Media Silent as Anti-Corporate Trade Deal Protests Take Europe by Storm

by Carey Wendler, via Antimedia, Oct 17, 2016

Over the weekend [October 15-16], thousands of protesters across multiple countries condemned impending trade deals promoted by governments and their corporate partners.
Though the protests received little coverage from mainstream media, they stretched from Paris to Warsaw.
The demonstrations came amid the Commission on International Trade of the European Parliament’s plans to finalize the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this week. The policy has been likened to so-called “free trade” deals pushed by President Barack Obama and other Western governments.
CETA, which has been in the works for seven years, would eliminate tariffs between Canada and European nations, which proponents argue would foster increased trade and create jobs.  Nevertheless, the deal has been criticized for granting too much power to multinational corporations, the Guardian reports.
Though the European Commission recently drafted a statement claiming “environmental and health standards will not be diluted,” not all policymakers are convinced.
Passage of CETA hit a roadblock after the parliament of the Wallonia region of Belgium rejected it.  Wallonia’s minister-president, Paul Magnette, vowed to block the entire country from ratifying the deal.  This has proponents of CETA concerned about the agreement’s future, as all 28 member states of the European Union must unanimously agree on it before it can be further negotiated and ratified.
As the Independent reported, opponents claim it will “set a dangerous precedent and be used as a template to push through the controversial EU-US trade deal, TTIP.
TTIP is another loathed trade deal that has been in the works for years; it was also the target of protests over the weekend, as CETA has been heavily compared to it.  TTIP is “a bi-lateral trade agreement [that is] about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations,” the Independent has explained.
TTIP is also expected to encroach on online privacy, increase unemployment rates, and undermine democracy by “allow[ing] companies to sue governments if those governments’ policies cause a loss of profits.
France 24 reports police claimed 1,200 protesters assembled in Paris on Saturday to oppose to deal, though organizers of the event claim the figure was closer to 5,000.   Protests also took place in Lyon and Toulouse.
“‘The European governments must today hear the refusal of their people,’ said Attac, an international movement seeking alternatives in the globalisation process, and one of the main organisers of the protest in Paris on Saturday,” France 24 reported.
Thousands also protested in Spain and Belgium, according to France 24Telesur reported that protests also took place in Germany and other countries affected by the deals.
Further, hundreds of protesters in Warsaw, Poland, expressed concerns that passage of CETA would “allow an influx of food from North America that will destroy local farming, and also hurt consumers by allowing in foods that are genetically modified,” the Chicago Tribune reportedFrance 24 reported a higher number of demonstrators, noting 1,000 gathered in Warsaw while hundreds more demonstrated in Krakow.
Also on Saturday, activist lawyer group ClientEarth filed a lawsuit against the European Commission regarding the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and the Investment Court System — the specific TTIP components that would allow corporations to sue governments for lost profits.
The protests follow massive demonstrations in September that saw thousands march on E.U. headquarters in Brussels. The sentiment has not waned.
We don’t want TTIP, CETA,” Warsaw protesters chanted over the weekend.” Human souls first and profits later.”


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Oct 28, 2016 7:49 AM

Here’s a perfect example of strategic law-breaking that the powerful do to gain and keep power. I blogged about this approach when I watched a Real News Network interview of Nick Deardon by Sharmini Peries. They were discussing the Wallonia anti-CETA decision. Nick told Sharmini that “Wallonia is being offered various things in order to sign up to this. It’s also being threatened. Extraordinary article came out just a few hours ago saying actually you know if they won’t play ball, we just need to ignore the veto in this. We need to go back to the commission, say actually member states should have no role at all in being allowed to authorize this deal and that will get this over the Wallonian objection. So in other words, suspend democracy to get it through. I mean just an extraordinary idea.” I commented that while it was extraordinary from the standpoint of ordinary people, it wasn’t unexpected. Then I explained what I meant be that. I went searching for a couple of pics for my blog post and in the course of so doing discovered a website called EuroActiv. It’s clearly a fake friend of the people of Europe, and by extension, the people everywhere. The article attached to the photo of Paul Magnette I stole (with attribution) was a seemingly straightforward report. Except that there were small things that could influence people’s thinking in big ways. It’s possible they were innocent, but not likely. You’ll get an idea what was bugging me from my comment that I attached to the now buried article: ““The deal is opposed by anti-globalisation groups.” Let’s be clear, author or authors. That’s anti corporate globalization activists! Also, Nice try selecting one street protest with a count of 8,000 protesters. Millions of Europeans support democracy and… Read more »

Oct 28, 2016 8:01 AM
Reply to  Arrby

That should be “Nick Dearden.”

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 27, 2016 11:25 PM

Well people, bad news: it looks like Vallonia was either bribed or intimidated into ratifying CETA after all: Belgian politicians drop opposition to EU-Canada trade deal. How sad … I dared to hope!

