Russia and China Combine Efforts To Preserve World Peace

by William Jones, for Executive Intelligence Review, July 2, 2016

China's President Xi Jinping, Russia's President Putin, and U.S. President Obama walk as they take part in an APEC family photo in Beijing
July 2 — While the Obama Administration is rapidly pushing the world toward nuclear war in Europe and in Asia, the leaders of China and Russia have agreed to redouble their efforts — and their partnership — in order to offer to the world the possibility of a new directionality toward peace and development and away from the present path toward war. Immediately following the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is now in the process of adding India and Pakistan to its membership, and represents around half of the world’s population, the meeting in Beijing of the two presidents represents an absolutely ground-breaking development.
The Joint Declaration issued by the two presidents takes aim at the underlying problem: the role adopted by the United States, during the successive presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, to act as the “Roman Legion” for the crisis-ridden and collapsing British trans-Atlantic London/Wall Street System, a role which has propelled the United States and the NATO alliance into a desperate drive to assert their will and dominance everywhere in the world. This grave threat has been further enhanced by the mental instability of a Barack Obama who views his own role as maintaining the sadistic geopolitical position of the United States as the world’s sole remaining “superpower.”
In the Joint Declaration, Russia and China voiced great concern over the increasingly “negative factors” affecting the global strategic stability. “Some countries and military-political alliances seek decisive advantage in military and relevant technology,” the statement reads, “so as to serve their own interests through the use, or threatened use of force in international affairs,” the statement says. “Such a policy has resulted in an out-of-control growth of military power and has shaken the global strategic stability system.”

A New Type of Relationship

Most significantly, the Joint Declaration characterizes the relationship of their two countries as a “major power relationship,” a characterization that China also applies to its relationship with the United States, but which U.S. representatives have refused to utter, as it would tend to diminish its status as a de facto “imperial” power. The joint declaration also lays out the principles undergirding their relationship, principles which should serve as a universal norm for relations between sovereign nations, namely, respect for the other’s particular choice of development path, non-interference in the internal relations of the other, mutual support in the core questions of sovereignty, defense, development, the principle of win-win all-sided cooperation, and a rejection of confrontation.
“The signing of this agreement and its practical realization will have an important international dimension,” the statement says, “demonstrating to the entire world a successful example of the establishment of harmonic, constructive, equal, trustworthy, and mutually beneficial relations between major powers. The agreement between Russian and Chinese strategic foreign policy established on the basis of this cooperation will become a major factor in international life, permitting the formation of a just and rational multipolar world.” In the declaration, the two sides also commit themselves to bringing this new model of international relations to the United Nations. “Russia and China base themselves on the fact that the world architecture is experiencing a rapid evolutionary transformation in connection with the ongoing redistribution of forces on the world stage.”

Combating Interventionism

“The two parties support the idea of taking a resolution to the UN General Assembly condemning intervention and interference in a country’s internal affairs, opposing regime change in any country through unlawful intervention from the outside, and even through the extraterritorial use of the laws of one country in violation of international law.” The two sides also condemned the imposition of unilateral sanctions without the backing of a UN mandate.
The Declaration also underlines the growing importance of multilateral institutions such as BRICS and the SCO in the formulation of the norms and procedures in the international arena. The two sides reiterated their unity as victorious allies during the war against fascism and as permanent members of the UN Security Council in upholding the rule of law as this has been defined by the United Nations after the defeat of fascism. The document also throws down the gauntlet to the unilateral interventionism of the United States and Britain during the last few decades which has caused so much chaos in the world. “Some countries and military-political alliances seek decisive advantage in military and relevant technology, so as to serve their own interests through the use, or threat of the use, of force in international affairs. Such a policy has resulted in an out-of-control growth of military power and has shaken the global strategic stability system,” the Declaration says.

The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system, an integrated naval weapons system targeting Russia, shown firing a test missile.

The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system, an integrated naval weapons system targeting Russia, shown firing a test missile.

The Declaration condemns the deployment of missile defense systems, characterizing these as totally destabilizing, particularly the Aegis systems targeting Russia and the THAAD systems in the Asia-Pacific, targeting China. It also condemns the Prompt Global Strike system. “The long distance precision attack weapons developed by some countries, such as the global system for instant attack, may seriously damage the strategic balance and trigger a new round of the arms race,” the statement read.
A launch of the THAAD missile defense system in the Asia-Pacific, targeting China.

A launch of the THAAD missile defense system in the Asia-Pacific, targeting China.

