JFK at 100: The War on Our Heroes Part 2
Kit Knightly
In the first half of this article, published on JFK’s centenary, I discussed the general degradation of the intellectual and moral character of figurehead politicians, the concomitant societal decay, and whether or not this is a deliberate policy or a by-product of promoting sociopaths above their ability to function.
In this half we will re-examine the death of JFK, not just as a simple assassination, but as an act of psychic-warfare on the general populace, and explore the long-lasting effect on the American psyche.
A Nation of Hamlets
We’ve all become Hamlets in our country, children of a slain father-leader whose killers still possess the throne. The ghost of John F. Kennedy confronts us with the secret murder at the heart of the American Dream.”Jim Garrison – JFK
The death of Kennedy is a story that won’t go away, a splinter at the back of the American mind. Driving them mad. If a country can be compared to an individual, then a fallen king can be a dead parent. A father lost before his time. An adolescent trauma, rotting and unconfronted and repressed. Informing every moment, every decision.
The JFK obsession has been dismissed by some as nothing more than a cult of personality, a trite fetishising of the too-soon-departed, equivalent to the worship of Jim Morrison or Marilyn Monroe. But I see it as going deeper than that, somewhere behind the glitz and glamour of “Camelot” there was something more substantial. An idea. “And ideas are bullet proof”.
That, perhaps, explains the cultural push back against both investigation of the Kennedy assassination, and praise of his presidency. The man was killed over five decades ago, but the political establishment still feel the need to assassinate him. Over and over again.
He is portrayed as naive and arrogant for ignoring “experts” and getting involved in Vietnam. A spoilt rich kid whose father bought the election. A womanizing drug addict.
In this Guardian article, for example, published earlier this year to mark the centenary, the author makes reference to Kennedy’s extra-marital affairs, and criticises him for his “secret medical conditions” as if they are somehow relevent to his politics.
The final two paragraphs are then given over to Kissinger’s biographer who proceeds to compare Kennedy, unfavourably, to Donald Trump:
The realities of the Kennedy White House are so extraordinarily scuzzy that Trump is a kind of saintly figure by contrast.”
For years now, from both sides of the right-left paradigm, there has been a steady effort to “fight back” against the “sanctified” picture of JFK. That particular charge has been led by Noam Chomsky, who is keen to paint JFK as just another politician. “Worse than Obama”, he says in this interview.
It’s obviously true that the election of Kennedy didn’t instantly and completely halt any and all military and covert operations, the world didn’t become a Coca Cola advert on January 20th 1961. But to lay that at the feet of the new President, when he was in the process of taking control of a highly secretive framework of machinery designed to promote war and chaos, and compartmentalise information, is disingenuous at best.
Yes, the Bay of Pigs invasion was a disaster – one that Kennedy is routinely blamed for – but that was planned under Eisenhower (even Chomsky admits that). Kennedy’s reticence to turn it into a full-scale war – which the military repeatedly pressured him to do – led to him being labeled “soft on communism”. He beheaded the CIA afterwards, forcing the resignation of Allen Dulles and several others.
And yes, the irresponsible and provocative placing of Jupiter missiles in Turkey led to the Cuban Missile Crisis – but it was Kennedy’s readiness to make a deal that prevented a near-miss from blooming into a mushroom cloud. One wonders how many modern presidents would have resolved that situation peacefully.
And, finally, yes, his administration carried on the Eisenhower era policies of arming the south Vietnamese – but Kennedy was committed to ending that support and to pulling out of Vietnam. This is an established fact. But for his assassination, there would have been no Vietnam war.
As an argument, the idea that Kennedy was nothing more than a proto-Obama, a smiling salesman in an expensive suit, would perhaps carry more weight if he hadn’t been murdered in public. Generally speaking, you don’t need to execute mascots and frontmen.
We are being asked to live in an insane world – one where we are expected to believe that the most influential act of political murder of the last 100 years happened for no reason at all. Kennedy wasn’t important. Kennedy didn’t stand for anything. Kennedy died for no reason.
The massive divergence between the established, allowable consensus and genuine weight of public opinion has driven a wedge into the American psyche. The Jungian collective mind is schizophrenic in America, driven insane by mass-cognitive dissonance. Every poll of the American people ever done on this topic, dating back to November 29th 1963, only a week after the shooting, has shown a clear majority believe in a conspiracy to kill their president. Public support for the “Lone Gunmen” theory has never surveyed at better than 30%.
