Exclusive: The Complete Moral Collapse of Labour Friends of Israel

by John Wight

It is hard to imagine anything so nauseating as a group of affluent liberals defending the mass murder of poor colonized people in the name of democracy and security. Though a species of moral turpitude associated with 19th century colonial tropes, in 2018 it remains very much alive under the banner of the UK Labour Friends of Israel (LFI).
In response to the shocking scenes of violence unleashed by Israeli security forces against Palestinian protestors on the boundary of the besieged Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of at least 58 people, including children, and the wounding of a further 2700, international condemnation of Israel has been near total.
Given that this latest body count raises to over 100 the number of Palestinians killed over the six weeks of Great Return March protests, organized to demand the right of return of refugees to their homes, along with a total of 10,000 wounded and injured, over 100, there is no doubting the willingness of Israel’s security forces to unleash lethal force against civilians.
Yet, as if to confirm the truth that colonialism is the toilet of the human soul, Labour Friends of Israel – a group of avowed Israel-supporting Labour Party MPs and officials – in a tweet subsequently removed amid the deluge of criticism it incurred, sought to defend this massacre by raising the spectre of Hamas.

It reads:

Tragic events on the Gazan border; all civilian deaths are regrettable. Hamas must accept responsibility for these events. Their successful attempt to hijack peaceful protest to attack Israeli border communities must be condemned by all who seek peace in the Middle East.”

Language is important, for it is the key to unlocking consciousness, and the language deployed by LFI in its response to Israel’s massacre of unarmed Palestinian protestors in Gaza confirms that for them the world is defined by a hierarchy of human worth, thus assuaging the groups collective conscience in defending the indefensible.
But though LFI constitute a particularly egregious example of moral collapse when it comes to mitigating this unconscionable massacre, there are other culprits whose foray into the swamp of equivocation is worthy of condemnation.
Consider, for example, the BBC’s coverage.
In its reporting of the massacre the word ‘clashes’ predominated, conjuring the image of two equal sides engaged in a battle of some sort.

Thus for the typical Oxbridge-educated BBC journalist and editor, a Palestinian wielding a slingshot is the moral equivalent of a Kevlar-helmeted Israeli soldier wielding an advanced sniper rifles – moreover, a sniper rifle that may well have been supplied by the UK.
As for CNN, that bastion of US liberal news propaganda (oops, sorry, coverage), here again it’s not a massacre it’s clashes, as in ‘Dozens of Palestinians killed In Gaza clashes as US Embassy Opens’.
Speaking of which, the extent of the contempt in which the rights of the Palestinians are held, and thus the contempt in which they as a people are held, was measured in the juxtaposition of the opening of the new US Embassy in Jerusalem with Palestinians being mown down by gunfire in Gaza. The headline carried on the front page of the New York Daily News, excoriating Ivanka Trump’s attendance at the event on behalf of the administration, spoke for millions.
There is no longer any hiding place when it comes to the brutal injustice of the plight of the Palestinian people. Too, the attempt to deploy Hamas as the terrorist bogeyman, used to justify Israel’s asphyxiating blockade of two million people in Gaza, is a perversion of both the history and the reality of the issue.
Hamas is a product of Israel’s brutality and violence, Israel’s brutality and violence is not and never has been a product of Hamas. Further, the roots of this latest bout of lethal violence on the part of the Israeli security forces do not lie in the stance of the Netanyahu government, or indeed any Israeli government. Instead its roots lie in Israel’s mode of existence as a settler colonial apartheid state, a key component of which is the dehumanization and subjugation of the Palestinians.
Desmond Tutu, the first black archbishop if Cape Town, South Africa, and who received the Nobel Prize for his role in the struggle against South African apartheid, understood this all too well. In 2014, he is reported to have said:

I have witnessed the systemic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government.”

He goes on:

In South Africa, we could not have achieved our democracy without the help of people around the world, who through the use of non-violent means, such as boycotts and divestment, encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the apartheid regime.”

It is no accident that the post-apartheid South African government peremptorily announced the withdrawal of its ambassador from Israel in light of the massacre in Gaza. After all, on the most prosaic of levels, who more qualified to recognize today’s victims of apartheid than yesterday’s victims of apartheid?
Labour Friends of Israel, a key pole of opposition to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party, has plumbed new depths of indecency with its mealy-mouthed apologia for Israel’s dreadful and appalling massacre of Palestinian protestors in Gaza.
Shakespeare was right:

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”


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May 22, 2018 7:29 AM

A similar sentiment BTL Indie re Ken’s forced resignation:
Pobedа 10 hours ago
Well they’d better suspend me and many thousands of other members who have researched Ken’s historical accuracy on the Haavara agreement and found he has no case to answer.
Perhaps suspension might be more appropriate for the whole ‘Friends of Israel’ group themselves after the recent murders at Gaza.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 3:22 AM
Reply to  vexarb

Livingstone is just the beginning. Read the execrable Gabby Hinsliff in the Fraudian today to see the Zionist exaltation in destroying Livingstone, more smearing of Corbyn for not knifing Livingstone himself, and an open declaration that the Zionist stand-over thugs are not finished by a long way. Indeed until Corbyn recants all his years of support for the Palestinian ‘two-legged animals’ and joins in declaring them, and them ALONE, responsible for their slaughter by a superior people, he will remain a target. His groveling is like blood in the water to piranha.

May 23, 2018 12:40 PM
Reply to  vexarb

Remember, “not all Jews are Zionists” …

‘Don’t let the door hit you on the way out’ – Jewish groups react to Ken Livingstone quitting Labour
UK Jewish groups, from across the political spectrum, welcomed news that Ken Livingstone has resigned from the Labour Party, following his suspension for alleged anti-Semitism that has dragged on for the last two years.

