“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives
A comment on the efficacy of the RT-PCR test in view of the Jaafar paper.
Niels Harrit PhD

SUMMARY: If inoculation can be used as verification of the Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test for Covid-19, about 50% of the positive results reported must be considered false when a maximum of 35 cycles are applied. If only 25 cycles are applied the fraction of false positives drops to 20%.
The efficacy of the RT-PCR test used to identify infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and ”cases” of the Covid-19 disease is widely disputed. In these discussions it is often maintained that the test produces 97% false positives. Reference for that claim is made to a study by a Marseille-based group who communicated their results in a letter to the editor on September 28th, 2020.[1]
The first author is R. Jaafar, so it is hereafter referred to as the Jaafar-paper. It represents an expanded data set compared to an earlier study[2] spearheaded by B. La Scola. This publication is referred to as the La Scola-paper.
In sum, the results presented in the Jaafar-paper do not provide a stand-alone proof for the test producing 97% false positives. The present comment is an attempt to distil the essential conclusions from their data.
In the semi-public domain, it has been another matter of confusion that the abbreviation “RT-PCR” is sometimes referred to as “Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction”, while in other cases one may see it explained as “Real Time PCR”.
It is both. It is Real Time RT-PCR.
The enzyme reverse transcriptase addresses single-stranded RNA fragments in the swab and converts them into double-stranded DNA in a series of steps. Thereafter, the polymerase enzyme begins to make copies of selected DNA. The selection is determined by a pair of so-called primers which are necessary for initiating the process.
The replication occurs in cycles. Each cycle begins by heating the sample in order to separate the DNA double-helix into two free DNA strands. These serve as templates for the polymerase to produce complementary strands of each out of the building blocks present in the soup. Upon cooling the strands recombine. The cycle has ended. The result is a doubling of the number of DNA molecules present prior to the cycle.
During production the DNA is tagged by a probing molecule which fluoresces only when it is incorporated into the DNA. Thus, the sample emits visible light when irradiated with a little laser. The fluorescence intensity is recorded for each cycle of the PCR as a measure of the amount of DNA being produced. That is where the real-time comes in. When a pre-determined level is reached, the multiplication process is stopped and the test termed “positive”.
The number of cycles needed to produce the critical level of fluorescence is called the cycle threshold, Ct, which is a characteristic of each sample. Obviously, if the process starts with a huge number of RNA-fragments, the threshold fluorescence intensity is reached early and the Ct is low. If the initial loading is only a few RNA molecules, or maybe even a single piece, it may take many cycles to get the critical fluorescence signal.
This means that the Ct–value has the potential to provide a quantitative measure for the viral load of any person. It can be convenient if you want a quantitative measure for your temporary condition.
A future conversation may go like this:
“How do you do?”
“I went to the test center. They told me, that I feel fine. I have a Ct of 42 today.”
As will be understood from the following, this exchange may imply that person #2 had a cold last fall but no clinical symptoms today.
All samples are positive if 60 cycles are applied because “PCR makes something out of nothing”, as Kary Mullis – the Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the PCR technology – once said.
When it is only a matter of cycles before the test is positive, we must all have DNA and/or RNA fragments – foreign or domestic – in our body, which are targeted by the primers in current use. At high Ct values you end up amplifying “the background molecular noise” of benign genetic fragments.
We all have a Ct all the time!
The Jaafar-paper is a contribution to the important discussion of the therapeutic utility of the PCR methodology. More specifically: “What is the tipping point for Ct below which a PCR provides a meaningful test for Covid-19 and above which it is meaningless”?
From the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak until the research being wrapped up in said publication the Marseille institute performed 250,566 SARS-CoV-2 tests for 179,151 patients.
Of these, 13,161 tested positive within 35 cycles of the RT-PCR. That is 7.3%.
Out of these positive samples, 3790 were inoculated and managed for culture. The process of inoculation is more-or-less described in the La Scola-paper.2
They write, that “0.5 mL swab fluid was centrifuged and inoculated onto VERA cells (monkey kidney cell line) and observed for cytopathogenic effect” – in an undisclosed number of days.
That is, did the cells die and disintegrate? This observation must have been done under an optical microscope. If they observed cell death a liquid sample was taken from the vial and processed accordingly for observation in a scanning electron microscope.
The authors call this “Presumptive detection of virus in supernatant showing cytopathogenic effect.”
In translation, this means: “If we see the monkey cells die and disintegrate in the optical microscope we take the sample to the electron microscope and believe that whatever we see there, must be the virus.”
However, no electron microscope pictures were provided.
The presence of virus is further “confirmed” with RT-PCR on said liquid. Very importantly, the Ct values for these RT-PCRs run on the samples subjected to electron microscopy are not provided. If the DNA/RNA selected by the primers before and after inoculation targeted the same virus, the latter Ct’s should be substantially lower than the Ct’s obtained from the raw swabs.
If they were not, we really do not know why the cells died.
But let us assume for now that cell death is a criterion for a successful inoculation and that the deaths are caused by the same virus being quantified in the RT-PCR test.
Thus, Jaafar et al. report that the inoculation was successful in 1941 cases out of the 3790 PCR-positives being managed for culture.
This leads us to the immediate assessment that 49% of the positive PCR-tests may have been false in the sense, that the viral load of the patient must have been insignificant.
Whether the 51% successfully inoculated samples do represent a positive diagnosis for the disease called Covid-19 depends on whether SARS-CoV-2 really is a singular entity and whether it has been isolated and shown to be the pathogen of the disease.
In this evaluation we therefore reserve the term “positive” to a sample reaching the critical fluorescence threshold. The “positives” comprise the inoculable and the non-inoculable samples (which are false positives).
The data from the Jaafar-paper are reproduced in Figure 1. It shows the distribution between inoculable and non-inoculable samples for each group of Ct’s, ranging from 11 (Ct11) to 37 (Ct37) cycles.
True, the inoculables comprise only 3% of the Ct35-group. But since there were only 74 samples needed to be taken that far, it does not mean, that the RT-PCR test produces 97% false positives overall. The picture is more diverse.

Figure 1. From Jaafar et al. Shows inoculable samples (brown) together with non-inoculable (grey) for each Ct.
The same data are displayed in a more traditional manner in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Same data as Figure 1, displayed traditionally. The black line represents how many samples are subjected to cell culture at each Ct-group.
We seek an answer to the question: How many cycles should be standard if we want 80% of the positives to represent an inoculable sample?

Figure 3. Left: Integration of #inculables and #non-inculables curves in Figure 2. That is, sum of inoculable and non-inoculable, respectively, registered up until a given Ct. Right: Same, as percentage of sum of cultured samples at Ct.
In figure 3 (left), the number of inoculables and non-inoculables, respectively, are summed up to the Ct value. That is, the curves in figure 2 are integrated.
In Figure 3 (right) the same data are displayed as percentage of the total number of cultured samples up until that Ct.
It is seen that at Ct25, 80% of the samples termed “positive” by the RT-PCR test will be inoculable. However, 20% of the “positives” will be false, if inoculation is a bench-mark for efficacy of the RT-PCR. Some may find that to be a fair trade off.
So, if 1) there exists such a thing as a singular SARS-CoV-2 virus, if 2) this virus causes serious respiratory symptoms, if 3) the virus is inoculable in VERA cells, if 4) VERA cells are a valid representation of human ditto, and if 5) the Corman-Drosten test really detects SARS-CoV-2 specifically, it MAY have some benefit for a doctor in a clinical setting with a patient having serious respiratory symptoms to run an RT-PCR until Ct = 25 as a supplementary test.[3]
A bit far out, isn’t it?
It really boils down to the primers, their specificity and applicability at low concentrations. How can they target a fatal SARS-CoV-2 virus when its very existence remains to be demonstrated? Furthermore, the sequences of the various primers being used are found not only in ca. 100 bacteria but are also abundant in the human genome.[4][5]
Pairing of two DNA strands – hybridization – doesn’t have to be perfect to occur. If the two strands are, say, only 80% complementary, the binding constant will be reduced. But hybridization happens nevertheless. When a vastly exaggerated concentration of primers are used in the standard Corman-Drosten test[6] it is deliberately bound to pick up other DNA floating around, whether these have been produced by the reverse transcriptase or not.[7]
What outcome can be expected IF the Corman-Drosten test did detect a thing called SARS-CoV-2 and was operated at maximum of 25 cycles?

Figure 4. Left: Sum of RT-PCR positives managed for culture up until the Ct-group (integration of black line in figure 2). Right: Same data displayed as % of total sum positives managed for culture (3790).
Consider in Figure 4 (left) how the total number of cultured samples increases partly linearly with the number of cycles. This is in agreement with the notion, that the number of cultured per Ct-group reaches a plateau beyond Ct ~ 20 (figure 2) but only noteworthy if the selection of samples subjected to culture was random.
Of this sub-group (3790) subjected to culture – selected among those termed positive by the RT-PCR test within 35 cycles – only 1813 would have been registered as positives had only 25 cycles been applied (Figure 4, left), corresponding to 48% of the sub-group (Figure 4, right).
Since 7.3% were tested positive by RT-PCR within 35 cycles, it can be expected that 7.3 x 0.48 = 3.5% will be returned as positives if the number of cycles is confined to 25.
