What "community standards" did this comment breach? #14

This comment, written by one of our editors, was censored by the Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did it breach?

Snapshot of where it was:


It should be noted that every single one of the claims made is objectively and provably true.

It’s also interesting to note the title of this article was actually edited after publication – the original title can was “Why Hillary Clinton is so unlikeable”, as can be seen here in this tweet from Deborah Orr:

UPDATE: Deborah’s tweet has been edited after we published this. It now has the same headline as the amended article. We are wondering how this was done?

  • Does it “misrepresent the Guardian and its journalists”?
  • Is it “persistent trolling or mindless abuse”?
  • Is it “spam-like”? Or “obviously commercial”?
  • Is it “racism, sexism, homophobia or hate-speech”?
  • Is it “extremely offensive of threatening?”?
  • Is it “flame-wars based on ingrained partisanship or generalisations”?
  • Is it not “relevant”?

If none of the above – why was it taken down?

see our archive of censored comments. And if you see any egregious examples of the Guardian censoring its “free” comment sections – email us at [email protected], and send us screen caps if possible


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Judge Jeffreys
Judge Jeffreys
Sep 5, 2017 4:19 PM

There goes another Guardian account. I got banned again for “wrong think” after posting about 15 comments. That’s actually a personal best for me. Usually their censorship team ban me after about 3 comments.
I don’t think I’ll bother again. Even my staunch leftist friends don’t take the Guardian seriously anymore.

John Watwood
John Watwood
Jan 31, 2018 6:45 PM
Reply to  Judge Jeffreys

I am laughing at your term “wrong-think”. I am being censored heavily by Disqus. I have two comments/replies that are being ‘monitored’ as I write. I believe it is pathetic by the kakistocracy, but totally not surprised by psychopaths wanting control, even to the extent of comments.

Aaron Lowe
Aaron Lowe
Apr 19, 2017 3:28 PM

For want of a better place to post this, this thread is to for posting evidence of Off Graun censorship and bullyboy tactics to shut down free speech.
This thread is not intended to be a discussion space, simply a place to post evidence. If you want to discuss Off Graun censorship please create a separate thread so that this one doesn’t get sabotaged.
NOTE BY ADMIN FWIW none of Aaron’s comments have been censored, because we don’t censor comments. Aaron’s motives for starting this strange discussion we won’t speculate upon. However, unless he starts being abusive, threatening or spammy he is free to post his claims here.

Apr 19, 2017 3:37 PM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

My concerns were first raised from the title of the article, “Only fools and liars will blame Assad”
The problem with this title it is:
1) Assumes that it cannot possibly be wrong, and
2) Therefore everyone who says otherwise must be “fools and liars”.
This does not encourage free speech, it shuts it down. Who would want to offer alternative evidence to challenge the rhetoric in the article if that automatically labelled them “fools and liars”.
It sets up a dictatorial tone that punishes anyone who just want to discuss what is being said. Not surprisingly this article received less comments than average because the only people happy to post are those that already agree with what is being said. Basically, preaching to the converted.

Apr 19, 2017 3:49 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

An example of bullyboy tactics is found on this article.
Here’s a screengrab incase the original gets moderated:
I had typed this comment on my mobile which, as we all know, can cause autospell errors. It’s doesn’t help that I am also dyslexic. Off Graun don’t support editing or deleting of old comments so the only way to show that a typo wasn’t intentional is to post another comment saying so. I didn’t want people to think there was any sinister meaning to me calling Off Graun, Off Grain, so I posted an extra comment to clear it up.
But, as is typical with Off Guardian there are those with aggressive and extremist stances. They voted down my acknowledgement of my own typo. This is good an example of ad hominem (or logical fallacy) which is a tactic many posters use, including Admit (evidence will follow).

Apr 19, 2017 4:01 PM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

The next article that raised concern was the one titled, “Is Putin Incorruptible?”
The title seemed to me so completely ridiculous that to accept it would be a crime of intellect and common sense. I decided to challenge the logic without making it specific to Putin, as I knew that even mentioning Putin would open up a whole political can of worms.
I was hoping for some enlightened conversation. What I got instead was more ad hominem attacks. Even Admit joined in the foray guilty of the same behaviour it criticises.