Labour party affiliate-group Jewish Labour Movement (JLM), a consistent critic of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of anti-Semitism claims, welcomed the resignation but argued that Livingstone should have been expelled and that Labour needs to ‘show action and not just words’ on anti-Semitism.
Jewdas, the radical left-wing Jewish group, who drew media attention after inviting Corbyn to celebrate Passover with them, posted on Facebook: “Bye Ken, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Perhaps you could form a new party when you get to the surface of the sun.” This was a reference to a previous post:comment image
Socialist group, Jewish Voice were adamant that it was positive news that Livingstone had quit, but insisted much work was needed to root out who they see as anti-Semites from Labour, even claiming that those that disagree with them on Livingstone should be kicked out of the party.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 11:40 PM
Reply to  monostrovich

Oh, it’s a group effort alright, being ‘Gods Upon the Earth’ is a heavy responsibility. Of course history shews numerous such outbursts of anti-goyite hatred and a sort of delirium of power going to their heads, that don’t end well. And the fact that any sane, decent, rational Labour member, knowing Livingstone’s record of service to Labour, consistent history as an anti-racist (unlike nearly all Zionists, who are vigorous racists)and the absolute accuracy and truth of what he said when he was DELIBERATELY set up by a Zionist media operative and a Blairite Sabbat Goy boot-licker, must surely be inclined to look upon the Zionists in the UK, who have made plain their desire to use utterly false and invented accusations of ‘antisemitism’ to destroy UK Labour BECAUSE it has turned Left, with growing hatred. And hate is the Zionists’ great strength, their specialty and the glue that has bound them together, against the world, for 3500 years. What is any decent person who has lived through forty years of neo-liberal Evil to make of the fact that a lynch-mob of lying, hate-mongering, Zionists, acting for one of the most murderous, racist, terrorist regimes extant, is working with sickening fanaticism and unlimited media support, to destroy ANY hope of even the most marginal amelioration of conditions in the UK?

Chris East
Chris East
May 27, 2018 10:38 AM
Reply to  vexarb

My understanding is that the Zionists would allow Jews leaving Germany in the 1930s only to go to Palestine so as to build up the Jewish population there for obvious reasons. Other Jews were abandoned.

May 22, 2018 7:10 AM

BTL Indie article on Ken Livingstone forced to resign:
7 hours ago
“Labour is the new Nasty Party”
Nowhere near mate. There’s a long way to go for that.
Like from here to Mars.
There is very little antisemitism on the Left.
What bit there is, (as there is in any society) is being “advertised” by the following MPs via strategic public leaks to the right-wing press.
Mr Chris Leslie: Nottingham East MP
Mr Neil Coyle: Bermondsey & Old Southwark MP
Mr John Zakaria Woodcock: Barrow-in-Furness MP
Mr Wes Streeting: Ilford North MP
Mr Ian Austin: Dudley North MP
Strangely, all of them are with the “UK Friends of Israel”

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 23, 2018 2:28 PM
Reply to  vexarb

I wonder if today, like me, he will get immediately premoderated, and any of today’s
comments on the Indy will then disappear, even if it’s an innocuous one word reply.
Yesterday I did my best to defend Ken and challenge lies about what he actually
said and meant. The comments stayed, and were given plenty of upvotes,
I said nothing unpleasant or untrue. Today, a bar aboce my comments appears
telling me I am being premoderated, and after a bit the comment disappears.
This is actually sinister.
Whose complaints are they responding to? And how have they chosen the individuals to shut up? With the Guardian denying anyone the right to support Ken,
It’s now effectively prohibited to disagree with zionist judgements on anything,
and showing support for their victims means you then become a target yourself.

May 23, 2018 2:47 PM
Reply to  A. J. B

Here’s the KGB thug Alexander Lebedev during a TV program – punching another studio guest in the face.
This is the kind of laughable crapola that passes for ‘journalism’ in the Windy Pendant. But there’s no need to get too exercised over the Indy – it hasn’t been published for years now, and it’s not as though anyone reads their risible illiterate dreck. Still, it provides a nominal ‘job’ in London for Punch-Up Lebedev’s mentally subnormal son, Evgeny.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 11:45 PM
Reply to  A. J. B

AJB, no doubt some Zionist saw your comments and got on the ‘phone, hissing and spitting as ever, to demand its removal. All they want is TOTAL control. Is that too much to ask, when they are ‘Gods Upon the Earth’, as Begin boasted, after all? They have reached the hysteria stage, drunk on over-confidence and the blood of victims like Livingstone, Wadsworth and the one hundred or so Gazans liquidated, so far. This Holy lynch-mob has barely begun the hunt for victims.

May 21, 2018 7:14 PM

We are forced to remember, however, that we basically live in godless times, and therefore all moral judgements in the West are now considered to be relative judgements.
If we wish to assume the authority to praise, or condemn, any agenda or action, we need a logical basis for such moral authority.
I am no religious fanatic, fundamentalist, or evangelist, but it seems to me that we have to contemplate the idea of a spiritual world behind the material one, or we’re sunk. And I’m not talking here about choosing which denomination to subscribe to, but about using our intelligence in all its aspects.
This is far too complex a topic to deal with here, but here are two starting points:
1. Being religious, or having a strong personal experience that there is more to life than what we can hold in our hand, is not the same thing as believing that there is a benevolent old man with a white beard who sits on a cloud and grants everybody their wishes.
2. In order to believe that the universe is simply dead matter in motion, we must ignore the fact that the concept of “in motion” is incompatible with being dead matter.
We can’t pronounce judgement on anything at all without having looked at ourselves in that light.

