Stolen Kosovo: the Czech Documentary

a film by Václav Dvořák [with English subtitles]

From the Wikipedia entry on the film:

“Stolen Kosovo (Czech: Uloupené Kosovo, Serbian: Украдено Косово, Ukradeno Kosovo) is a 2008 Czech language documentary by director Václav Dvořák (b. 1948), about events during and following the Kosovo War. 
The documentary describes the situation in Kosovo, first in a short overview of the history of the area, followed by the 1990s conflicts and bombing of Serbia by NATO forces in 1999 and ending with the situation after the Kosovo War.  The documentary focuses on 1990s in the time of Slobodan Milošević’s rule as well as on numerous interviews of Serbian civilians and, less, of Albanian insurgents against the Milošević regime.
Although the Czech Television (Česká televize) was one of the sponsors of the documentary, it delayed broadcasting it several times, claiming the documentary was “unbalanced” and marked with “pro-Serbian bias”, and so “the tone of the documentary could cause negative emotions.”   Václav Dvořák, the director, responded that the same could be said for “Holocaust documentaries, where the Nazi Germany ‘side’ and ‘views’ are also appropriately ignored”.
The documentary producer, Aleš Bednář, additionally stated the film-makers don’t rule out that some viewers could feel it was “unbalanced”, but only because they had been “lopsidedly informed about Balkan conflicts through years, above all by television, but by other media as well.”
Its first broadcasting, scheduled for 17 March 2008, on the 4th anniversary of the ethnic clashes in Kosovo in 2004, was postponed until April, and was eventually broadcaste with a follow-up show analyzing the Kosovo conflict from the point of view of the Kosovo Albanians.  The creators of the documentary published it on YouTube, where it is still available (as of September 2015).


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Eurasia News Online
Eurasia News Online
Aug 15, 2016 4:45 AM

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Aug 12, 2016 11:45 PM

Reblogged this on Susanna Panevin.

Aug 12, 2016 6:31 PM

The Zionist war mongers have been at war with the Christian Eastern Orthodox people for a very long time. Anyone that cannot see that is simply stupid.

Aug 12, 2016 6:08 AM

Have you read in Counterpunch, but other sites as well that the ICTY(International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has exonerated Milosevic.To very little fanfare,and no one has asked the Clintons for their response. There was no evidence of him being a war criminal, in fact he was a force for moderation and a true hero. Yet I remember the shocking stories in every newspaper.I longed for Milosevic to die so such wickedness could end.I was younger then
Now I see the whole thing all over again , with Assad performing the necessary role of unspeakably evil villain.OK, journalists need to eat, but how do they sleep?

Richard Le Sarcophage
Richard Le Sarcophage
Aug 13, 2016 12:10 PM
Reply to  francesca

Milosevic was making fools of the kangaroo ICTY ‘court’ and its thug Blairite hanging judge May (who felicitously succumbed to cancer soon after)who OPENLY allowed ‘testimony’ made under torture, so they murdered him by giving him Rifampicin, which counteracted his cardiac medication. At the time numerous decent people like Pinter defended Milosevic, to no avail. Kosovo was a Mafia state run by the jihadist drug runners, sex traffickers and human organs to order vermin of the KLA, favourites, of course, of Thanatopolis DC.

Aug 13, 2016 2:13 PM

thanks for that . This is new to me and shocking, and frankly frightening.I will always remember the American appointed lawyer who represented Saddam Hussein at his trial being interviewed on NZ radio, sometime after the fact. He admitted that Saddam didn’t get a fair trial, and that he didn’t stand a chance. Again, a kangaroo court.

Aug 11, 2016 6:42 PM

At the 38th minute of this film you finally learn the truth and reality of what this war was always about. It had nothing to do with Serbs or Albanians only the militant extremists deployed to spread poisonous activism. Their goal in serving the interests of the US and NATO was a project of US and NATO military expansionism. The second largest military base outside the US called Boundsteel is built there, housing 70,000 soldiers, further to the already existing military bases housing 16,000 soldiers from various EU countries also sprung up faster than destroyed Serbian homes. The soldiers supposedly there to protect the heavily armed KLA terrorists and Albanian extremist separatists from the unarmed Serbian refugees returning to their destroyed homes and churches.
In the words of the knowing producer:
“Perhaps this was the real reason for the anti Yugoslav campaign”.
Tempted to say “You Think?”

Aug 11, 2016 8:50 PM
Reply to  mohandeer

The second largest military base outside the US called Boundsteel is built there

Camp Bondsteel is not only a military camp – it is one of the US’s ‘black prisons’, operated with the same security regime as Gitmo. No-one knows for sure how many prisoners might be there, or their identities.
As you say, the whole idea of ‘Kosovo’ was for the USA to establish its own country in Europe, which it controls 100%, and where it may do whatever it pleases, without adverse feedback from local people. Bondsteel is only one example of a camp built there without regard to any requirements of international law.

Aug 11, 2016 6:39 PM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth and commented:
At the 38th minute of this film you finally learn the truth and reality of what this war was always about. It had nothing to do with Serbs or Albanians only the militants extremists deployed to spread poisonous activism. Their goal in serving the interests of the US and NATO was a project of US and NATO military expansionism. The second largest military base outside the US called Boundsteel is built there, housing 70,000 soldiers, further to the already existing military bases housing 16,000 soldiers from various EU countries also sprung up faster than destroyed Serbian homes. The soldiers supposedly there to protect the heavily armed KLA terrorists and Albanian extremist seperatists from the unarmed Serbian refugees returning to their destroyed homes and churches.
In the words of the knowing producer:
“Perhaps this was the real reason for the anti Yugoslav campaign”. Tempted to say “You Think”?

Aug 11, 2016 5:57 PM

Essential viewing for anyone interested in the truth of the Kosovo conflict, and the criminal culpability of the stinking scum Clintons.