Trump Assassination Attempt – The stories so far
Are we witnessing the birth of a new meta for propaganda narratives?
Kit Knightly

It’s three days since the alleged attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and while we’re not really any closer to knowing the truth of the situation, the claims and counterclaims from all sides are coming thick and fast.
The shooter was a Republican…
no he was a Democrat….
Trump was hit by a bullet…
no it was shattered glass from his teleprompter…
no he wasn’t hit by anything the injury was fake.
…it goes on like this.
The usual routine for such a situation would be for the “official story” to resolve itself within 24 hours. Any deviance from that story would then be censored, shouted down and/or mocked.
Any evidence contradicting it would be purged from the official collective memory banks.
The media would unite with one voice.
There are countless historical examples of this, from “the Gunpowder Plot” to 9/11 . We don’t need to develop them here.
But this event appears to be a little different. Essentially, rather than a single “official” narrative, we have three separate stories rolling out in parallel:
1. The Republican story: The shooting was either planned or “allowed to happen” by a Democrat/Deep State alliance that sees Trump as a threat.
2. The Democrat story: The shooting was somehow staged by the Trump campaign to make him look cool.
3. The “rational middle ground”: A lone lunatic did something crazy. There is talk of incompetence and “violent rhetoric” creating a “climate of hate”, but not much else.
1 & 2 also both have their own set of “alternative facts” supporting their position. Neither seems to be getting censored very much if at all (yet).
On the “Right” side there is the ‘fact’ the secret service apparently left an elevated position with a clear view of the podium unguarded (for a frankly insane reason) and then did nothing when they were told by multiple witnesses that a man with a gun was climbing up on that roof.
Along with this there are claims that the Secret Service replaced Trump’s team with a temporary one for the Butler event.
And claims the shooter appeared in a BlackRock video and donated to leftist thinktanks.
On the “Left” side they are laughing about karma and gun laws and ranting about “diversity hire” of female Secret Service agents.
They also point to the apparently ‘stage-managed’ drama and ‘too-good-to-be-true’ photographs emerging from the fracas. – The incredible luck of having Trump superficially wounded just enough to look like a bad-ass without actually hurting him or missing him altogether. The fact his security detail allowed him ‘pose for photos’ instead of rushing him off stage. And the fact the alleged shooter was a registered Republican.
It seems that what we may have here is a very post-covid narrative for the new age of the fake binary.
Each side is seemingly supplied enough evidence to confirm their assumptions and drip-fed enough rage-bait – a lot of it entirely invented – to keep their echo chambers echoing and their attack dogs frothing at the mouth.
Essential to this of course is that neither ‘side’ and no theory is ever finally proven to be right or wrong.
Meanwhile, most of the MSM is currently happy to dismiss both sides as “conspiracy theorists”.
It really is a fascinating phenomenon to watch unfold. Are we witnessing a new meta for propaganda narratives? Instead of uniting with fake “consensus”, distracting with an eternal battle between two approved partial or total falsehoods.
As usual, the truth is likely in neither camp but buried beneath the unwarranted assumptions and unproven “facts” neither side questions.
But look at the benefits already accruing to the narrative-managers.
For instance, now that the “left” are calling the event staged the traditionally pro-free speech “right” are suddenly the ones who want to silence “conspiracy theorists” or who are looking to cancel people for joking about how they wish Trump had been killed.
So , rather effortlessly, many hardcore libertarians are being lured away from some of their most deeply held beliefs (in personal liberty and firm limits on state power), and now both “sides” are pro-cancellation and anti-free speech!
Gee, that was kinda easy wasn’t it!
Meanwhile the “left”, fresh from four years of demonizing “anti-vaxxers” and “election deniers” can suddenly be hoist by their own petard and called “assassination deniers” by the right.
It can be argued that supplying the “Left” with their own “conspiracy theories” is a potential stroke of genius, because now any social media crackdown on “extreme language” or “denial” (or whatever they choose to call it) can hit both “sides” equally and be spared accusations of bias, and will always be supported by one side of this fake divide.
Both “Left” and “Right” are also pretty clear right now on whose stock has risen most as a result of this –
It makes him look tough and brave, paralleling the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981.
It’s given him an iconic image that speaks wordlessly to the deep heart of America – bloody but unbowed, fist-raised in defiance.
And, if you believe the Deep State pulled the trigger, it also furthers Trump’s (unearned & increasingly ridiculous) reputation as some kind of threat to the establishment.
Combine this with Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the (mysteriously halted) talk of taking him off the ticket, and anonymous Democrat insiders reportedly “resigned” to defeat and it’s not hard to see this might be part of the groundwork being laid for a second Trump term.
Barring future developments of course.
Oh, and it’s also helping to heat up divisive “civil war” rhetoric.
…which might be the entire point.
How better to finally take down the old empire & instate the new “improved” version a little further east?
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Just wondering, given 9/11 and the concept from anyone with an age about 1yr, that someone might wanna profit from bad things happening in the World, i.e foreknowledge.
Did anyone ask the FBI/SS if their monitoring of trades, fired off any alarms?
Just three seconds before capturing the video clip of the decade, the guy decides to give a selfie!
Still hoping to see some actual analysis here on ofg… 🙁
Watching through your clip what I was expecting to see didn’t happen. Lol.
I think though that someone was hit though behind by Crooks delayed volley of shots.
Once again theres a distinct difference between the sound of the guns used as well as direction of the sound.
I’ve yet to see any compelling evidence of any shots being fired. It’s most likely that what we hear are just sound effects.
Everything has been framed and selected to avoid showing the right ear prior to the completed application of fake blood. I think this photo was released a day or two after the event. It shows a middle streak which somehow disappeared!
With regard to geopolitics and the reality of oligarchical power, I’ve been hoping for over four years!
Maybe they need some new writers. Things are looking like they are going to get even more complicated over the next few months.
Not much off topic, Biden just withdrew, endorsing Kamala Harris, to whom I wrote an impassioned letter ten years ago when she was in her first months as our California AG, and had crushed Sirhan’s hopes of a new trial, with the SOP “State” response, “has never shown remorse for the gravity of his crime.” Etc blah blah
Total bollocks.
I saw then that she already had her “eyes on the prize.”
Oval Office and all that that “suggests”…
They transferred Sirhan down our way about then, 11.22.23
The Golden Anniversary of JFK !
That defies chance, bigly, yet the CA Prison spokesman, Luis Patino, called the date an unfortunate coincidence….
It is all rather funny/peculiar. But it does expose the Biden loving, Trump hating hypocrites for what they are.
It is an astonishing, sometimes frightening phenomenon that as a follower of one of the so-called great world religions (some declare these to be mass delusions with only a few different names) you can still claim things today that have been clearly, cleanly and precisely scientifically refuted for centuries, and not be sent to psychiatric treatment for being clearly insane. Ironically, the democracy they reject, despise and even loathe ensures that even what these people who want to “condemn others to eternal hellfire for their sins” do is and remains protected under the legal label of “religious freedom”. Why, actually, still is that?
Why are the same strict medical standards not applied here as to all other seriously disturbed lunatics? Suppose I were to claim, as the Catholic Church once did, that the earth is a disc at the center of the universe around which the sun and all the other billions of stars revolve. Then everyone would say that this assertion is a symptom of a serious mental disorder. So is “religion” at best a kind of madness that continues to be tolerated as “freedom of opinion”? Hell on Earth: Anyone in Saudi Arabia who claims that their “prophet” Muhamad was historically proven to have been a pedophile mass murderer will surely lose his life.
I suspect that behind strong religiosity there is always a strong personal insecurity that can ultimately only be tamed and channeled by being able to cling to a predetermined fixed corset and vessel of constraints, rules and dogmas and, in the name of a “higher power”, afford oneself practically endless access to sometimes fanatical “moral” expressions that would otherwise be denied and denied to one. But since any analytical psychologizing is considered and perceived as an invasion of privacy, i.e. as a threat to integrity, people’s delusions are simply allowed to continue. These people claim that God is the truth, but do not want to hear or acknowledge it themselves.
I think Trump is an excellent example of the degeneration of the European character under American circumstances. He has practically zero German behavioral components, but despite his half-education he has a big mouth, is mendacious, corruptible and a single actor (aka “showman”). In the end, he clicks the trigger button, complete with hollow phrases, and the Americans identify with him. Here, the word populism has grown into a clownish, almost grotesque embodiment.
Trump: “SPARTACUS!!!”
I just read yesterday that JFK crossed the (rabid?) picket line of American Legion to see Spartacus at some point after its October 6, 1960 premiere (before the Election, dates anybody?) and thus striking a crucial blow at the HUAC blacklist, as it was written by Dalton Trumbo of “The Hollywood Ten.”
This is a surprisingly telling and key fact, not surprisingly suppressed by ou presstituted “Press” ~ since that act of Jack’s, alone, gave the HUAC (C👁️A) Nazis all the pretext they needed to draw a bead on his back 3 years later as “a commie.” Albeit devout Catholic (3° KOC).
