Canada and Its Ukrainian Nazi Collaborators: Chrystia Freeland’s Family Lie Grows Bigger and Blacker

John Helmer via Dances with Bears

Michael Chomiak (front, second from left) Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather and likely Nazi collaborator

German military records have been found in a Polish government archive in Warsaw revealing that Michael Chomiak (lead image, left), maternal grandfather of Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland (right), volunteered to serve in the German invasion of Poland long before the German Army attacked the Soviet Union and invaded Ukraine.

Chomiak’s records show he was trained in Vienna for German espionage and propaganda operations, then promoted to run the German press machine for the Galician region of Ukraine and Poland during the 4-year occupation.

So high-ranking and active in the Nazi cause was Chomiak that the Polish intelligence services were actively hunting for Chomiak until the 1980s – without knowing he had fled for safety to an Alberta farm in Canada.

The newly disclosed documents expose Freeland’s repeated lying that Chomiak had been a victim of  World War II; an unwilling journalist overpowered by German military force;  compelled to write propaganda extolling the German Army’s successes, and advocating the destruction of the Jews, Poles and Russians.

As for Freeland’s claim that Chomiak had secretly aided the Ukrainian resistance, sources in Warsaw believe Chomiak was trained by the Germans as a double-agent, penetrating Ukrainian groups and spying on them.

The Polish records also point to the likelihood that US Army, US intelligence and Canadian immigration records on Chomiak – concealed until now – can confirm in greater detail what Chomiak did during the war, as well as for years afterwards, which made him a target for the Polish police until not long before his death in 1984.

Chomiak (rear, 3rd from left) at a party in Cracow hosted by Emil Gassner (front, extreme right), chief spokesman for the German administration of occupied Poland and Ukraine known as the Generalgouvernement (German) and Generalne Gubernatorstwo. Source: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Canadian-Foreign-Minister-Scapegoats-Russian-Hackers-for-Exposing-Nazi-Grandfather-20170309-0015.html

Chomiak (rear, left) with a German officer and a different group of officials of the Generalgouvernement in Cracow. The source for the photographs is Ukrainian-Canadian researcher Alex Boykowich, who has reported his findings from the Chomiak archive here.

Following her promotion to foreign minister in January of this year, Freeland repeated the lies after historians and reporters opened Chomiak’s personal papers at the Alberta province archives.  The Chomiak papers can be found at accession number 85.191.  Click to open.

The papers reveal Chomiak’s enthusiastic writing in wartime media in Cracow and Chelm, as the German concentration camps nearby at Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor and Auschwitz destroyed the populations of the Polish cities, of Jewish Lvov (Lviv), and of the Galician region which Chomiak sought to cleanse for his vision of Ukrainian independence, backed by German arms.

For details of the story, and of the Canadian and Ukrainian evidence published so far, read this.

GALICIA ON THE MAP – A GALICIAN SS DIVISION RECRUITMENT POSTER. The 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division was formed by Heinrich Himmler in mid-1943 from 80,000 Ukrainian applicants. Just 13,000 were selected and the rest used to form police units and guards for the concentration camps. The destruction of the German armies around Stalingrad by early 1943 left the German forces on the eastern front severely undermanned; Chomiak’s job included helping to raise the new force and ensure its recruits would remain loyal to the Nazis. For background, read this.

As controversy has intensified in Canada over Freeland’s coverup for Chomiak, she arranged in the parliament lobby for a reporter to ask the question Freeland’s staff had planted:

Recently, there has been a series of articles about you and your maternal grandparents making accusations that he was a Nazi collaborator in pro-Russian websites. I’d like to get your view on do you see this as a disinformation campaign by the Russians to try to smear you and discredit you? Which they have to have a tendency to have done.”

In answer, Freeland avoided the Chomiak evidence. Instead, she blamed Russian efforts “to destabilize” the US and Canadian political systems.

“I am confident”, Freeland declared on March 6, “in our country’s democracy, and I am confident that we can stand up to and see through those efforts.”

For the full story, click here.

On March 9 Freeland was reported in the Washington Post as saying:  

Russia should stop calling my grandfather a Nazi”.

In Warsaw, a file on Chomiak has been discovered at the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN is the Polish acronym), which is part of the state’s Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.

