Why the Washington Power Elite Fears Trump

by Brad Benson

The recent “Open Letter”, signed by a host of self-proclaimed US “Foreign Policy Experts”, demonstrates the real reason why the Washington Power Elite is virtually apoplectic over fear of a Trump Presidency. Trump threatens to reverse many of the aggressive policies, which have been a source of fun and profit for the Beltway Establishment almost since 9/11!
Just last year, these “experts” and their media mouthpieces were anticipating an election matchup between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. This would have ensured a continuation of the murderous status quo across the Middle East and around the Globe, regardless of the election’s outcome. Instead, a “wildcard” named Trump has bucked the Republican Party, thumped his competition and now threatens to throw a wrench into the entire war machine.
Trump speaks of working with Vladimir Putin; pledges “neutrality” in regard to Israel; and promises to bring an end to our “stupid wars”. This poses a direct challenge to the power, incomes and, in some case, the entire raison d’etre of the letter’s signatories.
That Trump might usher in a new era of détente with Russia is particularly scary, since Peace Prize President Obama has quietly approved a major new nuclear rearmament program. This 30-year, $1 Trillion Nuclear Program is already well underway and is expected to rain money in both Washington and Israel for many years to come!
Still, none of this can be justified without a “New Cold War” in which Vladimir Putin is seen as the “new Hitler”, while the evil specter of the Russian Bear is once again raised to terrorize the American People into supporting nuclear rearmament for “defense”.
Much of the groundwork for this was established when Hillary Clinton’s State Department overthrew the government of The Ukraine, forcing Putin to take steps to protect his warm water naval base in the Crimea and opening the door for the West to scream “Russian Aggression!”. However, a simple handshake between Trump and Putin could put an end to the gravy train in a New York minute.
Similarly, Trump’s pronouncements on “neutrality” and “stupid wars” threaten long accepted norms of DC Beltway Groupthink in regard to “Greater Israel” and have incited a separate group of “foreign policy experts”—namely those dual citizenship Israeli/Americans who have become embedded in the Beltway Establishment and tend to place the interests of Israel over those of the US.
In regard to the “open letter”, it is fair to state that a significant number of the 121 current signers are former associates or acolytes of the now defunct foreign policy “think tank” once known as “The Project for a New American Century” (PNAC), which had its roots in an earlier Washington based Israeli Think Tank, the “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy”.
PNAC’s Year 2000 Policy Proposal entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century”, now scrubbed from the Internet, is most remembered for its reference to “a new Pearl Harbor”, which some say presaged the 9/11 Attacks. However, the real significance of this document was that the signatories were proposing a more violent new American Empire, which would engage in radical resource seizures and “regime changes” around the globe, while ruthlessly pursuing “full spectrum dominance” over technology, energy, communications and outer space.
Ironically, the “Pearl Harbor” quote was actually a lament that their hegemonic plans might never be achieved over the objections of the American Public—absent “a major polarizing event such as a new Pearl Harbor”. How stunningly propitious that 9/11 would occur less than two years later, at a time when so many of the PNAC Signatories would by then be serving in the new Bush II Administration and thus be in a position to implement their toxic policies!
Now, after nearly 15 years of war, murder and mayhem, the foreign policy experts most responsible for the carnage have brought forth their minions to make the case that Trump’s Foreign Policies would be dangerous! Moreover, lacking all sense of irony, they make their case on a Website called “War on the Rocks”—evoking an image of ‘armchair generals’ enjoying a cold drink, while playing a truly deadly ‘Game of Risk’.
Also, notably missing are the names of the original signatories from the Year 2000 PNAC Policy Document, whose very presence would raise serious flags for most Americans. These include: Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, Eliot Abrams and John “the Walrus” Bolton.
That being said, a quick glance at the signers reveals that some don’t enjoy the anonymity that they might have imagined! They are listed alphabetically for handy reference so, beginning with the first name on the list, let’s look at a few examples.
Oh! There’s Kenneth Adelman, a former member of Donald Rumsfeld’s Defense Policy Board, and a strong advocate for the aggressive war against Sadam Hussein’s Iraq. Right off the bat with the first name on the list, we’ve scored a genuine War Criminal!
Skimming down through the list, we also find:

  • Max Boot who once described his concept of foreign policy as “American might to promote American ideals.”
  • Michael Chertoff, the former Bush Homeland Security Secretary who now heads ‘The Chertoff Group’, which boasts former NSA/CIA snoop, torturer and war criminal, General Michael Hayden, as one of its associates.
  • ‘Tom’ Donnelly, a.k.a. ‘Thomas’ Donnelly, who bills himself as a “writer”, is a long time war hawk at the American Enterprise Institute and is a current “Director of Strategic Communications” for mega defense contractor Lockheed Martin.
  • Robert Kagan is a long time war hawk and was a founding member of PNAC. He authored portions of the original 2000 Policy Document and is one of the few original signatories whose name reappears in this “open letter”. Kagan’s wife, Victoria Nuland, is the State Department Official who directed the 2013 Coup d’état in the Ukraine and thus helped to create the New Cold War with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
  • Philip I. Levy is a former member of Condoleeza Rice’s Policy Planning Staff and current fellow at ‘The Chicago Council of Global Affairs’.
  • Michael B. Mukasey is a former Bush Attorney General who replaced the disgraced Alberto Gonzalez and would not renounce torture during his Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. He was approved over the strong objections of key Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, and confirmed by a vote of the full Senate. He’s now a retired Federal Judge.
  • John Noonan’s Wikipedia resume’ states, “After publishing an article on Russia’s growing sphere of influence at The Weekly Standard, he was accused of openly advocating for a renewed state of Cold War between Washington and Moscow”.
  • Michael Rubin is a former Defense Department Official who served in the ‘Coalition Provisional Authority’ during the postwar occupation of Iraq. His Wikipedia Resume’ seems to be rather sparse for someone who purports to be a foreign policy expert, but maybe he has good reason to want to cover up that history!
  • Francis I. Townsend is a former Homeland Security Advisor to George W. Bush.
  • Philip Zelikow was the ‘Executive Director’ at the 9/11 Commission, whom some have called an “avowed Zionist” and others have called “America’s Cover-up Man”.
  • Robert B. Zoellick is a former Bush Deputy Secretary of State, who has served as a managing Director of Goldman Sachs and also as the 11th President of the World Bank.

Few, if any, of these war hawks, bankers, arms dealers, torturers, armchair warriors and professional propagandists are qualified to claim the mantle of foreign policy “expert”—in any respect. In addition to their consistent adherence to conquest, war, pestilence and death in nearly every aspect of their foreign policies, none of these signers has the moral authority to ever proclaim of Donald Trump:

His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.”


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Apr 6, 2016 3:01 PM

If Trump should win the nomination and then the presidency he better not pick any of the establishment republicans as his running mate or he may find himself on day riding along in a convertible with the top down past a grassy knoll.

abinico warez
abinico warez
Apr 4, 2016 10:53 PM

Your description of these demons forgot to mention they are Satanists.

Apr 4, 2016 4:20 AM

I will vote Trump. I would NEVER vote for Hillary (40 yr criminal) or Bernie, who’s done ZERO in Congress for 25 years. Cruz is a bible-thumping LIAR who besides his 5 affairs will soon be exposed as on the D.C. madam’s list of johns.

Eurasia News Online
Eurasia News Online
Apr 1, 2016 12:45 AM

Reblogged this on Eurasia News Online.

Mar 31, 2016 11:20 PM

Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

Marc Krizack
Marc Krizack
Mar 31, 2016 9:59 PM

“Ironically, the “Pearl Harbor” quote was actually a lament that their hegemonic plans might never be achieved over the objections of the American Public—absent “a major polarizing event such as a new Pearl Harbor”.
Well, you could interpret it that way. Or, you could interpret it as the go-ahead signal for the planning and preparation for such an event. Never underestimate these neocons. Is it just a coincidence that the date was 911?
Perhaps. But perhaps not.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 2, 2016 5:13 PM
Reply to  Marc Krizack

“Is it just a coincidence that the date was 911?”
Nope. That was the 28th anniversary of the coup d’état in Chile that brought Augusto Pinochet to power. The attack on the WTC in NY is what brought the neocons to power. The ‘PATRIOT Act’ that followed established a police/surveillance state in America. In effect, the whole thing was like a palace coup. Ostensibly, we have the ‘same’ government as before, but in reality it’s a soft dictatorship that feels free to ignore the constitution at will.

PsyBorg (@PsyBorg)
PsyBorg (@PsyBorg)
Apr 2, 2016 7:04 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

The date of 9/11 is a very clever piece if memetic engineering, given that 911 is the emergency service telephone number in the USA. This created a deep and permanent association between the 911 event and the already existing “alerted attention” or hyper vigilance that people have regarding the term 911. Americans are indoctrinated with it from childhood, it pervades the media and the social sphere.
When 911 occurred I immediately suspected it was a “Reichstag Fire” event engineered by the Anglo Zionists for the furtherance of aggressive illegal wars. I also assumed that the date chosen was suggested by experts in psychology and advertising.
Israel is just the new New England Colonies.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 31, 2016 7:41 PM

