you personally want?
It eludes you because it is all BS. But if they can pump up the hype, and then pump the hype for money, why not? It’s like the hype of going to Mars.
saw that in a movie. already done. /
Did you no see The Matrix, Contagion, 1984,The Manchurian Candidate, 2001 Space Odyssey, Westworld, The Truman Show as well ?
Even though it was before our time, in the greater scheme of things it was quite recent when our ancestors would say the same thing about test tube babies and organ transplants. Come forward a little and 75 years ago they would scoff at the concept of having a pacemaker / ICD unite implanted to assist the heart’s functioning. Right now, millions have defibrillators implanted above the heart with wires around the heart monitoring it’s rate. If the heart beats slower or faster than a preferred, healthy rate, an email is sent to the hospital that implanted it to alert emergency services as the defribrillator tried to kick start the organ. This occurs via 4g by the way.
Gates and Musk have invested huge sums into nano tech. These creatures don’t increase their billions by investing in things that might fail. Gates loves the thought of us having the Rockerfeller dreams implanted in us containing all our relevant( to them) information. They’ve tested this tech on cattle and have trialled it on kids in schools. In some places you can have one implanted voluntarily to be scanned as you enter nightclubs. This was the root of the Gates and Epstein relationship; financing the chips and research funding quietly.
With the increase in dementia and autism ( thanks Bill) nano tech is (allegedly) implantable into the relevant part of the brain. It is allegedly supposed to fight those two crippling conditions. At least it makes a good sales pitch.
It’s no great stretch to see the merging of chips. ‘threads'(wires) and in vivo monitoring 24 .7. It’s also a great way to abuse the power of remote monitoring for surveillance or punishment. And if you can effect the brain for good, you can do it for bad. Just bear in mind that these people want control and power.
Rockerfeller created the twisted psyche that is Kissinger. Kissinger did the same and created his fellow German psychopath, Klaus Schwab. And the agenda they are pushing is all about ‘ the nano’.
The goals of the handlers are passed down through generations behind the closed doors of their parochial little rat’s nests. The goals are brought closer as technology grows stronger.
Schwab :
‘‘ AI will allow governments to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behaviour…Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us — they will become part of us”
””Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”
””What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity…active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies…implantable devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally, through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”
Basically a rape of the collective consciousness and theft of personal sovereignty world wide.
More on ‘nano’
Schwab :
Basically a rape of the collective consciousness and theft of personal sovereignty world wide.
More on ‘nano’
I get your point about pacemakers and test tube babies.
But there is a schoolboy’s fantasy element about these claims IMO. Plus they seem to assume everyone is going to be as excited by it all as they seem to be. That said, I am aware that they have the money and power to force their silliness on others.
Most tech. goes through cyles. In the early cycles that are largely hype, as long as friends in government open the spigot of national wealth, it matters little. The money partly finances later iterations. Renewable energy and self-driving cars are examples.
Indeed, and the so-called vaccines. They’re so advanced and so clever that nobody knows if they stop you catching the illness or spreading it, or how long their protective effect (if any) lasts. They are a joke. We need to take the tech snake oil salesmen with a pinch of salt IMO.
Well that was a very cordial conversation I swear I could see someone sliding beneath their desk.
That gun just goes on smoking …Track and trace didn’t work, Mass PCR testing did not work and my guess is mass vaccination will not work either.
In fact BBC news has announced there may not be enough vaccine to go around…..what they really mean is not enough people are taking up the vaccination and they hope to be knocked down in the rush of lemminges heading for vaccination hill. I don’t think it is going to work………
BBC across all live output in UK today was and is corrupt. Total garbage. Shame.
Get up or GTFO.
Yes, the BBC are a cancer in our society. Do not give them any money.
Gates gives them his money
Gates has interests in BBC not sure how many shares. The propoganda is becoming blatant day by day WTF lets a camera crew into an ICU ????
The Moderna vaccine was actually created from NIH-NIAID technology. All covid “vaccines” even the Russian and Chinese vaccines, originally stem from multiple NIH-NIAID patents. NIAID under Fauci, registered and developed all the original Coronavirus patents, including the adenovirus patents that Sputnik and Oxford developed.
Here’s the 2015 NIH-Moderna confidential vaccine licensing agreement:
Page 4 – Barney Graham’s signature from the NIAID, dated 9 November 2015 and the Moderna signature from their corporate lawyer is on the 11th November, 2015.
This is Dr. Graham’s Coronavirus patent for the NIAID – Filed: October 25, 2017:
Dr. Graham also holds MERS patents with a Coronavirus spike protein and numerous other vaccine patents.
The vaccine technology licensing for commercial development was announced on the Federal Register on April 16th 2018.
“SUMMARY: The invention listed below is owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and is available for licensing to achieve expeditious commercialization of results of federally-funded research and development.”
“Prefusion Coronavirus Spike Proteins and Their Use”
“Inventors at the Vaccine Research Center of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have developed a novel CoV S protein vaccine antigen.“
“The technology has been applied to several CoV spikes, including those from human-relevant viruses, such as HKU1- CoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV.”
