Nothing to Hide
Todd Hayen

I’ve heard this phrase, “Why should I worry? I have nothing to hide,” more often than I am comfortable with. This is a clear declaration of innocence with an assumption that the only reason one would have to worry about any sort of repercussions is if they committed a crime.
But what constitutes a crime? And where is this strange misunderstanding that authority has never cared much about “laws” and other such nonsense, before moving in on someone?
Of course, the people who say they have “nothing to hide” do not believe for a second that authority would come after them illegally, on a whim, or for nefarious reasons. Anyone who thinks such things is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and is over-reacting. “You’ve seen too many spy movies,” they might say—movies about East Germany or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Only those oppressive sorts of governments would do such things, and here in the “free world,” we are immune from such shenanigans. “We are past that kind of cloak-and-dagger crap,” they might say.
In fact, I doubt if they believe this sort of thing happens anywhere in the world in the 21st Century (authority herding up people to persecute for no specific breach of any law). Maybe in North Korea or certain parts of the Middle East with terrorists and such, but nowhere in the civilized world. Talk about naive.
But isn’t that the name of the game these days? Naïveté. Or denial. Or stupidity. Or lack of common sense.
For me, and I would venture to say for most of you reading this, it doesn’t take much to see how stupid this line of thinking is—and how incomplete it is. You don’t have to believe that every move you make is being scrutinized and puts you in harm’s way to at least realize and understand the more accessible we are to scrutiny, the more likely something could go wrong, and we could get screwed. And we are approaching very quickly the time when every move we make WILL be scrutinized, evaluated, recorded, assessed, and used “against” us. Whether we have “anything to hide” or not
I put “against” in quotes because gone are the days where we would need to have broken an obvious law or rule to have action taken. The “against” at this point can be quite a bit more subtle than being punished acutely, beaten by police thugs, or thrown in prison. “Against” can be simpler than those extreme acts, it can be being barred from social media or the internet altogether, it can be having your email no longer function, not being allowed to drive more than 10 miles from your home, not being “approved” for a loan, or not being allowed to shop in a grocery store.
On and on and on.
I am not saying this will not be followed by physical beatings (or forced vaccine injections) or incarcerations. That will more than likely be more common in the future, but it won’t start with that.
People may not have criminal acts to hide, as the saying implies, but that doesn’t mean they are not being watched, manipulated, and controlled. As time goes by, the criminal acts they believe they are not guilty of will become less and less easy to avoid—criminality now includes donating money to a “cause” we might believe in, yet is contrary to the mainstream narrative. As I have mentioned many times before, my bank accounts were frozen after I donated $150 to the truckers during the Truckers Convoy in Canada. An innocent enough act. Not a single thought crossed my mind that I was being a ”criminal” when I did this, yet I was treated like one.
Members of my family supported the government’s action. They told me I should not be supporting a criminal “cause” (the truckers “taking over Ottawa”). And if I had minded my manners (and not protested), I would not have been “punished.”
I am a child of the ‘60s, from the States as well, and protesting, or at the very least supporting a protest against the government, was a natural way of life. When a person is punished for legally and peacefully expressing their views, even if it goes against the government, then we have indeed moved into a totalitarian regime.
But the sheep don’t see it that way. They stay out of trouble no matter what’s happening. They believe anyone making their voice heard over the din of government corruption is wrong and should be rightfully punished. They cry, “I have nothing to hide, I would never do such a thing.”
Whitney Webb in her wonderful two-volume treatise on American corruption, One Nation Under Blackmail, calls this “passive obedience.” Very slowly, people’s interpretation of what is “too much” includes simple speech, simple agreement with a contrary idea, and simple expression of what they believe is right. “Stay under the radar,” they say, as they sip their latte at the local Starbucks, “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”
Yes, it used to be that before authority would come down on you, you would have to have committed an actual crime. It wasn’t all that easy to find people committing crimes, either. It took investigation, manpower, time, and energy. It was expensive. Even citing someone for speeding wasn’t as easy as it is to do today. Motorcycle cops sat behind billboards on highways known for speeders. There was no radar then, no traffic cameras with sophisticated technology designed to catch lawbreakers and even issue tickets—all automatically with no human engagement at all.
Look at warfare these days—drones—and drones are clearly being developed to monitor local crime, and soon, drones and robots will be used to apprehend and even punish alleged violators, perpetrators, and innocent citizens.
Innocent? Well, if you make sure you stay under the radar and do NOTHING that could be interpreted as some sort of infringement, then you have nothing to hide from the hovering drone, the prowling robo dog-cop, or the webcam on your laptop or iPhone.
There certainly will be nowhere to hide, and it will soon be utterly impossible to distinguish what is right or wrong—best not to do anything at all. Just sip your latte, play your video games, stare at TikTok videos, smoke your pot (now that it is legal), and live your boring and in-the-box life. Don’t shake the bush; it will just bring undo attention.
But that will not be good enough. The name of the game is not to punish violators to keep society “safe” (although that, of course, is what they endlessly tell us). The name of the game is control. And control is accomplished through constant fear. It will not take anything to come under the thumb of authority. It will take no time, money or even human scrutiny to tag people once all of this is in place (digital IDs, CBDC, surveillance everywhere, bio-ID, etc. etc.)
Punishment (in the form of limited freedoms, sometimes physical pain, etc.) will be automatically handed out to just about anyone for just about anything. And we typically won’t even know why. It will then be impossible to hide anything, and anything will get you in trouble.
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The USSR, under Stalin, had quotas for political arrest in all parts of the country. In “The Gulag Archipelago” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn there’s a scene in which a newly arrived prisoner is asked what sentence he has received and answers “ten years”, to the inquiry about what he did to receive the sentence he responds “Nothing!” and the inquirer responds “Don’t lie to me, nothing gets you five years!”
It used to be the ruling monarch didn’t give a damn about what the peasantry were up to as long as his authority wasn’t challenged and the tithe was paid. But the 20th century collectivist fantasy demands constantly greater obedience. Its inevitable failure is always blamed on any deviation from the “plan”. When it has all your money and regulates all your thoughts and actions it will still be your fault when its objectives are not met.
the miscarriages of justice have been happening since church and state become one or was created.
Check the prison systems of how many Innocent people have had stuff planted on them or told to go guilty plea to get a lesser sentence when they have done nothing wrong.
You dont need to commit a crimes during covid to get banned from a shop for not wearing a mask or NOT allowed hospital treatment as you was not vaccinated.
What about the rule of 6 when the police would visit houses to make sure you did not have another person in the house. do you remember DR Todd -2 years ago.?
No vaccine NO travel.
No QCR no entry.
You sell alt media tosh of the fakery fantasy Christydoom nonsense of ‘‘thee good old days” when you needed to actually commit a crime.
Never ever happened.
Planted evidence and various forms of extortion (e.g., court or lawyer’s fees) are effects of the Free Market. One US judge was convicted of kickbacks in exchange for convictions.
Yes, my comment may seem a bit naive. But I think most people knew what I meant. Maybe it would be clearer to say “there used to be a time, albeit a very short time, in very select places, that it appeared to be more difficult to have authority come down on you if you had not committed an obvious crime.”
I have kept quiet not to avoid notice but because I know I am criminal. I once refused to buy goods for my business because they were made in Israel. I have read speeches from Mr Putin. I have criticized the US government. I have spoken against actions of the British government. I have even made public obvious lies told by the British government.
Now I am old and nearing the end of my life I can relax and admit these crimes. I do not really need email anymore. I am too poor to worry about being made poorer. So, there is still a role for the elderly in our society.
For the very poorest, getting “detained” is one way to survive, especially in winter.
Sparta until death!
A bunch of comments stinking up this thread smell awfully like attention/agenda hijackers of the kind operated by state-funded narrative managers.
Just sayin’..
Great article… you remind me of just how stupid almost all humans are
We are just innocents. Have done nothing wrong, followed all the rules, always obeyed all traffic lights and signs.
Sent love letters to mom, gave our teacher an apple every week, worked hard to make all ends, did our service in the military as we should. How can you be so cruel to say we are stupid?
I am guilty of lots of crimes! and I am positive that most of you are, too, whether you know it or not
if you live in the US or EU you are subject to an impenetrable forest of laws, growing all the time, and unless you have a personal team of lawyers or devote a lot of your own time to combing through the legal codes governing your jurisdiction, you’re unlikely to be able to determine with any degree of certainty just what acts are allowed and what is verboten, especially when the wording of so many regulations is loaded with incomprehensible jargon and more often than not deliberately imprecise
we are already part of a society in which agents of the state can basically dig up some law or another that they can plausibly accuse any citizen whatsoever of violating, and even if their case is flimsy, the judicial process, possibly including imprisonment until trial, is itself a form of punishment for the target of the accusation
Most people have a digital footprint that they would NOT want anyone to be aware of … for example… a text message saying something derogatory about a friend or family member… or worse — a message to a mistress… or a married man messaging a secret gay lover…
Everyone has something … the state sees it …. the state has massive facilities that record all of this…
Some day… if things get dicey and you decide enough is enough … and want to lead a protest…
You are notified by a man from the state… that you should go back to watching Tik Toks… otherwise….
Someday the mainframes brain is going to explode just trying to hold the ever expanding universe of digital ink.
There’s hoping.
You should not include me in the above assumption. I have absolutely not guilty in a lot of crimes as you and the other readers are.
I always follow ALL rules and therefore my government gives me a thumb up, and you not!
Be you guilty yourself in a lot of crimes together with your pals without me!!
They said if evolution was to reach the point of final judgement day, that the citizens alive during that period of time, would have to pay for the sins of their ancestors with their own lives.
And you thought paying for your drug addicted fathers funeral was outrageous, might want to hope we don’t get there.
If everyone was as open and trustworthy as government the decent and law abiding among us would be left with nothing to hide. But at least our local authorities will be able to fix the pot holes in the road with the fines they extract from we the villainous plebs. And I’m not a sarcastic, cynical old goat.
I’ve heard this argument too. The other one I’ve heard is – well it doesn’t matter that your phone is recording your every thought and move every moment of the day – everything about you is already known. Why would they bother with someone as insignificant as you, surely they have better things to do. Naivete like you say!
They won’t bother … until you do something that bothers them
The funny thing is that the reason why they bother with all the insignificant people for petty “crimes”, is that the insignificant are not able and cant afford to defend themselves.
Because the rich, wealthy, influential, would make too much noise if they jumped on one of those, but at the same time the way they treat the inferior is a warning too to the rich or influential, to avoid ending up down there. Control again.
Thats the most extra irritating thing with being “burned” as they call it. Not only were you exposed to pure injustice and thus feel inferior and powerless, but on top they lick arse on those in better position than you who broke all the rules.
You are a loner in a cold corner and we who are the majority are warming us together against you.
Yes, that is another common one, “why would they bother with someone so insignificant, surely they have better things to do”…one reason is just for the hell of it. The more people they “bother” the more fear they instill in everyone else. Sure, statistics may get you passed over a few times before the dagger strikes, but eventually they will run out of people, and you will be next.
Also, the following comment from Fast Eddy rings true as well…”they won’t bother, until you do something that bothers them.” That is a given. But even that isn’t wholly necessary. Look at Stalin’s “lists”…
So many people these days are struggling to maintain the lifestyle they have created for themselves, usually way beyond their means, that researching current governmental trends, or anything for that matter, is too much like hard work. They have been so brain-washed through the media that protesting against anything is far too uncomfortable. No, they don’t want to stir up trouble and kid themselves that they are safe as long as they have ‘nothing to hide’. The irony is that more and more normal activities are becoming ‘something’ to hide.
On the thorny question of Islamic immigrants raping young white women, of course none of us condone that, no more than we can condone white men raping women of any colour or religion. But we seem to conveniently forget that Islam has completely different ideas regarding the treatment of women which are repugnant to us. If they want to live in our society then they should be prepared to behave in a manner that embraces our moral values.
Objections to other races/religions are frequently not racism but objections to moral values that are very different from ours. I have nothing against any race as long as, should they either choose to, or find themselves, living outside their own country, they adapt to the everyday behaviours of their host.
As long as apologist authorities in the UK or elsewhere are too frightened to come down on violent transgressors, of any colour or religion, they will continue to do whatever the hell they want to.
The fact that most people insist they have done nothing … demonstrates that resistance is futile
Would that the United States Military adapt to the everyday behaviors of their hosts when they are “visiting” all those countries outside of their own.
If they want to live in our society then they should be prepared to behave in a manner that embraces our moral values.
OMG such tosh
Whose moral values are those then?
Jimmy Saville?
Winston Churchill?
Richard the First?
The Kray Twins?
Margaret Thatcher?
Keir Starmer?
They’re all killers and rapists.
Look to the mote in thine own eye racist moron
Human moron
so let’s not complain if a mediocre and overrated historian like Harari, on the stage of our masters and butchers of Davos, warns us that we have become hackable and useless animals, billions of useless animals, that must be managed with drugs and video games, and controlled from within, under the skin. And everyone listens to him in religious silence, no one stands up and tells him loud and clear to go fuck himself, for these criminal speeches, for the absurd arrogance of these words. Because he speaks to us of our future, designed for us by the ruling class, he tells us the truth of power, without contradiction. He tells us what power has in store for us, as if it were a destiny already written, from above.
I’ve just watched him saying this in The Fall of the Cabal (Janet Ossebard – who knows if she’s with ‘em or against ‘em and frankly I no longer care whose side anyone is on). I wish they’d stop talking about it and just get on with it so we know where we stand, and, really, what’s the point of worrying about it? These fuckers have way too much power and for some weird reason really want to use it to do bad stuff. Can we all just let them think they’ve won and get on with our lives? Please?
No we cant. Lesson learned from history show us they only want and respect the hard way. They ONLY want it the hard way!
Vietcong woman:”The Americans were without mercy, the only thing we could do was to take a kitchen knife and drive them out of Vietnam m2 per m2 until they ran to the waiting helicopter in bath slippers and a plastic bag full of local artifacts and porno videos”.
Solzhenitsyn write no one lifted an eye brow when the enemy from West crossed the border.
It was first when trucks entered Moscow and unloaded scarred dead bodies from the frontlines on their door matt they woke up to organise serious resistance.
We are Spartans, get lost!
You mean none of the top elite do stand up to Harari and this is precisely where it gets dark, very very dark.
If the global elite hail and praise or are just silent to such a person, they have revealed themselves as non worthy.
Lets remember to separate important matters to where they belong: It is Harari’s ideology that is far out. As a person his IQ is probably high enough to seduce people inside and from an university environment.
The overlords want compliant, milquetoast Zombies (see John Carpenter’s film They Live to see what their reengineered future will look like) who will not questions authority, nor make a stink about anything askew, wrong or corrupt. Look at how many people fell for the COVID flim-flam due to state intimidation, mandates and shaming induced by the narratives. Now look at all the studies coming out showing the adverse and lethal effects of the COVID shots and boosters. What’s the lesson in this and have we learned it?
Think what you will about John Lennon, but my recommendation for the soundtrack to this article is “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey”. 🤓 🐒
Lennon is not that bad. It could be worse!
Keir Stalin is angry about Elon Musk’s refusal to ban ‘Silenced’ and take down posts by working class white girls, complaining about being raped by illegal immigrants. Nigel Farage says he is hiding secrets because the speaker wont let him have Parliamentary privilege. But Elon Musk is speaking up. Parliamentary privilege seems to be protecting Kier Stalin and the fact that the highest Judge in the land is a ‘bent’ Judge.
Wikipedia shows that England & Wales tops the world list for rapes at 117.3 rapes per 100,000 (only Grenada tops that). According to the charity Rape Crisis, only 15% of victims chose to report the crime to the police. 798,000 women across England and Wales are raped or sexually assaulted every year. That’s 1 in 30 women. Over 1,000,000 white women have been raped by Muslim men, at least once in their lifetime.
The reason that this is not reported in local newspapers is that most of the journalists employed, are low IQ middle-class types. They stay in the office and phone up other middle-class morons in government offices or in charities. They don’t leave the office and investigate crime in the inner city shitholes next door, because they have the racist view that inner city areas are not “Safe Spaces” for white middle-class female journalist. This is because they fear being raped.
This sounds to me like more of the manufactured anti-Islam propaganda.
The two biggest and strongest barriers to the new word order are Christianity and Islamic religions. The former has been downgraded and weakened for decades. Now the main target is to dumb down and disable Islam. Watch out for a lot more anti-Islam psy-ops and propaganda.
In Britain, Islam is getting stronger and more confident, thanks to left-wing middle-class morons.
The ‘anti-Semitic BBC’ lead Trusted News Initiative (TNI) and OFCOM impose the pro-Islamic censorship and anti-Christian and Working Class propaganda. The governments behavioural scientists use a psy-op to direct support for a ‘new word order’ and ‘mass immigration’.
The two biggest and strongest barriers to the new word order are Donald Trump and God.
In August, 167 white women reported being raped by Muslim men in Bradford. So Rape Crisis estimate that 1,113 white women are raped by Muslim men in Bradford every month, some ending up in a hospital that my sister works at.
Films on X are exposing the cover-up to the world. Which is why Starmer wants to arrest Elon Musk. One film ‘Silenced’ has had 150 million views on X. It exposes British Justice as pro-Islamic and a disgrace to the world, and Britains top judge, Justice Matthew Nicklin, as the world’s most famous ‘bent Judge’.
Britain is now famous in America for Starmer releasing Islamic rapists, so as to fill prisons with white working-class people who complain about Labour’s pro-Islamic mass immigration policy.
The European Union is so awful to Islam, that thousands of these people are trying to cross the English Channel to pro-Islamic Britain, assisted by pro-Islamic RNLI people traffickers.
this site is full of thickos now.
Sounds to me like the “plan” is to have native Britons and Muslims facing-off against each other. Musk has just denounced Farage for being too moderate
Are all “middle class types” low IQ or is that just the way you meant it?
How many of the rapes were by men pretending to be “trans-sexuals”?
I wonder how many of these alleged rape victims simply cried “Rape!” rather than admit they willingly had sex with one of the “Others.” And only cried “Rape!” because someone found out what they had done.
I wonder too how “rapes” not reported manage to get tabulated along with actual reported “rapes.”
Off topic but important:
Fearmongering has started in India on supposed Chinese “HMPV virus” (of course, a hoax, as most of know by now from the “sarscov2” expeirnce).
It is a shitty scenario.
I am hoping indian people don’t fall for the hoax yet again, and suffer injury, harm, and even die from the toxic vaccines that may follow.
My heart also goes out to little children in India as schools will be under orders from the evil authorities to not hold physical classes and do online ones.
This is bad.
Off-G must go full throttle on highlighting the dangers of another bout of fearmongering and hoax virus.
As long as there is sunshine for vitamin D, it will not get as shitty as in the West. But of the 100 most air-polluted cities, India now has about 84. So, even sunshine is not assured.
Oh, there is enough sunshine alright on nearly half the days in winter in north Indian cities where the temperatures drop below 10 degress celsius.
The HMPV virus thing is not related to this. It is a part of the oligarchy’s pre-planned agenda.
I did not mention any disease or “virus”. I was alluding to doctors being prohibited from treating flu, pneumonia, etc. The murderous covid scam taught many brainwashed zombies to appreciate traditional and alternative treatments.
Lableak? Blame China?
Propaganda already started.
The only leaks that take place from any Gates-WHO-oligarchy-controlled Chinese laboratories are deliberately false research papers making tall claims of any supposed ‘virus’. China is totally under the control of world oligarchy, including their own. And India’s governments also go along with the fraud no matter how much pain and suffering they cause to India’s people.
Yes, it is propganda through the controlled media.
My only hope that this time the oligarchs and their controlled govts fail miserably and fail much faster than the sarscov2-toxic covid caccine period of 2020-2021.
“I’m so proud of my son: he graduated from College. We managed to pay his way all four years.” “Well, my son graduated from Harvard with a 4.0 GPA. We managed to get him a full scholarship.”
This insane tete-a-tete is how I view the equally insane “Why should I worry? I have nothing to hide.”
It’s one-up-manship – pure and simple. “Anything you can do, I can do better!” And, yes, it will come back to bite the speaker in the ass.
For driving, get a freaking dash cam and a good micro sd card for it.
Some idiot ran the red light and my camera saved the poor guy hit.
She insisted she didn’t run the red light and she was trying to get to church.
Such cameras could become embarrassing for the “smart” driverless cars.
even David Icke got a blue tic yet fake screams digital ID!!.
Woke populist right, licking this up.
Musk changes his account settings so only verified accounts can reply to him.
Verified means, passports, driver licences, letter of latest utility bill, AI camera room scan of your property to prove your not AI and in some cases the latest 3 months bank statement, IP address. Working email pass check, mobile number phone check and bank account, credit card check.
All this to be able to comment = be verified. wow what a truther.
X automatically gives blue-ticks to any account with more than 5000? I think, “verified” followers. I understand, it is impossible to remove it.
Digital is a cash cow………….LOL. Therefore you boys are whining and forced into your own self imposed Digital ID prison. Cry me a river.
You know, the reason I can see this feature is because I am full out of this show. There is no return back for you. You cant get out.
10 year looking into a screen 10 hrs/day 7days/week in 10 virtual years will make you blind and whining for the 3-dimensional real world we live in.
Where we collect a true reality via our own physical senses, and you will whine about all your many many personal digital problems…………………….LOL.
Calm down. Administrator will let some Bitcoin into your account, and you are happy again.
They constantly think about ‘hiding’ because much “elite” themselves are members of secret satanist clubs and thus have plenty to hide; Keith Starmer is still looking the other way 10 years after 250,000 white girls were raped by Muslim Pakistani men with British passports.
No doubt Justin Trudeau, Mark Rutte etc have similar problems. This is how these Puppets are played, with blackmail via their sick hobbies which they have in common with too many fanatic Muslim men.
Joe Sixpack has way less to hide and has no power anyway, plus there are way too many of them in the West. Same for normal men in the East.
Oh, definitely. Just off the top of my head, Trudeau has his repeated blackface incidents, and Rutte, when he was in university, wrote in a student newspaper in support of lowering the age of consent. And that’s just the things that have come to light. Who knows what else they have to hide that Schwab et al. could be hanging over their heads as potential blackmail material?
Schwab et al. deliberately select these “young global leader” types because they know they are messed up (to put it politely) and can therefore be blackmailed when needed.
Every “democratic” candidate in the “Free World” must be a compromised person. Once the candidate has won, in case of any disobedience or excessive initiative, an unfortunate accident is likely to follow.
Yes; Justin Trudeau purportedly signed a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) with a family here in Vancouver, BC, Canada subsequent to his stint as a drama teacher in said city a few years ago; and his old man, Pierre Elliott, was accused by Cathy O’Brien as being one of the many paedophiles who had serially raped her during adolescence (see, Trans-formation of America). That is all! RGB-Y4 out!
On 16th September 2023, Channel 4 aired a documentary detailing serious allegations of sexual misconduct against Russell Brand. That same evening, I wrote a post addressing the predictable chorus of victim-blaming and outright dismissal of the women who came forward.
The comments I received were staggering, not in their originality but in their sheer predictability. “Why didn’t they go to the police?” “This is just a hit job.” “Where’s the evidence?” All the usual excuses that protect powerful men and keep survivors silent. The same tired defences used for men like Trump, Tate, Weinstein, Cosby, Gaetz, Kavanaugh, and, yes, Brand. These aren’t arguments – they’re shields for predators and blunt weapons against victims.
Fast forward to today, and many of those same voices are now up in arms about the Pakistani grooming gangs scandal. They’re right to be angry. The girls in Rochdale and Rotherham were catastrophically failed at every single level – disbelieved by police, ignored by councils, and left vulnerable by a system that cared more about its reputation than their safety.
But here’s the thing: if you’ve ever dismissed allegations against a powerful man because you liked him, agreed with his politics, or just didn’t want to confront the evidence, you’re part of the same culture of disbelief that failed those girls.
You simply cannot demand justice for some victims while denying it to others. You do not get to weaponise the pain of survivors when it suits your political agenda while tearing apart other survivors because their accusations are inconvenient to your worldview. Victims are not props for your ideological battles.
And let’s be clear: sexual violence isn’t confined to one race, religion, or profession. Whether the accused is Pakistani, a politician, or a powerful Hollywood star, the response must be the same – investigate immediately, believe survivors, get them to a place of safety and let the truth guide the outcome. Anything less perpetuates the culture of silence and impunity.
So, to those rightly furious about the grooming gangs, I ask you this:
Where was your fury when women spoke out about Brand?
Or Trump?
Or Tate?
Or any of the countless other men accused of exploiting their power? Did you rush to their defence? Did you demand “proof”? Did you ask, “Why didn’t they go to the police?” Did you ask, “But what were they wearing?” If you did, you were part of the problem. You were the system that failed the girls in Rochdale.
Fixing this means doing the hard work of confronting your own biases. It means recognising that no one is above scrutiny – not your favourite celebrity, not your political ally, and not the community you don’t want to criticise. It means believing survivors, every single time, because dismissing even one emboldens predators everywhere.
The bottom line is this: if you’ve ever disparaged a survivor, defended a predator, or weaponised a victim’s pain for political expediency, then you are complicit.
Stop pretending you care about justice while perpetuating the very culture that allows abuse to thrive.
Bearly Politics
Well said!
shrieky bullshit designed to take men down obo whoever – see Salmond
brand’s thing was likely self-organised for profile – utter gossip bollix
these ridiculous women undermine all actual rape victims
But the girls in Rotherham and dozens of other places did go to the police. Brands alleged victims took many many years. Why?
Tommy BNP EDL grooming gang nonce’s they never show.

News paper article of the offences
UK biggest grooming gang is BNP EDL
UK biggest white grooming gang is EDL / BNP
everybody has somthing to hide its called privacy
Lock yourself down to “save the planet”:
“Opt out of all after-school activities for your kids”
Dante needed to add a new circle in Hell for someone who’d try to persuade people to do this.
Turn adults into children:
‘Big Mother’ state will be there to pick up the pieces….
I think your family member was correct kind off,
the trucker psyop that appeared 2 years after it sell by date and when most of the world was opening up after the nonsense called bs19.
The Truckers did nothing during covid except help bring in new banking laws (funny how that works) that was helped and PR sold The convery by the Conservative chrisydoom media also help sell the E.U tractors thing which was politically orientated and the BBB party had links to Monsanto as the retards think Nitrogen is normal for farming practices LOL .
fertilizer you silly people makes fluorides, raw phosphate ore contains high concentrations of fluoride yet you dummbies through oligarchy funded alt. think the top 3 fertilizers
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are healthy to normal farming, 😂
Thank god for the truckers psyop as this helps sell the studpify normalization and add RFK to the mix and bang you now got repackaging of chemicals and bigharms industry now sold as lets do it different by the kocks industry whores like cancer owens mosad daily weirdo psychology for the idiots petersons and all the others whores who follow suit (OG of being another who sold the convery and tractor/truckers chemical industry funded scam as real) so did Icke.
Nothing sells real more than front page of every newspaper when the oligarchy funded alt tells you there trying to censor them by echo chamber the same story on line and cross sharing the same fake photos using the oligarchy funded alt.
Remember mindcontrol and I dont watch TV or radio crowd who swallow more poison shit watching ultra naive media who tells you to hate and like.
“against”Just oil – blocking roads EVIL lock em up. shills.
“approved”Truckers and Tractors blocking roads and ambulances = oligarchy funded chemical industry alt.= good.
Funny how the sub-literate spelling (ever heard of Spellcheckers?) and diuretic word flow is at odds with the correct setting of paragraphs, not that it tempts me to read further than para. 1.
you dident hae to read it you twat
Yes the twat had to read it.
WHY ARE WE HERE if we are not reading everything?
Perhaps, the Sub-literate spelling is intentional.. a disguise or simply a fun Way to ” Fuck shit Up” !.. There does seem at least one good point in there somewhere .. using the Canadian Truckers for the normalisation of debanking of dissidents for example!
This spelling thing seems to upset you education clever types.
I am happy with the votes.
Happy new year got 100 so adm is worse than me.
Nah, i Wasnt upset ,…i’m just a humble Gardener,formal education is indoctrination.. among other things
If the edit button was working and I got school system education status.
I may of been lucky enough to get brainwashed and read further than line 2.
‘Diuretic?’ Are you taking the piss?’
Jenner has been on university, we havent. This gives him certain advantages. We can only say piss, fuck you, go to hell, bring me a beer.
‘antidisestablishmentarianism’ used to be cited as the longest word in the English language. Also there is the slightly fraudulent Welsh ‘Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.’
In any case I decided NOT to go to university although accepted by both York and Sussex, and everything would have been free, council /government support grants, etc., I met too many moronic university students. I could pick up girls without a university degree, and I clearly understood at 18 that I didn’t know what I wanted to do yet except write songs, and that I shouldn’t get funnelled somewhere I didn’t particularly want to go.
I can swear in Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic. Is that enough?
I’ve heard this claim before about the truckers, and it’s nonsense. As someone living in Canada, I can tell you that the convoy appeared near the height of the insanity. A couple weeks before, Trudeau had told an interviewer in Quebec that “we would have to decide if we’re going to tolerate the unvaccinated.” That sure sounded pretty ominous. In Ontario, the unvaxed had just been prohibited from visiting family in hospitals at the start of 2022. Overall persecution of the unvaxed in Canadian society was peaking around this time, with vax passports and mandates in effect in every part of the country.
Would sooner have been better for the protests? Yes, of course. But the covid psyop was very far from over in Canada when the convoy appeared in January 2022. Things didn’t start to turn in Canada until the Russia/Ukraine war at the end of February.
At least the truckers gave it a try, and put their own asses on the line to do so. We get so many out here who whine and scream about “solutions” and how to topple our owners, but when anyone does take one bit of action they are merely another stooge. And perhaps they were. Of course our owners used that to clamp down on banking laws, why would anyone be surprised at that? So, while that may very well have been a psyop to accomplish this, do some really think it would not have come to be without the truckers? How naive does one have to be to believe that? Why, just naive enough to think they “have nothing to hide” and as such will never be affected by such draconian methods as long as they keep their heads down and revile any who don’t. Just as Todd’s article points out….
I don’t think it was a psy-op relative to intelligence agencies and others actually planning and carrying out something. I think it was an organic movement that may have been infiltrated to a degree, but you’re right, a whole bunch of people did something, and that should be credited and focused on instead of the whole thing being dismissed as a psy-op. That’s just stupid.
How is something organic when it appeared 2 years after covid.?
How is it organic when they said nothing that was not said 2 years before.
It was heavily promoted by the Christian Conservative media.
Doing and saying something when it is officially safe to do it, is not outspoken or big. ITS is shilling and state sponsored with an agenda in place
like new banking laws which after that psyop became common place in the E.U and U.K and USA.
Just stop oil = evil shills.
Tractor and truckers must be so organic because alt media says so.
at least
gave it a try.
whats the difference..?
What and how it is sold to you by the alt media and normal media.
Truckers and Tractors blocking city’s is as real as enemy of the state tommy Robinson applying for a licence to be able to demonstration in London.
If they allow it. it serves the agenda.
Basic 101 in psyop.
As someone living in Canada yer right.
Another lie it appeared in Canada in early 2022,
covid was 2020.
about as organic and real as just stop oil.
Your ALL to indoctrination to see they repeat the same story’s lines.
from 1990
P.M. BRIEFING : Truckers’ Blockade of U.S. to End
L.A. Times Archives
May 24, 1990 12 AM PT
same psyop same storylines same grift.
The article is not about the “truck blocking psy-op” as you call it. The article is about 150 bucks given to some countrymen who was in social trouble!
Todd didnt participate in the blockage. He didnt show up on the national Television screen saying “Stop and Fuk Canada”. He didnt walk around with a Poster in front of the Parliament saying “Hang them high”.
He only gave 150 bucks to the drivers to buy warm soup.
A constant state of fear.
Whether it be war, criminals, climate, pandemics, cancer, refugees, economic meltdown, drones, cameras, cops or random acts of violence.
They’ve got us by the short and curlies.
Here We all are on our Smartphones , coralled into tiny Digital Ghetto’s ( substack, and a few seemingly independent dissident News Sites , We know that every keystroke is hoovered up,our browsing histories exposed , feeling Alienated amidst all these Palpable Psy-Ops ,surviving a major Global Population Cull ( and knowing it will continue indefinately), every fibre of My being tells Me to just pulverise this phone and disconnect from the internet permanently , but i feel so alone , and Wounded that , just reading comments by other hapless Souls who are alienated , seems some small comfort , the harrowing anomie i see all around Me, makes Me feel erased from a society which makes no sense anymore .. if I did not believe life was sacred , and had no pre digital killbox dreams to fall back on , Im certain i Would have topped Myself in late 2021.. People have hardened to Stone , most have at least some subconcious inkling that the Shit has hit the Fan…. the level of insousiance with which we just continue to fiddle with our devices knowing We have lost all pretence of Privacy is puzzling ,and terrifying ..
A poem of desperate horror Marb.
Never fear. We are still breathing and it feels good.
Thanks Johnny !
On a good day it really does feel good!
The “Strategy of Tension”.
Come over to t spirit world pal. They only got you if you believe they do.
None of what you mentioned affects me. That might sound selfish, but maybe it’s the point in consciousness people need to reach – “I don’t buy into any of your BS nonsense programs and psyops”.
Excellent article. The default assumption is that those who go into public service are generally noble, community-minded people who are not interested in – and have nothing to gain from – persecuting law-abiding citizens.
However, the more extensive surveillance by government becomes, the more attractive service in such a government becomes to those who are motivated by a lust for power over others. Then begins a downward spiral which nullifies the default assumption.