Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS: #1 – those Toyota trucks
Part 1 of our “ISIS” series. Part 2 can be seen here
ISIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys. Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places. A horde poised to be unleashed on the innocent everywhere. They merge in the Jungian western mind with race memories of the Saracen, that other convenient boogey man from a previous and ultimately ill-fated bid to make strategic conquest into a moral Crusade. Fear is the message. And it works.
As with most official narratives, the ISIS trope is left largely unexamined by mainstream media, while at the same time being used as a major motivation for continued and increasing war in the Middle East. Given the growing chaos in the region, now spreading to Yemen, and the increasingly blurry role ISIS would appear to be playing, as media fear-porn, war-provocateur and enemy of western enemies, we’ve decided to do a short series asking some of the largely un-addressed questions about these people, and who may be offering them direct or indirect support.
How did ISIS acquire those matching Toyota trucks?
The official story is ISIS stole them from the “Good Terrorists”, (Al Nusra), who were originally given their cool wheels by the US government. Which would seem to beg a couple of enquiries. Not least of which is – why are the US giving any terrorists matching fleets of luxury SUVs? And for that matter, how many fleets are we talking about?
The bronze one?

The white-ish one without logos?

The white one with logos?

Or the silver and black one?

We note ISIS seems reluctant to mix and match its various models. Though occasionally a rogue makes it through…