Apr 19, 2017 4:07 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

Here is another screengrab of bullyboy tactics, which can be very subtle and insidious.
Here, you can see the user calling themselves Paolo is trying to rewrite what I meant, as if to pretend that it was a typo.
When I simply confirm that I had meant what I originally posted that gets voted down. A comment should never be voted down for merely acknowledging the existence of another comment. Admin seems to have no problem with this type of manipulation and even does it itself from time to time.

Apr 19, 2017 4:17 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

People were getting aggravated with my non partisan approach because it denied them the opportunity to post even more political rhetoric which would have sabotaged the thread, so in typical Off Graun ad hominem style they decided to attack the messenger rather than the message.
Here, you can see the user calling themselves “Jen” is trying to bring my identity into disrepute by implying that I am somehow 2 people. There is a flood of support for Jen but when I point out a perfectly reasonable cause I am downvoted. Simply for pointing out that it depends how I log on.
Actually, I wasn’t even aware that my comments were posting under two different IDs until Jen pointed it out. But since one is aaronmicalowe (based on Off Graun login) and the other is Aaron Lowe (based on Facebook login) it’s quite easy to see I am in fact the same person.

Apr 19, 2017 4:25 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

Typical of Off Graun (and The Guardian), one way people try to sabotage a thread is to make repeated accusations. Here’s an example from above.
Jen: “flood this comments forums with repetitive remarks”
Me: I have pointed out off graun censorship twice. Hardly repetitive.
I may have posted more about censorship since these comments so it might seem I’ve miscounted. We have to be aware of the date and exact time comments are made as conversations evolve.
It also didn’t help that I had posted a reply to a person that was meant to be a new thread. Because I wasn’t able to edit or delete the misplaced comment I had to post it again as a new comment (not a reply).
Despite me pointing out to Jen that his/her accusation was unfounded, Jen never acknowledged his/her error or apologised for it. Instead Jen will continue firing off accusations in the knowledge that it take more effort to respond than to make the accusation. This is a bullyboy tactic intended to wear down an opponent. Since I don’t see Jen as an opponent this aggressive behaviour flows one way.

Apr 19, 2017 4:27 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

What are you on about Aaron? You’ve got about a hundred posts on here from today alone complaining about being censored.
Is you irony meter playing up?

Apr 19, 2017 5:11 PM
Reply to  Admin

I have posted 9 comments today in this thread (not including this one) and one other comment in another thread (nothing to do with censorship).
This thread is just for posting evidence, not for discussion. If you want a discussion about Off Graun censorship then please create a separate thread so this one doesn’t get sabotaged.

Judge Jeffreys
Judge Jeffreys
Sep 5, 2017 4:22 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

aaronmicalowe, how’s the coffee in the Guardian offices?

Apr 19, 2017 4:39 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

Sometimes Admin decides to muscle in and apply some bullyboy tactics of its own. This can quickly escalate in something every similar to CiF. It seems that some moderators just can’t accept when someone has a different view to their own. Screengrab: http://i67.tinypic.com/6jijyo.png The first an simplest way to deny something is to claim the opposite, which is what Admin does. They then attempt to distract the situation by claiming that comments posted is evidence of non-censorship. Censorship doesn’t have to be obvious, it can be in insidious. For example, the obstacles to black people voting even though the law seems to allow it. Then Admin claims that they’ve received complaints, without providing any evidence. A complain in and of itself can be used as a form of censorship and is a good example of a bullyboy tactic. I checked the icons around others comments to see if there was any way to report abusive content. There isn’t. So, either these people wrote privately to Admin (doubtable) or Admin simply made it up knowing they could fake it later if challenged (possible). I don’t know which but it is the type of ad hominem attack Admin specialises in. Rather that point out what is in my comment that they find offensive, they are attacking me directly as a person. This is clear evidence of the abuse of Admin’s responsibility to protect and enable free speech. Admin asks me to be less repetitive (without providing any evidence), less combative (I was expressing my views without attacking anyone, whereas most other people including Admin were attacking me without expressing any views), and inaccurate. I expressed my view that no human is incorruptible. All that would be needed to show my view was inaccurate would be to give one example (just one) proving… Read more »

