CiF responds to Cameron’s “defence review”
The Guardian is uncritically reporting a proposed £12billion increase in the UK armed services “equipment budget”, together with a package of other measures allegedly aimed at defending Britons from Russia/ISIS or whatever the bad guy du jour happens to be. This will bring the combined UK military spending on “defence equipment and support to to £178 billion, at a time when basic public services such as schools, hospitals, and even the police are being slashed to the bone in the name of “austerity.” There is also to be a 30% increase in the UK’s “counter-terrorism budget”, from £11.7 billion to £15.1 billion.
Unsurprisingly the Guardian report offers no criticism of these announcements, nor any presentation of counter-argument. Such critique is now left to the commenters on CiF, and almost never appears ATL. So, here we’ll do our bit to reverse that, and feature some of the best comments we have found on that story.

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Who said the public wants bombs not butter? Oh yeah, Herman Goering! And to keep the streets of Britain safe we need policemen not secret policemen. Secret policemen monitor the population not its criminals, which suggests the establishment fears an uprising after all the destruction they’ve brought upon society in their demand for naked profit.
Whatever forces the British send will only be be a fraction of the Russian or French military.
After what the Russians are doing to them, it’s unlikely the jihadis will even notice.
Though you would never know it from the way the British talk, in purely military terms it barely matters whether they join the fight or stay out.
So we are going to spend money we don’t currently have even though we are preparing to make even more dire cuts against the most vulnerable and to what end. Our pitiful response would be so irrelevant in terms of what it could achieve but let’s not concern ourselves with the cost in financial terms – because we are a “World Power” – a broke one!
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Whatever forces the British send will only be be a fraction of the Russian or French military.
After what the Russians are doing to them, it’s unlikely the jihadis will even notice.
Though you would never know it from the way the British talk, in purely military terms it barely matters whether they join the fight or stay out.
So we are going to spend money we don’t currently have even though we are preparing to make even more dire cuts against the most vulnerable and to what end. Our pitiful response would be so irrelevant in terms of what it could achieve but let’s not concern ourselves with the cost in financial terms – because we are a “World Power” – a broke one!
CiF is now UK Media Watch. It’s job is to create “hatred of Jewry” by labeling everyone who goes against the interests of Israel. My blog is no stranger to CiF.
David Cameron and almost entire British political sector and even Church of England is controlled by UK’s Zionist Lobby.
Head of Anglican Church, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, born into a German Jewish family, was the keynote speaker at the Board of Deputies of British Jews President’s Dinner on May 5, 2015.
In his speech, Justin Welby urged his Christian sheep to protect Jewish communities from antisemitism around the world. He said when it comes to intolerance toward other faiths – Christians are as bad at anyone at this – in fact, if I dare to be competitive, I think we’re worse.
Welby apologized to the members of UK’s Jewish Lobby for the sins the Church and Christians committed against Jews during the last 2000 years.
Welby also conveyed his disgust over one of his Bishops (Stephen Sizer) for blaming Israel for 9/11. He assured his Jewish audience that such behavior will never be tolerated as long as he leads the Church.
Last year, Welby condemned Brits protesting in front London super markets which sell Israeli products.
All good comments. All right. But mostly ignoring the elephant in the room: USA’s Mid-East policy largely coincides with Israel’s foreign policy (and some say it’s the tail wagging the dog); and that is to keep all Israel’s neighbours/enemies in a state of perpetual chaos/insurrection – if they can’t topple said governments first.
And it appears that Cameron is fully signed-up to this agenda.
God, went to CIF today, most are babbling on about Isis the lack of understanding when it comes to the history of the modern Middle East is absolutely terrifying.
It’s like a collective denial of where the petrol comes from. I mean – we all know our gas comes from there. We all know that the big oil companies act above the law and we all know that we keep invading countries there for no good reason.
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