Syria: “Moderate rebels” put women in cages to protect themselves from airstrikes (updated w/ video)

In order to deter the Syrian and Russian Air Forces inside the East Ghouta (collection of farms) region of rural Damascus, the U.S. backed moderate rebels from “Jaysh Al-Islam” (Army of Islam) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have placed kidnapped Alawite women in cages to protect themselves from airstrikes.
The U.S. backed Syrian Opposition’s social media activists posted the photos of the six kidnapped Alawite women on Twitter, adding their extra commentary that included sectarian insults to degrade the helpless women and taunt the Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad.
This is not the first time that the U.S. backed moderate rebels have used the Syrian people as human shields in order to deter airstrikes; however, this blatant disregard for human life has contradicted their alleged ethos to protect the Syrian people and put an end to the government of Dr. Bashar Al-Assad.
The six women were not identified by the U.S. backed moderate rebels, but they were described by the aforementioned Islamists as Alawites, per their sectarian insults they directed towards the kidnapped civilians.
Last month, the U.S. backed moderate rebels posted pictures that displayed their fighters posing with the mutilated heads of deceased Syrian soldiers; these pictures were followed with multiple videos from the Islamists that contained death threats to the Alawite Muslims of Syria.
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[…] November 2016 Max Blumenthal unexpectedly ‘broke’ the news of Jaish al Islam using caged captives as human shields, a story which had been given wide coverage in corporate and social media a full year […]
[…] November 2016 Max Blumenthal unexpectedly ‘broke’ the news of Jaish al Islam using caged captives as human shields, a story which had been given wide coverage in corporate and social media a full year […]
[…] November 2016 Max Blumenthal unexpectedly ‘broke’ the news of Jaish al Islam using caged captives as human shields, a story which had been given wide coverage in corporate and social media a full year […]
The only news outlets that have reported this story are Alex Jones’ infowar, Russian-owned sputnik news, and off-guardian. I think I will look for news elsewhere.
Who faked the videos and where? And got activists to say the same to mainstream news outlets left and right?
an activist told Al-Jazeera “most people decided to place those prisoners from the Alawite sect and high-ranking regime officers in cages so they can taste our misery” HRW’s Ken Roth said rebels “stoop to the level of Assad.”
As AFP reported, the opposition SOHR heard that said “most” of the caged people “were kidnapped by Jaish al-Islam two years ago outside Adra al-Ummaliyah, a regime-held neighbourhood in Eastern Ghouta.”
“the men and women in the cages were detained during battles in Ghouta and Adra.”
Al-Monitor report May 2015 “the Al-Baton jail reportedly held a few hundred women and children taken prisoner from the Adra al-Omalia area. The men who had been taken alongside them are believed to have been executed.”
Don’t worry, HRW et al. never confirmed any JaI massacre in Adra on December 11, 2013. Activists say it was a “battle.”
I question if these are actual Alawite women. Why?? Most Alawite women do not wear the conservative full head covering in public, or most times — no head covering at all. Therefore, I believe these Sunni women are being used (or paid) to be in the cages as a media ploy.
Not a popular thought but a smart one. (I had a similar thought, still needs considered more. See here, and inviting comments: )
Ghouta? Oh, but that is where the sarin attacks occurred! Now we kniw who used it, the same low moral thugs who use women as human shields.
Indeed, some evidence already pointed to those victims being rebel prisoners gassed in basements. Hundreds of bodies seen all over Ghouta but finally gathered in, maybe originating in, Jaish al-Islam’s Douma.
[…] Originally appeared at Off Guardian […]
[…]… […]
Of course, duh … in their sectarian mind Assad/Putin won’t want to kill Alawite civilians. You don’t see them carting around Sunni civilians, who they say are the ones always targeted. But of course, now they could blow up these women and even claim them as Alawites for once just to prove that Assad/Putin don’t even care about Alawi, and they should rise up and join the rebellion. (was tried with blown-up Alawi prisoners in Aqrab in Dec. 2012 – blamed on Shabiha/Army/Air Force and used to encourage an “Alawite awakening”)
This makes sense how in rebel mythology? Russia/Syria bombs clearly target houses, hospitals, markets, etc. – in rebel statements – just to kill civilians. Opp. lists show Russian bombs have killed like 5 rebels and 200 civilians. So … this is their way of finally getting bombed, or they admit the bombers do try to avoid civilians, or what?
Reblogged this on wgrovedotnet and commented:
Terrorists hiding behind women so they won’t get hurt? What heroes they are, such brave “men” (I use the term in it’s broadest meaning) to put women they have kidnapped in harms way so they won’t have to face their enemies. What Obama no doubt calls “protecting the Syrian people” and assumes that causing terror and slaughter by his own paid terrorists is somehow justifiable. I do hope Russia and the Syrian Allies wipe out IS/FSA and all the other “moderate” terrorists. Better still, give them free passage to the US and Saudi/Turkey Arab Spring terror regimes.
Reblogged this on Susanna Panevin.