Why no-one talks about how "nice" Hillary Clinton is…
Over 11 months after her (catastrophically bad) loss in the Presidential election, the Guardian is still gamely waving Hillary Clinton’s battle standard. Apparently Clinton is currently doing the press circuit in the UK to promote her book “What Happened”, culminating in a hard-hitting political interview….on the Graham Norton Show.
Zoe Williams, Guardian-columnist and leading candidate for shallowest person in the world, watched this interview and decided to ask the hard question:
Why does nobody mention that Hillary Clinton is perfectly nice?
The comments on said article went into great detail about how nice Clinton is. That’s why they were moderated to oblivion and closed after just a few hours. So, since The Guardian doesn’t want answers to Ms Williams’ question BTL, we’ll post them here, above the line. That’s what we’re for, after all.
In brief, no one talks about how nice Hillary Clinton is…because she isn’t. She’s a liar and a war criminal. That’s not a debate or an opinion, those are proven facts. But, while this answer is complete, it’s hardly a fair response to a column Ms Williams must have spent dozens of minutes writing. Maybe a more detailed reply would be…nicer.
Firstly, let’s address Clinton’s persona, what Ms Williams refers to as the:
pressing incongruity of her normality
Here the author goes on to try desperately hard to paint Clinton as relatable by mentioning her coffee and her surgical-boot.
She arrived on stage wearing a surgical boot which she explained in an anecdote neither interesting nor uninteresting, just ambiently pleasant to listen to, like cicadas. “I was running down the stairs in heels with a cup of coffee in hand,”
“Wow”, we’re supposed to think, “she’s just like one of us. She’s so normal.” I’m unclear on whether Zoe Williams is a complete idiot…or just thinks her readers are.
Either way she’s displaying a remarkably bad understanding of the English language – even for a Guardian journalist. Seeming to have no notion of what “nice” and “normal” actually mean. Ms Williams would have us think it normal to lie…a lot…in order to further your own ambitions. It seems Ms Williams thinks of starting wars as the behaviour of “nice” people, and a military coup as “just one of those things”.
Graham Norton’s line of questioning was pretty bold: did she feel jinxed? You know, all geared up in 2008, then Obama came along. Then in 2016 Bernie Sanders came along (though he didn’t actually win)
My added emphasis shows up a lie. A sneaky lie by omission. Yes, technically, Bernie Sanders lost the primaries…but it’s also true that Clinton cheated. She was fed debate questions by DNC staff prior to debates, that’s a proven fact. The person responsible resigned in disgrace…only to be immediately hired by Clinton’s campaign team.
And then there’s the odd manner of “victory” for Clinton in some primaries – winning Iowa by 6 consecutive coin-toss wins, and winning Nevada on a high-card draw. Add to that her husband’s apparent breaking of electoral rules in Massachusetts, and the admission of certain Democrats that the DNC “rigged” the votes and you have a victory far beyond merely tainted, that to not mention the various controversies becomes a wilful act of deception.
But about her feelings, upon losing, she was perfectly plain: she felt terrible. She felt responsible.
My emphasis again. This is another lie, not of omission this time. It’s a simple denial of reality. Anyone even passingly familiar with the election knows that Hillary never once accepted her defeat as her own responsibility. She has blamed Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, James Comey, the DNC, the public and (of course) Vladimir Putin. But she has never blamed herself. Apologists in the press went so far as to claim that Clinton’s campaign was just “too smart”, rather than blame their chosen candidate. Zoe obviously hasn’t been paying attention.
Seriously, run through this one more time. How did a nation choose – over her – the guy who could only debate her with grim-faced, pantomime prowling?
There is no end to Ms Williams’ bafflement. She talks about “regret hanging in the air”, as if Clinton could have ushered a golden age of peace and prosperity. She never acknowledges the one word, more than anything else, that lost Clinton the election: War.
The war she supported in Iraq. The war she started in Libya. The war she wanted in Syria. The war she might have caused with Russia.
Whatever Trump has done and said since his election, he built his foreign policy platform on no war in Syria, and on cooperating with Russia to fight ISIS. Americans are sick of war, especially in the middle-east, and Hillary had helped build two and wanted a third.
