Video: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights run by immigrant from his UK home

RT reports:
Many western media outlets have frequently been relying on one information source for facts about the death toll in Syria – The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was founded in May 2006 and It’s run by one man only – Rami Abdul Rahman, who’s a Syrian immigrant to the UK and is based in his two bedroom home in Coventry. RT travelled to the midlands, to find the headquarters of the observatory, and investigate more.
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These supposedly independent organisations / individuals like this chap and Bellingcat are obviously paid to put out propaganda. They share the same
as the mainstream media which does not question them
Reblogged this on wgrovedotnet and commented:
We know that the Syrian Human Rights Observatory has been posting false accusations and photos but this chap is working under a different title. One of my bloggers in Syria has denounced the SHRO time and again and she knows what the organisation is up to because she gets regular battlefield reports from the field. The SHRO gave false evidence at the UN – again, relying on photos taken elsewhere and misrepresented as Assad’s doing rather than the Israeli or terrorists. Would love to disconnect this chap – from his body as well as his server.