I’m a Bernie Bro, so no one needs to convince me how truly abysmal Hillary Clinton is. I will never vote for her, no matter who wins the Republican Party’s nomination. For me, it’s Bernie of bust. What about Trump? I was skeptical at first, since he has no experience or track record in public life; but despite that, and despite the absurd, over-the-top media campaign against him (“HITLER!!!”), I resolved to give him a second look. At first, I saw some reason for optimism. Not only did I agree with him on immigration and “free” trade, but I was also intrigued by some of the things he was saying on foreign policy. And the fact that the whole establishment hated him–especially the neocons–really made me want to follow Trump closely. I’m glad I did, because the longer I followed him, the less impressed I was by his spiel. In addition to being bombastic and occasionally vague, he also has the unfortunate habit of contradicting himself. Nearly every time he says something sensible, he will shortly thereafter say something completely inconsistent with it. For example: not so long ago, I was delighted to hear Trump promise to be neutral when dealing with Israel and Palestine. I mean, when’s the last time you’ve heard an American politician say that? Not even Bernie will go that far. But then, not long afterwards, Trump turns up at the AIPAC convention, right alongside Hellary, giving all those zionists their customary rim-job. Total panderfest … disgusting! Another example: I was heartened when he predicted he’d get along “great” with Putin. But then, not long afterwards, he releases an ad framing Russia as an enemy. So which is it, Trump? I got tired of trying to figure what he’d really do. If I had time for… Read more »

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Mar 31, 2016 10:10 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Actually, he gave AIPAC nothing, except a feel good speech. Hillary promised weapons systems. Trump criticized Iran, talked about his Jewish Grandchildren and reiterated neutrality. Read the transcript.
I’m a Bernie guy too, but if he doesn’t get it, I’m voting for Trump. If he kills one less brown person than Hillary, my vote will have counted.

Apr 2, 2016 8:58 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus, I totally agree. Trumps total inconsistency in his statements gives him a free hand if he ever was president and looking back at the guys business past he is totally untrustworthy. Purely on that basis he is unelectable as his claims can be taken with a pinch of salt.

Mar 31, 2016 12:46 PM

I disagree with these neo-cons too, but it’s not just them who fear Donald Trump. Every decent person, every Muslim, every woman, every person of colour, every Mexican should fear Trump. And his promise to obliterate IS would probably result in more death and mayhem in the Middle East than the neo-cons unleashed. Plus I read somewhere that he is still a friend of Israel and supports Netanyahu. I just hope Bernie Sanders is President as unlikely as that seems.

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Mar 31, 2016 2:56 PM
Reply to  AnnaP

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m a Bernie contributor and have already voted for him in the Florida Primary. However, if Bernie he gets pushed out, which the Democratic Party is still trying to do, I will vote for Trump. I cannot in good conscience vote for a War Criminal who is at least partially responsible for 2M Deaths. To-date, so far as we know, Trump hasn’t killed anyone. If he kills one less human being than Hillary, a vote for Trump will not have been wasted and she’s already stolen a big head start. Finally, it is fair to state that Trump’s Press has been bad and is getting worse. That so many powerful organizations and people are trying to stop him should tell you something. He will have little ability to do anything at all domestically–even if he is so inclined, unless it is something good. Among the good things he supports that go against Republican Orthodoxy are: healthcare for all (Obamacare is a failure), no cuts to Social Security (Obama cut it), inner city jobs programs (to deal with the 59% black youth unemployment rate), and rebuilding our collapsing infrastructure. Here’s what honest media people are saying about Trump’s Foreign Policies. You won’t read or hear any of this in the MSM, regardless of where you live in this world. Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report credits Trump for threatening the Imperial System. This is almost a ringing endorsement from the true Black Left. http://www.blackagendareport.com/trump_anti-empire John Pilger discusses nuclear proliferation under Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama and a bleak future if Hillary gets into office. He compares Trump’s Policies favorably to Hillary’s and also provides the cost of 30 years and $1Trillion for the upgrades to our nuclear arms. This is truly an outstanding review of the… Read more »

John Lawrence
John Lawrence
Mar 31, 2016 4:08 PM
Reply to  AnnaP

You are falling for the aristocracy’s standard strategy of divide-and-rule: viewing your problems as being based more in bigotry against your particular ethnicity than in exploitation of the public by the aristocrats — exploitation of the public by the extremely few people who own more than half of the resources.

Mar 31, 2016 7:26 PM
Reply to  John Lawrence

Sorry but the right continuously spews forth so called mavericks that are not the answer to post 2008 crash problems. We had Ron Paul, the tea party, Sarah Palin, and now Trump. That Trump is being sold as an outsider is testimony to the gullibility of right leaning voters. Basically a large portion of the US public just seems to want someone who will “stick it to ’em” whatever that means.
As far as i can see Sanders is the only viable candidate.

