VIDEO: Requiem for the Suicided – Danny Casolaro Part 1

Danny Casolaro was a freelance journalist who told his friends and family that he was close to cracking a story he called ‘The Octopus’, which he referred to as the political conspiracy of the century. In August of 1991 he packed his notes and headed to West Virginia to conduct some final interviews for his forthcoming book. On August 10, 1991, he was found dead in his hotel room. The death was immediately ruled a suicide. Join us on this episode of The Corbett Report as we go in search of the story behind the story of the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro.

See Part 2 here.


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Jul 9, 2017 4:23 PM

Daniel Casolaro was assassinated by someone who did not want Americans to know the western propaganda lies about Iran-Contra scandal and the banning of the only international Muslim bank, BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International), founded by Pakistani banker Agha Hassan Abedi (died 1995).
In order to fund its regime change in Nicaragua without the blessing of the Congress, Reagan administration created the Iran-Contra scandal. According to Barbara Honegger, a member of the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign team and Reagan White House policy analyst, stated that the Reagan-Bush campaign negotiated with Iranian authorities to delay the release of American embassy staffers in Tehran until after the presidential election, and that military spare-parts sales to Iran pre-paid by the deposed King Reza Shah was part of that bargain. In order to discredit the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the shipment was publicized to be made by Israel. In June 1984, Robert McFarlane claimed that he got the money from Saudi ‘royals’ to fund the Contra rebels.
Barbara Honegger, author of book October Surprise deny the official 9/11 story. “Behind the Smoke Curtain: Or Everything You Think You Probably Know about the Pentagon Attack on 9/11 is Wrong,” she says (video below).

Dead World Walking
Dead World Walking
Jul 9, 2017 8:54 AM

The tentacles of the Octopu$$$$$$$$$$ reach far and wide.

Jul 8, 2017 6:45 PM

How perverse and disgusting has Washington become? Degeneracy is everywhere and the fools elected to Congress are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The American people had better wake up because it is becoming too late to fix the situation.

Jul 8, 2017 5:41 PM

It reminds me a little of a famous “suicide” case in Norway, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Fredrik_Wiborg

Jul 8, 2017 4:14 PM

A suicide? Really? How convenient for Oliver North’s “friends”.