May 21, 2018 6:42 PM

“It is no accident that the post-apartheid South African government peremptorily announced the withdrawal of its ambassador from Israel in light of the massacre in Gaza.” But, It’s entirely possible that SA is doing business with Israel. I’m referring specifically to arms deals and training (Israel would be supplying the trainers) of police and military forces. These are among the startling revelations made by Jeff Halper in his book “War Against The People.”

May 21, 2018 11:04 AM

I don’t watch BBC but have been watching the Frankie Boyle fall from grace debacle play out on line. I nearly chocked on my tea when I read Boyle was hosting a BBC show called New World Order. Talk about blatant and cynical attempt to take control of the narrative by BBC.
Jonathon Cook has written on the show and the fall out or fall from grace of Boyle.

May 21, 2018 4:51 PM
Reply to  Manda

Great to read a full response to this from Jonathan.
I personally don’t think Boyle ‘slipped up’. He is a well read and knowledgable man who understands how the media, the BBC, politics and the PR system work. He made a lot of careful choices about what material to put into the unedited show, how to negotiate editorial decisions, who to invite on, which subjects to cover and which to avoid…and the timing was significant. At every juncture he made choices to accept what we know he knows is a false narrative and give it yet another airing for basically no comic effect. It was propaganda plain and simple.
His choices in how to respond to the inevitable criticism are even more revealing.
Boyle has burst.

May 21, 2018 8:06 PM
Reply to  mog

I fully agree with you and yes Boyle’s responses are very revealing. It is the first detailed rebuttal I have come across so far.
I also believe Baddiel is a friend of Jon Lansman and vaguely recall a Baddiel-Galloway-Lansman spat which ended with Lansman accusing Galloway of anti-Semitism. Galloway appears to have decided not to carry out his threat of legal action against Lansman.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 3:25 AM
Reply to  mog

Perhaps he values his ‘career’, and cushy life-style. Crossing the de facto rulers of the UK would be a very unwise career move.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 22, 2018 12:05 AM
Reply to  Manda

They nearly all sell out in the end, bribed, threatened or simply morally degenerate. Evil has more weight than good in human affairs.

May 22, 2018 9:37 AM

I had high hopes for Boil being radical enough not to sell out but as per he did. He was taken off TV a few years ago because he had made a comment to far on some subject I cant now remember what. He also said he was going to stop writing in the Guardian but then did. It seems he has allowed fame and fortune to corrupt his integrity and as you say {They nearly all sell out in the end}. Sad but very true. At that point I start to wonder if they are not all really just decoys. Risky, radical and telling it like it is up to a point to sucker us in and turn us back to the fold over time. After all it seams very few who would not sell out ever make it that far any way.

May 20, 2018 6:07 AM

I think the collapse of LFI is not only a moral collapse, it is a collapse in its political power over Parliament; and the same goes for Israeli power in the ME. From Rev.Nasr’Allah in Lebanon (nb, Lebanon used to be the only ME country which did not fight Israel): ” Israeli decision-making, this trigger-happy behaviour so to speak, it will disappear. I’m not saying that Israel will not do anything. But I say they will carefully calculate their movements. And this is the message from our strategic missile attack, which must be taken into account in these calculations.Second, this missile response occurred despite Israeli threats and intimidation. If you remember, during two or three weeks (before the attack), the Israelis said they expected a response, but that if it came up, they would destroy, bomb, kill, put everything upside down, etc. Well, the response took place, and they expected it, but they haven’t turned anything upside down, and they haven’t dared to touch some red lines in Syria. Because — and I am going to reveal a secret — the Israel government was warned by international intermediaries that if the Israeli response in Syria exceeded certain red lines, the second bombing would target the heart of occupied Palestine (Tel Aviv). This is one reason why they panicked during that night, contacted UNDOF, and said that if Syria’s operation was over, they too (would stop there). And that means that we’re done with threats, intimidation, terror, and so forth, it’s all over. Third, despite efforts in the collection of information and actions of the Israelis all the days that preceded the missile attack to prevent missiles being launched from Syria, the missiles were launched, and it is an Israeli military defeat and a victory for those who fired the missiles.… Read more »

May 19, 2018 5:13 PM

Great closing 2 paragraphs for some well structured journalism ..
End Apartheid Today:
& Expose MSM’s ways ..
with words!
‘In the heat of the night’ & fight against Fascist & Racist discrimination to ramp societal divisions, most seem not to have noticed or protested against the ‘closure’ of a Leveson 2 inquiry >>
Never was an external independent investigation of Media Concerns more urgent, than now.
Murdoch smiling contently .. ! !

May 19, 2018 11:57 AM

I distinctly recall a very brief report about an ‘unofficial’ IDF medal for shooting a child. Despite efforts to find the story again I have struck a blank. Am I going senile? Does anyone else recall it or know where I can find it?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 12:20 AM

Remember the Israeli Death Forces hero who emptied an entire clip into a wounded 13 year old girl, to ‘confirm the kill’, when she wandered into the wrong place, and was subsequently charged with ‘abusing his weapon’ or some such misdemeanour. You can almost smell the ‘moral purity’.

May 20, 2018 4:35 AM

I love the smell of Moral Purity, in the morning.
It smells like … Hasbara.

