Syria: UNESCO unanimously approves Russian resolution on Palmyra restoration

Russian sappers work on demining Palmyria after its capture from ISIS. Photo Russian Ministry of Defense.
A Russia-drafted resolution on the role of UNESCO in restoring the devastated ancient city of Palmyra back to its former glory has been unanimously approved by the organization. The initiative comes as Russian sappers along with the Syrian Army work to revive the city.
The proposed document outlines the steps the organization is to take to return the site to its original state. The resolution titled “On the role of UNESCO in restoring and preserving Palmyra and other Syrian cultural heritage sites” was approved unanimously during the organization’s 199th session which is currently taking place in Paris.
Russia’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Eleonora Mitrofanova said the project is both of “practical” and “symbolic” importance.
“The symbolism lies in the fact that having reached consensus on the issue means we are showing our unanimous solidarity to the people of the Syrian Arab Republic, suffering from the war. As for practical sense, it shows that we express our willingness to unite our forces and means necessary to restore and preserve Palmyra and other Syria’s World heritage sites,” Mitrofanova said.
She praised the voting results, saying they are a “huge victory.” Since the mooted document is “consensual” and focuses on the interests of the Syria’s World heritage sites, all the nations have voted in its favor, even those “that have a totally different outlook on the Syrian conflict” […]
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While Russia is busy trying to protect and restore the world from the devastations produced by the U.S.-Saudi-led alliance of fascist nations who are supplying the jihadists to destroy nations that won’t buckle to it (and also to terrorize Western publics so as to get them to accept their own government’s increasingly becoming a police-state), the U.S. and its allies are finding every way they can to block and defeat Russia’s efforts.
Said perfectly.