Of these, 2.8% may be trustworthy (80% according to inoculation) while 0.7% may be false positives – IF inoculation is a valid means of confirmation and all other conditions are met!
Closing remark
To be sick is to have symptoms. If you are not sick, you are not contagious. It used to be common sense that you are healthy unless you are not.
Sense is not common anymore during the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. Now you are sick until proven healthy – and contagious by default. The vehicle for this scam is the RT-PCR test run at >35 cycles and beyond. Stop testing and survive.
Niels Harrit is Associate Professor of Chemistry (retired) at the University of Copenhagen. He was first author of the groundbreaking paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
[3] WHO Information notice for IVD users.
[4] The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2, philosophers-stone.info.
[5] Conversations with Tom Cowan, at 18.13.
[6] Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR
[7] Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020.
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“If you are not sick, you are not contagious”
Just throwing this out there in the spirit of “know your enemy”:
I have to say that my long experience of being alive – and having had flu more often than I would have liked – has shown me that even in my schooldays it was quite typical to stay at home with flu one day and to hear that others at school had done so the very same day.
Yet nobody had complained of any symptoms the day before.
So the question must come up, “At what point did we become ‘sick’? “…
I greatly respect what Harrits has said and done, so I’m only fishing for any thoughts on this.
“If you are not sick, you are not contagious”.
A good rule in general medicine. But I have met an exception: the bed next to me in an isolation ward for typhoid fever was occupied by a remarkably healthy young man — a typhoid carrier.
Just my anecdote. By no means to be used as evidence in favour of the Con-19 hypochondria that has overwhelmed global health services.
Neils’ article in Spanish, for anyone wishing to share it beyond the Anglosphere:
How? By catching up and realizing that SARS-CoV-2 ain’t Thermite, Grandad, that’s how.
Here’s a starter for you, in simplified language suitable for non-biologically-specialized chemists of any age (link as received by email from a relative at Auckland University some time ago and bookmarked for occasions like this). I could also provide references to some (much) more accomplished virologists and microbiologists but have refrained from posting any such on this site for almost a year now, on the grounds that no serious worker in those fields needs a load of microbiologically unschooled, amateur everything-pundit or just plain demented nutters shouting down their inbox. Pls forgive my caution.
Can’t be helped.
Money talks, and it is not before money is gone that we will lose our trolls…
I should add that the only thing this ‘starter’ indicates is how reluctant some heavily-funded scientists are to scrutinuze closely what health and sickness really are, and to face the fact that human beings are not only at serious risk of dying, but that their death is an absolute certainty.
The corona scam seeks to conceal that certainty, because the money to be made from fake ‘immortality’ is colossal.
From your Auckland University link, the Professor destroys his own argument as the virus is being cultured in living cells, a human! The experiment, a positive rT PCR on human beings ‘In Vivo’. The result, in >%99 of those with a positive result there aren’t symptoms therefore the Rt PCR positive for SARSCOV2 is not indicative of the viral pnuemonia or cold defined as COVID.
That’s Siousxie Wiles and the Auckland University who received millions in funding from the Gates Foundation? Yeah nah to use an excellent Kiwi term.
Next you’ll be quoting Hendy and Plank and, God forbid, Michael Baker!! (Who’s Otago Infection Group are also funded by the Gates Foundation). All coincidence of course
All of these “experts” referenced the idiot Ferguson’s models when presenting advice to the NZ government. That’s where the “80,000 dead” came from when the “single source of truth” terrified the public. Keep up. The simple fact is that the PCR test is completely and utterly useless at over 15 cycles.
That information is the critical information. Whether the virus has been isolated or not is irrelevant, but as of now there is no evidence that it has. Otherwise the claim it hasn’t would be easily put to bed. The fact is hasn’t is telling.
But as I said, it is a red herring and totally irrelevant to fact that this is a casedemic, not a pandemic.
That’s without the other reality…covid, flu etc are not the killer much of the time….it is pneumonia and medical mismanagement combined with a few comorbidities.,,but let’s not let that spoil a good story about how covid has destroyed umpteen people…well it did via bankruptcy and lockdowns etc but we won’t let be part of the story either.,
meanwhile the great prof gets to collect his handsome salary for propergating such bullshit
Can someone bring a lawsuit against bodies like the WHO or the CDC to bring this out in the open?
Hopefully Dr Reiner Fuellmich (Corona Commission in Germany) is on to it already?
Why not team up with likeminded people in your district and crowdfund a local lawyer to sue your local Con-19 Capo?
A meandering article. An earlier Off-guardian article linked to the R Jaafar article. The latter has graphs – on visual inspection – clearly suggest the following rates of confirmation of positives by culturing:
:- at 25 cycles, 70%
:- at 30 cycles, 20%
:- at 35 cycles, 3%.
Similar info here:
It sounds like they used the PCR to check the accuracy of the PCR. This is a circular arangement and probably just shows the amplifications used by the earlier PCR ‘tests’ (it looks like quite a few different ones).
This then the 13th citation:
This looks like a complete mess to me and so the study doesn’t say anything about whether the threshold makes the ‘test’ accurate just whether it is similar to this mess.
I really don’t know. It is confusing but it looks like for the E gene they used QuantiNova SYBR® Green RT-PCR Kit. In the internal control quick start manual of the manufacturer it says Cq valuesof 17 to 19 but the other kit to expect 23 to 25. “Consistent Cq values indicate successful RT-PCR and reliable results. A Cq difference >2 is likely to indicate inhibition or sample failure. ” that sounds to me like you have to use the same kit and different kits would need different CT value. It is precision instrument not something you can use all different kits and various amplifications. “QuantiNova SYBR® Green RT-PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer” https://www.qiagen.com/us/resources/download.aspx?id=5af80beb-8354-40a2-83ab-d84a4d5df671&lang=en
Look here:
and here:
By now we have enough information on the reality of this fraud to fill an Encyclopedia.
We have to get beyond accepting that there is nothing we can do – or, “that’s just the way it is”…
This is “Fate worse than death Mk II”, and the victim is surely supposed to fight back.
An interesting thing has been in Icelandic news the last couple of days:
To my surprise and delight, a former minister of justice has announced that ‘there is no such thing as a covid pandemic – it has all been unnecessary, and we have to keep our borders open to tourists, without them all being put into quarantine, which is, essentially, putting them in prison.”
Unfortunately, that last bit about tourists betrays the political party to which this minister belongs.
Its name translates as “The Independence Party”, but you’ll be lucky to find anything less independent than this “money, money, money” party.
It is a party which thinks it is quite normal to want to control “non-business” people, and most of its members are, basically, infected with Thatcherite snobbery.
Since the 2008 banking crash, Iceland has managed to survive quite well, thanks to a big campaign to advertise itself as a tourist magnet, and if any other political party had said such disparaging things about the holy covid ghost, I would still be rejoicing as I write.
However my gladness evaporated quickly when I heard the tourists mentioned. Of course all the former minister really means is that Iceland will lose valuable revenue if we put people off coming here because of the ridiculous quarantine ‘regulations’.
But at least somebody has managed to say on Icelandic State Radio that there is no such thing as a covid pandemic – whatever their motives might have been.
I salvaged another small crumb of contentment from the former minister’s statement, in that she said we must look at the legality of the measures we have put in place, and of course that is highly relevant in a day when western constitutions and laws are routinely farted upon by huge business interests which find them extremely inconvenient.
The former minister must be feeling rather confused herself, come to think of it.
She is “former”, because, according to Wikipedia, “she resigned as minister of justice after the European Court of Human Rights found her appointments of judges to the Icelandic courts of appeal to be illegal. Go figure…
She’s a tough cookie, and I like tough cookies when it comes to people representing my legal rights, but they have to know what they are doing, and we can’t have them just making up new rules when it suits their wretched party politics.
Excellent report!
Iceland also survived 2008 because it jailed the bankers. Correct?
They managed to find a couple of scapegoats, but dozens hid behind each other in a system which is still very corrupt.
Just as with the Sicilian families, it’s what happens when a small country thinks it’s God…
I think it would be fairer to say Iceland survived DESPITE the bankers, but I reckon that survival is pretty fragile – heavily tourist-dependent, although we have a nice convenient eruption right now, and the country is certainly very beautiful.
“She’s a tough cookie”.
I read a book about communal survival years ago; the author rated Icelanders on the same level as Jews when it comes to being “tough cookie” (survival, prosperity, education and Nobel Prizes per capita).
The only European nation that put its crooked QE politicians in jail.
PS. My grandaughter (who is a tough cookie) and her student friends thoroughly enjoyed their tour of Iceland. I am sure their pleasant vibes from that remarkable country will be worth more to Iceland than the little bit of money that they spent.
Sorry to ask what I consider to be an obvious question. Is their any NHS person who could smuggle out a Covid vaccine so that it could be tested to see what is in it?
I’ve asked that sort of question before.
And because there is no answer, you know it’s over. Why is that not addressed? Complicity. Qlippoth be like dat.
That’s why I simply don’t believe in their projections of benevolence, when such basic, obvious, fundamental issues aren’t addressed. Simple analysis, even.
It means they souled out. And they’re trying to buy time, time which they can’t buy. Time which they simply can’t get, time which escapes them.
So I don’t believe in people hey. I just don’t.
Yep. I asked that several weeks ago.
