VIDEO: The curious incident of the polonium in the nightclub – UPDATED

This short, ever so slightly tongue-in-cheek, documentary interviews material witnesses and renowned experts to probe into some of the gaping holes left in the official “explanation” of Mr Litvinenko’s murder. Read the full RI column here.

See update below video

UPDATE: After this article appeared we were contacted by one of the makers of the documentary. Apparently they have been offering segments of their work – free of charge – to every broadcasting outlet in the UK. But none of them even bothered to reply, let alone run the story.

So, what happened to balanced broadcasting guys?


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Categories: documentaries, latest
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Purely Coincidental
Purely Coincidental
Apr 20, 2016 2:37 AM

So I’m all for a little investigation to go with anything but let’s be honest it was 100 times the polonium they were talking about at a value a tens of millions of dollars. My money is on Russia.

Jan 26, 2016 12:49 PM

In isolation the allegations may have basis, however as not privy to facts I remain in ignorance. Given the disproportionate media attention, reliance upon secret testimony and quite frankly, implausible set of circumstances, how can one take this seriously? I can only conclude a clumsy, desperate fabrication by a desperate author.

Jan 26, 2016 8:19 AM

The UK is nothing but a proxy in the US war against Russia. Cameron and this foolish report on secret hearings should be embarrassed.
The report based on the lies of Russian criminals who were given asylum in the UK, the cohorts of Berehnovsky- who a judge in another case said was not to be believed.
I am getting more disgusted with the constant demonisation of putin and Russia.

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Jan 26, 2016 2:31 AM

Now, if I had me 70 Gs lying around . . . or if I knew someone who owned a textile factory . . . Hm . . . Maybe Masha knows someone who knows someone who knows someone . . .

Jan 25, 2016 10:08 PM

Reblogged this on Susanna Panevin.

Jan 25, 2016 2:24 PM

UK has zero interest in the truth !

Aug 16, 2016 12:17 PM
Reply to  leruscino

IF the truth does not support who you are invested in being and becoming – or reality as you conceive and believe it/you to be, then you will frame truth in ways that only allow inside insiders to know or speak it – with other insiders or in secret within your hidden thought – because without that ‘framing’ others cannot and will not ‘understand it’ and it will therefore have hateful or destructive outcome to your sense of self/reality. The framing is a narrative set of definitions we might call our ‘mind’ – by which to make a false reality seem self-evident, but is more like a personal sense of power and control over our consciousness – which includes intuition, feeling and sensation, as well as imagination and thought. All facets of consciousness are integral to and will reintegrate – given freedom to align in unified purpose or joy – which is inherent to Life rather than overlaid upon it as meanings of a mind apart. This sense of coercive power then operates in relation – in the world of relations – along the same lines as in our ‘conditioned’ consciousness – as manipulative and coercive – based upon a foundation in deceit – for there IS no capacity to separate from consciousness in order to be a ‘different’ or ‘other’ power acting upon it – in truth. But in the imagination and wish of such a power, is true power of desire and intention given to setting up and having the experience and exploration of a personal sense of segregative consciousness – whose asserted identity implicitly conflicts with truth and therefore denies awareness of truth, to have it’s experience or fulfilment of an idea. Whereas true fulfilment is fruited in joy, the experience of successful fragmentation results in a… Read more »