None of this has any impact on Zoe’s opinion on Clinton’s “niceness”. It’s as if Zoe doesn’t realise wars exist.
…and here is where the penny drops – Zoe Williams doesn’t live in the real world. It all makes sense when you factor that in.
That’s why she doesn’t mention Clinton’s lies about Bosnia or money (or any of the others). It’s why she doesn’t mention the feeling of entitlement which people resented, or the mysterious illness people were unsettled by. It’s why she doesn’t acknowledge the rigged primaries, the sex scandals or inappropriate emotional reactions. It’s why the words “Libya” and “Honduras” can’t be found anywhere in her vapid apology of an article. She lives in a dream world, and has written a 2000 word request for our company.
In short, the reason no-one talks about how nice Clinton is, is that we all live in the real world, and remember real things that actually happened. Apparently, this is a burden Guardian journalists no longer have to bear.
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For Zoe Williams and many other women, Hillary had the most important qualification possible to hold power: a vagina.
Hillary Clinton is ONLY a cabalist.
She is NOT simpatic.
One of my favourite media moments of the past 12 months is the ‘US president special’ held by radio four wimmins hour. It had had been trumpeted long in advance in anticipation of the elevation of the chief witch to the chief office. They had an interview with Hilary a couple of months before and were all in love with her.
Following the Trumping of Hilary the hour long segment was a continuation of calling all trump followers stupid and liars and Zoe Williams herself almost crying into the microphone in outrage.
Every time the one trump supporter allowed into the studio tried to make a point about hilary’s dishonesty she was put down and told the election was over whilst the others continued attacking trump for all his lies.
It’s well worth listening to.
This adoration of Hillary goes to prove just how fickle human nature can be. The people who support her now are the same kind of people who four hundred years ago would have burned her as a witch.
I’d be happy to burn her as a witch now.
In fact, her actually being a witch wouldn’t really be necessary.
Of course Zoe Williams doesn’t live in the real world. She’s a corpohack; one of the spineless, incurably meretricious (in the archaic meaning of the word) tribe of stenographers to the powerful working in the corporate ‘news’ media. She lives her whole working life in those invertebrates’ mutual delusion bubble. Somewhere at the back of her mind she knows damn’ well – as they all do – that she’d bloody well better take care in her writing to stay resolutely in the bubble, or her precious career and her fat salary won’t last long.
Indeed, Zowie is a personification of a presstitute servicing the interests of the criminal elite crime families that own all mainstream media
‘Woman whose writing makes me puke has revolting grannymance with woman I would like to shoot’ just about covers it…..
Americans need to ask what their reaction would be to Putin standing for re-election on the platform of nuking America. World War III perhaps?
Then they need to ask if President Putin showed restraint superior to theirs in handling the absolutely disgraceful- and unacceptable proclamations of a raving nutcase running for US President.
Then they need to recalibrate US Presidential candidate requirements to eliminate the mentally ill….
You should of seen our last President from Kenya.
So funny. I googled grannymance to see what it meant and could find no reference other than this comment. I wondered what on earth it meant but then I figured it out. I’m a bit slow.
Welcome to the party! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLpGYTcqHME
Ha ha! Too chicken to look.
Perfectly anodyne clip from a party involving Liz Lemon’s parents. A Lemon party, if you like.
I wasn’t sure what the 8 second clip was about so I went further afield. I’m not sure what the 8 second clip means in relation to grannymance?
Lemon party also means something else. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/lemon-party
My references can be a bit oblique. Flip the sex of “grannymance”, with both participants being senior citizens, and you have a lemon party. At least that’s how I see it though I avoid conjuring up images of things like this, mental or otherwise.
The Guardian Exposed – Conning Public into Financing “Independent Journalism”
I would tend to suspect very, very strongly that the editor of the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland, is effectively a member of the power elite and knows that all the alleged “terror” events going on are staged. Nothing would surprise me from that paper now.
This is an article by a “Faarah Adan”, allegedly a victim at Mogadishu and a “freelance journalist based in the UK and the US”. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/24/eyewitness-mogadishu-somalia-bomb-devastating-al-shabaab-terror
This is his twitter account set up just this month. https://twitter.com/Faarah_Adan.
Other than this article and twitter account there seems to be no evidence of this person and there is no photograph of him.
There is not a single photo shown of the bombing that allegedly killed 500 people at Mogadishu that could not fit “staged event”. There is not a single photo that shows compromise to a person’s body but there is this photo showing a man with pigmentation problems who has supposedly been bandaged for bomb injuries – https://www.yahoo.com/news/deadly-truck-bombing-mogadishu-somalia-slideshow-wp-191831889/photo-p-critically-wounded-men-wait-photo-160031852.html The bandaging is completely unconvincing (note: the power elite justify their hoaxery of us by TELLING us what they’re doing with clues, lack of realism and even over-the-top ridiculousness). I have seen photos from bombings I have no doubt about and they are horrific and disturbing. Of course, it is understandable that media avoids showing disturbing images but one does expect at least some images from an event such as this to fit only “real event” and not all be possible “staged event” photos.
Mr Freedland also gets plenty of BBC airtime, he’s well inside the establishment.
Freedland’s piece on “conspiracy theories” is a new low, even for him.
Says it all.
I would like to claim the coining of the term “power puff piece” (two concepts for the price of one) on this day to apply to mind-and-reality bending prose such as referred to in this highly entertaining article. I certainly hope I’m not displaying any of the presumption and grandiosity displayed by the subject of such prose.
Hillary Clinton is the most contemptible, disgusting excuse for a human being I can think of. And a war criminal. Please send her to Nuremberg ASAP. It was imperative that she lost the election, after cheating Sanders out of his candidacy (who would have been a disaster anyway). The “inconvenient truth” is that Trump is a life long Democrat. Go figure. And now the Left has gone full retard – “socialist democrats” are now decloaking into actual Marxists. Antifa and their ilk are pushing full on Leninist Communism, as if Fascism and full on Communism don’t both end with the biggest cause of death in the C20th – Democide (death by government). Rather than go after the Tories (for example) for their massive power grabs – Psychoactive Drugs Act, Snooper’s Charter and much worse which they have planned, the Feminists and other insane Leftists are harassing anyone and everyone out of a job for lunatic “thought crimes”, like the recent example of a nice Polish lady who Tweeted that the women’s section of her computer game conference was for the “pretty” people (i.e. women) only to face a wave of insane Leftist hate from transgender developers of PoS video games like No Man’s Sky – imagine being sacked for such an offence. Imagine being ABLE to be sacked because some wankers have Twitter accounts. Imagine being able to be sacked because some f***ing WANKERS are offended that you decided to call, innocently, a women’s only event the PRETTY event. Christ. Them we have “death to all white males” (because we SO all tolerant), “toxic masculinity” and my favorite, if you are white YOU ARE RACIST. Oh, sorry, forgot that asking how someone is might be interpreted as a “micro-aggression”. I’m a normal person. Most people are normal people. If the… Read more »
Thanks. for the thumbs ups people. I spent all day in my usual “I shitposted to the Internet, I’m an asshole” mode. I genuinely am SCARED of posting anything online these days. The bottom line is this. I subscribe to this site despite being basically a libertarian. To me that means being someone who is generally pro-capitalist, a liberal – and who doesn’t care if a policy is “from the left” or “from the right” IF it is intellectually, economically and common-sense sound. My belief is that common sense has to prevail in politics, and that neither “side” is ever right or wrong ideologically if their thinking is sound. Unfortunately, that almost never applies in politics. My rant is this: the Powers That Shouldn’t Be are trying to divide us by injecting race, gender and anything else they can to cause a sideshow that causes us to attack each other other than them – the assholes that start wars, maintain them and cause fear and panic in the general population. The Left, which is anti-war and who I used to be a part of, is the same as the pro-capitalist “right” which perhaps I am more attuned with now. When Obama commits eight years of war crimes, compared to maybe six of Bush/Blair – which I also oppose/opposed/protested against – we can align. But the Left has laid down it’s weapons because they don’t actually give a fuck about being anti-war if their guy is doing it. I do. And I will crucify Trump the moment he goes postal, as will the Left. But when Barry the “Peace Prize” winner did it, it was edgy and cool right? Which makes you lot hypocrites. End of message – we are all on the same team. If you hate white men, who… Read more »
I sense you are learning from your deep sense of dissonance. If we don’t wake under such a condition we are driven deeper into dissociation – which is the device of separating from or escape in denial and displacement. I am quite willing to be wrong – but I see that this dissonance is upwelling regardless of anything anyone may do – and so the issue is how honestly are we to align in the unfolding of what is – rather than persisting in whatever we invested in what we think or feel SHOULD be. If the ‘powers that should not be’ are breaking the rules of your world – then it is as if your world is breaking – but really it is the ‘rules’ – which are deeply held beliefs and definitions that are not true – or perhaps energetically to say, they are no longer serving you. Regardless of ‘thinking’ the energetic demands of a situation can be the recognition that responsibility is critical – and certain modes of behaviour are simply unaffordable IF your desire is to truly live. That is the underlying core safety – because the desire to truly live is the real you – where the alignment in identity AGAINST what you don’t want – or fear – is dividing you – not in true of being – but in your current awareness of your experience. Why not pause and feel what you are writing as you are writing – so as to more consciously align with the power of a unified expression of yourself or your being. A principle phishing trap is to bait by reaction into a self division that is masked or ‘captured’ by the hate or fear of ‘other’. Jesus spoke of freedom as a condition of truth –… Read more »
“Bankers/Globalists/NWO/Neo”Conservatives” (who are all Marxists BTW).”
Nice! I mean the part about them being all Marxists. Because that is so true!
In what way are they Marxists? Are you assuming they have read Marx and are putting his ideas into practice? Are bankers revolutionaries? Are they all working to undermine the profit centred society? Is there any active Marxism at all anywhere on this planet today?
You should direct your question to Simon Roberts, George. I was being a tad ironic.
Oh thank God for that! The trouble with irony is that, as with so much else on the net, it’s hard to tell when you just have typed words on a screen.
Perfect. I was thinking of Poe’s Law. That Wiki entry attributes it particularly to “internet culture” but I think the mechanism, though unnamed, long predates the internet. Randy Newman has a song called “Political Science” which ridicules gung-ho American militarism (“Let’s drop the big one and see what happens”). Newman said that when he sang the song back in the 70s, everyone laughed because they got the point. But in later years, the response was more along the lines of “Damn straight! Bomb the bastards!” Thus showing that there is always an inherent danger in irony and parody. If you’ew going to say the opposite of what you mean, it only serves you right if some take you at face value. Some of them may even be aware of your intentions but they will turn the tables on you by sincerely agreeing with the expressed sentiments.
Glad to hear it! For I am an enemy of all those groups, and, as I wrote quite some time ago, “I at least am certainly no Marxist”…
– KM from Trier
Simon Sir,
It would help greatly if you stopped conflating the word ‘LEFT’ with Social Justice Warriors or PROGRESSIVE types who espouse causes they actually do not give a toss about, it just sounds good and does nothing to further equality within our society. In my neck of the woods, these type of ‘gobs on sticks’ are detested, if only because most who espouse said crud have zero idea of what they are actually espousing, looks good on a CV though, which says it all.
She is the coldest, empathy-free politician I have ever shaken hands and briefly conversed with: One with Margaret Thatcher in having not an atom of humanity a condemnation I think George Galloway once said of Thatcher.
My ears pricked up once Zowie’s article mentioned ‘high risk’ – was Williams turning her attention to the ratcheting up of tensions across MENA, or the political fall-out after the fraudulent Democratic leadership contest?
No, apparently not – ‘high risk’ was merely a reference by Williams to the kind of psychodynamics that might have unfolded had Hilary dared share the Graham Norton sofa with her co-celebrities.
Zowie’s extraordinary apologia might have been a new low for the Guardian had it not been for Freedland’s egregious claims about the death of Daphne Galizia somehow being emblematic of the great work going on at York Way!
Unsurprisingly most commentators (BTL) had to gently explain to him the difference between a real journalist, willing to take serious risks in pursuit of important news, and corporate hacks who devote most of their energy keeping readers in the dark rather than keeping them informed.
I look at the link I find it funny how Freedland complains about people attacking the media, but at the same time uses the insult “Cobyrnite” to describe Cobyrn supporter. Freedland is such a hyprocrite. He is equalting criticism with murder than is low. He thinks that the media should be criticized and we should all take what the media says at face value. I don’t know much about British politics, sorry I am a Yank, but what I seen of Jeremy Cobyrn is that he seems to be one of the few politicians is geniuely driven to serve the people and is honest. the majority of politicians are driven by their ego and the pursuit of power, and Cobyrn is the opposite, and I find that refreshing.
Williams’ article, or declaration of ‘love’, illustrates how deeply flawed the Guardian brand really is; how tainted by dogma and partisanship. This stuff shows why the Guardian is dying institution, and deservedly so… because it’s truly, really, awful. The Guardian loves Clinton, in the same way it loves Obama and Blair. They are both really nice too, radiating a charm that lights up the room.
It gets better. Jeff Sessions has lifted the NDA gag on an FBI informer who can testify about “the Obama administration after he witnessed the bribery, extortion and money laundering as money exchanged through briefcases and yellow envelopes.”
BTW: as the Russian demonisation programme is bound to intensify as investigations proceed: Putin wasn’t President in 2009-10. [Dmitry Medvedev 2008-2012] There is no shielding of the treachery and treason of America’s elite. #LockHerUp
Williams is a strident Blair apologist so no surprise she’s shilling for Killary
But just think of all the money US taxpayers could of saved if Hillary had been anointed!
She could of flown to meetings on her broom instead of using the fuel-guzzling Air Force One jet, saving a tremendous amount of money.
Hillary: she’s so nice – she wouldn’t set out to destroy the lives of women (one of whom was only twelve at the time) who accused her husband of being a sexual predator? And laugh when she got the evidence dismissed? Ever the empathetic progressive feminist.
People who project all their identitarian feminist hopes and attributes; and embody them in HRC (as I presume is the case here) as some sort of antidote to the patriarchal warrior caste – can’t grasp the fact that she has no compunction about sending other peoples children home in body bags for the profit of her sponsors on Wall St and in the MIC. Some (infanticidal) maternal instinct.
I’m trying not to be too hopeful: but maybe the noose is tightening? A Watchdog has file an FEC complaint that the Democrats funded the Steele (“Golden Shower”) Dossier – in violation Federal Law. A judicious inquiry might uncover whether offshore funds from the Uranium One deal were also used to finance her campaign? Follow the “Money well spent”. [HRC’s response.]
Elsewhere, Special Counsel Mueller has expanded the scope of his inquiry into the non-existent Trump Russia collusion ‘scandal’ – bringing his focus on the Podestas shilling for the Russian Sberbank. Tucker Carlson (Fox News) claims to have a former Podesta Group source – that claims that the Podesta’s were Paul Manafort’s main contacts (not Trump). This witness has been interviewed extensively by Mueller. This is also another angle on the Uranium One and Fusion GPS-Steele Dossier. Follow the money 2.0: perhaps it will lead to the real Russia collusion scandal – Hillary Clinton!
“Follow the money 2.0: perhaps it will lead to the real Russia collusion scandal – Hillary Clinton!”
Looks pretty convincing. How ironic.
It’s so interesting what the real truth is compared to the story. One of the items on the 9/11 checklist was hiding all the money pillaged from Russia after the Cold War. youtube.com/watch?v=n_fp5kaVYhk
@flaxgirl: “It’s so interesting what the real truth is compared to the story.”
I don’t understand people like Zoe Williams (who, judging from her photo, doesn’t even have the fact of being a millennial to hide behind) – who ignore 35 years of well chronicled evidence to the contrary – to issue the blandishment “nice”. Nice: HRC is the very epitome of the psychopathogenic criminal cabal that controls America (and by extension – much of the rest of the world). (Acting as a Deep State conduit) her modus operandi has been that “all human suffering is a business model” [Ronald Bernard]. Nice: on what planet does Williams reside??? [At what point does complicity become criminal too???]
And if on a book tour to promote the “Russian interference” Cold War reset perception management psyop – she gets (at least, partially) undone by being the fabricator of the “Golden Shower” dossier – I for one will be ROTF LMFAO!!!
[I don’t know who this fellow is: he appeared in my ‘suggestions’ as Youtube thinks that I am a conservative this week.]
[[It gets better: Congress is looking to fire the compromised Mueller – who is part of the same Bush-Clinton-Obama-Deep State crime nexus. I’m gonna need a wholesale supply of popcorn for this one!!!]]
Within the conditional filters of anyone’s sense of self, may be found permission to be. The sense of freedom to be is felt as ‘love’ or appreciation and gratitude. Personal judgements operate a fixed and frozen set worthiness or unworthiness – as part of insecurity of the one making, passing on or accepting them. Those whose sense of self is conditioned to operate unconscious of its own filtering do not recognize their own participation in events and outcomes. The fragmentation of personality conflicts ‘plays out’ our world. So what if the ‘team Clinton’ are attempting damage control to ‘rehabilitate her’ so as to serve their agenda? Manipulative deceit is not worthy of an abiding focus within. Manipulative deceits depend upon these energetic conditions to run: Fear, guilt, hate, shame and lack – and of course all the progeny thereof. Competing illusions claim truth by virtue of the exposed sin in the other. That’s how it works. The use of ‘sin’ or guilt for power is giving worth-ship to the negative – and magnifying it by feeding upon it. In terms of my sense of Hilary – I notice that after being subordinated under Obama, her way of speaking became somewhat clone-like of his. The ‘cloning’ effect is noticeable in many other regards in the modern world – perhaps as a loss of self to an image. As for politics – does anyone still believe that USA political class – (how quaint to include the A) – are more than actors operating the theatre of diversion to policies long drawn up that they are required to ‘front out’ with the crowd? Perhaps the idea of ‘deep state’ (of inertial drift in frozen thinking) is a recognition of the hollowness of the so called political process? The transglobal corporate power – underpinned… Read more »
I have heard a wise man say that the word “persona” refers to a mask. I wonder how the concept of mind control applies to no-mind. Ah well, never mind.
mind used to be a verb – and as a shortcut it became used as a noun. As if you have a mind. In fact it is the replacement for Soul – a much more embracing idea than the focus in desire. Minding or, to mind something, is to give attention, significance, meaning. The term mind control as a ‘scientific’ term likely came up with the idea of brainwashing and implanting suggestions, beliefs and commands into another – that they then act out as if their own. But in a broader sense operates propaganda, ‘public relations’ and social engineering – but goes back to hypnotism/mesmerism and the dark arts of deceit and manipulative persuasion. Mind-control includes false flag trickery. Mythically – that is as a wisdom tradition – the idea of mind-control is that of possession – of an alien evil or unloving will – getting in, hiding within and taking over – yet the very fear of such operates such, and the defences against it, operate the belief in it. At this level, mind-control, is a reaction to self-doubt or self-conflict that seems to have a life of its own because it is the result of unresolved contradictory desires where the desire to escape pain or fear remaps the conflict from a dissociated personification of masking – that separates from direct reliving exposure in the denied or negative feelings and thoughts by assigning them to NOT self and generally to some sense of hidden evil, hate, shame or unworthyness that becomes either unconscious by evasion or conscious but only as perceived and avoided or hated and attacked in the other – whose designation in fear of hate operates a secret sense of escape. That they may also be not in their right mind, and therefore dissociated in the acting… Read more »
Mind control is magic. It can be used as positive suggestions to help – for the belief one can heal is self-fulfilling when it resonates or wakes the true willingness for healing. But ‘positive’ beliefs cannot be added or imposed to a negatively defined self – except as ways for such self to prove its own self-judgement true.
the article omits the very clear evidence gathered in Richard Charnins recent book that Sanders was deliberately robbed of the nomination by computer fraud https://www.reddit.com/r/Kossacks_for_Sanders/comments/56mc0h/richard_charnins_new_book_on_democracy_lost_77/
How is anyone with a knowledge of World Events supposed to find any words that would imply by their usage that Hillary Clinton was ever “nice”. She wasn’t nice as a lawyer or as a politician – not in any way shape of form. She didn’t just lie for 13 minutes straight, she lied for most of her political life. Does anyone not remember Obama and Clinton’s 5 nations tour?
The Britsh Expression is “so crooked, she couldn’t lie straight in bed”.
or in Geordie “crook as a dog’s hind leg”
Reblogged this on Worldtruth.
She has only achieved her status on the back of a real politician, husband Bill.
Cue loud applause and shouts of bravo! Cogent article whoever wrote it, well done.