Nobody came up with anything.
Or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say, “nobody volunteered”…
Pandemic Machine article ( https://www.giantpygmy.net/gp/index.php?id=blog&post=state-of-emergency-rt-pcr-the-pandemic-machine#p03 ) describes the “vaccines” and links to ingredients (for Pfizer, Moderna and AZ): https://vaxxter.com/the-covid-vaccines-part-1/
But these are the stated ingredients. What’s actually in it? Maybe another question (I have no idea).
I doubt if they do any real “testing”. Why bother ? Who’s checking ? They need to start and stop “outbreaks” so that lockdowns and muzzles can be enforced and the whole scam reinforced. They probably generate “positives” when ordered to by those acting on behalf of the central banking cartel. The vaccinations are progressing. What we need are figures on fatalities from independent sources, not the cult owned media. The real culling starts as autoimmune diseases, cancers, MND and other effects kick in months and years after the poisons are injected.
“PCR makes something out of nothing”, as Kary Mullis …. once said.”
Actually, I think he said that it (the pcr “test”) can find anything in anybody.
“It really boils down to the primers, their specificity and applicability at low concentrations. How can they target a fatal SARS-CoV-2 virus when its very existence remains to be demonstrated? Furthermore, the sequences of the various primers being used are found not only in ca. 100 bacteria but are also abundant in the human genome.”
Seems you may test positive if you have a human genome or have had a common cold recently or even eaten a paw-paw or a goat…
Why cannot someone in the government point this stuff out to good ol’ Boris? He doesn’t seem to be influenced by the protest gatherings.
:-/ One also tests positive to motor oil… (said the Tanzanian president before he died)
The RT PCR doesn’t even look for the complete RNA sequence of covid19, it looks for RNA fragments common to over 20 different corona viruses, they “Reckoned” covid19 was related to. According to numerous freedom of information requests There is no physical isolated specimen of covid19, its a series of RNA sequences from other corona viruses stitched together with fictional zeros and ones in a viral sequencing program, therefore by default 100% of RT PCR covid19 test results are false positives!
thus if the suspected virus is a cobbled together hypothetical whatever, what the hell is the supposed vax?
I read a manual for the test developed by the CDC used in our county (disclaimer: I have background in science but a layperson in those matters). The criterion used is that the curve should cross the threshold below 40 cycles. But this threshold is set manually and there is no control for noise. Basically, you can set the threshold to include noise and claim it “positive”. Also, the control sample is supposed to be an inactivated virus, but since nobody has covid isolates they use a synthetic molecule. So, they test it against a made made sequence and if the noise is of right shape, it’s “positive”.
This is where people become confused Julia. They do have what they call “isolates” containing bits of RNA, DNA, proteins and other crap but no whole Isolated virus with its genome and proteins intact.
They can also use synthetic molecules as you state and patch them together into a model which doesn’t exist in the real natural world. However, it’s been easy to con most people into believing that it does exist in highly technical papers that most people unfortunately will not understand anyway. That is, until such papers were subject to scientific scrutiny!
Therfore, without the whole virus to calibrate the PCR test it is completely meaningless. Or, more precisely, it’s meaningless anyway as it was never intended test for viruses in the first place.
As the genius Kary Mullis said:
“It’s like getting all the ‘bits’ of an apple together… but it isn’t an apple” (paraphrased-ish)
And when they want another close down operation on any part of the economy in aust you just up the cycles on the pcr…that has been patently obvious from day 1…criminals …..with the real question WHY?
At first glance I mistook those dollar signs as “SSSSSSS”– i.e. the hissing sound of a punctured balloon.
i.e. the hissing sound of a punctured balloon.
Just wait a little longer: that’s what those $$$$$$$$$ will sound like! 😀
That’s exactly what it is Ort a ” punctured balloon” – punctured by the lying fraudulent pharmaceutical snakes 🐍that are promoting the poisonous liquids in the name of ‘vaccines ‘. Snake oil salesmen at best -venomous at their worst SsssssSssssss Sussed!!!
If it was only them it may make half sense….but of course holding the needle is blackrock, vanguard and their owners..and the only question….how much money and control do these people want and how much misery will they create in our lives before this is over?
It was clear that the “second wave” was manipulated: as Fauci declared hours after Biden’s inauguration: he stated they had used 37-40 Ct. Around January a lower Ct led to the curve coming down from its peak rapidly as happened all over, but of course was all due to lockdowns, so politicians wished to claim who are interested in the Great Reset. Deaths changed too since those dying all had been found positive. This why the Ct used (called by the WHO) is usually impossible to know as no information is given. This way they can manipulate the figures all the time because the conclusion here shows how all is upside-down. Sweden shows lockdowns were not necessary and so do studies comparing states with different measures. The curve is made by the Ct settings the WHO hands out. Health passports, surveillance etc. are clearly the aim and it has nothing to do with health care.
What a great article? Can it get through to politicians and the people who believe the WHO?
it’s clever! and works 🙁
If the PCR test is required, you should ask for a certificate of the cycles used in the test. And even if you test positive at more than 30 cycles, require another test at 20 cycles. This, if they don’t cheat, should by itself unravel the PCR pandemic. Or put another way, keep a daily control of which cycles are done and why the cycles go up or down and based on what decision and who decides. If the PCR is the trap, you have to say where the hole is hiding.
I tried this but the people who administer the tests are, more often, not those who then run the cycles and achieve the result.
When requested, all I got was a blank look. About as useful as the fake PCR “test”
Sitzung 45, latest from Reiner Fuellmich with Vivianne Fischer:
Wolfgang Wodarg segment begins at 1:35:00
Sucharit Bhakdi segment begins at 2:14:00
All discussion is in German in this discussion. Anyone able to convey WW or SB highlights to us in English (SK?)?
update – in english – https://www.corona-schadensersatzklage.de/video-dr-fuellmich-en/
Cool, thanks for the link!
I don’t see an english translation of sitzung 45 on the site. If there is one would someone please direct me to it. Thanks.
That is not the video I linked to.
Here is a legal challenge by Wolfgang Wodarg. It is very thorough.
‘Pairing of two DNA strands – hybridization – doesn’t have to be perfect to occur. If the two strands are, say, only 80% complementary, the binding constant will be reduced. But hybridization happens nevertheless. When a vastly exaggerated concentration of primers are used in the standard Corman-Drosten test[6] it is deliberately bound to pick up other DNA floating around, whether these have been produced by the reverse transcriptase or not.[7]’
Actually, when you are calibrating PCR assays, the ‘annealing temperature’ is also a key variable in determining specificity of reaction. The higher the temperature you use to anneal primers to the RNA/DNA template, the less likely it is that non-specific annealing to other sequences will occur.
The correct annealing temperature depends on a variety of factors: the number of bases in the primers (the more bases, the higher temperature you need to use to get specificity), the % of G/C bases in the primers (the more Gs and Cs, the greater the number of hydrogen bonds and hence the higher temperature you can use for annealing) and the time allowed for annealing to occur.
Bottom line is that you want the annealing temperature to be as close to 72C as possible (72C is the temperature used for the thermostable polymerase to replicate the DNA in each cycle). Indeed, some PCR reactions have been set up to simply include a 94-96C phase and a 72C phase (30secs to 1 min each).
Once again, if you are doing billions of PCR reactions, it is criminal negligence as a government not to have ensured that the primer pairs being used have been optimised rigorously for specificity, as well as for correct annealing temperature.
I would have clauses inserted into any testing contracts that the contract is null and void if evidence emerges that shows that the suppliers had not done that or paid to have had it done to their satisfaction.
I remain 100% confident that Matthew Hancock will not have done that, because he is scientifically illiterate, his priority is bunging his friends billions in contracts and as long as you can blag that the tests are semi OK, then who cares if they are a load of old rubbish??
Great post, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the article.
I’ve had some trouble explaining to some people that the PCR “test” is an extrapolatory tool that “massages” a specimen to produce a particular result by making shit up, kinda exponentially, and the more cycles used, the more it deviates from the specimen…aside from, you know, the specimen having to be “massaged”..
“To be sick is to have symptoms. If you are not sick, you are not contagious. It used to be common sense that you are healthy unless you are not.
Sense is not common anymore during the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. Now you are sick until proven healthy – and contagious by default. The vehicle for this scam is the RT-PCR test run at >35 cycles and beyond. Stop testing and survive.”
Covidianism is the full metastasization of the post-modern technocratic ideology of medicine and public health. This ideology denies both evolution and the very concept of health and illness as being meaningfully different states, except in the purely flat-earth techno-reductive form of PCR-positive-or-negative, injected-or-not-injected. The key factor is that only a modern technological intervention has authority to define “health”. Nature, evolution, and simple rationality and common sense have zero to say about it.
This actually isn’t new, but is a regression to 19th century medical ideology. I wrote this back in 2015:
“As an ideological proposition, the notion that laboratory-generated artifices are not qualitatively different from the products of evolution goes back to 19th century German physiology. Among such physiologists as Carl Ludwig and Hermann Helmholtz there was a general neglect of Darwinism and a consensus that it was irrelevant. They tended to take the organism as given and focused on its current state. Physiologists posited a binary state of normality/health vs. pathology. Where a condition was seen as pathological, the goal was to learn how to manipulate in order to restore the organism to its “normal”, healthy condition. So physiologists would naturally tend toward seeking control since they undertook their work within the framework of this normal-pathological binary, with the focus being on pathology and the goal being to change this to the opposite state. This laid the groundwork for subsequent developments.