Oct 28, 2016 12:33 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

“European Union leaders have expressed hope of signing a trade deal with Canada after Belgian politicians overcame differences that had been blocking the treaty …”
Sounds like Brussels put guns to the Vallonian representatives’ heads.

Oct 28, 2016 7:57 AM
Reply to  Jen

They did, no doubt. Just look at the tone of the powerful anti-democrats! If you lived in a nabe where the (conventional) mafia presence was strong and all the shop owners were paying for ‘protection’ and you could constantly hear mobsters bad mouthing you, Would you feel a little pressure? But, reportedly, deceit is playing a bigger role here than threats. Paul has bought their line that his concerns will be addressed.

Mark Catlin
Mark Catlin
Oct 27, 2016 11:05 PM

Reblogged this on Declaration Of Opinion .

Oct 27, 2016 10:03 PM

That’s an example of the price one pays for Government. It immediately becomes 100% corrupt, and becomes controlled by a wealthy few who fast use government as it’s main tool to concentrate all the wealth and power in their control, to the death and detriment of everyone else on the planet. Isn’t it past time to eradicate all governments by any and all means?

Oct 27, 2016 10:39 PM
Reply to  Reckoning

The subordination to powers that seem overwhelming reflect a shrinking self definition that then reaches for and gives power to someone or something ELSE to protect or check against the fearful. Just as it reaches for someone or something ELSE to hold responsible for not being what such sense of alliance bargained for.

Oct 27, 2016 7:57 PM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 26, 2016 8:07 PM

God bless Vallonia!

Oct 26, 2016 7:35 PM

When government and corporations scheme together, ordinary people end up living with Fascism! That has been proven time and time again. the time for vigilance is now, before such malign ideology takes hold and changes our very lives!

Oct 27, 2016 10:06 PM
Reply to  archie1954

Vigilence? It’s going to take a lot more than vigilance! It’s going to require nothing short of worldwide extremely violent reckoning revolution and an total purge!

Oct 27, 2016 10:53 PM
Reply to  Reckoning

But you are describing the nature of the globalist (extremely violent) purge.
I felt archie1954 is speaking out of a past that is long gone – if it ever was. The sideshow keeps the eyes off a fait accompli.
Perhaps you will get what you want. Perhaps you will find it is not what you thought and not what you really wanted. That’s your life to cherish as it unfolds its fulfilment.
I feel vigilant against allowing hate such as is currently being focused on ‘elites’ by the disenfranchised – from hacking and using my heart and mind as its botnet. Or to seed a new age of hate-founded power.
I doubt you will consider what I say but hate is itself a deceit by which to blind.

Oct 29, 2016 1:13 AM
Reply to  binra

You don’t have to hate the elites to oppose their machinations! Ordinary people have the power to change circumstances. They are many and the elites are few.

Oct 29, 2016 11:32 AM
Reply to  archie1954

Indeed that is one of my primary points. But vigilance against hate is no less against deception, because though hate’s reaction can ‘opposition’ be set off, subverted and controlled – and if you look at the methods of financial, corporate, social, medical, scientific, political – lets say broad spectrum dominance – the controlled opposition is part of the Establishment – as is perpetual war. What do you oppose? An elitism of transnational corporate and financial cartels owning and redefining all key institutions to manage society within their terms, under their rules, without transparency, accountability or according worth or voice to a humanity fit therefore only for exploitation of serfdom, slavery or simply to be culled? Anti-human and anti-life identities don’t operate in such overt terms – but seek to defend their positions and investments, whilst expanding a sense of power or control over threat, rival or loss. That society has come to such a pass has been foretold or warned of or indeed engineered to by seers but the core pattern of its inevitability remains unchanged and perhaps un-addressed. The engineering of consent or ‘mind-control’, the managing of perception or narrative control are all terms for deceit. Deceit is the primary weapon by which power is redefined and used against us, by our own thinking. Anyone who becomes aware of the results of the power – beneath the narrative control of a managed mind – cannot but find them disturbing – and yet the mind seeks protection from such distress and discord by its operation and employment. But beneath the relational dynamic of the effects are the raw psycho-emotional charge of such dynamic, for this level – which is made unconscious by force of hate and fear – is where the definitions are set, by which a past made in… Read more »

Jan 19, 2017 3:22 AM
Reply to  archie1954

people seem to forget what happened Marie Antionette. Did the french hate when they pulled the lever? You bet!
I’m so sick of self appointed speakers of morality and social justice preaching about their new age, “love trumps hate” rhetoric. As if there is no justification for anger. Anger is not a sin. How bad do things have to get for you to wake up, binra? Or are you just part of the problem?

