Synanon, the Brainwashing “Game” and Modern Transgender Activism: The Orwellian Implications of Transgender Politics

Jenn Smith

Jenn Smith, a transgender identified male, questions the true origins and aims of the current international trans agenda


What had happened was that Gloria walked in the front door of Synanon [for drug counselling] and they had gamed her right off. Someone, on purpose, had walked past her as she sat waiting to be interviewed and had remarked on how ugly she was. The next person to parade past had informed her that her hair looked like something a rat slept in.

Gloria had always been sensitive about her curly hair. She wished it was long … What the third Synanon member would have said was moot, because by then Gloria had gone upstairs to the tenth floor [to kill herself].

“Is that how Synanon works?” Fat asked.

Bob said, “It’s a technique to break down the personality. It’s a fascist therapy that makes the person totally outer-directed and dependent on the group. Then they can build up a new personality that isn’t drug oriented.”

from Philip K. Dick, VALIS.

The above quote is from Philip K. Dick’s pseudo-autobiographical novel VALIS and was based on his experience in the 1970s with what was once called the “most dangerous and violent cult America had ever seen,” Synanon.

At first glance the quotation from VALIS would seem unrelated to the modern transgender (trans) movement, however, my experience with opposing trans-activism has led me to the conclusion that the activist element in the trans community has become and uses (knowingly or unknowingly) the techniques of cults such as Synanon.

Certainly those that constitute the more radical activists in the transgender movement behave just like cult members and are just as willing to ignore reality as any member of even the most bizarre religious cult.

There are a great deal of questions regarding just who is behind the international trans agenda and what their end game is, or why almost every organ of power is supporting the mass delusion that is the new transgender movement.

Investigation has revealed several billionaires at work (notably Martine Rothblatt and Jennifer Pritzker), as well as funding and promotion from the pharmaceutical industry and even the highly lucrative cosmetic giants.

But just who is promoting this and why is not the primary subject of this essay; the methodology of recruitment is. With that being clarified, there are of course both macro and micro levels of the trans agenda, and the macro level will be addressed in the conclusion.

It should be noted from the outset that the goal of this essay is not to draw exact equivalencies between Synanon and transgender activists, only to illustrate similarities in the basic psychological processes or agencies that facilitate transgender youths becoming part of radical transgender activism, which is typically centered on various online social media forums.

It is difficult to address this issue without investigating and speculating on the reasons why governments all over the western world are pushing this so hard.

It appears as if the creation and promotion of trans cult activism and ideology is part of a larger social engineering agenda, and one that requires everybody’s attention. Governments that engage in social engineering using deception and propaganda do not tell people why they are doing it.

As was the case with the “incubator baby slaughter” fraud that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq by President George Bush Sr., we the people only find out after the fact, and in that case after hundreds of thousands of lives were lost.

It thus becomes incumbent upon freedom loving citizens to speculate on the reasons why our leaders are supporting the mass delusion that is transgender activism, and this will be addressed in the final section of this essay.

Synanon and “The Game.”

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.George Orwell, 1984

In August of 1957, Charles E. Dederich was just one of many alcoholic test subjects at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) that were given the drug LSD in order to see if chemical mind alteration could modify extreme addictive behavior. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) founder Bill Wilson was a subject of the same study, which was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

The project involved giving alcoholics large doses of LSD in an effort to break down and reform the personality of the subject. Dederich described the experience as critical in his own break from addiction and subsequent development.

He was so powerfully affected by the experience that he “cried uncontrollably for days.” He reported experiencing a total self-surrender or destruction of his ego, and he emerged from the experiment with “feelings of omnipotence and omniscience.”

One of the most typical effects of LSD was the exact kind of self-surrender Dederich reported. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) focused many of its MK Ultra LSD experiments on the drug’s ability to clear the mind, and thus allow for the programming or brainwashing of a subject.

Most of the MK Ultra documents were deliberately destroyed in 1973 under orders of CIA Director Richard Helms to avoid public scrutiny, but it appears from the documents that survived as if one of the goals was the creation of so-called “Robot Agents”, or sleeper agents brainwashed by the agency to serve its goals. Dederich realized, apparently on his own, that it was this destruction of the self or ego that allowed him to break from his bad habits and begin shaping a newer more powerful self.

This loss of ego thus became a focus not only for Dederich’s later theories on drug rehabilitation, but Bill Wilson also came to the conclusion that the “ego has to be crushed” in order to reform or control an individual’s behavior.

After his experiences at UCLA, Dederich himself joined AA, and quickly became a fanatical member and a popular speaker. He also became obsessed with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s brilliant essay “Self Reliance,” and apparently took to heart literally Emerson’s suggestion that he should “be wholly his own man, and in turn the founder of a sect,” which is exactly what he did in 1958 when he founded Synanon.

Synanon (originally named the “Tender Loving Care Club”) was designed initially just for the treatment of drug addicts, using techniques developed in AA, but with a more intense focus on breaking down personalities/egos. While he recognized the power of LSD to induce the required state of total ego surrender, Dederich concluded that drugs could not be used to reform drug addicts and were ultimately too unpredictable in terms of outcomes (as the UCLA LSD experiments concluded as well), thus he turned to what he called the “ego-crushing [power of] peer pressure” as the best way to break down the individual’s former drug-oriented personality and force them to utterly reject their previous lives.

Dederich coined the now popular expression, “today is the first day of the rest of your life,” as a kind of comment on the fact that the initiate’s former self and life had to be totally abandoned. His drug rehabilitation rates were very high – it was the first private institution to actually cure heroin addiction – largely as a result of one particularly effective tactic.

The center piece of Dederich’s drug rehabilitation program was a confrontational technique he called “The Game,” which involved hurling insults and profanity at an individual, and picking apart every aspect of their being until they felt totally worthless and unable to resist. Hence the insults directed at Gloria in the Philip K. Dick quote, but in an actual focused “game” session a “Synanist,” or experienced former addict, would lead an all-out group assault on the person.

The technique, which could last for days or weeks, eventually led to an emotional breakdown and complete psychological exhaustion in which the person disavowed their former selves and ways completely. Once the former self has been rejected the group can work to “build up a new personality not drug oriented.”

This kind of intense and prolonged assault had much in common with some of the “psychic driving” techniques employed by Doctor Ewen Cameron in his ghoulish MK Ultra experiments conducted in Canada.

“The Game” was recognized by Dederich and others as a form of highly effective brainwashing. Its ability to break down drug addicts and reshape them garnered Synanon the attention and financial support of Fortune 500 companies, Hollywood stars, and an endorsement from LSD guru Tim Leary. Eventually Synanon expanded its focus to include prostitutes and other troubled personalities, and courts began sending Synanon young offenders to reform.

Prostitutes were subjected to intense shaming, some had their hair shaved, and were made to admit their “wretched lives,” which of course tended to throw them into complete emotional breakdowns, after which it was all love, group hugs and promises that today was indeed the first day of a brand new life.

Synanon graduates became so dedicated that they eventually began giving up their outside lives and living with the group full time, and formed radical recruitment teams to seek out and bring in new members. The hair shaving technique became a common practise used on all troublesome members, thus society at large began associating followers with shaved heads and confusing them with religious cults such as the Hare Krishnas.