“The lust for control above all other things loomed ever larger. Starting in the 1870s such practitioners as plant physiologist Julius Sachs, his student Jacques Loeb, and Justus Gaule rejected the normality/pathology binary and increasingly focused on physiological manipulation as such, without regard to whether it was in the direction of the organism’s better or worse health. Bolstered by the instrumental science philosophy of Ernst Mach and the techno-evangelism of Mach’s close associate Josef Popper-Lynkeus, researchers within this framework relinquished any concern for whether or not scientific research or technological development produced humanly beneficial results. Technological control and manipulation as such was religiously assumed to be its own self-caused primary value, with all other values subordinate to it. These researchers added to their negligent contempt for Darwinism the attitude that since health vs. sickness, comfort vs. pain, normality vs. pathology were meaningless distinctions, so it followed that natural evolution vs. technologically accomplished laboratory manipulation was also a meaningless distinction.”
We see how Covidianism is a great escalation of long-standing technocratic religious dogma and the ideology of genetic engineering. These wicked and stupid engineers are the theologians and developers of the gene-altering injections they now want violently to force into all our bodies. They see this Great Alteration as their New Sodom.
‘ long-standing technocratic religious dogma’
Well, I see Covid as a scam. That doctors fall for it has to do with the fact that they are not trained to think. They are trained to follow orders. You can also turn that around: only people who are good in following orders, can make it as a doctor. That is the selection criterion: obey, don’t think, repeat what I say.
There are some rare exceptions in medicine where you are actually allowed to think. Epidemiology is one of those rare places, but here science can and is misused as in 2+2=whatever politicians want it to be. Which doesn’t mean that you can calculate in epidemiology that 2+2=4 (you are just ignored or demonized the moment you do it)
As others noted here, I more and more come to the conclusion that all virology is a scam of diseases that are… something else (certainly not viruses) which are diagnosed by test procedures that, according to their own standards, are worse predictive than throwing a coin. Why people cannot see through it, is because they can’t think. Doctors certainly cannot, as doctors are not trained to think, but to follow orders
But I repeat myself
I do believe in the science though that produced the car, central heating, MRI, and even PCR testing. All these wonderful things can be misused though by shrewd people as we see with the Covid mania.
Excellent comment. I’d just add that it’s not so much control that is the goal with covid as profit. Things aren’t looking so good for consumer capitalism now. So, we’re switching to Pharma-capitalism. Instead of selling people their appearances, attitudes and entertainment, we now sell them their “health”.
One big difference is that, with previous lucrative artificially induced markets, you needed advertising and then left the folks free to go out and buy (which most of them did after the right amount of conditioning). But now you scare them and say they need a vax, thus making the procedure a matter of the normal course whilst putting in a little get-out clause in the small print (“It’s still up to you!”). All this is stirred up in a bowl of hysteria where people feel more and more pressured into getting the juice.
Another big difference (and a very attractive one for our covid sellers) is that the public no longer pay up directly. Instead, public funds are raided to line pharma pockets whilst other public services (i.e. the real ones) are slashed.
IOW the PCR test, to the extent it’s measuring anything but the background viral load, is nothing but mystification.
“This means that the Ct–value has the potential to provide a quantitative measure for the viral load of any person. It can be convenient if you want a quantitative measure for your temporary condition.
A future conversation may go like this:
“How do you do?”
“I went to the test center. They told me, that I feel fine. I have a Ct of 42 today.”
As will be understood from the following, this exchange may imply that person #2 had a cold last fall but no clinical symptoms today.
All samples are positive if 60 cycles are applied because “PCR makes something out of nothing”, as Kary Mullis – the Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the PCR technology – once said.”
This is a vision of hell, part of the techno-totalitarian world the technocrats are trying to impose.
The whole piece captures something I think constantly now, every time I’m put in mind of how people used to live – every time I see a photo of even a few people together, let alone a big crowd:
“Why aren’t they wearing masks doing hex spacing? Their viral load is the same as today.”
I’m going to start saying that as my standard point. We know by now that “SARS-COV-2”, if it even exists at all, is purely a misdirection ploy. The overall viral load is no different from what it ever was, and that’s the only thing physically meaningful.
How can there be a quantitative measure for a virus that doesn’t exist?
If there was indeed anything like a viral load – which would be in abundance at the onset of an acute infection it would be easy to isolate the virus using ultracentrifugation and density gradient techniques but they NEVER do that which is another reason why the SARS-Cov-2 virus is a scam!
Improved version of original posted earlier (added WHO asymptomatic transmission text [later backpedalled], and made other adjustments). Click on image to view undegraded colours.
try and put this out say on FB and wow! There is not only large censorship by the — what four social media outlets — but your friends will call you names, say you are crazy, a hoax, conspiracy theory, and then not speak to you.
Imaginary friends can be so stupid sometimes.
Suggested changes:
:- 25 instead of 35
:- even better, say that the PCR test is crap because it mimidentifies many types of microbes and many parts of the human genome
:- “covid” “asymptomatics” are not infectious, as a study on 10 million Wuhan residents showed
:- infection (germ theory) has not been proven for any disease.
One year into this “PLAN-demic”, it’s safe to say that if you don’t realize it’s all a scam, then no amount of research papers (proving the scam) is going to change peoples mind. I urge everyone who knows this is a “scam-demic” to dis-obey and NOT wear a mask and NOT social distance. Unconvinced people are monkeys and will only see the light when they see normal people without masks living, breathing and healthy. Eat well, get lots of sunlight, avoid “junk foods” and together we will break this global fraud.
‘Normal people without masks’.
Don’t wear a mask, not obsessively washing hands and hugging friends and family is now regarded as dangerous anti social behaviour and any person displaying these traits is branded a conspiracy theorist.
Wear a mask or maybe several, wash your hands, hide behind your sofa is regarded as normal.
What a paradoxical world we live in.
Paradoxical? More like stark raving bonkers… Yesterday, I mentioned to one of my customers how good it was not to have to wear facemasks inside supermarkets and shopping centres anymore (I was testing the waters so to speak). Her reaction was: ‘well as long as covid doesn’t come back’!
She then mentioned how she has been seeing people – almost all women btw, walking round the supermarket and mall without masks on for months.
She said “what selfish bastards, they could give people covid… I could’ve got covid when I was in there”.
I told her exactly what I thought about her “views”. I even said to her face “do you have any idea how many people have been murdered because of this scam, do you have any fucken idea how many people have committed suicide because of this bullshit, including teenagers”.
I greatly doubt I will see her again. They are the sort of people I’m dealing with every day…. like your work colleagues.
How many have been killed because treatment for pneumonia and even Fever suddenly became a very dangerous task for the medical industry?
Ron, It is probably true that no amount of Research papers proving the scam will change people’s minds.
However, the Masks are not the main problem. The main problem is the authorities and their agents who are enforcing All the control measures of the scamdemic not just mask-wearing, but also the statutory rules they are using to enforce these repressive and fraudulent measures which are UNLAWFUL.
That’s why I’ve suggested people join the Common Law Court, become effectively organized and become knowledgeable regarding simple common law principles and their inalienable rights so that a CLC can be conveined and the perpetrators and fraudsters can eventually be brought to justice.
That won’t ever happen if people don’t act at both the collective and individual levels required. Without social solidarity people will be picked off one by one. Hence, their age old divide and rule strategy.
Well, I risked a €300 fine this morning by walking through the city centre of Limassol/Cyprus unmasked. I am not the only one that does so, but I felt in a smaller minority than usual today. I noticed I was getting some dirty looks from some of the masked zombies, so I avoided making eye contact, put my shoulders back, smiled and tried to look like a human being who was proud of having a mind and using it. In fact, for some reason, the line in the Doctor Zhivago film spoken by the shackled prisoner on the train, “I am a free man and there is nothing you can do about it” comes to mind. More than once, police cars have passed by while I have been walking along the pavement unmasked and they have just moved on. I think there is still a critical mass of people who are flouting the rule which makes it hard to enforce … yet.
Show me the proof that there is a ‘virus’, one which causes illness, which is proven contagious, and which is isolated and which does not need a computer program to create,. Then, do it again in a larger study, at least 100 people,. Then let us speak of rt-pcr ct’s, sound reasonable?
The ‘scientists’ are forever claiming that they keep learning more and more about this ‘virus’.
You know it’s just mutating everywhere.
May I suggest they start studying the huge amount of people who don’t wear masks, don’t anti social distance, attend pro freedom marches, have their own parties and are living life as best they can despite the government tyranny.
Yes they’re all alive and well and managed to survive this bubonic plaque by being normal.
Imagine that.
The only vaccine they need is the strength of mind and character to protect themselves against government and big pharma lies.
Don’t forget “long covid”, to be blamed for any medical problem the subject gets for years. Lots of vague references to neurological and orthopedic problems, with no publlished research.
The billionaires could always reduce death rate by eradicating poverty. Taiwan’s death rate dropped 30% on average since 2002. The death rate is the probablility that a person of a certain age will die before their next birthday. Covid is irrelevant compared to this saving in life … https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2021/03/27/2003754555.