Apr 19, 2017 4:50 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

I interpreted Admin’s continuous threatening and aggressive behaviour towards me (without any thread of evidence provided by Admin) as a threat to prevent me from commenting. What happened next proved my interpretation to be accurate.
Notice that Admin has deleted the ability for me to reply. That IS direct censorship.
Then I posted on another article and got this:
Notice how I was then immediately placed under pre-moderation. This is a common tactic used by The Guardian to censor unwanted comments so I was very surprised to see Off Graun using the same tactic.
The comment did not appear for about 24 hours by which time most people had moved on to the next article. Censorship by delaying expression is still censorship. See how insidious it is? Now Admin can claim that the comment was never deleted, but who would know otherwise?

Apr 19, 2017 5:47 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

You aren’t under “pre-moderation” Aaron, as you can see since you are commenting freely. We don’t put people under pre-moderation, but some comments are auto-selected for pre-mod by our spam software.
We also didn’t remove your right to reply. Your comment was simply the last in the stack. Our software can only handle comment-replies that go ten-deep.
Why not stop all this silliness about the non-existent censorship you’re suffering and start contributing to the discussion in a less strange and troll-like manner. 😕

Apr 19, 2017 7:18 PM
Reply to  Admin

I am afraid to say Aaron is increasingly in danger of having none of his comments read by anyone except admin. I commend your patience admin.

Aaron Lowe
Aaron Lowe
May 27, 2017 11:32 AM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

I posted this whole new thread of evidence yesterday, and it stayed for about an hour before it all got deleted. So, here’s attempt 2 at posting it again.
Not only can Admin edit the contents of posts evidenced here:comment image
Compare this post at the time of posting:comment image
With this edited one:comment image
Note: I do not have the access capable of editing posts after they are posted.

May 27, 2017 11:38 AM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

So, Admin can also edit the names of the posters!
Why would Admin bother doing this? Probably just to goof around but it’s still worthy to add to the gathering evidence of Admin’s behaviour.
Here’s another post where the name gets edited:comment image
To this one:comment image
Note: After this whole thread of posts (about 5 posts) got deleted yesterday I was immediately placed on pre-moderation preventing me from making any further posts that day. So, sometimes I have to wait 24 hours before being able to repost what gets deleted.
Moreover, every post I make has to be saved separately and a screengrab taken, and every post I reply to has to be saved separately and screengrab taken.

May 27, 2017 11:42 AM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

But the good thing about getting your posts continuously deleted is 1) It forces you to be on the ball, all the time, and 2) You always make a better attempt the 2nd time round. It forces you to improve and focus on your target.
The final example from yesterday:comment image
Edited to this one:comment image

May 3, 2018 12:45 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

Give it a rest FFS, you pathetic troll.

May 27, 2017 11:46 AM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

For those doubting that I was placed under pre-moderation, here’s the screengrab of the final post in the thread before the whole thread got deleted:comment image
Hopefully today’s posts won’t get deleted before I’m placed on pre-moderation again, or it’ll be another 24 hours before I can attempt another update with evidence.

May 27, 2017 12:18 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

For the VERY last time let me explain.
1) We have NOT put you under pre-mod, because we NEVER put anyone under pre-mod
2) Sometimes individual comments get held back for pre-mod by our software. Sometimes this is because the comment contains more than three hyperlinks. Sometimes it is for unknown reasons. When this happens the comment is invariably approved as soon as anyone sees it. Occasionally, if it’s spam or contains content-free abuse or incitements to violence, it will not be approved.
3) Sometimes, again for unknown reasons, comments will vanish, either in pre-mod or simply after posting. We don’t know why and can do nothing about tis until we move to our own build, which we hope to do some time this year.
When you clog threads with content-free whining and baseless claims of persecution you are ruining this resource for others here who have useful things to contribute. Most sites would already have put you on pre-mod or banned you outright, because your ratio of constructive to unconstructive comment is something like 1/9. We maintain a very open comment system here. Don’t abuse it.

