Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”
Kit Knightly

Earlier this month the White House published its new “Pandemic Preparedness” targets.
They are far from alone in covering this. Back in March, Sky News was asking: “Next pandemic is around the corner,’ expert warns – but would lockdown ever happen again?”
On April 3rd, the Financial Times asked something similar: “The next pandemic is coming. Will we be ready?”
Less than an hour ago, the Daily Mail invited us inside “the world’s deadliest cave that could cause the next pandemic”.
Just two days ago a professional panic spreader wrote for CNN:
The next pandemic threat demands action now!!!
OK, I added the exclamation points, but they are very much implied in the original text.
So, while Iran and Israel rattle their sabres on the front pages, I thought we should take a look at the quieter back pages to see what we can learn, and help us predict how “the next pandemic” will unfold.
What is “the next pandemic”?
I mean…I feel like that’s fairly self-explanatory.
Seriously though, it’s the one they’ve been predicting from pretty much the moment Covid started. First it was going to be monkey pox – sorry MPox – but that fizzled.
Of course by “pandemic”, we really mean “psy-op”, because nothing about the next pandemic will be any more real than the last pandemic. Hell, given the leaps forward in AI technology, it could be considerably less real next time.
We don’t know any of the details yet, but there’s enough vague coverage to tease out some guesstimates.
What disease will they use?
Probably the most important question. We already mentioned monkey pox, but that doesn’t look likely anymore.
Right now they are mostly talking about “disease X” – a term which caused a little panic in certain sections when it first appeared on the scene – but that isn’t some top secret gain of function super disease, it’s literally a place holder name.
And it’s a placeholder name which does its job, for the time being.
After all, they don’t really need an actual name yet, any more than they need an actual disease, they just need the idea of a disease to hold over people’s heads while they construct the legislative rules of their health-based tyranny.
Indeed, the vagueness “Disease X” provides is helpful, as it keeps the legislation vague too.
That said, they will likely want and/or need to produce an actual disease at some point.
When that time comes around, it will almost certainly be another respiratory disease, because they are easy to “fake” using pre-existing endemic diseases and their uniform symptoms.
The prime candidate is bird flu, which has been slow-boiling in the news for two years now and has recently got a big uptick in coverage due to it allegedly passing to people from cows.
The UN reports “pandemic experts” are “concerned over avian influenza spread to humans”. Just yesterday, Jeremy Farrar of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that “[the] threat Of Bird Flu spreading to Humans is a great concern”
Prompting gleefully sensationalist headlines like this from the Daily Star:
New pandemic ‘expected’ as human-to-human bird flu of ‘great concern’ to WHO
Bird flu is a convenient pick because it enables them to push their health tyranny and their food transition at the same time. They can claim that dairy, beef, chicken and eggs have become “dangerous” as an excuse to ration them or at least force scarcity while they drive the prices up.
They will then push the idea that veganism and/or lab grown meat “prevents pandemics”. Something they’ve been claiming since at least 2021.
The Daily Mail reported just a few hours ago:
H5N1 strain of bird flu is found in MILK for first time in ‘very high concentrations,’ World Health Organization warns
The downside to bird flu is that it’s hard to work the climate change angle into the narrative, so maybe they’ll go with something else.
When will it happen?
Probably not until the winter, I would guess January 2025 at the earliest, for two reasons:
- They need it to be flu season so they can co-opt normal seasonal deaths into their “pandemic” narrative.
- I think they’ll want to wait until after the “big election year” is over so there are fresh governments in place.
That second point is not just a hunch, but based on the article from Sky I mentioned above. It asks “would lockdown ever happen again?”, and an “expert” answers [emphasis added]:
…if another lockdown was needed, the current Tory government would either have to minimise scandals over their own rule-breaking – or change hands completely to keep the public on board. If we had a new government, people would be far more likely to have faith in them because they would be less likely to say, ‘it’s the same bunch as before – why should we do it again?’
Which I think is correct.
That would also explain the raft of sudden political resignations – including Covid stars Angela Merkel and Jacinda Ardern – which swept the world in Covid’s wake. They were aware then, and are still aware now, their players were spent and they needed a fresh roster before coming back for the second leg.
So, elections first – with all the nonsense that entails – then maybe the “next pandemic”.
How will it be different from “Covid”?
Any future pandemic psy-op will be unlikely to follow the covid pattern beat-for-beat, for one thing the Covid narrative spent itself before achieving everything it was meant to achieve.
You can bet the farm that, in the four years since, there have been working groups and researchers poring over the pandemic data to figure out what went wrong and how they can fix it next time.
There seem to be three recurring themes.
1. Vaccines not lockdowns There will be a focus on securing vaccines rather than lockdowns. Indeed, part of the whole “aw shucks lockdowns were damaging who’d have thunk it” rigmarole is about setting up the dynamic that “next time” we need to do anything we can to avoid lockdowns.
The media are (finally) admitting lockdown is worse than “Covid”…but why?
Lockdowns will become a threat rather than a fact.
“We HAVE to mandate vaccines, because the economy can’t afford another lockdown.”
“Take the vaccine, you don’t want to have another lockdown do you?”
So there will be more testing, more masks and more vaccine mandates…and/or quarantine camps for the unvaccinated. And if they DO have lockdowns, they will be entirely blamed on the “anti-vaxxers”, of course.
2. Speed speed speed The main failing of the Covid narrative was that it ran out of steam. By the time the vaccines rolled out in early 2021 the pandemic fatigue was already setting in. And by the time the third boosters and fourth waves were in the headlines nobody really cared.
The propaganda blitzkrieg of early 2020 was arguably the greatest and most wide-reaching misinformation campaign of all time – and it was almost overwhelmingly effective. But it slowed, stalled, stopped and staled.
Next time, they know now, they need to be faster. Bill Gates said as much at the 2022 Munich Security Conference. They need to get the disease out the deaths up and vaccines in before people even realise what happened.
Hence the “100 day vaccines” plan. As the ever-reliably-hysterical Devi Shridar writes for the Guardian:
most governments are working towards the 100-day challenge: that is, how to contain a virus spreading while a scientific response, such as a vaccine, diagnostic or treatment, can be approved, manufactured and delivered to the public.
The “100 Day Mission” is the brainchild of CEPI, the Gates and WHO-backed NGO. Its main aim is to make it possible to produce new vaccines for previously unknown pathogens in 100 days.
In the US, the target is 130 days from pathogen discovery to nation-wide vaccine coverage.
It should go without saying that real, reliable, “safe and effective” vaccines cannot be produced in 100 days. Whatever they make, sell and force you to inject in that time…it won’t be a vaccine
3. Free Speech is Dangerous. The slow development of the narrative post-2020 may have hindered the health tyranny agenda, but it was the independent media that really hurt it. The impromptu network of dissident experts, independent researchers and social media movements spread “misinformation” faster than the powers-that-be could fact-check it.
We have seen perpetual messaging about the dangers of “misinformaion and disinformation” since then, including prominently at the most recent DAVOS summit earlier this year, where it was labelled one of the “three greatest dangers” facing the planet.
Last week, a UK Parliamentary Committee published “recommendations” headlined:
Government should learn lessons from pandemic to improve communications and counter misinformation
Only a few days ago, Gordon Brown was quoted in the news “warning” that:
“fake news’ risks preparations for next pandemic”
Which heavily implies they will move to counter this “fake news” before the “next pandemic” begins.
WILDCARD PREDICTION: The multipolar angle. Whatever form the “next pandemic” takes, they will likely avoid the monolithic messaging of 2020, where total global conformity to “the message” was one of the real telltale signs of deception. Next time prepare for countries like India, China and Russia to forge their own pandemic strategy – focusing on some new treatment or technology that the West refuses to endorse.
There are no sources to back this one, yet. It’s just a gut feeling.
So what am I officially predicting for the “next pandemic”?
- It won’t be launched until after the major elections this year, because they want new political faces untarnished by Covid
- It will likely be bird flu or some other respiratory disease, launched in the winter to hijack the real flu season again
- The chosen disease will fit into one or more pre-existing agenda – either impacting food or originating from some forced “climate change” connection or both
- They will move faster, producing “vaccines” in 100 days to stop people getting wise to the deception as they did with Covid
- They will try and avoid lockdowns, but use them as a threat to enforce vaccine mandates more rigorously
- They will clamp down harder on “mis- and dis-information” before launching the new narrative.
- The next pandemic will have a multipolarity angle to establish a fake binary
That’s how I see it. Feel free to bookmark this post for future reference.
Even if I’ve guessed the details wrong here, there’s no question they are planning to roll out another pandemic at some point in near future. A covid sequel that learns from past mistakes.
