Donald Trump Has Been Played Like a Violin

by David William Pear, via OpEd News

The Central Intelligence Agency, the Democrats, neocons in the Republican Party and the Main Stream Media (MSM) have gotten under Donald Trump’s thin skin. When attacked, Trump’s instinct is to lash out at his attackers with counter attacks, without regard to his truthfulness or not. When Trump was a candidate for President that meant a war of words. As the President of the United States of America he has resorted to a dangerous and deadly shooting war of aggression.
Trumps critics are so numerous, unrelenting and persistent that like a cornered rat, Trump lost any sanity that he may have possessed and instead of lashing out at his tormentors, he lashed out at Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad. Just like a drunk that comes home and beats his wife, terrorize his children, busts up the furniture and kicks the dog it accomplished nothing but chaos, but it feels so good to blow off some steam, even if it is at the wrong target.
Now Trump has a lot of damage to repair and it will take more than a night in the drunk tank to patch up the mess he has made. It is probably beyond redemption. Worse is that like an alcoholic there is no cure for someone drunk with power. Predictably Trump will continue with his unpredictable binges on which he prides himself. The world will now be walking on eggshells waiting for Trumps next irrational outburst.
Trump is not the only insane actor. The MSM has gone crazy with fake news, a phrase they will regret ever inventing. Not one MSM source paused in their war rant to even question the propaganda fed to it by the CIA (a shorthand abbreviation for the Deep State of 16 and counting intelligence agencies and police state goons). Readers are encouraged to correct the record if they know of even one MSM sources that had a serious debate of the few known facts of Assad’s alleged chemical weapon attack on Syria’s Idlib Province.
Today, April 10, 2017 the New York Times (NYT) is still busy pumping out propaganda: “The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack “, but instead of a logical discussion the NYT calls on clairvoyants to read Assad’s mind. To paraphrase the conclusion, Assad is just plan evil, he loves to kill his own people, especially children and babies.
The NYT goes on that Assad wants to thumb his nose and show “the world the West’s impotence and weakness”, especially at this time of Assad’s victory. The NYT concludes that Assad was taking a victory lap in preparation for retaking Idlib back from the West after losing it in 2015 to “a mix of Qaeda-linked and other rebels, some supported by the United States and its allies”.
Note that after all these years of the MSM pretending that the US was supporting “well-vetted moderates” and pooh-poohing as fake news that the US was supporting al-Qaeda, the NYT admits that the US has been behind “Qaeda-linked and other rebels” the whole time.
So according to the MSM, Assad just threw away a diplomatic solution being hammered out in Brussel (Supporting the future of Syria and the region) that would end the so-called civil war, leaving him in power and giving him billions of dollars in aid to rebuild Syria. As I write now, Lt. Colonel Ralf Peters, a military hack for Fox News, is screaming that Assad would rather “continue the war against his own people and that Trump did exactly the right thing”. The MSM would have us believe that Assad just could not resist his thirst for the blood of “his own people” over several billions of dollars in foreign aid.
The MSM just cannot stop spinning its web of lies and cheerleading the USA into more illegal wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The American people could use some clairvoyants of their own to tell us what is on the mind of the MSM in their perpetual warmongering propaganda.
The MSM’s groupthink is mind numbing. Do they have any sense of responsibility and the consequences of their propaganda? War propaganda like a rung bell cannot be unrung. It has a lasting effect that will pave the way for more enemies, more war and more death.
The Democratic Party apparatchiks keep egging Trump on, purely for their own political ambitions. Instead of legitimately attacking Trump on his policies and lack thereof, they have found that further demonizing the nuclear armed Russian Federation and its president Vladimir Putin has legs. Russia has been universally declared an enemy nation by the Democrats, and anybody, i.e. Trump and his associates, that has ties, however slight, to Russia, or even conversations, must be an unpatriotic stooge, accomplice and spy.
Trump has been accused by the Democrats and their faithful media of having a “man crush” on Putin and being Putin’s puppet. One of Trump’s few positive populist campaign agendas was to improve relations and work with Russia to solve common problems. Peaceful relations with Russia struck a chord not only with Trump fans but also many anti-war liberals and progressives.
The Democratic diehard Clinton backers turned peace with Russia on its head and made it treason. A ray of light from the years of dark propaganda against Russia has been extinguished. The dark shadow of a war with Russia now looms over the world. The neocons in both the Democratic Party and Republican Party are loving it. War profiteers continue to party just as Trump was about to take away their punchbowl. The endless flow of unaccounted for money continues to pour out of the Pentagon into the pockets of profiteers.
Donald Trump has taken the fight to some big enemies: the MSM, CIA, neocons, liberal interventionists, the military industrial complex, and he even stuck his finger in Israel’s eye until he thought better and backed off. That list of enemies and some others such as the banks, oil companies, monopolies, and oligarchs make up a large part of the Deep State.
Trump may be the first president in a long time that was not a full-fledged member of the Deep State. Trump is learning the hard way what Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned him, or was it a threat: “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
Unless Trump is a complete dummy he knows that he was had by the Deep State with the false flag of “Assad has used weapons of mass destruction, again!” But he is loving all the attention, admiration and faux respect. He does not know that the Deep State is laughing at him, not with him. Trump was played like a violin as he sinks deeper into the swamp he said he would drain.