May 27, 2017 12:24 PM
Reply to  Admin

What about the evidence? Nothing to say about that?
The only person abusing is you. Claiming that I am abusing by reporting your abuse is ridiculous.

May 27, 2017 12:27 PM
Reply to  Admin

“Most sites would already have put you on pre-mod or banned you outright”
So now you defend the Guardian. I think you work for the Guardian.

Joginder Singh Foley (@JSinghF)
Joginder Singh Foley (@JSinghF)
Jul 22, 2018 12:00 PM
Reply to  Admin

Pre-moderation thats an Al-Guardian term I am all to familiar with being as when I logged on to al-guardian’s komment macht frei with my Twiiter account I am on premoderation But my komment macht frei account is perma banned and I could never get any response from al-guardian’s censor bots as to what I had dont wrong, But yours truely had the last laugh on al-guardian as up ontill the time I was pre-moded/banned i was still buying the wretched rag the following day I no longer bought al-guardian.

May 27, 2017 12:23 PM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

The comment you are claiming to have been deleted was posted on April 19, not “yesterday”, and is still there.

May 27, 2017 12:25 PM
Reply to  Admin

Where? Not showing on my browser.

May 27, 2017 12:34 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

It’s at the top of the thread Alan, where it’s been since April 19. This discussion is now closed. Don’t post until you have something to say that isn’t complaining about non-existent persecution.

May 27, 2017 12:44 PM
Reply to  Admin

And my name isn’t Alan. At least get that bit right.

May 27, 2017 12:31 PM
Reply to  Admin

I created another thread, not the one on April 19. Would show you if it still existed. As you can see (if you actually read the comment you replied to) the last post that got deleted is not shown anywhere else.
Stop obfuscating.

May 27, 2017 12:36 PM
Reply to  aaronmicalowe

Do NOT post on this non-topic again.

Nov 13, 2017 11:31 PM
Reply to  Aaron Lowe

this place is a place to challenge the BETHbots and CHARLIEbots. challenging the PUTINbots here is generally frowned upon. Know your bias and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Boris Malden
Boris Malden
Feb 28, 2017 10:11 PM

I’ve always made sure that my comments on CiF never breach the community guidelines. I know that I have a very different political perspective to The Guardian, but I think that’s why I comment beneath the line, to provide some balance (in a polite, respectful way). I have never directed a personal comment at another user, or made a personal comment about a journalist or political figure without providing a justification (e.g. “Barack Obama was a bad president, he was at war every day of his 8-year term”).
However, when my comments started to get lots of recs, they put my account on permanent pre-moderation. Now they block pretty much everything I try to post, even though it never violates the community standards. I find it utterly bizarre that some moderator, presumably someone who calls themselves a left-wing liberal, happily carries out what they must know is just plain censorship. I know I should just make another account or stop using CiF, but I want that person to come face to face with his/her hypocrisy every time they choose not to allow my comment to be published on the website just because they disagree with it ideologically.

Dec 21, 2016 9:41 AM

this piece about George Clooney planning a film about the White Helmets got pretty heavily censored BTL
my quick count up makes it look like about 10% moderated,
isn’t that what Romans referred to as ‘decimation’?
I replied to an adamant White Helmet supporter who was demanding concrete evidence that his saintly hero’s were stooges and I politely posted youtube links to interviews with Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley,
suffice to say my comment was ‘moderated’ overnight,

Dec 15, 2016 7:24 PM

“Guardian Watch. Brought exclusively to you by Off-Guardian–reading the Guardian so you don’t have to!”
Has a nice ring to it 🙂

Dec 14, 2016 7:58 PM

Having seen a censored Syria related comment on the Graun tonight from you know who, I eagerly await the #15 episode in this series!