“This technology is applicable for delivery via other platforms, such as mRNA.”
In mid 2020, the online listings from the federal register government website regarding all “Coronaviruses“ and all “spike protein“ and “chimeric protein” references were physically removed at the height of the pandemic hype because they showed pre-planning.
The excuse-apology piece below attempts to spin the story as NIH and Moderna just happened to develop vaccine technologies because these pesky Coronavidae are a huge danger to society.
These vaccine inventors are NIH heroes. They don’t worry about all the grandmas they killed. You can’t make a Golden Goose omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Thanks for all this info, researcher. I think David Martin alluded to the patents in a number of interviews I’ve watched.
Fauci 2017 : ( paraphrasing) :
How can anyone predict a ‘novel’ virus turning up. How can they have the guess so accurate. And how can it be defined 3 years ahead of it’s arrival as a ‘surprise’ ?
Fauci 2017 : Petitions congress to allow gain-of-function research that permits the engineering of and cross breeding of viruses with a view to making one that is more deadly
So the unholy trinity , 2 and three years before a ‘surprise’ virus appears that they nailed to the day
Fauci opens the conversation and secures gain-of-function funding and research.
Gates echoes him and adds that it will be deadly and 10 years long.
Gates wife adds that all of the above will happen but it will be ‘enginered’
The gun fired three times. Time for people to see what the smoke looks like.
How about this.2017. Covid 19 wasn’t christened until 2019. The acronym being Corona Virus Disease 2019.
Yet , in 2017, the year the three stooges became telepathic, hundreds of millions of PCR test kits were distributed worldwide and the invoices and records have it’s number 300215.The name next to that number is Covid 19 Test Kits.
The pandemic, you will recall began late December 2019 and picked up pace a month later.
The test kits were delivered the same year as Fauci. Gates and Melinda Gates said that it would ‘definitely arrive’.
( they edited this later but still forgot to edit out the bottom of the original information at the foot of their paper. But here’s the figures anyway).
copy and paste.
Exactly. Yes, everything except for one clarification on their ‘gain of function’ research.
Vaccines are developed not invented
Lol… Do you have any patents? No. You do not.
No, sadly Glaxosmithkline own mine…………what about yours?
PhRMA ho! 🤣🤣🤣
No, something very different actually…… fish
Tish who works with fish. So you are FishNChips. That explains everything.
Over 50 countries have supplied FOI answers stating they have no evidence of isolation.
To counter that the ‘fact checkers’ claim the governments response is due to the way the FOI requests are worded.
There have been thousands of examples provided by medical journals claiming the virus to have been isolated but the definition and methods of isolating and purifying the virus are causing the confusion.
I’m not an expert on the matter and like many others we just want the truth.
I submitted my own FOI request asking the department of health in Northern Ireland for evidence the Sars Cov 2 virus has been isolated and purified and what method was used.
The reply stated that the people who are in a position to answer my questions are too busy advising the politicians on the pandemic to answer my question.
Which of course translates to they have no gold standard isolation of this virus.
I’m sure if they had it they would be proudly showing it off.
Virology appears never to have isolated a virus in the strict sense laymen like you and I understand the term (even though exosomes are isolated in the strict sense and are the same size as viruses). My understanding is that ‘virus isolate’ is material that is said to contain the virus, not a single, isolated virus. This material, this ‘isolate’, is added to a cell culture and cell death of a particular type is observed. In-vitro results of this sort are said to prove viral pathogenicity.
However, it appears that no control experiments are carried out. Recently, a group of biologists (Universal Biology) have started making loud noises about this and have conducted their own control experiment on a prepared cell culture and observed exactly the same cell death when no virus isolate is added. Cell cultures in these experiments have antibiotics and fixatives added to them. Perhaps these additions cause cell death.
Here’s a translation of an article appealing to virologists to conduct these control experiments. I’d like to find out for sure whether or not science (virology) has not made a gross error in its understanding of viruses specifically and pathogenicity generally. Terrain Theory certainly suggests this may be the case.
Thanks Toby, another great post and translation.
Thanks for sharing.
A very interesting read.
It seems that none of the usual protocols have been observed. Despite their idea of an emergency there has been no attempt to isolate the virus. There has been no attempt to extract antibodies from patients who have ‘recovered’. There haven’t been any efforts to extract blood and extract the plasma from that blood to find any antibodies. They may claim they have, but they don’t claim to have isolated the virus or antibodies which suggests they’d be lying.
They know it would all be a waste of time and effort. How ? Because they know whatever it is inside people that they are putting down to a virus can’t be. They should know- whatever it is they made.
Gates’ wife warned it would appear and be an ‘engineered’ virus; statements from Fauci and Pfizer seem to be confirming that it’s the vaccine that’s ‘novel’ rather than the virus.
The response to the virus is based on supposed computer data- not the virus. The vaccine will not get rid of it- the manufacturers say as much. Nor will it rid anyone of symptoms. Yet we’re told we all need it for some reason.
The construction of the virus and the data that inspired the response to it is all computer generated. The virus is a synthetic computer – generated one- NOT biological. The data is kept private and used for political agendas.