Creating Synergy in Economic Development

The thirty agreements signed by the two parties indicate the efforts they have taken to combine China’s Belt and Road Initiative with the Russian-backed Eurasian Economic Union. While many of the agreements are follow-ups to the oil and gas deals already concluded, there was also a panoply of other agreements, which are aimed at bringing the Belt and Road and the Eurasian Economic Union into a collaborative relationship. The Joint Declaration underlines the complementarity of the two nations’ development projects, in particular Russia’s plans to develop its Far Eastern regions and China’s plans to revitalize its former industrial hub in China’s northeast. The declaration also noted the com­plementarity between the development of their two riverine programs, in the Volga region of Russia and in the Yangtze Development Zone in China. In his comments to the press after the meeting with the Chinese President, Putin indicated that over twenty agreements have been signed within this particular format.
The two sides agreed to move forward on financing and construction of the high-speed rail system between Moscow and Kazan, a key element of the Belt and Road Initiative. China will also invest in the Yamal liquid gas project in Russia’s Far North. Agreements were signed to increase the export of Russian wheat to China and the construction of a major grain terminal in the southern Baikal region close to the Chinese border, creating what Putin called a “new land grain corridor.” China will also invest in several grain elevators in the region.

The Moscow-Kazan rail line is a key element connecting to the Chinese Belt and Road initiative.

The Moscow-Kazan rail line is a key element connecting to the Chinese Belt and Road initiative.

Nuclear energy will continue to be a major area of development, with Russia prepared to build two more reactors in China’s Tianwan nuclear plant. The two countries will also work together to build a wide-bodied airplane and a new heavy-duty helicopter for both civilian and military use. Cooperation will also continue in aerospace. In their 2013-2017 program of cooperation in space, they will deepen their work on Earth observation, the study of the Moon and the outer planets, and the development of rocket engines, and they will conduct practical work in space navigation through collaboration between the satellite navigation systems of Russia (the GLONASS program) and China (the Beidou system).
video grab/Russia Beyond the Headlines:  Russia-Chinese cooperation to jointly develop rocket engines was one of many agreements reached by President Putin and President Xi in their post-SCO summit meeting in Beijing June 25.

video grab/Russia Beyond the Headlines: Russia-Chinese cooperation to jointly develop rocket engines was one of many agreements reached by President Putin and President Xi in their post-SCO summit meeting in Beijing June 25.

Speaking to the press after their meeting on June 25, President Xi stressed the strategic importance of their relationship:

President Putin and I have unanimously decided that the more complicated the international situation, the more determined we should be, guided by the spirit of strategic cooperation and the idea of eternal friendship. We should strengthen mutual support, enhance mutual political and strategic trust and cooperation, and unswervingly deepen our relationship.”

The two sides have “almost identical views” on international issues, Putin said, and he underlined the importance of their cooperation in the SCO, the BRICS, and the United Nations. Both Xi and Putin are looking forward to the Sept. 4-5 G20 Summit in Hangzhou, where many of these issues of reforming international governance and avoiding war will no doubt be front and center. Given the escalating world-wide chaos and military dangers that are being spread by British-backed terrorism and the insane interventionism of the Obama Administration, this “new paradigm” is certain to muster strong support from the nations gathered there.


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Warren Mundell
Warren Mundell
Aug 14, 2016 9:28 PM

The propaganda emitted by the USA makes it’s citizens think “those commies” are bad and must be stopped.
How many Americans even know the names of China’s Chairman and Premier? The Chinese know Bush, Nixon, Obama, etc. Time for Americans to educate themselves, and get off thier high horse.

Jul 14, 2016 11:54 PM

Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

Jul 14, 2016 10:19 PM

It’s pretty embarrassing to be British at the moment. Precious little chance of us changing soon either.

Mike Parr
Mike Parr
Jul 14, 2016 9:33 PM

China, South China sea & artificial islands? Sure China that peace loving country. Don’t make me laugh – it might not be as bad as the USA – but give it tim,e.

Jul 14, 2016 9:42 PM
Reply to  Mike Parr

I wonder what you can’t understand about the name “South China Sea”? Is it called ‘The North Phillipine Sea”? No. I don’t believe it is.
Do please tell us about China’s recent military attacks on other countries. Compared, for example, to your country’s attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Syria, Libya, Serbia, and so many others.

Mike Parr
Mike Parr
Jul 15, 2016 6:59 AM
Reply to  reinertorheit

“your country’s attacks on Afghanistan” – which country would that be chum? Re: south china sea take a look at a map – different stretches of water can have different names (English Channel – la Manche) what China is claiming is the equivalent of the Uk claiming it “owns” the English channel to the low water mark on the french side. I did not say that China was attacking other countries – I did say – give it time. The country is no different in wanting to achieve similar hegemonic status to that of the USA – you & the other commenters portray China as some kind of nice kind friendly country – it ain’t & is not any better in that regard than established hegemons such as the USA. That you think it is somehow different suggests naiveity on your part.