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Mar 31, 2016 10:15 PM
Reply to  Paolo

I’m voting for Bernie and send him money regularly. Trump is my fall back.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 1, 2016 10:30 PM
Reply to  Brad Benson

That’s a reasonable strategy. My motto for now is ABC … anybody but Clinton!

Mar 31, 2016 10:26 PM
Reply to  John Lawrence

Huh? I’ve mentioned a few ethnicities – I could be white and still be alarmed. He’s a millionaire too – he’s no-one’s friend except the very rich and the very racist. It alarms me that people are saying it’s Bernie or Trump. The 2 couldn’t be farther apart politically. Trump is a fascist, the type like Hitler who persecuted socialists like Sanders.

Apr 3, 2016 4:02 PM
Reply to  AnnaP

Come on, stop parroting the disinformation line of Trump being a fascist Hitler type. Think for yourself sheeple.

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Mar 31, 2016 10:12 PM
Reply to  AnnaP

You’ve been reading propaganda Anna. I’m a Bernie contributor and have already voted for him in the Florida Primary. If the Democrats give the nomination to a War Criminal, my fall back position will be Trump.

Mar 31, 2016 10:29 PM
Reply to  Brad Benson

@Brad Benson, No I’ve not been reading propaganda. I’ve been watching this violent racist fascist’s speeches and he scares me like Jews were probably scared in 1930s Germany. I repeat, Sanders could not be further from Trump politically – it seems bizarre to consider voting for them both.

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Apr 1, 2016 10:46 AM
Reply to  AnnaP

Well again, the propagandists are taking what he says and twisting it around. You would be surprised to know that people at both Sanders and Trump Rallies have indicated that they will be able to switch. There are more Sanders Supporters that might go over to Trump than Trump Supporters that might go to Bernie, but the link is there. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal. Many people are tired of the Democratic Party pushing this useless piece of human garbage on their base. Here’s some truth about Trump. The following very well-written article by Justin Raimondo, editor of Antiwar.com, discusses why the powers-that-be in the Military-Industrial-Security Complex really do not want Trump and are doing everything they can to stop him. As I have noted elsewhere, it is all about Trump’s pronouncements on war. In between all of those seemingly racist and xenophobic remarks, Trump has made some rather stunning statements about our wars, which did not fall on deaf ears in Washington or in the MSM. This article contains a whole series of excellent statements by Trump in regard to Israel, our wars of intervention, cooperation with Putin, etc. It also links to a number of others. This is without question the best article on Trump’s Foreign Policy Pronouncements that I have seen to-date. Finally, this story addresses the phony “Mussolini Quote” that Trump retweeted. The quote, “Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep,” was left on a wall by Italian Soldiers in 1917 as they prepared to make a last stand in a small Italian Village. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44348.htm This article from the Intercept is another one that outlines Trump’s positions against our wars of aggression. https://theintercept.com/2016/02/29/neoconservatives-declare-war-on-donald-trump/ RT and Peter Lavelle compare Trump’s Foreign Policy Views favorably to those of Hillary… Read more »

Brad Benson
Brad Benson
Apr 1, 2016 10:50 PM
Reply to  AnnaP

I’ve tried several times to send you some links that might give you a different view, but the Ethernet keeps swallowing my mail, especially with links. I will try to get them to you at some point in the future. There’s a very good article right now that can be found at Black Agenda Report.

Jordan Martin
Jordan Martin
May 15, 2016 11:05 AM
Reply to  AnnaP

A NEOCON is either Jewish, an Israeli, a Zionist, a Christian Zionist, an Israeli fellow-traveler, a fifth columnist for Israel, a member of a Jewish lobby group or an Israeli sycophant. If “neocons” are the problem……and they undoubtedly are, then when you see one or read about their self-serving, foreign-controlled activities in the media, then remember, they fit into one of the categories. above. The Zionists have infiltrated the United States government and are using our military power in cahoots with our own military industrial greed to destroy one nation after the next.
93% of all people identified in print as “neocons” are as listed above. 93%. Think on that for a minute. Then think on Clinton. The #1 Israeli sycophant, née “neocon”…..and all that means for America.
What aren’t they? They are not American patriots, regardless of convenient passport status. They care little for Americans or America. They are controlled and subservient to Israel, a foreign state. Synagogues fund as many wars and as much terror as Minarets. They do it with we Americans as the stooges while our pentagon serves the industrialists. Clinton is the end of the game. Elizabeth Bathory has re-incarnated and she is ready for a BATH. She has her tub on the Russian border. She will render everyone radioactive for 10,000 years. Vote for anyone but this evil blood sucker.