VIDEO: The Naylor Report – Tories Plan to Sell the NHS

YouTuber Chris Holden’s video on the Naylor Report and Theresa May’s plans for the NHS has gone viral in the last week. Deservedly so, he’s done the hard yards – reading an interminably dull report – so we don’t have to. His summary is concise, revealing, and very worrying.

“In an interview with Andrew Neil, Theresa May slipped out a single line about the NHS; she’s made the 2017 election all about her, strength and stability and Brexit. In half an hour, this was all she had to say about her plans on the NHS – “we support the Naylor Report”. It sounded so tediously dull, it couldn’t possibly be of any interest.”
Featured image from Evolvepolitics.com, who have an excellent write-up on the Naylor Report here.


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David Eire
David Eire
Jun 9, 2019 7:29 PM

Neoliberalism seeks the eventual privatization of all State assets and functions. The Neoliberal nirvana (dystopia) is a world owned and run by private enterprises; specifically transnational corporations or privately owned global empires. A Capitalist form of the Ancien Regime (feudal aristocracy; kings and queens and emperors).

Jun 12, 2017 3:25 AM

Does it not anger you that the people in charge of the funding of the NHS are people that do not use  or can afford not to use the NHS? Does it not anger you that the politicians use the NHS as a political football? just one example is Ed Milliband Ed Miliband has come under pressure to admit that he plotted to “weaponize” the NHS as an election issue after it emerged he secretly briefed up to 15 executives at the BBC over his plans, The Telegraph can disclose. The Labour leader used the phrase during a meeting with some of the corporation’s most senior figures in around November of last year and said he intended to make the NHS the centerpiece of his campaign. He made the comments weeks before the NHS began to experience unprecedented pressure. Both parties are as bad as each other,you just have to listen to PM,s question time to hear the hypocrisy of all parties Then there is the Torys secret plan to sell of the NHS,one which they deny and as we all know  politicians tell the truth But if you look into the Tory MPs business background you can see just why its more of a probability than  unlikelihood Full list of MPs with links to private healthcare firms David Cameron – Handed a peerage to nursing and care home tycoon Dolar Popat, who has given the Tories more than £200,000 in donations. Andrew Lansley – Former Health Secretary & architect of privatisation Received a £21,000 donation in Nov 2009 from John Nash, the former chairman of Care UK. Harriet Baldwin – Tory whip Former executive at JP Morgan, a major player in private healthcare. Greg Barker – former Energy Minister Held shares in Quester VCT 5 plc ,a venture capital… Read more »

Jun 12, 2017 5:48 PM
Reply to  owlsmn1

This is a very good list but it is now dated. Is it possible to make up a more up-to-date one?
If you can do that, I suggest you identify which constituencies these individuals represent in Parliament and then send the relevant information to the local Labour Constituency Party with a suggestion that they include the information in their next constituency-wide newsletter so that local residents become aware just how financially selfish their local MPs are.
It would also help the local Labour Constituency Party to spotlight their local MP’s voting behaviour too.
That might constrain them from further unacceptable actions and/or help to get them de-elected in future.

Jun 4, 2017 12:45 AM

Just came across this article from January which I haven’t seen before.

Jun 3, 2017 2:02 PM

The Labour Party 2017 General Election Manifesto “For the Many, Not the Few” is necessarily “broad brush” in nature but the section on the NHS (pages 66 to 69) outlines a broad preventative strategy, such that demands on both primary and secondary healthcare services will be reduced for the young and an increased investment in social care will correspondingly reduce demands on the NHS by the elderly. On the question of funding, the final paragraph states the following:- ‘We will introduce a new legal duty on the Secretary of State and on NHS England to ensure that excess private profits are not made out of the NHS at the expense of patients care.’ (page 69). What this may mean in actual practice will remain to be seen but it at least provides a basis for tackling the obscene levels of profits that private consortia are extracting from the NHS by – for example – passing legislation designed to reduce the levels of cash being extracted from the NHS. Some of the earliest PFI contracts had rates of return on capital employed (ROCE) of between 25 and 40 per cent. In an era when most financial institutions are offering interest rates of – at best – around 1 per cent on deposits, it is clearly evident that the rates of return on PFI contracts are basically usurious – to say the very least – and it is possible to foresee these rates of return being legally trimmed with very little public opposition. I hope a Labour Government will contemplate such a course of action but I cannot guarantee it. I believe they should possess the courage to implement such a strategy but only time will tell. One thing that is absolutely guaranteed is that the Tories would never contemplate any such… Read more »

Jun 3, 2017 3:20 PM
Reply to  John

@John: whilst I broadly agree with you, I have reservations about your aspirational views on renegotiating PFI contracts. Apart from the Commercial Confidentiality Clauses; opening them up and renegotiating down the ROCE may have public support – but when has the Private Sector ever been so public spirited? It would be complicated by the fact that those who originally negotiated the contracts would have packaged up the debt and sold on their liabilities. That’s how this toxic economy works, isn’t it? My wild guess is that it would result in some sort of equity swap arrangement that would further burden our National Debt? We can have a separate debate about how unsustainable our National Debt already is another time. As a private citizen, my more simplistic solution would be to tell them to go f_ck ’emselves!