Less than one in three people have ever believed the official narrative, but is that reality reflected in the media? Never. Films and documentaries and TV productions (with one noteworthy exception) routinely portray the assassination in the absurd terms laid down by the Warren Commission. Attempting to undermine, straw-man or completely ignore any other interpretations.
Whether you view the President as the father of the nation, or the concept of democracy as the father of America, the US citizenry are reduced to a nation of Hamlets. Forced to watch their father die and his killer usurp the power that should, by right, be passed to them.
Cursed with the certain knowledge that their country is poisoned, their society sick. They try to pursue the truth, but are told by every voice they consider authority…that they are mad. To let it go.
Our heroes are stamped out before our eyes, and their ghosts cry out for justice we cannot provide. We want to act, but are deprived of the kind leadership that can coalesce angry people into a movement with direction and purpose. The media muddy the water and sow discord, whilst any voice that tries to rise above the din of distraction, to make us whole and just, is shut out. Locked up. Gunned down.
Of All Sad Words…
Here we are. Lyndon Johnson, more of the same. Nobody voted for him…It felt for a second like everything was about to change.Pete Campbell – Mad Men
The public execution of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is a watershed moment in the history, not just of America, but the world. Possibly the key moment of the entire 20th century. From that violent wellspring flowed Johnson, Nixon, Reagan and Bush. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
America, the ideal America described in the constitution, died on November 22nd 1963. It’s important to remember: Things could have been so different.
At its heart, the American system of government is one of the fairest ever devised by man, the US Constitution one of most fair-minded and important pieces of legislation ever drafted. But from its founding as a nation America has been in a near-constant state of internal struggle.
In the early days it was Jefferson vs. Hamilton, Democratic-Republicans vs Federalists. The push of central government against the rights of individual states. The idea of a stable cooperative vs the push to nationhood and, inevitably, empire. That same struggle exists in Europe today.
Slowly but surely, over the first two-hundred years of American existence, the ideals of the constitution were knocked back, limited, qualified, in the push for more centralised power and the building of an Empire. States were forced through military might to stay in the Union against their will. It became America’s “manifest destiny” to commit genocide against Native Americans and steal their land.
Over time the American Imperialists fermented into what we call the Deep State. Interconnected families of enormous wealth and immeasurable economic influence, given complete monetary control after the founding of the Federal Reserve, and handed the reins of military and political power when Harry Truman signed the order that established the CIA. Truman declared, later in life:
I think [the creation of the CIA] was a mistake. And if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it…Why, they’ve got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways. And I think I’ve told you, one Pentagon is one too many.
In the decade following that order the CIA backed anti-democratic coups in Guatemala, Iran, and the Congo. Resulting in decades of oppression and millions of deaths. It set a pattern that would repeat right up to the present day.
This gluttonous pursuit of wealth and power was only ever held in check by constitutional safe-guards against out-right tyranny. A rivalry personified in the clash between Kennedy’s administration and the giants of the American intelligence community, Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover.
Kennedy’s assassination ended that rivalry, and ever since that day, the barely controlled Imperialist drive has run rampant.
Consider everything that might have been different if the Kennedy side had won that struggle, if he had made good his alleged threat to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces”.
Firstly, and most obviously, there is Vietnam. The war that drove America mad. The prototype for all American “interventions” since, a war started on an absurd lie, fought brutally and inefficiently by a system more interested in selling helicopters than saving lives.
From Vietnam flows Cambodia, Laos, Angola, Grenada, Iraq, the Balkans, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya and Syria. Five decades of Orwellian, perpetual warfare. Millions of lives destroyed.
All started by that first domino, Vietnam.
Outside of overt warfare, there are covert actions. A tamed intelligence service could never have launched military coups in Ecuador, Brazil, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bolivia, Chile and Haiti. Without illegal and punitive sanctions, who knows how countries like Cuba, Venezuela and Libya would have fared.
Who knows what men like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King would have achieved, if an emboldened and all-powerful intelligence community hadn’t gunned them down before our eyes.