While, in some ways, it will likely be worse than Covid was – the good news is that this time we can be ready for it.
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Great article.
Kit seems switched on.
The 100 Day Vaccines has been mentioned in the Netherlands as a must for a next time….
The next time seems worrying.
Another point to add…..
If there is another scamdemic claiming similar illness and fatality to CONVID next year or the year after then another hopeful reason lockdowns will not be mandated (although maybe hinted as a threat) will be because of the psychological damage caused by this entire charade there are plenty of people who have become so conditioned to over-reacting that “Stay At Home Save Lives” will become their default response like on autopilot. But yes lockdowns as a threat and that there must be a vaccination programme to halt this spread. This time I will not even be intimidated into taking the latest poison. But bring on another vax vs antivax divide.
Anothe rpoint worth noting in the timeline is the supposed “October Surprise” phenomenon linked to US elections. Could the start of the next scamdemic start to occur a week before the election?
It’s unfortunate the US election was not mentioned at all, even though it could be key. A Trump victory would present real problems, as his voter base, and assuredly his VP and probably Trump as well, would never swallow another scamdemic. And without them, no scamdemic. Problems, problems, for the great reset class. Of course, since Trump’s opposition have already moved on to the assassination phase, there is hope the cadaver in the White House will be reinstalled.
If it happens next year then let’s see how it pans out this time! This could be the globalists final test or attempt at a final solution (ahem) and I can see 4 or 5 out of your 7 predictions coming true.
Although reference to bird flu have picked up so I can imagine the evil overlords will have to make up a new name on the spot when the time comes for a lighter version of 2020.
The penny has dropped about how lockdowns did not work and the public are far less likely to be fooled again but next Winter or the following Winter don’t be surprised to hear stories of pandemic on the rise with increasing death and hospitalization numbers enough to ramp fear into the gullible normies who fear it will be just like 2020 all over again. Although this time with a too-good-to-be-true prospect of a vaccine ready after 100 days that will give far less of a likelihood of anything near a lockdown. Some services may get disrupted perhaps and events and travel cancelled or postponed for a short time but under the guise that you need to get vaccinated to protect yourself from a repeat of being locked down and going back to 2020 plus threats of a vax passport or similar. A more condensed form of fear mongering.
This time it could provide a bit of redemption to the ones who were sceptical but not full-on sheeple and still got jabbed for their own “safety” but now regret it.
Talking about it won’t stop it folks, Irrespective of how many people such talking might awaken. You all sound like you are already defeated. Sad, so sad. Hopefully there are groups already secretly planning to save our procrastinating arses.
I think you are spot on Kit
Fighting this vaccine might be a battle that will cost us our lives. The stakes will be higher next time. It will be forced. Certainly our homes and livelihoods will be lost. We live in Fascist states.
I think the food supply, especially meat is going to be under special attack this time. They want to concentrate food supplies into a few AMERICAN corporations, that is why they are trying to shut down EU farms in Holland.
Food like energy dependency is the aim the US has for Europe. In the US Corporations must control all food supplies so like in covid all small firms must be shut down.
The COVID Psyop was first and foremost a designed test to see how gullible, ignorant and pliable the masses really are, to see just how much fear porn they’d need to use so people would short circuit their minds and reasoning faculties then turn them over to misanthropes like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the Rockefellers et al. to be manipulated into taking toxic injections while acquiescing to nonsensical policies and mandates. In this regard the COVID scam was a huge success, it checked all the big boxes. Now the globalists want to accomplish more of their agenda to be able to get climate change as talking policy and reaction points, so they get more death, more inoculations to destroy our immune system and turn us into robots and zombies. Don’t forget trans-humanism, AI and sexual dysphoria are still top priorities as are socio-economic collapse.
I would love to be wrong but from the perspective of the psychopathic ruling elites, they have to strike while they still can press an advantage, before more folks wake up and actively resist.
Testing our gullibility started with the Moon landings 1969. Amazing.
Then we believed two airliners destroyed the Twin Towers 2001. Amazing too.
In 2020 crude mortality UK was normal during a deadly scamdemic. Normies, like lambs…
When the economy/financial system is the reason, i’m struggling to understand how vaccines, rather than lockdowns, would be the priority?
Lockdowns provided the economic brake required to stop the system crashing in fast motion.
Vaccines provided opportunity for wealth transfer and some digitisation of the population, but vaccines alone will not protect the world from financial meltdown, or move us toward CBDC.
Lockdowns were a test to see how much econ devastation they could do to the middle class. But the real goal is the 15-min city, to restrain our movements and control population longevity easier by concentration around the cell tower-vax nanoparticle death beams.
CBDC moves us toward vaxes, not the reverse. There will be a social credit score and to use your bank accts you will need to deep up with vaxes.
Sorry but I think your predictions are wrong mr. Knightly. First of all you assume that the next pandemic will kinda look like the last one with practically no people dying and that it would only be a spin off on regular flu season. But we still dont know wtf people were actually injected with some years ago , or what its real purpose and function actually is.
There will be lockdowns next time around , but the sheeple will choose so by their own accord. Because people will be dying in droves , and not from any “virus”. The plandemic of 2020 served two main purposes , first hand out the primer and secondly to give the sheeple a bit of pandemic “training” which they will revert back to as the only thing they know when shit gets real.
It should go without saying that real, reliable, “safe and effective” vaccines cannot be produced.
In my opinion safe and effective is the point that could allow anti-vaxers into courts; demanding mandates requiring actual proof that a particular vaccine is “safe and effective” before a vaccine can be marketed or sold? The anti vaxers need to lobby UN laws into existence that give the IC jurisdiction in all matters once a pandemic is declared.
One thing about using bio weapons to control populations in efforts to produce target outcomes is the International Court of Justice may find it has human rights jurisdiction? Likely the ICC can order the UN to stop the pandemic b. s. During lulls between produced pandemics. Anti vaxers might want to concentrate on developing adequate legal research in preparation for filings with the ICC when Pandemics are declared. It would seem the whole mess could be held up for years in seeking court orders designed to halt all efforts to control pandemic outcomes because such control measures violate human rights.
Likely the ICC can, if it can assert jurisdiction, over rule nation state law and UN law,and WHO mandates if anti vaxers can show the pandemic has, or likely has, a target outcome, and they maybe able to cancel or put on hold nation state regulations designed to control to produce that outcome.
A lot of work needs to be done, if humanity is to defend itself against Globalization.
The same criminals control the “courts” you want to assert jurisdiction. And humanity is not at war against globalization. It is at war against the Ashkenazi Jews. Everything else you cite is THEIR CREATION to CONTROL YOUR MIND.
Question for Kit: Do you think that the next pandemic will involve actual sickness and death? You mention that you think it will coincide with flu season, implying that you think actual sick people will be a necessary part of the game. People thought that last time, too. A common early theme in the COVID resistance was “where are the bodies?”, because actual sick people would seem necessary to support belief in a sickness. Officials went out of their way in some places to publish fake photos of fake sick or dead people under the assumption that the public wouldn’t buy the story without evidence. But the bodies never appeared, the photos were proven fake, and people still believed. So next time, do you think that they (A) piggyback on flu season like last time, (B) dummy up some AI photos that (unlike the Italian ferry accident photos) can’t be proven fake, or (C) just go completely without any evidence of disease because that kind of open lying is how psychopaths really get their rocks off and prove their power over the mindless masses?
Unfortunately, I think the deaths will likely come from the vaccinated. I don’t believe that they got billions of people injected with their stuff just to leave it as that. I know there have been many post-vax deaths, but the numbers are currently not really shocking. Therefore, I think they have capability of increasing the deaths numbers by some triggers they control. Remember Ol’ Bill Gates saying in one of his interviews, “The next one (pandemic) will get the attention.” He is able to make such a “prediction” because they have control over such an event. It will get the public’s attention when there are many real deaths.
Sunday May 19, 2024
Excellent, Accurate Objective & Crictical Analysis!!!
ALL Americans and the World Must become Critical Thinkers and Gain a Healthy Skeptical Perspective when Examing ANY Information that comes out of our U.S. Government, WHO, Big Pharma and USHI etc..
ANYONE who fell into the so called ” FICTITIOUS Covid FRAUDS” has their Natural Immune Systems Compromised and Damaged for the Rest of their Lives…
90% of Patients DIED from being placed on Ventilators IMPROPERLY CALIBRATED which caused SEPSIS so that Hospitals can receive from the US Government $60,000 Thousand dollars for each patient as long as they are placing each patient on UNECCESARRY VENTALATORS in where the Medical Standard of Care and INFORMED CONSENT was INTENTIONALLY IGNORED
This PANDEMIC was NOT Covid it was FRAUD on Medicine and Much more
Leading ER Doctors were threatened with Suspensions and Economic Losses for Telling the Truth and Exposing this Manufactured Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity…
STAND UP for ALL Rights!