Jul 29, 2016 11:45 AM
Reply to  Mike Parr

I called you out on China’s military attacks on other nations.
No answer.
Exactly what I expected.

Jul 15, 2016 4:33 AM
Reply to  Mike Parr

Those Chinese and Russians bombing and occupying all these countries how dare they. Thank goodness for the anglo-zionist who protect us from those evil ruskies and odd orientals. Sarcasm apart look at the anglo colonial history. IE:Churchill that bastion of British goodness (gassed the living hell out of the levant and Iran in the 30’s) Let us not forget the Chilcott report and Iraq oh yeah WMD????????. US pax american/washington consensus makes the Roman Empire look like a bunch of humanitarians. so spare me the WASPish sanctimonious remarks. U want to live in ur exceptionalist world fine but reality will hit u hard one day.

Richard Le Sarcophage
Richard Le Sarcophage
Jul 15, 2016 9:24 AM
Reply to  Mike Parr

The USA has invaded, sanctioned or subverted scores of countries, killing tens of millions. China had a war with Vietnam and border clashes with Russia and India, where only military died. The USA has over one thousand overseas bases that it is well nigh impossible to close. China has none. There is NO moral equivalence between China and the USA which is the greatest force for Evil in all human history.

Richard Le Sarcophage
Richard Le Sarcophage
Jul 18, 2016 12:43 AM
Reply to  Mike Parr

China has resolved numerous territorial disputes with its neighbours (it has more than any other state)save poor old India, still strutting and fretting its annoyance at being far surpassed by China. It has NO foreign overseas bases, has invaded NO other countries since the stupidity of the war with Vietnam, has, up till now, a small nuclear arsenal, and does not have an open strategy for aggressive first-strike nuclear war with the USA, as Thanatopolis DC does with China, in its AirSea Battle strategy. You will have noticed that China does not sail just off the US coast in phony ‘Freedom of Navigation’ exercises (china has NEVER interfered in freedom of navigation anywhere, unlike Uncle Satan)nor does it have bases in Cuba or Venezuela directed against the USA.

Jul 14, 2016 6:46 PM

The crucial thing for Russia and China to prove is that they are not simply two on-the-make imperial powers waiting their chance to do precisely what they rail about the USA/NATO doing currently.
What the people of the world want is the ostracism of all imperialists. Military, economic, electronic, mind-controlling etc etc.

Jul 15, 2016 1:34 AM
Reply to  rtj1211

There are a few things that give me optimism on that score. China’s involvement in Africa, its help with the work of building up the continent’s infrastructure, is a good indication of how it sees its role in the world today, and the Africans I’ve spoken to in the past couple of years (none of them government officials) are very appreciative/supportive of the assistance China’s giving their countries. Russia hasn’t made a single imperialistic move anywhere since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, either. Their joint commitment to BRICS and the establishment of institutional alternatives to the IMF also speak of an approach significantly at variance with any form of imperialism. But you’re right: they will need to continue on this course firmly in order to convince the world they aren’t would-be-empires on the make.

Jul 15, 2016 4:49 AM
Reply to  Vaska

The Soviet system might have some semblance of empire but the vast majority of times especially with regards to the developing world were for the benefit of the citizens IE: Africa and South America. Post WW2 I will concede the brutality of the soviets with regards to Hungary and Poland , but considering the times and the threat from the anglo-zionist to use nuclear bombs to attack and takeover the then USSR . Unlike the washington consensus and the British empire was all about colonial White supremacist domination. When looking at events during this new century and looking at the way Chinese investment in the third world have developed in the last 10 years tell me and many others that they r 4 the good of all humanity ,albeit the chinese will do well from their investments it is a far cry from predatory capitalism that benefit only the 64000 people . I think most westerners have difficulty in orientalism and cannot get their heads around this paradigm and logic to modernity and social and economic structures that r diametrically opposite to western philosophies. I still think that Iran,Russia and China r humanities best bet for a non hostile future that western style imperialism has given us to date.

Richard Le Sarcophage
Richard Le Sarcophage
Jul 15, 2016 9:29 AM
Reply to  Vaska

The BRICS are finished, Brazil subverted and returned to serfdom, South Africa under attack and India under the Hindutva fascist Modi hosting conferences of all the subversives Washington supports to ‘bring China down’. China and Russia are on their own and had better make the psychopaths in Thantopolos DC realise that a sneak attack will bring thermo-nuclear obliteration for the ‘Shining City on the Hill’.

Jul 15, 2016 1:57 PM

I like that name, Thanatopolis (City of Death), capital of the Police States of America.

Jul 14, 2016 5:52 PM

Many thanks to Off Guardian for bringing this article to us. Excellent news!

Jul 14, 2016 5:48 PM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth and commented:
This move by Russia and China is exactly what the world needs now and probably the way forward to countering US/UK/NATO aggression.