Kennedy was in favour of universal health care along the lines of the NHS, he wanted to abandon the space race and cooperate with the Soviets on a mission to the moon. He pushed for black civil rights and de-segregation and signed into law the Equal Pay Act. He argued for nuclear disarmament and pushed the nuclear testing ban.
We’ll never know exactly what kind of world was taken from us all the day American democracy was destroyed and a coup government installed. It may have been not much better than this one, but how much worse could it be?
An Assault on the Public Mind
Power resides where men believe it resides; it’s a trick, a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”Varys – Game of Thrones
You will have realised by now that, when I discuss the JFK assassination, I talk about it as a deep-state operation. A conspiracy. To me that is the only rational reading of the evidence, and I have thought so ever since, aged 12, I first watched Oliver Stone’s fantastic film JFK. The evidence all points in one direction, a CIA-sponsored operation using a an intelligence operative as a fall guy, who is then “liquidated” before his trial. To cling to the official story has been insane ever since Arlen Specter proposed the insulting “magic bullet theory”.
Far more interesting, and perhaps important, than the who and how of the case, is the why.
Let’s revisit JFK through the lens of a declining Empire, run entirely by psychopaths. Psychopaths, not just on an individual, but an institutional level.
Battling alphabet agencies competing over influence, all placed under threat by Kennedy’s alleged desire to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds”, can become united in a need to remove said threat, and re-assert their authority.
In that light, the assassination of JFK can be seen as more than the political removal of an inconvenient man. If JFK represented, as he certainly has come to represent since his death, hope for a better society, then what does it say to society at large to blow his brains out in a public square?
There are much easier ways to remove a “difficult” politician than killing him. It’s far better to bring him to heel through pressure, or to buy him with bribes and favours. You can blackmail him with dirt or release the dirt and impeach him, as was done with Clinton.
If he doesn’t respond to bribes, and has no dirt to dish, then you can bring pressure on his party to keep him from being nominated, as was done with Henry Wallace in the 1940s.
You can fix primaries, as was done with Bernie Sanders only last year.
You can perform “soft coups”, hamstringing an administration with bureaucratic resistance whilst leaking sensitive material to a cooperative media – undermining the authority and credibility of the executive branch until it has no choice but to resign. As they did with Nixon and are attempting to do with Trump.
The Falklands War and the Iran hostage situation were both used to secure public support for the “approved” candidates just before and after important elections. The 2000 and 2004 elections were outright fixed.
The deep state has evolved a long list of tactics for controlling who wears the public face of power. Assassinations are at the very bottom of this list. They are hard to do, difficult to cover up, and so damn final.
That there is a general institutional reluctance to utilise assassination as a tool, not on moral but pragmatic grounds, is a logical conclusion based on the rarity of political assassinations in general.
Do not forget that JFK was killed in November ’63, he lad less than a year of his first term left. Unseating him in 1964 would have been difficult, but doubtless easier than covering up a CIA-backed assassination for the next 54 years (and counting).
So why was he killed?
You can reason that his removal was a strong reaction, an almost reflexive autonomic rejection, of what the system deemed a strong, and immediate, threat. That he was, through whatever circumstances, immune to threats, unresponsive to pressure and impossible to bribe. That being the case, death becomes the only recourse.
This reasoning might explain the act, but not the method.
Generally speaking, murders aren’t committed in public. If murder becomes a practical solution to a political problem, there are far simpler means to that end than guns. Kennedy could fall down the stairs of the White House. His car could explode. His plane could crash. He was on pain meds for his back, an accidental overdose or “complication” would be easy enough to arrange.
There would be dozens of times a week when the president was alone but for his security detail…anything can happen.
You could do whatever you wanted to the man in private, behind closed doors, then make up any story you wanted and beam it out on every channel. A horrible accident. A national tragedy. Now let’s invade Vietnam.
If your goal is simply his death, there’s a massive spectrum of possibilities available to you. Most of them offering a higher degree of secrecy than a rifle, all them requiring a fewer personnel.
There’s only one interpretation that fully explains all of this. One that lays open the thought process of the deep-state:
The man must be killed for questioning your authority, but he must also be SEEN to be killed, to reinforce that authority. It can be argued that the assassination was as much a message to the world as anything else. A public execution displays contempt for the victim, and conveys raw power to the witnesses.