Jan 20, 2017 1:10 AM
Reply to  bookooball

You are free to worship hate – sacrifice to hate, and ‘love’ to hate – go right ahead. Perhaps you are not so free. Perhaps you find hate acted out has a cost. Freedom is the cost and illusion of power the prize. Hate FEELINGS are hateful – and so are projected away to mitigate pain. When you can accept that you feel hate – you can own it and transform it. Until then it runs you as a fake life because you assign the cause of your feelings to others – as a puppet on their string. That the populace is being incited to hate is evident and pervasive. Every kind of fear and division is being targeted at your mind – so as to use the power you give away. You can stand in the truth of your being – without self righteous judgemental crap – and be who you are. No one else has to listen – but they meet your presence in your voice and either resonate with you or they don’t. Hate gives you power to join with like minds and become powerful. Power to the People! Bring on the Terror – lets have some blood sacrifice! Look at that. Is that your voice? Deceit is pervasive. I don’t say I have the ‘answers’ or can live anyone else’s life. But I tune in when I write and trust that others tune in as they feel moved. If you read me as wishy-washy ‘love’ – you are in your own emotional triggers and not connecting. Who SHOULD appoint ‘speakers’? I write because I am moved to write and that freedom is not at your or anyone else’s expense. Indeed it is an invitation to join in freedom – as you are by dialogue – so… Read more »

Jan 20, 2017 5:23 AM
Reply to  binra

when tbe future of my children is in jeapordy, when I see people who think they are above the law. They think they can murder and rape children, and you think I’m projecting? I’ll bet you deny pedophile island even exists. Human trafficking is real, and government officials are involved.
I suppose you think that turning the other cheek is how your ancestors survived? I’ve got news for you. The world is a lot more dangerous than you think.

Jan 21, 2017 12:07 AM
Reply to  bookooball

Dear bookoball – you have some sort of version of me running that I don’t recognize or relate to. A case of mistaken identity. I see you have issues with who you take me for – but they are not my issues – so anything I say will not make sense within the way you are framing me.
You CAN project your ideas as to who you believe other people are – and populate their mind with your intentions – but that is not communication so much as an imagination believed true.
If you hear this – I am perfectly willing to dialogue with you about anything – but as I see it – you are judging who you have decided I am without having met me. perhaps I remind you of others in your past,

Oct 28, 2016 8:00 AM
Reply to  Reckoning

Then the ‘they’ becomes ‘us’. And the forces of darkness win. If we indeed have only imperfect humans to look to for salvation, then we are doomed. By all means, disbelieve in a higher power that is against this darkness, if you wish. But what are we left with?

Oct 30, 2016 12:36 PM
Reply to  Arrby

Arrby, Yes – the forces that only have power within darkness of being kept hidden.
The true light is not born of fear in darkness as if to win the right to rule over darkness, but may be called on from our refusal to align in fear or darkness. Our fear then transmutes to reveal itself as the call FOR light in place of a wish for power within darkness.
A false light guilts us by getting us to hate ourselves and each other as ‘failure’. But in true light we recognize ourselves and each other in an extending of worth – not in judgement of failure. We do not create worth – it is given or innate to being. hatred of being results in meaninglessness and struggles to assert meanings over one another – where the conflict of meanings IS the meaninglessness that covers the true meaning that we both are and share and know through the sharing.

Michael Z Archangel
Michael Z Archangel
Oct 26, 2016 5:28 PM

If the “Liars” running the World get their way the same way they get everything else, at least this time around the Entire Planet seems to be aware of what is Really Going On. Let them Pass their Agenda. Masses can undo it by staging a Complete, Organized, Shutdown of ALL Economy by a “strike”. The Media is going to “get er done”.

Stephen Sivonda
Stephen Sivonda
Oct 27, 2016 6:22 AM

I like that … a massive strike in every country that’s affected by these trade deals….. a rolling strike that could virtually run 24 hours a day as it would be across most time zones. One day on strike …one day off,and repeat.

Oct 26, 2016 3:41 PM

I call for clearer language. So called ‘Trade Deals’. So called ethnic ‘cleansing’. So called ‘honour’ killing. The hate agenda operates deceit by cloaking the wolf in sheep’s clothing. So educate ourselves to NOT trade in false currency. Sometimes a term such as free will or freedom is used for coercion, exploitation and deceit – and though it is possible to invest identity in such ideas – the result is loss of freedom to a tyrannous will that is then operating through all one thinks and does. But free will is the idea of our willingness for communication and acceptance arising from a genuine sense of worth that the ‘lie’ cannot accept and recognize itself in – and so they assert it does not exist and attack it. Underneath all the complexities of the world are fundamental conflicts as to who we are and what our function or purpose is. The attempt to possess and control the narrative is seeking the power position by which to have the ‘last judgement’ in a sense of conflicting and competing self-beliefs and purposes. Some see this to mean that conflict or war is the TRUTH of us and therefore power is the only honesty and determiner of outcome. But this operates to hide or deny their OWN personal conflicts in the presumption of power OVER others seen as the conflicting error to be ‘corrected’. The mind that we employ to mask, protect, justify and assert – is not naturally serving such a function – but is a result of trauma. Much of the corporate rape and financially controlled proxy wars are out of a sense of GETTING amidst the idea of scarcity. They are the SAME idea arising from the intent to control or limit abundance to become the controller with the template… Read more »