There are four items in the file, which have been photographed, and are published here for the first time. The IPN has tagged the Chomiak file No. Kr 010/5606.


The three original documents in the file comprise Chomiak’s identity card of 1941, issued by the German authorities; and two later documents in Polish, indicating a Polish intelligence and police search for Chomiak.


The document shows that Chomiak, then 36 years old, was in Vienna at the time the German authorities issued his identification. He was no longer a reporter or journalist, but titled Hauptschriftleiter – Editor in Chief.

The card also confirms that although a Ukrainian by nationality, and a native of Lemberg (the German name for Lvov), Chomiak had been living and working for some time in Cracow, then occupied Poland. Cracow was the administrative capital of the Generalgouvernment, whose governor-general was a German, Hans Frank. Gassner, whom Chomiak’s own papers identify as his boss, was Frank’s spokesman and head of press operations for the Galician region.

Polish analyst Stanislas Balcerac points out that before Chomiak was granted his new Kennkarte (identity card) No. II 189941 for living and working in Cracow, the Germans had already granted him a Personal Ausweis (ID card), dated July 1, 1941. That had been issued by the Presse chef der Regierung (Government Head of Press) – that was Gassner (below, right).

Hans Frank (centre) and Emil Gassner (right) at the opening of the German Press Centre in Cracow, March 1942. Frank was convicted at Nuremberg for war crimes and executed in October 1946; Gassner testified at the trial on Frank’s behalf. By that time Chomiak was working for US Army Intelligence in Bavaria.

The German administration of Galicia commenced in Cracow in November 1939. The invasion of the Soviet Union began on June 22, 1941, and one week later, on June 29, 1941, German forces captured Lvov (Lviv). The entire Galician region north and east of Lvov was then incorporated into Frank’s governorate. By that time Chomiak was at work in Krakow for Gassner.

He hadn’t fled Ukraine from the Germans, as Freeland, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Canadian press claim. Chomiak fled to the Germans, slipping across the Ukraine border, running from the Soviet government of Ukraine towards German rank, power, and money, including an apartment and furniture taken from Jews who had been sent to their deaths at Belzec.

When exactly Chomiak arrived in Krakow, and how long he spent in training in Vienna aren’t revealed in the Polish file. The ID card suggests that Chomiak was in Vienna between July and September of 1941, before he was ordered back to Krakow, reporting there to Gassner.

Stanislas Balcerac comments from Warsaw:

This document destroys the narrative of the Chomiak apologists that he was just an administrative functionary and didn’t write much…The card is very important evidence. Editor in Chief Chomiak was no mere small fish, caught in the tidal wave of the war. The Germans placed high value on him. Three months after the invasion [of the USSR] he was sent from Vienna to Krakow. With the title of Editor in Chief, I believe he was trained in Vienna; perhaps Vienna is the hidden part of his war record, with Krakow used initially as a cover for him during the first years of the German occupation of Poland, 1939-41.”

The papers Chomiak left behind at his death in Canada do not reveal what he was doing with the Germans in the 2-year interval.  Polish sources suspect Chomiak arrived in Krakow soon after Frank became governor, offering himself as an agent of influence to inform the Germans on what fellow Ukrainians and anti-Russian nationalists then active in and around Lviv were thinking and planning. His work as a journalist was a cover for espionage on behalf of the Germans, Polish sources suspect.

There is no corroboration for this in the Polish files discovered to date. Two other documents in the IPN dossier, dating well after the German defeat and the end of the war, indicate that whatever Chomiak had been doing for the Germans became a fresh issue of interest to the Polish authorities in the mid-1960s.


The first document (left) is dated April 23, 1966. It confirms that Chomiak was a target of interest and search, and that part of his German war record had been recovered for a Polish review. His last known address was given as an apartment in Krakow.

The search notice was signed by the head of Department C; that’s the intelligence branch of the Polish police; C stands for identification and archives. There is no mention of the purpose for which the information on Chomiak was being gathered, or what triggered the police interest in Chomiak in Warsaw in the spring of 1966.

The second document, originally dated May 12, 1966, reveals the search for Chomiak led initially to a case of mistaken identity. Another Michael Chomiak was found, but he turned out to have been born the day before the target, and was a peasant, not the professional editor in chief and administrator.