Vercingetorix was paraded in chains at Caesar’s Triumph, before his eventual execution. Richard II lay in state after Henry IV had him starved to death. Saddam Hussein’s execution was “leaked” online. Gaddafi publicly raped to death.
Jesus, before his post-mortem PR team ret-conned him into a literal God, was an anti-Imperial rabble-rouser. A political revolutionary nailed to a tree to quieten talk of rebellion.
Power is an ephemeral concept, bestowed by the vast majority on to a tiny minority entirely through the process of belief. The only way to win power is to convince people you already have it. That is most easily done through displays of brutality and the nurturing of public fear.
As medieval monarchs would mount heads on spikes, so do our new rulers terrorise us with the public execution of our chosen leaders.
Behold the head of a traitor, flying back and to the left.
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The current State Assasination is in play against Julian Assange.
SpartUSA is making it known, that if you oppose our ‘Exceptional right to murder without contraint’ then you will be in our cross hairs.
Power is an ephemeral concept, bestowed by the vast majority on to a tiny minority entirely through the process of belief.
God Bless JFK, Kit, Catte and Offguardian. The article is one of the best Assessments I have yet read and neatly summarises the best book yet written on JFK, James Douglass “JFK & The Unspeakable”. Let the naysayers read this book if they dare. The choice is simple: Truth and Understanding vs. Lies and Confusion. Why he died and why it matters.
I hope Offguardian can maintain this higher plane in this year of MLK and RFK anniversaries. Sirhan is still in jail for a murder he didn’t commit. Freeing Sirhan would be an honourable goal and a victory against the Deep State.
Kit; Admin; Arrby; Catte: I haven’t got time to write an article – but if Arrby won’t take it on, I’m well up for an alternative POV – because I’ve got more misgivings than Thanksgivings over the myth of Camelot! I accept that there is no editorial policy to do so, but the articles (two back to back) and the comments BTL do give the appearance of promulgating a mythos. Why does this matter? Let me expand … First of all: let me start ex post facto. Nothing can be taken away from the importance – as a Deep State event – of his assassination. But let us not commit the cardinal sin and expand the reasons for his death (closer to a ritual sacrifice really) into the heroification and mythologisation of the man: the JFK who simply never was. To build the myth of Kennedy (even subliminally): you also have to further some of the most egregious and dangerous propaganda known to man. Propaganda that has recently been revitalised: and again threatens the very continuance of humanity. Using two of the same examples Kit used … Vietnam. To encapsulate the complexities of the Vietnam War into a comment is impossible: but here goes. Kennedy did not start the Vietnam War. We know from the Pentagon Papers that America was supporting the French right up until Dien Bien Phu: and continued a covert presence after that. Eisenhower supported the corrupt Diem regime: including cancelling the 1958 elections – which by all accounts Ho Chi Minh would have won by a landslide. Kennedy supported and furthered this inherited Foreign Policy. [If I were to digress: I could take a massive swipe at the Vatican here. Suffice to say, both Kennedy and Diem were (pro) Catholic.] The myth of Camelot is partially… Read more »
That’s some interesting thoughts and some, and I understand the reluctance to enshrine historical figures as saints and icons.
It doesn’t really deal with reality – if he was nothing special, why did the CIA kill him? And his brother?
To assume it happened for some petty internal reason makes little sense, because then it would happen more often.
To a certain extent, people have been fooled into the “JFK didn’t mean anything” meme, because it stops people asking questions of the Deep State motivations. It has become “cool” and “informed” to stop caring about WHY the President of the US was executed. I, personally, find that silly.
Silly: how? Compared to making a saint out of a man that never existed? A man who was in fact the very antithesis of the figure you want to project? A man whose legacy includes deformed babies in Vietnam? To this very day, we don’t know WHY JFK was killed – do we? So why is my speculation any the less reality based and “silly” compared to yours???
Frankly, Kit: I’m disappointed with your dismissive reply. Arrby was asked to open it up for discussion. I’m not trying to be “cool” or “informed” – I was looking for a fair exchange of ideas. So pray tell me – what exactly do you know of the Deep State motivations? How have you managed this exclusive insight – that millions of hours of research has failed to uncover? We know it wasn’t LHO acting on his own. We know it was a conspiracy. We know (to a certain extent) who was involved in that conspiracy – BUT DO WE KNOW WHY??? And what gives you the authority of insight?