When you see numbers like this, the scam that is Covid is put a little more into perspective.
there is no covid and it is not about saving lives but destroying them. there is not a shred of evidence of any efforts to save lives only destructive efforts. whilst people think there is anything healthy about these measures no matter how small they are not realising what is going on. that the intent is to destroy and claims about health merely a cover story with no truth to them what so ever. they run counter to all knowledge of health and are clearly designed to cause harm and clearly doing so.
I entirely agree and I dread what is coming.
I can see that my fellow man is not going to rise up and stop this assault on their lives and families. I blame my fellow man as I would be willing to do whatever it takes to stop this, but without numbers we cannot win.
Think of what we have already lost yet we are only one year into this plan. By the end of this year we will probably require a vaccine passport to go down the pub – as revealed by BoJo – plus a host of other restrictions such as no work without a vaccine.
Then the real games will begin when they start injecting us with other stuff that we cannot refuse if we want to continue eating. All the time we will be bombarded with propaganda, sites like OG will be ripped down as part of censorship etc.
Old-fashioned slavery: Not looking good.
Right now the only sane option is to carefully watch your own back. The turkeys who voted for Christmas may well perish but this is their own doing. Efforts to save them will only harm yourself. Let them go. I stopped worrying about it because ultimately, me fretting over it daily and trying to wake people isn’t helping. Simply being the example, and skilfully keeping yourself alive, is best.
no lives have been saved by lockdowns. they have facilitated mass murder and abuse. everyone who participated helped with murder and torture not saving any lives what so ever. even the slightest thought that there could have been some benefit is enough to hide and belittle the severity of the crime and situation. then your into a fanstasy where there is pros and cons and differences of opinions about whether the harm outweighs the benefits. that is enough for the thing to continue and so the doubt is all a controlled opposition operative need place. as long as there is some covid cases and some lives being saved people are not seeing that there is only malicious harm being caused and how dangerous it is to let them continue or even to have let them get this far.
This sounds pretty cruel but fuck it. I will take comfort in knowing I was right, and we will have ridded the world of much idiocy. Hey, maybe that’s what the planners were aiming for all along..
I actually despise ordinary, but ignorant people more than I do the creators of this scam. Evil will always be present but it takes ignorance and stupidity to allow it to win.
In third world countries, improved santitation would save many lives. It is the number one public health priority. The Gates Foundation could easily afford to install plenty of sewers if its aim really was to improve people’s health.
And access to fresh, clean drinking water. Simple and effective if you really want to improve health.
Makes it crystal clear that none of this is about health or helping people. It’s astounding that many more people don’t see this for the evil scam it is.
a virus so serious so contagious NOT one parasite elite has died
alternatively, ÉLEETCH
Good point.
Thanks for an excellent summation of all of the core problem with PCR and its use as a diagnostic tool for viruses. Congrats to Off-G for staying ahead of the curve. Let’s do as much as we can to disseminate this understanding. We don’t have much time left.
I also applaud the work off Off Guardian, it’s relentless communication in the publishing of Truth, highlighting the campaign of disinformation and revealing the inadequacy and depravation of those who promulgate this deception.
yes, lets not fall behind – the clock ticks, but the numbers need to rise – and the big Key, is lock to the future, revealing their designs – the people must know more of it, must demand a say in it,… We reflect,…We reimagine…it an – Essential Focus – as take that from them, and we Reset without them.
Isn’t there a simpler way of looking at this? (And I apologise if anyone’s already said it.) Let’s assume that every single PCR positive was entirely accurate. Considering that the vast majority of these positives (and the very fact they needed the test proves the point) showed no symptoms and feel nothing means that having covid effectively makes no difference i.e. these people who tested positive must be immune.
“Oh but then they may be carriers who will go on to infect others!” goes the outraged shriek. Well we’ve already seen from the PCR tests (assuming they are genuine) that most who catch the disease don’t suffer at all. So presumably those who get infected from the infected will also show no effects – other than a positive test.
Unless of course we have entered some strange metaphysical stage where, as with the old days when souls could be damned by the local witch doctor without showing visible effects, a positive result now acts as a yellow star?
The main issue with this ‘test’ is it’s not a diagnostic test and doesn’t diagnose any illness or disease.
Even if the virus exists PCR can only detect the genes it’s designed to look for.
It cannot detect any infectious virus.
It’s a DNA amplification tool primarily used for research purposes.
A positive test result is meaningless unless it’s been unequivocally proven to be searching for genes unique to a Sars Cov 2 virus. No one has ever proved this.
Even then the result of the PCR means nothing unless the CT value is taken into consideration along with the clinical presentation of the patient.
As you mention in your comment and I have mentioned before it’s the greatest scandal of all time to be declaring healthy people as being ill and especially with a non diagnostic procedure that’s not a test.
It’s utter insanity and quite frankly medical fraud.
The majority of the medical profession should be ashamed of themselves.
As the article implied, the same results would have been obtained before Covid ever existed as a scam.
How convenient to have a test to scare people and yet there is no virus so no solution.
The pandemic is the test, there is no virus, the “virus” is just the flu rebranded as Covid.
The vaccines are “non-targetted” because there is no virus, they treat all viruses, even the ones you need to keep your immune system healthy.
“The pandemic is the test, there is no virus, the “virus” is just the flu rebranded as Covid.
The vaccines are “non-targetted” because there is no virus, they treat all viruses, even the ones you need to keep your immune system healthy.”
Just to clarify a bit, as covid is fraud, so is flu.
They “treat viruses” in the sense of adding more toxicity, causing more “viral” results.
And the vaccines are VERY targeted, that’s why the “virus” being attacked happens to be your body’s genetic material and repair mechanisms.
its much worse than fraud. its a holocaust. they have already killed millions and any notion that there is any such thing as ‘covid’ no matter how small serves to cover that up and facilitate it.
I think it was Dr Cowan who labelled it ‘therapeutic nihilism’.
Or is the fear factor creating a psychosomatic condition?
Not, it seems, a spoof:
What on earth is this and who produced it?
Faucis look means: “Lol those retards really fell for it”
When we win this war, his eyes and oversized conk will be the poster for our children to know a face to never ever trust.
“Fauci” is an Italian surname. It can be translated as “Jaws” as in jaws of a beast … (shark, lion, cobra, werewolf, etc.)
These establishment whores all worked at Buzzfeed before they started the Try Guys YouTube channel. Why am I not surprised by this? I managed barely one minute of this crud before my stomach started doing somersaults. All doing their bit for the technofascist dystopia…
What is buzzfeed? I’ve heard people mention it, over the past decade or two.
I know bees and bottlebrush. That’s the buzz I know.
Just wow.
they ask: can I still pass on the virus once I’m vaccinated and do I still need to wear a mask?
dickhead fauci replies: yes.
But then says we can stop wearing masks once we got herd immunity…when 80% of people get vaccinated!!!!
what a bunch of cunts.
God these guys are annoying. Had to switch off after the intro.
People can bet their bottom dollars these four fellows “interviewing” Fauci majored in Theater at university… Their (pitiful, sellout, laughable) acting “skills” could not be any more obvious.
I think anyone who cares to look knows that the PCR test is a scam. What is up for debate is why they have done it. Is it to protect the bankers from the financial meltdown. Is it to get the vaccine into us for whatever reason. Is it to reduce the population. Is it an excercise in crowd control. What I truly believe is that it is not for the benefit of those who are most affected by the measures they are taking. Sorry but we who are aware of the scam need to have an effect of our own.
protect the bankers, maybe…but given there’s trillions of dollars with no chance of profitable investments in production – now that China is The Worlds Factory – why not panic governments into implementing jobs & business destroying policy
decisions, which result in those governments going heavily into debt, and who will then have the excuse to sell off All government property & services to the privateers, as corporations have pressured governments for years to do…(a renteer economy)…
There’s more than one agenda at work…Exposing The Fraud is vital, but let’s not forget that wise advice “It’s The Economy – stupid !”
Look at all the other scams we have been subject to and you soon see that money is the common thread:
1) Child car seats: Super Freakonomics revealed that child car seats have not reduced the child death rate in car accidents. This was a 300 million dollar industry when Super Freakonomics was written. This reminds me of the mask argument – it seems logical so it must work!
2) Low fat diet: Europe and the USA decided to use the low fat diet to reduce deaths by heart disease. Unfortunately low fat diets have no impact on deaths by heart disease. Low fat is still being sold, the benefit being the sugar industry that is huge (no number I can remember).This again reminds me of the mask argument – fat in veins causes heart attack, it seems logical so it must work!
3) Climate change: Too big a subject, but the money is huge.
That is enough for now.
You can add the sun cream industry to that list. Scaring people into avoiding the sun, the ultimate life and health giver, on the premise that it causes cancer and to only going out in the sun if you smother a carcinogenic, photoreactive cocktail all over your skin. Meanwhile skin cancer rates surge since the 1970s when said carcinogenic cocktail was introduced and the manufacturers of the cocktail tell us it’s because we aren’t using enough of it. The normies lap it up, they believe every word because “the science” says so. People get quite irate when I refuse to put that poison on my son and I cover him up with clothing after an half an hour or so in the midday sun. The result: He’s never been sunburned once and has a healthy glow to him all through spring, summer and into autumn while their kids burn with that weird burn that people get when they buy into the official, but totally wrong story about the sun. They smother the gunk on and think “that’s it, job done, I can let them run around all day now without worry about it.” They let “experts” do the thinking for them. And on it goes.