Hmmm, like Hugo Chavez was both commie and professed Catholic (such types are anathema to Nazi ratline “Catholics” and thus deemed traitors to the faith, and marked for assassination: with many tendencies to fill an early grave. What else, in keeping with a civil society, eh?).
Killing JFK “for God and country [and its key suburbs of Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, and Frankfurt….]
Well, in their very “PickwickIan sense” of that at least!
No accidents. No coinkydinks. 👍
Kamala Harris has nearly achieved her meteoric rise to the Presidency, despite not answering my impassioned letter to her ten years ago, when she was newly our AG in Sacramento, and had quickly and summarily denied all motions for a new trial for SIRHAN.
RFK Jr. has steadfastly supported his release though. A voice in the wilderness (of mirrors).
Another Outsider with a huge following. But a slave, not a billionaire.
“the (mysteriously halted) talk of taking him off the ticket” Biden is expected to step aside in the next week or so. No idea if that will happen but the push to get him to step aside clearly has not and did not halt. The suggestion that it had was complete and utter crap, which meshes nicely with the rest of this piece!
Helperin says that Brandon is going to make an official announcement Of withdrawing from the race Sunday Period I’m writing this Saturday Period Kamala will supposedly be Doing an open Democratic Convention runoff with two or three other candidates. Biden will not resign the presidency and he will not be endorsing Harris.
Not easy to pull off another JFK number nowadays, absolutely everyone has recording devices on them and have all been conditioned to use them.
Yes, but as AI & BRAIN READING tech catches up with our hand popular devices, they have factored that in too, with expectations to head us off at the bend.
I had my biceps tendon torn off by OC SD Sheriff’s deputies, 3vof them, while I was gathering signatures to shut down San Onofre nuclear generating station [with the Orwellian title of S.O.N.G.S.] in 2012.
[My curious primary doctor said it was “just a bad sprain”, but an NFL orthopedic surgeon I was referred to, with my persistent protest, said blandly the moment I took off my shirt, “It’s obviously a ruptured biceps tendon.”I returned to the first doctor, and asked him to take a picture of it on his phone camera, arm hemorraged internally, purple from wrist to shoulder. As the conspiracies thickened & deepened, long if riveting story, I asked him to send me a copy of the snapshot, a multicolored one of many hues.
Several times. Finally, he did, after repeated delays .
I was going to send it to ACLU and my AFM union legal referral Carl Douglass [I didn’t know when he consulted kindly with me for a half hour by phone in May 2012, that he had been Johnnie Cochran’s chief advisor and co-counsel on the (late) OJ murder
When I went to my phone files, I found that it had been deleted, without a trace!
Same old same old. I had been externally hacked, not the first nor the only time.
So yes, there are these ubiquitous tech devices to capture evidence on scene.
But soon with AI generation, I read 8 years ago that courts will grow more and more reluctant to accept it as evidence.
And meanwhile, Intel can pre~delete what they target as a threat to “national security” or at least their Aunt Tilly’s bloomers.
There are misleading voices claiming that the fake assassination was carried out on a doppelganger, clone or actor wearing an orange Trump mask. I think this version is extremely unlikely. The truth is so obvious that everyone misses it: the Trump impersonator is actually an alien with a reptilian brain who can ooze fake blood from raspberry jam anywhere on his body at any time. This is all planned by the Matrix and the Deepstate.
And I thought the Adolf clones of “The Boys from Brazil” was scary enough.
Stand aside, we may have to deal with xerox incarnations of Trump 2.0 littering our much put~upon landscape!
Say it ain’t so, Joe (once shoelessly, now DC cluelessly)!?
Troll much? The alien bit is a key feature at Langley disinfo, for decades.
They use it both ways, like a two.edged switchblade, for all disinfo about these things.
Just trying to space us out, yet further & farther, what easier way to divide and conquer, eh? With even all galactic~based disinfo.
Just in case you didn’t get our past various FYI’s about this item , or are late to the conversation.
At our alien round table. Earth visitors welcome!
Especially all those from N. Virginia or Quantico.
I don’t care how many Yanks whip out their gun to shoot a POTU$A. I don’t care whether they do it for a Fistful of Dollar$ or for A Few Dollar$ More. I don’t care if the assassin is Gary Cooper or Dirty Harry. But I do care when they export their national sport.
“When I told them Rossini was dead they asked: “Who shot him?” — Oscar Wilde, My Visit to America.
cont from post below as it was pending and I can’t reply to it…
I called a good friend of mine who was a British Army sergeant, weapons instructor when they introduced the SA80 (also 5.56mm) to replace the standard SLR (7.62) we spoke for an hour n half about the Trump shot and the ballistics, he thinks it’s legit, said the main distinction, and critisism about the SA80 was the damage the round does, a 7.62mm from the standard SLR would take someone out with one shot to the body, it would take at least 3 shots from an SA80, the vortex is completely different, 5.56mm does nowhere near the damage a 7.62 does. I have to take his word for it, he’s not one to BS and I’m no expert.
This has more info on the angles, the red line is nowhere near the water tower, check on google maps sat view there’s nothing for a shooter to shoot from, from the angle it’s a rickocet off the rail IMO, but it has good analysis of the angles showing all the known hits were in direct LOS from the known shooter position…
The roof too steep excuse from the SS director seems like a limited hangout to me, aparently she’s been called to give evidence to congress on Monday, where we’ll no doubt hear they had initially direct that roof to be covered, so they put a ladder up and sent someone up there, “but it wasn’t safe the roof was too steep” BS that’s their excuse for conviniently putting the ladder up there, it’s reported the shooter bought a 5ft ladder at wallmart, not big enough, they supplied the friggin ladder.
vid of hydraulic cylinder hit forgot to put it inline below…
My verdict: Failed Assasination Attempt, LIHOP, real people died, real rounds were fired in direct LOS and elevation of Trumps head (tho that iconic bullet in air behind head photo is fake IMO)
Anyone with some concrete proof of anything else happening I’d be very interested, I mite get a no planes redux, after hearing that theory I thought nonsense then set about trying to prove it wrong, and failed consistantly for 4 years lol.
Hydraulic pipe on that tractor arm carrying the speaker. Really a lucky bullet to hit that.
Was it also lucky to hit the bystander, and the metal rail which are also in direct line of sight and elevation of the hydraulic hit?
They don’t usually do this level of detail in a staged event, and they always have a press conference to spin the desired narrative playing these things up, too much detail, no press conference, media went into a playing it down spin not playing it up.
Doesn’t fit the usual MO at all, plus somone lost a bunch of money on that put option shorting Trump media.
The advanced in technology may account for their changes in the drill.
By media necessity & logistics.
correction: Nobody lost on the short bet, they gamed the system to save themselves, Armstong, who should know about these things, is calling for an independant investigation:
My first reaction, like many who have seen though multiple staged/false flag events, was to call BS, a faked event. Then I set about trying to prove it.
One thing that always seems to stand out in faked events is, there is always tons of evidence if you look, they’re crap at doing these things, they rely on media control, and most people taking everything on face value, to pull them off; Boston, SH, Manchester etc. were full of individual prima facie facts that add up to proof they were faked.
Timeline and shots: first shot ~2mins from bystanders noticing shooter on the roof, bystanders alert officer at ~30 seconds from noticing shooter on roof, so they had ~90 seconds from the first alerted officer to the first shot.
AP also reported another cop had contact witht he shooter, climbing the ladder and shooter pointing a gun at him, since in the above video we don’t see the shooter reacting to a cop behind him, we can assume this happened before the video started, so they at least had longer than 90 seconds aware of a shooter present.
That’s an anomily right there. Security control room would have live access to all police channels, and direct contact with close protection team, every large event has a control room with med team comms and security comms to centrally cordinate any medical or security emergency at a large event event, why was the principle not wisked off within 10 seconds of the policeman being informed of the shooter present?
Worse than that, shooter was spotted way before that with a ragefinder, BOLO issued, so any cops would have been looking for him…
I’m not buying the general incompetence squared arguments at all, this is incompetance to the power of 1000, anyone trained in, and certainly in charge of, close protection security would have delayed the appearance of the principle all together until it was confirmed the suspect was apprehended and the situation was safe, can you imagine these events happening in London for an appearence of the King, of the PM, and it not being cancelled for security reasons? No, neither can I. The Secret Service is supposed to be trained to these standards.
So far at best we have a LIHOP scenareo. That’s a prima faice conspiracy right there.
Did the shooter fire blanks?
Nope. In the first 3 shots we have a near miss on Trump, round hitting the hydraulic cylinder on the forklift holding up the speaker to the right of the stage, you can see a clear view of this hydraulic cylinder in many videos before the shooting, these are made from ~ 1/4″ steel. We have another round hitting the railing at the top of the right hand stands rickocet hitting the bystander in blue as we look at the stage behind and to the right of Trump, 3rd shot again hits rail and rickocetes off hitting the guy in white. there is no evidence for a 3rd shooter as the OP of this video asserts, if we put that last of 3 shots in a line there is nowhere for another shooter to be, it’s not in line with the water tower by far.