Nov 23, 2016 4:16 PM

well, in Serbian media, which is 90% owned or under control of foreigners (Western foreigners!), similar comments do not get published at all…so, from our perspective this is great, since comment was published for a period of time…you can guess, we had Soros sponsored “coloured revolution” in 2000., and neoliberal pro-eu fanatics in power, who go to Embassies of USA, UK, France, Germany on daily basis, for their opinion…

Dec 3, 2016 2:48 AM
Reply to  qryber

Now expose the government targeting innocent citizens with military weapons to isolate them, ruin their lives and then try to have them act out criminally. They are using mind control and directed energy weapons (V2K, remote neural monitoring, microwaving, scalar, sound) and gang stalking on innocent citizens. These technologies can’t be seen or traced and the victims are left with little recourse since the attacks can’t be proven. The victims may appear to have mental issues, however it is the technology that is violating their minds and bodies causing voices, hallucinations, time lapses, and multiple other violations. Psychiatry is a hoax, these technologies cause many mental issues. Freedomfchs.net, ICAACT.org, Jesse Ventura’s Brain Invaders youtube, intellihub.com, John Hall’s book Guinea Pigs, Renee Pittman’s (Anne Frank of our times) books and countless victims are trying to expose the truth. The media, politicians, and psychiatry all cover for this and are complicit for this torture taking place for decades remotely in every city. These psychopaths in government need to be exposed and the true terrorists are in government agencies remotely targeting individuals with military technology.
These technologies violate the minds and bodies of the afflicted persons and are the most egregious violation of human rights perpetrated by the government with your tax dollars. Taxpayers should be demanding their government quit paying for these crimes against humanity on law abiding citizens. No wonder we are broke. Why pay perps sitting at computers screwing with people in their beds and living rooms, these treasonous criminals and agencies need to be exposed and jailed. EXPOSE AND END THE TORTURE AND HOLOCAUST NOW.

Geraint Owen
Geraint Owen
Dec 6, 2016 7:43 AM
Reply to  jasonwurtz

You’re scientologist maybe?

Nov 23, 2016 1:53 AM

Though I DID link to a few “Off Guardian” pieces back then. Oh well, they can beg someone else for money to keep their “prize winning journalism” then.

Nov 23, 2016 1:50 AM

I’m on permanent pre-moderated status now. The Guardian doesn’t seem to like my default sarcastic quip setting 🙂

Nov 16, 2016 10:51 PM

Another blatant example of censorship.
The Guardian published a story about “Nasty Britain” that was so ridiculous I decided to make the point by posting my own ridiculous reply.
Which got immediately deleted without a placeholder even though there was no time for any replies.

Dec 30, 2016 6:14 PM
Reply to  MrBrexit

Personally I think the reason it was deleted is that it seems irrelevant. Maybe in your head it made sense, but in the eyes of the moderator it seemed meandering and pointless. They might’ve given it the benefit of the doubt if there was a clear message, but as it seemed to be self indulgent sarcasm – and because it referenced Hitler, they thought they’d err on the side of caution.

Nov 16, 2016 10:45 PM

Last year my account got banned because I complained that an article about violence against women was sexist. Today another article appeared so I complained about it being sexist again. Immediately banned.
If I get a chance to support regulation against this newspaper I’m going to do it first chance I get.
Comment isn’t free on the Guardian. Censorship is Frantic!

Supreme Allied Condista
Supreme Allied Condista
Nov 9, 2016 6:43 PM

Oh and a special mention for the Guardian, the British newspaper who did its utmost to make the Republican Party Trump’s by banning me from commenting on their stories from my pro-Condoleezza Rice perspective.
Yes the “Guardian” that parades itself as a guardian of liberal values helped stick the US with a Trump led Republican Party by crushing any defence of a kinder, gentler US Republican Party under Condi’s leadership.
So simply don’t believe for one second the sincerity of the Guardian “Tut, tuting” about Trump.
The Guardian, and the liberal US press, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal etc. helped hand the Republican Party to Trump by crushing my pro-Condoleezza Rice, pro-liberal Republican commentary in their comment pages, at the alter of defending their “line” against scrutiny of open discussion.
Trump’s victory is partly as a consequence of the hypocrisy of so-called “liberal” newspapers who are no such thing but entirely fascist when it comes to crushing free commentary in their own newspaper website comment sections.