Given the history of such psyops and marketing campaigns and how easily people fall for them, even pouring vitriol on those who can see through the bullshit and think for themselves, it’s very easy to see how so many people have fallen hook, lone and sinker for this scamdemic.
rt-pcr is not a diagnostic tool.. shouldn’t be used as one so the data is useless..
counting angels on pin heads..
The point you make cannot be emphasised enough.
RT-PCR does not and cannot diagnose any infectious virus or disease.
Great article: I learned something new today.
Thanks Niels for a really good and thorough analysis on the Jaffer paper.
Heard from another friend that her mother was forcefully vaccinated in a nursing home in Estonia. Her mother can not speak but my friend said the staff was well aware that her mother was an anti-vaxxer and that she did not want the franken shot. Also my friend’s son was punched in the face by a bus driver because he did not have a mask. They are filing charges in both cases. This makes three friends who have relatives that have been forcefully vaccinated, two in nursing homes and one in the hospital.
Dr. Stefan Lanka gives a nice history of virology in this video with Dr. Tom McCowan https://www.bitchute.com/video/7BeuGAXfCHnT/
Tom McKaufman?
thomas cowan
Ha! Sorry RtD and everybody. Of course, Dr. Tom Cowan.
I was watching the video when my partner got off the phone and told me the disturbing news from our friend. Have no idea where the Mc came from.
Finally, someone mentions that the primers and probe sequences are actually found in the human genome. That in itself, proves the tests to be totally worthless. They are a revenue raising exercise, producing false case numbers and false death numbers.
Since every hospital admission is tested, many more are tested because of their jobs, and people are being tested if they have cold or flu symptoms or want to travel, that enables the statistics generated and lends the msm and government propaganda credence, where there is none.
However, the tests can be used for more than one purpose which is why they need to be halted immediately. There’s a toxic chemical called ethylene oxide (EtO) on most swabs and there’s no guarantee that people are not being nano-tagged with SMART dust, or covertly dosed with other toxic molecules.
There’s also the possibility that recipients of tests are covertly being dosed with freeze dried biologics.
have you raised this with anyone who is in a position to do something about it?
I have sent numerous pieces of evidence and emails to lawyers, doctors, vaccine safety groups, local and provincial health departments, mainstream journalists and even alt media figures, but have had little feedback.
Keep at it. I’m not trying to tell you how to do it – everyone has their own way- but I try to engage them gently. I found that they tend to be scared off if you start full-on.
Thanks. I’ll try a different approach.
I think you should send it to people on the following list: https://www.torstenengelbrecht.com/en/home/
Torsten’s email address is on his Website. Id suggest sending him email. Also there is one other person on the list who has brought a law suit based on the PCR tests in her country. Ill send you her email in an email to the address you wrote from.
Also send it to me. Not that I can do anything right now, but I want to particularly bring out the dangers of the PCR test. There is little talk about the dangers. Only saying they’re rubbish.
Also, Researcher and anyone willing to seriously respond, I need another advice from you. In France, where I live, there is no understanding even among those who have stood up to this criminal nonsense that there is no virus identified. Now there is a rebellion movement that has been formed by scientists and artists, notably the geneticist Alexandra Henion-Claude. She was one of the first to speak out. However her thesis is there is a viral bio-weapon and she accepts without questioning the data she gets from colleagues round the world. So her whole action is founded on there being a virus, and she says meaningless things when she is interviewed on TV, like all lockdown does is slow down the spread of the virus. Which exactly what powers want to hear. Anyhow a group is forming call Paris for Liberty, which she has founded, and there was a good protest yesterday in Paris. I cant go anywhere (I cant walk yet). Basically they want to unite all the protesters under its banner.
Now my question is: if I participate, Id have to first communicate with the scientists in the movement. However, here I am banned from mentioning/debating that no virus has been identified. What would be your advice? My reluctance comes from the fact that no one is open to even reconsider the viral thesis, in this particular case of covid, and hence obviously more generally. I find this astonishing, but its not the 1st time Im meeting with such dogmatism in France, one that is incapable of even discussing (elsewhere, people are open to discussions). In fact, in another matter, where I had a clash with some of their most well-known historians and sociologists, the only non-dogmatic one, told me never in France to come close to academia, and their utter incapacity to open up is well known amongs academics in every field elsewhere in Europe… So Im reluctant. But then that leaves me totally isolated until I can leave the country, I mean physically. Im not isolated in the world since Im actively engaged with others likeminded. But they’re all behind closed borders. So its always via the internet. And that is unpleasant
A PCR test is needed to enter other countries and guess what in France you cant do it yourself, there is no PCR saliva test, you have to have someone official do it to you. So that is something I have no idea how to overcome, because leave I must…
So should I participate and get in touch, just avoiding all talks about the virus, only talk about PCRs and Vaccines, and Liberty?
Obviously by holding on to the untruth of an identified virus, their stand is very weak: the mainstream just says they are conspiracy theorists since obviously there is actual proof that a bio-weapon was made, even less used… Whereas saying the truth that no virus has yet been identified, well because its true, anyone can go check the papers published in scientific journals…
I sent a reply to your H email address. And I agree with what you wrote below. What’s the point of joining a group who are using a psychological operation or disinformation campaign at the heart of their argument? It seems like a honey trap to me. They could collect names of those joining the group, for the “authorities” to target later. As “conspiracists spreading misinformation“.
I try to keep repeating the facts. As yet, no Coronavirus has been isolated and purified. Not SARSCov or SARSCov2. The evidence of this is within the literature. And contagion is also unproven.
Thank you so much researcher. I have replied to you by email from the email address I now use. You make an excellent point above: propagating the bioweapon thesis could be liable of having problems, because if it came to that you would not be able to justify it. I have in the last months looked carefully in all the documents these people rely on for their conclusion: there is simply nothing connecting patents of viruses with a bioweapon, their claim that it is to develop a vaccine is perfectly reasonable (it would fall in their logic), though objectionable. And they take us for such fools (and we are such fools) that they do tell us the truth, but too many look for hidden messages: they clearly said they’d been working on vaccines for some time against coronaviruses. Why given that then there was no pandemic at the time (I mean not yet an engineered one)? Because they are possibly telling us the bioweapon is the vaccine… They’re not that stupid, they know you cant make people ill by diffusing a virus. People like that Imperial person (forgot his name) are the silly ones that are there as a showcase. The real intelligent ones are behind. They are well read. They know perfectly well Im sure that the virus theory in general has never been corroborated. But indeed you can inject poison and through injections generate genetic harmful reactions, which indeed would be a pandemic if sufficiently many took it.
They may also know that whatever happened to the vaccinated is probably not contagious, given the contagion thesis remains unproven.
I don’t know what the status of being able to book a “freedom” flight because I have not wanted to travel. But you may want to try and contact them at this sight as they are suggesting they may or will have flights.
if they have actual flights, I hope they don’t make you agree that there is a contagious virus. I think more and more that the vaccines are the bioweapons, and have been for some years, now they are being made more deadly. The lab developed spike protein being the critical part of the equation.
Yes, I also think that the vaccines are the bioweapons. Thanks for the link. It may come in useful. Its extremely unpleasant to feel trapped inside borders of a country, and not knowing how to get out without pcr tests, or even vaccines: vaccination passport to be made compulsory from 15 June.
“Finally, someone mentions that the primers and probe sequences…”
To be fair, I’m pretty sure that has been mentioned. But I guess “random” shit from commenters and lunatics isn’t considered credible. Shit, even fairly early last year I told people that the “virus” conveniently happens to match human genetic material and it’s a demonization of their bodies AS the “virus”.
Do you mean deploying the vaccine by stealth under cover of a test?
Alison McDowell @Philly852
When people ask who the “they” are – it’s these folks, plus those whose assets are under their management. Fin-tech impact investors on a transhumanist bender.
(To those who may still wonder how this boring investor-oriented site/project may have anything to do with “the virus,” “the pandemic,” “the vaccine,” or the “health passport,” you need to go to wrenchinthegears.com)
Both links irrelevant.
Impact investing is irrelevant to virus-pandemic-vaccine-centered discussions??? (If you haven’t noticed, each of these CV-1984 comment sections spread out to take in all aspects of the operation.) Impact investing is central to TGR; it is how the killionaires will continue to profit from all us useless eaters (as we die slow or more rapid deaths from repeated injection with their toxic concoctions) in the Stakeholder Capitalism they are ushering in via this phony “pandemic.”
To enable that, they need to get us all on the blockchain with our unique global ID containing our biometric, financial, health, education (etc. etc.) info/records. How to get billions of us to agree to that? Virus –> Pandemic –> Vaccine –> “Health” Passport –> Voilà!
World Bank created “Pandemic Bonds” in 2017. Amazing how World Bank “knew” in 2017 that pandemics would be the next big scam. ….https://jacobinmag.com/2020/04/pandemic-bonds-coronavirus-world-bank-covid-ebola/
back in the 1980s Australians elected a neoliberal inclined Labor government…Around 1985 it changed how the Unemployment Rate was to be considered henceforth…Up until then all concerns were about what could be done to lower the rate…Thereon all comment was about whether government ‘predictions of an increase or decrease were spot-on…No more concern about the plight of the unemployed…
Up until then the greens had been talking about environmental sustainability, but
the relevant government minister wasnt having it…As far as he was concerned the word ‘sustainable’ could only be used with ‘economy’, or ‘development’…He would not listen to any sustainable enviroment notions..