Because it would happen more often? Really? After a trail of dead presidents – do you not think people might get a little suspicious about all those random lone gunmen???
The simplest explanation for RFK’s killing is the double murder theory. He died by the same (hidden) hand as his brother. It was nothing more than a cover-up: passed off as another ‘lone wolf’ killing. It sheds no light on the motivations for the original murder. No need to create a myth of the Kennedy’s as campaigning ‘Knights of Freedom.’ Isn’t that a bit silly???
“After a trail of dead presidents . . .”
Wasn’t there something like a trail of dead brothers? And then another similar trail of activist leaders? To me, it seems there was a trail. I think that the trail of wars should also included among the crumbs of all those trails. But that’s just me.
I also replied to you in lieu of Arrby below. If I mistook a seeming call to open this issue up: but you don’t want to continue this discussion, let me know, and I won’t reply again. I care just as much as you as to WHY JFK was killed. Only we don’t know why, do we? So please don’t fob off my enquiries as silly.
I didn’t describe your reply as “silly”, I said the prevailing attitude that JFK didn’t really matter was silly. I stand by that. Extraordinary events require extraordinary explanations. One can’t just say “he was just like every other president”, without also suggesting there was a mundane internal reason for his murder. That makes no sense to me.
As you’ve pointed out, some people think that admiring people or creating heroes is bad, because it disempowers ordinary people. But likewise, refusing to acknowledge worth at the top (when it exists) makes people cynical and apathetic. As the title of my article suggests, there is a war on heroes. A dedicated effort to undermine the idea that any politician or leader can have any worth at all.
It’s important, I think, to point out that there are people who want to make the world a better place. And it’s just as important to highlight the violence and slander that the Deep State inflicts upon them.
Chomsky has demonstrated many times that he is willing to believe (or claim to believe) something absurd in order to protect his credibility. His suggestions that it doesn’t matter what happened on 9/11 or who killed JFK are insulting.
Many good points here.
But the trivializing of Jesus into a “rabble-rouser” is a terrible insult to His wisdom and His compassion, both of which are desperately needed in the very world outlined in this article.
Believe, or don’t believe, in Christ – it’s entirely your choice, but there’s enough soullessness in the world without falsifying – or displaying ignorance of – one of the few events in our history which are capable of inspiring utterly selfless compassion for others.
Correct. But there’s a LOT of anti-God, anti-Christian Bible sentiment on the Left. For those of us who are leftwing and Christian, that’s difficult.
Indeed it is difficult sometimes.
We’re dealing with the old assumption that because the most naive and gullible human beings on earth believe whatever they are told, it therefore follows that the highly educated, experienced and wise human beings who have coincidentally come to some of the same conclusions by processes of critical analysis, must, somehow, also be naive and gullible…
But in any case I don’t think one even needs to be religious to read the central story of Christ’s life and be deeply inspired by it.
Among other things, that story crucially raises the issue of whether one should aspire to be an evolved human being, or a brute bent on mere survival.
The Christian Bible explicitly rules out biological evolution. And the fossil record rules it out as well, which is why the scientific community, made up mostly of those who want nothing to do with a God who they want to replace, resorted to ‘punctuated equilibrium’. It’s telling, Isn’t it? The central issue, the driving engine for biological evolution was mutations and long periods of time. And then, just like that, that’s gone – now that it doesn’t work. So yes, You have mutations, but you get this idea that whole new species, a la X Men, can pop up suddenly. What was holy to the scientific community suddenly isn’t. But their difficulty is far from over here. Even with punctuated equlibrium, there’s still a transitional period that’s thousands of years long. And lo and behold, the fossil record still doesn’t reveal it. Darwin said that if there was one thing that would prove fatal to his theory, it would be the failure of the fossil record to back it. If people want to fool themselves into thinking otherwise, with help from evil corporate owned media that every few years carries some story about a missing link or something, they may do so.
This Camelot propaganda is just awful. What a fail for Off Guardian.
Why not critique the content of the article? There are numerous links provide to back up the basic claims being made, so plenty of grounds for discussion.
