CNN deleted the poll that showed Sanders won the debate
This screen grab from the CNN website was sent in by one of our readers. It really says it all…

So, any guesses as to who has been pre-selected to be the 45th President of the United States? Those honest and incorruptible electronic voting machines have probably already been calibrated.
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Snopes is BS.
Bernie Sanders has been pre-selected to be President. They just don’t want to make it obvious. Email scandal is far from over and Trump does not have the GOP nomination and might have to run independent before it is all over. Nice entertaining puppet show to entertain the masses.
This sort of thing always happens before and during the primaries. In November 2007 Dennis Kucinich took part in a public TV debate of all Democratic presidential candidates (Obama, Clinton, Edwards, Biden, the whole … lot). The debate was hosted by CNN and broadcast live nation wide. Directly after the debate CNN conducted a quick poll among TV viewers which revealed that more than 70% found Kucinich’s answers the most honest and the most convincing, leaving Obama, Clinton and the rest trailing far behind. It must have been at that point that corporate America decided to put a spoke into Kucinich’s campaign. Before the New Hampshire primary in January 2008 another public TV debate of all candidates was scheduled, this time hosted by Disney Corporation’s ABC which was openly backing Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Shortly before the broadcast ABC told Kucinich that they wouldn’t let him take part in the debate. It was as simple as that. Consequently Kucinich withdrew his candidacy a short while later.
The Democratic Party has a history of subverting the campaigns of their own candidates (Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Dennis Kucinich …) if they are not to the liking of the party’s business sponsors. The few good people who occasionally stand for election rarely get anywhere in this party. And even if they win the primaries, as George McGovern did in 1972, the American electorate can be relied upon to preferring the warmonger, the liar, the fraud, the phony (Nixon) over a man of integrity and political ideas that could have changed the course of history. It’s hopeless, really.
This is not true.
Of course Killary has been preselected to be the president, but then Bernie Sanders was never anything but a gatekeeper for her anyway, his only function being to head off Chafee and other real challengers. But it is totally untrue that CNN deleted the poll.
One has to ask of course why CNN imagines the “experts'” opinions count more than those of the people who will actually vote.
you can bank on it I c the same shinanangons that Occurred when Bush Jr ran and the B.S that happened in Florida Jebs state where he was governor at the time. Yesterdays news gets wrapped in todays fish. Remember they did it to Ron Paul he would have easily won the republican nomination if it wasnt for the MSM manipulation of facts and fabrication of facts. The emperor really has no clothes its only a matter of time.