UPDATED: President Magufuli dead at 61
A corporate coup has removed Tanzania’s “Covid denying president”, and nobody should be surprised.

UPDATE 19/03/21 – Tanzania’s vice-President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been officially sworn in as the new President. Details.
UPDATE 20/03/21 – The new President is already being seen in public wearing a mask. Details.
After weeks of being out of the public eye, Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died age 61, according to the country’s Vice President.
The global press are reporting the death of Tanzania’s “Covid denying President” with barely disguised glee.
The official cause of death is rumoured to be a heart attack, but some are implying it may have been due to the virus. The Economist, for example reports:
Many believe the virus was to blame”.
As if what “many believe” really means anything.
However it happened – whether virus or heart attack or, ahem, “suicide” – the long and short of it as that Magufuli is gone. Just as we predicted only a few days ago.
So what now for the East African nation? Well presumably Magufuli’s successor – be it the Vice-President, or a hastily elected new leader (perhaps the head of the opposition, given so many column inches in recent weeks) – will take the reins of the country.
Will they continue their predecessor’s “Covid denying” policies? I would be astounded.
If what happened in Burundi last summer is any guide, the Tanzanian Covid approach will be totally reversed within a day or two of the President dying.
As the Council on Foreign Relations reported, only last week:
a bold figure within the ruling party could capitalize on the current episode to begin to reverse course.”
Expect that “Bold Figure” to rise to prominence very soon, and receive the kind of glowing write-ups in the Western press, that only their hand-picked men ever get.
Bloomberg is already reporting that:
Tanzania’s Next Leader to Face Predecessor’s Covid Denialism
And that:
New leader must decide whether to change course on Covid-19
The Covid reversals have actually already begun, they were being put in place even before the President was reported dead, with WHO spokespeople praising Tanzania’s “new position” on Covid as early as March 12th.
The “new position” will likely be enforced with industrial blackmail. Bloomberg reports:
Magufuli spearheaded a major infrastructure investment drive, and pending decisions on whether to proceed with several mega-projects will now fall to his successor.
It’s not hard to see the obvious financial threat here. “Change your Covid position, or foreign investors will pull out of your infrastructure projects”.
Plus, there are the former President’s plans to part-nationalise the mining industry, which his successor may well be forced to halt, for fear of “alienating international investors”:
The nation’s new leader will also need to decide whether to run the risk of alienating international investors and press ahead with controversial mining reforms that Magufuli said were needed to ensure the nation derives greater benefit from its natural resources.
It seems fairly obvious there’s been a major powerplay in Tanzania, a soft coup using business in place of bullets. But what do you think?
- What will President Magufuli’s successor do now?
- Will the WHO be invited back into the country?
- Will they start mass testing?
- Will Tanzania’s “hidden pandemic” suddenly come to light?
- Did Magufuli really die of natural causes?
- For those of you who answered yes to question 5, would you like to buy a bridge?
As always, discuss below.
UPDATE 19/03: As of this morning (the 19th) Magufuli’s Vice-President has been officially sworn in as his successor. Samia Suluhu Hassan, who was part educated in Britain, is the countries first female President, which the Western press are naturally all over.
In her inauguration speech, she called upon the country to “come together” and warned this was “not a time for pointing fingers”, demonstrating she’s aware of how suspicious this transition of power appears, and how tenuous her grip on power will be in these early days of replacing a very popular leader.
Remember yesterday when we predicted “glowing write-ups” for Magufuli’s successor?
Well, she’s being described as a “conciliator” in the press, which is Western journalism talk for “someone who will do as they are told”. Human Rights Watch has predicted Tanzania will experience a “revival of democracy” under her leadership, and The Guardian is already reporting:
DaMina Advisors, a political risk advisory firm, predicted the new president was likely to make a public U-turn on her predecessor’s policy of Covid denial and his generally negative attitudes toward foreign investors.
It really couldn’t be more obvious what has happened here.
UPDATE 20/3/21: The new President is already being seen in public wearing a mask:

Not a good sign.
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UCkfing idiot Negroes. Masks can NEVER stop a virus because they are smaller than the space between your mask. MUCH smaller.
Instead, it’s all for theater like what China is doing in Shanghai. LOL, ya’ll been played and played WHEELY good.
