Six points to remember about the true origins of the Syria crisis as Europe obediently lines up for war with Russia.

As France, the UK and now Germany obediently line up for war with Russia, feel free to send these to anyone who asks you “but do you think we should just let ISIS keep beheading people?”
1. Bashar al Assad’s secular government in Syria is a major obstacle to US/NATO ambitions to fragment the Middle East, exploit its resources and further encircle Russia, as delineated in several policy documents.
2. US/NATO planned to invade Syria and remove Assad in 2013, and used his alleged use of chemical weapons in Ghouta as an excuse. But the plan was thwarted when a) the chemical weapon attacks were found to have likely been done by western-backed “rebels.” and b) Russia intervened diplomatically to negotiated the decommissioning of Syria’s chemical weapons stocks, thus making any military action unnecessary.
3. US/NATO response to this was to develop ISIS (one of their several proxy jihadist groups fighting Assad) – as a new boogeyman. To arm them and train them while simultaneously developing a fearsome media image for them, in order to eventually justify the invasion of Syria they’d been forced to abandon. This new invasion would allegedly be about defeating ISIS, but would really be a relaunch of the original plan to get rid of Assad. And in truth ISIS would be working with the US/NATO, not against them.
4. This second plan also began to unravel firstly because ISIS and the other jihadists proved less successful at defeating the Syrian army than expected and secondly because Russia unexpectedly intervened and began bombing ISIS and the other NATO-backed proxy armies in the region.
5. Facing the potential final defeat of their plan for domination in the ME the US/NATO has mobilised its sock puppet leaders in Europe to reverse their earlier and wise decisions to stay out of Syria, and send in troops to fight the Syrian Army and Russia.
6. “Our boys” will not be fighting ISIS, whatever the media may tell you. ISIS is on our side. ISIS is NATO. “Our boys” will be fighting alongside ISIS and a ragtag of mercenaries and lunatics and sociopathic mass murderers killing Syrian civilians, soldiers of the Syrian army, and maybe even Russians (all of whom are actually fighting ISIS). Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and all the other smirking morons are obediently lining up for WW3 to defend US imperialism. Because they’re too torpid, corrupt and stupid to know what they are doing.
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This is very much to the point. But there is only one thing that needs to be added.
Back in 2013, when Obama was telling the world that he would commence “limited strikes” against the “Assad regime”, the US Navy did in fact launch two Tomahawk cruise missiles towards Damascus, but the Russian navy shot them down with its own missiles (possibly with some S-300 variant)
This event, caused the NATO Alliance to back-off from direct military intervention against the “Assad regime” and responded towards Russia in the two following ways:
a) Created ISIS, as a new kid on the block to put even more pressure on the government forces of both Iraq and Syria (the two countries right in NATO crosshairs) and also for the other reasons stated above, such as making people like Al-Nusra seem moderate and also provide NATO with the justification of intervening directly or via proxy in the conflict.
b) Launched the Euro-Maidan “movement” in the Ukraine to exert severe pressure on Russia on her own doorstep.
Reblogged this on Rich Duffy and commented:
A very interesting article:
Yes, but this article goes further and suggests Putin is on board and a new phony war is about to happen. I agree b/c Putin took Snowden who is a fraud
“Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order (Addendum 2 – Alex Jones and David Icke’s role: bash the West, praise the East, sell the dialectic)
I totally agree. Even if we assess the narrative at face value, the game theory war planners, of which Israel is a world leader, would have known full well that their actions would eventually pull Russia into the fray. Putin is playing his role as the NWO foil very well.
Reblogged this on thaimilitaryandasianregion and commented:
Great article concise and short
The big winners in all of this:
The supposedly neutral press agency talks up the huge number of workers Lockheed-Martin employs at an enormous plant in Alabama – 325! This war just keeps on giving!