Why else would this ‘threat to life all over the world’ be handed to the most famous software mogul of the 20th / 21st century and NOT a team of doctors and virologists other than the hard core of those paid to ‘advise’ governments. You call Bill Gates if your computer has a virus, not your family.
It all points towards one area ; people and computers are completely different. Morphing them is a long, complex exercise and very much in the experimental stages. You’re living in a lab right now. Not the world you lived in last year.
Isolation of a virus is much harder than isolation of a bacterium…..Bacteria can be seen with a’normal’ microscope. Viruses are so small you need an electron microscope to see them. So, we are to believe that viral particals have been taken from a spike protien of a virus no one has been able to identify, but we are told to believe it is covid-19 a member of coronavirus family.
I don’t buy it. As you say, if they were so sure this was material from a spike protien of a novel corona virus covid-19. The front page of every newspaper would have a picture of the novel coronavirus, covid-19 on it. They may not be able to isolate and purify covid-19 but they could ‘capture’ it’s image.
I am trying to work out how they ‘know’ it has mutated and that there are different strains. This would mean that the initial covid-19 virus had been transcribed ( it just means written out on a base nucleic acid fashion) DNA is made up for the greater part by four nucleic acids A C T G
A always pairs with T C always pairs with G and so the combination of all life is written out in different configurations of these 4 nucleic acids……
I’ve looked online and cannot find any information on the alleged genomic sequence of the Brazilian or South African strains.
I’m highly dubious.
If the original alleged Sars Cov 2 virus was computer generated and not isolated from a human being how can they allege there are strains.
If you can find any information please do let us know.
What do you call the covid cult if they land in Europe?… Sand Kraut.
At this point all the weasels have come out of their hiding place and known to the public(at least to the awaken ones), they are playing with the minds of people. The WHO is very late in coming with this essential info. Awakened people should no longer listen to any official/mainstream organisation.
The WHO and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) are identical. The only difference is that they use “health” as a weapon!
Gonna be hard to let it all go………………… Feels great😭
Data released by the Chinese about their handling of the outbreak included a section on testing protocols to confirm a diagnosis. They recommended two PCR tests taken with a separation of 2 weeks, and a chest x-ray. This was needed in hospitalised symptomatic cases. A single PCR test on asymptomatic individuals is clearly meaningless.
The UK seems to be operating on the bases that 1 in 3 asymptomatic individuals are capable of passing on the virus. Other research work from China looking a very large sample (10 million) in a densely crowded urban estimated the possible proportion of asymptomatic transmisson at 0.03%. These were cases were asymptomatic transmission was possible through proximity and ‘exposure’ time, not actual instances which would almost certainly be much less likely.
Everything the UK does seems to be primarily aimed at exagerrating the effect of the disease. ‘Errors’ in interpretation / selection always point one way.
Right. And Hank Aaron died “peacefully, of undisclosed cause,” two weeks after getting the jab.
Every modern moron slaves that is not RESPONSIBLE for his/her own Organism deserves a “peaceful” jab death!
Not a patch, Fuhrer had a baggier eye gig.
WHO also confirmed the China finding that asymptomatics were not infectious. According to its mythology (c. June 2020), health authorities can discharge an asymptomatic or recovered person after 2 weeks, regardless of positive test because the test is only flagging virus fragments, and such shedding may go on for months.
As this docudrama continues to unfold we need to remember that the WHO is just another mask for Gates. Some of their number are happy to lie for cash, some aren’t but have bills to pay. Either way it’s just the script writers department.
I mentioned that the uselessness of the PCR tests had been admitted by them two days ago. They want new sheep to help design a new test. I think it’s time to examine the real role of these rituals and paraphernalia. The magicians props.
The most valuable of our five senses is that of sight if we hope to navigate our way through life without being too confused or getting lost. The world today is far more busy place than ever and it’s crammed with noise and chaos.
The ever – changing landscape and increasing tempo of life has a huge impact on us at an unconscious level. Nothing stays still. Semiotics has evolved at the same pace that the world has and it’s in semiotics we find that hidden universal language.
The obvious usefulness and power of semiotic language is seen things like traffic lights and road signs for obvious reasons.
The better we become at reading such signs the easier it is to navigate our world.
The language isn’t all about the visual however . Consider the sirens of police vehicles and ambulances or fire alarms. They may differ slightly, but the clues from the environmental context aid us in a fast interpretation.
Psychology ( particularly Social Psychology) and advertising have been able to exploit the power of semiotics for profit or gain. They enjoy success individually or in tandem. And they can be invaluable in marketing and advertising. Both arenas are of great financial interest in various areas of commerce. The consumer population are sitting ducks.
The consensus of the psychologists is that there are two systems; system 1 ( emotional) and system 2 ( rational).It also holds that 1 holds sway over 2 and advertisers exploit that ruthlessly. In sales, the last thing the salesmen needs is a customer analysing and questioning. Whereas, if you can disengage that system, you can massage their feeling one instead. This will make them far more malleable and suggestible. It’s a little touch of NLP mixed with a little stage hypnosis.