Supreme Allied Condista
Supreme Allied Condista
Nov 9, 2016 6:42 PM

Yet the election was between the candidates that the Democratic National Committee hoped for and worked for
DNC support for Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders
DNC dirty tricks character assassination of Condoleezza Rice instead of encouraging her to run for president
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that many of those now regretting Trump’s election victory world-wide had previously joined in with the character assassination of Condi.
Neither democrats, nor liberals nor feminists, nor socialists, nor disability-rights campaigners, nor LBGT, nor greens, nor compassionate conservatives worked for Condi to lead the Republican Party.
Be careful what you wish for.
Supreme Allied Condista
Rice for President Yahoo Group
“Condoleezza Rice for President. Join this group of supporters from everywhere on the world wide web.”
Rice for President Video Playlist

Robert Elliot (@xxzardozxx)
Robert Elliot (@xxzardozxx)
Nov 2, 2016 1:47 AM

I love these censored comments. I would much rather read censored comment from the MSM than anything actually in the MSM.

Oct 31, 2016 1:15 AM

The G currently has 3 anti-Trump articles on the go and the last Clinton article got to ROUND (117) and got closed. My comment about the lack of open Clinton articles got censored (no surprise there).

Oct 27, 2016 3:45 AM

One reason might be the UK’s libel laws. I suspect fear of litigation is behind a lot of decisions to remove comments that make claims about individuals that, even if true and therefore not libelous, might see the Groan dragged through the courts by some vindictive Sue, Grabbitt and Runne (Chambers). Best not leave them up, eh? girls?

Oct 27, 2016 2:42 AM

any comment that contains the proper noun, “Israel” are usually removed

J Samuel
J Samuel
Oct 24, 2016 6:12 PM

I myself posted a similar comment which was also removed. The Guardian emailed me this: http://i.imgur.com/Kqmosij.png

Oct 23, 2016 11:04 PM

The sorry we are on her side policy

Oct 23, 2016 11:33 AM

With reference to the deleted comment, the OP inferred that he didn’t like HRC because she was a woman, albeit this was very far down the list. This breached the sexism clause of the CiF Community Standards. Not everyone would take the comment that way, but with the weasely legally minded mods, that opening was all they needed.

Oct 23, 2016 1:54 PM
Reply to  Kaiama

the op didn’t do that. the op provided a list of reasons people dislike clinton, with no implication that the poster disliked clinton for that reason.

Oct 24, 2016 12:56 AM
Reply to  pretzelattack

The point is that there is NOTHING in the post to indicate that what was written was NOT Kit’s personal opinion. I don’t disagree with your interpretation, but you must undrstand that the comment can be interpreted in way which breaches the CiF standards.

Oct 24, 2016 1:04 AM
Reply to  Kaiama

the reference to the article itself, which kit disagreed with. the point of the article is that the opposition to clinton is fueled by misogyny. kit’s point is that it isn’t. somehow misinterpreting the comment to indicate not only agreement with the article’s theme but personal endorsement of it has no basis in any kind of rational interpretation.

Oct 26, 2016 4:46 PM
Reply to  pretzelattack

How can I say this?
The reason I am here is that I don’t particularly like the Grauniad or believe what it spouts. However, in order to reach your conclusion, you have interpreted Kit’s comment in a particular way. So has the Grauniad interpreted the comment in a contrary way.
To make it simple
The article asks why people hate HRC?
Kit provides a nice list (of totally valid reasons) which the G will have assumed are Kit’s reasons. Then Kit says “Her being a woman is very far down the list”. It’s not too much a stretch to assume that the G interpreted that sentence to mean that Kit hates HRC because she is a woman. We all know that Kit meant this rhetorically, but the G interprets things to it’s advantage (as we all know). So in their eyes, it was correct to censor the comment! I am just providing ONE hypothesis as to why the comment was deleted – I’m not agreeing that the deletion was justified.
Best chill out.

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
Oct 23, 2016 10:31 AM

At least you’re still alive, which is more than can be said for the director of Wikileaks, Gavin MacFadyen, who died suddenly Friday.
Add in the weirdness around Assange, like his not appearing on the Embassy balcony to dispel rumors of his death or capture and things are getting dangerous.