STAND UP for Human Rights!
STAND UP for Informed Consent!
STAND UP for Truth to Power!
ALSO Many Millions DIED and were DISABLED from V and B which caused major Heart and Brain Fatal Conditions
“John Lennon – Working Class Hero Official Video”
Call him up and ask him what he thinks of these pandemics, seems he’s still around.
The Next Pandemic will Be Psycho Brainwashing like the last with maybe a bit of Terrain Theory (Chemical, Psychoactive, Big Pharma Supplied Drugs designed to make you happy as they kill you)
When John Lennon died we were totally distraught, We just hugged each other and cried all over the stairs on nowt but each other….
So knowing nowt about infectious diseases, I tried to work out how the Terrain Theory crowd would treat infectious diseases….Claim their weren’t any???
So someone made all these up…Come on – with Thrush, I take your point (natural Greek Yoghurt – canestan is crap)
Infectious Diseases – A to Z List
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) CDC FAQ’s More
Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS) CDC
Anaplasmosis CDC Data
Anthrax CDC FAQ’s
Avian Influenza CDC FAQ’s More
Babesiosis CDC FAQ’s Data
Botulism CDC
Brucellosis CDC FAQ’s
Campylobacteriosis CDC FAQ’s Data
Carbapenem-resistant Infection (CRE/CRPA) CDC FAQ’s More
Chancroid CDC
Chikungunya Virus Infection (Chikungunya) CDC
Chlamydia CDC Data
Ciguatera (Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs)) CDC FAQ’s
Clostridium Difficile Infection CDC
Clostridium Perfringens (Epsilon Toxin) CDC FAQ’s
Coccidioidomycosis fungal infection (Valley fever) CDC
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) CDC
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (CJD) CDC
Cryptosporidiosis (Crypto) CDC FAQ’s Data
Cyclosporiasis CDC FAQ’s
Dengue, 1,2,3,4 (Dengue Fever) CDC FAQ’s
Diphtheria CDC
E. coli infection, Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) CDC FAQ’s Data
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) CDC Data
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola) CDC FAQ’s More
Ehrlichiosis CDC FAQ’s Data
Encephalitis, Arboviral or parainfectious CDC
Enterovirus Infection , Non-Polio (Non-Polio Enterovirus) CDC
Enterovirus Infection , D68 (EV-D68) CDC More
Giardiasis (Giardia) CDC FAQ’s Data
Glanders CDC FAQ’s
Gonococcal Infection (Gonorrhea) CDC FAQ’s Data
Granuloma inguinale CDC
Haemophilus Influenza disease, Type B (Hib or H-flu) CDC
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) CDC
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) CDC More
Hepatitis A (Hep A) CDC FAQ’s More Data
Hepatitis B (Hep B) CDC FAQ’s More
Hepatitis C (Hep C/HCV) CDC FAQ’s More
Hepatitis D (Hep D) CDC FAQ’s
Hepatitis E (Hep E) CDC FAQ’s
Herpes CDC FAQ’s
Herpes Zoster, zoster VZV (Shingles) CDC FAQ’s
Histoplasmosis infection (Histoplasmosis) CDC
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS (HIV/AIDS) CDC FAQ’s Data
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) CDC FAQ’s
Influenza (Flu) CDC FAQ’s
Lead Poisoning
Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease) CDC More Data
Leprosy (Hansens Disease) CDC
Leptospirosis CDC FAQ’s Data
Listeriosis (Listeria) CDC Data
Lyme Disease CDC Data
Lymphogranuloma venereum infection (LGV) CDC
Malaria CDC FAQ’s Data
Measles CDC FAQ’s More Data
Melioidosis CDC
Meningitis, Viral (Meningitis, viral) CDC
Meningococcal Disease , Bacterial (Meningitis, bacterial) CDC More
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) CDC FAQ’s
Monkeypox Virus (Mpox) CDC FAQ’s More
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) CDC
Mumps CDC FAQ’s
Norovirus CDC FAQ’s
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Ciguatera) CDC
Pediculosis (Lice, Head and Body Lice) CDC FAQ’s More
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) CDC FAQ’s
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) CDC FAQ’s Data
Plague; Bubonic, Septicemic, Pneumonic (Plague) CDC FAQ’s
Pneumococcal Disease (Pneumonia) CDC FAQ’s Data
Poliomyelitis (Polio) CDC
Powassan CDC FAQ’s
Psittacosis (Parrot Fever) CDC
Pthiriasis (Crabs; Pubic Lice Infestation) CDC
Pustular Rash diseases (Small pox, monkeypox, cowpox)
Q-Fever CDC FAQ’s
Rabies CDC More
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) CDC Data
Ricin Poisoning CDC FAQ’s
Rickettsiosis (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) CDC FAQ’s
Rubella, Including congenital (German Measles) CDC FAQ’s
Salmonellosis gastroenteritis (Salmonella) CDC FAQ’s Data
Scabies Infestation (Scabies) CDC FAQ’s More
Scombroid CDC
Septic Shock (Sepsis) CDC More
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) CDC FAQ’s
Shigellosis gastroenteritis (Shigella) CDC FAQ’s Data
Smallpox CDC FAQ’s
Staphyloccal Infection , Methicillin-resistant (MRSA) CDC Data
Staphylococcal Food Poisoning, Enterotoxin – B Poisoning (Staph Food Poisoning) CDC
Staphylococcal Infection, Vancomycin Intermediate (VISA) CDC
Staphylococcal Infection, Vancomycin Resistant (VRSA) CDC
Streptococcal Disease , Group A (Group A Strep) CDC FAQ’s Data
Streptococcal Disease, Group B (Strep-B) CDC FAQ’s Data
Streptococcal Toxic-Shock Syndrome, STSS, Toxic Shock (STSS, TSS)
Syphilis , primary, secondary, early latent, late latent, congenital CDC FAQ’s More Data
Tetanus Infection, tetani (Lock Jaw) CDC FAQ’s
Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas infection) CDC FAQ’s
Trichonosis Infection (Trichinosis) CDC FAQ’s
Tuberculosis (Latent) (LTBI)
Tuberculosis, Mycobacteriosis CDC FAQ’s Data
Tularemia (Rabbit fever) CDC FAQ’s
Typhoid Fever, Group D CDC FAQ’s
Vaginosis , bacterial (Yeast Infection) CDC FAQ’s
Vaping-Associated Lung Injury (e-Cigarette Associated Lung Injury) CDC
Varicella (Chickenpox) CDC FAQ’s More Data
Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) CDC FAQ’s
Vibriosis (Vibrio) CDC FAQ’s
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola, Lassa, Marburg) CDC
West Nile Virus CDC FAQ’s Data
Yellow Fever CDC FAQ’s
Yersenia (Yersinia) CDC FAQ’s
Zika Virus Infection (Zika) CDC
“No matter what comes through those gates, you will stand your ground!”
(Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings).
Assuming I were employed by TPTB as a pandemic scriptwriter (aka neurowar criminal), I would create a scenario where the internet was used to release the virus. In my staged scenario, a high school biology teacher sends an internet request to a commercial bio-lab (bsl-1) ordering a harmless virus for classroom studies. Unbeknownst to the lab a Russian bio-terrorist hacks into their system and modifies the teacher’s request to a lethal virus, which is then delivered and released into the school and it becomes ground zero for the “IO Virus.”
Of course none of this need actually happen, except the part where the bio-swat team with MSM cameras rolling, enters the school in hazmat suits and tells everyone they’re infected. Using this scenario you not only have a virus requiring “vaccination,” but you have a ready excuse not to let anyone back on the internet unless they have a biometric ID with all that entails. Batta bing batta boo.
Notice to Pharma Racketeers: You do not have permission to steal this scenario or my internet virus name, which are being used in my bio punk novel, “Fountains of Chimera.” Should you do so and it results in increased book sales, please know I will not give you a percentage of revenue, unless of course you threaten to vaccinate me and my family.
Let’s all MAKE SURE you’re wrong, Kit! Hop to it, do your civil duty and inform everyone on the planet directly and individually; it’s the only thing that has ever made any sense.
Thank you for your excellent articles, and keep talking!
The average person will have the same say over their own health care as cattle. Of course, the farmers will not be taking the shot.
Great minds. . . in the US, they’ve already got the pandemic beans in a row.