The second note reveals also an official date stamp at the bottom for February 11, 1980; as well as a notation along the left side dated March 3, 1980.

By then Chomiak was in retirement in Canada; he had just four years left to live. The Polish police appear not to have been able to follow the German Army records which moved westward in 1945, along with Gassner and Chomiak, when the Soviets advanced on them.

Nor until recently has the Polish Government realized that Chomiak ended up in Canada, and that the principal heir to his wartime Galician operations has become foreign minister in Ottawa.

According to the Canadian journalist Colby Cosh:

somehow Michael Chomiak reached far northern Alberta and lived out his days as a gentleman farmer. I am comfortable with that. Very few Western Canadians have anything like complete knowledge of their own family background: I suspect we would be astonished to learn how many have had surprises like Freeland’s, or at least received unnerving hints of them.”

Balcerac replies for Polish journalists investigating past and present Ukrainian threats to Polish sovereignty in the Galician region:

This Canadian statement is discreditable, not only for its ignorance of the ‘surprises’ in the Polish and German records of World War II. It’s also a declaration of comfortable complacency in not investigating how much Freeland aims to revive the takeover of Polish Galicia, with Canadian money and arms, which her grandfather tried with German money and arms.”


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exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
Jul 5, 2017 12:00 AM

In my view, a complete disclosure of Chomiak’s record is desirable. In light of Freeland’s record as a professional Ukrainian agitator prior to her becoming Canada’s External Affairs Minister, Chomiak’s record is extremely relevant. Trudeau should be ashamed of himself for sacking his excellent foreign minister and former liberal party leader Stephane Dion and replacing him with this spawn of fascism to aid in the dangerous demonization of Russia which puts a target on Canada.

joining dots
joining dots
Jul 4, 2017 2:55 AM

Poland –
‘Institute Of National Remembrance’

remembering what, exactly, concerning the named actors?
“Prosecution Of Crimes Against The Polish Nation”
which / what crimes were committed?
by whom?
what did the criminal do that he needed to hide in Canada?
what do the off-spring want kept from public scrutiny?
Stanislas Balerac –
“…how much Freeland aims to revive the takeover of Polish Galicia, with Canadian MONEY and ARMS, which her grandfather tried with GERMAN money and arms”.
Today, ‘antipolonism’ continues via Junckers Germany.
Canadians = ‘complacent’, “comfortable”, ignorant @ history of Eastern Europe, especially Ruthenia. Comments = tangents and irrelevant.

Intelligence Branch of the Polish Police is Focused. Got their man?
Much info not given and it is obvious why. The Ethnic, ‘religious’, non European part of this rhetoric is never given, and it is central to the problem. What is more, the Nazi were anti Polish. Not anti the Ethnic lot, who formed the upper echelons of the German Army.
Strange that! You wouldn’t read about it. Best be ignorant.

Jul 3, 2017 9:44 AM

Not being one to speculate, I found this expose of the whole Chomiak-Freeland story. It seems Chomiak’s immediate post war OSS contact was with Frank Wisner (direct or indirect, it doesn’t say.) Wisner was the major architect of MOCKINGBIRD. Freeland’s own ‘journalistic’ career has been in the Russophobic rewriting of Ukrainian history: working for ‘Ukrainian News’ (that Chomiak set up); and ‘Ukrainian Weekly’ (which has strong Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty connections.) It is not to hard to impute that both Chomiak and Freeland have been working with or for the CIA as part of Wisner’s ‘Mighty Wurlitzer.’ As someone has already said in comment, this apple did not fall too far from the tree. Right next to the trunk, in fact.

Jul 3, 2017 1:13 AM

3 or more bloggers like this. My blogger ‘like’ doesn’t register.