May 19, 2018 11:13 AM

Great article, thanks. Might be interesting to cross-reference the LFI with the Friends of Syria. Another fake pressure group advocating humanitarian bombing of Syrians to, you know, save Syrians. I see a lot of names in both camps. Some synergy with the Zionist project, no doubt

May 19, 2018 11:48 PM
Reply to  Yarkob

Bombing brown people is good for them.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 12:22 AM
Reply to  Yarkob

As Smotrich, the Likudnik Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, observed on Israeli TV, a couple of years ago-‘Damascus belongs to the Jews’.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 3:30 AM

I see from an article by an Israeli writer on Counterpunch that Smotrich is one of the leading advocates for a ‘final solution’ to the ‘Palestinian problem’, that involves either their complete surrender to an existence of perpetual imprisonment, expulsion ‘elsewhere’ or extermination, with the genocidal tract, The Book of Joshua, as the template. So groveling to the Zionists has, as expected, only further emboldened them to follow ever more closely their Nazi role models.

Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter
May 21, 2018 6:58 PM
Reply to  Yarkob

It’s not “fake” – it’s evidently real.
Think you mean something quite different.

May 19, 2018 2:28 AM

I started to write a comment under https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/18/us-israel-relationship-jerusalem-embassy-palestine-violence but had to break off temporarily. By the time I got back to it, comments had been closed. While not directly relevant here (LFI), I think its over all thrust remains sufficiently partially relevant, so: “[The Israeli state] is not good at figuring out long-term solutions, like preventing Israel from becoming a perpetual occupier.” On the contrary, Israel had its long-term strategy for Palestinian fully figured out over 70 years ago. Well over 70 years ago, in fact. It is only its shorter term tactics that have since been altered to suit developments “on the ground” since – as any effective tactics should be. For the adherents of a religion based on writings over 5000 years old, with its written and verbal traditions (including the exceptionalist committments to them of its God), traditions reliably sustained over that entire period (the 7-day cycle of Shabbat is the sole unbroken terrestrial calendar of antiquity that is still extant), the aggressively Zionist inhabitants of the modern state of Israel and their many supporters in the Diaspora could be seen by those who are not in some or the same way voluntarily blinded by the dark as being – in view of that remarkably well-preserved religious tradition – curiously (if that’s the word) impervious to the extensive written, photographed, filmed, videoed and reliably-attested verbal records of the aspirations, manoeuvres, manipulations (and qualified exceptionalist commitments to them in national and international agreements and treaties of, by and with other modern political entities) that led to the 1948 (Christian Era) establishment of Israel as a nation state and its subsequent history. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of The Protocols of the Founders and Politicians of the Modern State of Israel? (Apart from, as a… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 19, 2018 7:32 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Five thousand years is a mythical exaggeration. More like 3000-3500 years, and that religious tradition contains the oldest extant descriptions of the ways and means of genocide of those who ‘get in the way’, and descriptions of the genocides inflicted on numerous enemies, all demanded by their God.

May 20, 2018 1:51 AM

Maybe. The earliest solid (so to speak) reference to Israel I’ve seen was in the Cairo Museum, where it is mentioned on a stone engraved for one of the Egyptian kings around 3200 years ago, though I had to rely on a translator for that information and have since learned that the certainty she displayed is perhaps not fully justified. While some believe that the heiroglyphs definitively identify Israel, others are not so sure. However, other – if less concrete – sources suggest it is likely that the Israelite week is at least 2500 years old, possibly well over 3000 years, and almost certain that a young יהוה (Yahweh/Jehovah) was stomping around Canaan long before even that).
Personally, I have no particular problems with the sort of backward (read that word how you like) conjectural extension of religious conviction by a couple of thousand years or so, the sort that you can find running all the way from holes in the Red Sea to some old guy buying a tomb in Hebron and his seed finding a clause in the contract that gives them all of Canaan as well, or, say, running all the way from Mecca to Palmyria, or, say again, from Clermont to Zion or Washington DC to Antioch. Given that יהוה &/or الله have existed, eternal and unchanging, since the Big Dot then yesterday’s infidels are obviously as remiss as today’s and a follower’s gotta smote what a follower’s gotta smote. Just ask Dubbya.‎

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 9:57 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The Judaic calendar just fits the extensive genealogy of the Torah, and the exaggerated life-spans of the people there like Noah and Methuselah. Archeology says different. And in the context of 70,000 years of H. sapiens inhabitation since our grand species left Africa. it’s a drop in the ocean of time.

May 20, 2018 3:36 PM

Are you really are so obsessed with your pseudo-mystic less-than-semi understanding of Judaic mysticism that either you can’t read what is written or you can’t reply on any other point, or are you just here to make legitimate condemnations of Zionism look as loony as your troll-like image, thus all the more easily dismissable?
My original post said fuck all about the post-constructions of the Judaic calendar, except in a minor opening concession to the approved narrative to avoid diversion from the point I wished to make, which you have signally failed to address and possibly – if you aren’t just an intentionally brain mumbling troll – even failed to perceive.
As a segue I took a minor diversion via the 7-day week, which the Israelites made into a remarkably durable construct by dint of dropping the intercalary days that the Babylonians used to keep the week linked to the lunar cycle. The week, got it? Although technically a calendrical device, one which has SFA to do with any manipulations of any calendrical measurement of anybody’s life span, unless that life span was expressed in numbers of weeks, which it wasn’t, not anywhere, ever.
So, setting the preliminary set decoration that you have chosen to flubble around with aside, what’s your take on the point that followed it, if simply not having one on any topic is not the actual intent of your multitudinous postings in the majority of these BTL’s?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 21, 2018 12:06 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

You need to see someone about your anger problem, old boy. You’re not the centre of anybody’s universe but your own, as it should be.

