Tu-154 crashed as a result of NATO's covert operation?

by Lyuba Lulko for Pravda

Russia’s Ministry for Transportation does not consider a terrorist attack to be one of the versions that led to the crash of the Tu-154 passenger airliner of the Russian Defence Ministry in the Black Sea on December 25. For the time being, we know that the weather was fine, the pilots were experienced, and the aircraft was technically sound.
The crash of the Tu-154 over the Black Sea looks very much like the explosion of the Russian passenger jetliner over Sinai Peninsula, when the Federal Security Bureau made an official announcement about the terrorist attack only two weeks after the crash. There is another version – of radio-electronic attack.
Black boxes may not give an answer to the question of whether there was a terrorist attack on board the Tu-154. This has already been the case in the investigation of the Sinai plane crash, before specialists found traces of two-component explosives in a can of Coke, hidden in a seat pocket. The explosion caused the plane to collapse in midair. This explained the reason why the fragments of the aircraft were scattered on a large territory, FSB Director Bortnikov then said.
The Tu-154B MO, Flight RA-85572, took off from Chkalovsky military airfield near Moscow on December 25th.  The aircraft was en route to Damascus with a refuelling stop in Mozdok on a regular route across the Caspian Sea, Iran, Iraq and the whole of Syria.  Mozdok was closed, and the plane detoured for 408 km in the opposite direction, to Adler, even though there were other airports working nearby (Mineralniye Vody, Nalchik, Makhachkala). Allegedly, the passengers of the aircraft were not allowed to leave the airplane in Adler for two hours.  Reportedly, no one boarded the plane and nothing was loaded on the aircraft either.  The plane was only refuelled, and then it took off at 5.25 a.m.  Two minutes later, at 5.27 a.m., Flight RA-85572 stopped responding to dispatchers and went off radar screens.
During one of the briefings of the Ministry of Defence, the map showed that the plane disappeared from radar screens immediately after making a turn of 180 degrees. However, flightradar24 real time tracker did not reflect such a manoeuvre. Was the transponder turned off?
After the crash, the wreckage was scattered over an area of about 10-12 square kilometers. Was it a current or an explosion?  The Ministry for Transport said that the version of the terrorist act was not among the priorities.  FSB officials rejected the version too.

Versions of the disaster

The basic versions of the crash are the following: a pilot error, a technical malfunction, or  improper alignment of cargo on board the plane.  However, Tu-154 commander Roman Volkov had the total flight time of more than three thousand hours.  He had made a number of flights to Hmeymim air base in Syria. Navigator Alexander Petukhov was awarded with the Order of Courage for landing an uncontrollable Tu-154 airplane in 2011.
According to experts’ estimates, Tu-154 aircraft do not fall apart in the air for no reason. The plane was designed to withstand airborne loads that dramatically exceed common flight loads.  The aircraft has a three-time margin of safety of all systems.  Ageing and metal fatigue after replacement of spare parts are not critical for Tu-154.
The aircraft crashed at a flight speed of about 300 km per hour, at an altitude of about 1,200 meters.  If there had been an emergency on board, the crew would have reported it; even 15-20 seconds would have been enough for that, specialists said.
Many experts note that the nature of the fragments and their dispersal over long distances say speak of an explosion on board.  For example, the rack chassis was found in the water. This part of the plane retracts immediately after take-off and remains in the gondola during the flight.  Was there something in the gondola that caused the landing gear of the aircraft to separate?
Strangely enough, the plane belonged to the Russian Defence Ministry, and the passengers of the aircraft were not common passengers.  They were actually well-known individuals in Russia.  Who could plant a bomb in the plane?  Was it like in Sharm el-Sheikh?  The Chkalovsky airfield in the Moscow region is known as a well-protected military facility, where it is impossible to take a bomb on board a plane.
The airport in Sochi is an airport of dual use, where the level of protection is higher than at other conventional airports.
Here is an opinion from pilot-instructor Andrei Krasnoperov. “I had flown from Chkalovsky airfield to the east.  There was no inspection at all, and the level of security there is much worse than at civilian airports,” Krasnoperov said.
If this was a terrorist attack, it comes well into line with the killing of Russian Ambassador to Turkey.  It also matches John Kirby’s remarks, who said that Russia would lose more planes if it didn’t stop operations in Syria.
Disabled transponders and communication systems can be explained as follows.  French reconnaissance ship Dupuy de Lome had entered the Black Sea on the eve of the tragedy.  The ship can send a strong impulse to deactivate all electronic equipment on board the aircraft.  Israel resorts to this practice against Russian airplanes in Syria.  It was reported that the bodies of the victims of the Tu-154 crash were wearing life jackets.  Therefore, the crew had time to warn the passengers, but not the flight control officers.  In this is the case, then this is a NATO war against Russia, rather than an act of terrorism.
There is another question: what was the need to send a military ensemble to the war-torn country, where tens of thousands of terrorists and their mentors from NATO still long for vengeance?  Are we complacent about the war in Syria?  Have we won and defeated everyone?  One could hear it both from the president, who said that Russia was stronger than any aggressor, and from the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defence and Security Viktor Ozerov, who said a few hours after the tragedy that the version of a terrorist attack was excluded.
Copyright Pravda 2016


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Jan 5, 2017 3:18 AM

The pattern of provoking a synthetic enemy (in this case Russia) is now obvious.
The danger is not so much that Putin will take the bait, but that a mistake, or an angry Russian patriot taking revenge in an independent action, will make a casus belli for the Cheney/Netanyahu cabal.
We truly are on the verge of WW3.

Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen
Jan 4, 2017 9:07 PM

The plane is a piece of junk. For the past 40 years they have crashed and burned taking hundreds. google: tu154 for crash results. If the Russian government admits it is a piece of flying junk they will have to spend billions to replace hundreds of them so they will bring up other excuses such as terrorism or problems with the pilot.

Against the tide (@546465546513565)
Against the tide (@546465546513565)
Jan 6, 2017 7:08 PM
Reply to  Michael Cohen

There are only a couple still flying, I assume between 30 and 50 at most, mostly in government or air force service. There have been earlier crashes, with various causes, but your appreciation is wildly unrealistic. Please compare statistics with similar airliners and then report back here.

Jan 4, 2017 8:12 PM

Provocation is the Russian word for NATO Terrorism !
Never forget that for Russia to say it was a ‘NATO covert action’ creates a problem massively bigger than the death of 92 Russians. FSB know this & Pravda can say what they like & so can anyone else.
Cast minds back to Dier Ezzor attack that killed 80 or so Syrian soldiers – Un-reported was that the death toll includes 1 or maybe 2 Russian soldiers & equally un-reported was that (c) 30 US, UK, French, German & Israeli special forces were killed in a control centre near Aleppo a few hours later to which the US responded by taking out the UN Convoy with a Hell-Fire Missile from a Predator Drone then screaming “Russia Did It!!”
We will most likely never know how many NATO assets will be lost or have already been eliminated following the assassination of the Russian Ambassador & the downing of the TU-154 ?
Be sure someone is paying in blood somewhere.

Jan 4, 2017 12:56 PM

Pravda blames NATO, Defence Minister and FSB say niet – I’ll keep an open mind about this crash for the moment.
Nevertheless, it has been a busy ‘transition period’ for the security forces/terrorists. Apart from the high profile events (Berlin market; Russian Ambassador; Reina nightclub) and a couple of less covered events (Zurich mosque shooting; shots fired outside US Embassy on the same night as Ambassador – which just happened to be a few hours before Trump was confirmed President) – there were two other suicide/killings that piqued my attention.
One was the NATO Auditor General who drove miles out of his way and shot himself with a gun he stole from his dad – which is strange as he had three guns of his own. What may or not be significant was that he was tasked with “investigating terrorist financing” (according to Sott.net.)
The other was another Russian diplomat shot within hours of Karlov – by an ‘unknown assailant’ who then hid the gun under the kitchen sink?
[About the Karlov shooting – dare I say that looked more than a little ‘staged’ – man shot point blank in the back 8-11 times; falls toward his assassin into a perfect crucified pose; not a drop of blood – and those fingers?]
I’m not sure exactly what is going on – or whether it all relates back a Langley coup against Trump – but it seems like there is an awful lot of perception management going down at the moment.

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
Jan 4, 2017 12:04 PM

Remember when Mossad op Rita Katz released footage from “Fallout 3” to show the goys that ‘al CIA Duh’ was going to nuke DC?

S(h)ITE red-faced as ‘Islamist’ Washington ruin image turns out to be from Fallout 3 game
published by Tom Sullivan on Fri, 2008-05-30 22:52 Source: Daily Telegraph
note the page has been pulled, as has Google’s cache copy, presumably because Kopy Katz and her cohorts don’t like the bad publicity.
The image from the game, which should appear below, doesn’t appear to be purged from The Telegraph’s site (yet). The SITE Intelligence Group said that the image, showing a ruined Capitol Building in Washington, was created by extremists as part of discussions about the feasibility of nuclear strikes against the US and Britain.
The images appeared in a video, called Nuclear Jihad: The Ultimate Terror, posted on two password-protected websites, al-Ekhlass and al-Hesbah, believed to be affiliated with al-Qa’eda.

Now ZNN is caught using “Fallout 4?” Makes one wonder if these scripts are being produced in Mossad’s recording studios in Herzliya, Israel.

Jan 4, 2017 8:28 AM

See also:
„Russian Plane Crash: 92 People Dead, Including Many Members of Famous Russian Army Choir!“:
„President Elect Trump: Has His Struggle for Survival Already Begun?“: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/president-elect-trump-has-his-struggle-for-survival-already-begun/
All the best for you in 2017!

Jan 4, 2017 1:41 AM

“Not an actual act of terrorism”? Ifit were ever proven to be true, it will definitely fit under the definition of terrorism. just because a State carries it out doesn’t mean it isn’t terrorism. If the French did such a thing, it would just be following its past actions. The French government carried out a terrorist attack in Auckland harbour years ago, sinking a Greenpeace ship and murdering one of its crew.

Jan 4, 2017 1:20 AM

Reblogged this on Susanna Panevin.

Against the tide (@546465546513565)
Against the tide (@546465546513565)
Jan 4, 2017 12:06 AM

-Performers are often sent to entertain the troops, watch any Vietnam movie, they are accurate in this respect. Many US artists performed in Iraq during the earlier wars. Other cou tries do this as well. Morale!
-The Sinai accident occurred during the cruise phase of the flight. The Sochi crash happened on/straight after take off. These are two totally different flight phases. It doesn’t look ’very much similar’ at all.
-Flightradar may just have lost coverage because the plane was already too low when it made its turn. It is very frequent that low flying planes disappear from FR coverage.
-RA-85572 is not the flight number, but the plane registration. The flight number would have been CHD followed by 3 or 4 numbers.
-If any electronic impulse was used, trust that Russian mlitary is aware and will reveal this in due course. It seems extremely unlikely however that a passenger airplane that landed on a civil diversion airfield would be identified as a legitimate target less than 2 minutes after takeoff. The timing of the accident also makes any bomb extremely unlikely.
-Personally, I think that mechanical failure (as a result of a refueling error?) seems most likely. But in the end, only the investigation will tell.

Jan 5, 2017 8:28 PM

Perhaps they will let the Ukronazis, Dutch and Bellingcat conduct the investigation? LOL.

Terje M
Terje M
Jan 3, 2017 11:32 PM

Well, it was a high profile cultural target at a tense geopolitical time just before Trump takes over. This is the sort of thing some twisted mind in Langley would come up with. Was the whole incident meant to sabotage a friendlier policy to Russia?
The Russian official reaction is interesting. It could be they are downplaying it, the same way they are avoiding any retaliation after the diplomats got expelled. By pretending it was an accident, they will confound their opponents yet again, who probably wanted a massive Russian retaliation.
BTW, Moon of Alabama is down this morning. I hope Off-Guardian has made proper precautions/backups for a similar possibility,

Terje M
Terje M
Jan 3, 2017 11:34 PM
Reply to  Terje M

Never mind, Moon of Alabama is up again.

Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen
Jan 4, 2017 9:09 PM
Reply to  Terje M

They cannot admit the plane is a piece of flying junk which is banned in the US by the FAA. They have to be replaced after 40 years but the government will not spend billions needed.