We fool ourselves that, because we made a conscious decision before buying an item, idea or ideology, that our rational( 2) brain completed that task alone. But it’s rarely true. Our emotional brain calls the shots; our emotional brain is the seat of our beliefs; our feelings.
These beliefs -and emotions- have worked on the subconscious mind through the world around us; what we witness, what we are fed through our eyes and minds. The influence of a storm of semiotics shapes our mindset.
Consider the 16 -45 demographic. Do they really queue for hours for the latest upgrade or new mobile(cell) phone based on their rational consideration of the phone’s technical capabilities alone ?.Or are they aware of being ‘the first’ to get into the trend and enjoy the bragging rights of the status that is conferred ?How rational was that decision making process ?
They saw the brand; TV, magazines; the internet. They bought into the hype and the associated popularity. They- and millions of others did the exact same thing. Think about that. Millions. Then think about people like Gates ( Microsoft / Windows ) Bezos ( Amazon) Jobs( Apple). Tribal icons.
This is why those oligarchs train sheep. Those sheep buy them mansions; those sheep buy their bullshit. Those sheep by their pitch. Those sheep do their bidding. The ‘black sheep’ that flee the herd and try to persuade the others to follow are silenced or made to disappear. They’re bad for business in more ways than one.
The black sheep have no bells and whistles to make them ‘feel’; they only have information that they think the sheep need. Unfortunately, ‘feelers’ are only concerned with what they want, not what they might need.
And so to propaganda.
The Covid 19 event has been a dream for the professional semioticists. From day one we were confronted by semiotics. The hypnosis began.
The politicians with their ‘ accident scene’ tape stuck on the front of their podiums; the stage managed monotone speaking of them and the outside broadcasters; the language of WW2 ( ‘our heroes’, ‘we’re in a war’ ; ‘we’re under attack’, ‘ on the front line’, ‘the fallen’). The message was : ‘ we’re at war so we must band together against a common foe just like our grandparents did’.
So the masses were to ‘feel ‘ two things; complete fear and complete solidarity as we remained glued to each other ( ‘together’) by that fear. And, of course, ‘the new normal’ ( repeat, repeat, repeat).We had the aural semiotics to encode and the images of war. Soon would come the victim imagery to remind us all why we’re supposed to play along. We’d stepped into the movie.
( *Nobody ever questioned the leaders on day one why findings of behavioural psychologists were crucial before any decisions about a pandemic could be made- ever wondered why?)
The fear was set fast early. It was impossible to escape covid updates from anywhere that had a screen. We were constantly bombarded by images of the ‘fallen’ as they were wheeled here and there with masked faces and frightened eyes; we saw outside reporters walking through empty schools with the lights switched off for effect as they spoke like death himself had been their just before the cameras arrived. Then the real show began.
It began with hand washing instructions ( apparently we needed to master this complex skill).Then the ‘how to wear a mask’ pictures, along with the outlandish rationale behind it. Eventually, millions wore them not so much out of fear, but as badges of honour. The mask was a declaration of how much you care for the environment and fellow sheep. They eventually made them fashion items; a little ‘covid ensemble’ All the flock sharing one brain. Once that happens you only have to make one sale to one sheep; the rest will ask for it too.
Test it now. Imagine seeing a poster every 20 yards outside. A picture of a mask; a pair of gloves; a set of PCR testing equipment; hand sanitiser. Each one says ‘covid‘; ‘pandemic still here’. It’s like you took your TV out with you. You are not allowed to forget. Now imagine the streets much busier and not a mask in sight; day after day for a week. No pictures; no posters. Nothing saying ‘covid’ or ‘pandemic’. It vanishes from your mind and you have your life back. That would horrify the handlers.
It doesn’t mater if the futility of PCR tests, mask wearing and hand washing are exposed. Those behind the ideas knew that. But the psychologists, the marketers and the salesmen needed to sell the whole population the same lie. It was a victory for semiotic linguistics, psychology and marketing. A loss for the dumbed down.
That’s how the emotional holds power over the rational; that’s why you will never get an argument or sensible discussion with the conformists on the right level. You approach these people who are dominated by their emotional( fear) brain but you use your rational ( analytical) brain. You are on buses moving in opposite lanes and there’s is moving fast to get past you.
When you see a poster of a masked face now what do you think about. You think of the narrative of the biological war the authors created ; the horrors of the rising death toll and illness; the hysteria over vaccines that even the manufacturers don’t believe in. You get angry; you remember the semiotics of the dancing nurses; the queues outside shops of socially distancing conformists. You hear the semiotic mantras of ‘in it together’ and ‘being apart keeps us together‘ and know the sheep are loving it as it soothes their emotional brain and doesn’t demand they try to have a thought.
Nice quick example :
“That’s how the emotional holds power over the rational; that’s why you will never get an argument or sensible discussion with the conformists on the right level. You approach these people who are dominated by their emotional( fear) brain but you use your rational ( analytical) brain.”