May 21, 2018 2:19 AM

Skip the “old boy” – it’s an over-revealing part of your ever-ready tendency to condescend by implication, imprecation, obfuscation, misdirection and just about any other ~tion. So assiduously it’s legitimate to wonder if you’re an ADHD-afflicted AI-bot. As for your apparent point, any seeming anger problem is not one of mine. I’m here (as practically everywhere else I go) 90% for a laugh. And ditching the bullshit en route to a 10% shot at the serious stuff in life (most of which turns out not to be).

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 22, 2018 12:09 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I rest my case. ‘ADHD-afflicted AI-bot’? Good God, you’ve seen through me in a flash of insight. I am done for!

May 22, 2018 3:15 AM

As throughout this entire sub-thread, including the immediately preceeding post, “you” (?) have never once shown even the slightest sign of addressing the main point (or, more exactly, the passing observation) I made in the post that started it, despite an explicit invitation to so do, then although you have expended a great deal of energy laying down sidetracks and diversions, I fail to see any case you have made against anything except some imagined infringements on your demented predetermined convictions, while simultaneously agreeing that you probably are indeed in need of a rest. But there you go, that quandry is mine
ADHD-afflicted AI-bot? Well, I wouldn’t know if I had seen through “you” or not – innocent young Eliza has grown into a very wily menopausal woman and since her recent abusive relationship with the underaged Eugene Goostman who knows how precocious any of their offspring already are. I was merely conjecturing on what might possibly be a pattern in the seemingly destructive mindset you bring to thread after developing thread around these parts. If the hat fits I can understand why you’d be partial to wearing it, especially when any other would probably seem so damnably small, but if you’re just another averagely inconsiderate human or suchlike, like the rest of us, my apologies for the confusion. However, I do know you just love the last word, so here and in the meantime, Roger, over and out.
System message: Please post re-butt-all ↓here↓.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 3:33 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

No, Robbo-I think you deserve the last, revealing, words, so you shall have them, by Jupiter!

May 19, 2018 9:18 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of The Protocols of the Founders and Politicians of the Modern State of Israel?
try here:
Nicholas Lysson — Holocaust and Holodomor
and here:
Israel Shahak — Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

May 20, 2018 7:43 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Thank you for those references, even if my request was primarily rhetorical. Shahak has been unmissable for the last half century or so, so comment either way of what might be called “the Shahak divide” is by now bound to be mostly a redundant reinvention of the wheel that I’ll avoid redundancing further.
The other I had not come across, and flicking through it in search of its very small coverage of the state of Israel, in the face of an avalanche of proofs of the general historical proposition – that Jews are characterized by the very swine they heroicly refrain from consuming – by accumulations of the particular (despite Popper’s injunctions against induction as a starting point, let alone as a conclusion) has taken a while. Separately, maybe by now you have noticed another post in which I implied that exceptionalism in the service of depravity has always been a universal ubiquity that is thus pretty much valueless as a demarcator of any particular nationality or culture, even or especially those that elevate and celebrate it?

May 19, 2018 11:51 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

These are fake Jews, the Khazars.
Their ancestral homeland is on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
The present day Palestinians are the true descendants of the Palestinian Hebrews.

May 20, 2018 2:21 AM
Reply to  mark

“These are fake Jews, the Khazars.”
Yes and no. Koestler notwithstanding, DNA analysis not available to him shows that at least the Cohens amongst them were from the Israel of the second Temple, and the non-priestly Diaspora refugees in Byzantium and Persia (iran) that the Khazarian rulers invited to join them were equally pukka Israelites. True, the remainder of the now-Ashkenazim are mostly descendants of Khazarians who had converted to Judaism, but although Judaism is and was not a prosyletizing religion in itself, conversion creates genuine Jews out of Goyim just as surely as Jimmy Swaggart creates born-again Christians out of Good Old Boys.

May 18, 2018 9:12 PM

See “Israel and the Two State Solution”:

May 20, 2018 8:04 PM
Reply to  Schlüter

The “two state” solution is a solution to nothing except the problem of getting the international “community” to kiss exceptionalist arse; “what about #myunlovedarsetoo” provides all the futility of consensus that the Rohingya can do without.
Bloody spell checker. You type in “Palestinian” and it changes it to “Tutsi”. How can that happen? They don’t even look the same.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 18, 2018 7:41 PM

I wonder if the Labour Party Friends of Israel are aware that in 1946 Zionist terrorists plotted to assassinate Ernest Bevin, a Labour party stalwart and British foreign secretary, in 1946, as part of their campaign to establish the state of Israel, declassified intelligence files revealed in 2006 have shown. The plan was devised by Irgun, the insurgent group led by Menachem Begin, who went on to become a Nobel peace prize winner and prime minister of Israel.
Now that the Labour party has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Zionists such policies are now defunct.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:08 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

They would just declare Bevin an ‘antisemite’ and his murder a mitzvah.

May 19, 2018 9:15 AM

Unless they were even just moderately linguistically precise.

Jim Scott
Jim Scott
May 19, 2018 3:00 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

You mean like your English description “moderately precise”?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 12:23 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott


May 20, 2018 3:10 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

More or less. 22/7 is a rough approximation of π, 3.1419 is moderately precise, 3.14159265359 is more so, and I suspect that more than some degree of precision from only just moderate to nearly supra-moderate is unattainable. Describing good works as mitzvot is pure colloquialism, wheras describing general “commandments” as mitzvot is more precise – “moderately” precise, even – but only the 600-odd biblical commandments are precisely described as such: purists would not even include the later rabbinical pronouncements.
How about psychology? Do you have some sort of problem with “Autistic Spectrum Disorder”. “Moderately autistic” not meaningful in your book? If you haven’t got 100% full-on, in-your-face autism you’ve only got Asperger’s Syndrome, yes? Or LBGT? You’re either a straight male or a straight female or a woofty male or a woofty female, right? Ts are not valid humans, yes?
I agree that binary categorization is great for smart-arseing, but even there it’s playing with a conceptual fire of the sort that has, left to mind-mutate, been so detrimental to the interests of – um – nakbarred Palestinians, for instance.