Because it’s a waste of time. You’re determined to do this. It’s not a one-off for you, Is it? I’ve critiqued before when this crap has surfaced. Few seem interested in dealing with facts and history. As you wish. I’ve assembled a compendium of Camelot myth-debunking material and linked to it. No one seemed interested in that. You ignore me when I critique the Camelot narrative. Then when I don’t bother – because I’ve got the message – you tell me to critique the Camelot propaganda instead of complaining about it. Again:
We are certainly not wedded to a single POV re. JFK. Why not submit an article on the subject.
Even supposing there is inaccurate information in our JFK articles…In what way is it “propaganda”? What political agenda does it serve?
In the obvious way. The establishment long ago realized JFK was a liability. He wasn’t fit to be a President of anything. Even though there is a high degree of confidence in the ruling class in the ability of corporate owned media to turn evil into good, JFK’s actions and behavior were so bad, they decided not to take any chances, so they took a special interest in packaging JFK as an enduring ad selling American Empire. (Paul Street will give you an idea, as will Chomsky, but there’s been a big push to discredit Chomsky and it seems to be working, so let’s go with Street. – https://www.paulstreet.org/the-new-jfk-nothing-great-to-be/ ) It was clever as hell, a remarkable kill two birds with one stone achievement. It solved a problem with a huge public relations score. JFK’s good looks and smooth talk, a la Obama, helped.
“The Power Of White”: https://arrby.wordpress.com/2017/07/15/the-power-of-white/
Just to clarify – you are saying JFK was so uniquely bad the “deep state” decided there was nothing for it but to blow his head off in public in Dallas, while simultaneously using his murder as a propaganda exercise.
I don’t discount this but it does beg a couple of questions:
1) How was JFK so much worse than any other president before or since? Do you mean morally/ethically worse, less competent or what?
2) Why was murdering him a better option than simply making sure he didn’t win in 1964?
3) What propaganda coup was achieved?
4) Are you arguing the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the sacking of Alan Dulles etc didn’t alienate the intelligence communities or that this is simply irrelevant?
5) How is your analysis a better fit for the known facts?
Once again, not disagreeing, just asking
I said no such thing. Sheesh! Everyone knows who killed JFK. I don’t. And I didn’t claim that the deep state murdered him. (It isn’t unreasonable, but if you don’t know, then you can’t say that you do. Or, You can say that the deep state killed JFK, if that’s what you believe and if you can point to circumstantial evidence and argue it, but qualify your statement by pointing out that you have no smoking gun.) Why can’t you examine the info in my links? I have to leave for work soon. I work full time. I have my compendium on JFK and RFK in the cloud for a reason. I am able to provide a link to it. I’ve already taken the time to put it together, ergo.
I’m afraid I still don’t understand. You’re talking about a general idea without answering anything in the specific. What propaganda are we spreading? “Propaganda” isn’t just political opinions with which you disagree, it is deliberately misleading information intended to serve a political agenda. What political agenda is served by suggesting JFK was assassinated by the deep state for refusing to enact their policies?
Perhaps you could answer these questions:
Are you suggesting JFK was no different from any other president, and was, in fact, worse?
If that’s the case, what do you make of his supposed anti-Nuclear, anti-Vietnam and pro-space cooperation policies? Are they fictional?
What material benefit was there to killing JFK if he posed no threat to the system?
Hi Kit: I’m not Arrby – but I addressed most of the questions you ask above. So I won’t answer your questions specifically: but I want to address why I think that the Camelot cargo cult is so misguided and ultimately dangerous. I’m not using the ‘propaganda’ word – my take is more psychological than political. First and foremost: the canonised Saint JFK of Camelot NEVER existed. Nor, had he survived, does it appear to me that he was ever going to exist. ‘He’ is pure psychological projection: an ‘idea’ in the realm of ideas that your article (and Ed Curtin’s next to it) seem to want to make “bulletproof.” Perpetuating the myth ignores the fact he was a white privilege capitalist serving the needs of other white privilege capitalists: how do we get from there to the fantasy of him being some kind of hero of the resistance? We don’t. To turn him into something he was not – a top down reformer – denies the very real grassroots power of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) to effect change. Even in death – is he not a capstone on what we could achieve? And make no mistake: the CRM very nearly did effect a non-violent revolution (particularly when they amalgamated with the anti-war movement.) But this was not BECAUSE of JFK: he was not in the vanguard of the movement – he was in the vanguard of the white privilege protectionist forces PUSHING BACK AGAINST an irresistible force for change. Look at the (not inconsiderable) concessions the CRM gained; look at how they were subsumed over time; look at the situation now – which is demonstrably WORSE than in the 60s – and tell me again which side you think JFK was for??? Ditto the Vietnam War. Look at… Read more »
Are you saying that I haven’t been clear?!! I find that astonishing and not honest. Noam Chomsky, Paul Kellog and others have, in my view, the correct take on Kennedy’s (lipstick) space program, meant to gain public acceptance for military research in the area of rocketry (pig). Hersh claims that JFK made the bureaucracy sexy, but others take a far less sanguine view of that. And Hersh knows better. I’ve linked to my post and compendium (still being worked on), but see no sign that anyone has bothered to read it. Should I follow links in your articles? I think that Off Guardian does awful Camelot Propaganda and if you want to berate me for that, feel free.
