How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie
Rachel Allen
Most European governments instituted the shutdown of economies, restrictions on freedom of movement and other policies known as lockdown. This was allegedly in response to the spread of Sars-Cov-2, a dangerous respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China.
Few countries rejected this approach; Sweden is the most well known of these. However, a more interesting case of dissent from the official narrative is Belarus and its leader Aleksandr Lukashenka.
This article will outline Lukashenka’s approach to the alleged pandemic, followed by an analysis of death figures and how the Belarussian case exposes the lies of lockdown advocates.
The Belarussian Approach to Covid 19
The alleged pandemic broke out in Europe in March 2020, and most European governments followed the severe strategy of imposing lockdowns. Lukashenka’s response was much more limited. A Belarussian press release from the 25th March talks about the quarantines set up for people who enter Belarus:
Quarantine stations were set up at all the points of entry. Screening measures include temperature checks. This system of control really works, [healthcare minister] Vladimir Karanik noted. This helped identify symptoms of a viral infection in more than 250 people, however the absolute majority of them had influenza, parainfluenza, and adenovirus. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, healthcare workers put their contacts under medical observation. “Such a targeted approach helps curb the spread of the virus,” the minister said.”
Lukashenka also advocated staying at home if one has symptoms of the virus. He also famously made some comments – reported widely in the Western media – giving health advice:
I am teetotal, but in recent times I say jokingly, that it is necessary to not only wash hands with vodka, but probably that [consuming] 40-50 grams of a measure of clean spirit a day – [can] “poison” [in commas in original text] this virus. But not at work.” He then says that “Today, go to the sauna. But if [you go] two-three times a week that is even healthier. The Chinese have told us that this virus cannot withstand temperatures of 60 degrees”.
Overall, the Belarussian approach has been the least authoritarian in Europe. Belarussian football went ahead as normal and fans were allowed to continue attending games. Theatres, cafes and other social events continued and there was no shutdown of the economy. Victory Day Parades also went ahead on the 9th May despite being cancelled in countries such as Russia. Neither did Lukashenka delay scheduled elections, unlike Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand.
Western media treated Lukashenka’s approach as a laughable curiosity (in cases where they did not ignore it entirely). They mocked Lukashenka’s comments about vodka and saunas, using this was a way to avoid asking any deeper questions.
According to the official narrative, Belarus should have been a zone of death, destruction and disaster. Neil Ferguson’s modelling – one of the key pieces of propaganda used to put Britain in lockdown – predicted that left unchecked Covid 19 would kill between 54,090 and 71,616 Belarussians.
So what are the facts?
Covid Deaths and Belarus
The population of Belarus is around 9.5million. Of this population, as of December 12, 2020, a total of 1,263 deaths are recorded as being from Covid 19. It appears the first death in Belarus attributed to this disease was Mar 31, with between 2 and 11 deaths recorded each day up until Dec.12.
It goes without saying that 1,263 deaths out of a population of 9.5m is minuscule and hardly indicative of a deadly pandemic sweeping the country. But critics of the Belarussian approach may claim that Lukashenka is hiding the reality of Covid 19 deaths in the country.
The most logical way to examine this question is to look at whether there are any excess deaths in Belarus in general over this period, and if so, how many. Of course, just because there were excess deaths would not prove that the deaths were caused – or otherwise – by hidden cases of Covid 19. But a relatively low number of excess deaths would reveal that the claim that Lukashenka is hiding mass deaths from Covid 19 is not plausible.
According to the data, there were some excess deaths in Belarus in the second quarter of 2020 (April, May and June). 35,858 died in Belarus during this period, 5606 higher than in 2019. Examining the data, we can see that the vast majority of these excess deaths were in June, with virtually none in April and a small excess in May.
This figure is rather small compared with the predictions of doom and destruction put forward by the likes of Neil Ferguson.
Belarus vs England and Wales
A comparison with another country that did pursue lockdowns gives further evidence that the scaremongering predictions regarding the consequences of not locking down are unfounded.
This analysis was performed by taking the number of excess deaths for Belarus and then calculating the same figures for England and Wales from the weekly death data from 2019 and 2020. Belarus had 5605 excess deaths in April, May and June 2020 from a population of 9.5 million. England and Wales had 54,798 excess deaths in the same period from a population of 59.5 million.
The population of England and Wales is 6.26 times larger than that of Belarus, so dividing the 54,798 figure by 6.26 gives a result of 8754. If Belarus had the same excess death rate as England and Wales another 3,149 deaths in Belarus would have been observed. Or to phrase this data another way, if England and Wales had the same excess death rate as Belarus, there would have been 19,711 fewer deaths over the period.
The BMJ’s article on Belarus: Saving the Case for Lockdowns?
This evidence looks damning for lockdown supporters. However, there is one attempt to explain the low Belarus death rate despite the fact that there was no lockdown there, printed in the British Medical Journal. The article puts forward four reasons why Belarus has a low death rate, some of which offer comparative data with the UK.
The first reason given in the article is that Belarus has a much higher amount of beds per capita – 11 per 1000 as opposed to the UK’s 2.5 per 1000.
Health services generally strike a balance between having enough beds available to deal with a crisis, and not so many that money is being wasted on unnecessary beds. The argument can be made that the NHS gets the balance wrong and leans towards having too few beds per capita. For example, the UK had a large number of flu cases in the 2017-2018 season with hospitals having high bed occupancy rates.
However, bed occupancy in the UK significantly decreased due to the lockdowns and NHS policy of discharging as many patients as possible. On the 13th April, a few weeks into lockdown, acute beds were 40% unoccupied. This hardly suggests a health service that would have been totally overwhelmed had it not locked down (for comparison, NHS beds are usually 90% full). It may actually have been the case that the lockdown cost lives by cancelling treatment, expelling people from hospitals and promoting a fear based message that discouraged people from seeking treatment.
Another main argument of the article is that Belarus has a small number of elderly people in care homes (it has 203 per 100,000, as opposed to the UK 854 per 100,000). It is true that a respiratory pathogen will find it easier to spread in an environment like a care home because of the close proximity of vulnerable individuals. It is also true that the UK had a large number of care home deaths during this period.
However, the UK government policy towards care homes likely contributed at least some of the excess deaths caused during this period. People in care homes were routinely denied hospital treatment and were unable to get access to GPs. The lack of visits by family caused many elderly patients to mentally give up and their condition deteriorated. Any deaths that resulted from this, therefore, cannot be attributed to a virus but government policy.
The argument also fails as a motivation for lockdowns. If the majority of deaths are in the fairly contained environment such as a care home, locking down the whole society, such as closing shops and sports events, is going to have no effect on transmission within that environment.
Two other reasons given in the article – the better Belarussian testing system, and the lack of interest in Belarus as a travel destination – also do not have any bearings on whether lockdowns are an effective strategy.
There is no evidence of people with a positive test but no symptoms being infectious. It follows that testing more people isn’t going to lead to fewer deaths, so this cannot explain the low Belarus death rate without a lockdown. Belarus did carry out quarantine measures, whereas the UK continued to allow flights into the country.
The piece argues that it is easier for Belarus (than the UK) to close its borders because it is not a major travel destination, which is true, but it can’t seriously be argued that setting up quarantine measures costs more than shutting down the entire country. Once any hypothetical virus is also present in a country in significant numbers quarantine also becomes irrelevant.
The Belarussian case is a significant problem for those individuals who argue that lockdowns were necessary to prevent mass deaths from the deadly Covid 19 pandemic. The limited measures taken in Belarus meant a lower death rate than lockdown supporting England and Wales. There are also no clear arguments as to why Belarus is so unique it could go without lockdowns while other countries had them.
Given the cost to the economy and mental wellbeing of imposing lockdowns, as well as the draconian restrictions on basic liberties, these facts strongly suggest that leaders that did impose lockdowns have a case to answer from their citizens.
Rachel Allen is an independent writer and activist living in the UK. Her work can be found at her website Cassandra’s Box
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I of course agree totally with your article, otherwise i would be reading garbage fake news like the guardian, times, and others…
HOWEVER, you forgot to mention something very important and its consequence:
1/ In August 2020, the IMF and Worldbank tried to bribe Lukaschenko with the sum of 924 M$ (a billion $) in ‘help’ to ‘fight’ the so called ‘pandemic’. In return for this ‘aid’, they demanded that Lukaschenko impose forced masking, lockdowns and other totalitarian measures upon his people. He refused the bribe and he denounced it. It was widely advertise din the press (the real one).
2/ End of november 2020 & december: Minsk has imposed forced masking to its population along with many other cities…
Belarus seems to have capitulated. Lukaschenko seems to have finally accepted the bribe from the globalist scum…
This proves that no politician, no leader can be trusted. Only massive disobedience, insurrection and resistance will win this war against humanity.
Hi. I took his disclosing of the bribe to mean that all other leaders were bribed too? Why else the Nazi lockstep efficiency & Eugenics? Am I wrong?
I don’t think you’re wrong at all!
The exact same notion immediately entered my mind when I first heard about Lukashenko refusing, but also conjectured that other lying scum such as fat Boris, Macron, Trudeau, Australia’s Scott Morison, et al would probably have been offered even more $$ and all of them gleefully accepted.
