UN’s Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Western ‘Assad Must Go’ Demand

Children in Syria
Sputnik International reports:
The Western demand that Syria’s Assad must step down is irresponsible and has resulted in millions of refugees, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned Western countries’ demand that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad step down before any resolution to the Syrian conflict can be made, in an interview to Spanish newspapers published on Saturday.
Ban came out in support of the Russian position to solve the Syrian crisis, in which Assad’s future is determined in elections. Ban also noted that stalling by Western countries, which insist that Assad cannot be part of the transition process or future election, has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of refugees due to delays in negotiations.
“The future of President Assad must be decided by the Syrian people. It is totally unfair and unreasonable one person takes the whole political negotiation process hostage,” Ban told El Mundo.
The US softened its stance on Assad remaining in power through the transitional period briefly before the negotiations. It does maintain that Assad cannot take part in elections afterwards as a precondition to further negotiations.
“The Syrian government insists that President Assad should be part of [the transitional government]; many countries, particularly the West, say that there is no place for him,” Ban said.
“Because of this we have lost three years, with more than 250,000 dead, more than 13 million people, over half of the population, is displaced inside Syria in urgent need of humanitarian aid, more than 50% of hospitals, schools and infrastructure have been destroyed,” he added.
Syrian conflict talks in Vienna concluded on Friday with a tentative agreement on a ceasefire and a transitional government, although further agreements are stalled because of disagreements over the Syrian president’s fate.[…]
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Ban ki-Moon is a Washington puppet, and if he appears to be taking an anti-Washington stance then that is because it is what Washington wants him to do, perhaps to preserve an impression that he is an impartial arbiter. In fact, he consistently comes down on the side of Washington and that’s why he is in the position he is.
All countries and powers opposed to the American plan for Syria – partition and the appointment of a hand-picked government of exiles – must continue to resist and must not back away from elections in Syria without externally-imposed preconditions. Washington insists Assad cannot stand for election because it knows very well he would win. Therefore, it intends to subvert the will of the Syrian people, and install a government receptive to American ideas which are purely in its own interests.
Nothing Ban ki-Moon says should be taken seriously, least of all because it sounds reasonable and as if he has come to his senses at last – he has not.
Ban’s stance may also reflect divisions within Washington over the current Syria policy. A faction could be using him as a mouthpiece to discredit their opponents. I think we can be sure there’s fierce in-fighting going on in the US power structure atm.
This is how the US takes over countries. The same formula was used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. Slowly taking over one more piece of the middle eastern puzzle. They enter these countries through mercenaries. People hired to wage war against whichever governments they want out. When the leader of the country fights back, the media picks it up and says that they are killing their own people, so we have to go in as a “humanitarian” effort. Obviously everyone’s aware of their formula. Great civilizations have always existed through history, but just like the changing of the seasons, all things eventually just come to an end.
Ha. Compare this with theguardian’s direct lies here:
First they say:
“The UN secretary general told that Guardian that Russia and China should “look beyond national interest” and stop blocking security council action on the conflict in Syria as the flow of refugees to Europe reaches unprecedented levels.”
And then, in the same piece:
“Although Ban did not name Russia and China, the two countries have on several occasions blocked resolutions critical of the Syrian government”.
Took Ban Ki Moon a long time to speak up in defence of the rights of Surian people to decide their own fate.
He should now condemn America, Turkey, the gulf states, and israel for outside interference and prolonging the conflict.
[…] Source: UN’s Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Western ‘Assad Must Go’ Demand […]
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Maybe light at the end of the tunnel after all
A military revolt against the plan of the Obama administration to launch a potentially disastrous attack against Syria is gathering pace, with two senior officers and members of scheduled services who express their vehement opposition to what the United States s ‘entangled in the conflict. The reaction began to spread on social media yesterday with many military posting pictures of themselves holding up signs saying they would refuse to fight on the same side as Al Qaeda in Syria. Others have posted their photos on Twitter with the hashtag #IdidntJoin.