After Greece and Cyprus, they prepare to attack Italy

by Simon Wilson, MoneyWeek

Italian banks are on the brink of collapse and EU rules make bail-outs seem politically impossible. Will they fall – and who will they take down with them?

Why the worry over Italian banks?

A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of banking collapses in Italy, which could lead to renewed crisis in the eurozone, and a wider banking crisis affecting other countries with high exposure to Italian bank debt. Italy’s banks are in deep trouble, weighed down by €360bn of bad debt (“non-performing loans” in the jargon), equivalent to a fifth of Italy’s GDP (and about 18% of all the banks’ loans).
Shares in the sector have slumped this year as investors began to price in the risk of banking collapses. One of the worst affected has been Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world’s oldest bank. The sell-off has gathered pace since the shock of the Brexit vote on 23 June caused investors to reevaluate the risks facing European assets.

Why are the banks so vulnerable?

Most fundamentally because of Italy’s terrible economic performance over the past decade (the economy is still 8% smaller than it was pre-crisis). This has left the banking sector exposed to years of bad debts from failing businesses. This week the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that Italy was unlikely to grow its economy back to pre-crisis size until the mid-2020s, implying “nearly two lost decades”.
The IMF’s latest economic health check found that high taxes, an “inefficient public sector” and civil service wage growth that had for years outstripped productivity gains, had all contributed to one of the lowest productivity growth rates among advanced economies over the last 30 years. Brexit-related uncertainty is expected to drag down the economy over the next two years, with growth in GDP of 1% or less. The IMF added that public debt, at 133% of GDP, left policymakers “very little room to cope with shocks”.
The banks face a situation that will get worse, not better, without intervention. Which leads to another key reason for the exceptional weakness of Italy’s banks – its weak and often short-lived governments have spent years avoiding decisive action to tackle their festering problems.

So what can Rome do now?

Here we come to the third big reason why investors are fearful. At the end of 2015, the rules governing what eurozone governments can do to help struggling banks changed dramatically, giving them much less scope to come to the rescue. Specifically, under the European Union’s new “bank resolution and recovery” directive, which came into effect at the start of 2016, governments are prohibited from using public money to recapitalise banks without first forcing huge losses onto private investors – both shareholders and bondholders.
On the face of it, this provision – that 8% of existing liabilities must be “bailed in” by investors before the banks can be “bailed out” by the public purse – seems fair, especially where those investors are wealthy institutions that can take the losses on the chin. But the situation in Italy is very different.

How so?

The Italian banks’ creditors include millions of ordinary Italians, who own around €200bn of bank bonds eligible to be bailed in.  For many of Italy’s 1,400 banks, a bail in would wipe out not just shareholders, but also ordinary depositors who have been sold €173bn worth of questionable bank debt (“subordinated” loans – ie, bonds that are a lower priority for repayment in the event of bankruptcy).
In other words, bailing out its banks in line with eurozone rules looks politically impossible for Italy, especially after a bail-in of four small banks last year hit 100,000 retail investors, caused widespread street protests, and resulted in at least one suicide by a ruined saver.

So what will happen?

Italian bank stocks rallied this week on the hope (boosted by positive noises from Angela Merkel and the IMF) that the EU and Italy will come up with a fudge that allows both sides to save face, and facilitates some form of limited or initial bail-out.  Either way, time is of the essence.  In [two] months’ time, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s government faces a referendum on constitutional reform, which, analysts say, is likely to be a de-facto vote of confidence in Italy’s membership of the eurozone, particularly given the growing popularity of the populist Five Star Movement.
Any bail-out that turns Italians further against the political establishments in Rome and Brussels would seriously damage Renzi’s chances of winning it – and deliver yet another blow to a Europe already reeling from Brexit.

Who is most exposed?