Hi, Can you share evidence for point 1 and 2. I would like to share them on Twitter.
My Twitter handle: @abirballan
At this end, the instructions to click on “subscribe” do not include where to find it. So, I went to “Follow OffGuardian” and found “subscribe” and “unsubscribe” but got nothing more to follow once “subscribe” is selected.
Zilch. A blank box. And nowhere after that, since I’m already subscribed.
Surely one of the best researched and well argued articles to appear on this site. It addresses an issue of major importance by highlighting a vital but little-known case, without trying to score cheap points against political targets. Thanks!
Great story. However the many references to this non serious medical issue as Deadly Pandemic detract from the importance of the findings. These excess deaths in UK are very likely attributable to government measures that created higher stress, suicides, and violence in addition to not seeking treatment do to fear and being denied Proper care.
Some real sanity in a world gone mad. I will never buy into the pandemic nonsense until I see millions dying and that it is proven that they died from a fake virus.
Lukashenka’s approach is sound by itself of going to the sauna and staying at home. Compared to the “advice” and decrees from other leaders to US state governors who have as much medical experience as Lukashenka, and less common sense, Belarus stands out as a model of common sense
I despair at the whole Covid thing – there are so many holes in the narrative that you think people would have realised that the whole thing is a scam (even with the MSM’s 24/7 fear porn/propaganda) by now; that they’re being duped and royally screwed over…but…no…it seems we live in The Age of Stupidity.
In the olden days fairy tales served the function of introducing children to the darker side of life in a simple and palatable formula…so I thought that maybe (bearing in mind most people now seem to have the intellectual abilities of seven year olds…) I could write a ‘virus fairy tail’. It’s called ‘And Along Came a Virus’ and this is how it starts…
Once upon a time…in the land of Anywhere, in a world long since forgotten, in the fine and prosperous city of Anyplace there was a secret meeting of a Cabal of psychopaths, that being the Greedy One Percent, the people who really ruled Anywhere, and their minions.
Attending the secret meeting were three extremely wealthy and corrupt individuals (representing The Greedy One Percent) along with members of the Means of Communication (owned by The Greedy One Percent) and members of the Swamp State intelligence services (always operating in the service of The Greedy One Percent) and the Leader of the Country (an ignorant, dysfunctional pig of a man who was entirely owned, like all his kind, by The Greedy One Percent)….plus let’s not forget that also present were representatives of the Criminal Money Laundering Syndicate, otherwise known as Bankers (for wherever evil is afoot, you can always find a Banker)….
Read it all at:
Excellent! Thanks!
I never thought I would think this, let alone write or say it, but I pray daily that someone with nothing to lose, kills Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock.
I don’t see what that would achieve. There are a million others waiting in line.
Also, can you imagine how the papers would spin it out?
Well, then they off those, too. Until the penny drops.
You’ll need a battalion of machine guns. I’ll join in the shooting!
Also, it is not so much about “achieving” something, as about punishing someone who has destroyed so many lives.
That is a common fallacy proposed by establishment shills!
The fact that a supposedly impervious public figure is assassinated for treason with major public agreement, largely reduces the number of candidates willing to risk their lives by supporting foreign interests instead of their people. Also, should such a candidate appear and continue the same treasonous policies and be also assassinated, it will stop the trend immediately – politicians are greedy and ambitious, but they are also cowards!
For the public in general, the person who kills a traitor is a hero and that fact will only increase unity and patriotism among the population.
Assassination of traitors is still one of the more effective measures!
That will make things worse. Boris would then be a hero a martyr killed by a “Covidiot”. Everyone who opposes what the government is doing will be labelled a co-conspirator of the assassin. Anyone not wearing a mask will be attacked openly in the street.
While it is true, that working within the system is a fools errand. Force is indeed the only thing these Oligarchs understand so don’t ask permission, just March down enforce and physically remove them. The Bastille,in france, Guy falkes,william wallace in UK, are there an left who will stand for their beliefs?
The COVIDIOTS will be gaslighting anyone who goes against the so called established narrative . Get use to it.
NUREMBERG type trials will occur. When I don’t know but I am certain they will happen.
I see why you stopped exclaiming Sweden and have retorted to BrS.
Reporting from Malmö in a deeply buried article from today.
Such denialism as is screeched out here ought to be therapeutic – being a route to acceptance of tragedy and death.
But some never grow out of toddler rage.
Sad so so sad.
The great thing about this latest strain and it’s dissemination is that we actually have enough samples to narrow it down to the patient zero and track and trace into HOW it spread.
I expect the ONS will release the data soon as PHE sits on it.
Just checked today’s figures on Worldometer.
Total Deaths in December to date :
U.K. 8350
Austria 1996
Belgium 1900
Holland 1021
Sweden 712
The figures for serious cases as of Dec. 20 are:
U.K, 1364
Austria 475
Belgium 584
Holland 580
Sweden 281
You musn’t believe EVERYTHING you read in the Guardian ,you know.
shouldn’t these figures be deaths per million to get a fair comparison?
Apart from the UK the countries I list have roughly the same
populations –the adjusted for population figure for the UK
is 1,400 approx. — double that of Sweden.
First off, soaring figures or indeed falling figures or indeed any PCR produced figures whatsoever mean sweet fuck all.
Second, love the implication of “deeply buried”. Yes isn’t it fiendish how every mainstream outlet is desperately trying to cover up the virus. I vainly switch through the channels to try and find out about COVID. Until finally, at midnight, there was a programme about fluffy kittens and Matt Hancock crashed his way through the cameras and screamed “The virus! The virus” before being dragged away while the fluffy kittens came back.
“Denialism”: the reversal of the “fanatic” sneer whereby it is those who are skeptical who are smeared as “believers” while the true faithful get to pose as “objective”.
And what is this “acceptance of tragedy and death”? Bit of a slip there, surely – an unintentional admission that it is death itself (any death) that is being weaponised here.
Then the finishing flourish on the science babble:
I love the “we”. And I wouldn’t feel too bad about having your necrophiliac orgy interrupted by a most unsporting curing of the new variant. I’m sure there are plenty more mutations in store. Matt will be working on the script even as we speak!
Yes, I liked the “we” as well. Him and his mates down at the off-licence.
Sheeesh, you don’t know that everything DunG posts, every word, is as predictable as AI scripting for zombies.
Wait! That just gives me a great framework for a sci-fi screenplay.
At least there’s that, to be said for him. Not much else, but at least it’s only SOP AI output. Even with those annoying asides, it’s clearly all programming.
Really?……… do they know?….how do they have any genomes for this let alone a mutated genome? They have never isolated it or separted it out in any way because they cannot. The genomes are created with computer programmes from some small RNA fragments of dubious origin……..lung fluid soup. They then decide by consensus which one they like. A mutation can be alleged anytime by using a different computer programme. None of these so called genomes have been extracted from fresh complete samples of the so called virus. These are facts that you cannot change.
Seems like the way they do it. They can’t prove otherwise. Thanks.
Meanwhile, Japan, one of the very least Lockdowned countries, had more suicides in October alone than all Covid deaths til then. (2000 + something.)
Thanks for your relentless and ongoing valiant work on behalf of the government narrative, DG, you’re almost as busy as they are saving lives and cancelling Christmas.
The Grinch is proud!
(Nicaragua: 5 million residents 100+ deaths
Cuba: 10 million, 100+ deaths
Venezuela: 30 million subjects, 900 deaths. Western MSM isn’t EVEN contesting those stats, so how can they be explained, absent their legendary and usual Big Lie?)
But it SHOULD be a little more difficult: dealing with real numbers….and not merely your planet peopled exclusively by willing strawmen, for stats.
I remember reading that 85% of the Japanese suicides are women, mostly beggared by loss of work and other fallout caused by the “pandemic” (aka Bubonic Plague 2.0).
Meanwhile, back at the Ranch: USA, Inc is only 4% of the global population, yet we have 25% of the world’s prison population in our sorry (for profit) jails.
AND … 20%+ of the world’s Covidian corpses.
Hmm, 25% and 20%, compared to our 4%.
500+%, both, in excess of the expected.
(Go ahead, DG, decide away…. in your nano-world of Covidian-esque strawmen. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa etc ad nauseum.)
Wait, that article makes it sound like Sweden’s seniorcide is unique.
Did you know what us Canadians pulled off?
Mr orange is quite the snake. Brutal..
About an hour ago whilst I was perusing various twitter feeds I saw a short video of a female WHO spokeswoman saying that there is no evidence that the ‘new mutant covid strain’ is any more virulent than other strains. I am not sure if this was a recent declaration (I think it was, but could be wrong) but I cannot now recall where I came across it!
I would be extremely grateful if anyone else could provide a link to it.
there is no new mutant strain or any strains. everyone has different dna and under different conditions different particles are made.
Thomas Cowan and Jon Rappoport eviscerate the baloney refrain of ‘doctors’ that the virus is mutating. Listen to their conversation.
I’ve enquired on Amandha’s website about buying some natural remedies but so far have not received a reply. I’m disappointed. Mind you, that could be monkey business. I caught gmail blocking my emails twice, for which reason I switched to aol (and I’m now in the process of switching to Yandex).
I’ve been hacked for years, wherever I go. I doubt if that’s Gmail, looks more like Intel.
