The West Ignores Terrorist Crimes in Aleppo

by Anna Jaunger

Speaking at a UN Security Council session held to discuss the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN Bashar Al-Jaafari said that no one in the world is more committed than the Syrian government to protect the Syrians’ lives which suffer from the terrorism of armed organizations. He added, that terrorist attacks on civilians in Aleppo thrice coincided with the announcement of humanitarian pauses which were aimed at civilian’s lives saving.
However, the West stubbornly ignores the significant efforts made by the Syrian authorities to rescue civilians including the introduction of humanitarian pauses, organization of humanitarian corridors, and delivery of humanitarian assistance.
In addition, Al-Jaafari pointed out that all who commit crimes should be declared terrorists, no matter which group they belong to. Anyone who raises a weapon against civilians can’t belong to the “moderate” opposition.
A striking example of the relevance of his words is a rocket attack on a primary school in Aleppo in the Al-Furqan on Sunday, November 20. It resulted in death of ten people, including eight children. More than 70 people were wounded.
Obviously, this attack does not have any explanation, because there are no military targets or positions of the government troops in the vicinity of the school.
In addition, it is shocking that the Western media did not react to the incident. Most likely the media tried to conceal the horrors and atrocities committed by the radical terrorists in Syria on a daily basis. It’s still not clear who was behind the attack, terrorists or militants of the opposition. In fact it is not so important especially for the parents of killed and wounded children. There isn’t and couldn’t be any justification for these crimes.
Now it becomes clear why Washington continues to ignore the crimes of terrorists in Aleppo. The US failed to separate opposition fighters from the terrorists in Aleppo, because the majority of the opposition forces joined terrorists and their crimes are of the same kin.


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Nov 24, 2016 7:35 PM

Not only do they ignore carnage by the rebels caused on the government controlled side, how much do the rebels cause on their own side for propaganda purposes.
Gordon Corera from the BBC made a report two days ago claiming to be surprised that ISIS in Iraq and Syria are getting US bought weapons intended for the Syrian ‘rebels’. Yeah, real surprise.

Nov 24, 2016 7:08 PM

What’s rather depressing is that huge numbers of people on the ledt and librals steadfastly refuse to believe that our media is bursting with propanganda aimed at countries that we’ve identified as enemies and places ripe for regime change. This is odd. What possible ‘left’ could bring itself to support western imprialism given the west’s record and even as recently as the unprovoked attack on Iraq based on a pack of lies about WMDs? Are the left’s memories so short? One would think that war and propaganda, that go together like a horse and carriage, were completely alien concepts to them. Why would they believe anything in our media about our wars after Iraq? Maybe they need tatoos saying, ‘remember Iraq’?
It’s strange, how many on the left who trust the Guardian and the BBC, why? Why would our media tell the truth about a foreign country that we regard as an enemy, like Syria or Libya? Surely the left’s starting point should be that our media is most probably full of lies and distoritions, and on balance one can’t go far wrong by adopting the precautionary principle. The left could have opposed the attack on Libya, but they didn’t. Given recent history, that was incredibly irresponsible and stupid. What chance was there that western-backed rebels were going to create a genuine people’s revolution? I mean, that has to be a contradiction in terms, surely?
I think the left risks making itself increasingly irrelevant which could see it vanish from mainstream politics altogether, replaced by rightwing nationalist socialists of one variety or another.

Nov 27, 2016 2:33 AM
Reply to  michaelk

Even Ed Schulz, now a regular on RT, supported the bombing of Libya at the time. One of the few leftist organizations that have been consistently against US wars of aggression no matter whether Rs or Ds are in power has been the Green Party. Jill Stein rightly said that US foreign policy is a “marketing strategy for weapons sales.”

Brian Harry, Australia
Brian Harry, Australia
Nov 27, 2016 9:43 AM

” Jill Stein rightly said that US foreign policy is a “marketing strategy for weapons sales.”
No wonder she was virtually ignored by the American media, during the Election campaign.

Eurasia News Online
Eurasia News Online
Nov 24, 2016 5:19 AM

Solution: Turn the “west” into a DUST (radioactive is necessary). IT IS COMING

Nov 23, 2016 11:21 PM

Sounds suspiciously like the selective reporting by the Western MSM who like to downplay (or ignore) war crimes by “the allies”, but go on and on about ‘Barrel Bombs’ apparently used by Assad.
Well said. And on the subject of “barrel bombs”, are they more lethal, do they cause more havoc, or do more damage, than conventional weapons? If they don’t, why all the fuss about them?

Empire Of Stupid
Empire Of Stupid
Nov 24, 2016 2:27 AM
Reply to  Caro

Well Jeez, obviously because barrels should contain oil, beer, pickles or wine. And when the Syrians see barrels falling, they rush out crying “Ooh, look, pickles!” And then, boom! “What, no pickles? Well obviously it’s all Assad’s fault. Thank god for America!”

Nov 24, 2016 8:01 AM
Reply to  Caro

The use of the phrase “Barrel Bombs” is interesting and instructive about the way a propagandised narrative works by creating an image.
What is a barrel bomb does anyone really know?
In fact it’s a mixed metaphor, but also a submerged metaphor where the phrase is a vehicle which carries an implied but not a factually stated meaning.
So barrel bomb conveys to me: modified in some way to be bigger than usual or bloody big!
Of course I realise this is might not be an actual thing, but if it appears in a real news paper I might be inclined to believe it is an actual thing. If it appears regularly to an uncritical eye…?

Brian Harry, Australia
Brian Harry, Australia
Nov 23, 2016 7:47 PM

“A striking example of the relevance of his words is a rocket attack on a primary school in Aleppo in the Al-Furqan on Sunday, November 20. It resulted in death of ten people, including eight children. More than 70 people were wounded”.
“In addition, it is shocking that the Western media did not react to the incident”.
Sounds suspiciously like the selective reporting by the Western MSM who like to downplay(or ignore) war crimes by “the allies”, but go on and on about ‘Barrel Bombs’ apparently used by Assad.
The Western media are a disgrace to humanity…

Nov 23, 2016 7:36 PM

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