The obvious thing to do, is to broadly release a real bacterial infection that actually kills a lot of people (a true bio weapon). What we did not see last time – people actually falling over dead in their tracks – might be their play this time. They’ve got the conditioning and the methods all worked out from their Covid beta test. And although their is widespread doubt, even among the normies, they are easily flipped, especially if real death is occurring. Certainly will be an interesting time ahead, as we all have been anticipating.
i just dont think they would be that stupid, imagine if half the population actually died, and profits are essentially cut in half. Even more so, it will mainly be the asleep people dying because they don’t know how to eat and be healthy as it is
The people running this global government will definitely not put themselves at risk, so before releasing a dangerous infection they would have to be very confident that they had a good vaccine to protect themselves. They know that a good vaccine takes 10 years to produce, so we probably have a few more years before that is ready and they are satisfied that the vaccine will reduce their own personal risk to acceptable levels.
One crucial element they would need to address (I don’t think they can), and which wasn’t mentioned in the article, is level of public trust.
In March 2020, governments and medical authorities could rely on what seemed about 95%+ public trust in what they were saying/ordering (which gradually waned). In my experience, this has totally flipped, to a point where any future narrative pushed will struggle to start with more than 20% public trust.
In other words, they could only ever have ONE shot at succeeding at something like this, but they failed.
No-one I know would believe lockdowns are necessary now, and likewise no-one would allow any mysterious substance to be hurriedly injected into them.
You’re much too rationa, Adrian. Most people may well be skeptical today. But a whiff of a ‘deadly’ virus and they’ll be lining up for their jabs, all skepticism forgotten. Fear easily overpowers reason. Relentless propaganda will help ensure the requisite level of fear.
I don’t think so. They tried a series of ‘variant’ scares, and then the Monkey Pox, and people just weren’t paying attention any more. The longer time goes on, the more comes out about the damage the jabs did and are still doing, so I think they’ve completely destroyed any foundation they’d need upon which to operate.
Trust takes years to establish, but can be gone in an instant. I think they realised this, which is why they pushed for two and a half years, trying to get over the line. Fortunately, I reckon about a solid 20% of the population resisted, and as time went on the compliance reduced.
Anyway, interesting times we’re living in.
FWIW. 8. Vaccine mandates will affect the entire population. Questions are: 1. Other than the threat of lockdowns, what penalty will be used to enforce mandates? Will people be faced, again, with jab-or-job? Will we be told to social distance, avoid family, etc.?
The threat of fines made people and especially small business owners jump last time
“Government should learn lessons from pandemic to improve communications and counter misinformation”
so basically read that as we are going to go down the wrong path again whether you like it or not
Tuesday, April 9, 2024: Dr. Paul Sends Letters to Fifteen Federal Agencies After Discovering Their Knowledge of Risky DEFUSE Project
“At least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19,” said Ranking Member Paul. “Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research.”
Lockdowns were introduced because they needed to slow down or stop money circulation. Since the stock markets were headed into the abyss, they needed to pull a hand-break, so they did…. I think I read somewhere that Blackrock was the one behind the idea.
Likely it was Blackrock. They were the ones who developed the “going direct” reset that flooded the economy with newly printed money directly to consumers, bypassing the usual method of disseminating new money. Which is, by the way, why we have so much inflation.
And the “anti lockdown narrative” will also come in handy to blame “antivaxxers” for a possible lockdown. It will be so much fun arguing with people on Twitter who supported lockdowns and now are against it and blame conspiracy theorists for not taking the vaccine and thus plunging everyone into another lockdown.
So much fun we’ll have!
Fun indeed!
Just now: “A 72-year-old Dutch man has died after he was 613 days infected with the coronavirus. It would be the longest corona infection ever. During that period, the virus succeeded in mutating more than 50 times, which caused the patient to develop a very own variant.
The man had a weakened immune system due to underlying disorders and was immediately hospitalized when he became infected with the omikron variant of the coronavirus in February 2022. Although he was vaccinated, he did not have enough antibodies to ward off the virus. Among other things, he was given the antibody sotrovimab, but became resistant to it after the virus mutated.
To prevent it from jumping on others, the man was isolated in the hospital. Just over 20 months after his infection, he died. That was in the autumn of last year. He still had corona, but eventually died of an underlying condition.”
Imagine the money involved for 20 months ICU hospital bed!!
Poor bastard.
So something that is not alive, mutated? Hmm. I smell BS.
Although he was vaccinated….
Well Fuck You All…I might be old, but I am better now recovering from Sepsis, and its Spring…I have a nice family and (well not the latest selphie stick camera, but I do have a selphie stick, just not been too up my own arse to use it. Whilst I think I look O.K. after dying my pure white hair Baby Blonde – mainly to look like my Baby Blonde Grand Daughter…
I thought about Registering my own Good News Domain.. -website blog…I think I have got most of the kit…
Its just that I simply hate my own voice, though look O.K. for 70, but can’t be arsed.
The entire World (well at least what was Western Civilisation – is a Complete Fucking Disgrace)
And I want to Complain Live
Don’t you?
The whole tenor of the start of this article is summarised as follows:
‘The US govt says so, Sky News says so, the FT says so and the Daily Mail says so. So it must be true, eh?’
We are long beyond the point where any of those four sources should be regarded as reliable, truthful, nor authoritative.
Those are the very last people I look to for truth. I assume that everyone should consider the opposite of what they say to be truthful, as their default position.
But no-one should ever take that stance uncritically. It would then be simple for ‘the little boys and girls crying wolf’ to actually tell the truth for once and get everyone to dismiss their arguments as lies once again, allowing billions to die if a really deadly thing actually did come to pass.
What needs to be done is to neuter all those news sources by simply not reading them any longer, not visiting their websites, never clicking through to their websites.
If you want to eliminate MSM liars from conversations, just refuse to engage with them en masse.
Foster a culture of finding whistleblowers inside those organisations. Those who will spread truth discreetly whilst maintaining cover at all costs.
And most important of all, stop considering the WHO to be a reputable organisation, an organisation worthy of major powers.
The WHO needs wiping off the face of the earth in its current form.
The PTB would be crazy to try this again so soon. This seems obvious to anyone with a brain cell in my opinion. Pandemics occur every 100 years (according to the previous ones) and who knows how much of that is actually true. Most of my colleagues who were hard core covid fanatics three years ago are now questioning things and are experiencing adverse reactions. They know they have been deceived. Three people in their 40s now have heart conditions. Many have tinnitus, neurological issues amongst other things. They all know really what has caused it. Some still do not want to discuss what happened, but if they continue to push this agenda there will be real push back this time. The tide is turning. The only thing that is beneficial from the last four years is that people are questioning the childhood “vaccines” now too. This is evident from their desperate articles in MSM trying to encourage take up.
The globalists will keep prepping us for the “next pandemic” using fear porn and the power of media repetition to convince us our immune systems don’t matter/count/are ineffective that this is the “Big One” all must be vaxxed no exceptions or waivers, all must comply or suffer major consequences like dispossession of your property, loss of employment, re-education, internment camps etc.
Like the writer said everything will be tied to the climate scam to produce even more fear due to created food shortages, supply chain disruptions and even the wars (possible tactical nuke fall out/proliferation). These people are psychopaths so no lie is too absurd/outrageous to tell remember WMD’s, “poor people caused the 2008 financial crash, COVID etc. Don’t fall for the okey-doke think for yourself and resist!
And this is exactly why there needs to be a honest discussion about the scientific proof for viruses and infectious disease in general. Too bad we can’t have it here, because the admins don’t like it and none of the contributors seem to want to go there.
I’m going to do some preemptory modding here and say this:
There are previous long threads in which I’ve invited just the discussion you’re complaining you aren’t allowed, however those threads do get caught up whenever I ask for more detailed answers. It generally gets argued by assertion, or using the ‘lack of isolation’ argument, which is a straw man.
Raising doubt in certain evidence is fine (ie. Isolation), but this is not the same as ‘disproving’ a hypothesis. That is a modal fallacy and can’t be demonstrated by a lack of evidence argument alone. Claiming it can be is the straw man. If it could be demonstrated that there is zero other supporting evidence then we could potentially, reasonably infer that it had no basis, however, for the record, I have not seen any attempt to put the no-isolation argument in any wider context in order to do draw such a conclusion. Not once.
Perhaps there is no other evidence… Or perhaps there’s mountains of epidemiological/experimental/medical data making virological contagion an almost certainty, despite a lack of evidence for isolation, and perhaps everyone’s too busy ‘rejecting the science’ to look at it?
I am none-the-wiser, just as I suspect everyone else is who discusses this issue on this site.
If not, please be forthcoming.
People often use the pseudo-legal, pseudo-scientific ‘innocent until proven guilty’ argument, claiming virology must make its case, it’s not their job to disprove it. This is not respecting the scientific method of inductive reasoning. It is not talking in the language of science while it’s claiming that it is (misleading). It’s a layman’s argument in a bubble which does nothing to challenge the virological orthodoxy (that huge institutional fortress with billion dollar budgets pumping through it every year).
Because of these pitfalls, these breakdowns in communication, this admin doesn’t tend to let the argument ‘virology has never been proved’ stand unchallenged.
I welcome a scientific challenge to virology, in whatever form that takes!! I suggest a competing hypothesis is the best way forward, in order to form a meaningful challenge not only to the virus hypothesis, but also to the establishment itself.
Alas, no one seems very interested in furthering scientific knowledge to this end, or really taking the fight to anyone. They’d prefer to splinter off into their preferred factions of belief (eg. terrain theory etc.). They often choose to preach this belief in the same breath as calling for evidence from mainstream science, thus making a complete mockery of any evidence-based criticism in the process, with the ‘isolation’ straw man keeping it close company.
Lack of isolation might, POTENTIALLY, be a mic drop moment, but right now it’s just a modal fallacy. It needs to be developed further.
TLDR; please do share your thoughts on no viruses, but please couch that conversation carefully, making sure your views/beliefs are made very clear, respecting a logic/evidence-based approach at all times.
If we don’t do this, this discussion quickly resembles a new-age health festival dressed up in quasi-scientific jargon, and that’s very misleading. There’s nothing wrong with New-Age health festivals (I’ve been to a good few myself), it’s just that they aren’t ball-busting, mic-dropping science and they shouldn’t be presented as such, even if inadvertently.
Thanks everyone, A2
Sam – I worked as a molecular virologist for several years in the 1980s/1990s and the essential arguments have not changed since then.
The first thing to say is that many diseases have many causes and often require synergism between multiple input factors for disease to progress. My PhD focus concerned a member of the papillomavirus family, which had been shown in the 1970s to synergise with various environmental factors (carcinogens and immunosuppressants) to cause tumours in cattle. That disease progression was replicated when using isolated, purified virus cultures and feeding animals with bracken.
There are many viruses which act far more subtly than just ‘one big fat assault and battery style’. Many are able to ‘lie low’ for years within cells, just ticking over, a bit like what a ‘deep sleeper’ spy would be like. Virologists call that a ‘latency phase’, namely nothing is happening, but things could get activated later.
Entry into latency is often a viral response to the host’s immune system saying ‘kill that damn virus’. That’s a bit like a rabbit bolting down its hole to escape potential death by a fox. Herpesviruses are very good at this sort of thing.
Viruses can often also have different effects, depending what kind of cells they infect. Epstein Barr Virus, for example, starts by infecting lung cells and this does little other than replicate virus. It is, however, also capable of infecting B lymphocytes (one of the white blood cell types) and in some cases, that causes the cancer called ‘Burkitt’s Lymphoma’. To say that because you are infected with EBV means you will get Burkitt’s Lymphoma is like saying that, because you were jabbed with a Covid19 vaccine, that you WILL get a turbo cancer. The truth is that the worst outcome only befalls a very small percentage of unfortunates. But to say that because lots of people that test positive for EBV DNA don’t get cancer, doesn’t say that EBV doesn’t cause cancer in those that do get it.
I think most people are aware of the claims that a small percentage of children who get MMR vaccines suffer very badly. Fewer people may know that exactly similar things happen with several small molecule chemical drugs and that some of those drugs, which did good things to many, many people, were withdrawn from the market due to a very small percentage of people suffering badly or even dying. Even the birth control pill, aspirin and penicillin can cause harm to small percentages of people.
One of the key questions people should ask themselves right now is this:
‘If we don’t know the right way to culture and isolate a poorly understood virus, does this mean that the virus doesn’t exist, or merely that we don’t know how to produce it in sufficient amounts to visualise it microscopically?’
I come across a similar conundrum trying to germinate seeds of certain plants. When it’s certain vegetables I’ve grown successfully many times, I am very confident in telling suppliers that their seeds are duff if they don’t germinate.
When I’m trying to germinate certain perennial pollinators for the first time and I have no track record of knowing if there are any strange peculiar nuances necessary to get seeds to germinate, I’m much more likely to say: ‘Can anyone enlighten me as to whether I’m doing anything wrong?’
I strongly suggest that people who try to claim that viruses don’t exist need to consider the scientific reality that the vast majority of basic understanding of how life forms have been analysed at the molecular level came from studies of viral systems, both in bacteria (the bacteriophage family) and in mammalian systems.
All the basis knowledge about ‘cancer-causing genes’ (oncogenes) came from study of animal tumour viruses. The src oncogene, the myc oncogene, the ras oncogene and plenty more were all isolated from retroviruses which cause tumours in animals.
All the initial DNA sequencing technology from the 1970s emerged from using a bacteriophage model system for creating single stranded DNA (the M13 bacteriophage).
Enormous amounts of early understanding of how RNA is created from a DNA template, and how that process is controlled, came from studying bacteriophages such as ‘lambda’. This was because viral mutants can be isolated relatively easily by scientists and useful mutants could be used to compare processes in the mutants vs the normals. This was all done in bacteriophages rather than animals first because the speed of results back in the day was so much faster using more primitive technologies.
The ability to make synthetic RNA templates, so useful in research for production of pure proteins in the laboratory, came from the isolation of pure RNA polymerases (enzymes that make RNA from a DNA template) from three bacteriophages (T3, T7 and SP6). Those enzymes are available commercially and have been for 40 years and more.
So when I hear people saying that ‘viruses don’t exist’, I do ask them to explain what these phantom bacteriophage proteins are in reality.
I do ask how scientists isolated temperature-sensitive mutants of virally-encoded oncogenes if the viruses never existed in the first place.
I do ask how scientist Fred Sanger won a Nobel Prize for developing DNA sequencing technology using a DNA template which couldn’t exist because M13 doesn’t exist. Also, how he sequenced the virus phiX174, the first fully sequenced entity, when viruses don’t exist. I could ask the same question for the fully sequenced bacteriophage lambda, also one of the earliest complete sequences reported in the peer-reviewed literature.
Just remember, back in the stone ages of the 1970s and early 1980s, DNA sequences were read manually from autoradiographs by real human scientists. Quite often, three or more different labs completed the same work independently, which formed a strong part of the ‘reproducibility’ of the scientific methods. It wasn’t crunched by some computer algorithm….it was the day of the scientific artesan, master craftsmen/women rather akin to brilliant carpenters….
There’s a long list of questions that virus deniers must answer, because 40 years of solid scientific data was built up based on the fact that a variety of viruses had been worked on, in laboratories, for decades, being used to develop detailed understanding of most of the fundamental processes of molecular biology.
An interesting post and exactly the perspective i feel this discussion can benefit from. Being non-partisan on this issue, I’m extremely interested to hear all perspectives. I’m looking forward to some constructive replies from the community, and I’m happy to take a step back and let the discussion roam, IF we can all agree to keep open-minded, couch our beliefs/opinions clearly as such, and discuss the full spectrum of evidence without bias. Frankly, many more discussions like this should take place! So, ta for the response. @Rhys Jaggar, if you’re also happy to stick around and chip in a reply or two, all the better! Smashing! A2
We all have biases and differing levels of information, “education” (indoctrination), expertise, life experiences and so on. Hopefully any discussion will be civil, well thought out, well researched and referenced.
way too wordy to be worth any of our time to read
I have always acknowledged that viruses ‘exist’ as artificially constructed theoretical models, based on partial genetic sequences found in clinical samples that have been patched together to form an artificial whole genomes. But these complete genomes are never ‘found’ in samples, they are fraudulently ‘modelled’ to act as standards of comparison for matching further partial sequences that can come from numerous non-viral source! That’s partly why a genuine controlled scientific virus isolation experiment is problematic (what sequence doesn’t fit the model is either excluded or ignored and one is invented to fill the gap).
Therefore it can be argued that viruses are objects of scientific discourse and investigation, but they have no determinate natural conditions of existence independent of such discourse. Why is that? Because you cannot step outside of scientific discourse into the real to see if the object really is a virus and not a bit of dog turd. Virologists are prisoners of scientific discourse whether they like it or not. Empiricism is not a science its an epistemology.
It’s complicated even further because the conditions and results of experiments in vitro and in vivo using these model viruses are not identical to the conditions in living human beings anyway, and there’s no way out of that problem in addition to the ‘toxic’ conditions generated in cell cultures a bid to prove that the cells die from virus rather than starvation or toxicity due to reagents used. There’s far too many problems that require virologists to answer that have not been answered to date.
Rhys, which company provided the alleged “isolated, purified virus cultures” or do you mean ‘cultured isolated viruses’ and/or how did they originally obtain the virus to be cultured and purified? Did they obtain it by ‘banding’ from clinical samples using the density gradient method or otherwise, or did the company just obtain what they claimed to be an alleged virus (cultured) from another source and sold it to your employer at the time for experimental purposes?
Is it really essential to know where your rice crispies came from, if you add the milk and they go snap, crackle and pop?
It’s an interesting question, but if something behaves as expected/predicted, and not how it would were it not present, then I think you can get meaningful results from that. If the scientific method is abided by. These are the weeds I would like to see the no virus argument delve into, rather than continue to stand up and knock down the same isolation straw man, sans context.
I hope Rhys responds, although he rarely seems to.
Perhaps this deserves a piece ATL, where it can get fair exposure in the comments. A2
Rhys has stopped responding to my questions probably because he doesn’t know the answer to a question, or he does know the answer but is reluctant to discuss the issue further because he doesn’t see the issue as a problem. Or, he does not wish to debate any problematic issues connected with viruses at all. Hope he proves me wrong!
Alternatively, sometimes arguments can worm their way into such an illogical place that unpicking them is a huge amount of work and, even if you attempt to, all people do is ignore you and continue as if you haven’t responded, or as if you’re saying something else. They continue to argue the same logically flawed points by repetition, ad nauseum, with no actual dialogue or exchange of views taking place.
There are many genuine people discussing this, but their arguments quickly descend into a form of trolling/spamming when they follow this path. I know, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to unpick this and open this discussion up. I actually welcome a challenge to virology ffs! Haha Yet every time I need to remind people of this. I think that’s because they are more preoccupied with believing than analysing and my approach gets in their way, therefore they can only process me as ‘the Enemy’. It’s all a bit of a shame. A2
I appreciate the problem Sam.
There does seem to be a ‘fixation’ on the question of virus isolation while ignoring the more important scientific question and explanation that I have posed regarding virology’s dogmatic postulate concerning the independent physical-material existence of progenitor or parent pathogenic viruses in the natural world before they can ever be replicated or reproduced in special host cells.
Nobody to date has ever come up with a satisfactory scientific explanation and proof of their formation and existence of complete progenitor or parent viruses in the natural world with their genomes and proteins fully intact without referring to what they have allegedly ‘become’ after their alleged replication etc in the special host cells, which virology also postulates and by happy chance are endowed with just the right “permissive” attributes to accommodate a particular pathogenic virus!
This whole issue calls the entire virus replication and reproduction process into question which only produces copies, but in the light of what I have argued copies of what?.
There’s lots more to these arguments which I have simply sketched.
It’s good to hear what you believe. Without copying long spills of data, I highly recommend these books, “Can you catch a cold?” by Daniel Roytas, “Virus Mania” by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Kohnlein, Dr. Samantha Bailey and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, “The Final Pandemic” by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr Samantha Bailey and “Terrain Therapy” by Ulrich Williams and Dr Samantha Bailey, 2022. It would, perhaps, make for a good conversation someday.
I certainly encourage no one to ‘believe’ anything and I hope i made that very clear above (I think I did). We should definitely have more discussions comparing the full spectrum of evidence between camps, avoiding dwelling solely on ‘isolation’ a la Koch’s Postulates, as this can potentially be misleading, if taken in isolation (excuse the pun). A2
You’re not remotely interested in reading any of those books Ron recommends, are you? What’s the problem? Too scared they might confront what “The Science” has fed you about viruses and their supposed existence? Pathetic.
Start with the experiments carried out by Rosenau in 1918 and then try and find a study that proves the transmission of any VIRUS between groups of people. Non-exist. You seem to have no idea what the virologists mean by the term isolation. If you did then you would understand how it is that there is no evidence to support the viral model. This is basic stuff. If you can’t figure this out, I don’t know what to say. Four years people have had to actually research it and still they cannot be bothered.
Sam, here’s something for you to ponder on.
Virologic discourse reduces to a systematic form of empiricism usually mixed with a tad of rationalism. It also postulates that viruses exist as physical objects, but independently of virological discourse in the natural world. They (the viruses) have no determinate conditions of existence (as I’ve repeated many times) other than themselves which means that virology cannot explain how they come to exist per se in the natural world or specify in any detail as to how they are actually formed in nature before they can ever be replicated and reproduced only in the special host cells invented for the purpose in and by virology. Strange as it may seem, not many people including virologists themselves are aware of the ‘special host cell’ fact, (according to professor Vincent Racaniello of Columbia University) see his lectures on YouTube.
The so-called ‘scientific knowledge’ produced by virology is contradictory, and circular because it postulates both a distinction and a correspondence between two realms – a realm of theoretical/hypothetical models, concepts experiences etc and a realm of independently existing objects (viruses, host cells, genetic sequences or what have you) thought to ‘exist’ in the natural world and tries to establish a bridging correspondence between the two realms. Virology does not see that this is a problem and carries on regardless do you?.
Interesting, thanks! I’ve said a very many times I am non-partisan on this issue. I just wish those criticising virology for lack of evidence could focus less on the materialistic easter-egg hunt of ‘isolates’ and focus more of their attention on countering a wider body of evidence as well, or if the crux of the argument DOES rest on isolates, let’s make the case for this by reviewing all the evidence.
You see, I don’t know many virologists resting their arguments on physical isolates. Actually a lot of the sciences rely on complicated trails of proxy evidence that are very hard to dismiss with a single mic-drop argument, as is being attempted in the no-virus discussion right now by raising Koch’s postulates. If we can’t or won’t place our arguments in a wider context we could well be erecting a straw man to knock down. And that achieves nothing. It’s also bad science, and that’s hypocritical.
I crave perspective. I would love if Lanka et al would one day get involved in the discussion here. It’d make my week!
Anyway, thanks again. A2
Yes Sam, you have a point re: the problematic of virus isolation and actual ‘isolated viruses’ vs virus ‘isolates’ unfortunately, there are virologists who do not always make a distinction between those terms and conflate their meanings. So, a virus ‘isolate’ is sometimes treated as an isolated virus which its not its just a mixture of different particles passed off as virus. But nobody seems to make that distinction!
There are also big problems with how alleged viruses are supposed to infect the special host cells virology invents for viruses to allegedly start and complete an alleged virus infectious cycle without any serious interference.
The late Dr Harold Hillman for example, proved that there are no actual host cell receptors for pathogenic or other alleged benign viruses in his book entitled: Evidence-Based Cell Biology. There are no ribosomes either on the cell’s alleged ‘endoplasmic reticulum’ shown in the standard virology textbooks! In fact the diagrams depicting the structures of cells in such textbooks were proven wrong for a number of different reasons which I won’t go into here, suffice to say that many turned out to be artefacts due to the actual methods and preparation for microscopy etc.
Hope this is a tad more food for thought,
Regards CO-
Please appreciate, I have ‘problems’ negotiating myself into my trousers when I’m hungover, it doesn’t mean trousers are a fraud, it means there are other factors at play.
I know that’s a dumb example, but we mustn’t commit a modal fallacy here. I hope one day that someone can put the ‘no virus’ argument in perspective as it correlates to the body of work we refer to as present-day “virology’, as opposed to a erecting an isolation straw man in a vacuum (if that isn’t mixing metaphors lol).
Opinions aside, this discussion, as presented btl, has far to go in that respect. A2
Good idea! We could use your Koch Postulates to do it. I’m in the last portion of my life now, so I’m losing social inhibitors altogether, which allows me to have doubts about absolutely everything viruses and infections, especially when they are so convenient for control or profit reasons.
IMO there cannot ever be an honest discussion within the MSM environment as it is now oriented. This would be immediately censored or rearranged into dishonesty.
yeah, as we know it wasn’t even a real virus, likely just exosomes
James, not quite, they used an artificial model which they constructed as a reference standard based on bits and pieces of genetic material (which can derive from sources already within the body itself), which they then patch together with the help of computer software and assume, but never actually prove, in rigorously controlled experiments that it was the sole cause of an infection (how could they?).
If you look up influenza for example, a virus is always blamed as the cause of the disease and nothing else. But I have discovered that there are also prescription drugs that can cause influenza and influenza syndrome in those who are susceptible, as so-called (toxic) ‘side effects’ according to! This is largely unknown by the public as they have not been made aware of this fact. So, if these drugs can help do it, why can’t other chemicals, toxins, toxicant compounds, and poisons do it also! PCR is useless for detecting this (and viruses) the latter has been discussed ad nauseum here and need not be repeated.
The theory that pathogenic viruses are the cause of influenza for example, completely ignores all other potential causal factors because even if the existence of viruses is accepted, these ‘viruses’ have no means of excluding all other potential causal factors and conditions from upsetting their monocausal apple cart. That is, if they could ever reach the “permissive” host cells to ‘infect’ which are concocted by virology. In addition, there are also many other micro and nano sized vesicles other than exosomes that could be possibly mistaken for pathogenic viruses size wise etc.
The virus isolation question is also problematic if viruses have no determinate conditions of existence distinct from themselves in the natural world before they can ever replicate in the special host cells that virology has rigged for their replication and reproduction. So far, virology cannot explain the natural conditions of existence of viruses are or prove the existence of their special host cells in scientific practice. I apologise for over simplification.
Some excellent comments CO-. Thank you for contributing. You have added some valuable insights to my own understanding.
Pre-Covid I never had doubts about whether viruses existed and that they were potentially harmful and contagious. I never doubted that vaccines protected us.
Over the course of the last 4 years, thanks to the clear deceit I detected right from the start of ‘Covid’, I have done what scientists do – I accepted I was wrong and have completely changed my position. I was educated as a chemist and have loved proper science all my life. I don’t pretend to be an expert on viruses and have recently learned what I have about viruses etc probably from the same people as many of you on here. The reason I began to take on board what I have heard from the likes of the Baileys, is that what they say makes sense! I couldn’t discount it. What I learned about viruses in my youth was taught as fact; you couldn’t question it, and why would you? That was the invisible wall. Why would you ever question it? I think what has happened with COVID is that many confused people – such as myself – felt compelled to start digging around to try and find out what was going on. What we were being told simply didn’t add up. I remember grappling with the whole Covid thing early on – never once questioning viruses themselves, but not being able to reconcile the science – until I saw Andy Kaufman’s Zoom talk where he mentioned ‘exosomes, extra-cellular vesicles and other particles that don’t even have names’. it all took off from there. I’m not an expert in electron microscopy either but I do know it doesn’t do videos! Still shots of tiny ‘things’ appearing to be going into a cell could easily be coming out. Not conclusive of anything one way or the other of course but it got me thinking. Viruses are non-motile and as non-living things they have no agency, but we were ‘educated’ by the government and MSM to picture them actively hunting us down. The idea that they ‘evolve’ to get the better of us is a simplistic concept embedded in our minds to portray them as evil mutants. Sciencey concepts were used to make many of us believe what the likes of serial liars Whitty and Vallance spouted on a daily basis.
So anyway, 4 years later the people that were trying to fool me have actually opened my eyes. It was never my intention to challenge ‘the science’ in this way – I initially just thought Covid was a hoax, I never thought I’d end up here. Now I don’t believe viruses exist in the same way that I don’t believe God exists. I can’t prove it but I’m pretty confident that neither of them do. Fortunately I came to this conclusion before the vaccines became available.
Thanks for replying, Chris. The main problem with virology is that much of its discourse is incoherent and some of its arguments are circular, conjectural and based on presupposition without rigorous proof and demonstration when examined in detail. The focus on virus isolation question has now become a moot point but its not the only problem with virology.
Some of these other problems I’ve already mentioned or hinted at in previous threads since the SARS-Cov-2 virus fiasco started. The main problem is trying to keep things simple and trying not to write too much as it puts people off reading the stuff, and there are those who don’t give a toss about the virus problem anyway or whether there really are viruses in the natural world or not.
Plus, the fact, that no matter how many valid arguments and proof is forthcoming that challenge the concepts and models etc deployed, which purport to specify the objects and phenomena investigated in and by virology, nothing seems to change within the that discipline.
I have always stated that if a theory is wrong it won’t work out in scientific practice and that applies to certain theoretical concepts, models, ‘mechanisms’ etc. that are deployed in virology. Science progresses by posing and solving problems – but virology tends to create more problems for itself than it can possibly solve.
I think Bird Flu is very specifically being used to concentrate the poultry industry into a few Corporate hands. It is Corporate economic war on small holders. Wider speculation just clouds the real war going on. Same with Covid, it had very specific economic aims for the USA.
I’m done with predictions. All the bad things that were supposed to happen thanks to corona, sudden deaths, more fascism, CBDCs, mandatory this and that, actual Brave New World/1984 stuff, well, to be honest, I’m not seeing or experiencing or seeing that yet, at least online but not in my corner of the world where life is pretty much the same as it was before the pandemic. Yes, I’m a truther, a Corbett fan, an OffG reader kind of guy who doesn’t happen to think the pandemic was a complete hoax, just a partial one. There was something. A few real offline friends got sick, lost their taste and smell. One friend died and his family swears it was the coof, saying he had all the symptoms. As far as someone dying or hurt badly from the vax, a friend of my sister in law supposedly died after the shot. That’s about it from my ken. Not that I don’t hope (perversely perhaps) that all the injected don’t suddenly die and I and my wife are saved like it’s Judgement Day. So far, nada. Sure, according to Kit and what is in the media, there is some hype over the next pandemic. And why not? Looking back, not ahead, I think there was something.
As long as you believe in it, its real for you.
This ‘truther’ media you supposedly consume, do you actually understand any of it?
Not saying this to be rude but I can’t see how anyone could read the OffG or Corbett regularly and come out with a statement like this. If you can’t see the increase in totalitarian restrictions, then you haven’t paid attention to any of the legislation passed over the past 3 years. Nor the De banking and de-platforming that increases daily. CBDCs are on their way and the path being cleared is visible through the gradual elimination of cash.
in terms of Covid, there is no such thing as a partial hoax, whether ‘something’ new existed is irrelevant, perhaps ‘something’ new is present every winter. There was no pathogen that posed any greater threat than any other year. The measures imposed plus the natural end of life of the boomer generation caused the small increase in overall mortality. What is absolutely clear to all but the most blinkered is that whatever the ‘something’ was it did not represent a pandemic in anything like what was understood by that word in March 2020. The assault on fundamental freedoms was as unnecessary as it was unprecedented, but it did set a precedent. Therefore we have to look forward and fight the next fake pandemic twice as hard as the last.
What’s to understand? Take CBDCs. When and if they come out will they necessarily be bad? Predictors say yes but who knows? They could be bad but the odds are that I will be fine. Look, I was angry for the three, four years of the pandemic but now, somehow, the shops are open again, the kids are back in school, planes are flying, etc.,and my anger over covid is lessening day by day. Most importantly I survived and except for that one friend so did all my vaccinated friends and and relations. Now I have other horrible government stuff to be angry about like the wars in Ukraine and Israel.
When you need to have your latest shot to use your bank acct you will see this is a longevity grid. They gave us a breather so people would put down their guard-you are exactly following the game plan. BTW some people got sick from sh*t on pcr tests up the nose, some from 5G. After the shots, mainly the shots caused illness.
So I guess the US banning tiktok has something to do with all of this. I am not on tiktok but I guess the US feels it needs a more controllable video platform? The dancing nurses maybe didn’t help with the covid scam??
Til Tok banned, meanwhile war porn, celebrity porn, fear porn, trivia porn and sexual porn continue unhindered.
I totally agree with you that it will be a bipolar angle involved next time.
In fact, I wrote a comment in a Slavsquat’s post last year, asking him if he has considered the probability of a BRICS’s exit from the WHO this year in the context of the Pandemic Agreement signature.
Of course, such departure would be only a setup to go and form their own “health organization”, just to continúe making the same things they do after within the WHO, but now “on their own” and “with their own style”…
“…just to continue making the same things they have done BEFORE within the WHO…”
Very complete article. Thank you. these Divine Spirits (you and me) must realize there are no borders and no leaders that represent us. We are at war and every random act is an offensive move against us…rather pandemic, war or weather. We must not participate. The pope and his Rothschild bankers are spurring his soldiers, Biden, Trump. Xi, Putin, King Charles, Zionist leader of Israel and their puppet leaders in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, France with others to attack us from every angle….for those that hide behind the Vatican. Be prepared for the psychological show down. It has always been a battle for the mind. If we are to make it our illusion of life than we must defeat theirs. Not with weapons, with love and non-participation. In my experience they can do nothing new. They hold fear and violence as their M.O. They said to me,”Now that you know everything is fake…why say anything”? They fear our awakening…we on an individual basis as one form the human spirit, the most powerful force on Earth…REMEMBER?
All correct, however you neglected to mention the one who has, can, and will defeat them – Jeshua of Nazareth.
That’s you, me and all spirited beings in allegory…written up by the evil bloodline. You looking for a savior look in the mirror. We are the spirit of the fake reality and together we form the human spirit the most powerful force on Earth. Not bad for something that doesn’t exist.
Keep the “virus existence has been proven” hoax alive, refuse to engage the matter head on, asserting that it’s a distraction, and you will guarantee that there will be a “next pandemic.”
“They will then push the idea that veganism and/or lab grown meat “prevents pandemics”. Something they’ve been claiming since at least 2021.”: Yes.
But I don’t think there is any cure for this kind of trouble other than ignoring it completely. No matter what you say, it always seems to turn out wrong. (Is that the trick?) Therefore, remain silent and ignore. And inform those who like it. There are nice sites that explain what is wrong with diseases that are believed to be true.
“No matter what you say, it always seems to turn out wrong. (Is that the trick?)”
Maybe not always, but several times, yes.
And that is because the powers that shouldn’t be live paying attention to everything that the wisest portion of the dissidents say, as long as these ones have a large enough audience, in order to act in a different way than what those wise dissidents describe, but without ever changing their goals.
And if that wiser portion in fact warns about a strategy that they (the powers that shouldn’t be) must apply no matter what, what the evil ones do then is delay its application as long as they can.
A clear example of this last assertion is the plandemic itself: several years before 2020, some voices emerged warning that a global totalitarian order will be implemented through a global health emergency.
Of course, because “nothing happened” few years after the prediction, those who knew about it thought that “it turned out wrong”…
Thank you for your comment, Beatriz.
They’re smart, I think.
Nearly May and no sign of a UK summer.
Still really cold everyone in hats and coats.
I wonder how many ppl still believe the “global boiling” and “climate crisis” nonsense?
Only thing boiling is the frog and only crisis is a population asleep at the wheel..
We just had the shittiest summer I can remember down here in the southern hemisphere. Almost everyday with streak filled skies. Scumbags.
“Once in a billion year event” just happens to occur now and confirm one of their key undergirding scientific theories, one that’s in quite a bit of trouble:
Uh-huh, I believe it….
P.S. This publication might have lost NTI from its title somewhere.
it won’t be necessary to fake anything once the Internet of Bio Nano Things (IoBNT) technology that they’ve injected and PCR tested into people’s bloodstream (see the research of,,, and, finishes self-assembling and comes online and operational.
Just fyi, tried to donate via paypal and my donation was blocked.
Any idea why? I just tested it and my donation went through just fine.
This New alt mediaThere gushing for the next pandemicif Icke and Brian shill from London fakereal made 2£million from donations for the freedom platform that was never developed. Think of Jabbahut AJ and Deranged unNatural fearporn News ranger and them lot selling payriot Armageddon supplement packs/vitamins intergalactic trump viral shielding shield chi com ‘own the libs’ migrants deflector kits etc.
This shill new Alternative media never had it so good with supplement sales / donations /pseudo $£ court cases / pay for there projects so they can charge you for it at a later date when it is done.
The whole BS19 scam with new alt media and it fake as fuck appeared during convid Doctors that are now experts in everything.!!!
This lot want…. this lot neeeeeeeed another pandemic to keep selling you Doctor evil and man behind the curtain boogie mans whilst lording it up on your fears.
Havent you noticed…? Censorship on every supposedly freedom platform since BS19 has got worse. so the donations and supplement sales is actually restricting freedom of speech.
Even a fart now triggers for your own safety ”pending”.!
if you are claiming that in general alt media are doing a fine job of continually spreading ‘fear’ – you are correct
Yes, you need to be very discriminating with what you choose to read on the net. I avoid any site selling products.
Given that the jabs had an Amyloidogenic Prionergic catalyzing epitope peptide sequence in the S1 domain, I expect they’ll blame CWD jumping to humans to cover for the prion disease epidemic that will start to surface over the next few yrs.
Fist symptoms will be neurological disorders, impulse control disorders.
Is starting already?
Prions are shed from infectees, they’re very robust in the environment, can survive autoclaving, can be taken up by plants and infect healthy subjects who eat said plants.
Maybe it’ll be another Superprion event! An evolutionary bottleneck! eek!
UNclean! Quarenteen them! Think of the children! Be very Afraid!
Diseases worse than zoonotic? So, we stop eating veg., and eat only proprietary gloop and fibre?
Great analysis!
But why go to all this trouble?
Money is the obvious answer but I think in this case it’s a by-product.
I think it’s the pass.
Once everyone has the pass (By compulsory vax) then, as has been said, this will act as a leash which can be jerked as and when necessary.
The answer, of course, is not to get jabbed in the first place. But how difficult will it be to resist this time?
Germany and Austria came close to comulsory jabs but huge pushback avoided it.
Why will it be different this time?
My argument is that it won’t be.
This is the hill on which the fake pandemic will die.
Hubris will be their downfall.
If not, then we really are fucked !
If it was just about the vaccine passport, which would have been the gateway to the universal digital ID and social credit score, then why were all the jabs not just saline or something inert?
The independent media sounded the alarm on vaccine injuries fairly early on, using the UK Yellow Card scheme and VAERS in USA. Plus lots of anecdotal reports of harms.
Without deaths or injuries, there would have been nothing for independent media and social media posters to really hang their hats on. The public would have likely continued to take the boosters and have accepted a vaccine passport, since they would not have known anyone harmed. I could imagine people having said “I’m not sure if they work, but there is no harm taking another.”
Therefore, I firmly believe that there is an active ingredient or ingredients in those injections that they want inside the population’s bodies.
They’re not stupid. There were batches that were more spiky than others, probably as a test but I am more and more convinced that the general thing was to get us used to jabbing on order. Passes would be ideal for this.
THEN, they can tinker with the components.
Yes that is why it seems among the batches some were very much more toxic than others and some were neutral. The site had an explanation about a 5% fatal/severe threshold or words to that effect whereby 5-10% of batches would cause problems so even if it is a minority it is a plausible number to avoid arousing too much suspicion.
Delayed and cumulative effects of jabs. Combination of jabbing plus multiple measures towards technocratic tyranny, forced jabs and quarantine camps is the agenda.
In the clinical trials, the percentage of active ingredients (toxins) was varied per batches incrementally from 5µL 30µL – to collect data on injuries and death. As Clutching Straws intimates, tweaking formulas.
There were hot batches, widely distributed amongst countries and states as to not raise awareness of potential lethality.
Nanometal particulates whether radio transmitters, self assembling nano or SPIONS in jabs, nose swabs and food can potentially react to EMF-EMR. If the jabbed are not detoxed and not wearing EMF shielding then they could potentially be ticking time bombs if and when subjected to certain frequencies.
Technocracy enables more jabbing, forced jabbing in the future. Euthanasia. Infertility. Cancer. CVD. Strokes. Clots. Neurodegenerative diseases on the rise. Chemtrails. Tainted food. Tainted water. Debanking. Starvation. People stuck in cities with 5g and SMART meters.
All combined, death rates increase, life expectancies decline, fertility rates plummet, UNs forced immigration policy where populations have been systematically refugeed, evacuated and moved from the 3rd world to the 1st in the orchestrated faux conflicts of the 20th and 21st century hides real death rate and declining populations.
Meanwhile the cryptocracy execute the 4 steps in the 2010 Rockefeller Future Technology Planning Scenarios: 1. LOCKSTEP 2. HACK ATTACK 3. SMART SCRAMBLE 4. BETTER TOGETHER.
Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body
Humans being turned into batteries to fuel digital A.I. prison.
GREG REESE. – APR 18, 2024
Matrix, got it. Then we only need to find No.1 and Morpheus..
Well said. I want to know what the plan is for the $. Is it to demand vax passports and then implement credit scores? But still, how do you rein in control of the $.
It’s my understanding that in May the US is supposed to sign on with the UN treaty to allow them control of our medical system but I suspect in the US and UK there will be many that will resist.
Secondly, I believe that many people are using alternatives to build their immune system. Vitamin D3, K2, C, Elderberry, NAC. There are studies showing that D3 should be taken in significantly larger amounts – 30k, 40k and even 50k per day. I was on immunotherapy medication weekly for 5 yrs and changed to Vit D3 30k per day (you need K2 to absorb the D3) and I no longer need it. My immunologist was shocked to see my blood results that changed and indicated I no longer need my immunotherapy.
There are many ways we can build up for this. But I wonder about cash and what others see. The goal is total control over $ as I understand it, then shrinking the food production and starving us all out.
They ain’t going to get away with another fake pandemic. People are to put it behind them and not think too hard about what happened. But if they try it again there will be widespread non compliance.
That’s because last time people started to become tired of the “pandemic” ruse, simply because of the lack dead bodies to back it up. But since then, a majority of the population has been vaxxed, so…
1. Collapse of the money system.
2. Rollout of CBDC’s which will be handier and better than cash.
3. Slowly other controls will be necessary such as:
Digital ID, vax passports, geo-fencing, food restrictions, and time constraints on spending.
They do not need anyone to comply, 5G will sicken and kill many of the vaxed without complying with anything, the pandemic is just a cover for what will happen.