They have the capability to hack anything, really.
Unless that’s a “panopticon” head job, psyop, that they’re spreading, they have total surveillance.
I don’t know why you don’t think gmail would do something like that. I tested and it was gmail. One was an email to Stephen Lendman. I forget what the other one was and if there were two instances, then there were probably more that I’m unaware of. When the Lendman email via gmail didn’t work, I tried another service that did work. Then I tried gmail again and it did not work.
Google, CIA, NSA, whatever. Most governments are police State governments. Governments, as people know them, were captured by powerful special interests years ago. When they were captured, all that you get with government – spooks, armies, police – were captured along with them.
We know Google censors. They brag about it. Whistleblowers have told us. A crapload of other organizations, including WordPress, that I blog on, partners with Google’s First Draft Coaltion. Even Internet Archive does!
I didn’t say Gmail would not do it, most likely they all do. All that can do probably do it as it serves a need. I simply said it’s Intel that’s first up. They have hacked everything. They have all that.
Much of Google and Intel are interchangeable anyway.
I have to ask; Your name changed from John to ohn. Are you the same person?
Brilliant thinkers: meet the counterrevolutionaries (aka war-making States and their instruments of repression and all of the appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers who serve power). Brilliant thinkers will never live in peace in this gangster world, unless they’re also gangsters.
Whatever strains appear, HCQ and Ivermectin prescribed correctly will be able to stop almost all hospitalisations and thus fatalities, and make risky, expensive vaccines completely unnecessary, not to mention the mass hysteria of the western world. Tragically and very stupidly, Ferguson, Whitty and Valance either don’t know this information or refuse to accept they were so terribly wrong to ban the world’s cheap, cheerful and off the shelf solution to pandemics, lockdowns, and authoritarian governments. Makes you wonder…
Hypothetically speaking, but is there proof of a “novel” virus? Yet another pointless exercise.
Flights from UK canceled as health minister says new coronavirus variant is ‘out of control’ December 20, 2020
taking bets there will be a world wide lock down by 23 December
Undoubtedly this ‘new strain’ will show up all over the world in the next few weeks.
They (global, centralized MSM) don’t even bother discussing “outbreaks” from different strains in places like Japan, which has under 2500 deaths and a merest Lockdown-lite.
They don’t even bother. Moreover, I couldn’t find any of them contesting stats of Venezuela, under a 1000 deaths. It’s all and only about commie tyranny, Maduro “crushing dissent”.
Maduro’s people are but 10% of US Pop. So add a zero for comparing to USA (Inc.):
10,000 to our .3 million deaths?
Doesn’t say much for our national health or its plans, if we can’t do better, we have 30 TIMES compared to what our presstitutes call their beggared commie economy?
(Sound eerily like Neil Ferguson’s projections of most everything for last 20 years, plus 50% . Sounds about right, for totally contrived stats.)
Isn’t that the plan, from Square 1?
I totally expected each of these bells and whistles all year. Right on schedule. Theirs.
With the US supposedly being a hotbed of “infection”, I wonder if transatlantic flights have (ever) been cancelled?
Europe was distinctly short of US tourists in the summer.
USA is 20+% of world “Covid deaths” and 20+% of world prisoners.
Despite USA being only 4% of world population.
Hmm, odd parallel, huh?
Measures obviously work only as much as people follow them. In Belarus, people are being told to ignore the virus by the authorities, people don’t trust the authorities, so people are careful about the virus. In the USA, people are getting mixed messages from the authorities, so they end up doing whatever they guess is the right thing, and clearly the majority are guessing wrong.
Also, people generally travel little within Belarus, which helps keep the spread of the virus contained.
And the argument that testing a lot doesn’t help clearly is wrong. Just about every country that has been successful at keeping numbers low has tested a lot. Obviously, testing a lot on its own isn’t enough. The USA is testing a lot, and failing to keep cases low. If people that are tested positive don’t isolate themselves and tell their contacts to isolate themselves, then testing is pretty useless.
Another sensible comment gets minus points.
I can’t keep saying this enough but the test is not testing for the virus.
All this test does is identify the genetic material of fragments of RNA that are non specific.
It does not test for the genetic sequence of a virus particle.
Your assertion has been in a lot of places, and nowhere have I ever seen it denied, that it doesn’t actually test for Covid, only for particles that they can construe as suggesting what they want to see as “possibly Covid” (whatever, indeed, THAT is).
Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile.
Give them a particle, and they’ll take a pandemic.
Or — fake a Plandemic.
Or, even worse: “flake” one.
I mean, they don’t even really try very hard for CYA.
Whew, you got your last words perfect:
“…then testing is pretty useless.”
Kary Mullis, who invented the ubiquitous PCR test (and who died right here in Newport Beach, just a few months before the Lockdowns where I post this outside their library, I’ve seen his face at our Pier, where he surfed avidly) is many times on record for having said
his test is “not a diagnostic tool.” And, “It can’t tell you if you’re sick.”
But the situation shows how contrived the stats are, since it’s deceitfully suggested that tests mean something. And they really don’t, despite hypnosis.
So, congrats, you got that right:
“…then testing is pretty useless.”
Subtract the hype, and I’d like our “leaders” to prove they AREN’T completely useless…
Not pretty.
Indeed, Belarus helps us piece together the force that’s behind the covic19 hoax:
That’s a very good quote at the top of the article you’ve linked to. Another one by the same man: The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.
Good article!
Good piece.
Pandemic bonds issued by the IMF, pre-virus:
Their new model for determining financial credit scores, based on people’s search history, an IMF whitepaper:
The IMF and World Bank acting in tandem with the WEF.
The censorship here is getting as intense & as in tune with the lockdowns.
Yes Google has stopped notifications for my comments here
New virus, variant found in Uk called : Pfizer-19
”EU states begin suspending all travel from UK”
Virus in the channel, UK in isolation.
All this is entirely plausible, but it doesn’t really matter.
Some people think this is a deadly new disease, others that this is a vastly over blown hoax.
But it doesn’t really matter.
Some people think this escaped from a lab in Wuhan or Oregon.
Some people think it was deliberately released by the Chinese, or the Americans, or somebody else.
But it doesn’t really matter.
What does matter is the use to which this is being put.
The New 9/11.
The new Global Warming Hoax Mark 2.
A pretext for:-
The Great Reset.
A vast transfer of wealth and power upwards.
Bezos increasing his worth from $115 to 202 billion. Purely fortuitously, of course. Trillions of toilet paper money printed for the benefit of the billionaire class.
A vast consolidation of monopoly power.
A complete restructuring of the economy for their benefit.
Imposing a system of blanket surveillance, rigid censorship and total social control that Orwell could never have dreamt of.
Ballooning, grotesque inequality and corruption.
A new feudalism.
Like Global Warming.
Whether it’s hot or cold or mild or wet or dry, it’s all Global Warming and we need to raid trillions from pension funds for Green Boondoggles to save the planet, run by the Al Gores and the Goldman Sachs and the Hunter Bidens and their cronies.
Cashless society, cancellation of elections, shredding civil liberties, fill in the blanks.
And that does matter.
It may not matter to you, but it matters to those who understand the hoax. Because we’re facing a century or more of crime committed in the name of profit and control, that is now being used to intentionally harm in a malicious and intentional way, to sterilize a population, to cull the population and to create more profit and control, to engender hopelessness, fear, desperation and transference of all wealth and property to a tiny minority, all from a lie.
The big lie is the Contagion Myth.
How an epidemiological phenomenon created the idea of transmission, which has promulgated all that we bear witness to now.
If we don’t expose the bigger lie we are letting people get injured and die by pretending contagious pathogens exist, instead of exploring the real cause of disease, which is nutritional deficiencies and exposure to man made toxins, that come in the form of radiation, pollution, chemicals, metals, biologics, RX drugs, and GMOs.
It’s insane that there are plans to put up a million satellites into space to blanket the earth and install millions of 5g towers that will create nothing but poor health, radiation sickness, cancer and heart attacks, but that a fictitious entity called the VIRUS, is being used to actually kill and maim in the form of vaccines with the pretext of saving lives. The irony is breathtaking.
As long as people take these vaccines, continue to take vaccines and accept the premise that a fictitious legal construct such as a government or health department has more rights than an individual’s control over their own body, and their children’s body, the annihilation of humanity for profit and control will continue.
Indeed. Paul might benefit from the above video in which Amandha Vollmer talks with a lady whose name I would have to check on, but that’s not important.
Mister, global warming is not hoax.
How long …how long before it actually sinks in and you stop discussing, reporting and writing about nonsense ?
Its not about health it has never been
they tell you as much, you just choose to ignore it
Did you prepare ? You had all year ? what did u do ? They TOLD you what is coming as early as march . Did you listen and prepare?
I honestly hope at least some took the time to do just that.and didn’t waste too much time ( as i am doing here today ) on the web reading and posting dribble
The plan is in motion and at this stage nothing is hidden any more because it cant be stopped
trillions are printed to cover it all up in the meantime . ….you even wonder why no one asks questions about this? Why the whole world in lock step is ‘printing’ us collectively into unrecoverable bankruptcy ?
No ? mmhh i could talk about the why but then again . why
So my fellow sheep , enjoy the mass cull and ..stay behind that keyboard. Don’t move and surely don’t take steps to protect yourself and your family,
NO NO stay just where you are until your called for your Vaxx . Entertain yourself . Read nonsense on the interweb and comfort yourself with a jab of hope ./ Go on my little frog don’t jump …wait for the water to boil 🙂
wont be long now
but maybe just maybe some will jump ? still ? and realise..
Its not about Health !
.. wake the F%$K up
Would appreciate some advice on how to prepare, how to protect oursleves and our families, despite trying to stay healthy. I think many people don’t really know what to do.
Advice? Live simpler and simpler (even poorer) since it tunes the soul, especially to the great fact that we’re all going to have to render ALL of it back to the grave, the worms, the dust. Rust. Sooner than soon.
Soon enough.
With or without “Covid” that’s a sure given, so why be alarmed by any of it?
(I admit, easier blogged than done.)
Can someone please put my mind at rest by telling me that the planners haven’t simply swapped flu numbers for ”Covid” ones? Because if that is what’s happened, it means that by falling for this scam, humanity’s collectively got an IQ that doesn’t make it into double figures.
I think that is, at least in part, exactly what’s been done. Still the credulous halfwits beg to be imprisoned.
I get the feeling that I’ll be the only one of a dozen people at my workplace to refuse the vaccine. Eight have already signed up for it.
“8-12 funerals in one week, that should set a company record.”
I’m pleased to hear that they regard your welfare as a priority.
Over the past 12 months, there have been 81,000 opioid deaths in the US, courtesy of our Sackler friends.
But nobody could care less. d
‘could care less’ means you care.
I’ve seen that reported numerous times. And the scam continues. We notice but we are a tiny minority compared to the vast army of pod people getting ready to get jabbed.
Both of what you said are twue! Humanity’s collective IQ for sure, but especially swapping flu number for Covid numbers! How easy was it to do for New Zealand to pluck 25 Covid 19 deaths from their annual 500 flu deaths? And it’s been done before with Polio and HIV scams – both highly profit rendering ruses!
It’s all been so easy! A lot of planning went into this con, but by the time it had got going, they were pushing at an open door.
In Vassal state #2, France, it was reported on the main TV news: flu has totally vanished this year. I nearly shat myself with laughter.
Soiling oneself due to mirth would have been an understandable reaction.
People don’t die from colds and flus. It is a healing process like sleeping is. Nobody dies from sleeping either and to suggest that they did would be crazy. The covid cult are out of their minds. If someone has particularly severe flu it is because they have been deceived thinking the flu is “caught” rather than a result of unhealthy food and pollution leaving them with a lot to detox and “vulnerable” to inappropriate “treatment” with high doses of drugs. Both the flu numbers and the covid numbers are a deception.
I was pondering that question, namely Why do people get the flu (the detox) every year when it’s cold? I wonder whether it’s as simple as this: Our bodies are dealing with a huge onslaught of denatured food and toxins from capitalists who don’t care, which includes pharmaceuticals and they do a fairly good job at fighting back but possibly are able to fight back best when they are running hotter. Ergo.
They announced 2 months ago on that the numbers would be banded together with flu,etc
I warned my friends of this. All i got back was “we know the difference ”
I replied, “the majority won’t look beyond the headlines”
You are right. I am neither intelligent or smart,i just have a nose for bullshit.
And i’m getting a strong whiff of manure
People are very secure and comfy in their own ignorance, Nick. (I’ve seen it with friends of mine, and it pisses me right off).
Absolute no doubt gwyn
What annoys me is most my friends know its data manipulation…they just don’t see where it leads
This site,and posters such as yourself, gezzah Potts, researcher,and fact checker save my sanity.
They remind me this dystopia is not in my own head
Your head’s fine, mate. It’s the Corona’s Witnesses’ heads that are the problem. Fucking brainwashed scaredy-cats.
And thanks for your kind words. I feel the same about you and the other people you mention. We plough on!
Was taking a break from here for 4-5 days as work is full on until Christmas Eve, and really tired and run down, but I’ll say, thanks for You being here too Nick. And numerous other commenters who help keep me sane as well.
If it wasn’t for this site, and a few others like The Corbett Report, Wrench In The Gears, and the inimitable Vernon Coleman, I would’ve probably been certifiable 6 months ago, such has been the lunacy surrounding the scamdemic.
As Gwyn said below… ‘we plough on’.
I second that. Gezzah:
Thanks Arby, will have a look at this tonight…
RE: [I] just have a nose for bullshit.
Right – there’s plenty of “smart” well-educated people who buy into the scam (probably the majority). It is not so much about brains as understanding that neither the government, nor corporate media, nor Big Business, nor elites tell you the truth or give a damn about your well being. That’s worked as my bullshit detector for decades.
Essentially yes. ONS figures register covid death as being the underlying cause – the majority of cases where covid is present – but with flu although it records flu being present, the majority of cases it is not the underlying cause so not registered as a flu or pneumonia death. As here for week ending 4th Dec
It doesn’t say but my guess for what its worth is that people are getting flu symptoms, testing positive (false positive?) for covid and it being assumed by the MD that covid was the cause of death. The number of flu/pneumonia deaths combined are similar to the number of covid deaths for that week at least.
Spot on.
Someone during the time of the witch hunts would have reacted with psychotic violence to anyone called a witch. Nowadays, should anyone refuse to comply with the covid restrictions, they would be similarly dealt with. In the former case, the accused would be considered a threat to your immortal soul. With the latter, the “agitator” would be considered the alleged spreader of deadly germs.
Thus the rulers knew the most potent – indeed perhaps the only- way to inspire such psychotic behaviour in the present age was to come up with the threat of a deadly pandemic.
It is an absolutely perfect weapon. As if biologic warfare has never been studied or used in the past. It takes divide and conquer to a whole different level than “left vs right” but uses the already established blue vs red perfectly. But when I say things like this to friends, I would probably get a blank stare if not for the fact all communication is done over the phone now and I can’t see the look. I refuse to do online chats with friends either, the idiocy of thinking those are in any way private still stuns me sometimes, but not as much as it used to. And you are so right, the rulers KNEW the most potent weapon to use against us is pitting us against each other over lies. It’s worked so well for them for so long, after all, especially here in the exceptionally dumbed down USA. Makes my ass hurt as my ex husband used to say.
The Deceitful Rise Of The BioSecurity State & Fake Pandemics — Ryan Christián, The Last American Vagabond, Dec 19, 2020
Begins after 2 1/2 minutes (I don’t know why people leave so much ‘dead air’ at the start of their broadcasts).
The Highwire is notorious for that dead air thing, but I wonder whether there’s a technical reason. I made my first video for my Bitchute channel and discovered that I can get around the limitation that my free Avidemux imposes by allowing myself a few seconds of nothingness at the start of the video. That allows me to start it where I want, more or less, via editing. My recording equipment consists of an old Canon PowerShot A100 IS. (And Del’s equipment, I’m sure, will be good. Nevertheless, maybe there’s some issue there all the same.) The memory card in it was a whopping 2 GB (and I just learned, after buying a 64 GB card, that my old camera will not take a card larger than 32 GB). I tried to edit the first part of the video (cutting it out because it’s me setting my camera up and there’s lots of shaking), but it wouldn’t cut out. That’s because this is free software that people like me have to use because I have zero knowledge of how to do video recording and editing. I’m trying to cut my cake with an axe. Now I know. By including some dead space at the beginning of my video, I can at least cut out some of what I want to cut out.
One of the graphs in last nights announcement showed the hospitalisation rates increasing in the south-east, from around 500 to around 700 in the last week. So I thought I’d have a look at data from last year for comparison, and I found the national flu report from 19 December 2019 here:
Assuming the population of the south-east to be around 10 million, this gives us a hospitalisation rate increase in December 2019 from 513 to 685, very similar to yesterday’s graph!
And it mustn’t be overlooked that some of these ‘hospitalisations’ may well also be patients admitted for other serious afflictions and the patients were classified as covid19 ‘cases’ post-hospitalisation. The same with any death statistics also.
This being so, it would therefore appear that genuine ‘respiratory’ admissions are probably down this year compared to last year. That could indicate that the lockdown measures have reduced the spread of respiratory illness generally, that vulnerable people who would otherwise have succumbed to respiratory illness this autumn/winter died in the springtime, or that people with respiratory distress are preferring to stay at home and may be reflected in the increasing numbers of home death statistics which Ivor Cummins has identified as a trend this year.
They will never release that data of people testing positive for covid post hospitalization.
I have tried!
This is an incredible disease. The official WHO advice is to discharge a “recovered” patient for home quarantine after 2 weeks. His latest positive test only means that he is shedding harmless virus particles. Another chapter of WHO dogma, which they now play down, is that an “asymptomatic” is not infectious.
Can’t we all leave our woes to one side just for a minute, and celebrate the fact that over 13 million people watched last night’s final of Strictly Come Dancing?
Makes ya proud.
Damn! I’m in the US, so I missed this. And I could use some holiday cheer!
But I look forward to a US version: a Megadeath Virus of Doom-inspired program entitled “Strictly Come Masking“. First prize is a lifetime supply of free COVID vaccinations, including boosters!
I was unlucky enough to catch the moment when the winner was announced (while I was at work, I hasten to add). The whooping and cheering from the audience nearly made me put my boot through the TV screen.
Your Strictly Come Masking comment made me burst out laughing. Thanks very much! (Your timing is immaculate, considering the mood I’ve been in, this evening). :o)
Strictly Come Dancing final watched by more than 13 million viewers
A Christmas message from Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cornwall, to you
Could Tier 4 last until we’ve all had jabs? Matt Hancock warns mutant Covid strain is ‘out of control’
Could coronavirus trigger a sudden menopause years before your time? (possibly not, but scientists have warned that the vaccine may.)
“The only message that WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) should be hearing from THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY is that Lizzie and her and gang are turning themselves in for arrest and prosecution.”
Love it! What does that mean? The mutant strain has turned into the Cloverfield monster, now rampaging through the streets, squashing cars, trampling little kids into squished puddles? It’s a protection racket: Pile on the terror by rote until the natives comply.
Matt and his colleagues are reporting to us what they see in the mirror every day.
The only thing mutating and becoming more deadly is Hancock’s lies.
I think the lockdown lie has been long exposed. Here in Tier 4 Land, the streets are about as busy as usual the Sunday before Christmas!
I think most of the British people have already rumbled Boris Johnson and the Tory government, and the coronavirus scam they have been peddling on behalf of American billionaires and spies – which is why they’re not cowering at home.
But of course, Sir “Keith” Starmer says the new lockdown should have come sooner and should have been tougher. Authoritarians like Keith wouldn’t have been scared to take unpopular decisions.
More political willy-waving.
In passing, I’ve just realised what an unattractive speaking voice he has; not unusual in politicians, but I’m still astonished why the majority of the Labour Party (apparently, allegedly) voted for him. Just as I could never understand the enthusiasm for Nick Clegg (who most people have justifiably forgotten, I suspect, and who also, as it happens, had a terrible speaking voice, IMHO).
Corbyn was loathed by the establishment, who promoted Johnson although it may be regretting it now, and did its best, ultimately successfully, to present Corbyn as an electoral disaster. This is why we have Starmer, a colourless individual but seen as a safe pair of hands and of course, pro-Israel.
Prof Delores Cahill of UCD (recorded Sep, 2020) says coronavirus circulates four years out of 10, so you could say 40% of flu is coronavirus; 30% of the common cold is coronavirus. That is how we achieve an immune system.
The immune system kicks out these viruses before they even make antibodies. Up to 98% of people in tests will show no antibodies. The people who get symptoms are the ones who get ill and make antibodies.
In December-March we saw Influenza B, A, and then Covid-19 and these symptoms — especially breathlessness — take a week to pass. Each region builds immunity in about six weeks, exactly what Michael Levitt said about China: come March there would be no deaths, and so it was.
These idiots picked the wrong virus to launch their pandemic: it is seasonal. Just like they picked the wrong gas for Climate Change, the life-giving carbon dioxide. That’s your proof right there that they are not following science.
When WHO declared the pandemic on Mar 11, 2020, it said the ‘virus’ had reached 114 countries (you think politicians are going to stop it with declarations?). The number of deaths was 4,291. That’s a chance of dying of 1:1,800,000.
56 people were dying of Covid each day, compared with 3,000 of TB. More than 150,000 people each day, from life and of them, 1:3 people have cancer.
We don’t need the anti-virus for the Windows virus from the failed human experiment called Bill Gates.
They are acting as if we don’t have an immune system. What we need is zinc, vitamin D and C. Even Hydroxychloroquine simply helps zinc to work.
According to Cahill, in France they gave Hydroxychloroquine to politicians and doctors and then destroyed the stockpile. In Ireland they banned doctors from prescribing it for Coronavirus. The FDA then said doctors could be struck off for prescribing it. Legal cases are ongoing because this is the first time in 70 years that a licenced drug was withdrawn during an outbreak.
“These idiots picked the wrong virus to launch their pandemic: it is seasonal. Just like they picked the wrong gas for Climate Change, the life-giving carbon dioxide”.
It’s not idiocy, it’s deliberate inversion (with a strong dash of mockery thrown in).
Yep, and in Covidland presence of antibodies not longer indicates the imuune system has raised a defence, it means you’ve got the pox, and must stay in a box!
I believe it’s the same Alice-through-the-looking-glass situation in “HIV-AIDS”-land as well.
Nitrogen is also life-giving and also deadly in high concentrations.
Especially when it gets around 78%.
In the medical discipline, it is established knowledge that resistance to flu comes from social interaction. So, the purpose of isolating the aged should be obvious.
I disagree with ascribing idiocy to our enemies, even in jest.
“According to Cahill, in France they gave Hydroxychloroquine to politicians and doctors…” I call that a measure of justice. They want to poison us and, here, they’ve poisoned themselves. You don’t take a toxic drug for a cold (which is just your body detoxifying). Yes, HCQ seems to have some sort of beneficial effect, reportedly, on sick people. I don’t know about that. I’m not convinced. But if you vist HCQ’s foremost champion’s website (Didier Raoult), you’ll see there the facts about HCQ’s toxicity. Didier uses HCQ to help patients but in doing so, he is also helping to sell the (very harmful) lie that there is a disease called covid 19.
new lock downs until forever in london
why should belarus b free to spread diseased killer virus.
belarus must join the freedumb loving peeples of supra transnational mega corp corpse.
for belarus to survive this it may be neccesary to destroy them
for the greater hive zio borged good
we must be one in
year zero
forward in germ theory lockstep hiding at home
Wasn’t ’28 Days Later’ filmed in Crouch End? ‘Seems relevent somehow…
danny mi5 boyle did the opening of the london olympics
Writer and historian Simon Webb – History Debunked
Talking common sense as usual
Worth a watch
We shall all need a working knowledge of justice.
Google wants you to believe it is limited to “a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people”. Dictionary com wants you to link it to “the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness”.
According to Google and Dictionary com, Nuremberg was just a difference of opinion. Like, were they righteous? Clearly, they thought they were. Did they respect people? They respected their own. Do SJW’s respect everyone? Nope. So this definition is nonsense.
What I see from legal sources is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, based on moral correctness interpreted through ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness.
So let’s sharpen our definition and stay watchful. If the courts stay as corrupt as they are today, we shall all need a working knowledge of justice.
You cannot use the excuse of “only following orders” after Nuremberg. There have been lots of doctors and specialists speaking up during Event Covid: politicians cannot say they did not know.
Masking children and causing mental and physical harm, possibly leading to suicide, and isolating the elderly in their homes, leading to their decline and death, is malfeasance and misprision, which carries a term of 10 years in the UK.
Politicians contributed to unnecessary and preventable deaths. Contributory manslaughter.
Media journalists promoted fear, leading to stress and death, and they can be held to account. There was no diversity of reporting. They were instructed to disseminate propaganda and they did so, willingly.
Enforcement, military, civil service and health professionals will be held to account.
The moment this crisis ends, the above people will dive into society and try to blend in, like Nazis after WW2, and claim they were just doing their jobs. We must be ready for them.
The definition of justice is clear but there will be pushback. There will be people claiming good intention, preventing one death, the end justifies the means etc. Above all, they will claim to represent the public good, the will of the people. We must define this now, not later.
Don’t you get it? This will never end. They’re already seeding stories into the media that the vaccine, although “95% effective”, doesn’t prevent “asymptomatic” infection and spread. The sheep are being primed for a lifetime of masks, lockdowns, and Amazon orders.
I like the cut of your jib
So as we sail into what will clearly be a very ugly confrontational “festive” season, I do my round up of Left sites to see if anyone’s noticed.
The Canary gives us “Hospitals across south-eastern England cancel treatments as coronavirus cases rise” and “The new coronavirus strain – key questions answered” which doesn’t answer any questions but simply raises more. This new strain might be bad or not, it may spread more rapidly etc. In any case, since we read about “4,000 mutations”, this is clearly going to provide a rich fund of productive fear mongering for anyone’s foreseeable future.
Labour Buzz gives us Jeremy Corbyn’s new ….oh never mind!
The London Economic gives us “PMQs 16th Dec – For Johnson, this Xmas, there is a naughty list” Ooh cheeky! Visions of a Frankie Howard routine – and almost as relevant.
Amongst others I found such matters as the vital question of whether Richard Dawkins can be classed as an idealist or materialist thinker. At which point I started to lose the will to live.
If there is a conflagration over Christmas, I wonder if they’ll notice. Or perhaps just comment on the imperialist assumptions of the old Morecambe and Wise shows?
interesting conversation between Jon Rappoport and Tom Cowan regarding the lack of evidence to prove Sars-Cov2 has been isolated.
Watched it was great and insightful. Dr thomas Cowan definitely has a way of explaining the isolation process of a new disease very well and it totally shows how even the VIRUS isn’t even real.
This discussion was awesome. There were a few great takeaways in it, which I’ve excerpted and uploaded to my Bitchute channel. For example: Positive and False results from the PCR test is meaningless, Thomas notes. It’s all falsity. The story about mutating viruses is another “Look! Over there!” diversion.
Discovering people like Dr. Cowan and Jon Rappoport is a silver lining to the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic. I agree that it was instructive, insightful, and gratifying.
I think it would be a good idea to have a “MVD Scamdemic for Dummies” series that follows up on this discussion. Not using that name, of course, since the idea is to appeal to a broader audience. Also, I realize that the topics I’m about to suggest have already been discussed in umpteen skeptical, critical videos and articles– and they’re being systematically purged and censored on mainstream mass-media outlets, which includes social-media venues.
Notwithstanding, I’d love to see Rappaport, Denis Rancourt, and other eloquent dissenters in the medical and research community similarly address the predictable, popular incredulous responses to the unpopular and inconvenient truth that the alleged SARS-COVID-2 virus has not been proven to exist. Just to cite two obvious and oft-repeated objections:
1) OK, if there’s “no virus”, how come so many people have gotten seriously ill with “COVID” symptoms? This is linked to the corollary question, or proposition:
2) Even if the authorities have exaggerated the numbers, partly by counting any flu-like illness as “COVID”, there is abundant evidence that an unusual number of people have fallen gravely ill with a highly contagious malady that devastates their lungs and other organs to a much greater degree than an ordinary influenza.
I hope it’s clear that I’m proposing these questions as representative of the responses from those who doubt the skeptics, not my own questions. Actually, it would be great if Dr. Cowan interviewed a “friend” who is an expert in cultural and media criticism, e.g. Mark Crispin Miller. That is, someone who could clearly and calmly analyze the top-down infoganda and manipulation that creates the impression that some new, deadly illness– even if not properly identified and researched– is indeed sweeping the globe and infecting an inordinate number of people.
Put slightly differently, I think videos like this one effectively expose and annihilate the fake “goalposts” set up by the scamdemic-mongers. But I think it would be useful to anticipate the knee-jerk jump to replace them with new goalposts that justify the draconian lockdown measures.
The year 2020 has provided further evidence for a good rule of thumb: If the government and their “science industrial complex” experts say it is a good solution, you can be sure that it is a good solution for them, but not a good solution for the average Joe.
I want to make an uncomfortable observation, but I suspect it is true. It seems like there are two totally different versions of reality running in parallel.
The Covid cult and the anti-Covid cult (that’s us). We are both being nurtured on the teat of the deep state, and both exist along side each other, ….I ask to what end?
Perhaps as the noose of Covid measures tightens around the necks of the population, is the anti-Covid cult, which is being increasingly captured by the far-right, intended to be ‘our masters’ safety-valve.
If they can’t hold down humanity with the ‘Covid measures’ then they will over-throw the system completely, and hold us down with a new CIA backed fascist establishment, in an anti-Covid, anti-establishment, anti-democratic revolution? ………….I think both cults are serving a purpose and nobody is currently on our side.
Bite off the teat
I couldn’t put it better than this:
Here is the new world. Here is the plastic Western liberal scene projected onto the entire planet with an air of that old socialist revolutionary spirit. Note how all the world’s problem’s have been shrunk to “the fight against COVID!”
Hello George Mc: Excellent quote! The reference to serfdom is appropriate. The world has been under the hypnotic thralls of plantation owners since the days of Sumeria. Seems the serfs enjoy the securities of peonage and slavery…
There will be overt tyranny/totalitarianism, not “ultra-capitalism”. The “boot on our faces”.
A few of my close family live in Portsmouth, which has recently been placed under the ‘Tier 4 security’ cloak, and they have told me about roadblocks in and out of the city asking the traveller’s nature of business. Just how bad is this going to get? What’s next in the postcode lottery of bullshit? This is like a bad movie but at least when you’re watching you know it’s going to end.
human settlement zones for the filthy dirty poor nothing new and you will not see Golders Green placed in a tier system
certain boroughs/areas have always been immune they pretend to play the game but we all no and if any of us worked or live there no there is a certain type of immunity.
virus disease doesn’t effect elites
Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP
Welwyn Hatfield MP and Secretary of State for Transport
From 4am on Sat 5th Dec certain performing arts professionalsTV production staff journalists and recently signed elite sports persons will also be exempt, subject to specific criteria being met – guidance will be available on soon
New Business Traveller exemption: From 4am on Sat 5th Dec high-value business travellers will no longer need to self-isolate when returning to ENGLAND from a country NOT in a travel corridor, allowing more travel to support the economy and jobs. Conditions apply.
Grant Shapps… a truly trustworthy individual
The neighbour’s 100 year old mother just died after taking the vaccine. Well, granted that she was 100. But I suspect that the vaccine killed her by simply being an alien substance pumped into an aged body.
A Covid death is any death within 28 days of a positive test. Therefore it follows without fear of contradiction that your neighbour’s mother’s death is a vaccine death. RIP.
My neighbour’s mother is still alive.
That’s very sad she may have happily lived to 105 who knows. I’m dreading my mum, who is 86, getting the vaccine, unfortunately her health centre in Spain are quite militant about it
In 1976, my grandmother’s dementia progressed to a point where her in-home visiting caregivers couldn’t provide the level of care and supervision she required; accordingly, her children (my mother and uncle) placed her in a local nursing home.
In mid-November, Dr. K. (Grandma’s primary-care physician) gave her the notorious “Swine Flu vaccine” that was all the rage that year. Grandma died on Thanksgiving Eve. Her condition had already deteriorated to a point where she could not communicate; she seemed tragically frozen in a depressed or anxious condition, and typically sat and gently rocked back and forth while constantly murmuring a mantra of sorts: “Ai, ai– dear God, ai, ai…”
I was about 20 years old at the time, and was so freaked out by Grandma’s deterioration from a cheerful, vivacious woman to a dementia-afflicted zombie that I couldn’t bring myself to visit her during her final months. In harsh terms, our family was more or less on a deathwatch.
Still, Grandma had no major or terminal organic illnesses. So even before the death-dealing swine flu vaccine became a national scandal, we all grimly joked that Dr. K. had finally killed off Grandma as we always suspected he would.
It’s obvious that vaccines have supplanted the traditional designation of pneumonia as “the old people’s friend”.
Incidentally, when the swine flu scandal broke, my sister was appropriately outraged that a toxic vaccine had been loosed upon the public; she had earlier readily joined the family consensus that the swine flu shot killed Grandma.
Now she’s fully enthralled by the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic, to the point of canceling her traditional hosting of holiday get-togethers. During a recent Zoom chat, she looked weary, even aged, but expressed optimism at the prospect of the new COVID vaccinations ending the “pandemic” nightmare. Although she knows that our brother and I don’t exactly share her view of the scamdemic, we’re in that uneasy “truce” state of tacitly agreeing not to discuss it.
So it was especially pathetic, and even a bit heart-wrenching, when she enthusiastically mentioned that since we’re all in the 65+ age bracket, “we” would probably have priority in getting the vaccination. She truly believes that once everybody gets on board, the MVD will be conquered and all of the draconian restrictions will be discontinued. She hopes we might re-do Christmas in a few months.
Neither my brother nor I had the heart to inform, or remind, her that we didn’t share her uncritical faith in the MVD vaccine(s). It would’ve been cruel to even gently ask if she remembered, or drew any lessons from, Grandma’s fate.
Can you believe this?:
I suspect that this is purposive psychological destabilisation. This little show of “Hey – who needs vaccination trials when I can try it out on myself for you right here” is clearly meant as a joke which is taunting us. He’s really saying, “Ha! Look what we can do now and it doesn’t matter anyway because sooner or later you are going to have to take this poison!”
How much was he paid?
Who’s to say he even took the vaccine?
He has that deranged look about him.
People are stupid, you stumbled upon one of the millions of stupid people. People like this will enjoy their stupidity while our civilisation decays.
Reading the fate of empires by Glubb ( gives you a perspective that explains why the prior success of western civilisation is what has caused the creation of the current mass of stupid people. It is almost as if nature will not allow civilisations to keep getting better and better, instead they get better, then too pleased with themselves, then weak and stupid, then they die, with the stupid leading the charge to nothingness.
Nature needs this dumb idiot and the millions of others to destroy our civilisation and lay the groundwork for the next civilsation. Of course, they have no idea what they are doing, they are idiots.
Hello aspnaz: Nature provides us with methods… When we “choose” to reproduce militaristic idiots, we are then choosing to slaughter historians, story tellers, writers, poets, artists, and musicians. The truly gifted are the first to go…
Along similar lines, Isaac Asimov opined that there is unlikely to be – or ever have been – any long-lasting intelligent species. It will destroy itself with pollution or warfare.
Wow! Three whole hours and nothing happened. Made a believer out of me! I would have sworn he’d turn into something hideous within three minutes. Oh wait, he may have. Instantly converted from a human being to an advertisement for Big Pharma.
The UK govt. claims it can decide you are OK after vaccination in just 15 min.
The vaccine turned him into a newt. Allegedly he got better.
I expect that we’ll see no end of sneering, supercilious shills like this as the vaccines are rolled out.
The pro-vaxx forces will especially promote and showcase medical and scientific professionals in these publicity stunts, since dupes uncritically interpret such testimonials as rooted in scientific authority.
On the cultural side, expect show-biz celebrities to be featured in similar oleaginous tributes to the virtue of getting COVID vaccines early and often.
In our infantilized culture, this Rogues’ Gallery is extolled as “Role Models”; they exist to show the untermenschen how to be responsible, civic-minded adults.
Powder keg ready:
This also covers Scotland which has now been cut off by Nicola’s refurbishing of Hadrian’s Wall. I wonder …border controls? Checks? Machine guns at the ready?
The scene has been set not only for public outbursts but also for the “necessary means of containment” which will amount to …what? Was I joking when I said “machine guns”?
The sickest part is that the state could openly strike in violence at the public and the Left, going by their assumed position on covid, could only half protest with the usual “consequence of incompetence” meme. After all, this is a deadly plague etc.
Miss Goody Two Shoes Sturgeon is going into overdrive with her directives and rules covering all forms of social control. With her army of medical bureaucrats and advisors anything is now possible with an enthusiasm which reminds one of Germany in WW2 and the behaviour of its public functionaries in regards the targeting of those who posed a threat to fascism. .
Miss Quisling, perhaps.
As long as none of the woke protected humans are harmed, the “left” will be okay with whatever happens.
I like that George. Inspires me to think up a new name for Nicola: “Hadrian’s Harridan”.
(Dreaming up names for Nicola is admittedly pointless and childish, but therapeutic).
I now earnestly hope that she gets her wish and Scotland goes independent. Let them rejoin the EU and then I hope they end up getting the Greece treatment. It’s tough on the people of Scotland, I admit, but they did vote the witch in.
By the way, Ireland is now talking about closing its borders to the UK. Does that include Northern Ireland, I wonder? That would (almost) be funny, after all the fuss Ireland, the EU, and all Remainers made about keeping the Republic of Ireland / Northern Irish border open.
With Professor Jean Bernard Fourtillan in prison it is worth revisiting his interview in the documentary, Hold-Up. This French video will soon be available with an English transcript.
Fourtillan is not the only person to point out that patents have been taken out by, among others, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and the CDC, for Coronavirus since 1999 on every aspect of the virus, including testing. Fourtillan angered the French establishment by accusing the Institut Pasteur of complicity in creating a disease with the Wuhan institute. The Corporatist Media rarely mentions that France built the biosafety level 4 lab in Wuhan and that the U.S. outsourced the weaponising of viruses to that lab having impose a moratorium on gain-of-function research in the U.S. from Oct 2014 to Dec 2017.
Since nature cannot be patented, either the virus cannot be natural or the patents are illegal.
YT recently banned the Canadian channel, A_Warrior_Calls which from 00:15:30 discusses Fourtillan’s interview and also that of Dr Lorraine Day, former orthopedic trauma surgeon and Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital.
Day argues that the long swab up the olfactory canal to the brain is not necesary to take a saliva-based sample of coronavirus. Thus the long swab is implanting something, not extracting – or preparing people for such.
Being intrigued by this internet news site By Line Times I tried to find out some more.
BLT (Hmm – apt acronym? You’d get as much info out of a bacon, lettuce and tomato) is the site pushing Nafeez Ahmed’s funky right-on investigations into the Nazi networks that question covid, thus demonstrating that real groovy Marxists will, through the invincible power of their dialectical intellects, submit to the clearly true fact that covid is devastating the universe. BLT also explained to us the stirring revolution that was forced on the powers above us through brave protest groups that destroyed neoliberalism overnight and heralded the dawn of caring for dear old biddies by injecting them with WD 40.
It seems that BLT is something entirely new – a stirring leap in the evolution of human consciousness:
This paper will say ‘what the papers don’t say’. And it’s interesting that even they use quotation marks there! Just as Nafeez Ahmed brought you the news on 9/11 and the London bombs that others wouldn’t dare touch. Re: the latter, he collaborated on a new study with Mark Curtis
Well call me an unregenerate cynic but I tend towards Phil Greaves’s view:
And so I see no reason to see BLT as anything other than another speaker of “truth to power” which is actually regurgitating mainstream propaganda but with a veneer of radicalism in the same way that the “blowback” theory is simply the most extreme variation of the official account permissible within the boundaries of the propaganda system.
So it shouldn’t come as any surprise that BLT pushes the covid-as-revolution-over-neoliberalism meme. Or that others may be taken in by it:
Note our beloved DunGroanin there:
But he links to this:
Yet another outing for the “incompetence before the undoubted and indubitable apocalyptic plague” meme. It serves the same purpose as “radical” comment and humour have always served: to set up the designated hate figures to pelt with rotten fruit.
(Note how on the Murray thread, one “bevin” says: “It is sad to see what is going on at OffGuardian.” This bevin once delivered the “insight” that criticism of the covid narrative meant siding with Thatcher’s view that “There is no such thing as society”! Yes really!)
Fuck Bevin and Dunny and Stephen Morrell and all the other pseudo flakes cheering on fascism and fully ignoring the horrendous consequences of Covid1984, turning a blind eye to the many suicides, and the future deaths of so many people, deliberately denied treatment coz, you know, covid priorities.
These flogs couldn’t give a fuck about the immense amount of suffering inflicted on so many.
And Dunny Boy has the absolute gall to accuse this site of fostering a red-brown alliance. He doesn’t even get the irony.
I was having a break from here (?) for a bit, but started reading comments again, and spotted your remarks about By Line News, and initially thought:
Excellent! A radical left site that hasn’t turned into a frothing covidian propaganda outfit.
How quickly my hopes were dashed. Sigh.
Will just make do with the sites I know. At least you’re now receiving reply notifications. I suspect Gmail is blocking me from getting notifications from this site coz I’m still getting notifications from things like Quora, Pinterest, Crikey, etc.
Here is a recent collation of studies showing that lockdowns do not work. Ignoring the empirical evidence where “cases” have risen DESPITE lockdowns, that is.
Reading the article and the comments, it can be safely assumed that COVID is bullshit. As detailed in tons of other articles. It’s obvious.
It’s also obvious that healthcare as a whole has been hijacked, to a monstrous extent, by people who want to 1) make profit off people’s health 2) control them 3) fuck them up in all sorts of other ways. Another obvious thing is that democracy is an empty shell. Not only it’s highly questionable to what extent it works in theory, it’s also highly questionable if election results can be trusted at all, given the farce under way in the US.
Let’s face it, this is not a fight against COVID. This is a fight against the widespread corruption of our world, pretty much in its entirety. Our world is an empty shell. The stuff we cherish, freedom, democracy, etc., only exists in our heads, it’s largely an illusion.
The question everybody needs to ask is WHAT DO WE WANT. What sort of world do you want and what sort of world will you promote. Go back to some point in time? Which one? Create some massive movement to restore/establish fairness, honesty, integrity, stuff like that? Form alternative society, somehow break away from the status quo and let the present world die off by attrition? Move to Belarus …:-D … ?
On my part, as sick as I’m of the COVID bullshit, and as sick as I’ve been for decades, perhaps my whole life, of people’s ignorance, I’m starting to get a bit sick of the incessant reiteration that COVID lies don’t add up. They don’t because they’re lies. Time to use our brainpower to figure out what to focus on in the future.
Re: “It’s also obvious that healthcare as a whole has been hijacked.”
Health was hijacked as soon as it got institutionalised and corporatised under the label of “healthcare”. I want a national medical service; and for government to set and enforce regulations concerning areas such as medicines, treatments, food standards, environmental pollution, etc. But my health is my business and nobody else’s.
Bernie Sanders mentioned a national health care system and you lot went apeshit with how much it would cost etc and it was socialism communism crap
instead your boy trump did the biggest bailout in history
for his billionaire friends and you got 1200$
Spot on. The biggest problem we have now is that there is no unifed «common People” or “for the people” movement which can mobilize the herd to revolt against our incompetent and corrupt elites. If that happened, the elites would be toast overnight. Which is why they have systematically dismantled “the left” and made it a hollow shell of identity politics, “green” agenda and “woke” nonsense. Not sure what the solution is, but defragmentising the people into a unified movement is the way to get there.
There is no unified “common people” or “for people” because there is no “for”. I guess there might be some fringe movements proposing a holistic way of life but nothing like that is in the open, the dichotomies in the public space are completely false, essentially total bullshit, most of them artificially manufactured along the most phantasmagorical lines. Precisely for the reason to atomize society, to make them argue about meaningless horseshit, to prevent anyone from proposing visions that would be inconsistent with the PTB’s.
I’m afraid that arguing about COVID-19 is a part of that too. At least to an extent. People are fiercely arguing about such complete horseshit as face masks or lockdowns or the non-fucking-existent virus itself or the completely useless P-fucking-CR tests, and we’re missing the bigger picture. The dystopia that’s setting in. Well, most people present here are not missing it, but all of the masked zombies are missing it.
I, for one, have always rejected most of the commonplace dichotomies, such as left vs. right or liberal vs. conservative. They make sense neither in theory nor in practice. It’s all smokescreen. They’re an agenda set by those who want to control.
Judicious people need to set their own agenda. Propose the issues they want to discuss and the way they want them discussed. Fuck the official narratives. We must stop responding to where the MSM and their puppeteers are leading us. Fuck all of them. We need to create a parallel world (not sure how … 😀 …). Those who stay in the status quo, it’s there prerogative. They can cook themselves in their own juice.
Under barrage of thousands of times repeated lies we have to repeat the truth once a while so lie will not become the truth as Goebbels asserted. Truth must spread among people by ways of rational skeptical thinking and analyzing, scrutinizing evidences by people themselves.
I’m afraid that this is far from being enough.
First of all, the truth won’t reach most people at the level where they would actually embrace it Second of all, even if it does, people won’t do anything about it. Because they don’t know what.
The only thing that has any potential to avoid dystopia and make the world better is to formulate an alternative. All of us have tragically failed to do so in the past decades because liberal democracy was in theory an acceptable state of affairs. But we’ve neglected to address the fact that it’s been corrupted to an untold extent, and we’ve tragically failed to formulate a vision of the world for the digital era. We don’t have an alternative (the m-effers behind COVID do – they want to enslave humanity, possibly kill off a substantial portion of it, etc.).
The only way out of this is to formulate something better, propose it to people, motivate them to fight for it.
The people that are close to me that I feel I’ve had a breakthrough with regards to explaining what’s really going on that seem to understand it seem to regress everytime I meet them again.
The fear talk comes back like a unconscious reaction. It can be deflating to be honest.
You have to possess critical thinking, it can’t be handed to you.
For me, what’s happening is deja vu.
Having grown up in a Second World country, I didn’t experience first hand the initial implementation of totalitarianism, but I could see the consequences some 20-30 years later.
EVERYBODY knew that just about everything claimed with regard to what they called “communism” was a crock of shit – apart from a handful of deluded idealists whom, incidentally, the establishment ignored like it did everybody else. Everybody complained, everybody had 1000+1 explanations why this and that and the other thing sucked, but everybody obediently followed the script. The few people who were a tad too vocal were put in prison or lunatic asylum, kicked out of work, prevented from studying, which included their kids, kinda the stuff that we’re starting to see now. Otherwise, the establishment didn’t give a flying fuck about people complaining.
It ended because there was a better alternative.
We ain’t got one. At best, we can aspire to go back to the previous status quo. Not very wise since that’s what got us where we are in the first place.
Better alternative.
In the early 1990s, I read a story in the Daily Mail, not known as a bastion of Communism. A British paedophile had been discovered going to the Czech Republic. Prague in particular had become a centre of sex tourism and the paedophile had discovered that boys there could be purchased by buying them Nike trainers. It is unlikely he was the only one.
Funny, I moved to Prague sometime during the 1990s. To say that it had become a center of sex tourism is a bit exaggerated.
Anyway, what exactly are you trying to say, that life under the totalitarian so-called communist regime was the better alternative to the freedom people got in the 1990s? If so, then excuse me, but you’re out of your mind.
Depends what you think freedom is. Freedom for a paedophile to go on a journey behind the former Iron Curtain and for a Czech boy to obtain some Nikes. But to paraphrase what someone once said, there’s no such thing as a free pair of Nikes.
The fall of the Wall etc. resulted in an explosion of prostitution, sex tourism and sex trafficking from the entire former Eastern bloc. You can see this in a Swedish film like “Lilya 4Ever”, (2002) partly filmed in Estonia.
Another newspaper item, I think from The Financial Times, concerned a Romanian woman who had got a job with a financial firm in the City of London. However, because she was from the other side of the Curtain it seems various males at the firm assumed that she was a prostitute, because this is the stereotype about young-ish women from the former Iron Curtain countries. It became an industrial tribunal case – I don’t know the outcome. A post-Ceausescu Romanian woman was free to travel to London and work there and it seems her employers were equally free to assume she was a harlot. A poet once wrote, “They call this freedom, but it is a sad state of affairs under the stars.”
I may be out of my mind, after six weeks in lockdown. But I don’t feel so free in the “free world”.
A few months ago, one of my colleagues really perked up when I expressed my scepticism about the corona-nonsense. He was starting to have some doubts, and seemed relieved that someone else was questioning things, too. We’ve talked about it many times since then, and he’d always seemed to pay attention what I was saying.
However, when I went into work for yesterday’s shift, what did I find? His name on the list of people who’ve been booked in to get the vaccine. FFS.
Fact: we are all subjects of criminal medical experimentations now.
Nuremberg code addresses issue of overwhelming state coercion in context of medical experimentation and declares that such coercion removes possibility of obtaining free informed consent and even if it is given it is illegal, invalid to justify medical experimentation, making it a crime. There is no free choice in the totalitarian state we live in, there is no avenue for reforms certainly not within fraudulent political framework.
One must make Difficult decision to overthrow system completely including those things people were conditioned to like about it, Or it will proceed on its course toward more stringent social control.
Your colleague is a victim of a crime of illegal medical experimentation and we here simply refused to be victims of criminal coercive powers of state.
I will refuse the vaccine, but I have been taking a ”Covid” test at work every week for the past few months. I assumed that the company would sack me if I refused the tests. The people I work for are insane; totally obsessed with making money (above all other considerations), and extremely devious and ruthless when it comes to the way they treat the people who work for them.
From your description of your employer, I conclude that, tragically, you are condemned to drudge for capitalists. My condolences!
They’re the worst kind of capitalist wankers, Ort. Somebody recently pointed out to me that some of these companies are owned by hedge funds, which would explain their complete disregard for the people for whom they’re supposed to be caring. They profit from people’s spiritual distress, which makes them the lowest of the low.
Facebook goes insane after Apple pushes back against scraping of user data. Changes default settings to lock out Facebook.
Zuckerberg screams (it’s a virtual scream. Lizards don’t scream much) that the Internet is gonna get expensive if he can’t scrape and sell all your data.
He sells you and he buys your democracy: Zuckerberg-Chan spent $400 million to swing the elections. As George Carlin said, “they own you.”
It would behoove everyone to close their FB account and tell Zuckerberg to go fuck himself. I’ve done that after using FB for a few years, finding it much more detrimental than beneficial.
Everyone with their head on screwed right should make an effort to convince fellow human beings to seek une raison d’etre other than hooking oneself to the virtual world and allowing their brain the be inundated with horseshit.
The war on protein: beef production closing down, soybean shortage, fires in the hen house.
Ice Age Farmer: 250k Hens Perish in Fire – Royal Navy to Defend Fishing Waters – “Explosive” Soybean Situation
Coincidentally, what’s at stake here, meat, fish and eggs, is central to the population’s health. A healthy diet with oily fish, red meat, liver, and whole eggs will contribute to your Vit D intake.
What the billionaires are doing, IMO, is taking our food and our health – so they can sell it back to us in the form of artificial food and vaccines.
Once they have cleared the land and oceans for their own safari parks and nature reserves at our expense (taxes & subsidies for the privilege of eating less and using less fuel) under the guise of green wokery, they will come up with a nutritious pill for those of us still here, at the taxpayer’s expense, once again.
And vitamin A, which is equally important. Vitamins A and D work in synergy.
See for example, “Vitamin K2 and The Calcium Paradox”, by Kate Rhéaume-Bleue which is mostly about vitamin K2 and vitamin D, but also has useful information about the relationship between A, D, K2 and calcium.
See especially chapter 7.
They extract valuable components to sell as luxuries, health supplements or medicines, e.g. from milk, wheat, rice and soya. In some cases, though it would do you good directly, a portion of the food becomes fodder. After such “reconstitution”, synthetic vitamins added to rectify a food may be harmful. Some “fibre” added back is sawdust.
The total number of deaths in Belarus till now is about 1300 (see Johns Hopkins University). Population of U K is about six times greater than Belarus and total deaths are about 67,000 . But if the death rate in the UK was the same as Belarus, then the UK would have about 78,000 dead, 11,000 more deaths than it, in fact, has. So it looks like lockdowns work.
Lets see 6 x 1300=7,800. No wonder they got you fooled. You should apply for job with sage.
1300 x 6 = 7800 – 59200 less people would have died
– if lockdown and other official measures were the only factors to account for. But there are many more factors to consider: general health of population, demographics (old vs. young), dietary habits, climate and environment (pollution), vaccinations, …
Bold !
Is this delusional bias mathematics being displayed?
Why can’t I edit my comment
Here is a list of studies which prove that lockdowns do not work. This in addition to the empirical evidence that “cases” are increasing DESPITE lockdowns…..
All data regarding covid is meaningless.
It’s all based on PCR test.
The PCR test they’re using has been scientifically proven to be meaningless.
Phantastron you obviously know nothing of maths and are happy to let the world know of your ignorance. However, your skills in bold text forces me to assume you are either a senior politician or equally senior special scientific advisor to the prime minister, no less?
Ah! A Neil Ferguson pupil, I presume!
Awaiting an article on the latest bullshit from the gov., expecting massive response….
And, Researcher, can you provide an article on viruses that can be understood by the masses, to circulate ? Be great if you could..
Global Covid Report
The mainstream journalists in australia are excelling themselves:
“NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says there has been no evidence of mass seeding outside of the Northern Beaches at this stage as restrictions are introduced for residents of Greater Sydney.”
What is ‘mass seeding’???
Some crap they made up to scare the sheep shitless, and have them on their knees begging for the jab. Mass seeding.
Yep, got me scared.
“Mass seeding”? Sounds like the behaviour of heterosexual teenagers on Friday night. Although it used to be called the “meat market”.
I had a similar thought. Many euphemisms are gradually perceived as too direct, and new euphemisms are coined to replace them.
So I assumed that “mass seeding” is the replacement for the existing euphemism “nocturnal emission”.