Precisely. Using rational arguments on the fear-driven conformists is like speaking English to a person who doesn’t understand the language. It doesn’t matter how loud you speak, the words are not going to get through to them.
Like i often say, as others do too, it’s hard getting through to, and being heard by, the sheeple who sleep. This is because , as hypnotists and hypnotherapists will tell you, putting the rational to sleep is the most important stage of preparing the subject for programming. It’s like removing the security guards at the gate. You can relax them into a deep state of vulnerability, or you can grind them down and exhaust them into one. The guards can sometimes fall asleep without being ‘put under’. Then you have access to the inner workings of target like a burglar.
Hi Jura, this is my submission to the WHO response for an improved diagnostic test to the current rt-PCR fiasco. Anyone have the WHO e-address where to send submissions? I suspect that the real Will’s patent (not the somewhat less ancient who Hancock shed crocodile tears over) has expired, so maybe I could get royalties and become as rich as Robert Gallo for his HIV test of similar superlative value..
First Witch: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.
All Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Second Witch: Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
All: Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Third Witch. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Silver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
All:Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Second Witch: Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
If the WHO will not accept my submission as a diagnostic test, then I think I will apply to the CIA’s venture capital division, In-Q-Tel, to use it as a recipe for a cv-1984 vaccine, despite the fact that Pfizer and Moderna are using many of the same ingredients.
Very good..Macbeth – and Will of course – would be proud..👍
I will second that emotion 🙂
“The consensus of the psychologists”.
Haven’t we learnt to be suspicious about claims of some “scientific consensus” yet?…
Of course. But the grasp of human behaviour that Psychology has had for over 100 years has managed to create a few billion dumbed down easy-to-mug sheep; it has created a simple tactic for herding them into pens big enough to contain a few million each online; it’s created propaganda subtle enough win war, kill millions, and escape recrimination; It’s created a dependant, addicted population who live for the next big thing to buy to feel complete for a month;
It’s also created a generation that can witness the slaughter of a president, the dropping of the twin towers and the murder of other leaders and never connect the dots or question the motives of those who may have profited by them happening .
It created two forms of conditioning- classical and operant– that can be used to teach mice to pull levers and pigeons to to have nervous breakdowns. The principles work on the human pyche just as effectively.
When they identify the rational and the emotional components of our psyche and demonstrate their power to effect or disengage either, we watch to see the proof. If we see it we should be vigilante and remain alert. They play percentages. A large majority is what they seek. Nobody really listens to minorities. The logic being taught to the gullibles is that the majority is always right- that’s why they hold the power. The gullible like that.
Exactly. When we reach the fulcrum, will be ones own choice.
Bang… nail, hammer, head, Jura. There’s obviously a raging pandemic and a million people are dead here in Melbourne, coz I’ve been out of my Flat 25 minutes, and everyone on the bus, on the train I’m on now, and in the vicinity of the train station are all wearing facemasks. Everyone.
And I’m pretty certain there’s been zero ‘cases’ here in 2 weeks now.
Just spotted that sign here also: ‘Being Apart Keeps Us Together’. Goebbels would be proud.
You’re also right, it wouldn’t matter now if they came out and said the PCR tests were completely flawed, or facemasks were ineffective. The majority of people would just continue adhering to the ritual of the ‘new normal’.
How long does it take for a habit to become ‘normalised’? Thanks…
Goebbels (Iam glad you spelt that for me) has taken over the BBC. Facemasks were always of no use execept for dehumanising people. PCR tests have always been a prawn in the game…..it made the ‘leaders’ look good so people thought well ‘You can’t jump the queue and go private Boris is having none of that’ Testing will be for all irrespective of cost…..sounds good. It was aimed like that to make idiots who are also prawns in a game rush to get a PCR test…..no-one knew what it was testing for…..but it could not test for a nonexistant virus or pawns !
Goebbels has taken over all Western ‘media’ Tish. To my very pleasant surprise, am in an outer suburb of Melbourne selling the mag, a staunchly conservative area, and even tho a bit quiet now, at least 60% of people walking around without facemasks on!!
That may change the busier it gets, but for now…. This suburb is where I’ve met quite a few covid sceptics as well.
Hope your week goes well…
Glad to hear, gezza. Must make the day a bit more tolerable.
Or Prawns 🙂 As For Gerbils. That’s Fauci. Gates is Mengele .and Melinda is Hitler in knickers ( probably Bill’s)
Okay, I’ll buy that just don’t ask me to spell Goering ok 🙂
Thanks Gezz…
unfortunately it’s like asking how susceptible someone is to hypnotism. Some will go under and deep quick, some a little longer and some not at all. The numbers used to be about 25% were easy, 25% were difficult- the rest 50% were grazing in between and up for grabs. Unfortunately, we value rationality and critical thinking at the end that hold those who won’t be put under. So we have nothing to coax the grazers with.
The controllers know exactly how to tempt them in. Look at Facebook, Farmville, Candycrush.. Look at the speed they can facetime and zoom. They are too distracted to question the Hell heading toward their children.
Evil flourishes when good men stand around and do nothing.as the saying goes. At least we tried. Now it’s time to turn our attention to trying to stop the enemy, not wake up the dead.
Well said
It’s a very good point you make.
If it was announced that the ‘pandemic’ was over or was a hoax the majority would still wear face masks and stay apart from others.
The psychological damage this has done to millions of people is irreparable.
I may have recommended this to you before, but for the psychology behind this bullshit, watch The Characteristics Of an Initiation Ritual at Truthstream Media. The psychopaths behind the scamdemic have had the best behavioural scientists and psychologists in their pocket.
As Jura said above… you can’t wake up the dead.
That is when you know people have ‘switched off’ to survive. Many prisoners stayed in death camps after the war was over…..each in their own way. Their psyche stayed in survival mode. It was only when camps where discovered by the allies that they were psyically liberated……for some liberation of the mind never happened.
Right gezza. And now it isn’t “please wear a mask” – it’s “please pull your mask up”
Story to share with you Judith. My local supermarket has a big 6.3 ft security guard stationed at the entrance, so as I said, I cave in and put on a facemask to get past him.
Getting so fed up with this rubbish, so today sat on 4 different trains and 2 buses (going to and home from work) and didn’t wear a facemask once, even tho they’re mandatory on public transport here.
They’re also mandatory inside large shopping centres and inside supermarkets. So on the way home, went to a large shopping centre I’ve been to heaps before even tho its in a different suburb.
Walked around inside with no facemask on. Then went to the Woolies supermarket inside. Security Guard was at the entrance as usual, albeit he was a short Indian guy.
I took a deep breath, and just walked into the supermarket straight past him. Not a word. I even browsed the bread rolls about 20 feet from him. Nothing. No ‘please put on a mask’. Nothing’. Walked round the supermarket, walked past at least 3 staff members. None of them said boo.
Got my dinner and went to the self serve checkout, another staff member there. She greeted me and said “hello sir, cash or card”? Not a word about not wearing a facemask.
I walked out feeling quite proud of myself. I suspect no one said anything because they’re too cowardly too. I get glares on the trains, but they never say anything. Sorry, a long story…
I’ve had similar experiences, Gezzah. Some stores – nothing. Other places “did you forget your mask”?
There is one national food store (initials TJ) that is uber mandates. Staff person at the door, hand-sanitizer in hand – so nice to be concierged – making sure you are germ free. I don’t shop there as a rule so it doesn’t effect me.
Did it ever occur to you that you would be having this type of discourse about your daily life at this stage of the game?
The Jones Plantation – note here that the slaves had been given all the freedom to walk away. They instead decided to join in the ridicule of Samuel and allow him to die. It’s simply futile trying to persuade the sheep. You, quite possibly, just become their enemy they enjoy ridiculing.
I agree ( see my reply to Gezzah).
That was a very dark time- Jonestown. It had the hallmarks of a CIA psyop and MK work. Many were described as ‘robotic’ and some appeared to be in a post-hypnotic trance.I watched a documentary on that about 20 years ago. The man doing it was treated with suspicion and ‘an outsider’. Jones, the self-styled ‘reverend’ thought he was rock n roll.
Once the doc was over and the crew went to the airport, Jones finally snapped. From nowhere, a group of his ‘faithful’ shot the documentary maker dead before he could board the plane.
Some say many of the ‘suicides’ were murdered by needle administered by Jones’ slaves. They died for their cause.
Interestingly it was the end of the decade. The end of the previous decade was marked by more CIA MK tampering and a drugs war culminating in Manson and his group and the death of Sharon Tate. Ironic that Tate’s own father was part of the CIA who were trying to infiltrate the counter culture who were campaigning for peace.
exactly; try to tell a sheep they are not a sheep.
Semiidiotic. Could be the new name for the Covid gullible. Or am I only half right?
Calling it semi is only half right…
Jura, every time I think we must have tapped your well of wit and wisdom, you come up with another horizon-broadening essay like this.
Are you a follower of Alan Watt, of “Cutting through the Matrix,” by any chance?
Your deadpan, unperturbable style reminds me of him.
Too kind Mr Checker, and thanks..
I’m not familiar with the name you mention but he sounds up my street, I’ll have to have a dig about. I enjoy Jon Ward’s blog and should really pop onto it more often. I like his outlook and style. No frills, no agenda other than honesty. He’s a smart man.
I just do what i do. Although i ruin a lot through having to chop bits out to fit within the limit. Just as well they have one really, I’d end up running through the site like Forrest Gump with a pen and paper ( they took my scissors off me in here )
Maybe one day I’ll organise myself, learn to focus and hopefully end up disciplined enough to save the world with a book of wisdom, wit and whimsy ( www) and that new model army I’m secretly planning to seize power with.( don’t tell anyone)
Get that book started !
Jon Ward the Camelot’s End guy?
Of ‘The Slog’.
He’s a smart cookie with a dry wit that put two fingers up to the UK and it’s corrupt politicians to live in France where they drink wine and do as they’re told by Germany.
Give his blog a google..
Ah yes, I see he is a prolific commentator. Will take a closer look soon.
I do notice right off the bat some favorites, and some “favorites,” among the BTL commentariat there, from here and also from Unz.