Oct 23, 2016 12:39 AM

I believe the statements about the rape-of-a-12-year-old girl case are misconstrued and when there’s so much else to accuse her of they feel somehow low to me (that may sound silly when you think about what else she has done and may well have done but still).

Oct 23, 2016 4:51 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

Excuse me, but if you have seen the video of her words about this horrible bit of her history, how lease tell us, can you assert this is misunderstood? If you have not seen it, which I suspect is the case, how can you assert anything about it?

Oct 24, 2016 8:06 AM
Reply to  rabbitnexus

Assuming we’re talking about the same video, I’ve seen it. She’s laughing at the fact that the rapist passed the polygraph test which showed to her that polygraph tests are unreliable. She’s not laughing at anything to do with the girl.
I think she was just “doing her job” (that seemingly she had been reluctant to take on), however, another, more principled person in her situation may have fought for a different outcome whereas she, being extremely ambitious, probably would not have done that. Also, I know that Snopes is not so reliable but I think their explanation in this case sounds reasonable.
It’s not as if I want to defend her at all as she’s got her finger on the nuclear trigger, there’s a suspiciously high body count among her acquaintance, and she’s a documented criminal beyond potential murders. I guess it is silly for me to say anything about the rape case but I do feel it’s distorted, that’s all.
I can’t help liking this video of her being taken to task over her email exchange with Sidney Blumenthal by Trey Gowdy, even though I have to admit part of its appeal is the theatrical effect:

And then there’s this video from James Corbett
Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity

Oct 23, 2016 4:53 AM
Reply to  flaxgirl

Also Snopes are a thoroughly discredited husband and wife team, Clinton supporters (like every other establishment organ) and they happen to be lying as is often the case in this one,.

Oct 23, 2016 4:29 PM
Reply to  flaxgirl

Snopes is hardly a fount of truth.I trust the rape victim who was there and is now speaking out.

Oct 22, 2016 11:02 PM

Read the Megan Carpentier article and was astounded that she makes no mention of Billary. That’s what happens when papers employ kids.
The initial antipathy to Hillary was due to her assumption that she personally had political power when it was her husband who had been elected. Hillary behaved as if she and Bill had stood on a joint ticket, hence the Billary moniker (no joke intended).

Thelma Follett
Thelma Follett
Oct 22, 2016 9:50 PM

You wrote recently about the censorship of someone else’s comment on the Guardian. These are not isolated incidents. I was a frequent commentator on “Common Dreams.” My comments were always within the guidelines of civil discourse. Many times, though, they were anti-Hillary Clinton as I consider her a great evil and an unworthy candidate for president. Not too long ago I was barred from commenting as were some others who were long time commentators. Then my mother and sister, whose comments were similar to mine, were barred from commenting. We are rapidly moving into an even more troubling, even more totalitarian American – and probably global – landscape.

Oct 23, 2016 4:45 AM
Reply to  Thelma Follett

That’s very interesting. Progressive media (by which I mean ‘progressive’ media) everywhere is showing it’s true colors. John Stauber’s CounterPunch article about the buying of the progressive movement (http://bit.ly/2dkbE6V) was ‘not’ shrill. Just a few hours ago, I was in a coffee shop in downtown Toronto, on my laptop. I was just flitting around, clicking on my bookmarks willy nilly and I don’t know where it started, but one link led to another until I found myself on the Yes! Magazine website. It’s the creation of David Korten, author of a very good book titled “When Corporations Rule The World.” Amazing isn’t it? People who write books with titles like that would be the last ones in the world you’d expect to be found exercising censorship, and yet, my two online comments (in a dead discussion, so it makes you wonder) to David’s reasonable enough article (part of 1 of 2 parts) titled “The Elephant in the Room: What Trump, Clinton, and Even Stein Are Missing,” were both disappeared. The first comment, at first, appeared. There seemed to be no problem. There was no ‘withheld for moderation’ message or anything like that. So I didn’t bother to track it. The second comment generated a ‘withheld for moderation’ comment, and because I thought I’d blog about the very good article – about which I had some criticisms – later at home, I copied it to my clipboard. Then when I got home and went to the article, I saw nothing at all. There was no sign that any reader activity had taken place in the comment section of this ‘progressive’ website. It’s the weekend, So we’ll see. I blogged about the article anyway. I was only more interested in doing so as a result of this unsettling experience. See my blog… Read more »

Oct 23, 2016 4:54 AM
Reply to  Thelma Follett

Long since barred from Common Dreams for political reasons and the Guardian has me barred for many years now.