Alex Johns
Alex Johns
Jul 2, 2017 6:14 PM

How Britain Protected Ukraine’s Waffen-SS Galitsia Division in the Wake of World War II —– http://www.globalresearch.ca/history-how-britain-protected-ukraines-waffen-ss-galitsia-division-in-the-wake-of-world-war-ii/5558113

Jul 1, 2017 12:55 PM

Montreal-born Washington-based Jewish attorney Scott Gilmore had defended Canadian FM Chrystia Freeland at the Maclean magazine.
After demonizing Putin over his support for Syria, Iran, China and Donesk separatists, Gilmore said: “Like elsewhere, Russia has three objectives as it goes after Canada. The first is to undermine any policies or politicians seen to be against Moscow’s interests. For example, the Russian Embassy has already been trying to discredit Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, an outspoken advocate for continued sanctions, with a smear job about her grandparents. Russia also wants to discredit the broader political system, to undermine Canadians’ faith in “the system”, be it our own election process, our system of government, or parliamentary affairs. Finally, it wants to undermine Canada’s support for our allies, and for the international system including NATO and the United Nations.”
Canada in fact, like Israel has been isolated within the international community for country’s blind support for the US and Israel. Canadian columnist Heather Mallick at the Toronto Star is on record saying that Canada under pro-Israel Stephen Harper government had become a rogue state.

Jun 30, 2017 11:34 PM

At lower level there seem to be might conflicts of good and evil. At middle levels there is more awareness that that is a narrative device at once hateful but forcefully active. At higher levels the conflict itself is a device by which to engineer the world – and the mind that is thus conditioned.
The demonisation of Nazism – served many ends that set the psychic-emotional framing for the post war world order – which are still active and thus still taboo to revisit and openly discuss. I don’t say there is no cause to see hateful acts in the other – but if they can be made SO evil as to become required and justified hate – then the evils of other parties can be sidelined or ignored. EG: Should Churchill have been tried for firebombing Dresden – a hospital town – whose few survivors were then straffed by returning fighter planes? Should the international cartels and banks that funded and supported the Nazi regime have been included in culpability? The wholesale ‘import’ of the German eastern european intelligence network and operation paperclip acquiring top Nazi scientists along with psychological human experimentation methods – all show that the narrative for the masses is just that and not trustworthy.
Evil works behind or beneath the seeming of a world that masks in presentations of ‘good intentions’ or ‘power and protection’. It is often felt too high a price to bring to question the narrative that seems justified and justifiable in current terms – for giving any ‘ammunition or advantage’ to an enemy calls for propaganda to weaponize truth but in our case – for all the right reasons – where any of the enemies who do likewise at our expense are revealed despicable and fraudulent thereby.
I find it evident that families are a vehicle of intergenerational purpose on many levels and in many ways – and there is also evidence of the recognition of a hateful inheritance and the desire to be free of ‘passing it on’. But hate often lies hidden beneath what seems well intentioned – for it is hellish to abide in the raw – and the mind recoils or fragments and dissociates to align so as to mitigate and cover over a terrible psychic displacement. Some sense of self-righteousness is thus a ‘survival need’ and the projection of the split – of the guilt and hate AWAY, uses the other as the ‘recipient’ but with the intent to get rid of it as an intent of ‘otherness’ or separation from – and judgement over. This operates the ‘reversal’ of consciousness and the truly transcendent embrace re-wakens from a divided and ‘flipped’ consciousness to original nature – in which the other is the recipient of the effulgence or extension of such nature and recognized ‘brother’. or indeed ‘Self’.
The recognition of self in other works no less in division – for that which we accept as self is the measure and likeness of what we ‘see’. But conflicted-self interprets everything through the lens of an attempted but separate unity – and cannot and will not look within.
The idea of sins passing down the generations has Lamarckian resonance – and also correlates the idea of family themes or a shared collective ‘karmic’ expression. But when the idea is interpreted through the lens of sin (lie, guilt and fear) it becomes destructive as is Everything interpreted through such a lens darkly. The correcting of a lie is truth – not punishment and death – but the effect of a lie in the mind that believes it true is a death of awareness of connection, and of communion in truth – along with the interpretation of such dissonance as punishment or rejection and unworthiness – that then patterns as personality strategies and stories that play out every facet of the attempt to escape feared truth in asserted or coercive identities, masked in power or in victimhood. All fear-defined identity carries both. For the first ‘lie’ is the context of all else that automatically follows… until the foundation is revisited and seen as false. But to the identity in self-assertion – anything that would expose or undo its source of power is demonized and denied access. Such is the nature of the mind that lives the belief that truth MUST be unconscious for its story to live. What is not anticipated is that in the fruit of such a focus – ‘all hell breaks loose’ and the mind is trapped in – and conditioned by – its own reactions to a script it experiences as happening to it, or done to it.
Whatever we inherit are patterns or habits or themes that we experience and explore in our own unique way and within our own gift of discovery. The undoing of guilt cannot be effected by a mind reacting from or in guilt but is undone within true presence or acceptance that is the forgiveness that then discovers there was nothing to forgive – but that is not effectively true or effective to believe when the unconscious and active beliefs are anything but guiltless. Any attempt to get rid of guilt on Others or World is a false escape – in which an elitism of self-specialness generates a partial and temporal mitigation while all else is outsourced to ‘not me’ or Other.
The defences and strategies of entangled fragmentation are of such complexity as to be always ahead of the mind that thinks it understands, but the core freedom is in the recognition and refusal of deceit – regardless it appears in the forms of acceptability or respectability. For many, this recognition is itself refused until the allegiance to the basis of thought is able to be released enough to let awareness or perspective in. Hence the phrase, forgive them for they know not what they do has no reference to what they do – so much as a captured mind that believes it knows something ELSE and reacts in alignment with false imprinting.
Nothing of what I have shared here can mean anything within the framework of apportioning guilt and punishing – but it supports awakening true responsibility and correcting. Sin is the idea of uncorrectable error. It is also the belief you are alone in a hostile world. So the experience of correction that restores total Communication is not the overcoming of the past, or its denial or replacement with ‘better’ versions within the terms it sets – but the opening to presence in which a different purpose operates as unified or integrated desire. While this is your being, what you seem to have become is so estranged from your truth that it is not recognized within the paradim of your thinking – but will shift your thinking so as to become able to grow consciousness as the field or space in which self-definition and belief operate – along with their feelings, interpretations and reactions.
You may realize I am not at all talking about correcting Others – but the uncovering of an innate worth in self automatically extends to others and vice versa – the recognition and appreciation of another opens a like quality in oneself.
So what of the machinations of evil? First look to your own wholeness or peace and from there you can give true witness and know when and what and where to be or do or say – and learn from the dissonances of getting ahead or behind yourself by taking on what isn’t yours or denying what is. But under the rule of terror is no compassion – but a loss of the capacity to feel and the masking in manufactured emotionality. The Feeling of Existence is our primary being – never is this absent – but attention may be fixated in story – in narrative reality experience.