“…”It’s a huge growth area for us,” said one executive with a U.S. weapons maker, who was not authorized to speak publicly. “Everyone in the region is talking about building up supplies for five to ten years. This is going to be a long fight” against Islamic State…”
“…Total U.S. foreign military sales approvals surged 36 percent to $46.6 billion in the year through September 2015 from around $34 billion a year earlier. Approved sales of missiles, smart bombs and other munitions to U.S. allies jumped to an estimated $6 billion in fiscal 2015 from $3.5 billion a year earlier. This year alone, the U.S. government has approved the sale of Hellfires to South Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, France, Italy and Britain. In June, the U.S. Army said it had asked Lockheed to boost production of the Hellfire from 500 per month to 650 by November. ..”
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog.
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There are interesting facts and figures on ISIS income and expenditure at
Still waiting for our freedom-of-speech “heroes” at Charlie Hebdo to print a rib-tickling cartoon about the San Bernadino massacre…
Reblogged this on | truthaholics.
All day long they injure my cause, all their thoughts are against me for evil – where is God in all of this. Where are you?
God gave humans the world, they fucked it up, don’t go looking for God to sort the mess out, we made it, its up to us to mend it, God ain’t your Bitch.
This ‘God’ of yours: not exactly a ‘model parent’, is he?
You mean the invisible non existent magic man in the sky.
When faced with evil in this world people sometimes express themselves in modalities that protect them from the promoted athethiest perspective ; that we are random entities arrived in this planet to consume acquire and brutalise others ourselves and the planet in the unending quest to simply please ourselves. In this world there is no meaning except the satisfaction of our personal appetites and ambitions and while we are at it if we can fuck up any of the strangers surrounding us then in the this world without men in the sky this is a result?
In the age of the internet we can now effectively act out our personal agendas in anonymous ways. Gone are the days when dickheads like you needed to worry about being caught masturbating in churches at the funerals of murdered children , no you can have achieve the same effect by misquoting a line from a george carlin monologue you once heard and at the the time you thought was funny, hence cool, hence right in any and all contexts, and hence appropriate to interject into a solemn moment of reflection as many people die violently around you.
The stupidness of Western nations is mindboggling. They should all tell their “leaders” to go jump in a lake and drown. It’s so obvious how evil this stuff is. It’s always some enemy that is threatening “mankind”. B.S.
These three nations form the new Axis of Evil :
Whilst not forgetting that the entire paradign has been planned all along, using the same Kabbalistic methodology used since the dawn of Zionism and the Secret Societies …
What a lot of people need to hanged. First on the lamp post Cameron. Burn down the houses of parliament, that disgraceful symbol of double-dealing, and lets start again.
And the truth shall set you free ? I wish the sheep would read this article & realise the murderous things done in their name by Obama, Cameron, Merkel & Hollande !
Reblogged this on Siem Reap Mirror and commented:
““Our boys” will not be fighting ISIS, whatever the media may tell you. ISIS is on our side. ISIS is NATO. “Our boys” will be fighting alongside ISIS and a ragtag of mercenaries and lunatics and sociopathic mass murderers killing Syrian civilians, soldiers of the Syrian army, and maybe even Russians (all of whom are actually fighting ISIS). Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and all the other smirking morons are obediently lining up for WW3 to defend US imperialism. Because they’re too torpid, corrupt and stupid to know what they are doing.”
The glorious Guardian has just published a hugely tearjerkingly emotional front page splash online about a pretty 5 year old girl allegedly killed by indiscriminate Russian bombs including a photo of the sad wide-eyed and innocent victim.
For all its hysteria, there is not an ounce of verifiable facts in the piece, which screams propaganda, particularly as the piece claims the incident happened in October.
I refuse to believe anything in western mainstream media anymore.
It’s a carbon copy of pieces like this one from a site owned by a media mogul in the UAE:
Read the Guardian’s coverage of Labour’s victory in the Oldham byelection today, desperately trying to dismiss it as an anomaly.
Whoever (wherever) the little girl is now – with over five hundred DEAD Palestinian children (c/o ‘Israel’s’ ‘Protective Edge’ 2014, along with the thousands from Iraq 2003, waiting to say hello) she won’t be short of playmates.
Yes and the Germans ate babies in the first world war
But they did wear Gott Mit Uns on their army belt buckles.