DPR captured nearly 500 pieces of Ukrainian army equipment in Debaltsevo

In Donetsk, local workers restore seemingly “dead” enemy equipment in secret factories. (Photo: Alexander Kots, Dmitry Steshin)
29th of April, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya.
The DPR militia captured and removed nearly 500 pieces of Ukrainian army’s equipment in the Debaltsevo pocket after it liberated the city, the DPR Defense Ministry spokesperson Eduard Basurin told journalists today.
“Our engineering units found and removed 471 pieces of military equipment, of which 198 units were in good working order,” – Eduard Basurin said, commenting on Kiev’s statements that the Debaltsevo pocket allegedly didn’t exist.
In particular, the DPR militia removed from Debaltsevo: 58 tanks (15 operable), 14 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers (nine operable), 6 D-30 howitzers (all operable), 13 2A65 MSTA-B howitzers (all operable), 3 BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers (2 operable).
“After restoration and rehabilitation all Ukrainian equipment will equip our units, and we’ll use those not repairable as a source of spare parts. There are still significant numbers of Ukrainian weapons and equipment scattered near Debaltsevo, but most of it is actually only useless junk. Some we can use for future mine clearance activities, but all we can do with the rest is to scrap it,” – Eduard Basurin said. […]
DAN news via Truth about situation in Ukraine
Related: “The Ukrainian Army is Our Biggest Supplier” — Inside the Rebels’ Tank Repair Facility at Russia Insider
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