wolf Shedler
wolf Shedler
Jul 1, 2017 10:17 PM
Reply to  binra

you said it amazingly well

Jul 1, 2017 11:53 PM
Reply to  wolf Shedler

If there was an edit button I could clean up a few errors and areas where what I meant doesn’t (re) read as clearly as when I wrote – but if you recognized or anything helpful or worthy – then we met in it and thankyou.

Alex Johns
Alex Johns
Jul 2, 2017 5:04 PM
Reply to  wolf Shedler

He said it ” amazingly long ” .

Jul 2, 2017 9:45 PM
Reply to  Alex Johns

Now I understand why I didn’t understand.
The first point was salient and if that resonated – further points are part of how that is as it is.

Jun 30, 2017 4:20 PM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth.

Jun 30, 2017 12:20 PM

Of course the wider ramifications of Chrystia Freeland’s attempted cover-up: is not just for self-preservation, but also not to draw any more attention to Ukraine’s past; present (and future?) Stepan Bandera’s Government in Exile was legitimised by the US and Canada. The current ‘Government’ of the Ukraine are the descendants and inheritors of, what is essentially a radicalised Nazism. This is the major stumbling block for Ukrainian accession to the EU; and then NATO. And the US State Department of George Soros desperately want that accession. So the current burgeoning of ‘Nationalism’ will have to be rolled back.
I take a different view to Kit’s excellent recent article “Reuters (finally) realize there are Nazis in Ukraine”. I read the Josh Cohen article in question as a coded application form for the EU/NATO. Cohen also writes for Foreign Policy – the CFR/Bildeberger (online) rag. In his previous articles he identifies Volodymyr Viatrovych as the historian responsible for rewriting Ukraine’s neo-Nazi history. What I believe he is saying is “shut this guy up!”; consolidate and come to terms with your past; apologise, and move on – you are ruining our plans!!!
TPTB want the lid back on our Nazi associations of the past (see below.) An unapologetic neo-Nazi Ukrainian ‘Puppet Regime’ are holding back on Soros’ Russia/World domination plans. And Freeland is a bit of a sideshow: but an incredibly entertaining and revealing one at that.