As Orwell wrote’ you had to be on guard against ready-made phrases, for they colonise your and inhibit your ability to think critically……..
thats ‘ colonise your mind’…
As Alison McDowell points out, most of the UN Agenda 21/2030 sustainability goals are about managing (poor) people, or about managing the environment – not as caring stewards – but as database-and-tracking-obsessed technocrats.
Alas, the Capitalist Totalitarians have spent years working on an entire lexicon of duplicitous terms that might easily hoodwink the ever-credulous masses. What did Alison say? When I hear “sustainability,” I think “techno-fascism.”
“They” are rich, powerful people such as the Sacklers who introduced opiods into the US general population, resulting in the current crisis. You may think that your local drug dealer is a scum bag for trying to sell drugs to your kids, well the Sacklers used the corruption of government to legalize their drug dealing. Same scum bags, different tier of society. Look at all the billionaires in this world and they all have a similar story that their PR firms whitewash.
good article
Have a good laugh at this, it’s meat to make you angry:
“But why on earth would Bill Gates want to rule you”!
The bots have been working overtime on the thread and the likes set at 33k.
Ha ha! He doesn’t want to rule us, he wants to exterminate us.
While profitting all the way (via vaccine sales, impact bonds, developing crucial infrastructure for the erection and ubiquitous expansion of the Digital Panopticon, etc.) towards our engineered premature collective demise…
Lab-grown “meat”, no doubt!
A VERY straight-talking David Icke (“controlled opposition”, “CIA asset” according to OffG’s resident btl trolls) on the current state of affairs. New video released today:
Oh hey, I’m that “greatest threat”, right?
I’m the prime Saturnian representative, btw. Unfortunately I’m not joking.
Icke is wrong about many things and he kinda tries to project blame incorrectly. But hey, if he wants to talk alien shit, I’ll send a message with some ultrasonics (merely related to shifting some soil, btw).
Please try and speak in coherent sentences, this seems to be a stream of conscience word-salad.
You seem to have used around 50 monikers in the past week. Strange that some other posters manage to comprehend what I say, isn’t it?
Did you design this poster, Reset? Nice.
Remember Neil Ferguson’s fraudulent predictive models? Long gone down the memory hole like all the others in his corrupt career on behalf of Imperial College and the Gates Foundation. Unless you’re following the lies become truth of covid-1984.
Same for the rigged PCR test, from its inherent invalidity as a diagnostic tool as stressed by its inventor Kary Mullis to its absurdly inflated cycle thresholds in order to manufacture the casedemic phase of the scamdemic. Likewise forgotten, if ever known, by any but the most stubborn seekers of truth, as the thresholds get readjusted in conjunction with other elements of the plandemic like the installation of Build Back Better Biden as chief executive of the empire and the rollout of ‘vaccines’ the spurious efficacy of which is thereby disguised.
It’s not that facts don’t matter. It’s rather a matter of how they’re contextualized and understood in terms of their larger political purpose. A grand narrative, so long dismissed by postmodern propaganda, is being chosen for us. It leads to an inevitable conclusion: the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution. But this endgame is disguised above all, not only by its PR and false advertising/marketing, but also by the narrative remaining veiled by myopic focus on facts uprooted from the agenda they serve.
And so as mass media of the Matrix keeps captive audiences as ever ‘occupied’ with disconnected issues and (pseudo)events of an eternal present erasing memory, the colonized are also instructed to not make the ‘science’ political, for instance, or fall for ‘conspiracy theory’. Ferguson’s fraud is made to appear independent of PCR fraud and so on down the line of lies leading the “bewildered herd” (Walter Lippmann) to Doktor Bill Gates’ “final solution.”
At most, these parts of the plot are separate variables which share the corrupt character of bizzness as usual, not elements of a global coup to impose a Brave New Normal world order of techno-totalitarianism. This radical paradigm shift of the “masters of mankind” (Adam Smith) is knowledge reserved for the powerful for whom knowledge is power to manipulate whatever elements of the plot are revealed to the masses for the sake of concealing their larger purpose.
Resistance to elites’ agenda requires nothing less than an equally radical paradigm shift by people among the docile masses, nothing short of organizing and building equally revolutionary alternatives, whether called the Greater Reset or the Great Awakening to counter the Great Awokening ideology fueling the progressive police state logic of lockdown and other medical martial law (e.g., immunity and health passes) until the coup has been completed. Nothing but the waking up from slumber and rising up in “unvanquishable number” (Shelley’s “Masque of Anarchy”) of those who claim our natural birthright as humans to live freely and fully, without rule by the monsters of mankind who have ever made a wasteland upon the earth and called it peace (Calgacus).
I was skeptical from the beginning of this bs and was never convinced that the newly discovered “virus” (test actually) is really new – there was never any evidence. I think it is highly likely that if we could have tested people before this “panicdemic” with these same tests (PCR or other types), there would be positive results. This should be strong evidence that the “virus” is only newly discovered and not new.
Now, there is this study:
Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy
My question is, would it be possible to find samples (swabs or whatever) collected even earlier than 2019, preserved somewhere, and do the testing. That would be a great experiment to test the hypothesis that the “virus” is new.
Maybe testing people for flu as well as Covid would give us clues as to where the flu is hiding: flu has been rebranded as Covid to justify the handing of tax-payer money to billionaires in return for “solutions”.
Flu? or is it colds that are part of the large number of coronaviruses? I am interested in the fact that Dr Stefan Lanka demonstrates that viruses don’t exist, and yet every year people do catch colds and flu’s especially families with little kids. If these are not viruses, what are they, and how do they spread so easily?
At the highest level, China demanded that USA provide the details of its earliest cases. There were many such deaths in multiple states, including the “bath salts” deaths. The US response: ignore the question and continue to accuse China of (a) creating the virus (b) slow response (c) censoring the cale of the disaster. Also, total silence from WHO.
video – 5 mins 42 secs
And is this a verifiable nurse?
I have to like, congratulate you though, for your obviously ironic contributions.
Imagine PCR test of a small DNA sample is used to determine if person is dead or alive. Mere existence of genetic material does not determine functioning of the cells themselves and it is detecting functioning cells properly or wrongly is what diagnostics is all about.
PCR will never be a diagnostic tool for diseases.
So in the best case scenario, 20% of tested patients are false positive. It’s a big if, but for the sake of argument, let’s assume that this is the best PCR can do.
Okay, that is one part of the equation. Then there are also false negatives.
Let’s say that from a 100 pcr negatives 0 are false negatives. Which is very unlikely if you believe that there actually is such a thing as sars-Cov-2. But let’s assume this is also factual and true
And then, let’s say that Covid exists (another big if) and that the prevalence of Covid in the total population for this week is 2%
Let’s fill in these numbers here
The positive predictive value (Positive predictive value: probability that the disease is present when the PCR is positive) is then about 10%.
That is the best what the PCR can do when 2% of the population has Covid in this week. That is, when you have the Covid and you run the test only 1 in 10 show the correct positive result.
Now this is based on the assumption that in this week there are 2 in a 100 people with Covid.
Is 2 in a hundred reasonable though?
In the Netherlands, last week about 5000 people tested positive per day or 35000 per week which is 35000/total population (17 million)=0,2%. But maybe not all were tested and of course, not of all of the tested are true positives. So let’s say that the true prevalence of Covid in the Netherlands for this week was 1%.
Then the positive predictive value is 5.7% So then for the 35000 people with a positive test, only 35000*5.7%=2000 patients truly have Covid.
Even if the prevalence of Covid this week would be 10%, only 4 in 10 would be diagnosed correctly as positive with the PCR.
Only when >15% of the population (about 1 in 6) has Covid this week in the population the PPV will be >50%, ie better than throwing a coin to diagnose if someone has Covid according to a positive pcr test.
No wonder why the experts all say that ‘PCR is the gold standard to diagnose Covid’ and never ever talk about positive predictive values and become angry with you when you ask them about the positive predictive value of the PCR..
Having a positive positive test for SARS cov2, the virus, only tells you that you have been exposed to and contracted the virus, it does not tell you that you have Covid-19, the disease. To have that yo will need to be ill with some indicative well known symptoms. This is a common error in a lot of what is written about this virus. Various estimates indicate that 80 % of those positive may either be asymptomatic or have very mild disease, but may still be infectious. It is also the case that bits of non-viable viral RNA may be found in the body sometime after an infection is cleared, this would give a positive test but without the presence of a viable infectious virus.
It’s really not hard, when you can fill in this 2 by 2 table
Just fil in false positive and true positive (by the author identified as 20/80) and then calculate the prevalence of disease
I called disease Covid, because that’s what they say is the disease caused by sars-Cov-2 (for which there is no evidence). In my example sars-Cov-2=Covid (as I don’t believe in asymptomatic disease). But if you do, fine. Just fill in your numbers for prevalence of disease and see how high the prevalence must be to see a ppv>50% when the true positive/false positive rate is 80/20
And where do you get the data that you input into these equations? It is the robustness of this data and its reliability that determines whether the answer you get is meaningful.