Jun 4, 2017 12:18 AM
Reply to  BigBG

You are right to point towards the secondary derivatives market in PFI contracts.
As in any market, any factors that causes them to lose value will see their values heavily discounted.
By even talking about reducing the ROCE rates on these PFI contracts, it could well see their values fall.
Then, it would be a simple matter for central government to buy them up at heavily discounted prices.
Once bought, they could be cancelled at a fraction of their original price.
One thing a national government can always do if it wants to is to pass retrospective legislation.
That would invalidate any legal challenges in UK courts.
The vulture funds might well find that to be an object lesson they will never forget.
If they don’t comply, issue excessive tax demands on them, which have to be supported by other governments.

Jun 2, 2017 7:55 PM

Dr Bob Gill speaking briefly about the Naylor Review.
I make no apologies for re posting the link to this 1 hour documentary covering the covert privatization of the NHS. http://www.selloff.org.uk/nhs/default.html
Here’s Dr Bob Gill’s page for the next film on The Great NHS Heist. There is a crowdfunding link. http://selloff.org.uk/
This election really is the final chance to save the NHS.

Jun 3, 2017 1:13 PM
Reply to  Manda

The Brexit ‘negotiations’ are the scam at the heart of an election intended to secure an unassailable Tory majority and complete the privatisation of the UK. Free trade deals are passé in a new era of protectionism; membership of the Single Market, Customs Union and the EU are largely irrelevant to Britain’s productivity and economic growth.

Jun 2, 2017 7:04 PM

This was May’s election to lose & that’s precisely what she’s working hard to do.
If she’d used her brain (assuming she has one) we’d have been looking at a safe BREXIT now but this put UK in peril as the EU Zealots will see this weakness.
But saying that “Hard Brexit” brings a net annual gain to the UK of (c) €4Bn from EU/UK trade deficit – do the calcs if you don’t believe me!

Jun 2, 2017 3:17 PM

Sometimes, I feel like I’m swimming in a very small goldfish bowl. Tory bashing has been my raison d’etre for forty years, but even I have to say this analysis is one sided. PFIs, PPPs, SPVs anyone? After twenty years of Tory mismanagement, in 1997, along came ‘New’ Labour, promising to save the NHS, tax progressively, increase the Welfare State, etc. And ‘save the NHS’ they did, but at what cost? Thanks to PFIs, part of the NHS infrastructure is already effectively private; and leased back to the NHS for profit. PFIs saddled the NHS with a toxic and unsustainable debt (greater than the value of the facilities built) of £267bn to be repaid over 50 years; an ‘affordability gap’ that lead to the loss of services, bed closures, etc. So if the Tories are coming to sell off the NHS; it’s to finish the job that Labour started! The Labour manifesto is not promising to bring the NHS into public ownership. They can’t, the contracts are in place for 30-60 years. Nor can they “ensure that excess private profits are not made out of the NHS at the expense of patient care” as the terms of the contracts are already in place. Other than care contracts (as and when they come up for renewal); and some service contracts (those that are not written into the terms of a PFI); , nor can they “reverse privatise.” They could buy out those contracts, but at what cost? The £30bn of extra funding over the 5 year term of the next Parliament will actually equate to a £7bn funding gap by 2020/21. The extra capital expenditure? I am not writing this just to be downvoted. I love the NHS, my Mum gave her life to it. There seems to be a one… Read more »

Jun 2, 2017 8:09 PM
Reply to  BigBG

“…but even I have to say this analysis is one sided. PFIs, PPPs, SPVs anyone?”
See the link to the documentary I posted above. The privatization of NHS began when the neoliberal/neocon political consensus became the ‘centre’… with Thatcher and then her “greatest achievement” Blair and New Labour. Lib Dems as you will see, effectively helped the Tories legally abolish the NHS with the 2012 Heath and Social Care Act.
Here’s the link again to save you looking. http://www.selloff.org.uk/nhs/default.html