Alex Johns
Alex Johns
Jul 2, 2017 5:19 PM
Reply to  BigB
Michael Skoruppa
Michael Skoruppa
Jun 30, 2017 10:07 AM

Dear archie1954,
I agree with you insofar as descendants should not be made responsible for the sins of their forefathers. But I think you missed the point which is that this Ms Freeland wants to cover up these sins and to smear everyone who talks about these sins as bad, bad Russian agent who only lies to do her harm. She does not like to hear the truth which attitude is bad for her and your country. The only person in this whole episode to do harm to Ms Freeland is the Russophobic Ms Freeland herself who also harms international relations and who puts an end to a tolerant Canada.
Michael Skoruppa, Germany

Jun 30, 2017 7:50 PM

We know how deeply racist US politicians are. It seems that we (I’m Canadian) have our fair share of racist politicians as well. As for honesty…pfft!

Dead World Walking
Dead World Walking
Jun 30, 2017 9:00 AM

Does the mendacity of the plutocrats and their ilk ever end?
Is evil passed down genetically?
Anarchy (rules WITHOUT rulers) now.

Jun 30, 2017 3:51 AM

Fine but I for one, am not going to visit the sins of the father on the children.

Doug Colwell
Doug Colwell
Jun 30, 2017 6:49 AM
Reply to  archie1954

In general I would agree, but in this particular case the apple really did not seem to fall far from the tree. Please take a close look at her statements and actions. I live in Canada and have been aware of her for several years now and I can’t recall anything she has done that did not increase confrontation, animosity and militarization.

Jun 30, 2017 7:51 PM
Reply to  Doug Colwell


Jun 30, 2017 9:07 AM
Reply to  archie1954

This does not absolve descendants from seeking the Truth, or the Canadian government from prosecuting all leads into war-crimes past and present. To not do so is to accept those crimes.

Jun 30, 2017 11:08 AM
Reply to  Simon

@Simon: “To not do so is to accept those crimes.”
Indeed. After the second Yalta conference, there was a moodswing among Allied command. The war was no longer about fighting the Nazis, but containing Russia. I’m speculating, because I don’t know about Chomiak: but if he was a Nazi agent – he would have been incredibly useful to the (Reinhardt) ‘Gehlen Organisation.’ When it says above that “Chomiak was working for US Army Intelligence in Bavaria”: that puts him in the heady milieu of the (CIA precursor) OSS/MI6; in contact with the likes of ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan and Allen Dulles. The Gehlen organisation set up the ‘Werewolves’; Nazi ‘stay-behind’ units that were the precursors to Gladio: and also, en mass, were installed as the (West) German BND.
Even immediately after the war, and especially now, no one will be “prosecuting all leads into war-crimes past”: precisely because we are complicit in those crimes. Not only would it open a can of worms that no one in power wants opened: but also it would expose the roots of terror and repressive organisations that persist to this day.

Jun 30, 2017 4:28 PM
Reply to  archie1954

No-one is to blame for being descended from an arch villain but she(Freeland)knows the truth and continues to lie about it. She is not denouncing the facts, she is trying to re-write history, one which is damning to the US/Canada acceptance of the known Banderites nazi ideology welcomed intead of facing prison. That is why her lies and anti Russian stand is so contemptible. All could be forgiven is she were not following in the family tradition!

Jun 30, 2017 10:53 PM
Reply to  archie1954

Archie, you don’t have to, Chrystia Freeland is doing an excellent job by herself.

Jul 2, 2017 12:14 AM
Reply to  archie1954

I don’t care for a blame and hate culture – but I do care to awaken responsibility for choice and consequence. Regardless our parents – what we pick up and keep and what we release or never pick up – is our own life.
Dubya may have inherited a trait or two from his dad – but he still meets the consequence for his own choices.
The idea of putting sins on another is the old scapegoat magic. But everything you do, teaches, and who you accept and act out yourself to be has biological and behavioural consequence. You pass on some of your learning – even as you inherited. Much of this is hidden because the attempt to escape or hide guilt and fear feelings manifests a front-facing presentation or masking over what then communicates or transits in subconscious even while on surface something quite different is being believed.