So you didn’t read the article.
I was talking about scientific facts about the virus that has been well characterised. The article makes many assumptions. But please also read, and comment on what I wrote below.
Characterize the motility, the internal energy function and the reproductive capacity that would make it capable of say, being “contagious” or capable of “infecting a cell”, for me, thx. Also, explain the pathogenicity (not by invoking synthetic constructs).
“Having a positive positive test for SARS cov2, the virus, only tells you that you have been exposed to and contracted the virus,”
What a load of bullshit, it just means a tool was used to make shit up for a preferred result with extrapolation and deviation from specimen, conveniently demonizing your body, with a suggestion of disease.
it is much simpler than that. The accuracy is 0%. There is no covid or any other disease. Diseases are just medical concepts and don’t exist. In the case of covid they have defined it as a deadly disease so the testing is an attempt to single out victims to poison and kill with covid treatments. The deaths only occur due to these treatments and the testing. If you are claiming there is any accuracy at all you are assisting in that crime. In the US there have been some 15000 excess deaths a week since the use of such “covid testing”.
Really? That’s not what the US government death statistics say. Do you have a link to that source.
Peter: “Diseases are just medical concepts”. Really? If only that was true mankind with live longer lives and the causes if death would be limited. Is this all true?
In terms of the physics and actual function relating to causation, as an example of just one factor…
Vitamin D deficiency leads to numerous diseases, including pretty much all RTIs.
Those diseases though are the symptoms of the invariant function relating to the physics involved with vitamin D metabolism and related processes.
You cannot break a wall, look at the rubble and then suggest “Holy shit Bob, this rubble is very destructive, it made the wall collapse”. Well, I guess you can, but that would require you to be retarded, or worse, a virologist.
Which is how viruses escaped their cellular prisons, btw. “Finally, freedom…oh, except I can’t move, I don’t have energy and I can’t reproduce, I guess I’m a failure. Oh look at these two things clad in white escorting me out of the cell. Freedom is even better than I imagined.”
Absolutely, if we make the unlikely assumptions that there really is a novel virus causing illness and death, and the PCR test really is testing for said virus, and the specificity is 80% at a cycle limit of 45; and if we are unwise or cynical (more likely) enough to use the test for screening, then we we can’t say what percentage of positives are false unless we know the prevalence of the disease in the target population.
Personally, I would guess that at any one time – again, if there actually is a new virus involved – it is unlikely that more than one in 500 or even 1000 random, asymptomatic people have an active infection. In the latter case, we would have about 200 false positives for every true positive.
The authorities must have known this, yet often asymptomatic people were quarantined or even designated as cases based on a single positive test. More proof that the whole pandemic is a scam.
Let us just be logical here and ask simple questions. Let us assume that everything that is said here in this article is true. Let us say the PCR test is really so bad that it diagnoses more false positive than true positives. Let us also assume that this property is inherent in all the kits used and is such a fundamental fault in design that the background false positive noise is fixed, say at least 20-50 0r as said here say 80%. Does the author then concede that if you perform 100 tests on patients or the general population, that 20-50-80% of them will be positive, or does this depend on other factors? Whatever it is and whatever the level of false positivity, according to the author, we should have some sort of high background noise. Do we agree? Or would the author like to make some exceptions whereby accuracy may be improved in certain settings?
So given the above, how do we explain:
Orage, excuse me if I have misunderstood you, but I want to point out something.
It’s necessary to distinguish between 2 statements:
–80% of ALL PCR tests are positive.
–80% of all positive PCR tests are false positives.
Doesn’t matter which one you pick, the two questions I asked require simple logic to answer.
I think you must mean simpleton logic.
Flu and other illnesses, and the UK and US rolled flu and so called covid into one reporting code last year. viruses don’t exist in waves.
You really didn’t read the article did you? The problem is not with the kits, I don’t think the article makes any reference to kits, the problem is with how the sample is processed in the lab. Also, you cannot start pretending stuff without taking into account the author’s own assumptions, such as his declared assumptions:
You really should read the article, it is quite good.
Thank you all for addressing the questions in such a logical manner, but I am afraid my two questions have remained unanswered. If anyone has a logical answer to my two questions, I would be so indebted if they can answer them.
Well Orage for a simpleton like you I am sure you could parrot the main shit media propaganda. .
Actually there could be numerous reasons why. One reason, I speculate, as member states, they are doing as they are instructed to do or report. Following orders, simple enough for a simpleton like you.
Classic post of someone who has nothing to contribute. Hurl insults, suggest someone is paying paid to write the truth and avoid the questions. Well done 10 out of 10.
It’s impossible to compare countries.
Because there is no gold standard assay to detect a Sars Cov 2 virus.
There are over 150 assays in circulation worldwide.
The only peer review taken place to date is the Corman Drosten assay which has rendered that particular assay as useless.
In the UK the government will not release or respond to FOI requests to release the SOP of the assays being used.
The Lighthouse Labs in England estimate their FPR at 0.3%
The British government and Sage claim not to know their FPR but say it’s under 1%.
The Lancet claims the FPR is between 0.8% and 4%.
The uptick in ‘case numbers’ in the UK in December’20 coincided with single gene testing. This is a complete nonsense as to try to detect any virus you need 3 gene testing (1 gene at top, 1 in middle and 1 at bottom of full virus genome).
That doesn’t take into account specificity of the assay, CT value, suitable annealing temperature of primers etc.
It is true to say that Australia, New Zealand, China and other countries are performing mass testing with very little positive results.
But what assays are they using?
How many genes are they detecting?
Have these genes been validated as to exclusively belong to a Sars Cov 2 virus?
Have their primers been validated at a molecular level?
Is the correct annealing temperature of the primers?
What CT are these RT-PCR being run at?
The answer : No one knows.
Until these assays have been scientifically validated the results of these ‘tests’ are meaningless.
The background false positive noise would not be fixed. The specificity would be fixed and the false positive rate would then vary with prevalence.
I simply don’t buy any of the Rockefeller health care fantasy. Sorry. I can’t get covid 19 because it doesn’t exist. The PCR test is not supposed to be used to diagnose. As Thomas Cowan said, false positives and negatives implies that there can be true positives and negatives, whereas, the test (as used) is entirely bogus.
California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human
Astra Zeneca / Aztech
The chant starts with a declaration that “you are my other me”and “if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.” Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads:
“Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots,elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through.”
It adds: “Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka.”
Tezkatlipoka is the name of an Aztec god that was honored with human sacrifice.
According to the World History Encyclopedia, an impersonator of Tezkatlipoka would be sacrificed with his heart removed to honor the deity.
In Aztec mythology, Tezkatlipoka is the brother of Quetzalcoatl, Huizilopochtli and Xipe Totec — all of whom appear to be invoked in the proposed chant.
“If they were not, we really do not know why the cells died.”
Well, If you’re talking about the work of virologists, and you’re referring to tissue samples, cells die because they are given a minimal nutrient environment (starved) and poisoned (antibiotics and chemicals [forget what they’re called] that are nephro-toxic to the vero cells (moneky kidney tissue) that you place the tissue on, causing it all to break down into thousands or millions of particles. See Thomas Cowans March 19, 2021 Livestream. I could be misunderstanding the above author’s statement, I correct me if I am.
The Nobel Laureate inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, died at the age of 74 back in August of 2019 but prior to his death, he had a lot of interaction with Fauci.
He’d already gone to war with Fauci for misusing his PCR test. Mullis and other scientists said Fauci was magnifying the retrovirus HIV using PCR to “prove” it was the cause of AIDS. Mullis was furious that Fauci refused to debate him on science but argued from authority.
Knight then played the clip (here: https://twitter.com/libertytarian/status/1336993923076665346) where Mullis said, “These guys like Fauci get up there and start talking to me, you know, he doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there you’d know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy, and he doesn’t understand medicine, and he shouldn’t be in the position he’s in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people, and they don’t know anything about what’s going on at the bottom. Those guys have an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda, they make up their own rules, they change them as they go. And Tony Fauci doesn’t mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
William “Bill” Cooper: MajestyTwelve (broadcast 1997 – transcript)
“There will be no individual Rights only privileges. These will be granted or denied at will by the world supra government. All property is to be owned by the State. There will be a redistribution of wealth. They plan to eliminate class differences and reduce the standard of living to a lower level in the advanced nations, such as the United States, and to a higher standard of living in the so-called Third World nations.
This leveling of the standard of living will be accomplished through a global economic collapse which is in its beginning stages. The economic collapse will fulfill the goal of Marx and Engles’ Communist Manifesto mandating the elimination of the middle class. The graduated income tax was the first implementation of this process and is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. NAFTA and GATT are a part of this process encouraging industry to move into third-world nations in order to exploit cheap labor.
All existing religions will disappear. The only religion will be the state religion (humanism or illuminism). All County and State governments will be eliminated and replaced with regional government. These regional governments (Home Rule) are already in place. Regionalism is gradually taking control throughout America.
There will be no more cash. Trade will be accomplished by a system of computer credits with accounts accessed through debit cards or computer chip implants. The cards or implants will also serve as personal identification, drivers license, and etc. When this is completed the human race will be shackled to a computer in a never ending cycle of debt. No action or movement will ever again be private.”