Signs Indicate Trump Continuing Obama’s Support for Al Qaeda in Syria

by Eric Zuesse, September 22, 2017

According to a report issued on September 22nd by the most accurate reporter on the current status of forces in the war against Syria — the anonymous military and geostrategic blogger who owns, and posts exclusively at, the “Moon of Alabama” blog — the effort by the previous U.S. President Barack Obama in support of Al Qaeda in Syria, is continuing under the current U.S. President Donald Trump. However, that report isn’t the only indication of Trump’s continuing Obama’s war against Syria, and of the U.S. Government’s continuing pro-Al-Qaeda policy in Syria. And, furthermore, the U.S. Government even supports ISIS in Syria when ISIS is being attacked by Syria’s secular and non-sectarian Government, which Government the U.S. Government has been trying to overthrow and replace by Saud-financed fundamentalist-Sunni Islamists, ever since 1949.
Back on 14 October 2016, Patrick Cockburn appropriately headlined in Britain’s Independent, “We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding ISIS”, but any reference to the government of Saudi Arabia is actually a reference to the royal Saud family, who own it; and any reference to the Government of Qatar is a reference to the royal Thani family, who own it. And those royal families, but the Sauds above all, have long been allied with America’s oligarchy — the billionaires who own controlling blocs of stock in U.S.-based international corporations, including the ‘defense’ contractors such as Lockheed Martin (whose largest foreign customer is the Saud family), and also the major newsmedia (which is a major reason why U.S. Presidents represent not only the U.S. aristocracy but also the Saud family, who are allied (as the U.S. aristocracy is) with the Government of Israel against Iran, and against Iran’s ally, Syria. So: this is a U.S.-Saud-Israel core alliance, against Iran and against Iran’s ally Syria. From the very start of Donald Trump’s Presidency, the overthrow of Iran’s Government has been practically an obsession.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 9:30 PM

Will try posting this again
From what I have seen Zuesse has got it right. Al Qaeda are massed in Idlib province and are welcoming ISIS defectors who are jumping ship as the SAA, Russia and their allies pound the “caliphate” out of existence.
The Westerners celebrating when Trump announced a cessation to funding Sunni supremacist groups in Syria apparently forgot that the US government lies, and lies often, and that Trump does not have a free hand to implement his policies. (Assuming he is being sincere, which is far from certain).
I predict Trump will start (or pushed to start) a war before his term is up in 2020 and that the threats and rhetoric aimed at demonizing Iran will escalate. The US will keep pushing its agenda until it is check-mated.
The (mostly) silent partner in all this is Israel. Iran, Hezbollah and Assad are hated because they continue to fight the “Jewish state” and support Palestinians’ right to the land that was illegally stolen from them. The Sunni states have mostly joined with the US and Israel as that gives them the opportunity to push their sectarian agenda and increase their influence in the region.
The obsession with Iran is irrational and dangerous. Were it not for Israeli influence in Washington, DC I wonder if the US would be so hellbent ion taking it down?

Sep 23, 2017 7:09 PM

Mr Zuesse’s speculations appear founded although we are not privy to all the facts. I do question the term ally as used in the article, the US administration as others don’t have allies, just other regimes to manipulate. If need be I’m sure the USG regime would aid the destruction of the Zionist regime and vice versa if the stakes were high enough.

Sep 23, 2017 9:41 AM

I agree with Bill Hicks on the presidents of the US.

Sep 23, 2017 10:22 AM
Reply to  flybow

Wrong vid. Sorry

Sep 23, 2017 4:55 AM

There were three comments under this article when I came here earlier. I posted two more. They have all gone. I thought this is what Off-Guardian complained about on the Guardian website.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 5:58 AM
Reply to  Deposited

I thiink that might be due to an auto-moderator glitch. My post was flagged for moderation also. I have seen nothing here that would suggest the mods are interested in copying the Guardian’s odious practices.

Sep 23, 2017 7:00 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

That would not explain the three already posted. I do not recall the first but the second was by rehmat1 and the third by Vaska threatening him/her with banning for anti-Semitism and a libellous remark about the author. My two comments pointed out that it was a very strict interpretation of anti-Semitism by Vaska.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 9:29 PM
Reply to  Deposited

Hmm…my post still hasn’t been approved. That is a bit strange. Are posts that mention certain words auto “moderated”?

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 9:37 PM
Reply to  Deposited

Yes it appears even mild criticism of Israel is grounds for “moderation” here. Disappointed OffGuardian…not cool at all.