The new president formed COVOD committe which has now recommended to give widespread PCR tests, provide daily COVID cases, and Vaccines. The country is now succumbed to this hoax.
induced heart attack and induced cancer was researched by Rockefellers since 30’s. CIA, MI6, Mossad and the industrial-military cartel – they are not serving the public – they work for the banksters: the source of corruption and terror. It is very “unhealthy” to have a conscience these days 🙁
Polly looks at the transfer of power in Tanzania following John Magafuli’s death — the latest African politician to die of Covid (how many Western politicians were carried off by Covid?).
The new president Samia Suluhu Hassan is the product of the Open University of Tanzania, financed by the Rockefeller and Gates foundations, and the UNESCO Grift Programme. Funding has increased exponentially since 2008. The university is run out of Tedros’ Ethiopia.
Her husband, Hafidh Ameir, seems to be directly plugged into the international AIDS moneypot, apparently working for TakAIDS. The money comes from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) set up by Anthony Fauci and run by Deborah Birx — yes, the same people who run the Covid task force.
Upwards of $90 billion has flowed from the U.S., via U.S. embassies and is allocated/audited by the UN Grift Programme, which does not disclose how it disburses the money except that much of it goes to Bill Gates. He creates vaccines and, through his for-profit Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, that money comes back to him.
Dr Hafidh Ameir, the Tanzania commissioner for TakAIDS, also works with G:ENISIS Analytics, which is partly funded the University of Manitoba, home to Canada’s only Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) virus lab, and the BMGF. Genesis Analytics is about behavioural economics, and claims to be the first team in Africa to change behaviour and improve decision making in below-the-line marketing campaigns for banks, insurers and pension funds.
Public Health Mafia Eliminating Opposition? Magufuli is not the first! — Polly
This is almost a carbon copy of what the United Fruit Company did in Guatamala with the support of the US Government and Edward Bernays, the inventor of Public Relations and nephew of Sigmund Freud. If they confirm he had Covid, the fraud will be complete…
Much of what is happening in the world today can be credited back to Edward and his Psychoanalysis tactics…
1/ John Magufuli has been assassinated. You leave enough tips in your article, but let’s call a cat a cat. He’s been murdered. The title of the article should be “Tanzania’s corporate coup” .
2/ The corrupt woman chosen to take his place is obviously part of the plot, Samia Suluhu Hassan is a servile puppet and well identified as such by the Davos clique (https://www.weforum.org/people/samia-suluhu-hassan).
3/ The toilet paper that still dares to call itself the ‘guardian’ called for John magufuli elimination few weeks ago theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/08/its-time-for-africa-to-rein-in-tanzanias-anti-vaxxer-president.
You are well placed to know about the ‘guardian’, it seems they are the voice of the British secret services (question is with Kenya not far, did the Brits kill the president?).
4/ Article published just after his murder: https://www.europereloaded.com/tanzanias-president-winds-up-dead/
5/ It’s the same as Salvador Allende assassination by the CIA.
Question: Who could investigate and gather the proofs of his assassination and who are the culprits?
President John Pombe Magufuli ordered British mining company Acacia Mining to pay $193 billion for severe undervaluing of Tanzania’s gold exports (They only paid 300 million and were facing pressure to repay more).
He pointed out how the British mining company Acacia Mining was involved in illegal mining;
He refused $10 billion worth of debt trap loans from CCP.
He recently impounded raw materials (to be exported to China) at the Port of Dar es Salam as the law required raw minerals to be used/manufactured in Tanzania and then exported.
My question is not if, but who exactly and how? MI6 and CCP should be considered first suspects in this. I would like to see more in-depth articles from off-G. Hardly any digging or investigative journalism, for what is really needed now.
Tanzania’s President John Magufuli was murdered. RIP.
It must have become clear to even the most naive of people what is going on here.
Skeptics and critics of the Global Reset are either silenced by depriving them of their livelihood, or they are dying mysteriously, Here are the last deaths from Corona measures critics in Africa:
Pierre Nkurunziza
President Burundi
+ June 2020, age 55 years
Cardiac arrest
John Magufuli
President Tanzania
+ March 2021, age 61 years
Heart failure
Hamed Bakayoko
Premier Ivory Coast
+ March 2021, 56 years
Ambrose Dlamini
Premier Swaziland
+ Feb. 2020, 52 years
It seems to be very unhealthy if you as a politician do not have the same opinion that corresponds to the mainstream, the Pharma Cabalae and their investors, as well as the WEF.
The criminals pushing the fake pandemic narrative will not win because there will come a time when people will have had enough. And they can murder as many people as they want to try and stop the truth from being known but they will fail. They are trying to enslave us by conditioning us over a long period of time, to accept the loss of everyday freedoms, like going out when we want, forcing us to wear masks, but they will fail. There are not enough Police officers to control us, we are many they are few.
People power will prevail.
He was talking about nationalizing the mining industry, and you think it was all about Covid?
A combination of those things wherein.
A country of 60+ million people cannot be allowed to show just 21 accumulated deaths.
I think I read somewhere that the new leader is a member of the WEF but can’t remember where…
correction: I saw on Hugotalks that the new leader was a WEF member. Don’t know if true…
all the “right” people are connected
That pic is an old pic from South Africa, the new president can be seen here during the funerals wearing no masks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGvUTUGPWrM
At 2:45:45
Also source of the pic : https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/fact-check/article/2001406743/fact-check-is-cyril-ramaphosa-in-tanzania-for-samia-suluhu-swearing-in-fact-check-is-sa-president-cyril-ramaphosa-in-tanzania-for-samia-suluhu-swea
Thanks for that ArPoli
Off-Guardian please do not become a click bait machine!
Enter the puppets Stage Left
A woman is the president in a country of almost 50% Muslims? A Muslim woman? What happened to Sharia? This is definitely a fix, she must come with promises of big external investment and tons of under the table cash.
Will MBS be replaced in Saudi with the first Saudi Queen?
There’s a long list of people who were a threat to the NWO who have died young and/or mysteriously: realhistorychan.com/anyt-03182021—magafuli-dead.html
Be prepared for the U.S. to get bases in Tanzania.
And DeSantis probably also needs to avoid the use of nail guns or driving unsupervised cars?
I just caught this headline from a Guardian article from Feb 8th:
His “cavalier disregard” certainly endangered his life!
The Guardian has developed a cavalier disregard for honest reporting since the security services forced them to destroy those Snowden hard drives back in 2013.
The Big Pharma Criminal Syndicate murders yet another man of truth. The TRUTH must not be told in the Orwellian world of vile and evil gangsters that we all inhabit.
Kinda reminds me of Nelson and Winnie.
Propaganda 101… When a significant number of people don’t trust a product or a policy, put a woman’s face on it.
Merkels role in the center of europe for 16 years now.
Ursula von de Leyen is the President of the EU Commission which is real, unelected power in the EU.
Interesting so 3 covid sceptic African leaders all die from sudden heart problems aged 51, 55 and 61 while at the same time in Tanzania whole swath of high ranking governement official all suddenly die of COVID within a month. Yeah sure its not a coup. Anyway Tanzania was a prime country for regime change. Magufuly pissed off the west and the Chinese before COVID-1984 allready.
Another sad event where a fighter for freedom is permanently knocked down. I seriously doubt it was anything other than murder in some manner. The globalists are that dirty, insane and unconscionable.
And the idiots with their anxious eyes peeking out from behind masks, swallowing MSM tropes and hurrying through the streets are the enablers.
The Funeral
Live: Motorcade with body of late John Magufuli on the way to Uhuru Stadium for viewing – YouTube
I don’t claim to know much about what’s going on in Myanmar, but they seem to be standing up to the Globalists.
Myanmar Military Seizes Bank Accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation For Funding Unrest
March 19, 2021
The Myanmar military regime has seized the bank accounts of billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) for fomenting unrest in the country by funding massive protests. An arrest warrant had been issued for 11 OSF members on suspicion of funding protests against the military junta.
China-India-Israel-Washington…the game goes on.
“Ben-Menashe told on Saturday his task was to convince Washington that Myanmar’s generals wanted to move closer to the West and away from China. ”
Magufuli’s many imitators.
Warka Strong Beer (Poland) Tests Positive for COVID … but the NWO said it was from Corona Beer! (brandnewtube.com)
And how very prophetic and even psychic the Council on Foreign Relations are..
I wonder what happened to all the excellent people who were once capable of telling pharma-lobbyists and grasping politicians where to stick their bribes and threats….
I suppose such people never go near government.
The stench is just too appalling.
The medical fascism has a long history of killing dissidents. For instance:
Erin Elizabeth Interview – The Orchestrated Attack On Holistic Doctors And Your Health
Sep 15, 2018
Ryan Cristián
Anyone who has taken the time to truly research this nation’s history, both recent and back to its origins, should be well aware that those with the wealth have the power to manipulate the government, just as we are increasingly beginning to see today, due in large part to the tireless and all too often unacknowledged efforts of the independent media.