David William Pear is an unpaid Senior Editor for OpEdNews (OEN). David is a progressive columnist writing on economic, political and social issues. He is a regular columnist and commenter on OEN. His articles have been published by The Real News Network, Truth Out, Consortium News, Russia Insider, Pravda and many other progressive publications.


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Categories: empire watch, latest
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Aug 30, 2017 1:27 PM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Aug 21, 2017 12:43 PM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Aug 2, 2017 3:24 PM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Jul 28, 2017 11:34 AM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Jul 22, 2017 2:16 PM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Jul 22, 2017 1:55 PM

Well spoken, and spot on .

Olde Reb
Olde Reb
Apr 28, 2017 4:38 PM

The statement: “Trump may be the first president in a long time that was not a full-fledged member of the Deep State.” is a gross misstatement. He may not be a member, but he is certainly controlled by them. Look at his appointments and those that have been pilloried by the IA and MSM.

Sam Nelson
Sam Nelson
Apr 24, 2017 4:41 PM

“DEA Just Admitted To Selling Drugs On Streets” we have been playing a long time. When the Leadership is the cause of all your troubles what does it help to blame anyone or anything else? We, can’t wait for someone to drain the swamp for us, we have to drain the swamp ourselves; white, black, brown, yellow, red, one nation with one intent -take back what is ours which is: our Government. If we are not willing to do the work, to suffer setbacks, then we will as we always do now, fail. Instead of ‘I was robbed’ how about -we, have all been robbed, and it started with the decisions of Woodrow Wilson, who was, once, the President. Too many Presidents too many robberies, until today we are approaching third world status. The crooks are not on the streets selling drugs, the crooks are in the government, in the banks, robbing us blind. We should all be rich, not just the few.

Harold Smith
Harold Smith
Apr 24, 2017 3:00 PM

How do you talk someone into becoming a mass murderer? How do you convince someone to risk starting a war that could end the world as we know it? How do you talk someone into all of a sudden repudiating a world view that ostensibly took them 70 years to arrive at?
Put simply, how do you convince Mister Rogers to become the Zodiac killer?
You don’t. Obviously, Chumpster’s campaign was a calculated fraud from the beginning. Chumpster is mentally and morally defective now, as president, because he was mentally and morally defective before becoming president.

no use for a name
no use for a name
Apr 24, 2017 6:31 AM

We are in power. Nobody will deny it. By virtue of that power we shall remain in power…We have no words to waste on you. When you reach out your vaunted strong hands for our palaces and purpled ease, we will show you what strength is. In roar of shell and shrapnel and in whine of machine-guns will our answer be couched. We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upon your faces. The world is ours, we are its lords, and ours it shall remain. As for the host of labor, it has been in the dirt since history began, and I read history aright. And in the dirt it shall remain so long as I and mine and those that come after us have the power. There is the word. It is the king of words–Power. Not God, not Mammon, but Power.

Apr 18, 2017 11:08 PM

Meanwhile: does the bullshit EVER stop? This from a new book supposedly reporting (“in detail”) about Clinton’s immediate reaction after losing the election (apparently, initial reports that Clinton had a violent, perfectly in-character, Exorcist-style meltdown and had to be sedated are not true at all! wink wink):
” ‘Look, I really just want to concede gracefully, wish him the best, thank everybody, and get off the stage,’ Clinton said during a discussion with top aide Jake Sullivan.'”
That’s just incredibly plausible, isn’t it?