Did the shooter miss on purpose? Not IMO, ignoring the fact Trump was way ahead of Biden in all the poles, it’s too close, no-one would put the principle in the driect line of fire for a faked event, the headhsot guy in the left hand stands, Trump, the railing hit, and the hydraulic cylinder are all in direct LOS from the shooter position to the center right of the building, headshot guy, Trumps head, the railing, and hydraulic cylinder hit are all at the same exact elevation, these were aimed shots at Trumps head. This is obvious from this video taken from the ground in aproximate driect LOS of the shooter.
If headshot guy was faked with fake brains splattered on bystanders, and faked moulage, it’s the best fakery I’ve ever seen, and if this doctor was a crisis actor he should get an oscar, because he behaves exactly like any well trained emergency worker used to working in extremely stressful environments, he’s clearly stressed as you can see from his eys, yet he is very professional and cognizant.
Shooter weapon: AR-15 clone with standard carrying handle sight visible in videos, no scope. You can find youtube examples of the accuracy of this weapon out of the box, there’s a rancher explaining why he prefers an ironsite/carrying handle, he says anyone could hit all their shots at a 12″ circle at 200yrs, another gun nut shows how to biuld an AR-15 and then tests it with a modified backup site, more accurate than an ironsite and he’s an expert shooter and the gun has been zero’d before the test, got a 3″ grouping at 200yds.
If we ignore the propaganda reports the shooter was so bad he was refused entry to the school rifle club, we have also been told he was a member at another rage and had been practicing, whatever, if we take 3″ accuracy at 200rds as per our youtube expert, the miss on Trump was entirely feasible.
Shot analysis: You can d/l DaVinchi Resolve video editing software free, it has an audio editor, pull in any of the multiple videos with the shots on, you can easily make out the first 3 shots with the sonic boom (crack) of the round passing the mic, followed by the report of the mussle, the next 5 are more jumbled because they were a burst, the last one has no seperation, that’s the counter sniper taking out the shooter.
I do not believe the SS snipers visible in the videos took any shots at all, kneeling guy has to be the most badly trained sniper I’ve ever seen, he instinctively ducks at the first sound of a shot, and flinches again at the next two, barrel is waving everywhere, at the exact time of each shot he is not looking down the scope, I’ve replayed those first 3 shots multiple times watching his LOS, the tip of the barrel, and the butt end all seperately, he definately didn’t take any shots, prone guy is harder to make out, after the first shot he’s backing down the roof into cover, I believe the kill shot was taken by the other sinper team situated on the far left of the buildings behind and to the right of the stage as wee look at it.
CNN overhead views of the site, blood stain on roof is where shooter was, ignore CNNs deceptive graphics they have the shooter in the wrong place, shooter was center right of that roof not on the left hand end as they show. Stop the video when you can see both the shooter position, and the counter snipers position we’ve seen in videos, put a ruler on the screen, do they have direct LOS on the shooter? debateable, there’s a tree in the way, I think it unlikely, is this why CNN used deception? I have no idea, but I doubt those guys took the shot, the tree explains why they looked so incompetant.
Ballistics: AR-15 fires 5.56mm high velocity rounds. Initially I had doubts about Trumps ear injury, I thought it more likely he’d caught it with his fingernail or something. I remember a BBC documentry from the 80’s about Mt Tumbledown in the Falklands, in the doc they said an officer had suffered a glacing/near miss from a 7.62mm high velocity round, it took 1/4 of his skull out and left him with severe brain injuries, if Trump had been shot through the ear with a 7.62 he would likely be brain damaged at best.
(con’t reached character limit)
In this older analysis of the footage the post author in his commentary points out that the sound of the first three shots comes from the secret service sniper on the roof behind the podium.
In more recent audio analysis it seems likely that the first three rounds came from a different gun in a different place to the following scatter of five rounds.
In this clip which you can watch over and over theres a definite correlation between the movements of the ss sniper and the movement of the gun he fires as it recoiled on each shot.
Given that trump grabs his ear only after the first round is audible (coming from the ss sniper as can be visually appreciated) suggests that if it really was a bullet that clipped trumps ear, then is wasnt one that can be accounted for in the audio that is in the clip.
Either he faked being hit, as there was no bullet. Or that there was a bullet but if failed to register on the audio.
For all the various videos that have emerged since, theres not one that has audio that can correspond to the supposed bullet that hit trump. The sound of three high velocity rounds belong to the ss sniper on the roof.
Can anyone watching the above clip demonstrate that the first three rounds do not belong to the ss sniper, and if not then wheres the sound of that gun going off.
The only conclusion is what I have already stated. That the first three rounds that correspond to trump’s ear grab, were aimed the wrong way. No other sound can be heard at that time (also from other vantage points) so that it means either there was no bullet that clipped mr orange. Or that if there was, it left no sound on the audio.
The scatter of rounds after is another question, but these occured after the ear grab, and these seem to have hot members in the crowd..
SS snipers gun doesn’t recoil, SS sniper ducks/flinches he wasn’t even looking down the scope, watch the peak of his cap for his LOS he’s looking down to his left slightly, watch the barrel jump up way high, not recoil, it’s him ducking. find the original or a platform that allows slower speed and slow it down to 0.25x or less, replay it 5x looking at his LOS, again 5x watching the end of the barrel, again 5 x watching the butt of the gun, it’s obvious it’s not him firing.
In an audo program you can see the two distinct sounds from each shot of the first 3 shots have corresponding obvious signatures different from each other, it’s not as clear for the next 4 as they’re all mixed, but zoom in on the signal (you can do this in DaVinchi for free) and match the gap length from the first 3 and you can see a match for 2 distinct signatures from each shot, tho it’s not obvious until you zoom right in and apply the same measure as the first 3. last shot is different.
here’s the deceptive CNN graphic I missed the link in the post, stop the vid when they show the roof with the stain at 8:11, look where crooks was, center right, now go back to the overhead at 8:01, stop the vid, put a rule on the screen between center right of roof and SS counter sniper, you’ll see the tree was likely in the way, no direct LOS.
In the Las Vegas hoax they used an audio track of gunfire, piped through the speakers.
Do you have a source for that?
Someone who was actually there said “it’s through the PA system.”
If the PA mic was picking it up, there’s some chance to conflate it, by an earwitness?
Lol @ “earwitness”.
Overheard on the radio, as its longtime national ad campaign tagline:.
“I saw it on the radio!”
That echoes volumes too.
Microphones are made to just pick up sounds from close range , I would say even one meter is too far.
I’m not too clear on that, I record my piano, studio performances, at very close range, since my Sony mics pick up everything, AC hum, room noises, whatever, if I don’t have it almost on top of the strings.
Of course, some mics are omnidirectional, and others more focussed.
When we broadcast our live chorus singing, you could hear every cough in the Hall, on radio. And those had techs from CIM in Cleveland, very expert.
They filtered out a lot of that when they issued some of those as live CDs.
But I still think you got an echo chamber effect in many cases like this shooting fiasco.
Just saying. Again.
And by the way. Steven Paddock – the crisis actor shooter who was supposed to be dead – is still very much alive and well and playing his brother, Bruce Paddock in another psyop.
Yup, and the sound track it’s self was an anomily, plus loads of other prima facie facts that added up to an obvious fake event, so badly done loads of eye witnesses called it in real time.
And there was this:
Not so much with this one tho, all the facts (so far) seem to fit.
Take a look at all the vids here exposing this psyop. 100% fake.
I watched a bunch, nothing concrete, if you think there’s something concrete I missed please link the specific vid. Tim Truths was the best I found on there, I’d already seen it, it’s a stretch, Trumps catch phrase for the last 20 years on a sign is pre-programming, blurred freeze frame footage of his hand claiming no blood is not conclusive.
The not enough blood thing is a stretch IMO, loads of people have said the ear bleeds like a stuck pig with a razor nick type thing, claiming lack of blood is some sort of slam dunk. I went and looked at the previously most famous ear injury in history trying to find an inconsistancy, Holyfield getting part of his ear bit off on live TV by Tyson
He needed 8 stitches and reconstructive surgery, what do you see on the live? A red ear and two drops of blood hanging off the bottom of the ear from arguably a much worse ear injury.
Trump had a red ear 2 streaks from 2 drips after he’d been head down on the floor, there’s blood on his fingers, you think that blood on his fingers in this pic would be visible in a blurred freeze frame of a video? I don’t. This pic was take seconds after he went down, you can see the photographer in the live shot, expert moulage applied in the middle of a scrum that had to be just right or risk exposing the whole thing? it’s a stretch, a very long stretch.
What I see on the live is no need for stitches, fake blood and no cut whatsoever.
I see a cameraman signaled to by the SS to go to the front of the stage before the “action”, an FBI director directly behind with her iPhone, beforehand, getting set for the fakery, and then taking video ever so calmly, unperturbed.
I see Trump unharmed, unprotected by the SS, not shielded, not ushered away instantly as he would have been, but standing there for the money shot, with his arm raised and a totally staged, phony photo op.
The “shooter” isn’t a shooter, he’s an actor in a BLACKROCK ad. Lol
Really really (i.e. surreally) Bad Theatre.
So like Trump’s whole sorry act.
The gun jerks three times at the same interval to the sound but just a little earlier.