Sandy Robertson
Sandy Robertson
Nov 7, 2016 7:52 PM
Reply to  rabbitnexus

I used to comment on Reader Supported News and was eventually barred because they had promised a discussion about their censorship which never took place, and when I posted on this you can guess what happened. It’s all rather depressing.

Disparaging Mate
Disparaging Mate
Mar 14, 2018 5:31 PM
Reply to  Thelma Follett

To compare your level of censorship in the UK to America is quite a stretch. At least we don’t bar people from entering the country that want to interview other people with differing viewpoints.

Oct 22, 2016 9:01 PM

Sorry to post something off-topic, but it’s regarding The Guardian. When I see things like this I wonder if it’s not possible for the alternative media to conduct their own polling, not online but as an ordinary poll. Probably not, but it’s a thought, because I guess most of us regard polls like this as suspicious.

Oct 23, 2016 5:02 AM
Reply to  cuew

The best most thorough poll of the candidates was of 50,000 people and was recently done by Anonymous. The results were astounding compared to the other crooked media polls which are of hundreds and thousands cherry picked at best. The same media is NOT going to report such a poll though so you are wasting your time waiting to read about it there. I shall not be a spoiler and tell the results but it is not a poll which is easily questioned either you will see .

Oct 24, 2016 6:27 AM
Reply to  rabbitnexus

Thanks. I was wondering if there was anything like this for the UK, because The Guardian was originally a left-leaning UK paper, so all the Corbyn bashing is particularly disgusting from that publication. That’s why I was asking.

Oct 22, 2016 3:55 PM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth.

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
Oct 22, 2016 12:01 PM

If you think if freedom of speech and the press are under attack now, wait until the Wicked Witch of the East flies into the WH, it won’t be long before we’ll look back at this time as the ‘Good ol’ Days.’
The only violation I see is that you were too truthful.

Oct 22, 2016 8:21 AM

I reckon bringing up the 1975 thing is scraping the barrel and likely to wind up the legal-wise femina-fascists at the Graun, just like a picador at a bullfight. Gloating over the murder of Muammar Gaddafi, which she organised, is surely enough to see her sent down for ever – if the ICC was really what it is supposed to be or if hell actually existed – and plenty enough to exclude her from fitness for the post of POTUS. If the Guardian was really a feminist newspaper, it would be backing Jill Stein; instead it’s part of the conspiracy to make her invisible.

Oct 22, 2016 8:07 AM

A Clinton server email released by WikiLeaks shows that at least one Guardian writer acted as a stenographer (“non-political surrogate”) for the Clinton campaign. Jessica Valenti was on conference call with Clinton’s campaign staff to help frame an anti-Sanders narrative that would counter a pro-Sanders Twitter hashtag (#I’mSoEstablishment) that had gone viral.

Working with bloggers and columnists to write about this from a racial justice and reproductive rights perspective, including a few people who joined us on a call to talk about the “Bernie Backlash” that was unfolding even before his remarks last night—current list is Elianne Ramos, Jessica Valenti (who is writing a column on this as we speak), Jamil Smith, Sady Doyle, Aminatou Sow, Gabe Ortiz, and others

The Guardian released her article two days later, which dutifully repeated the talking points set up by the campaign staff, without mentioning how or why the article came to be.

Oct 22, 2016 8:27 AM
Reply to  0use4msm

This ought to be big news – but it won’t be.

Kathleen Lowrey
Kathleen Lowrey
Oct 22, 2016 6:02 PM
Reply to  0use4msm

Awww shucks. I have read feminist blogs for a long time…. not Sady Doyle too! I feel like I am in one of those horror movies where everyone you run to for succor has been bodysnatched already.

Oct 22, 2016 4:48 AM

looks like they removed the comment from khaaaann too, which was also accurate and got 19 recs.