Jun 3, 2017 12:33 PM
Reply to  Manda

@Manda: thanks for the link, which I rewatched in case I had missed something. I think anyone who is aware of the problems of the NHS knows that this has been a long term project of self-serving corporatist individuals at a political and managerial level. My POV, extended from what I said above, is that the whole LibLabCon have been involved. The argument that the Tories (with or without Lib collaboration) are anti-NHS and Labour are pro-NHS is simplistic and one sided. And ultimately dangerous. In fact, it was the very blinkered argument that led us to this point. All parties have historically been complicit. If you look at what ‘New’ Labour did with PFIs and Foundation Trusts, what does it amount to if not pre-privitisation? ‘New’ Labour introduced measures that Thatcher would only have dreamt of: a point one of the brave Doctors in the film reiterated. My argument about the Labour manifesto ‘solution’ is that although they intend to repeal the 2012 Health and Social Care Act – which is undeniably a positive step – they make absolutely no indication that they plan to open up and renegotiate the PFI (for “Pernicious Financial Idiocy”) contracts. This, to my mind, is like pouring £30bn down the corporate-banking sluice. At best, it is a partial solution that favours the banks and PFI Consortia. While we are all Tory bashing – a real and informed public debate (that this film calls for) is suppressed. The toxic burden of PFI debt alone could bring down the NHS. From the Consortia side the capital investment has been re-financed down to virtually 0% – while the NHS will have to continue to pay ‘Unitary Charges’ (including management fees, service charges, etc.) for the full life of the contract (sometimes longer than the life expectancy… Read more »

Jun 3, 2017 2:17 PM
Reply to  BigBG

There is no doubt Labour would be up against it re NHS and possibly delivering on their manifesto.
I was posting to back up your point that the NHS privatization project was not just carried out by the Tories and also for readers who may not have seen it.
Getting a Labour government is a great start in my opinion, the alternative is certain doom to NHS and continued decline of living standards and future prospects for the majority. Whatever the result of the election those who want to see NHS rescued and work towards a more equal and fairer society will have to find all the energy they can muster to work together to push for it.
In the end the words of Bevan hold true “The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it”.

Jun 3, 2017 2:39 PM
Reply to  Manda

I can’t argue with that, see you on the barricades! 🙂

Jun 2, 2017 8:15 AM

Yes, the Americanisation of Europe in general and the UK, in particular, is ongoing and apparently inexorable. And this reconfiguration is apparent at all levels: political, economic, and cultural. Europe is, not to put to fine a point on it, an occupied zone, and has been so since at least 1945. The liberation has turned into an occupation; at once a geopolitical forward base for the US deployment of its NATO intervention force against the Eurasian bloc of Russia and China, and secondly an export zone for US goods and services. Euroland’s vassal eliites seem only too willing to do Washington’s bidding even though they are treated with almost open contempt by their Atlantic ‘partners’. This applies particularly to the hysterical Russophobes of the ‘New’ Eastern european states.

Stephen Sivonda
Stephen Sivonda
Jun 2, 2017 4:46 AM

Watching the video…I heard “United Healthcare” mentioned . That is probably the supplemental healthcare provider here in the US. So there is a scheme about for them to get involved directly into the ownership of the hospitals…. their stock will soar and the CEO gets an even more obscene yearly compensation then he gets now. The UK should rise up and crush those Tories.

Jun 2, 2017 1:38 AM

I have already seen this video. It is also now on The SKWAWKBOX.
See https://skwawkbox.org/2017/05/30/may-loves-naylorreport-everyone-must-seeshare-video-ge17-nhs.
What is really hard to fathom is why the Labour Party and other political parties are not highlighting this.
It also raises the question as to why the main media is not highlighting this either?
All any of us can do is to circulate this as widely as possible.
However, will that be sufficient to persuade enough “swing” voters?

Jun 1, 2017 10:39 PM

Posted link to video and comment on Facebook here: “Given Tory plans to sell off the NHS, any one who votes for them or throw their votes to Lib Dems or UKIP be dumb as fuck” https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=809952785829950&id=792796224212273&_rdr

May Ayres
May Ayres
Jun 1, 2017 10:35 PM

My laptop has locked the ‘mute’ button. Chris Holden is allowed to speak but Theresa May has been mutified. Quite a blessing in one way, to see only her cruel lips working but very disturbing to see the interview censored in this way.

TrinKats Jewellery
TrinKats Jewellery
Jun 1, 2017 8:47 PM

Tories speak and…from the left side of their face they are all for a free at the point of need NHS…from the right side of their face they will privatise every last shred of the service…so the taxpayer will basically be paying for the shareholders dividends and getting a lousy service for the priviledge.