Iraq Rebuffs Washington, Rejecting US Ground Troops

by Vaska

Baghdad has not asked — and does not need — United States ground troops to assist it in its fight against Islamic State in Iraq, Saad Haithi, spokesman for the Prime Minister Haider Abadi, said Wednesday.

Two days ago, on October 27, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter had suggested that the Pentagon may now be considering ground attacks against ISIL in Iraq.

“This is an Iraqi affair and the government did not ask the U.S. Department of Defense to be involved in direct operations,” Saad Hadithi told NBC News, adding that Baghdad has “enough soldiers on the ground.”

In international law, as Hadithi pointed out, the United States is required to coordinate with Baghdad any military activity in the country, including the airstrikes the US and its coalition partners are currently conducting against ISIL targets on Iraqi soil.

The rebuff from Baghdad comes as yet another humiliation for Washington, as it coincides with Jordan’s decision to co-operate with Russian air strikes in Syria directed at ISIL bases and weapons facilities there.


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Oct 30, 2015 1:32 AM

Reblogged this on Siem Reap Mirror.

Oct 29, 2015 8:51 PM

Ashton Carter thinks the US may now be considering ground attacks on Iraqi soil does he? Well Iraq does not, and according to International Law, the US have no legal right to attack anything on Iraqi soil, so they can just bugger off back home and stay the hell away. As for ex Mossad and Israeli Kurds currently killing Christians and Muslims alike, they too should heed the message. They are trespassing on Iraqi soil and Russia and any allies of Iraq invited to help take back the country from ANY terrorists, will be quite at liberty to kill enemy combatants, including Israelis. Which means that all those lands the Israeli “ex” Mossad and Kurds took from Chaldean Christians in the areas around Nineveh currently up for sale (according to Ma’an) to wealthy Jews back in Israel, will have lost their money. How sad eh?

Oct 29, 2015 8:48 PM

Reblogged this on wgrovedotnet and commented:

Ashton Carter thinks the US may now be considering ground attacks on Iraqi soil does it? Well Iraq does not, and according to International Law, the US have no legal right to attack anything on Iraqi soil, so they can just bugger off back home and stay the hell away. As for ex Mossad and Israeli Kurds currently killing Christians and Muslims alike, they too should heed the message. They are trespassing on Iraqi soil and Russia and any allies of Iraq invited to help take back the country from ANY terrorists, will be quite at liberty to kill enemy combatants, including Israelis. Which means that all those lands the Israeli “ex” Mossad and Kurds took from Chaldean Christians in the areas around Nineveh currently up for sale (according to Ma’an) to wealthy Jews back in Israel, will have lost there money. How sad eh?

Adam Baum
Adam Baum
Oct 29, 2015 4:39 PM

I saw this coming when the Russians established it’s blind airspace jamming technology. All the US wants out of the middle-east is based on maintaining arms sales and control over the oil and heroin market…http://govoutlawgenocide.blogspot.com/2015/10/from-war-on-terror-to-war-for-resources.html

Oct 29, 2015 4:21 PM

Abadi is under pressure to drop the US altogether, as their forces believe the US is playing both sides, arming ISIS whilst pretending to be their enemy.There’s enough evidence out there to say they may well have a point

If he is forced out he could well be replaced by somebody who will formerly ask Russia to take on the role of Air Force