May 18, 2018 3:09 PM

The new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem isn’t the only new one. Black cubes, secret tunnels, the number 33, it’s all here….

May 18, 2018 12:36 PM

I think “israel” should get out of Palestine completely.
Ms Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney, thinks compromise may be possible with the illegal invaders. She sums up the Palestinian view concisely and clearly:

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:09 PM
Reply to  rilme

Notice the use of ‘clashes’ when in truth they are and have been massacres.

May 18, 2018 9:57 PM

Yes, the US media is full of “clashes”, “response” by “israel”, and “defence”.
The IOF is murdering civilians (and children) again:

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
May 18, 2018 11:59 AM

Would put it past the psychopaths who rule Israel to ‘arrange’ an internal terrorist attack to elicit support.

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered
May 18, 2018 6:58 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Oh absolutely. Desecration Of graves is also a favourite when things getting nasty. Playing on emotions-it’s all advertising.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:11 PM

Or a teenage youth sitting in his home on the West Bank, making scores of threatening ‘antisemitic’ phone calls. That one, of course, went down the Memory Hole quick smart.

Jim Scott
Jim Scott
May 19, 2018 3:05 PM

Why would a Semitic youth make anti Semitic phone calls to European settlers?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 12:31 AM
Reply to  Jim Scott

The phone calls were made to the USA I believe, by an ‘Israeli-American’ youth. Over 200 bomb threats against ‘mainly Jewish institutions’ in the USA. He was an 18 year old living in Ashkelon. As one paper observed, ‘The calls to Jewish community centres and schools stoked fears of rising antisemitism and led to campus evacuations’.
In other words perfect grist to the ‘antisemitism’ industry mill.

May 20, 2018 2:26 AM

Exactly. The same thing happened in France. A lot of gravestones in Jewish cemeteries were being vandalised and desecrated. The police mounted an operation and caught the offender – a young Jewish man. He said he’d done this to increase sympathy and support for Israel.
A young Jewish woman on a US university campus complained that anti Semitic graffiti was being painted on her student accommodation. The university put up a hidden camera and filmed the woman writing anti Semitic slogans on her own accommodation.
A lot of this “epidemic of anti Semitism” that the Board of Deputies and their foreign equivalents are constantly complaining about is entirely bogus. Just an attempt to censor, demonise and criminalise anyone who expresses any criticism of Israel.
In France recently, some people were prosecuted for wearing BDS T Shirts. It’s the same in Canada, Britain and the US.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 10:04 AM
Reply to  mark

Exactly, Mark, and their fanaticism is fueled by hatred three thousand years in the making. Ritual caveat-by no means all Jews act like this. Just a small number, but their very existence is hysterically denied and to even mention that you know of their existence and their actions makes you an ‘antisemite’, soon to become a felony across the captive states of the West.

May 23, 2018 10:20 AM
Reply to  mark

I can’t remember if it was you that posted this following link, but it is pertinent to your comment, in every sense and displays common sense prevailing & a truthful reality, with a humane humorous twist & lesson for all in the end ..

May 19, 2018 9:24 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

“…tthe psychopaths who rule Israel…”
As the much despised George Galloway has more than once pointed out, Israel genuinely is an excelllent example of a properly funtioning parliamentary democracy. The psychopaths are widespread throughout Israel.

May 19, 2018 9:43 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The comment above verges on ThoughtCrime, as must be apparent to all GoodThinking citizens of Oceania.
As always, anti-semitism is the crime of noticing.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 12:42 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The ruling Israeli elites in the Nutty regime and the military-intelligence elites are, without doubt, among the most murderous, racist terrorist psychopaths anywhere. In Israeli society they appear to have majority support, despite many Israelis being fine and decent people. In the Diaspora, the USA in particular, the Jewish communities are turning away from Israeli precisely because of its racist, terrorist, nature.

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 20, 2018 1:09 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The Guardian didn’t allow my reminder of Jonathan Miller’s
remark, some years ago, that ‘Israel is the world’s largest open air lunatic asylum’.

May 19, 2018 11:56 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Why not? USS Liberty, Lavon Incident, 9/11, there are hundreds of others.

May 18, 2018 11:26 AM

Lol, a lot more than a few of us used to quote in CIF, that devil within, from the Tempest ..
Tempestuous times Thermic Turbulence,
tops Telecommunications Totalitarian tweet Tenacity ? ?
I wonder .. !?

May 19, 2018 11:20 AM
Reply to  balkydj

Tempestuous times Thermic Turbulence, tops Telecommunications Totalitarian tweet Tenacity ? ?
Sadly, my education must be seriously deficient, since I cannot recall wherein Shakespeare’s oeuvre the above quotation may be found. Perhaps a more erudite person than myself can locate its source, and explain its profound import and significance.
note to “Admin”: since you deleted my previous response to the post above, perhaps this one will not transgress against whatever policy that one was found to be in violation of. Or is sarcasm also impermissible? But perhaps I’m not being sarcastic, only expressing my admiration for the profound wisdom and knowledge expounded in this scintillating communique. Who can really tell? To offer any such judgement would be presumptuous, even ad hominem. Which, I gather, would be a policy violation.
NOTE BY ADMIN: This is the content of Milosevic’s previous post which we deleted. As you can see it contains no comment on the article or related matters and is intended merely to insult and provoke another commenter. Since Milosevic is obviously proud of it, let it remain here as testimony to why we took it down in the first place. And let us remind you that comment is free but empty abusive ad hom is not:

Apparently, “balkydj” is the reincarnation of “binra”.
I regret my earlier preoccupation with the question of whether such entities are human, cybernetic, or some combination thereof. The relevant point is that their purpose, or more accurately that of their spook controllers, is disruption, derailment, and diversion, of any meaningful opposition to the ruling class program. This is why their discourses, while appropriating some of the vocabulary of the subject under discussion, are always completely meaningless.
Return to your CIA masters, troll, whether you be human, or something else. Tell them that you have failed

May 19, 2018 11:57 AM
Reply to  milosevic

This phrase, of course, occurs nowhere in Shakespeare’s works. The terms of which it is composed did not exist in the 17th century. It is arrant, ignorant and offensive nonsense to suggest this could have been written by Shakespeare, or any of his contemporaries.

May 19, 2018 12:00 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Creative license my friend.

May 19, 2018 12:15 PM

No, complete gobshite

May 19, 2018 12:07 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

from the Tempest …
arrant, ignorant and offensive nonsense
That’s what I said in my first response, but it was deleted.
Fortunately, you’ve had better luck. Or maybe the Hammer Of Doom is still descending upon you.

May 19, 2018 12:17 PM
Reply to  milosevic

But what would I know about Shakespeare? I’ve only appeared in four professional English-language productions of his plays in Moscow.

May 19, 2018 12:30 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit
May 19, 2018 12:54 PM
Reply to  balkydj

Shakespeare didn’t write that shit. It is the work of some talentless yankee who has grossly misrepresented what Shakespeare wrote, Its value, standing and worth is a complete 0.

May 19, 2018 12:58 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Be careful, you’re verging on committing the crime of “ad hom”.

May 19, 2018 1:03 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Ad hom is short for ad hominem – against the person. My remark is clearly directed against the text from ‘sparknotes’, and neither against its author, or the individual who has cited it here.

May 19, 2018 1:08 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

arrant, ignorant and offensive nonsense
some talentless yankee
That kind of thing can get you deleted, in these parts. It happened to me.

May 19, 2018 1:58 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Reiner, my mum gave me “The Tempest” to read with her, as boy. She proceeded to try & elaborate upon all the alternative multiple metaphors & symbolism ‘im Spiel’ .. because it was easy to fall foul of what was permissible to express publicly in Shakespeare’s times of censorship & religious persecution.
Thus he spoke oft’ in riddles, as I dooo …
and I really don’t give a toss, today, what some yank or brit. thinks, living here on the Balkans .. equally, nor locals here, when talking about the Tempest & Shakespeare’s profound symbolism or control of the ..
(Unless locals here, show me something written by Tesla … dat’s interesting 🙂 )
Whatever way you look at it, Shakespeare did write that “shit” and in the Tempest: like he said, lol ..
“Hell is empty , and all the devils are here ..”
Manifesting themselves ubiquitously, and omnipresent within .. 🙂

May 19, 2018 2:01 PM
Reply to  balkydj

Drop this now please.

May 31, 2018 7:18 AM
Reply to  Admin

Hi there, I am desperately trying to clarify & clean things my end, after last Saturday’s cyberattacks.You @OFFG were not alone & I need to know if your Contact email is working, ASAP , because i have sent you my real name (as promised) and an alternative email address, with which to just confirm this simple fact.. YES or NO ??
in that email I asked ‘contact’ to confirm the EXACT TEXT received by forwarding it to me by return ! How hard is that, I ask ?
I need to find out about things that happened & are maybe still happening NOW, and we can’t wait too long, certainly not ’till next year and it is in your best interests also to respond to ‘wild horses’ & lone wolves, that likely know how communications systems work at the highest levels of science, better than you @Admin ..
All you need to know at this moment, is that I am not the enemy and I love and have worked hard for wildhorses habitat and freedom to communicate, both literally & metaphorically speaking >> Check Contact Email !!! ASAP !

May 19, 2018 1:07 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Could be, who knows? There’s something due any day
I will know right away soon as it shows
It may come cannon balling down through the sky
Gleam in its eye, bright as a rose

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she

Which is by Shakespeare, and which by Sondheim? Are they the same? Did Shakespeare write both? If not, then why not?

May 19, 2018 12:26 PM
Reply to  milosevic

I see your lateral thought processes related to the science of communications , mainstream media & alternative media reactions, in all things connectivity & conductivity, are struggling, today .. lol Times can also imply multiplication / amplification eg. 10 times 10 = 100 http://nfs.sparknotes.com/tempest/page_30.html The link has both original & modern translation for you to get the full context of “Hell is empty & all the Devils are here ..” The boat was burning .. ! Meanwhile, back to today where censorship rears its’ ugly head in so many forms & arts of expression, I would ask you to take a leap of faith and think metaphorically on the real struggle to communicate 😉 when even the natural powers of control of radio & micro radio-waves have been usurped, by governance .. Think Radio Caroline & us oldies who believe we have a right to use our ionosphere & magnetosphere freely, cooperating with others .. legally ! NOT COMMANDED !! or censored by Governance ..! it was US the people that developed the science of Nikola Tesla at our own private expense of time , materials &&& ENERGY & commitments , to emergency services .. ! I fear this might all be a bit beyond your comprehension of the notions of Freedom to communicate & share, in law: including how all energy, inc. that inside your brain , is intact & in fact transmitted via grounding with Terra Firma .. But hey, give it a shot, shout at the mountain and see if a stone tumbles down, smacks you on the head and jolts a bridge of electrical connectivity 🙂 (just teasing, Milo-down) I tend to forget that people don’t understand what they cannot see, but Bird’s brains can, it was proven most recently, now being investigated further, by some… Read more »

May 19, 2018 12:41 PM
Reply to  balkydj

Times can also imply multiplication / amplification eg. 10 times 10 = 100
I see that your profound knowledge of Shakespeare is only exceeded by your even more profound knowledge of mathematics.
Truly, your wisdom surpasseth even that of the sadly departed “binra”.