Sound of the first 3 shots doesn’t match for the closer SS guy, there’s no recoil, jerking is him flinching not firing, the butt doesn’t move back at all, it moves down with his body jerk.
Here’s Chris Martensons audio analysis proving those first 3 shots are not SS sniper guy:-
I disagree with his lower tradjectory thing, the windows are too low IMO, plus if you look at the angle from early in the headshot victim video which is shot from very close to the shooter LOS, a lower origin trajectory would send a miss over the top of the pleachers, headshot guy, trumps head, railings hit, and hydraulic hit are all on the same vertical plain.
Audio analysis is interesting (I only used one video from the stage mic sounds) but even that has issues, two different mic positions can’t really be compared because of all the echos, and different video origins will have different compression, video compression individually for each video is also an issue, it will have been compressed in the camera software, and then again by the platform it was uploaded to, and decompressed by the analysis software, I think you’d need the original raw files, though I’m no expert in video/sound compression and the issues, I’ve had youtube compression feck up my files leaving annoying minute sound blurr glitches.
I’d like to believe it on face value, but I don’t believe it’s conclusive, plus if they had a 2nd shooter this would have been an expert marksman with telescopic sights and zero’d weapon with exact knowledge of the distance and wind, there’s no 3″ grouping at 200yds with an ironsight margin of error, Trump would be a steaming corpse.
His wrong about this.
The rooftop counter sniper did fire.
You can hear in the Stuart clip his bullets ricochet for the first 3 rounds.
There’s some symbolic meaning to that ear-dressing Trump now walks around with (apart from being a visual reminder to his supporters that something happened – much like masks during convid). It recalls to me that nose-dressing Jack Nicholson wore for much of the film ‘Chinatown’ (the writer of that film Robert Towne had a brother who made two films with Hollywood CIA Liaison Officer Chase Brandon).
Is it a symbol that Trump doesn’t listen – much like Nicholson couldn’t sniff out the source of the corruption in the film (which was elite creepers btw)? However it also looks somewhat like an ear-piece i.e. Trump is having messages delivered into his ear by his controllers rather than blocking them out.
For the master mason, the three rare gems are a perceptive ear, a guiding voice and an unwavering heart.
Additionally, the right ear has Egyptian, Greek and Roman symbolism, as the receiving ear of divine messages. That’s symbolism meant for Trump’s evangelical base.
Then there’s the obvious Masonic shoe reference. “In ancient times, when you remove your shoes and give it to someone, you are confirming a contract.”
The Masonic shoes off are a common symbol in GovCorp hoaxes and faux terror events. Trump “lost” his shoes.
Wouldn’t you know it, that the much-maligned Monsieur Roman Polanski writes in his ’84 autobiography (“Roman by Polanski”) that it was his call to keep the bandages on Jack’s nose (which he had fake “cut” memorably, himself, with a trick props knife and a bulb of red liquids mélange) in his brief film appearance. You wonder if The Don~ald took notes.
He gave a lot of the backstory on all that about “Chinatown” which also holds a lot of clues, not surprisingly, about these here power structures. s
Savvy enough that they bent all the rules 3 years later on his sex bust, all hands on deck to try to send him away for life, more or less.
He tells a great story about his good friend Jack Nicholson, aka Jake Gittes, and how he was obliged to storm his trailer on the set, smashing his TV set with a mop, for constantly playing hooky during breaks and bingeing on Lakers games in the NBA playoffs, costing them ‘millions’ in crew down time while they waited for him. (I can relate, Lakers my biggest sports thing.}
Reading RP as he goes on at length about it, as well as the film plot itself, and the 90s sequel , 2 Jakes,much of it written by JN, gives a certain perspective on the faux cinematic qualities of Trump calamities. As well as Polanski’s.
One of our gym instructors here offered unasked that a nearby fellow YMCA director had survived the Las Vegas shooting.
The awkwardness of his sharing that supposed factoid as well as the 500-mile distance from here to Las Vegas thru desert, etc etc, convinced me absolutely that I was being psyoped by not a few, as well as the supposed event being a total fake through and through….
I mean if it wasn’t so obvious before, this gym coach made it leadenly so….
A good “big picture” analysis of the assassination hoax. This one’s worth reading & not too long.
h/t: Tim Truth
They have revealed to you how fake the simulation is. Keep your head above it. Consciousness is our ONLY salvation. Their agenda moves on in their chaos. LOL
The problem with the “left’s” position here is that there is simply no evidence to confirm that view, and since people were actually shot it is pure conjecture and what might aptly be called “conspiracy theory” that can be pretty readily torn apart because it hangs on the assumption, because of real injuries and fatalities, that the gunman was an elite marksman to graze Trump’s ear (hardly believable) or he dropped down and released fake blood by his ear. That would have more credence if not for real shots and serious consequences outside of Trump. At least the position on the “right” can point to the obvious facts of that rooftop with a clear shot of Trump not being secure, and that he was pointed out by numerous people on the roof as well as in the sights of snipers prior to shooting. Security was clearly suspect and it goes beyond those obvious holes in a story that would presume “incompetence” as the excuse/answer.
I just don’t see how this can be split down the middle as though the truth is somewhere in between, especially considering how they’ve gone all out against Trump for close to a decade at this point. This was hardly a shock to virtually anyone paying attention. What credence does the theory that it was all staged have outside of pure assumption and wishful thinking? Would anyone really be surprised if there were another attempt on Trump prior to the election and/or once he was elected? I would expect a far more sophisticated attempt if he does get elected and proves to be acting in ways to really go after high-end individuals.
Real casualties signifies nothing. Is anyone really so naive as to presume it isn’t fake, simply because others were hurt (if in fact they weren’t .merely Crisis Actors)? It’s been done that way often enough to cause doubt about all such incidents.
It’s textbook SOP to use blood as a cover for a psyop. Or fake blood. As long as enough people buy into it as real.
It’s on pg. 1 of the Psyop Training Manual. Every DoD has one. Sheeesh.
“ (if in fact they weren’t .merely Crisis Actors)”
It seems that a large portion of the “skeptical researcher” crowd has forgotten almost everything we’ve learned since 9/11.
And tiresome too.
But what can you do. We must be patient with the slow curve of the Bell. What else?!
“Fake” to me means a hoax, like the Boston “bombing”, in which there really are no casualties and is completely different from a false flag in which there is planning and staging with real casualties. There are certainly indications that lead to suspicion regarding staging in terms of the photo-op and so much going against standard security measures but I’ve yet to see anything convincing with regard to any possible conclusive proof of fakery in terms of Trump’s ear, etc… There really isn’t even enough convincing circumstantial evidence that leads to a high degree everything was staged. I think it relies on assumption and speculation without strong backing because visuals are very limited. Anyone can make leaps and come to conclusions they wish to see or are biased toward but that isn’t forensically convincing. Boston is probably the best example of actual forensic evidence that exposes that event, and S. Hook is the best to show that there is literally almost no evidence of the event actually occurring as claimed. We know we’ve been psy-oped with this event, but at this point I still think time will tell specifically how.
Well, sound reasoning. Any projectile from afar would have caused a lot more than a nick.
But there is certainly the forensic option that it was ricochet debris that sliced him.
But I accept entirely your measured status: we know it’s a hoax, just not yet how (much!).
How do you “know” without a leap of presumptive speculation and no serious evidence? Patterns do not constitute evidence, but merely suspicion imo. I think the more important question is this: can the Trump team by itself stage this for its own benefit? This strikes me as unrealistic which leads to a larger plot that goes beyond Trump to actually assist him as opposed to take him down which is exactly what has been going on for more than 8 years. All that has occurred for those years is an attempt to cripple, hinder, and completely upend him during his presidency (aside from demonize he and his supporters the entirety up to the present), and then prosecute him and attempt to destroy him by any other means with increasing desperation and I don’t think a huge swath of Americans are actually surprised by this in terms of logical progression. Trump’s team (or some other group) made sure that his security was terrible and partially stripped in order to simply stage an event for the benefit of his presidential run? This makes no sense as far as I’m concerned and without any meaningful evidence and very little circumstantial evidence I think this all leans on assumptions.
This attempted deflection of the “it’s a fake” narrative is being pushed everywhere.
The most obvious narrative is that this was staged.
Trump was not hit with a bullet. There was no visible damage to his ear. There are detailed images available of his ear when he stood up and as he was being led away that show there is no wound. It’s fake blood which was applied when he hit the ground.
Trump lied at the convention about the “tremendous amount of blood on his hand”. There was no blood on his hand.
There’s no evidence there were any casualties. Watch a video of the way the “body” of the alleged fire chief was handled. They wanted that crisis actor off the scene asap.
Yes, the patsy was allowed onto the roof. They waited until he was in position and the shots were fired before
It’s not just “leftists” who are claiming this was a psy-op.
If they wanted Trump dead they would not have left to the job to a single 20yo loser who by the look of him had been on adhd/psychiatric meds most of his teenage years.
Wake up guys.
Voltara writes:
“Trump lied at the convention
about the “tremendous amount of blood on his hand”. There was no blood on his hand..”
A lot of credible sites have documented, and been widely reposted since 2015, that Trump takes home the Olympic gold, as a serial wanton liar.
To put the accusations”conservatively“.
While we’re on the subject of assassinations, I just came across this article and found it very interesting. On the day that JFK was killed, I had never noticed the Umbrella Man (reference to Neville Chamberlain) and Nazi salute guy on the Zapruder film before. After shots fired, both sit on the curb side by side, one pulls outs a radio transmitter with antenna.
Chamberlain and Joe Sr didn’t want the US to enter WWII. The two men were making a political statement. Were they part of the assassination? I don’t know, but very odd coincidence that they chose to stand there.
I also never knew that Israel has a Kennedy memorial, explicitly designed to look like “the stump of a felled tree”.
I don’t watch a lot of movies or TV but I have seen a couple of iterations of the ear flesh wound. One appeared in the TV show Breaking Bad (but it might have been the prequel) in which Gus, the contract murderer, has an encounter with some other bad guys and then reaches up and touches his bloody ear. Afterwards he grimaces, more with annoyance than in pain.
Early in the movie Tombstone two bad guys get into a shootout with two worse guys and one ends up with a bloodied ear. He doesn’t realize this until one of the Earps points it out. In all cases where realism is the goal, the ear is not a fully intact one with red goo on it.
If had been asked to create this little mini drama/infomercial I would have opted for more of a Sam Peckinpah approach. Or we could have borrowed from the over the top shootings in say “Bonnie and Clyde” or of Sonny in “The Godfather.” If he had then survived such an ambush it would have contributed greatly to his standing as a larger than life, living legend orange god. Instead they went with an Ed Wood production. Go figure.
Also, regarding the stupid image with him pumping his tiny fist while surrounded by all those agents or whatever they were – it looked as phony as the Iwo Jima picture and the sculpture that followed – with four big soldiers (or was it five) planting one flimsy flag. I’ll bet the photographer went through a lot of film shooting all those takes.
We live in a continuous TV show at this point. They lost no time creating a hero and perhaps there’s a manifesto waiting in the wings.
I’m working on a short piece about this. It’s tentatively titled “Out of Earshot.”
Its more like a soap opera than a TV show – a poor quality, low budget soap opera.
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
Inspector Jacques Clouseau would be more suited to the above.
Why this political circus works throughout ages is a central question to be answered in order to comprehend what we as meddlesome spectators to power think we are witnessing.
Politics is a spectacle. It has script, budget, producers, cast and series of directors of story episodes. Everybody here at OFFG knows that politics is a stage play. It ain’t real. But that distinction between reality and theatrical illusion often breaks down when blood is spilled on stage and many even intelligent observers of reality are caught up in human emotions of a moment and mix reality with fiction. JFK assassination was best example of that.
And that’s for a simple reason. Those who are not fazed by such a spectacle and retain their rational approach dismiss events as fake, staged never happened in reality. Blood did not flow, assassin did not exist or did not want to kill anyone etc., On the other hand those moved by emotions think that assassination or attempt was real and was really aimed at changing some balance of power among elites. In other words they succumb to fallacy of suddenly connecting staged political spectacle to real governance itself in order to inject some reason into their human emotional reaction to real suffering.
How those two diametrically opposite outlooks on reality can be reconciled. They can if one study Roman Theater that staged plays that were scripted, fake while depicted wilderness, pain and blood that was real. If script called for a protagonist to be beaten an actor who played him was really beaten if be killed he was killed on stage.
Whatever the play was about and however it resembled contemporary reality of Roman Empire spectators who were leaving theater never confused illusion of a play with reality of governing. They knew that no changes to a script of a play or replacement of actors can have any impact on reality of power outside of the theater. They knew that only power, not scripts or words can significantly impact power. That immutable law remains in force today.
I think to avoid confusion we all should remember Plato who wrote that politics, especially democratic politics has nothing to with power and is devised solely for “benefit” of populace or meddlesome spectators of power who must be cheaply controlled to legitimize in their own minds power they have no influence on. The politics is all about that.
Beyond referring to the ancients or Shakespeare, we should remember this: politics serves to benefit the moneyed overlords.
A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump’s Company Was Made Before the Assassination Attempt
President Joe Biden tests positive for ‘covid’. Has an “unproductive
cough” and runny nose … Cause ? Global Boiling ? Worry about
failed attempted assassination of Trump ?
Cause of ‘covid’ remains a Real Mystery !
I thought the official Covid line was that, after the original outbreak, there were a series of weaker variants, but they have jettisoned the variants undermining their narrative.
The series of weaker variants weaked the official line as it got more and more ridiculous.
Working hypothesis as of 7.18.24:
4 potential shooters. First is Crooks on command center roof. 2nd is a potential putative shooter positioned at or near water tower. 3rd is kneeling counter-sniper to rear right of stage. 4th is counter-sniper rear right of stage in prone position. There is some video and audio evidence that the first 3 shots originated from the kneeling SS counter-sniper and not from Crooks. While all 3 of these initial shots appear to be fired in the general direction of Crooks, if Crooks was able to fire shots subsequent to being fired at, then none of the counter-sniper’s rounds were on target, which raises the question, why not?
It also appears when Trump’s hand goes to his ear, he is reacting to the sound of these 3 shots from the counter-sniper. This possibility is far from certain, given the limited analysis of the acoustical and video evidence to date. The origin of these initial 3 shots remains crucial, because it evidences whether Crooks was able to fire any shots at all. This potentiality (that Crooks fired no shots) is buttressed by eyewitness claims that a series of shots originated from a position on or near the water tower.
At this time, these additional shots into the stands are attributed to Crooks. However, it remains an open question who fired the shots that killed and critically injured 3 people. Finally, the last shot had a different sound signature from the preceding shots, so perhaps it was fired by the SS counter-sniper in the prone position, and this was the headshot that kills Crooks.
As usual in these situations, the investigatory records will never be fully released, which will make any definitive assessment unlikely. In any case, the above constitutes the author’s lay opinions. These opinions are based on preliminary data, and are provided for research purposes only.
Yes agree those first 3 shots were from the ss rooftop bloke.
A multiplicity of stories is the way Intell prevents people from coalescing around one. This was a prime technique following the John Kennedy assassination.
Does it really look as though any of the audience around Trump heard any shots at all? You know it’s perfectly possible to add to a video the sound of shots. In fact, the noises I hear on the video don’t sound like shots to me.
To complicate matters Penelope, according to the “expert” snipers, the sounds we hear in the videos are not the original report of the rifles, but the sound the on stage mics pick up of passing bullets. Who knew? Need to unpack this more before I can make any conclusions, if ever. With respect to Kennedy, it took me a long time to figure out that Ruth Paine was the key to determining US Intelligence was responsible for the murder. As to the down votes, all I can say is, I’m just doing my own research trying to figure things out. Are the down vote folks implying we should just accept the narrative that’s being spoon fed to us? Do tell.
I think Crooks shoots Trump is a giveaway to whats going on. The humour is too corny.
Trump claimed he felt the bullet strike his ear and when he looked at his hand and it was covered in “a tremendous amount of blood”.
Fact: These was no visible wound to his ear and there is no blood on his right hand when he stood up for the now iconic (staged) photo.
The Crooks patsy or whatever his name might be was not in a position to shoot at Trump given the slope of the roof and the gun he was claimed to have was some distance from his “body”.
A second gunman fired a few shots either into the crowd or sprayed them about.
The alleged “fire chief” victim was way out of the alleged shooter’s line of sight. Look at the way he was handled by the uniformed goons afterwards. His body was picked up like a sack of garbage and hauled out of sight in a minute. Is this how you deal with an injured person? And of course the stands were full of crisis actors who started yelling immediately “he’s been shot in the head” even though they had no possibility of seeing the alleged victim and while the the people sitting next to him barely registered anything happening. It was a nice touch all the people who came to attend to the “fire chief” were wearing white shirts which showed the blood of the ‘victim’.
And then, the fire station where the victim had been “chief” created a shrine out the front using the “chief’s” clothing. However his name was misspelt on it.. “Comperatore” when it was alleged his name was “Competore” The uniform Trump kissed at the convention had the same spelling “mistake”.
It’s actually a pretty simple story. Drugged-out patsy is encouraged to climb on the roof. Professional shooter and/or visible sniper lets off a few rounds. Trump and his security team apply fake blood in the scrum
It appears to be fake. When Trump removes his hand form his ear there is no blood on it. There is no blood on his white shirt either. A high velocity projectile would surely cause a lot of blood loss.
Also, if you watch the video the reaction of thr crowd behind Trump is bizarre. There is one guy who doesn’t even duck, he just stands there watching. Even with the crowd that do duck, they get uop straigjht away and start taking photos. Others to his left seem to be just talking to each other. I don’t know about you, but if I thought there was someobdy shooting I would be down on the floor or runningt for an exit. Nobody tries to run away or stay down.
Members of the crowd were scemaing for miniutes before hand that there was a shooter on the roof and the secret service did nothing. Totally unlikely if this was real. Also, surely the secret service are traiend to keep the president under cover and out of sight until the threat is definitley over yet he is allowed to stand up with his fist in the air and bit of (fake) blood on his face. Very photogenic. This would never happen,. They would have gotten him away form the podium and out fo the arena ASAP.
It is odd, that the right quite rightly question other shootings as false flags or fake but, blinded by the, ‘Trumop is our saviour’ narrative don’t question this one.
I believe Trump and Biden are both just playing the parts scritped for them by the deep state. It is clealry Trump’s time to come back. An assasinitaion attempt just makes all his supporters support him more and deflect from the fast that he introduced the deadly covid jab, which was previously loosing him support. Whatever he does now in office will be backed 100% – and that will probably include trying to start a war with Iran if his VP choice is anything to go by. Trump is supposedly antiwar and was supposedly against giving UKraine money and yet it was he who was instrumnetal in getting the last vote on continuing to fund Ukraine pushed through congress.
The fake assasintaion attempt has the added bonus of antagonisng the right and making them even more suspicious of the left, who they blame, and makes it more likely that the more radical amongst them may start trying to take revenge, leading to possible civil war scenario and the ineveitbale authoritarian crackdown on freedoms.
Whatever the turth, it appears to be achieving its aims.
You obviously haven’t thought this through, they are standing on bleachers, any quick moves results in the whole crowd going down all at once.
Ignorance is bliss, but gets lonely real fast.
Ah, you are saying everybody decided, “Someone is shooting, but if I move quickly the bleachers might collapse, so I’ll just sit here quietly. Also I will not even change the expression on my face; who knows WHAT that might do to the bleachers.”
Really, underground poet?
Amen to that! That’s quite how I was pondering it. Usually a panic ensues and people at least duck, etc, then?
Collapsible bleachers? That’s a stretch.
There is also the simple fact that a high velocity projectile would cause an ear to be absolutely munted, and not just have a smear of red on it. But as someone stated earlier, he is possibly already undergoing post shooter ear deconstruction surgery right now, just for added realism. If they even give a shit about realism at this point.
So it couldn’t have been barely grazed?
A shot like that and just a scratch? Rather than considerable cosmetic surgery of the ear by that.
Pretty demned unlikely!?
It’s pure Hollywood. How many times have you seen the hero get grazed by a bullet in a movie? People have been conditioned to believe this myth.
Trump and his handlers got greedy. The blood and alleged wound to his ear ramped up the emotions and emphasised the “close call” narrative. If they’d just claimed the bullet had missed by an inch instead of claiming the nick the whole tale might have been believable
There is no wound to his ear, no blood on his hand, no sign a bullet passed through his hair and of course he had turned away at exactly the right moment so nobody could see the alleged impact of the alleged bullet after first directing the MAGA dupes’ attention to the chart.
Any semblance of realism went with Trump playing golf the next day.
Any semblance of realism went out long before.
You cannot claim this was fake with real injuries and a fatality without saying everyone is a crisis actor pretending they witnessed such things. You could claim false flag, but outside of highly suspect SS actions as part of your speculation, there is no proof for this position, not even anything that raises a real red flag. If anything, the failure of SS agents to adequately cover him after the shots points just as equally to the premise that they were leaving him uncovered to allow for another possibility of a head shot due to the shooter’s initial failure. Based on the context that the establishment spied on Trump’s team prior to 2016, then sought to upend and cripple his admin immediately ad went on for years with the absurd Russia gate story, and on and on, including encouraging violence and completely demonizing his supporters for 8 years running AND all the insane prosecution efforts leaves little doubt how much the powerful do not want Trump anywhere near the presidency again. If he gets elected I would be shocked if there ISN’T another attempt on his life.
The bleacher guys behind Trump wearing black tshirts mugged and over-acted like kayfabe amateurs.
All the world’s a stage. As you say, it seems to be acheiving its aims.
No mention of the second shooter, shame
Theres certainly three different guns to be heard on the audio. The ss snipers first 3 shots. The delayed burst of five from the 20 year old, and a final somewhere else in the crowd.
With so many shooters, it would be a shame. To state the obvious.
“On the “Right” side there is the ‘fact’ the secret service apparently left an elevated position with a clear view of the podium unguarded (for a frankly insane reason)”…
The roof slope suited the dead suspect just fine. After he reached it the hard way, by climbing the wall. After he walked 10 miles from his vehicle with the rifle. That the FBI traced to him and that contained explosives.. ; )
“On the “Left” side they are laughing about karma and gun laws”…
Dear Mr. Knightly, you do make astute observations and I can’t disagree except to say that keeping us confused and guessing appears to be part of the agenda here. Note how the authorities always cover up critical forensic evidence, and how secret service agencies keep stowalling on real investigations in cases such as this. For example, we have few details about the young patsy on the roof: who was he, what’s his motive, who did he work for (Black Rock!)? We know almost nothing regarding the riffle–how many bullets were fired and when? Did we recover some of the numerous bullets that were fired, were they all from the same gun? It’s total silence concerning the two bystanders that are, allegedly, in ‘critical condition.’ What’s with them? How about their version of what happened? Consider how media are quiet about the one alleged fatality. Why do we hear nothing from those who were sitting on the bleechers? No words from the snipers on the roof either–or from any other security officers at the event! No details on the nature of Mr. Trump’s wound, on how far the bullet penetrated his ear. Can we assert what caliber would have caused his ear injury? Can we guess the angle of the bullet’s trajectory when it hit Trump? I could go on and on.
Hence, nobody has any solid evidence to accurately assess what went down, and perhaps will never have. What we do know, however, from having witnessed so many harrowing government conspiracies go down, is that it doesn’t augur well for the people’s ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’
The circus has come to town, cause the show must go on, and we’re condemned to watch, keep watching the procession of bloody clowns!
They do not actually need to have shot anyone at all, and it would be very easy to pull it off if only a handful of people were needed to act it out…
What’s Trump (aka his handlers) actually going to do with the Presidency if he wins it?
Vox may be a loathesome outlet but at least they ask that question which has otherwise rather been lost sight of:
They manage to get “horrifying”, “authoritarian”, “dystopian”, “terrifying” and “extreme” into the first seven paragraphs. Of course these are just what “progressives” allege of course.
The changes on abortion and climate change seem good to me. However “concentrating power” is the main theme. Isn’t it always? The “choice” is just where in the federal government power is to be concentrated, not rolling back the power of the federal government.
Then there are all the issues Vox don’t see fit to mention : nothing on tax cuts (Trump started off in 2016 with a tax cut for the rich), nothing on banking, nothing on pandemics, nothing on the food supply, nothing on foreign policy.
Compared to the coming escalation of war, tax cuts for the rich may be minor.
A more forensic analysis of the attempted assassination of Trump.
Those with a 10 second attention span or existing in a Wilderness of Mirrors look away .
From your Link:
“It’s only four-and-a-half minutes long, and I recommend you watch it at least once all the way through, as it is clarifying on many points. Here are the highlights:
A very detailed analysis of the attempted assassination of Trump and the murder of an innocent spectator plus 2 others being seriously injured. Alas, those lost in their labyrinth of alternatives can’t see the most obvious !
All faked. Ever easier to do, by the hour.
Can’t prove it, but odds are with us, so I’m going with that til they prove otherwise.
Not holding our collective breath.
Here is another link on what does not add up.
Not mentioned:
-. Misinformation that Crooks carried a 5-foot ladder he bought that day. It would have been too short. There was a ladder fixed to the wall.
-. One counter-sniper quoted as saying his orders were not to shoot till Crooks did.
If this was Paris Rockefeller Hilton or Kim Kardashian you would of called bullshit from the get go. especially if she was on publication tour to sell a product.
Unfortunately many alt media fakelets get there donations screams from the MIC CC.
No fence sitting on this, your ever a fucking idiot or not.
“you are either a fucking idiot or not.” There is another possibility:pure cowardice..
fecking eejit
Illiterate goblin, let the facts show that English has it for many centuries that it’s universally “would have” not “would of” which latter is errantly nonsensical. So …..
I only dare to remind since others have already stepped nerdfully into this here grammarist breach.
Is illiterate goblin literal? Are all these only read out loud to you?
FOLLOW THE SHORTS: $DJT shorts went from 7M to 15M from July 1 -July 12.
They thought Monday morning Trump would be dead.”?
The U$ National Poem written by the U$ National Poet to celebrate the U$ National Sport: Shooting the POTU$:
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
By Walt Whitman
When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d,
And the great star early droop’d in the western sky in the night,
I mourn’d, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring.
Ever-returning spring, trinity sure to me you bring,
Lilac blooming perennial and drooping star in the west,
And thought of him I love.
O powerful western fallen star!
O shades of night—O moody, tearful night!
O great star disappear’d—O the black murk that hides the star!
O cruel hands that hold me powerless—O helpless soul of me!
O harsh surrounding cloud that will not free my soul.
In the dooryard fronting an old farm-house near the white-wash’d palings,
Stands the lilac-bush tall-growing with heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
With many a pointed blossom rising delicate, with the perfume strong I love,
With every leaf a miracle—and from this bush in the dooryard,
With delicate-color’d blossoms and heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
A sprig with its flower I break.
In the swamp in secluded recesses,
A shy and hidden bird is warbling a song.
Solitary the thrush,
The hermit withdrawn to himself, avoiding the settlements,
Sings by himself a song.
Song of the bleeding throat,
Death’s outlet song of life, (for well dear brother I know,
If thou wast not granted to sing thou would’st surely die.)
Over the breast of the spring, the land, amid cities,
Amid lanes and through old woods, where lately the violets peep’d from the ground, spotting the gray debris,
Amid the grass in the fields each side of the lanes, passing the endless grass,
Passing the yellow-spear’d wheat, every grain from its shroud in the dark-brown fields uprisen,
Passing the apple-tree blows of white and pink in the orchards,
Carrying a corpse to where it shall rest in the grave,
Night and day journeys a coffin.
Coffin that passes through lanes and streets,
Through day and night with the great cloud darkening the land,
With the pomp of the inloop’d flags with the cities draped in black,
With the show of the States themselves as of crape-veil’d women standing,
With processions long and winding and the flambeaus of the night,
With the countless torches lit, with the silent sea of faces and the unbared heads,
With the waiting depot, the arriving coffin, and the sombre faces,
With dirges through the night, with the thousand voices rising strong and solemn,
With all the mournful voices of the dirges pour’d around the coffin,
The dim-lit churches and the shuddering organs—where amid these you journey,
With the tolling tolling bells’ perpetual clang,
Here, coffin that slowly passes,
I give you my sprig of lilac.
(Nor for you, for one alone,
Blossoms and branches green to coffins all I bring,
For fresh as the morning, thus would I chant a song for you O sane and sacred death.
All over bouquets of roses,
O death, I cover you over with roses and early lilies,
But mostly and now the lilac that blooms the first,
Copious I break, I break the sprigs from the bushes,
With loaded arms I come, pouring for you,
For you and the coffins all of you O death.)
O western orb sailing the heaven,
Now I know what you must have meant as a month since I walk’d,
As I walk’d in silence the transparent shadowy night,
As I saw you had something to tell as you bent to me night after night,
As you droop’d from the sky low down as if to my side, (while the other stars all look’d on,)
As we wander’d together the solemn night, (for something I know not what kept me from sleep,)
As the night advanced, and I saw on the rim of the west how full you were of woe,
As I stood on the rising ground in the breeze in the cool transparent night,
As I watch’d where you pass’d and was lost in the netherward black of the night,
As my soul in its trouble dissatisfied sank, as where you sad orb,
Concluded, dropt in the night, and was gone.
Sing on there in the swamp,
O singer bashful and tender, I hear your notes, I hear your call,
I hear, I come presently, I understand you,
But a moment I linger, for the lustrous star has detain’d me,
The star my departing comrade holds and detains me.
O how shall I warble myself for the dead one there I loved?
And how shall I deck my song for the large sweet soul that has gone?
And what shall my perfume be for the grave of him I love?
Sea-winds blown from east and west,
Blown from the Eastern sea and blown from the Western sea, till there on the prairies meeting,
These and with these and the breath of my chant,
I’ll perfume the grave of him I love.
O what shall I hang on the chamber walls?
And what shall the pictures be that I hang on the walls,
To adorn the burial-house of him I love?
Pictures of growing spring and farms and homes,
With the Fourth-month eve at sundown, and the gray smoke lucid and bright,
With floods of the yellow gold of the gorgeous, indolent, sinking sun, burning, expanding the air,
With the fresh sweet herbage under foot, and the pale green leaves of the trees prolific,
In the distance the flowing glaze, the breast of the river, with a wind-dapple here and there,
With ranging hills on the banks, with many a line against the sky, and shadows,
And the city at hand with dwellings so dense, and stacks of chimneys,
And all the scenes of life and the workshops, and the workmen homeward returning.
Lo, body and soul—this land,
My own Manhattan with spires, and the sparkling and hurrying tides, and the ships,
The varied and ample land, the South and the North in the light, Ohio’s shores and flashing Missouri,
And ever the far-spreading prairies cover’d with grass and corn.
Lo, the most excellent sun so calm and haughty,
The violet and purple morn with just-felt breezes,
The gentle soft-born measureless light,
The miracle spreading bathing all, the fulfill’d noon,
The coming eve delicious, the welcome night and the stars,
Over my cities shining all, enveloping man and land.
Sing on, sing on you gray-brown bird,
Sing from the swamps, the recesses, pour your chant from the bushes,
Limitless out of the dusk, out of the cedars and pines.
Sing on dearest brother, warble your reedy song,
Loud human song, with voice of uttermost woe.
O liquid and free and tender!
O wild and loose to my soul—O wondrous singer!
You only I hear—yet the star holds me, (but will soon depart,)
Yet the lilac with mastering odor holds me.
Now while I sat in the day and look’d forth,
In the close of the day with its light and the fields of spring, and the farmers preparing their crops,
In the large unconscious scenery of my land with its lakes and forests,
In the heavenly aerial beauty, (after the perturb’d winds and the storms,)
Under the arching heavens of the afternoon swift passing, and the voices of children and women,
The many-moving sea-tides, and I saw the ships how they sail’d,
And the summer approaching with richness, and the fields all busy with labor,
And the infinite separate houses, how they all went on, each with its meals and minutia of daily usages,
And the streets how their throbbings throbb’d, and the cities pent—lo, then and there,
Falling upon them all and among them all, enveloping me with the rest,
Appear’d the cloud, appear’d the long black trail,
And I knew death, its thought, and the sacred knowledge of death.
Then with the knowledge of death as walking one side of me
Biden will blame his stepdown on Cov2, making way for Michelle Obama…
I don’t know. The Simpsons predicted it’ll be Killary. 🤣 👍
In the big reveal, Schwab’s facemask will be removed a la Scooby Doo to reveal Matt Groening.
At this point not much would surprise me. I’m gonna have to say it’s still not worth the HUNDRED and something TRILLION dollar “BUCKET of POPCORN” we’re munching on while we’re WATCHING it all though. lol
Hear hear. Nothing surprises, anymore…
That 20 something authority for our culture? The best we got.
“Welcome to Wallymart. Open all day Christmas in honor of our Savior’s birth!”
Only in Walmerica.
The icing for them on their cake is that we’re footing the bill for it every direction we go.
Rearranging the deck chairs on their super yachts.
“Jeeves ! Bring us more Beluga and Dom Perignon”
Sigh !
Why is there no mention RFK Jr. in this cui bono discussion? His campaign team claims that all the furor about protection failures has led to RFK’s finally getting SS protection which in turn has brought a large increase in awareness of his candidacy.
RFK shill, said the assassination of Trump reminded him of his own family assassinations!!! 💤
He also received a phone call from warpspeedTrump (leaked on line) telling him how well RFK shill has done with the vaccination awareness for children.
WWE meets fake reality celebrity QVC, TMZ, E! News, buy your tour tickets to see your favourite pop act..
Yeah. Lol … reminded him, in that it was 100% fake like his dad and uncle’s “made for tv” events.
I don’t think so. Sincerely & seriously Petra Livers I was the first to front those two as psyops, but there is SO much evidence against it.
And as you may know, I had a lot of personal proximity to those events, enough to underscore them with my blood.
Anything’s possible with modern media involved, but that’s a very very hard sell.
As hard as selling the Tate multiple murders as bloodless psyops.
But, you never know, in all the countless rabbit holes of modern media….
Liverani, not aka as Livers, OY 😱
Nothing to do with Petra. Miles Mathis and many others have exposed these as hoaxes for many years.
Once you understand that governments aren’t public institutions, have never been public, they are all privately owned corporations (every country), so voting itself is 100% useless – a total psyop, therefore there’s zero need to kill any politician because they control nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip: They have no power, they’re actors, Freemasons playing a part; that’s all they’ve ever been.
So the “killing of the king” is nothing more than a Masonic ritual, done entirely as a trauma based mind control exercise on the populace.
Well, not much argument here. I’m truly inclined to agree with all of that reasoning as you deploy it, if not quite 100%.
There’s the odd banana peel, now and then, where a politician slips on it, during a fake assassination “attempt” in progress, and later dies from complications of a broken hip, thus persuading insurers to call it an assassination, achieved. It behind closed doors only.
Other than that, I think your chain of logic is pretty ironclad.
And it’s important to challenge all these pseudo-realities from the ground up, as you do.
The outcomes of our species may well depend.
JFK hoax, a made for tv event.
Fake assassination of Oswald.
Agent Zapruder – 33rd degree Freemason.
The Space Race and Moon Landing were faked.
Nukes are a hoax.
The Cold War, a $$$ grift.
The Bay of Pigs a nonsense psyop.
Castro a CIA asset.
MLK assassination fake.
Malcolm X assassination, staged.
They don’t kill their own. No need. All faux countries are centrally controlled through Supra-National orgs and think tanks.
The goal of secret societies is to occult knowledge, then brainwash, dupe, steal from, cull and poison (vaccines) the dead, or profane slaves.
“Right” and “Left” is just nonsense. The Powers that shouldn’t be put Trump in pace before, and are doing it again. Left & Right, etc are just window dressing to distract us and keep us fragmented. It’s the real, billionaire-globalist power we’ve got to unite against.
In the 70s we had more than 100 substantive news outlets. Today we have SIX that control almost all major media nearly world-wide. ANYTHING on the news is simply what the billionaire would-be dictators want you to believe. And no, it doesn’t have to do w advertising dollars. Those major newscorps have a board of directors. They are controlled in exactly the same way as any other transnational corp.
I agree that advertising is largely the excuse, although it certainly helps in the case of Pharma, which is regularly cited by TV people as a domineering influence. Many editors are plants and/or know what’s good for them. You usually hear from journalists that that’s the control valve. They also toy with many journalists, who are largely careerists, by feeding them good and bad info in an alternating fashion. And they relay it knowing it’s good for their career not to take too much interest in its accuracy. Often they’re flat out hacks and this is the best copy they’ll ever get anyway. Let’s be real: journalism today is staffed by wealthy children who weren’t good enough to be CEOs, bankers, or lawyers. They’re loyal to the system anyway.
In the US, in 1970 there were about 300 media companies that controlled about 90% of everything one could read, watch or listen to. By 1980 that number was 50. By 2000 it was 6. Now those 6 are themselves owned by a smaller number of asset management companies. Competition is an illusion; it’s just marketing.
Thanks for the statistics Tom
Govts have exactly the same owners as the fake media. With boards of directors and original shareholders.
“The public” owns not one single share or stock of any government services corp, anywhere on earth.
Supranational orgs control and own all governments in all countries. Politicians control nothing. They are a PR ploy.
The votes are meaningless, have always been meaningless.
osiris with his crook and flail, rises again- without fail
what about those who are neither left nor right
that see this as a masonic rite?
with a slipshod trump as initiate
while footless-rabbits proliferate…
THAT was beautiful.
But nah, It’s just MORE Bread and Circuses.
Lmao well done
“So , rather effortlessly, many hardcore libertarians are being lured away from some of their most deeply held beliefs (in personal liberty and firm limits on state power), and now both “sides” are pro-cancellation and anti-free speech!”.
I don’t know why the author chose to drag libertarians into this but, if they turned on the basic libertarian principles of individual liberty, they weren’t really “libertarians” let alone “hardcore libertarians” in the first place.
Did he mean to say “liberals”? The terminology can be confusing to a non American.
Why would libertarians be any different? I’ve seen the same thing. Anyone supporting Trump is not a libertarian, they just hate democrats.
Don’t forget the Q crowd.
So Trump cops an ‘earing from The Deep State ?
And the alleged would-be assassin really knew how to exploit
‘hiding in plain sight’, and security agency ‘profiling’ ?
I enjoyed Melissa McCarthy in the movie ‘Spy’ – but did the SS
have to hire look-alikes, and suit them in look-alike outfits ?
Life imitating Art ?
“Stop Laughing ! This Is Serious !”
Ben Horowitz
Bill Ackman
Cameron Winklevoss
Doug Leone
Elon Musk
Eoghan McCabe
Ken Howery
Kyle Samani
Marc Andreessen
Jacob Helberg
Joe Lonsdale
Palmer Luckey
Peter Thiel
Shaun Maguire
Trevor Traina
Tushar Jain
Tyler Winklevoss
Come on in, the water’s warm.
When billionaires come together to purchase the presidency of the United States, the only question you should ask yourself is…What are they getting in return for their investment?
Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The People’s Digital ID- for your convenience and protection.
They want it all, and they want it now.
But first _ _ _ the enablers must be put into place to open the floodgates.
and the robot embalmers- to stem those messy after flows…
and so you can remember who you are…!
It’s stressful being a multi billionaire.
Shopping for islands, mansions, jets, super yachts, high class prostitutes, fleets of luxury cars, politicians, security guards, security systems, plastic surgeons, anti ageing drugs, the purest cocaine, corporate takeovers, sports teams _ _ _ _
Yes, stressful and exhausting.
No wonder they all look hollowed out.
Live the short life and be happy, for it all goes back to the state in the end.
And the shit for brains Left and Right can’t comprehend this simple, in our faces, FACT.
Where do all the $uiturd$ find a job when they’re finished $crewing the voters?
The corporate world of course.
A world where nothing is sacred, except for obscene profits.
The better to tax you by.
There’s no difference in govt.
Government *is* the corporate world. They enable it. The entirety of the laws worldwide are premised on the idea of corporations owning and diminishing humans to the status of privately owned constructive trusts through the birth certificate issuances.
Your local, state and federal govts are all corporations: Corporations you don’t own because they’re privately owned and centrally controlled through one cartel: Who also own all major corporations, using the banking and finance scam in the IPO process.
One cartel owns and runs everything through these corporate-legal-banking structures.
They work together. It is called oligarchy.
Wow, that Dems story – get shot at to appear cool. Must tick-tock this.
And there’s that irrational middle ground again. The time-tested ‘Lone Shooter’, coupled with incompetence (or maybe short-sightedness by the agents mingling in the crowd – should they get their eyesight checked?) are a hoot.
I’m not particularly conservative and, if in America, I wouldn’t vote Republican BUT they might have a point.
Au contraire, to be FAKEly shot at to appear cool.
HUUUGE difference, Bigly.
Be sure to Tik Tok that edit.
“It’s all Marketing !” … (anon) …
“Any publicity is good publicity – if you know how to spin it !” – Admen Motto…
Check the file format to discover why the image is not operating. It is likely not uploaded to the postimg as a jpeg.
As if things couldn’t get any stranger, after throwing some tantrums about his capabilities, Bidens handlers suddenly declared he has covid and will be conducting his duties from an isolation room, padded I assume.
Too think we needed that bug to quell the aging is beyond what I was imagining.
covid was the great dis-locator.
He’s about to be equal to Jesus to some, the one answer to all your problems.
I asked my Son ( 22yrs, Australian ) what were the thoughts of his sphere, Staged. All making fun of it. Laughing. He said it’s ‘in’ to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ but not to take it seriously. Interesting don’t you think?
No, it is simply lazy thinking. The idea that it was staged gets around with that derisive laugh that becomes super popular and, just like that the brain switches off.
This is a demonstration of social media quickly spreading via algorithm to many a thought stopping brain implant.
Standing with Ukraine is Safe and effective.
This is just a tamer, more modern day version of the JFK and RFK hoaxes.
There’s purposefully no resolution in staged events, because that’s the entire purpose of a hoax and trauma based mind control: To keep you wondering, fearful and never provide resolution.
Although, since millions have actually woken up since the Covid hoax and are starting to look deeper into the Freemasonic ritual re-enactments that their corrupt government services corporations and actor employees (politicians) run on an almost daily basis, in cahoots with the faux “media” (repetition of lies = mind control) the public are wising up to the fakery, fraud, hoaxes, the Hegelian Dialectic and Masonic chess board.
“Secret Service” Barbie can’t even find her holster.
SS Barbie, and Bhad Bhabie- Both in the Newspsycle !
where is Klaus Barbie…?
Another useless actor that looks incapable of tying his shoelaces, “light in the loafers” for sure. He probably auditioned for his Nazi “role”, just like “Crooks” (not his real name) did with his part in that Blackrock ad.
Crisis actors are nothing new.
I love how first they said the kid had no social media footprint and then suddenly he had a Discord but Discord deleted his account. Because, they said, he wasn’t using it and there was nothing related to the shooting on it anyway. In other words destroying evidence. Don’t you think investigators might be more qualified to determine whether in fact there was anything important in there or not before you deleted the account? SMH right from the get-go the whole thing looked absolutely scripted and one more stupid bread and circuses distraction for the masses.
Yeah, lol. They always change their stories because they get caught red handed, staging these lame hoaxes.
You can see the camera guy being told by the Secret Service in this video, to take his position and grab the money shot, moments before any blanks were fired.
That technique by C👁️A and its first use hand in glove with NYT and Life mag photographers in Place Garnier, Saigon January 1952, is well reenacted in 2002 “The Quiet American” with Michael Caine, directed by Aussie Viet Nam vet Philip Noyce. Great film for this issue.
[By the bye, I really don’t believe the January 1952 Place Garnier Saigon bombs were fake. But it’s possible I’m wrong there, you never know ]
There’s actually a picture floating around online somewhere with Klaus Schwab in drag walking on a beach. That’s about as close to Klaus Barbie as you’re probably going to get. LMFAO
Yeah, Schwab isn’t even a Schwab, he’s Martin Bodner’s son.
I don’t know why people believe hoaxes are new.
The gunpowder plot was an example of an obvious hoax with no gunpowder, no rivalry between Catholics and Protestants (Red vs Blue psyop) and no plot. Guy (Guido) Fawkes likely never even existed.
That’s why seeing Guy Fawkes (V) masks on the Anonymous “group” which was created/fabricated by the NSA is hilariously ironic. A psyop referencing another psyop.
Cant wait for the c span inquiry…..#Tv mockumentary on how
lessons will be learnt.
Zombie Tv for the believers.
I can’t wait to see the bills that were quietly and quickly slipped through Congress, Etc while we were distracted by this and not paying attention. Cuz that was one of the major reasons of doing it. It always is.