As we’ve said before we would welcome a different perspective on the “Camelot myth” if you were interested in writing one. We certainly don’t intend to promote propaganda. Maybe a piece that directly addressed and rebutted the points in Kit’s piece?
Chomsky believes JFK was killed by a lone lunatic with a “magic bullet”. Can we assume you don’t agree with him to that extent?
At any rate an alternative perspective would definitely find an outlet here.
Does he? No, I don’t agree with that. Yes, I’ll be sure to read Kit’s article. I usually do, even when my first reaction is “Crap!!!” I just can’t look at it right now because I’m working multiple 12 hour shifts for a few days. Honestly, I will have to force myself to do it.
Arrby: I’ve read your links, and found them excellent. I particularly liked the Paul Street one: I even referenced it above. It underlines many of the points I have made: which is a bit eerie, as I’d never heard of him before. Perhaps Kit should read them, before writing the next chapter of the JFK hagiography?
I’m inclined to agree with you that no one is interested in deconstructing this myth here. I’m tempted to write an article myself, but don’t really have the time. Perhaps for next year? If I did, would you fact check it for me?
Au revoir …until the next time.
Thanks. Ideas are percolating in my head, but I’m far from writing ‘another’ article on JFK. Kit could just post my “The Power Of White” if she or he wanted to. I’ve also invited Paul Street to submit something. He’d be an excellent counter to Edward Curtin, who simply disappears opinions he doesn’t agree with (on his blog).
I’d quite happily defer my seriously-lacking journalistic skills to Paul Street – any day!
Kit is a “he”. Catte is a “she”. As is Vaska. Systematic is a “he.” Like Kit.
I am merely an Admin drone without gender or higher function. I am the one inviting you to submit an article. 🙂
Who are you kidding? You seem to have plenty of time to write snippy, indignant comments on here… I’m sure you can muster up an hour or so to cobble together a cracking article and put your arguments up for examination. If you lack the focus, don’t worry – the internet is a patient place. We can wait. Or perhaps you lack the courage?
Whatever your reasons for holding back, please remember you are arguing from a privileged position, it is very easy to carp, split hairs and talk big BTL.
The invitation has been made… Submit your article, sir.
Wasn’t Robert K a saint too?
That was interesting. Thanks!
It is argued that Chomsky’s deterministic commitment to ‘structural’ models of have led him, incredibly, to dismiss outright the evidential arguments made against the Warren commission. To him, the question is “Who cares ?” – i.e. that the personality of the leader is of little or no consequence to the funcitoning of the system.
This is so glaringly wrong, and contradicted by Chomsky’s own writings. Regardless of the intellectual denial that he has had to go through in order to avoid evidential arguments (or even those around the basic principles of justice and accountability), it is undeniable that popular charismatic leaders can and do fundamentally change the structures of power, when circumstance allows. Look at Tony Blair and the Labour Party for instance, and the long recovery. Kruschev and the de-Stalinisation era….
For me, the JFK killing was the first revelation of the ‘parallel structures’ that operate within and around visible political institutions. As the unconscious mind is hidden from us and yet has such influence upon us as individuals, so the ‘deep state’ remains, for the most part, concealed (denied even). The psychological growth of the individual has often been described as a process of conscious revelation of unconscious material. Perhaps the equivalent could be said in regard to the collective aspects of living, but only if we are willing and open to the more discomforting things that lie in there.