Synanon’s success resulted in countless cult-like copycat rehab organizations that used the same “game” tactics, including another well-known group named Straight Inc.

Straight Inc. was founded by a good friend of the Bush family, former U.S. Ambassador to Italy Melvin (Mel) Sembler. After creating Straight, Sembler also created several spin-off groups, all modelled loosely on Synanon’s tactics (The Seed was one of those spin-offs).

Sembler, interestingly enough, was friends with Robert Pritzker and sat with him on the board of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research – the Pritzker family has been heavily involved in funding transgender activism today, particularly via Jennifer (formerly James) Pritzker.

More recently Sembler was appointed vice chairman of the Trump Victory Committee and remains one of the most influential men in Washington.

Straight became almost as popular as Synanon and was endorsed by former Drug Czar (for Richard Nixon) Robert L. DuPont and later by Nancy Reagan, who made regular high profile visits to Straight offices. Dupont oversaw a federal grant of almost two million dollars to start Sembler’s spin-off group The Seed.

In conjunction with CIA subcontractor and mind control specialist Ruth Fox, Straight expanded and refined Synanon’s “Game” by creating something they called “Rap Groups,” which were comprised of nothing but peer group members, all graduates, who were all of the same age and would be locked in a room with new members all day.

The “Rap Group” would also bombard the person with insults and questions designed to totally break them down. They called this tactic “tough love,” which has been in the popular lexicon ever since. The Straight operators discovered that age-specific peer pressure was more effective than just the general group pressure Synanon used. Fox stated that the goal was to change behavior in such a way that addictive personalities would become addicted to people (the group) instead of drugs.

The average age of Straight recruits was 17, with members as young as 12 and 13. The “therapy” thus was conducted initially almost exclusively by teens who were schooled in emotional bullying techniques, with the smartest and most effective leading.

Both Straight and Synanon were eventually forced to close their doors due to allegations of abuse of members and violence against opponents, which led to crippling lawsuits; although Straight would be reborn in the guise of the Drug Free America Foundation (still operating, and which, coincidentally, gets much of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry that is also funding and supporting transgender research and activism).

The Transgender “Game” and those that support it

Whether it is deliberate or not Synanon’s “Game” can be seen at work both directly and indirectly in the more extreme elements of the transgender community. For those familiar with the trans community, they will know that the vast majority of trans identified people fall under the category of “fragile, emotionally vulnerable, and confused.”

I have certainly observed this in my many years in the community, and younger trans suffer from the same personality traits.

Thus a young detransitioning woman I communicated with (@gnc_centric on Twitter) told me that among the young trans she has known, almost every one “had depression and/or anxiety. A significant number of them also seem to have PTSD or BPD too.” We are thus dealing with troubled minds.

Many, perhaps most, young trans are social outcasts, as I myself was when I was young. As social outcasts, many of these individuals have been subjected to non-stop insults and profanity from their peers in their daily lives (in some cases for years), thus that part of the transgender “Game” has already been completed by proxy.

Transgender leaders and activists can thus just parachute into the lives of these troubled, wounded minds and start rebuilding them with their new “trans identity,” and they tend to become as dedicated to the trans cult as any Synanon member ever was.

Although it should be noted that with all of the non-stop propaganda and pro-trans coverage in the media and Hollywood, “parachuting in” is not even required, because brainwashing and suggestion are constantly being broadcast on almost every TV channel.

The rebuilding of the personality thus can be done by a form of electronic correspondence, without ever coming into physical contact with an actual recruiter. The use of incredibly slick multi-media presentations, the likes of which Dederich et al. could only dream of, makes this kind of programming even more effective.

It should be noted that some people have personalities that make it quite possible for them to “Game” themselves without any outside intervention needed. Some people are obsessively self-critical. When I was young nobody was harder on me than I was on myself.

My experiences with female born transgenders (FBT) has suggested girls that do not fit the “Barbie Doll” image of femininity are highly prone to attacking themselves in this way.

In these cases outside intervention is not necessary to break down the ego, the person has already attacked and broken down their own sense of worth.

Synanon expert Paul Morantz spoke to this in his essay “The Devil and John Walker”:

Those who already had a negative self-image or identity confusion, plus inclinations toward all-or-nothing emotional alignments, were most susceptible [to the influence of cult brainwashing]. And the most vulnerable, often, were teens and young adults whose identities were still taking shape, who were still idealistic and emotionally polarized, and who were dissatisfied with” society at large. All of these characteristics of course are ubiquitous in trans identified individuals.

While much of the gaming has been performed either externally by society at large or internally by the individuals attacking themselves, there are also what appears to be more overt attempts at using Game-like tactics, specifically against opposition from less radical elements in the community.

When I, as a transgender person opposed to child indoctrination and the destruction of women’s safe spaces and programs, began speaking out, I was immediately attacked quite viciously by numerous trans activists, who engaged either knowingly or unknowingly in a textbook example of “The Game”.

They hurled non-stop insults at me, insulted every aspect of my appearance and identity. They said I was fake, pathetic, just a dirty old man, and pounded me relentlessly with one personal insult after another – classic gaming.

When it became clear to them they had finally upset me emotionally and that I did not appear to be resisting anymore, they then suddenly changed tone and assured me that if I just came to a realization that I was wrong and they were right, that I too could be a real, beautiful, genuine trans and we could all triumph against trans oppression together.

This latter stage of rebuilding is standard in Synanon-styled behavior modifying cults.

It was when they began rebuilding me after tearing me down, that I realized that I was in fact being “gamed” by these people. When my tone changed, the insults came at me fast and furious again. This type of temporary break-through was common in Synanon when “gaming” somebody. A person might initially be broken down but then get a second wind of defiance and reassert themselves.

Thus many days or weeks of gaming attacks and surrenders might be necessary to finally break a particular individual down.

Whereas Synanon would break down the recruit and then “build up a new personality not drug oriented,” trans activists break down potential recruits and then “build up a new personality not traditionally gender (or what they call “cis gender”) oriented.”

Miranda Yardley is a transsexual male who has been researching and critiquing radical trans activism for several years now, and is probably one of the foremost experts on the topic. In a private communication Miranda noted:

There are [clearly] aspects of cultish behaviour [in modern trans activism]. There are some core tenets which everyone is required to believe, for example, that gender identity is innate and takes precedence over biological sex, and that “trans women are [real] women”. It has its own language or redefines existing language to suit its purpose, generally emptying established words like “woman” and even “transgender” of meaning. Those who break the key rules are punished severely, excommunicated. There is no debate, no discussion of ideas. Heretics and critics are dehumanized, branded “TERF” and “transphobe” with little consideration to what these words actually mean.

Yardley’s observation on the brutalization of language is important here and worth an essay on its own. In his book Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Ralston Martin observed a similar attack on language by Christian cults; Martin noted it seemed as if there was a deliberate attempt to confuse language and rewrite the meaning of words, making communication either difficult or impossible.

If you can distort language you can distort reality itself.

As propaganda expert and journalist Stella Morabito has observed, the current trans propaganda “requires more than ever that the bystander reject physical reality in order to accommodate ever-shifting perceptions of others. This is huge. It … require[s] us to reject our own physical reality and question our own ‘gender identity.’”

Trans activism today is largely connected and organized via various online social media sites such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. Ken Zucker, head of the Gender Identity Service at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on gender identity issues in children and adolescents, has said “The No. 1 factor [driving the current transgender explosion] is the Internet.” “If you’re struggling to find out where you fit, the Internet is filled with things about gender dysphoria.”

The internet has become the primary engine for non-clinical programming of confused young minds, not just via mind warping gender politics, but also via exposure to new and increasingly debauched “tranny pornography.”

The “Gender Identity Clinics” are a new phenomenon that are busy indoctrinating and conditioning children as young as three, thus we can expect a totally new and totally different generation of trans to emerge in the near future, all chemically dependent for life, all likely to seek out surgery to alter their bodies, and all likely to be all-in members of the radical trans cult.

While Synanon utilized a brainwashing technique called the “Think Table” in which daily messages and support would be broadcast each morning to the breakfast table (People’s Temple founder Jim Jones used a similar system), social media sites now serve as a kind of “Think Table” for trans activism, broadcasting daily brainwashing messages from trans extremists such as Riley J. Dennis and Zinnia Jones, who spew non-sense about how sexual orientation and preference are really just thinly disguised transphobia.

Trans dogma that suggests men are “real women,” that a man’s penis can actually be a female sex organ if he believes it to be, and similar nonsense is being apologized for and even parroted by politicians and academics (although I suspect many politicians and academics supporting this are well aware of its absurdity; they are not idiots).

That so many people in the community at large are spontaneously piling on to the “a man can be a real woman” bandwagon, I think goes to affirm Emerson’s contention that “infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it, so that one babe commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it.”

It would be tempting to simply regard all of this as merely absurd and comical, were it not for the fact that it is currently putting grown men in swimming pool changerooms with women and young girls, and allowing men to take part in women’s sports and programs, all justified by this impossible suggestion that some men are in fact “real women.”

Dr. Robert Lifton, an expert on brainwashing and author of The Nazi Doctors, noted that all cult behavior modification and indoctrination systems involve an “excessive emotional experience demanding total self surrender.”

Taking the “candidate” to the point of “total self surrender” was found to be a prerequisite of all effective brainwashing, and in this sense pre-trans youths are already blank slates awaiting a new identity, because there can be no greater a rejection of self than to reject one’s own body and biological self.

Destroying the Family Unit

Total self surrender necessarily involves pulling away from anybody that would pull you back to former ways of thinking and behaving. Friends and family have always been the biggest threat to cult agendas. Synanon thus encouraged recruits to destroy their former selves and come join “the Synanon family.”

Eventually they purchased a large ten story building to permanently house members and new recruits.

One of America’s leading cult experts, Margaret Singer, observed that one of the most important steps in all brainwashing to is to keep recruits away from their real families. The group must now become the family of the recruit.

She writes, “Many of the groups refer to themselves as ‘the family’ in one way or the other and emphasize ‘We are your new family now!’ /…/ Several of the groups tell members, eventually, that their parents are ‘satanic,’” or otherwise disparage them.

Cult leader Jim Jones was so worried about the influence of family that he actually rounded up his followers and fled the country to avoid them. Charles Manson too kept his “Family” away from their real families; if real family members showed up he threatened them with violence so they would not come back.

Interestingly, Manson did time in the Terminal Island prison when it had setup a Synanon program to treat prisoners; it is unclear if Manson himself was in the program, but he certainly used “gaming” tactics as well as LSD.

As the cult model would predict, we can see transgender activists encouraging youths to break away from their families if they are not supportive of their new transgender identity. A good example of this can be found in the guise of Charleston College philosophy professor Rachel McKinnon (4thWaveNow has chronicled McKinnon’s antics).

McKinnon was born male, is still male (sex change is not possible; even genital surgery does not change sex), but dresses and expresses in a feminine way, much like the author of this essay. Nevertheless, McKinnon released a video on Mothers Day of all days, encouraging kids to walk away from unsupportive mothers.

I want you to know,” McKinnon said to kids watching, “that’s it’s ok to walk away from unsupportive or disrespectful or even abusive parents.” You will note here that the first reason to walk away is not “abusive” parents (which is last on the list of reasons), but parents that are merely “unsupportive” of their desire to transition.

From a propaganda perspective the order of the words is very important.

McKinnon went on to say, “it’s ok to walk away … and I want to give you hope that you can find what we call your glitter family. Your queer family.”

This is a classic cult tactic and it is highly unlikely a professor of philosophy would not know that, thus one must be extraordinarily suspicious of McKinnon’s motives.

How Charleston College could support such a blatant attempt to undermine parental authority is a real headscratcher. McKinnon essentially launched an assault on mothers on Mother’s Day, an incredible act of audacity and sign of contempt for the family unit.

While the College of Charleston is apparently just fine with a professor encouraging the destruction of families, in Canada the University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson was officially censured or warned for refusing to use artificial pronouns like “Zir.”

Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank.

To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends.

Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!”

You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

Parents concerned about their children should go online and research McKinnon’s statements and watch the Lactatia video (a link is provided in the sources below). Once you do you may understand why I say that all children are in danger from the insidious indoctrinating power of the new global trans cult that seems to have complete contempt for the family unit.

It should be noted that this “cult,” as I call it, does not represent the majority of trans-identified persons such as myself. Any criticism should be directed at activists and their funders specifically, because most trans identified adults just want to be left alone. Unfortunately most of those I have encountered in transgender rights, support, or activist groups, have shown all of the classic signs of cult psychology covered in this essay.

Implications of the Trans Cult Agenda

Control of thought is more important for governments that are free and popular than for despotic and military states. The logic is straightforward: a despotic state can control its domestic enemies by force, but as the state loses this weapon, other devices are required to prevent the ignorant masses from interfering with public affairs, which are none of their business From Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, 1992

The reader needs to understand that the question raised in this essay is not so much whether the trans agenda activists are deliberately using cult techniques or whether the young people caught up in its spell are actual card-holding members of a trans-cult.

The characteristics, tactics, and methodologies of cultism are present nonetheless. Although I do believe there is conscious “gaming” going on, it does not have to be conscious to be a factor. Similarly, I am not suggesting the much discussed and abused “dysphoria” is not involved, only that it is increasingly induced and almost always exaggerated.

More disturbingly, what we see in extreme transgender activism is what in previous generations would have been considered unthinkable: modern social outcasts, instead of being turned into the government and pop culture-abhorring Goths or punk rockers of the past, are instead now being repurposed to actually support official government lines and agendas regarding gender, the breakdown of families, and the erasure of sexual distinctions and associated protections.

The aggression of the outcasts, which used to be turned against the state, is now being turned against enemies of the state and anybody that opposes its new reality warping transgender theories and laws. Trans-cultists are quickly beginning to resemble the brainwashed children in George Orwell’s 1984.

Even the right to sexual orientation is now under attack, from inside an organization that used to fight and argue for just that right. Many radical trans activists are suggesting sexual preference/orientation is in fact a form of bigotry and that people dating trans have no right to know whether they are really male or female and that to deny them intimacy if they have the wrong genitals is akin to racism.

Thus we saw Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner on national television suggesting that asking about one’s sex status “was not an appropriate question to ask.” Anybody suggesting transgender persons born male are not in fact “real women” and even “female,” are called transphobic (including lesbians).

That such an attack would come from within a community whose entire existence was based upon fighting for the right to sexual orientation is not only bizarre, it almost seems like a deliberate attempt to fracture the community from within.

As mentioned earlier, it would be easy to laugh this stuff off if it were not for the fact that government, Hollywood, mainstream media, and almost every institution of power is promoting this insanity. This fact should be a red flag for everybody.

Why, when trans persons comprise such a tiny minority, is there such a sudden and urgent rush across most of the Western world to push the trans agenda?

As Stella Morabito has written, the trans agenda “seems far more organized, focused, faster-and-more-furious than any propaganda campaign in history. (Which means it can’t withstand much scrutiny.)” Why? What is this all about? The people at the top of our society, particularly the advisers behind the scenes, are not stupid.

So why are they allowing the distortion of reality and the brainwashing of children? Why are they promoting the absurd notion that men can be real women?

Why do we see Fallon Fox, who was born a male, in the UFC ring beating a real female to a pulp while everybody pretends like this is okay and normal? The people at the top know this is an outrage.

While those in the seats of power would tell you to just trust them and not speculate on the reasons why the trans agenda is so important, I would remind the reader of the words of Jacques Ellul:

The propagandist naturally cannot reveal the true intentions of the principal for whom he acts… That would be to submit the projects to public discussion, to the scrutiny of public opinion, and thus to prevent their success… Propaganda must serve instead as a veil for such projects, masking true intention.

It is my contention that young people today are being brainwashed and turned into Orwellian servants of the state for a much larger agenda.

It has been suggested by others that the assault on sexual distinctions and on the perception of basic biological reality is part of a game to give absolute power to the state in the interpretation of reality itself.

If the state can force people to admit that men are women, they can force them to believe anything. War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Men are women.

All of these are equally contradictory. In this sense it almost appears as though we have a pre-fascist attempt to turn the whole of society itself into a brainwashed cult much as we saw in Nazi Germany.

Such statements might seem fantastic, but again we just need to look to the history of the 20th century for lessons on why distrust of government and elite power is not only a good thing, but absolutely critical in protecting society against the rise of totalitarianism. Erich Fromm observed the rise of fascism first hand and noted:

When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power…or such a yearning for [the] submission [of the population].

At this point in human history there should be no question, it should not even be controversial, that political leaders and their supporters can become power mad and capable of the most insidious, carefully planned and executed, far-reaching evils imaginable.

To ignore this capacity is irresponsible. One only needs, for instance, to watch the documentary Trudeau: Justin & Pierre to see that the seemingly saintly Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is actually a megalomaniac that spews a kind of “divine right of kings” philosophy in the sense that he believes he was born to lead the nation (one of his supporters had to implore him to be a little more humble).

Justin’s father, Pierre, was the first prime minister in Canadian history to suspend civil rights and send troops into the streets. His son, Justin, has been at the forefront of pushing new reality-denying laws. When he was asked to allow inserting amendments into Bill C16 (the transgender rights bill) that would prevent males from entering women’s changerooms at pools and in schools, Trudeau specifically rejected the amendments.

This shows he is in fact expecting males to enter women’s changerooms. Trudeau is thus the world’s leading champion of the trans agenda.

At a macro-level, if we assume the “masters of mankind” (as Noam Chomsky has called elite political figures), are trying to create a brainwashed totalitarian state, it would need to work to cause general chaos.

“We need chaos before things can get better,” said Joseph Goebbels about the confusion reigning in Germany following World War I. “The dollar is climbing like an acrobat. I’m secretly delighted.”

What Goebbels was hoping for, the betterment he expected, was the creation of a murderous control state the likes of which the world had never seen. Fascists have always sought to control the interpretation of reality, and the break down of social structures facilitates that.

Thus anti-authoritarian scholar Hannah Arendt, commenting on the seizure of power by megalomaniacal leaders, wrote:

Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of the man who can fabricate it.

The breakdown of society is necessary for the complete restructuring of society. Similarly, the breakdown of the individual ego is necessary for cults to restructure or redefine the individual. As Margaret Singer pointed out, happy people do not join cults unless they want to be part of the controlling hierarchy: “if the social structure has not broken down, very few people will follow.”

This is true at both the macro and the micro level, hence the Nazi cult rose in Germany only after the breakdown of society, but with its leaders waiting and applauding the chaos behind the scenes. The chaos facilitated mass conversion of an otherwise indifferent population.

If we follow through the logical conclusions and outcomes of all these transgender laws being passed everywhere, it would appear to be about breaking down traditional morals and redefining humanity itself. As Morabito wrote, “The scope of the endgame is enormous: to legally and universally impose upon every human being a new definition — or rather, a non-definition — of what it means to be human.”

Human casualties in the form of brainwashed, sterilized, mutilated children, and an assault on women’s right to privacy and their own sports and programs, are all incidentals or collateral damage in the mass social engineering and brainwashing “Game” that is the modern transgender agenda.

(I would like to end this essay by reminding everybody that this essay is not really about transgender people per se – I myself am transgender. The transgender youths that fall under the spell of the new transgender cult ideology, are really just tools being used in a much larger social engineering agenda. Do not focus on the tool being used, focus on the hands that are wielding it.)

Jenn Smith is a 52 year old transgender Identified Male, with degrees in history and political science.
Born in Oliver, British Columbia. Jenn blogs at https://transanityca.wordpress.com


4thWaveNow. “MtoF tells trans kids to dump moms on Mother’s Day and join the “glitter-queer” family of adult trans activists.” Available online: https://4thwavenow.com/2017/05/14/mtof-tells-trans-kids-to-dump-moms-on-mothers-day-and-join-the-glitter-queer-family-of-adult-trans-activists/
Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harvest, 1976[1968].
Budnick, Christopher K, et al. Alcoholic Anonymous Chronology. Volume 1. Available online: http://www.williamwhitepapers.com/pr/2011-09-13%20NA%20Chronology%20-%20Volume%20One.pdf
Carnes, Mark C, ed. American National Biography S2 V26 (2005: Oxford, 128-130).
Chomsky, Noam. Deterring Democracy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1992.
Chomsky, Noam, and Edward S. Herman. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon, 1988.
Clark, Claire. Recovery Revolution: The Battle Over Addiction Treatment in the United States. Columbia University. 2017.
Dellinger, Robert W. Cults and Kids: A Study of Coercion. McFarland: Citizens Freedom Foundation, 1980.
Dick, Philip K. VALIS. New York: Bantam, 1980.
Doctors4Justice. “Melvin Sembler’s Legacy of Torturing of Children in Straight Inc.” 2011. Available online: http://www.doctors4justice.net/2011/01/melvin-semblers-legacy-of-torturing-of.html.
Edwards, Griffith, Editor. Addiction: Evolution of a Specialist Field. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2002.
Ellul, Jacques. Propaganda. New York: Knopf, 1965.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Alfred Riggs Ferguson et al Editors. The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume 2. London: Belkap, Harvard University, 1979.
Fromm, Erich. Escape From Freedom. New York: Henry Holt, 1976[1941].
Goode, William J, Editor. The Dynamics of Modern Society. New Brunswick: Transaction, 1966.
Klineman, George, and Sherman Butler. The Cult That Died. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1980.
“Lactatia.” Video. LGBT in the City. Available online at: https://www.facebook.com/lgbtinthecity/videos/1879202465686738/
Rappoport, Jon. “CIA Experiments With Mind Control on Children.” Perceptions Magazine, 1995, p.56.
Lifton, Robert Jay. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing And The Psychology Of Genocide. New York: Basic, 1986.
Lifton, Robert Jay. Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of ‘brainwashing’ in China. University of North Carolina
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Mangini, Mariavittoria. “Treatment of Alcoholism Using Psychedelic Drugs: A Review of the Program of Research.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 30.4, 381-418. October-December 1998.
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Morabito, Stella. Transgender-Propaganda: Part 1. 2017. Available online: http://stellamorabito.net/2015/01/12/transgender-propaganda-part-i/
Morantz, Paul. “The Devil and John Walker.” Originally published by Freedom of Mind, available online: http://www.paulmorantz.com/cult/the-devil-and-john-walker/
Morantz, Paul. “The History of Synanon and Charles Dederich.” Available online: http://www.paulmorantz.com/cult/the-history-of-synanon-and-charles-dederich/
Orwell, George. 1984. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2015[1948].
Rothblatt, Martine. Apartheid of Sex: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Gender. New York: Crown. 1995.
Singer, Margaret. Cults in Our Midst. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.
Szalavitz, Maia. “The Legacy of the CIA’s Secret LSD Experiments on America.” Time. March 23, 2012.
Yardley, Miranda. https://medium.com/@mirandayardley


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Christine Erikson
Christine Erikson
Apr 22, 2021 2:34 PM

transgenderism is a sellout to patriarchal se3xism. The point in the article about susceptibility of girls who don’t fit barbie doll femininity standard shows this without the author realizing it.

dani arnold
dani arnold
Feb 10, 2018 10:17 PM

Jenn….. thank you. This was brilliantly well researched and even more brilliantly written. I hope you don’t mind if I repost (with all sources listed and link back) on my site RTS.earth.

Jan 30, 2018 12:43 PM

I used to think that the current obsession with the promotion of trans issues in the mainstream was about the so called “virtue signaling”, that it was about taking the idea of the benevolent, “liberal” government/establishment to its ultimate frontier: how could the government be involved in criminal wars, if it cares for the rights of even the smallest minority; how could anyone think that they are cruel or bigoted, if they are open minded and in tune with the struggle of a very small group that has been traditionally discriminated, etc. And while I still think that the above is true and that distraction is a very profitable byproduct (none of those who care for Lactacia being frowned upon seem to be worried for if he/she has access to health care, privacy rights, or education), I have come to realise that there are indeed deeper and much more sinister objectives behind the trans campaign. The article is spot on in suggesting that the real motivation is to remodel society and, I would think, even to decimate social cohesion by eliminating every relic of an understanding of what is not so much right, but true and common to all of us. The idea of religion (as in love for and a sense of belonging to something bigger than oneself) has been killed and supplanted with narcissism and an idolatry of power and wealth, aesthetic values degraded, history rewritten, science erected as a dehumanising idol, traditional values denounced and disgraced, instead of updated and bettered. And now there is a push to eliminate as well the connection with the natural order of things, with trans-activism suggesting that the biological reality that has made our species one of the most successful, is somehow product of a power struggle, an imposition by a… Read more »

James Graham
James Graham
Jan 30, 2018 2:02 PM
Reply to  M

Just a thought. I am this person, Jim. I know I exist and my existence is not a property I may or may not possess/own or dispose of…like a bunch of daffodils etc. I can’t be the other of who I am. So, if someone exists that is their IDENTITY and it is inalienable and non-transferable. Now I know others who possess what I call A CORPORATE PERSONA OR IDENTITY….which strikes me as a collection of properties, attributes, attutudes or behaviours. It’s just a thought….but I do wonder about the mental health of people who exhibit split or dual personalities. It’s hard work to know who they are when they don’t know themselves.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 30, 2018 9:28 AM

Well, ladies, this should nicely solve the discrimination and sexual harassment problem: you can all just become men! After all, sex is only a social construct, right? 😉

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
Jan 29, 2018 10:21 PM

During the French Revolution, especially during the Reign of Terror, accused that tried to defend themselves were immediately pronounced guilty, because they tried to offer FACTS to show they were innocent of the accusations.
Not much has changed, if you’re not on-board with the transgender movement, thinking that it’s going too far when a city like NY establishes 31 ‘genders’ and proclaims that if a business doesn’t respect your current gender–you can change daily–you can report them to the police and you could be in for a 100K fine and one year in jail, for defending your sanity.
Next up, we’ll be told–like they are in Europe–that bestiality is OK, because the animal doesn’t complain??? And that pedophiles are misunderstood, they need loving too. And down the Commie rat hole of madness we go.

James Graham
James Graham
Jan 30, 2018 12:20 AM
Reply to  Greg Bacon

“Commie” has nothing to do with it. You dug your own capitalist shite-hole…now swim in it.

Richard Willmore
Richard Willmore
Jan 29, 2018 1:54 PM

I was sent to “Straight” inc. in “78-79” at the ripe age of 16… It didn’t work!… LOL

Jan 28, 2018 11:22 AM

Very interesting and thought-provoking article on the transgender movement, its sudden rise to prominence in the MSM and the agenda that may be driving it. I note early mention of the MK Ultra program supported by the CIA in the 1950s and 60s (and beyond) and how the depersonalisation methods it used parallel those Jenn Smith mentions. The methods and techniques may have changed and become more sophisticated, but the end result is similar: stripping away a person’s sense of self and identity, and turning that person into a tabula rasa on which a new identity can be inscribed.
Myself, I have suspected that a major aim, if not the major aim, of transgenderism is to subvert women’s rights by claiming victim status equal to that of women, and then to insinuate transgender people into cultural spaces hitherto carved out by and for women in society. An example might be where transgender women wish to compete in women’s sports, are allowed to do so and end up not only crowding out female athletes but also distorting standards in women’s sports by shifting them towards strength, speed and power: standards more typical of men’s sports than women’s sports. The result is that women and girls end up discouraged and driven out of sport and what passes for “women’s sports” eventually merges with men’s sports in the name of “equality” and “fair play”. In the meantime, feminism is powerless to protest this usurpation of women’s cultural spaces because it already has set women against men, and cannot rely on men as equal partners to protest this subtle invasion.
Does anyone else think my opinion is extreme?

Jan 28, 2018 11:48 PM
Reply to  Jen

Hi Jen: no, I don’t think your opinion is extreme. Jenn gives the example of Fallon Fox, fighting in MMA. I’m still unpacking this article – but it did strike me that the C-16 Bill brought Jordan Peterson to prominence. His ethos seems to be empowering flaky SJWs – who have been neutered by the neo-Marxist postmodern transgender feminist LGBTQ++ agenda – and turning them back into alpha males. To him, any idea of community or group identity is “genocidal.” So perhaps the highlighting of transgenderism was to provoke an authoritarian anti-radical left backlash? Seemed to work quite well, judging by his YouTube following?

Jan 29, 2018 8:35 AM
Reply to  BigB

I meant ultra-conservative backlash. Genocidal authoritarian agendas only come from the Left …apparently?
[This from a man who can straight-faced justify social dominance and heirarchy because of our common ancestor – the lobster!]

Den Lille Abe
Den Lille Abe
Jan 30, 2018 1:48 PM
Reply to  Jen

No your opinion is not extreme. Feminism and the right for equality has come under fire again, even in Europe and the the former frontiers revisited equal pay, pensions ect.

sabina de sturler
sabina de sturler
Sep 18, 2019 5:47 PM
Reply to  Jen

undermining women’s rights is very much part of the agenda.

Sep 30, 2021 7:08 AM
Reply to  Jen

No I am actually trying to educate my self on this issue to be empathic and understand but the more I see makes me more confused, I would like to be respectful of this sensitive issue but I have disabilities that make it hard for me to be “socially acceptable,” and this actually makes a lot of sense as I don’t want to be closed minded and this is well researched and the other thing is if you have an sort of disablity this type of “group think,” can happen to you as well.

Jan 27, 2018 5:59 PM

Obviously, the same Jews who were behind 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and chemtrails are behind this.

Jan 27, 2018 6:06 PM
Reply to  louisproyect

This is a racist observation that is devoid of context and evidence

Jan 28, 2018 10:10 AM
Reply to  Admin

In other words – just the usual.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 28, 2018 3:28 PM
Reply to  Admin

Proyect himself is Jewish. He’s just being sarcastic. He likes to troll Off-Guardian frequently.

Jan 28, 2018 4:02 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Yes. We know. And he knows we know.

Johnny Hacket
Johnny Hacket
Jan 29, 2018 7:30 AM
Reply to  louisproyect

Having been personally involved with some of the general planning involved in all 3 projects that you mention I would say that some of us might have been jewish but our religious persuasion wasn’t really a motivating factor at all and it would be safe to say that we really didnt discuss religion much at all and when you consider that most of us are in fact alien lizards the Jewish thing is probably even less likely.

Jan 29, 2018 8:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny Hacket

If you want to suggest Jewish and/or Trans people are subhuman you might find extremist supremacist sites are better suited to your outlook

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 30, 2018 9:30 AM
Reply to  Admin

Could be wrong, but again, it sounds like he’s being sarcastic here. It sounds like he’s trolling Proyect in retaliation. Just a thought …

Jan 30, 2018 10:06 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I had the same thought, that Johnny Hacket was being sarcastic and was trolling Proyect. The “alien lizards” bit clinched it for me.
I do dread the day when real alien lizards actually do land among us in their spaceships: they will be set upon, bashed repeatedly and hanged and quartered for all the ills our elites have visited upon us when all they (the lizards, that is) really want to do is help us open our eyes to the real perpetrators of evil on our planet.

Feb 27, 2018 1:35 PM
Reply to  Jen

I do dread the day when real alien lizards actually do land among us in their spaceships
How will you know if they’re real, or just another government false-flag psyop?
If the government can convince most people of the reality of the wholly fictitious “Al Qaeda”, they almost certainly do the same for alien reptiles in flying saucers. They’ve gotten sixteen years of Terror War out of the 911/Al-Qaeda pretext; imagine what they can accomplish with a fake Alien Invasion.
Consider the possibility that decades of Hollywood depictions of such an event are actually intended as cultural preparation for false-flag terrorism on an absolutely unprecedented scale, as a pretext for the complete militarization of society.

Jan 29, 2018 11:33 PM
Reply to  louisproyect

I often see similar comments on Zero Hedge. Is it sarcasm or is he trying to tarnish the comments section? In any case, what a creep.

Jan 30, 2018 5:05 AM
Reply to  Paolo

He’s a serial troll.

Feb 27, 2018 1:54 PM
Reply to  louisproyect

Obviously, the same Jews who were behind 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and chemtrails are behind this.
People who engage in this kind of discourse are usually shills who are trying to discredit the idea that 9/11 and the JFK assassination were organized by the US government. It’s just a variation on the usual “conspiracy theory” slur, which as a matter of documented fact, was invented by the CIA for exactly this purpose. It’s now becoming increasingly unusable, because just about everything the mainstream media would currently like you to believe, could rightly be described as such, except without the supporting evidence relating to those two cases. Hence, the always-reliable “anti-semitism” slur must now be deployed. The shills and their handlers are the same as always, but the propaganda tactics must be adapted to current ideological needs.
You can keep your Hasbara, scumbag. Fewer and fewer people are buying it.

Jan 27, 2018 11:48 AM

I am reminded of the Southpark episode that revolved around transgender surgery, in which a character went one stage further and tried to have himself surgically transformed into a dolphin. When it was pointed out to him that having his genitailia reshaped as a fin and attatched to his back did not make him a dolphin he replied along the lines that such observations were an attack on the trans-species community.
As Germaine Greer said “a woman isn’t just a man without a dick”.
“Sex change operations” might be the right choice for some but are they making an informed chouce? Are they informed about just what the operation does or does not do?

Jan 27, 2018 2:31 PM

Scary thing is – what was ludicrous satire then is now mainstream opinion.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 28, 2018 3:30 PM
Reply to  MLS

I know! Today’s headlines often read like The Onion spoofs from 10 or 20 years ago. Scary …

Feb 27, 2018 2:10 PM

Why transgenderism is a “thing”, but transracialism is not:
From Jenner to Dolezal: One Trans Good, the Other Not So Much

Feb 27, 2018 2:20 PM

Are they informed about just what the operation does or does not do?
According to the official ideology of transgenderism, transwomen are “real women”, and vice-versa, regardless of original or current anatomy, so presumably discussion of irrelevant details such as that would qualify as “transphobic”. These people are so insanely delusional as to be actually unable to understand considerations like that. If they did, few would go through with it.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 27, 2018 2:48 AM

This is like Mao’s ‘great cultural revolution’. This is how our reigning oligarchy will actually turn its own failures into a tool for grabbing even more power. Frightening.

Barbara Jennings
Barbara Jennings
Jan 26, 2018 11:32 PM

Stunning essay. Riveting comments.

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered
Jan 26, 2018 10:47 PM

Only a third through this utterly fascinating piece and flicked it off to the ever more famous Prof’ Jordan Peterson. My question has always been-from whence comes this PR drive?
Thanks OG, superb.

kevin morris
kevin morris
Jan 26, 2018 8:12 PM

Life is short and the closer I get to my own demise stories like this seem increasingly irrelevant. Until so called ‘progressive’ politics becomes the preserve or ordinary people rather than sectional interests, it has no hope. It only has itself to blame.

Sceptic Tank
Sceptic Tank
Jan 26, 2018 8:16 PM
Reply to  kevin morris

I think you need to read the story. It’s asking important questions about the forces pushing this strange trans agenda, it’s possibly more deeply relevant than anything currently, except the drive for war with Russia.

kevin morris
kevin morris
Jan 26, 2018 8:37 PM
Reply to  Sceptic Tank

I did read it, and whilst I am generally aware of such moves, from the perspective of my own mortality. I find the story seedily irrelevant, as thankfully would most. Surely you will understand that people have the right to react to such stories as they see fit?

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered
Jan 26, 2018 10:50 PM
Reply to  kevin morris

I have children schooling in the UK and this article is most germain to influences being put upon them. At the risk of seeming pompous, this is s hugely important topic and short study.

Kevin morris
Kevin morris
Jan 27, 2018 2:25 PM

Out walking yesterday and in conversation with a person of similar age to me, we both found ourselves accepting that very little in the world made any sense any more. This is an increasingly common experience for people of my age and probably much younger, and I do reserve the right myself not to resort to yet more moral outrage at yet more bad news. Back in 2002, the WHO reported that throughout the world, ten percent of children are mentally ill. I remember the news report on the Today programme and I remember too that the news seemed so utterly baffling to the commentators that nobody felt able to comment other than to cast doubt upon it. There are numerous ways that one might react to such a story, but two of the most striking ones are either to ignore it completely, or to find enough fault with the methodology to feel able to dismiss it. Those most certainly seemed to be the reactions of the news media here in the UK. Having just read Dr Harris Coulter’s seminal work on Pertussis vaccine damage, ‘Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality’ where he estimated that between one in twenty and one in ten of the American population is minimally brain damaged through vaccine damage, it struck me that these two separate sources might well be pointing to pretty much the same thing. Sadly, the problem is that anyone who actually suggests what might well be the true source of such frankly bizarre stories such as the above are usually subjected to the most excoriating responses from otherwise enlightened individuals. By all means be horrified at stories like the above, but until we accept that increasing numbers of people in our society have been damaged thanks to a medical procedure that almost… Read more »

Jan 28, 2018 11:43 AM
Reply to  Kevin morris

You probably ought to try reading Naomi Klein’s book “The Shock Doctrine” and in particular read the first chapter where she discusses the MK Ultra program and its effects on the various individuals who were its unwilling guinea pigs. Then go on to read how the West (and the US in particular) employed “shock” tactics of various kinds (even exploiting natural disasters like the 2003 Boxing Day tsunami or Hurricane Katrina in 2005) to destabilise societies in different parts of the world to force them to accept neoliberal economic policies.
The parallel between using shock and trauma to torture people until they become mentally ill and fragile or to bring down societies to remake them, and the use of depersonalisation methods to unhinge and destroy a person’s sense of identity in order to remould that person anew is eerily strong. While what Klein writes about and what Jenn Smith is saying here appear to be very different things, there is an underlying connection. This hidden foundation makes Jenn Smith’s article something to chew on and consider, not to be dismissed as irrelevant because it does not (yet) affect us directly and personally.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jan 28, 2018 3:33 PM
Reply to  Jen

Great observation!

Feb 27, 2018 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jen

try reading Naomi Klein’s book “The Shock Doctrine” and in particular read the first chapter where she discusses the MK Ultra program and its effects on the various individuals who were its unwilling guinea pigs. Then go on to read how the West (and the US in particular) employed “shock” tactics of various kinds to destabilise societies in different parts of the world to force them to accept neoliberal economic policies.
It’s funny how the kind of people who are most likely to be impressed by that book, are completely impervious, to the point of incoherent rage, to the idea that the 9/11 attack was the greatest manufactured Shock Event in the history of the world.
What was going to be the pretext for the Terror War, if that hadn’t fortuitously occurred, exactly when it was needed? And exactly as requested, one year previously, in the Project For the New American Century document, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, page 51:

the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a
new Pearl Harbor.

If that isn’t The Shock Doctrine, what is it?

Feb 27, 2018 3:08 PM
Reply to  kevin morris

Until so called ‘progressive’ politics becomes the preserve of ordinary people rather than sectional interests, it has no hope. It only has itself to blame. I used to think that transgenderism was a ruling-class plot to make the identity-politics-compliant “left” (which seems to be almost all of it, these days) seem so delusionally crazy, as to completely discredit left-wing ideas in general, in the eyes of ordinary working-class people. That may still be part of it, but with the insanity being enacted into law, it’s becoming apparent that there is a larger agenda being pursued. As suggested in the main article, it may be to establish the ideological principle that reality is whatever the Establishment says it is (as with the current Evil Russia hysteria), contradictions with science, rationality, and physical-world observation notwithstanding. Even if people do not actually believe this, being forced to publicly pretend that they do, serves to humiliate and demoralize them, which is almost as good, from the point of view of the ruling class. The possibility of such a strategy has been suggested before, and equally delusional beliefs were actually made compulsory under Stalinism. In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable?… Read more »

Thom Prentice
Thom Prentice
Jan 26, 2018 7:33 PM

Joseph McCarthy used the term “a conspiracy so vast” when he couldn’t find ANY communists in the US State Department. McCarthy and the equally vile Sen. Kenneth Wherry of Nebraska and Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire WERE, however, able to find homosexuals … and persecuted them mercilessly, creating a climate of homophobia and homohatred in Yet-Puritan-Always-Terrified-Red-Scare America that exists yet today DESPITE gay marriage and other alleged progress. So I am not being reckless in the least as a gay man in using the term “a conspiracy so vast … ” to describe the billionaire corporate capitalist underpinnings of this vast social engineering transgenderist transgenderism movement revealed in this most excellent example of investigative journalism. This billionaire-funded transgenderist transgenderist movement seeks — for whatever nefarious reasons — to totally DESTABILIZE the fundamental human construction of identity — the truth of two sexes — that has existed for the six million years since Australopithecus roamed Africa. Yes there are “two-spirit persons” as the Native Americans named then, and YES there are authentically transgendered individuals, and YES gender exists on a continuum — a spectrum — and YES gender roles in Puritan England and America are so rigid as to be purely fascist. YES I have worn a dress more than once. But NO. The drag queens who led the Stonewall Riots were *** NOT *** transgender. To say so is to impose a specious 2018 term on a 1969 event — and the term itself would be meaningless to them. But these vociferous transgender panzer divisions have no lives at all whatsoever … other than being petulant, snarky, puerile, narcissistic, snarly, self-absorbed shock troops of billionaires and Big Pharma and Big Cosmetics. But let me be clear: Chelsea Manning can be all that she can be and if I lived… Read more »

Jan 27, 2018 11:38 AM
Reply to  Thom Prentice

Perhaps it is about divide and rule. Identity politics can be used to divde people according to their identities.

Big B
Big B
Jan 27, 2018 1:11 PM

Mathias: divide and rule …on steroids? As Jenn makes clear: the transgender community is literally such a small sub-strata of society as to be not worth bothering about …from the POV of those who seek to socially-engineer society. But by infiltrating such a small group (of nonetheless individually significant lives); creating militant transgender individuals; and then by force of LAW (Bill C-16 in Canada) – enforcing the entire population to recognise the militants (by, for instance, gender specific pronouns) they seek to redefine the cultural identity and undermine the very concepts of what it means to be human …engineering the state-dependent identity. They are ‘Gaming’ the whole agenda? That’s a bit more frightening in its ramifications than plain old divide and rule?

Jan 30, 2018 12:30 PM
Reply to  Thom Prentice

This is an excellent comment, thank you.

Feb 27, 2018 4:26 PM
Reply to  Thom Prentice

the fundamental human construction of identity — the truth of two sexes — that has existed for the six million years since Australopithecus roamed Africa
I’m not sure how you would reconcile that, with this:
YES there are authentically transgendered individuals
If you define “transgendered individuals” as “individuals who believe they are transgendered”, then you have what’s known as a tautology, provided that anybody actually believes this, which apparently they do. Other than that, what evidence exists to support this contention? In fact, what meaning could it possibly have, outside the realm of ideology?
if we MUST have a state, one of the clear functions of the state over 6,000 years has been to count and control people. It seems obvious without the need for argument that SEX is a good, primary basis upon which the state can determine identification.
MUST we have a state?
It seems obvious, without the need for argument, that a much better primary method for counting and controlling people, is to tattoo identification numbers onto their arm. Then gender changes can be accomplished merely by updating the government population database. Reality is whatever Authority says it is. Believing otherwise constitutes Disloyalty to the State. Disloyal citizens will be purged from the database, and thereby cease to exist. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

Big B
Big B
Jan 26, 2018 7:33 PM

Wow, I am blown away this powerful piece by Jenn. This is why I love this site, for the broad range of cogent topics OffG publishes. Thankyou.

Monika Beatty
Monika Beatty
Jan 26, 2018 6:32 PM

Thank you. We need more and more of reality speak.

Jan 26, 2018 6:11 PM

Superb article.

Jan 26, 2018 5:25 PM

I am very glad to see this article posted here.

Vidner Ferkov K. (@zdravoslovenija)
Vidner Ferkov K. (@zdravoslovenija)
Jan 26, 2018 3:33 PM

Jenn Smith, exceptionally brave writing. I would like to thank you and all the best!

Binra (@onemindinmany)
Binra (@onemindinmany)
Jan 26, 2018 1:15 PM

The record of the abuse and corruption of power did not begin with Fascism. But the collective idea of power that was stirred up and incited to rebel in the underclass is the same idea behind the reaction in a kind of corporate collectivism – or cartel interest. Sacrifice of individuality for power. The promise of power hides the cost of powerlessness. Living a lie is a fantasy invested with the power of one’s life and suffered as real. The cost of identifying in a lie is truth, and the lack of true is a driven or tyrannous substitution. The mind of an attempt to cover over, hide from and seem to escape lovelessness (rage driven hatred – whether served hot or cold) is a dissociation. Such a fragmented or split off identification in a negatively defined sense of self is negative in that it is predicated on escaping, overcoming or fixing what it does NOT want. It is also segregative rather than integrative, where separation is equated with salvation in ‘power’ as a separated sense of a life possessed. Negatively driven agenda operates under a positively framed masking justification. And so the coercion of persuasive appeal in guilt characterises all calls to join in a sacrifice of individuality for a promise of power. Powerlessness is its predicate, but penalty of guilt is assigned to NOT joining or supporting the appeal, such as to become a demand or directive. Such is the realm of a ‘conditional love’ that turns to hate in an instant when its conditions are not kept. Guilt operates as the power of coercive manipulation upon our own minds, and so of course becomes the matrix of masking relation and communication between minds. But it’s nature is hidden and actively defended, and so a hidden agenda works… Read more »

Feb 27, 2018 4:43 PM

(reposting my comment from another thread. let the entity above attempt any relevant response, or appropriate inferences may be drawn.)
A characteristic feature of bots and shills, of course, is the total irrelevance of their pronouncements to the context in which they appear. A related feature is that their pretentious verbiage often dissolves, on examination, into utter meaninglessness.
These characteristics are connected with the essential purpose of bots and shills, why they are created, funded, and directed in the first place — to disrupt, derail, and discredit discussions which their hidden masters perceive as threatening to their interests, and would prefer were not occurring.
One may therefore infer the identity of the bot-masters and shill-captains, by considering who it is that would be most threatened by the discussion that they have been sent to disrupt. It is rarely the case that the logical conclusion of this inquiry is “Russians”.

Feb 27, 2018 5:35 PM
Reply to  milosevic

This one is clever (well, I guess they all are!) The British will shy away from anything which suggests mental illness and will respond negatively to those who attack someone who could be perceived as ‘unfortunate’.

James Graham
James Graham
Jan 26, 2018 11:44 AM

The entire totality of the commodity production of goods and services is false…but try telling that to the shopkeeper. When the economic and social environment is heaven for every hostile ruling class liar, thief and killer it’s time to raise the Scarlet Banner and fight back.

Binra (@onemindinmany)
Binra (@onemindinmany)
Jan 26, 2018 2:02 PM
Reply to  James Graham

If you tell the illusion that it is not true, you are still according it the status of true and reacting as if it is so.
The uncovering of the false is not ammunition for power agenda but the release of a spell by which a true curiosity finds its like kind.
In whatever way is meaningful to you – release a false investment and be open to the influx of the true – which of course is not going to fit in the mind of power struggle – but may truly guide a way out from the mind of a ‘thief, killer and liar’.
In acknowledging what is true of the shopkeeper, you withdraw it from the false. To identify the ‘systemic and pervasive’ lie, ‘out there’ is the escape from its exposure in myself.
Is exposure to guilt and penalty the same as the revealing to true desire?
Guilt and penalty keep everyone incentivised to comply and conform. If they fight back, they re-enact and refuel the core basis of guilt and penalty.
If you live your relationships, you will not be using them for what you personally can get at their expense. Chasing more, becomes less, and a sense of lack fears greater loss, and fear provokes attack and attack invokes guilt – no matter how fixed and forceful the mind defends itself, or how ingenious the system of its defences.
Hate covers over hurt and hurt is a love rejected, abandoned and betrayed.
If rule by force of power is theft, lies and murder, why would you want to emulate it?
Perhaps because the hurt has no way of finding acceptance?

James Graham
James Graham
Jan 26, 2018 2:35 PM

Binra Thank you for your moral philosophical speculations. I am free and I exist. When I say this belief is true it exists. When I say that belief is false it does not exist. I am also aware that some people mix fact and fiction and employ artistic license. Commodity production=the capitalist class system. I am a revolutionary socialist…hence the “Scarlet Banner.” I am here to abolish the crimes and hurt and hate and harm of capitalism. I have no miracles/heaven/Utopia/Eternity for you. God has no God, Allah has no Allah. Ergo, they are atheists…same as me. Nice try though.

Feb 27, 2018 5:11 PM

The entity known as “@onemindinmany” is most likely an emanation of the following disinfo program; the meaningless, gobbledygook writing style is characteristic of semi-automated social media disruptors. Return to your spook masters, bot/shill. Tell them that you have failed. Let more $billions be thrown into the black hole of the military-industrial complex, to produce new, improved generations of disrupto-bots, the better to squash all discussion and dissent, in service of the New World Order!!! All hail!!! The US Army wants a new intelligence tool able to understand social media posts in languages including Russian, Arabic and French. It must also be able to answer on its own – just like those pesky “Kremlin bots” we hear about. The description of what the US military wants from the future software is outlined in a request for the submission of white papers published on the Federal Business Opportunities website on Wednesday. The self-improving AI tool is meant to work with text, voice, images and other content on social media in Arabic, French, Pashtu, Farsi, Urdu, Russian and Korean. It should understand colloquial phrasing, spelling variations, social media brevity codes and emojis, and also recognize various dialects. The content will be automatically analyzed for sentiment – at minimum distinguish positive, neutral and negative emotions and preferably tell anger, pleasure, sadness and excitement. It should also have the “capability to suggest whether specific audiences could be influenced based on derived sentiment.” Additionally, the tool must be able to serve as a translator to English and back into the original language, and automatically generate “at least three, and up to 10, unique statements derived from one original social media statement, while retaining the meaning and tone of the original.” The responses should be customized according to whatever slang and emojis the original contained. The software… Read more »