Apr 19, 2017 3:59 PM
Reply to  StAug

Proves one thing: drugs (sedatives) work. Plausible, yeah sure of course in reverse: they are all about audacity (of-plausability/BS/etc):

She thanked her running mate, Tim Kaine, the Obamas, her family, and the country.
“Our best days are ahead of us,” she said.
President Obama addressed the country soon after from the White House, asking Americans not to get cynical.
“We are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading our country,” he said

Stephen Sivonda
Stephen Sivonda
Apr 30, 2017 8:46 AM
Reply to  StAug

StAug…. to your opening question think of it this way. Same shit, different day ! HRC could have made a modest report to the MSM hucksters with that summation and been done with it. But no, there has to be a book penned by someone else ….what the hell,… the money aspect is always paramount . It would be a best seller if she admitted to all the lies , the rigging and underhanded machinations of the DNC and her “Health” problems were finally divulged. It could also clear the air of the false narrative of Russian interference with the elections…. which is used as cover for all the transgressions HRC accumulated in the previous 8 years. But as to your summation. ” That’s just incredibly plausible , isn’t it? “

Sorry, Not Buying It
Sorry, Not Buying It
Apr 18, 2017 7:13 PM

More important than whether Trump has been “played” is: why did so many allow themselves to be played by Trump and delude themselves into thinking that he was going to offer some sort of “alternative”? Such delusions are possible when one eschews class analysis, and falls for the fraud of reducing everything to “elites in Washington”. Let’s call the “Deep State” what it is: the imperialist bourgeoisie. Let’s stop avoiding the “c” word and stop being so enamored of talking about “the establishment”. At the end of the day – and this is the only thing that ultimately matters to the working class in its historical mission to eliminate capitalism – Trump was always going to be nothing more than another “option”, another fraud offered by the bourgeois dictatorship to the masses that it robs, exploits, brutalizes, and lies to. It is the task of workers, peasants, and toiling masses everywhere, in both the imperialist centers and the super-exploited “periphery”, to take a hammer to this disgusting capitalist-imperialist system and smash it by organizing, fighting and replacing the bourgeois dictatorship with a dictatorship of the working masses. Trump has once again (as though more examples were needed at this point) demonstrated that voting within capitalism is the equivalent of throwing water balloons at a brick wall. If anyone wants to wallow in that, then have at it. But don’t expect anything other than bitter disappoint and defeat in the end. If you enjoy sending the masses down blind alleyways where they will be cut down to pieces by the bourgeoisie and its agents, don’t expect to be seen as anything other than a usurper and a despicable opportunist. Social revolution in which the exploited masses forcibly expropriate the exploiters and set up their own hegemony – true democracy for the… Read more »

Apr 24, 2017 2:15 PM

Trump is just another Rothschild puppet.

Sorry, Not Buying It
Sorry, Not Buying It
May 1, 2017 11:23 PM
Reply to  George

Irrelevant. Whether or not he’s a “Rothschild puppet” should be only a tenth decimal place focus for the US working class. The problem isn’t “Rothschilds”, it’s the capitalist-imperialist system that oppresses, exploits, divides, and murders the world’s workers, regardless of the capitalist chieftain in the White House. The fixation on particular actors within the capitalist swamp is a petit-bourgeois fad that serves only to divert attention away from the need to smash this SYSTEM. We need to stop giving capitalism the benefit of the doubt. What MATTERS for the revolutionary interests of the workers isn’t what gang of exploiters Trump is or isn’t aligned with, or that he’s “outside the establishment”, but that he’s part of the CAPITALIST establishment and is completely devoted to protecting it – just as a Clinton, a Sanders or a Cruz would be. The working class needs to be armed with the weapon of class analysis and impressed upon with the need for organization and militant struggle, not sent on stupid and self-defeating errands wherein it becomes a tool and plaything in the hands of another section of the bourgeoisie.

Stephen Sivonda
Stephen Sivonda
Apr 25, 2017 7:13 AM

Well spoken, and spot on . One might think of the Obamas and Trumps as political false flags ,they’re not what they seem to be. Now the French will be getting the same in Macron…. another Neoliberal interventionist. Strange that Obama would have a discussion on the phone with him , eh? I’m watching Bloomberg business news , and on the left side they run what is called “Top News” which is a series of bits and pieces of worldwide items involving all manner of corporate and govt. happenings. What do I see but the proclamation that 2 new Billionaires are on the cusp of being made. Just imagine…. something to crow about in the face of all that is going on now in the world. Truly a shame….

Apr 17, 2017 6:34 PM

Not sure it’s Mr Trump who’s being played, rather all those who believe in the US Constitution and the office of President. How is it that a man being investigated for child rape and murder, illegal tax and business dealings whose mentor, Roy Cohn, one of the worst mob connected lawyers amongst other devious practices, becomes President? How is it that the such an office is held by a man whose only claim is being rich? One only has to open ones eyes to see how incredibly corrupt the American system has become. The American people and those around the world are being played like an orchestra.

Apr 22, 2017 1:27 AM
Reply to  Alan

Right. All presidents have been “played”, in as much as they follow, not give, orders. The author, revealingly, follows the MSM line: the Great Office of the POTUS is inhabited by a lunatic! Nonsense. The US has been for many decades a fascist state controlled by nasty oligarchs who (rather crudely) portray their fiefdom as, yada yada, the Home of the Brave etc, ad nauseam. Oh really?
The US has always been a low rent operation of carpetbaggers and shysters camouflaged by Hollywood and MSM tinsel. The rest of the civilized looks on, rightly embarrassed by this waste of talent and resources, and weakly applauds, hoping they’ll wake up? They won’t.

Apr 17, 2017 2:40 PM

It’s a fairly plausible notion that Trump was only in the race in the first place to scare the center-right, and the disenchanted liberals, toward the Clinton Hydra in that election; his “anti-establishment” and “conspiritard lite” rhetoric was supposed to make him look as un-presidential as possible… and as the secret poll numbers kept climbing in Trump’s favor he ramped it up for all the wrong reasons… his win was probably the biggest boomerang since they made John Lennon world-famous and he started biting Them in the ass. Trump, of course, never, for a moment, intended to bite Them in the ass. They had a very good thing going with that “Left/ Liberal Cover” scam and They wanted another 8 years of it; it’s very possible that They are now realizing that They can get away with all kinds of Evil under Trump because only Trump, and neither side of the False Dichotomy Machine, will take the blame for the Evil They oblige him to perpetrate. Not as slick as “Left/ Liberal Cover” but They can probably make it work until They put Chelsea (or a Kardashian) in office… Did DT ever want to be Prez? I doubt it; he’d probably love to have a face-saving way out of the trap he’s in, because, by the time his 4 or 8 are up, he will have gone from being a Buffoonish Vulgarian to a Mass-Murderer just by being strapped in that Oval Office while the machine ran its course; hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Victimized Serfs around the world will be hating his guts. Who would want that on their head? I doubt that Trump is that kind of grade-A Psychopath like LBJ/Clintons/ BHO/ Bushes… just looking at the fact that he married for “sex” (like an ordinary… Read more »

Apr 19, 2017 9:11 AM
Reply to  StAug

Allegedly Trump flew on the ‘Lolita Express. He was also facing a rape charge with the billionaire paedophile owner Jeffrey Epstein (What happened to their alleged victim “Jane Doe”.) Also, Trump was in Epstein’s “little black book” and Epstein pleaded the Fifth to avoid answering about their “socializing” with under age girls.
Can’t vouch for the sources though (Daily Wire, Daily Heil, not Independent, Graun) so you’ll have to draw your own conclusion.

Apr 17, 2017 1:23 PM

When the history of our times is written, the landmark SCOTUS victory for Citizens United, that paved the way for unlimited campaign donations in US politics – will go down as Capitalisms coup de grace for the already moribund state of American democracy. In the aftermath, the free for all moneybath – the Mercers thought they could buy the Presidency – and they probably did. They got their second choice man Trump into the Oval Office, their trusted adviser Bannon as his right hand man. But then, what happens when the irresistible force of unfettered New Money meets the immutable object of unlimited Old Money vested in the Deep State? Well, unless Mercer can come up with strategic politic algorithm, or there is a magical Sun Tzu/Machiavellian ‘hedge’ play that no one has picked – you can’t buy (off) the Deep State. Only join it, or so it would seem. America has gone, it doesn’t matter who you put in the White House – it is a strange type of vanity to think it is. The system fully corrupted, the swamp IS unlimited capital – contributed or not. Trump was a one off, the last of his kind, a kind of half-outsider – who, lets face it, ‘Golden Showers’ or not, does carry an awful lot of Kompromat and was easily corruptible. The idea of an outsider, a radical, someone ‘clean’ who could really effect socioeconomic change (beyond which the Deep State may sanction) rising from the money mire, is inconceivable. As Barry proved, crowdfunding will henceforth not be an option. If you want to run for POTUS, you need the super PACs, the non-profits, and the Big Money corporatocracy to back you. You’ll need to be inline with their interests from the start. Talking the talk in Congress, and… Read more »

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
Apr 17, 2017 12:43 PM

What the buddies of President KUSHNER and his faithful toady Trump are up to in Syria. President KUSHNER said he was too busy eating chocolate cake to comment.

Apr 17, 2017 1:27 PM
Reply to  Greg Bacon

All Americans are now legitimate targets.

Apr 19, 2017 12:38 AM
Reply to  Seraskier

Everybody on the planet is a legitimate target to those with their finger on the proverbial button. It has always been that way.

Dead World Walking
Dead World Walking
Apr 17, 2017 10:51 AM

While Zero fiddles the world burns?

Apr 17, 2017 10:06 AM

As the world waits for this sociopath to decide what his insane programme is. Will he attack NK, will he bomb Syria again or China, will he start a nuclear war? If the planet does not collectively get out onto the streets and force their governments to change direction there is a strong chance we are completely screwed. Trump is insane and in the pockets of the money men in dark suits, our new and lethal world mafia as we edge further and further towards WW3. Boris of course being the thick dangerous idiot idiot that he is is forcing the UK to play a major role in this insanity as his bank account no doubt rising with backhanders from the worlds criminal fraternity.

Apr 17, 2017 2:04 PM
Reply to  FifiJ

And it would have been exactly the same with Shillary too. And Bozo would have been sucking up to her as well. The only difference is that Shillary’s first target would have been Iran.
The problem isn’t Trump or Hillary
The problem is the United States of America

Apr 24, 2017 8:24 AM
Reply to  Seraskier

The problem is not Trump or Hillary the problem are the Corporations, the Federal Reserve totally untouchable and the Pentagon. So, the World is coming directly to a Third World War now and I do not who can stopped it.

Apr 17, 2017 9:36 AM

James Corbett presciently points out the increase in share prices of Raytheon and ExxonMobil after the Syria bombing.
Rex Tillerson is ex-Exxon.
Enormous similarities to Cheney and Hallibrton….
I am not sure why murder to increase share prices is not a hanging offence, but those bastions of humanity on the Hill can doubtless explain it to the world….along with who their agents on Wall Street are……

Apr 17, 2017 2:35 PM
Reply to  rtj1211

It’s a fairly plausible notion that Trump was only in the race in the first place to scare the center-right, and the disenchanted liberals, toward the Clinton Hydra in that election; his “anti-establishment” and “conspiritard lite” rhetoric was supposed to make him look as un-presidential as possible… and as the secret poll numbers kept climbing in Trump’s favor he ramped it up for all the wrong reasons… his win was probably the biggest boomerang since they made John Lennon world-famous and he started biting Them in the ass. Trump, of course, never, for a moment, intended to bite Them in the ass. They had a very good thing going with that “Left/ Liberal Cover” scam and They wanted another 8 years of it; it’s very possible that They are now realizing that They can get away with all kinds of Evil under Trump because only Trump, and neither side of the False Dichotomy Machine, will take the blame for the Evil They oblige him to perpetrate. Not as slick as “Left/ Liberal Cover” but They can probably make it work until They put Chelsea (or a Kardashian) in office… Did DT ever want to be Prez? I doubt it; he’d probably love to have a face-saving way out of the trap he’s in, because, by the time his 4 or 8 are up, he will have gone from being a Buffoonish Vulgarian to a Mass-Murderer just by being strapped in that Oval Office while the machine ran its course; hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Victimized Serfs around the world will be hating his guts. Who would want that on their head? I doubt that Trump is that kind of grade-A Psychopath like LBJ/Clintons/ BHO/ Bushes… just looking at the fact that he married for “sex” (like an ordinary… Read more »

Apr 17, 2017 2:38 PM
Reply to  StAug

(Oops… put this in the wrong slot!)

Daniel Rich
Daniel Rich
Apr 17, 2017 4:24 AM

Let’s scale it down to what it really is: cat intestines on a wooden plank. Yes, that doesn’t sound like a Stradivarius, but that is what Trump has turned it into. Bombs Fiddle away, Donald!

Apr 17, 2017 2:29 AM

I would suggest that the attack on that airport in Syria actually changed the narrative in which every article in MSM was definitely stating that Russia had influenced the election and Trump and his people were under their (the Russians) evil sway. Since that one solitary attack on the airstrip in Syria, that has all changed. Nary a word about Russia influencing the election, or doing hacks, or whatever.
And, it shouldn’t be forgotten that the Russian military was informed of the attack several hours in advance, and obviously, their Syrian allies were advised of this as well. So, from what I read, there were no Russian nor Syrian military casualties. Apparently, the civilian casualties occurred because some of the missiles went astray.
So, maybe that action was consistent with Trump’s campaign promise to deescalate the conflicts with Russia. One can always hope….

Apr 16, 2017 9:11 PM

“Donald Trump Has Been Played Like a Violin”
Or has he played his fans like a kazoo?

Apr 17, 2017 9:11 AM
Reply to  StAug

Played like a violin, or jew’s harp?

Apr 17, 2017 1:21 PM
Reply to  JJA

The player and the audience and yes, it is all “play-back”, including the laugh-track and the applause.

Katherine Magdangal
Katherine Magdangal
Apr 16, 2017 6:34 PM

interesting that the author uses an analogy that could never happen -in real life-
Trump doesn’t drink
Katherine Magdangal

Ross Hendry
Ross Hendry
Apr 17, 2017 2:48 PM

A stiff drink or two would probably do him good – he might take himself less seriously. He probably avoids
it because he needs to feel he’s in control at all times.

Apr 16, 2017 5:09 PM

Excellent article! Tubularsock has noticed that the creative false-flag scenario has now become just another rerun upon rerun to the point that rather than just one false-flag it’s a damn parade! With the pinnacle being an Academy Award given to the White Helmets! The creative arts have lost ground in this endless mirage of “beautiful dead babies”.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 16, 2017 2:57 PM

How sad that Trump has caved. I guess we can take some comfort from the fact that he will be a remarkably ineffective spokesman for the deep state, which invested so much political capital in denigrating him.
“Note that after all these years of the MSM pretending that the US was supporting ‘well-vetted moderates’ and pooh-poohing as fake news that the US was supporting al-Qaeda, the NYT admits that the US has been behind ‘Qaeda-linked and other rebels’ the whole time.”
Yeah, it’s all out in the open now. Even Tom Friedman is calling on us to partner with ISIS to bring down the Syrian government: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/opinion/why-is-trump-fighting-isis-in-syria.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Fthomas-l-friedman&action=click&contentCollection=opinion&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0
Another ‘conspiracy theory’ goes mainstream …

Barbara Mullin
Barbara Mullin
Apr 16, 2017 3:05 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Tulsi Gabbard is telling it like it is.

Apr 16, 2017 7:00 PM
Reply to  Barbara Mullin

Am not American Barbara , but how I so wish that she could be the US first female president some day .She and a few like her are the only ones that keep me from believing that all congress critters and senators are psychos .

Apr 17, 2017 11:17 AM
Reply to  summitflyer

Sorry, but did you guys miss the real point of what has happened here? It no longer matters who is in the White House – it never did – they don’t operate the levers of power. The idea that someone can rise from the current unlimited money mire and give the body politic back to the people is pure fantasy. Dream on.

Apr 17, 2017 1:27 PM
Reply to  BigB

I think you’re right. The POTUS is now little more than a front man for the real ruling cabals. The policies stay the same over time regardless of who occupies the White House. The Deep State, the Corporate Elite, the Media, the Think Tanks the two-party political cartel, Wall Street, academe and almost certainly the Mob, all overlap and intersect to form a ruling oligarchy-cum-timarchy.
It was way back in the 1950s that the very underrated American social theorist C Wright Mills described America and its rulers in terms of the ‘Power Elite’ This elite consisting of three groups: The political directorate, the Corporate Elite and the Warlords (the MIC). It was bad enough in his time, it is palpably worse today

Apr 17, 2017 2:22 PM
Reply to  Frank

I’m sure the irony is not lost on you, that Trump rose on a ticket that included pointing this all out – “the system is corrupt”. He’s proved his point by joining it. 🙂

Stephen Sivonda
Stephen Sivonda
Apr 25, 2017 7:34 AM
Reply to  BigB

Yes…just today the news on the NPR station I listen to while driving stated a (LIE) piece that the majority of Trump voter ‘Think he’s doing a good job”. Of course since that is a MSM sourced POS….I really think it’s been obvious to many of those who voted for him that he’s just another liar -in -chief.

Apr 16, 2017 2:38 PM

I am afraid it is more like if Trump played everyone that believed he would be different like a violin.