Italy’s nascent banking crisis risks political as well as economic turmoil in Italy itself.  But there is also, crucially, a serious risk of contagion, with the potential to unleash a broader eurozone banking crisis.  Most exposed, by some distance, are the French.  According to figures from Die Welt, the total exposure of French banks to Italian debt exceeds €250bn.
That’s three times as much as the second most exposed European nation, Germany, whose banks hold €83.2bn-worth of Italian bonds (Deutsche Bank alone has more than €11.76bn, increasing the fears over that bank’s long-term stability). The other banking sectors most at risk of contagion are Spain (€44.6 bn), America (€42.3bn), the UK (€29.77 bn) and Japan (€27.6 bn).


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Categories: Economics, empire watch, EU, latest
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John Hinson
John Hinson
Sep 9, 2016 6:12 PM


Kenneth Lindemere
Kenneth Lindemere
Aug 28, 2016 1:24 PM

How unusual that “the IMF’s latest economic health check found that high taxes, an “inefficient public sector” and civil service wage growth” are the problems. The remedy? Of course, cut taxes on the rich and corporations, decimate the public sector, and cut social services. Believe me, it will work sooner or later if we just keep doing it… believe me!

Brian Harry, Australia
Brian Harry, Australia
Aug 28, 2016 9:48 PM

Are you serious? Or just taking the PI**? The IMF is wholly and solely part of the international Banking Cartel, and your ‘remedy’ is exactly what the Banksters want, and it will cause increased deficits, resulting in MORE debt, which is piling up all around the World, and which will eventually allow the ‘filthy rich’ to buy up every public asset on the Planet, and consolidate their ownership of everything.
Everyone should read John Perkins book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, just to see how duplicitous the Banksters are, in taking over the Planet.

Aug 28, 2016 11:46 PM

Calm down Harry. Kenneth was taking the piss.

Brian Harry, Australia
Brian Harry, Australia
Aug 29, 2016 12:48 AM
Reply to  Lawrence

Er, yeah, sure, OK………I thought he was but wasn’t sure, so I clarified………

Jim Porter
Jim Porter
Aug 28, 2016 11:49 AM

It’s weird that Merkel and the IMF may come up with a fudge to save face when Deutsche Bank is in worse shape but the instability is being blamed on Brexit which hasn’t happened yet and it will be a miracle if it ever does. Admittedly, prevaricating UK politicians are extending the time of uncertainty which makes it difficult for big business to make decisions, so blame the prevarication not the Brexit vote.

Aug 28, 2016 1:51 PM
Reply to  Jim Porter

In my liberal thinking, ugly-Merkel might be an agent of satan-nwo-gangs…Do not think ugly-teresa may is better… Check this out:
VT Exclusive: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble
“…That explains why Hollande (President of the French Republic) was scared he is linked to child abuse in France, via Belgium as well. Abdessalem (Foreign Minister of Tunisia) was traded by the FBI so Hollande can stay in power, sign the tafta and much more allow American military presence in France, which is now turning against him… That explains why the US military unit near Milan was behind us to see what we had in stock against Bibi (Netanyahu) and Hollande… now that they have Hollande, they are pushing him to the edge, using pressure on Sarkozy, right hand of Bibi, they moved in Tripoli, blackmailing Roma.”

Aug 28, 2016 4:53 PM
Reply to  brankabrankov

What the hell is this looney tune doing here?

Aug 28, 2016 8:38 AM

Deutsche Bank is already a zombie bank – that’s why its share price has been plummeting over the past year.

Le Ruscino (@LeRuscino)
Le Ruscino (@LeRuscino)
Aug 28, 2016 6:59 AM


Brian Harry, Australia
Brian Harry, Australia
Aug 28, 2016 5:30 AM

173Billion Euro’s of “questionable Bank debt”. So the lessons of 2008/9 in the USA have been ignored by Europe’s Banksters, who, let’s face it, are part of the same international Banking Cartel?
It’s about time for the Governments world wide to let the Banking Cartel go “arse up”, and replace it with a more honest model. Iceland did it, and if they can, so can everyone else.
Too Big to fail, and Too Big to Jail is just not acceptable any more.

Aug 28, 2016 4:25 AM

All is not well in the financial ponzi sector. Deutsche Bank is in a particularly parlous state being likened to US Lehman Brothers that went bankrupt on the cusp of the 2008 crisis.
A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of banking collapses not just in Italy.