The assassination of JFK proved once and for all that some members of the public are simply too blinkered to deviate from certain illusions no matter how compelling the evidence put before them.
In fact so deep seated is this anxiety that even once trusted public intellectuals like Chomsky find it too difficult to confront the implications of what the evidence is actually telling them.
There is a majestic lecture by Ray Griffin (entitled, ‘Debunking 9/11 Debunking’ – Let’s Get Empirical) in which he explores many of the obstacles that arise once controversial political events are described in terms such as ‘conspiracy theory’.
I strongly agree with Kit that this seminal event especially the official discourse post-shooting was a huge red flag with regard to the modus operandi of the deep state in the years to come.
It is an interesting article, but I am sorry, the American people have had choices they have refused to take up: 1) If authority figures tell you you are mad if you investigate, you have the choice to challenge and throw out their perceived authority. There are 300 million Americans at least, so if 200 million believe in a conspiracy theory, they can choose to reopen Warren, populate a new investigation with their own people (not the Deep State) and publicise every single threat made behind closed doors, naming those who issued it and calling for them to have their careers destroyed….they can do the same for 9/11……. 2) If 200 million Americans want to cooperate with Russians, form a political movement without figureheads: assassinating a movement is harder than assassinating an individual. Tell the Russians why the leadership structure is as it is: they would prefer dealing with 100 peace negotiators than one psychopathic gung ho nuclear armageddon dickhead…… 3) If you want to change the political system, do not vote Democrat, do not vote Republican and do not vote for any of the old order, whatever new organisation they may be touting. If there are 200 million Americans who want clean, safe water; reliable cost-effective electricity; gas on demand; and housing designed for those who live in it, not for the profits of those who build it, then a party promoting those things above all else will sweep to power. I do not know of a single nation that would go to war with America for imperialistic reasons. There are plenty who now hate Amerca due to being occupied, having been occupied, being under threat of being occupied. The military need to know they SERVE, they do not lead. The MIC needs to be told, brutally, by the… Read more »
It’s just too much hard work and too much of a risk for most Americans to promote accurate and substantive versions of media lies.
And Americans are not alone.
The UK population also ultimately believes whatever some media mogul chooses to feed it, as do most of the Scandinavian and other European nations.
The current plague of immoral political stereotypes running all those countries doesn’t help matters either.
Very interesting article with points I’d never have considered. Thank you.
As Voltaire said about Admiral Byng: “Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres”.
Fuck JFK. No one cares.
You don’t belong here.
There are reasoned arguments for continuing to look at this crime in great detail, and of course some people don’t care about anything.
Not caring makes life so easy…
But none of us came into the world with a little tag on our toes saying, “This is going to be easy”.
Not even JFK.
@Mark Mason
It’s not about JFK.
And if this article above had been about the murder of Abraham Lincoln, it wouldn’t be about Lincoln. By the way: Did You know that there are still(!!) files of the Lincoln murder case blocked – and neither researchers or the public are allowed to see them?
Soon we will be reminded of the murder of Robert Kennedy. And then of the murder of Martin Luther King. But the topic then also wound’s be on each special victim.
Instead all this is about our PRESENT and about NOWADAYS!
Please, Mark Mason, go and ask the CIA (You can write to them), why they “care” so much about ‘fucking JFK’ and these old ‘fucking files’!
I mean, THEY “care” – don’t they. And they “care” NOWADAYS, don’t they? Even after having had 25 years time to black out ‘dangerous information’ from the files, to make them ‘fit’ for the public, they panicked totally and rushed to Trump to ask for more time!
And, Mark Mason, there must be a reason TODAY, why CIA & partners didn’t say “Fuck JFK. No one cares”.
Think about it!
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“USA: How to Really Understand the Term „an lllegal Order for a Nuclear Strike“!”: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2017/11/21/usa-how-to-really-understand-the-term-an-lllegal-order-for-a-nuclear-strike-usa-was-der-begriff-ein-illegaler-befehl-zum-atomschlag-wirklich-bedeutet/
This, to me, seems to be a reasonable assessment: https://www.globalresearch.ca/experts-warn-it-would-take-more-than-one-general-to-thwart-illegal-nuclear-strike/5619215?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles