Sun ‘exposes racism in Russia’ with video of nazi Ukrainian football fans

The White Boys Club fan group of Ukraine’s Dynamo Kiev football team. © Ultras Dynamo .Kyiv TV / YouTube
It appears the UK tabloid, The Sun, needs a lesson in geography after it posted a video of controversial Ukrainian football fan group White Boys Club, who wear KKK capes, and paint swastikas on their clothes under the title ‘Racism in Russia’.
The video was an edited version of a clip posted on YouTube, which shows Ukrainian ultras – hardcore fans of Dynamo Kiev – putting on a visual display during a home match against their biggest rivals, another Ukrainian team, Shakhtar Donetsk last week.
Despite being incorrect, the caption was not removed from the website for several hours.
It is not clear whether this was an innocent geographical error on the part of The Sun, which has been running a campaign warning of hooliganism at next year’s World Cup in Russia.
An accompanying article about the display also made no mention of the fact that the events were taking place in Ukraine.
Behind a sign emblazoned with ‘100 percent white,’ several thousand ultras – many wearing retro hockey goalkeepers masks and overalls – launch pyrotechnics, break into chants, and perform choreographed routines.
Boys’ songs are directed against Russia, while foreign players, particularly darker-skinned ones, are frequently subjected to whistles and boos.
Various such movements, often modeled on English ‘football firms’ and flare-launching and banner-waving Italian ultras, sprung up in the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s.
While the name White Boys Club also refers to Dynamo’s club colors, the organizers do not deny that they have grown hand-in-hand with nationalist and far-right movements, and the badges sold by the group feature a Nazi-era heraldic eagle.
Since the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, fans have officially put an end to their altercations, and instead have united in supporting the country against “Russian aggression.”

UK tabloid distorts traditional Russian pancake festival into ‘Ultra’ football thug fights
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Reblogged this on wgrovedotnet and commented:
How many of The Sun readers could find the Ukraine on a map, let alone understand that the ruling oligarchs are neo nazi KKK thugs supporting the ethnic cleansing of Russian speaking Ukrainians and any people of colour? Probably not many, which is why The Sun didn’t remove the misleading and false caption. During the 1940’s many British military personnel died trying to rid Europe of Nazi’s but The Sun, content to trash the memory of that sacrifice, quite happily embraces neo Nazis of Western Ukraine. Nice one.
The Sun doesn’t need lessons. It does this stuff on purpose. Though the shamelessness of this deception is worrisome.
The fact that Kiev is overflowing with Nazi style, right wing fascists should not be a surprise. The illegal Ukrainian government is full of such perverts and their degenerate ideas have now spread to an ignorant and destabilized citizenry!
Reblogged this on Susanna Panevin.
Remember the Euros in France? The media here were making out Russian hooligans were recruited by the Russian government.
Just another day in bullshit western media land.
It’s all the rage this spring to “expose” the dastardly deeds of those evil Russkies. The Guardian recently ran a piece in which Credit Suisse (because bankers care…and are known for their honesty) “exposed” inequality in Russia.
I found this piece by Mark Ames exposing Credit Suisse (aided, of course, by the ever altruistic US government) which in the 1990s helped make Russia one of the most unequal societies in the world. The scale of the plundering and the hypocrisy really is breathtaking.
Fascism is always the fallback for western governments when the profit system begin to break down. In this case it is a direct result of the intervention and funding by Washington (5 billion dollars according to Hillary Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State for Eastern Europe Victoria Nuland ) in a fascist coup in Kiev and the current training, funding and arming of neo-Nazi brigades in Ukraine. Compare with the breakdown of capitalism in the 1930’s after the 1929 Wall Street crash ( caused when unlimited free cash handed to the Wall Street investment banks like Goldman Sachs by the Federal Reserve inflated a stock market bubble and ensuing crash ) engendered global unemployment, famine, explosive social tensions and political turmoil. The answer Washington came up with in the 30’s was to ask Wall Street to invest in fascist movements in Spain, Italy, Germany as a means by which grassroots democracy movements protesting the concentration of wealth in a small handful of power elites could be crushed by violence and the gutting of the Constitutions in those countries and replacement by military dictatorships which would support big business, economic inequality and the total ruination of social programs for the poor. Fascism= the creation of a police state to defend capitalism and its drive to war in the pursuit of profit.
History repeats itself for the simple fact that the people running things are the same people, in the absence of any successful mass movement of the working class for true democracy and justice, who are always running things
The Sun also refers to the 2014 CIA Coup as a “Revolution”?
Regrettable to see that mistake in this article, but understandable,
Journalistic accountability is yesterdays news, and who can even keep track any more?
88 is the eighth letter of the alphabet ‘H’ twice signifying Heil Hitler, the other number that was used by british racists such as ‘Combat 18’ is the number 18, being the first and eighth letters AH.
Sometimes it is hard to tell who the bigger idiots are, the papers and media reporting or the idiot racists themselves.
At least the idiot racists in Kiev have the excuse of not knowing their history or of knowing any alternative since many of them would be quite young and were not yet born when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 and Ukraine became independent. Since then, Ukraine has been badly governed by corrupt politicians playing the nationalist card and (apart from Viktor Yanukovych) rehabilitating or even celebrating the memory of the ultra-nationalist / Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. In recent years since the Maidan coup, poverty has increased and state provision of education has become brainwashing with the country’s history being rewritten as a bizarre combination of anti-Russian propaganda and belief in Ukrainian racial superiority.
The media on the other hand have no such excuses.
It’s also worth noting, that nazism never actually died in the Ukraine. Over 2,400 “schools” were established in the Ukraine, with the sole purpose of emulating Hitler’s Youth programmes and their main function, was indeed, to reprise the Nazi movement, starting with the children. It would seem, it worked.
Or the ignorance of the readers themselves, who actually believe this crap perversion of the facts by The Sun?