So, exactly how many trucks did the US supply? Where are ISIS currently garaging this impressive collection? And why do they all have to be Toyotas? Is it a terrorist thing, or simply a US Govt preference? Do Toyota mind the brand-association? Or the fact that so many of the ISIS drive-by photo-ops look like perverted car ads?
Which brings us to a truck-related question:
Who takes the photos?
Specifically – who takes those PR style pics of the matching fleets sailing by, replete with gun-toting, flag-waving terrorists leaning out of every window? Are they just being caught in transit by various opportunist photographers? Or are they pre-planned drive-buys for the purpose of publicity?
If the former, then do ISIS travel everywhere like that – with guys leaning out the windows holding massive ISIS flags? Wouldn’t that slow them down and also make them really easy to identify and take out?
If the latter – who is handling their publicity?
Did they make this video?
Is it by any chance the same people who keep giving them free cars?
Part 2 – how does ISIS (allegedly) smuggle one MILLION dollars worth of oil into Turkey every day?
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“And why do they all have to be Toyotas?”
So they can paint out the TOs and the TAs. You never been to the Carolinas?
“…do ISIS travel everywhere like that – with guys leaning out the windows holding massive ISIS flags? Wouldn’t that slow them down and also make them really easy to identify and take out?”
Yes, but the US doesn’t include the gun racks.
One simple question. Who is buying oil from ISIS?
The Turkish !
And Russia. Of course.
Russia sells oil, it doesn’t buy it.
Sorry, Russia sells oil, of course, but ALSO buys cheap oil to sell it too.
Any evidence to back it up ?
Many, for example : Israel through Turkey, Saudi arabi ، Emarat, Qatar, Jordan
ISIS, dirty Goat’s Fcukers works for States. US supply them by guns, cars, money. US use them as a weapon against Arabia S. OilWar!!! It’s all states fault .
If we want to defeat ISIS and prevent them from taking more territory, can’t we just get Toyota to issue a product recall for all Landcruiser and Hilux models ? Why haven’t the CIA thought of this ?
China might be supplying them, as part of their relentless anti-Japanese propaganda.
The ISIS folks are evil and smart, the know to use the best, most reliable vehicles made (Toyota Land Cruiser pick ups and Toyota Hilux pick ups) those trucks are indestructible (maybe a missile will kill it)
So, do they put in bulk orders for the various fleets? To whom? From where? And I wonder who does the stencilled evil logos on the hoods. Maybe the same team who do their green screen work and handle their oil-drilling technology. You have to be a jack of all trades to be a terrorist these days.
That’s why they are evil, they got money, probably send regular looking folks who support them to buy them and probably have a paint shop who also supports them.
Keep in mind.. None of those trucks are available to US buyers.. Those are Hilux trucks not Tacomas.. Those “groups” have always found the Toyotas because they could take the torture and abuse without losing the dependability. But the trucks they’re driving didn’t go through a US dealer.
there is even a TOYOTA ISIS
in english…
Israel. Isis only attacks christians and muslims.
ISIS doesn’t attack Jews because, as you may have noticed, Jews are rare in the Middle East, at least outside Israel.
Here’s another thought: Israel-CIA-Saudi Arabia.
Palestinians are the latest victims of ISIS, which serves the interests of the above triumvirate.
What about all the American flags that get burnt or the orange jumpsuits. Where do they get all them from? Find out who is buying them and you will find Isis.
i think the point is that “we” know exactly where they are; the further implication is that “we” helped get them there; they are “our” current convenient boogeymen & “our” justification for doing pretty much whatever our Prez deems necessary to protect “our interests” in the region, whether Congress or “the American people” approve or not!
Interest question. Orange jump suits are worn by prisoners in the USA, but nowhere else. Draw your own conclusions.
InterestING. Bloody productive test 🙁
you begin with
“ISIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys. Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places. A horde poised to be unleashed on the innocent everywhere. They merge in the Jungian western mind with race memories of the Saracen, that other convenient boogey man from a previous and ultimately ill-fated bid to make strategic conquest into a moral Crusade. Fear is the message. And it works.”
is this the journalism that you purport to in your sanctimonious blurb on your home page ?
you then continue
“As with most official narratives, the ISIS trope is left largely unexamined by mainstream media”
what sort of examination would you like ?
are we to disregard their home movies of beheadings and crucifixions ?
are they not doing unspeakably ghastly things ?
is this all just a ‘convenient bogyman’ created by the western powers and their mainstream media lapdogs (as opposed to your noble journalism) ?
do you really believe that they “merge in the Jungian western mind with memories of the saracen” (what exactly is a Jungian western mind ?), or is that just your juvenile attempt at journalism ?
your writing does little to conceal your sense of superiority, your notion that you are enlightening an ignorant western world who are all dupes to the lies of the mainstream media.
so you “decided to do a short series asking some of the largely un-addressed questions about these people, and who may be offering them direct or indirect support.”
you really think no one has looked at where these folk get their funding or equipment ?
your first probing question is
“How did ISIS acquire those matching Toyota trucks?”
they are loaded. they have huge amounts of money. they control oil fields and sell vast amounts of oil for vast amounts of money.
how hard do you think it would be for them to get an order of trucks from a neighboring country ?
do you think that car dealerships care who is buying their trucks ?
your other probing questions…..
who is taking the photos ?
Is that really a serious question.
who gives a fuck who is taking the photos.
they have made videos of beheadings and sent them out on line.
is taking some snapshots then proof of some conspiracy with a colluding western power ?
and they are waving flags, another point you raise to question whether we are being duped and given “official narrative”.
all but 2 of your pictures show them in towns, parading triumphantly. that is what armies do when they want to show their strength.
all invading or occupying armies do this.
what a stupid article.
So which government pays you to troll for them? You show extreme naivety despite your obvious skills at debate, I don’t believe you are a credible commenter. You will never succeed in misleading anyone with even half a brain, only idiots that have been totally indoctrinated to the idea that the western powers are always the good guys would agree with you.
ISIS are a false flag outfit set up by the US in the first place. As for the atrocities they commit, they pale in comparison to the horrific automated mass murder of civilians that the US and their allies engage in every single day.
Dear John,
Have you asked or do you know anyone who has asked the Toyota car dealerships in neighbouring countries like Iraq and Turkey who their best customers are and seen the invoices and the invoice amounts for the quantities sold?
But who is buying the oil and why isn’t is possbie to just, you know, bomb the oil tankers?
For the desert. Toyota and Nissan are the best cars. They are 4×4 wheel cars and they are not very expensive (i would not fit them on SUV type, for me a SUV is more urban… not this type of cars I see on the pictures). 2) Money, as you may know, ISIS has stolen some petrol stations all along his “empire”. They are selling this stolen petrol to other companies… they also receive donations from people that trust them… for example, muslim (the ones they like ISIS, of course, not all of them) workers on USA or any other country in the world. To shoot good pictures? Well, the last data’s I read, nearly 30 or 40% of ISIS are Occidental young guys that went there to have a “cool and funny experience”, something they have learn’t during his years at school, it’s not hard to take them. (And of course, for sure ISIS has a community manager).
It does make you wonder – the world is a scary place, full of treachery and corruption at high levels – but then, it always has been.
Reblogged this on auntyuta.
Excellent article.And a very interesting question.To expand on that.Did they buy those trucks in the ME (and if so where).Or were they shipped in by the US government.And how,by plane,by ship,and why did no one notice all those trucks coming in.Also,how much did they cost the US taxpayers.And then there is the question of the weapons to ask.
Here is my thinking on this mess.The ISIS were said to have 20-30 thousand fighters at best.No air force,and no one says about tanks and artillery.So why are armies that number 5-6 times their numbers.And equipped with planes,tanks,artillery,etc,not crushing them like a bug.I doubt it is the “excellence” of US training preventing that.Are their numbers much higher than we are told.And if so where do they come from.Do they have much more equipment than we are told.And if so,did they get that also from Uncle Sam,this mess stinks to high heaven.
The problem with fighting these kinds of wars I believe, is that they aren’t targeting just the military of the many countries at war against them, but They are targeting the civilians from those country’s as well. If all these countries went in all guns blazing, the ISIS group would retaliate in suicidal bombings or planned attacks aimed directly at civilians instead of the armies against them. They want society in general to fear them. This isn’t a military against military typical war.
Last I looked Toyota sales in the ME was at 7%. Time to grow that. lol
Superb! Exactly the work our MSM should be doing — and the questions they should have started asking months and years ago!