History has shown, in more ways than one, that these ruling elite – or whatever euphemism one feels applies to those with almost no financial limitations and the ability to influence both policy and trade on a massive scale – would have no qualms about choosing their gain over your well-being at every turn. So when we apply that logic to the case at hand, wherein doctors are finding, or rather re-discovering alternative ways to heal and outright prevent a multitude of illnesses that plague humanity, illnesses that have been used to create entire multi-billion dollar industries of continuous treatment as opposed to actual healing, we need to ask ourselves: who stands to lose with this monumental rise in awareness of just how effective holistic medicine can be?
Joining me once again to follow-up on our previous interview [link via article] in regard to her unintended series about the mysterious deaths of now over 90 doctors, is Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News.
The Last American Vagabond
Sep 16th, 2018
“Coup d’etat in Tanzania”. This one touches on most of the main points:
This is the world they want to create. No dissidence allowed. No individuality. 100000000% conformity. Its the HORROR
The true HORROR is that this is the world a majority of the people WANT them to create.
Or is the true HORROR the world a majority of the people are suggested (through behavioral [i.e. undetected because subliminal] propaganda) they WANT them to create?
You have absolutely no choice in the matter. I had no idea, where I was going to be born, so after Father Christmas I got my own bedroom, I scratched through the frost with my finger nails and saw smoky cotton mills on the South side of Oldham.
I didn’t think Oh FFS, but it was very smoky and cold.. When I was 7, it was my job, once I had walked home through the snow alone, and tried to have a wee in our outside loo. but it was so cold, I could only get a dribble. Too cold to piss…They trusted me to the keys to our house when I was 7…So I unlocked the door. The ashes from the previous day were now cold, so I cleaned out them first, and I was so cold,,,so I screwed up absolutely loads of newspapers from the Oldham Chronicle and the Manchester Evening News…I never used any wood to kindle it I wasn’t soft. I was just a 7 year old kid.
I then got the coal from the shed, delivered by a horse and cart to our back shed…and used a traditional blower and a fireguard…to get the coal fire roaring up the chimney. Then I started peeling potatoes for my family of my mum and dad, and my 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters, and their boy friends and girl friends, and anyone else that came into our house…
I grew up in a house of love. I never realised we were skint. I didn’t know anything else.
So don’t complain to me, that I am still here.
I’ve worked for it.
Some of us old people are still alive and we have not been vaccinated..and we are looking forward to getting to 100 years old.
I could see Jodrell Bank, on a very occasional clear day.
It could have been worse
I used to peel potatoes with a broken bottle that I found in the street (someone threw it at me because we were so poor nobody liked us) after walking home 9 miles from school in snow and ice, and we only ate the skins of the potatoes because we had to sell the peeled potatoes to buy a couple of lumps of coal. I had to start the fire by rubbing the coal together because we had to save the newspapers to use as toilet paper when we went to do our business outside. In the cold. We never had matches anyway because my little sister used to sell them all; it was our only source of income other than begging, and selling the peeled potatoes.
The Spanish flu was raging then, but we couldn’t afford the gauze to make masks, and everyone in the family died but me, so I raised myself from 6 years old.
But we were all happy until the flu happened, and I often think back about those happy days.
Now about that Magufuli fellow … oh, sorry, I’m out of time.
That makes you about 102 years old, well done.
Actually 108, and I still have almost all my hair. I was 6 when the pandemic hit.
At the time, I didn’t understand it. I was my parents last mistake, not that my dad ever used one, and I didn’t like them either. I have only had 2 children, so far as I know. My Dad has had at least 5, that I know of. I was born when he was 48.
However, a lot of people, were killed in WWII, and even more are likely to be killed soon, so don’t have a test – they are very dodgy – especially the long ones up your nose right up to your brain. Do you know what is on the tip??
Just keep well away from Doctors and Nurses, except when you know you really need them, as I did recently to save my life.
Thanks, I’m O.K. now
I did wear a mask – but only in the hospital.
I took it off, as soon as I got out, hadn’t worn one before, and I will not wear one until I’m snorkelling again
So don’t give up if you get really old like me.
There is Life after 66
Mine still works, as will my flippers, if they let us out again.
Ok so you mean your penis still works and you didn’t like wearing condoms like your father before you?
correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t do well with British “ooh Mrs” humor.
what is on the tip of the long test?
it *might* be this: https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/11/25/theragripper-gi-tract-medicine-delivery/
Cults might demand uniforms for the flock to wear. But one thing they demand above all else is total obedience to its teachings. Difficult not to sense at a personal level the threat of violence that might come your way if you don’t abide by any of the “guidance” of the Covid Cult’s holy experts in public. The cult celebrates any misfortunate that comes the way of any public figure who disagrees with the cult’s teachings. I mean they just can’t wait for somebody like the president of Tanzania to die and announce it a “death due to Covid”. The timing of his death does make you wonder, him being the head of an African state defying Covid Coup agenda.
Luchashenko in Belerus, is too closely tied to a larger, stronger state, Russia, that can protect him from a Covid Coup attempt.
I wouldn’t count on Russia’s protection of Lukashenko. Russia has played it’s part in creating and sustaining the scamdemic. Remember the photograph of Putin in a yellow hazmat suit complete with a gas mask ?
Russia is exploting this crisis like every other governement. They won’t be part of the western digital gulag tough.
Russia is back to normal and has simply played along with Covid event, while the west has disappeared down the pan.
Happy to report to have driven across the country today (fuck the lockdown!). Not a pig in sight, except for one cruiser in which two cops were playing with their phones. The rest were probably sleeping around the corner.
Pub full of people, albeit with the lights off.
Feeling a bit better …
There are to be protests all over the world tomorrow Sat. 20 March #WeWillALLBeThere
All of you who can go, please do go, especially now: let all see that we are not afraid, that they may have killed the body of President Magufuli, but others have taken up the torch of humanity he and Burundi President had lighted so bravely.
March 20th freedom demonstration in Tokyo, Japan, has already occurred:
The video has already been deleted by the Big Brother. Uploading to YouTube is a waste of time.
the state of affairs is not pretty but just resist as long as you can: 1. resist their vaccines 2. try to change how you spend your money as much as you can – away from big tech, big corporations towards small business. each time you spend a dollar you actually vote for the system that produced it, so be thoughtful how you cast your votes 3. hide taxes, help friends instead 4. buy some physical silver/gold to undermine the fiat monetary system 5. resist the propaganda, help friends see it for what it is 6. resist their lockdowns as much as you can – no need to play a hero but they cannot be everywhere: meet friends, disobey the distancing 7. try to catch some harmless viruses – your immune system needs the training 8. for God’s sake stay healthy: exercise, eat healthy, meditate and drop/reduce painkillers and non-essential medications … Make each day a small push against this raising dystopia. You don’t have to pick each fight but do look for the one that sounds promising.
once you find a meaningful piece of information that exposes the system – share it! with friends, here (even if it is off-topic) . the meaningful data is hidden by big tech and is hard to find without a recommendation from a friend
#2 and #3 are called starving the beast. Most of the wealth govt. skims off goes to crony plutocrats. For this battle, you can help by exposing corrupt govt. officials who get the kickbacks.
Preserved foods, proven medicines, tools, practical skills, etc. will be far more practical compared to precious metals.
What is happening in the real world would make the most brilliant Hollywood sci-fi movie script writer look like look like a simpleton.
All this has been scripted, tested and is being steered centrally.
unless …
The Band Massive Attack (from Bristol) who David Cameron’s wife knew really well..were warned..they were told they have to change the Bands name, so they changed it to the name Massive – just before the massive attack on Iraq..(they changed their name back later, and we even went to see them at The Brixton Academy shortly after David Bowie died – it was actually quite spiritual) so I am not blaming any of them…but I reckon Richard Ashcroft, borrowed most of the aspects from their best video.. He comes from near Wigan. We might once have met him on a train in London, about 10 years ago. probably been to the same gig as us. He was really funny. I strongly suspect, they were all actors, and it took several takes. It might be Western entertainment, but the bombs falling on completely innocent people in Iraq were and are very real indeed.
“The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony (Official Music Video)”
My comment did not appear. But tons of this off topic stuff is allowed.
that happens a lot. don’t take it personally.
Dear All, we came to Tanzania from Germany in December because it was one of the very few countries without faschist Rules against a Natural sickness . Since Januar you could read in all European Papers Bad comments about Magufuli.
And about people coming Here. Also the catholic church talked Info the Same directions. I was very much afraid of what hast happened now. And what will Happen now.
We are travelling all over the country, small villages, big cities. There is No such Thing Like a pandemic Corona Killer Here.
All I can See: since two Weeks WE stay in Mwanza near to a very nice WHO building.
Since two days….omg, busy busy busy.
The people Here Hope and think, nothing will Change….I am afraid, they don’t See, that what will Happen Here will be Not decided Here.
IT IS a tragedy for the Country.
Sorry for my mistakes in your languages,
The WHO isn’t even allowed in the country (yet), doubt that’s what you really saw.
If you see any WHO presence at all, a logo, anything, that’s already a big thing.
Hi, tomorrow I will try to Take a Photo. When er arrived Here in the 07th of march the parking Lot was Always empty!! Since wednesday, it is füll to the Last place.
lots of underdog staff aren’t ‘kicked out’
So much for the notion that the powers will turn back from the health passports.
Covid “Certificates” Under Consideration for Large Events, Michael Curzon, 3/19/21.
The Government is considering introducing Covid “certificates” without which people would be unable to attend larger events post-lockdown(s). Reports suggest the documents would show whether individuals have had a vaccine or tested negative in the last few days. The Guardian has the story.[Link]
“Coronavirus “certificates” that would show whether people have had a vaccine or a negative test are being considered by the Government as a way of getting people back to larger events, the Culture Secretary has said.
those should be easy to fake. somebody get on that.
Mossad have perfected the art of eliminating opponents without leaving a trace – as fully detailed in Bergman’s gushing 2018 book Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targetted Assassinations. It is also clear that while they are skilled at gaining tactical victories, the long term strategic outcome is invariably worse for them.
One hopes, for President Magufuli’s sake, that he was presented with the early retirement in a secluded location option.
I was thinking the same thing. I hope.(rather than the obvious alternative)
He wouldn’t have accepted the offer. Everyone who knew Magufuli says that he was a deeply principled person.
Israel has become the classic ‘abused child’, repeating the crimes of their tormentors.
which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Nicholas Lysson — Holocaust and Holodomor
Uwe Barschell and the Palestinian official rubbed out in Dubai are two incidents we know of. There must be very many others.
on that subject, see here:
Ron Unz — American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations
Includes the China ambassasor in Israel dead from a “heart attack” a year or so ago.
Thanks, just downloaded the audiobook. I think there are many more victims than we realise. In Scotland I strongly suspect these people were behind the deaths of “the best prime minister we never had” John Smith to pave the way for Blair and stalwart defender of Palestinian rights the author Iain (M) Banks who I suspect was taken out like Arafat and Litvinenko by Israeli polonium poisoning.
That is a great article, but you will need an hour plus to get through it all. We all know that the Jewish state is run by thugs, but it has been very successful. They invented terrorism then used it surgically to their advantage, making sure that the political classes live in fear of suffering the same treatment.
Of course, this shows you how inept the USA and UK are in terms of intelligence services. Mossad probably scares the shit out of MI5, MI6, CIA and NSA, knowing that their bosses are probably all being blackmailed by Mossad. It certainly explains why so many politicians would support such an unbelievable despotic regime.
Misleaders using imperial might of technology to eliminate political leaders.
What can possibly put a stop to it?
i) Imperial overreach:
ii) Decentralisation of leadership.
The latter stimulates (i), and is a preventative factor in its own right.
Ironically, Magufuli’s successor was picked by – him, and it was done within a single political party that absolutely dominates the political life in Tanzania. Without detracting from the respect for anyone, any opposition to a super-centralised power has to see an avenue in some kind of pluralism of leadership.
p.s. FWIW, a silver linen:
Keep in mind that the West also praised a new foreign president called Putin.
Slightly off-topic but it is interesting to know about what else is happening in the current health crisis. The following is from The Independent.
”Thousands of extra deaths from bowel, stomach and other gastro-intestinal cancers are expected in the UK as a backlog of about 500,000 endoscopy procedures has built up …
”It is estimated that by 2021 that by January 2021, the backlog had reached 476,000 cases – with significant increases that will probably keep rising for months…Covid is having a disastrous impact on cancer services and ultimately cancer patients. The precipitous drop in endoscopic services nationally is extremely worrying, said professor Mark Lawler of Queens University Belfast.”
Puts rather a different perspective on the Covid pandemic. Mass immunisation of people who haven’t got anything wrong with them, but for with the but people with serious and deadly health conditions, well they will just have to wait.
yes yes, you are allowed to die of any malady in accordance with new NHS policy, in fact it is insisted upon, in fact they are doing their best if you have an existing illness to ensure it….. but not the covidus no no you are most certainly not allowed that one, old people in their nineties may die, ninety nine point nine percent of the population may come to no harm, so just take the ‘beautiful perfectly safe vaccine’, it’s perfectly safe, in fact so safe that it didn’t need testing… so safe it doesn’t work..
just listen to the media:
‘the vaccine vaaaaaaccccccine,vaaaaaaaaaacccccccinnnnee perfectly saaaaaafe, just take the fuckin vaccine…..take the fuuuuuuckin vaaaaaaaaaccccciiiinnnee !!!!!!’
Covid propaganda has adapted to obfuscate this mess, as I commented earlier. It claims that “recovered” and “asymptomatic” covid patients are dying or suffering organ failures a few months later.
We are all in grave danger.
United we have A chance.
What will President Magufuli’s successor do now? – Covidise Tanzania
Will the WHO be invited back into the country? With open arms and an open brief case waiting for the cash
Will they start mass testing? – PCR heaven
Will Tanzania’s “hidden pandemic” suddenly come to light? What a nasty man that Magufuli was , crimes against humanity surely !!??
Did Magufuli really die of natural causes? – New natural or Old Natural ?
For those of you who answered yes to question 5, would you like to buy a bridge? – A bridge to nowhere or a bridge to heaven.. ?
Did Magufuli really die of natural causes?
obviously, he died of New Normal causes.
I reckon he was Murdered.
The few friends I have left have been texting me (I don’t do Facebook), are you two going to the Music Festivals we have been to before..
I really appreciate their enthusiasm for cheering me up, even my wife’s – oh lets book the tickets now.
We did this even before this time last year, but all the festivals got cancelled.
I don’t want to put a downer on anyone, and reply – that would be great, but
a) I am not wearing a mask
b) I am not social distancing
c) I expect a cuddle as normal
I do not say what I really think. They are depressed enough as it is, especially the few who have actually been vaccinated, and are still shaking, and in pain (nothing to do with the vaccine of course)
Sure I want to go, but not got our tent ready yet.
Reiner Feullmich and the International Coronavirus Investigative Committee interview number 43, in English at/with Ilana Rachel Daniel on Israel’s green passport at 26:00, a much better interview with Naomi Wolfe at 4:02:00–some quotes from the interview “ Its not about the virus its about a China style system of social credit….When you are not on your device they (digital companies) are losing money… for digital companies we are their competitors, human space is their competitor…children playing in their playground are their competitors.”
Also other meetings/interviews here. Mostly in German but English often in parts of the videos.
First executive order: Quarantine the goats and the papaya.
Al vehicles impounded for asymptomatic carrying of Covid in Motor oil, all traffic activity is now suspended until a vaccine is found
Looking forward to protecting you from something you didn’t know you needed protection from!
How despicable.
The main target now is the Chinese style social credit score system, but they known we are on to them, and they know we don’t want it……so how will they respond?
They are using the vaccines to leverage for it, and the documentation around vaccines as the ‘starter pack’, but they have a lot of resistance and know it will not work without upping the fear some more. I have no doubt they are brain-storming the next step in the CIA’s HQ now. So they now need to rase the stakes to get us to adopt it, with a 100% implementation of vaccines.
The US, Israel and the 5 eyes states will lead, whatever comes next.
I’m not so sure. I think all those progressives are gagging for social credit scores. The state will virtue signal for them as well as looking after them.
Progressives? ……… where are they in power? nowhere I know. Unless you are calling the far-right neocon, neoliberal war monger, Biden a ‘progressives’?
no, the “progressives” call him a “progressive”.
do keep up with the script.
I realised a few years back that you don’t really need to give someone cancer or a heart attack to kill them, all you need to give them is a diagnosis of Cancer, because the treatments will almost certainly kill them pretty soon even if you were totally well before.
That is why 75% of Doctors Would Refuse Chemotherapy on Themselves
Ditto, excellent insight , very true.
The extra-expensive chemo meds are special. The “oncologist” gets a personal cut.
The typical cancer treatment only extends life by a couple of months. -Prof. Chas Bountra 2018. Even this evades the quality of life in those months. The one issue that unites the “science”, profession and industry: to denigrate alternative medicine.