I wouldn’t know to be honest. I only read his articles now and then. I don’t read many comments and the like. I’ve tried contributing to such things in the past and, more recently, to the occasional blog that appeared OK.
I was ‘removed’ from Fakebook about 8 or 9 years ago after expressing a few things i felt needed to be said. I have no time for twitter and most bloggers tend to only want to hear themselves echoed or they spit the dummy. I joined youtube a week before covid so, naturally, i was shadow banned from that. I found this place and thought I’d give it a go. The biases- for the most- are kept quiet.
The occasional shill and troll are par for the course and more like thrush than any real problem.
So it’ll carry on for now until things change. Then I’ll float back off into space on my waxed surfboard a la Dark Star looking for sanctuary.. 😉
Richard Dawkins upset a lot of people recently with his claims that eugenics would work.
Governments worldwide are asking people to take part in DNA testing so they can work on cures for future diseases. (Look it up for yourself)
I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but can anyone see where this heading?
A selection process based on whether you’re DNA is better than the other persons
therefore they and their future offspring should be eliminated perhaps?
I also no longer believe in conspiracy theories either. Our Owners are now so over the top that I have switched to conspiracy analysis of their public offerings.
Richard Dawkins said a very true thing many years ago, but no-one especially Mother Theresa listened
‘Mother nature has her own means of population
control..it’s called starvation’
Any scientific development is a double edged sword …..find the cure for cancer and you have harnessed the power for everlasting life.
Eugenics is not scientific in any way, shape or form. It is a ridiculous concept that can only be brought about by men to get rid of ‘useless eaters’ a charming phrase I was introduced to by a friend…….it is attributed to HenryKissinger.
Eugenics is about enforced sterilisation of people you don’t like the look of, usually the poorest members of society. It is behind the genocide in Hitler’s Germany and also used as something to try to obtain his goal of an Aryan race of Germans and this is basically something you envisage, I think?
I think you are saying remove genetic material for an inherited genetic ‘fault’ …..genetic therapy is in it’s infancy at the moment, but it is progressing at speed. It throws up many moral and ethical arguments.
Yep, there’s positive and negative eugenics. Positive is selective breeding, ie, ‘preserving’ the more physically robust, Negative is breeding out the physically and mentally flawed. That was the Blue eyed Blonde Aryan concept favoured by Hitler( black hair) and Goebbels ( black hair, club foot).I think they confused Aryan and Irony.
They were the to be held up as folk devils from then on. Especially after the holocaust. It also implied that those condemning them where condemning Eugenics too.
But the British Royals and Churchill had been espousing Eugenics far longer than Hitler as had Otto Bismark.
So the name was removed for PR reasons but never the agenda. That accelerated behind the curtain. But they moved to elevate it to a kind of blend of sociology and psychology. Those from poor areas who were societies ‘strugglers’ were considered ‘imbeciles’. This was a generalisation that had no evidence; it was an observation made only by those who were at the highest strata of society. In short, arrogant snobbery.
Their logic was that they took more out of the societal pot than they put in so had to go. Plus all they seemed good at was breeding- which made their debt to society greater, therefore the need to be rid of them greater too. This inspired many covert experiments on the ‘unworthy‘. They were to be ‘phased out’ by sterilisation. mathematically the benefits would show two or three generations on when their family tree wilted. Just in case, the ramblings of Darwin and Malthus were offered as a case for the prosecution.
In the final analysis, there is no biological link between poverty and genetics. There is none between wealth, privilege and genetics either. Both seem to be self generating principled external to biology and psychology. Those who hold superior positions have superior power. They won’t use it against each other.
As the digital revolution becomes the digital industrial revolution many. many more ‘have nots‘ will appear and the super wealthy will still be a small but influential group able to buy ownership of the world and the human race. The imbalance will be the justification to strip many ordinary people of what little they have, render them as a pariah caste that are unworthy of any opportunity to progress upwardly again.
This is how the oligarchs have adhered close to the Morals and Dogma of Albert Pike to achieve the real alchemy. There is no greater example of a ‘reset’ than alchemy. This isn’t the one we were sold though. This isn’t about transforming lead into gold. It was once clay into man. Now it’s man into machine. All by the oligarchs who not only usurped God but natural selection too for good measure. The ultimate expression of a messiah and his new method- unnatural selection..
Someone out there has a messiah complex. He looks like the saviour of a race that’s at the whim of an archetypical baddie( virus).He’s riding one of the four horses.of his own self-penned apocalypse. Is it the Trojan one.?
A freemasonic prophet said, over 200 years ago, that 2060 was closing time. Now we know the blueprint they’re working from.
Fecundity would drop rapidly – and has – with a living wage and evidence that one’s children would survive to adulthood. Once the population falls and the population pyramid changes shape, the next crisis is caring for the elderly.
Buckminster Fuller pointed out some time ago that most kinds of woge slavery, travel, lack of leisure (partly to look after dependents), etc. are much ado about nothing, that technology can address. But for the oligarchy, that would violate the Free Market – that can be free only for themselves.
Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi
Exactly..Gold comes and goes and has limited value. owning planet and having the power to control it’s inhabitants at will is a real goal to aim at.
non..est…. aurum vulgi !!
quod non intellego haec??????
Improve my English skills for an post written in Latin. OK.
Alchemy is all about the transmutation of lead into Gold. That’s the traditional view. My analogy was comparing the value of Gold ( our gold is not the gold of the people) to what the real agenda of transmutation was and is; the transmutation of humankind into a hybrid of Robot and Human. The creating of a race of slaves. The killing of all dissent by those who have driven for totalitarianism for 3 hundred years. Transhumanism, transmutation- call it what you like. But it’s the leaving of one state of one to become another
Ad verum, true.
Lead into Gold for Meister Eckhart or Robert Fludd or many of the old masters was never their goal.
Late Alchemy became debased ,corrupted and materialistic and yes making lead into gold was what it declined into and to what most people presently understand alchemy as.
Great follow up
Some techniques to reverse disease and even ageing seem promising and even cheap. However, given the dominance of capitalism – in which exploitation, dominance and brutality are normal – none of this will end well.
No mgeo it won’t for all the reasons you have said…..I find it sad that humanity is leaving humans at an ever increasing rate
Day by day, the droned lose another facial expression and their eyes glaze over one more skin. Every look, every expression, every uniform, every sentence is replicated by all other drones.
People are plugged into a communication grid via plastic and wires and rely on wireless magic to keep them safe. Words are spoken less, laughs or laughed less. They walk slow, the think slower. They hunger for a bell to sound in their hand or pocket or bag to wake them up and give them purpose.
They’re all one. A generic set of uniform characters waiting to be inserted into the new virtual landscape and played by those who put them there.
Yes, it easy to see how a mass of unique people become a homogenous collective to resemble cogs in a wheel
A truly moronic statement. Whether or not you believe in something should be its veracity, not whether or not it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’.
So presumably you would reject concerns over 5G.. without having looked into it. Or apparently being incredulous that it even could be the infrastructural means for our enslavement. No one would, or could have such an intention, RIGHT?
What a babe you are.
You will reach the truth about the world sooner when you start believing in ‘conspiracy theories’.
Mercury goes retrograde and a full moon incoming expect another aligned announcement from butcher and co
and avoid flu like the plague when the planets are in retrograde motion
I’m OK, I’m Libra 😉
All the best people are 🙂
flickers shapes
on bbc walls
be monsters
plato and cave
at this stage in the round up of the cattle ready
what difference does it make
prisoner is gate keeper
and security officer
in his own private
legal fiction called
the living and the dead as one
in beast system
Please note the following:
53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started – The Duran
Associated with above this video, starting with Dr. Andrew Kaufman:
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! (bitchute.com)
95% effective
95% effective to weaken immune system so you will get a chronic disease– exactly
I don’t believe in the 95% effective. The majority receiving the first Pfizer inoculation are still alive.
Definitely a dire warning. Here’s another:
Do you have a link?
Now they will reduce the ‘infections’ by doing less cycles and attribute the success to the vaccines. We need to remember that the whole ‘95% effective’ vaccines story relies on the PCR tests as well. The participants in the Biontech study were PCR tested upon symptoms as mild as ‘runny nose’, ‘headache’ or ‘fatigue’ . With this false positive rate the data are meaningless.
Total truth. BTW, I had a runny nose, I was in the piss in rain all day an loving it.
What if this vaccine/experimental biological agent is the real spreader that is being implemented among us…, is that possible?
Please note the following:
53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started – The Duran
associated with above this video, starting with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! (bitchute.com)
Here we go:
You’re no longer allowed to talk or phone on the French subway. They are slowly getting there: ban us totally from communicating. Talking is dangerous especially if its face to face: you can organize the fall of the system, goodness knows what you may be saying, what info you may be passing round…
Oh obviously the reason given is the existence of a virus so dangerous that if you take your mask off then you will become a mass murderer! I think it would be simpler to enforce real dog muzzles rather than a mask. The population is ready for it.
Did anyone even raise their eyesbrows after it was reported even in the mainstream that
microsoft had applied for a patent to “revive” the dead as chatbots, with the help AI?
By now frankly the total lunatic psychopaths in power have transformed most into total lunatics ready to accept anything and everything. We’re not a fit species to survive.
Yet there are still some, a tiny minority of humane, human beings, with some thinking ability, left… I say tiny minority, because even those with the ability to comprehend this time appear to be of an odd variety on the whole: they prefer hitting each other.
In dark periods, we, the minority, need to be even more humane than usual, we need to help one other, stretch a hand to a comrade falling, be more generous than we have ever been, take care of one other, organize ourselves collectively so we can do so more effectively, instead we are hitting each other and making those able-bodied among us fall.
So what we have are some strong egos, each with their followings, and unable to unite.
The first thing we have to do is forget about our little selves, of any possibility of using this dystopia to become famous in a more peaceful subsequent period. Our only goal should be to together force a return to a humane way of living. If we cant forget our egos, that peaceful period may never come.