Sep 24, 2017 4:15 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

This is not “auto-moderation”, EB. Three posts disappeared after they had been made available. The first, as I said earlier, I don’t recall very well but it seemed to be a supportive statement of the article, with nothing unacceptable. The second by rehmat1 was regarded by Vaska in the third comment as anti-Semitic and libellous of Zeusse. All of these have gone as far as I can see, as have my two posts about Vaska’s comment. This is very disturbing! I come here for its supposed lack of censorship.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 24, 2017 4:40 AM
Reply to  Deposited

I agree with your take on this. My comment mentions Israel and Hezbollah but it is nothing “outrageous” by any stretch of the imagination. I reposted it and it has the same ‘awaiting moderation’ flag as the first time I posted it. And no reply from the mods.
There is something strange about this site. Like it has a hidden agenda. Why the walking on eggshells where the state of Israel is concerned? The recent terrible “article” about the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar (claiming it’s all a NATO/jihadi plot) is very suspicious. Why is slandering Muslims and Islam allowed but criticizing the actions of Zionist Israelis (making no mention of their religion) is censored?
Something stinks here.

Sep 24, 2017 7:35 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

That’s nonsense. We have never published a single article that supports Zionism or any of Israel’s viciously anti-Palestinian policies.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 25, 2017 9:38 PM
Reply to  Vaska

Ok but why is my post languishing in moderation for days with no response from the mods (until now)?

Sep 24, 2017 7:34 PM
Reply to  Deposited

I assure you that we did not remove any of the posts you mention. I haven’t even seen them myself and cannot account for their disappearance except by some outside interference with the site.

Sep 24, 2017 10:14 PM
Reply to  Vaska

If that is the case, Vaska, then you should check the security of your site. I can assure you that there were three posts here when I first tried to post here – including one by rehmat1 and one purportedly from you. Next time I will take a screenshot.

Sep 26, 2017 5:26 AM
Reply to  Deposited

Plans are in the works for moving to a dedicated site where we’ll have far more control over site security.

Big B
Big B
Sep 26, 2017 8:03 PM
Reply to  Vaska

FFS Deposited: you are on the wrong page. You posted two comments under Rehmat1 on the previous post by Eric Zeusse – AND THEY ARE STILL THERE!!! Check for yourself:

Big B
Big B
Sep 26, 2017 8:17 PM
Reply to  Vaska

BTW Vaska, Eric: there is an issue. I spent three days trying to post a comment on the “America is regressing…” forum to no avail. No matter what I tried (swapping from desktop to laptop to tablet) I couldn’t post. Yet I could go to another forum and post there??? I’m convinced the issue is technical and not censorship related. It could be a cybersecurity issue: I don’t know, I’m no tech. Hopefully, it will be sorted by the new site: but I don’t think anyone should take it personally. 🙂

Sep 23, 2017 4:51 AM

Perhaps the other long term continuation is the US taxpayer funding military adventures, but the economic bounty of mining rare metals goes to tax avoiding corporations. Afghanistan is now a mining vassal state for US corporations.
It is about time the £1trn+ bill for the Afghan adventure were sent to the bounty hunters. Call it ‘market preparation costs’. Sure as eggs is eggs, Joe Schmo from Oshkosh should not be subsidising Big Metals.
The old story: socialise the costs, privatise the profits. It is organised crime and any US politician who supports it needs 20 years in a profit-making penitentiary…..

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 4:24 AM

From what I have seen Zuesse has got it right. Al Qaeda are massed in Idlib province and are welcoming ISIS defectors who are jumping ship as the SAA, Russia and their allies pound the “caliphate” out of existence.
The Westerners celebrating when Trump announced a cessation to funding Sunni supremacist groups in Syria apparently forgot that the US government lies, and lies often, and that Trump does not have a free hand to implement his policies. (Assuming he is being sincere, which is far from certain).
I predict Trump will start (or pushed to start) a war before his term is up in 2020 and that the threats and rhetoric aimed at demonizing Iran will escalate. The US will keep pushing its agenda until it is check-mated.
The (mostly) silent partner in all this is Israel. Iran, Hezbollah and Assad are hated because they continue to fight the “Jewish state” and support Palestinians’ right to the land that was illegally stolen from them. The Sunni states have mostly joined with the US and Israel as that gives them the opportunity to push their sectarian agenda and increase their influence in the region.
The obsession with Iran is irrational and dangerous. Were it not for Israeli influence in Washington, DC I wonder if the US would be so hellbent ion taking it down?

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Sep 23, 2017 5:45 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

Hmm…my comment is flagged for moderation although it does not contain any links, profanity etc.

Sep 26, 2017 6:35 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

I don’t understand it either, Eric. The system seems to be completely erratic about it, and we’ll just have to put with it until we can move to our own dedicated site.