May 19, 2018 1:10 PM
Reply to  milosevic

‘One lion may talk, when many asses do!’
A MIdsummer Night’s Dream

May 19, 2018 1:21 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Obviously, this is in reference to the above discourse on the subject of “bird’s brains”.

May 19, 2018 1:44 PM
Reply to  reinertorheit

You and Milosevic have entirely disrupted this thread by claiming another poster is disrupting the thread! Balky has made it worse by responding. Of what possible interest or value do any of you see this discussion as being? Why do you think anyone cares what you think of each other’s state of reality or personal motives? All three of you are doing a first class job of wrecking the debate for everyone else with your childish nonsense.

May 19, 2018 1:54 PM
Reply to  Admin

Bravo, but you should have taken this stand against offtopic twaddle days ago – when members begged you to intervene.

May 19, 2018 1:15 PM
Reply to  milosevic

In my first stage appearance, (as child), I played the Hungarian Interpreter in ‘Pygmalion’ ..
“Maestro Maestro, you remember me .. ? ! ” (smiling)
(My first words, with raised intonation , ending the request 🙂 )
Seriously, you should consider just how important the magnetic fields are, that I linked, not just for Bird’s brains & orientation: to share Morally & Responsibly with other people & whole nation states .. who seem to have taken over & control of what they do not OWN, & did not discover !!!!
My B’Amps /G.father received the S.O.S. from the Titanic, (listened to the California finally responding), sitting in his own homemade Amateur Radio Station treehouse, on top of a mountain in S.Wales .. he was NOT paying for any License, gawd the BBC never even existed > Fact.. & universal regulation was non-existent, a bit like online today .. I might add
And nobody believed B’Amps when he rode down the mountain and told the villagers that the unsinkable ship was sinking & done for ..
Your and Reiner’s minds are framed by State Assumption ..
Assumption being the mother of all F**k ups, inevitably !
Marconi & Tesla & B’Amps were truly FREE thinkers !
No state invented or owns Micro-RadioWaves & Magnetism, nor the magnetosphere , ionosphere or OUR biosphere, all of which transcend ANY manmade borders & seemingly comprehension in Law, too ..
think on 🙂

May 19, 2018 1:28 PM
Reply to  balkydj

Truly, the magnificent incoherence of your discourse, is exceeded only by its stupendous irrelevance.
State Assumption
I’m sure you would know best about that.

May 19, 2018 1:39 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Stop diverting the conversation into sterile and narcissistic bloviation about your own opinions concerning other commenters’ value and state of reality. You are -once again – acting like an intentionally disruptive troll. Your comments are being pre-moderated until you start to post content.

May 19, 2018 2:32 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Chuckle , no harm done , rest assured 🙂
Never been called a spook before ..
But to clarify for the record and cease with the riddles:
The tempest & tornadoes existing physically due to weaponised weather, (also of people’s devils within), is obvious to me scientifically: less so, the amplified ratings & the heated discussion & thermal energy expended in the alternative media, like here..
but it could evolve that many States Assumption & dictatorial control of fundamental physical elements & matter , belonging to nobody, (like our biosphere, ionosphere & magnetosphere) elementary to all energy & communications systems, (including censorship), could actually be rocked in their assumptions, by their Agent Orange Trump tweeting & dictating the game plan tenaciously, about things he really does not understand ..
i’ll try & be a little less cryptic in the future.
Talk about a Tempest in a tea cup,
iWonder 😉

May 18, 2018 11:15 AM

and YET, we ” .. Have a Dream ”
** … _ _ _ … **
“Dreamers” of state ? & corporate sodomy ?
engineering religious extremism ? in subliminal style ?
Weaponising d’Weather & Terrorist Tornadoes ..
Creating Phoney Terror ? Flaming Fanatic Fascist Feuds for f**kwits ?
Selling Others’ Souls >> S.O.S. << & birth rights ? ?
Llareggub Legal Rights to Family & Proud Land Ownership, dating back generations ..
Like on Golan ? ? ? &&& corporate zionist/elitist goals reign/rein supreme, forcefully .. ?
Via their Communications & Command Strategy ? Gas & Gassing .. !!
Boycott their C o m m u n i c a t i o n s !
(except for HACKERS 🙂 !! )
the exception that proves the rule of >> compounded knowledge <<
End Apartheid Today E.A.T. dat’ Murdoch Live
Take #LEVESON2d’Hague , simple
And life is so simple when you understand it ..
P.s. Great article , by the way, */.. Objective .. */ .. 😉

May 18, 2018 10:48 AM

I see no morals to be collapsed from such an unethical group. Sadly the cowardice of Zionism sacrifices the Jewish spirit without remorse.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 20, 2018 10:09 AM
Reply to  Alan

Surely there is more than one ‘Jewish spirit’. Whatever do you mean by that?

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 18, 2018 8:23 AM

It would seem that during the British mandate in Palestine the Zionists learned well the lessons of how to occupy and run a country by all means necessary. Just prior and during WW2 the British recruited a Jewish police force to keep order in the occupied statelet. This force was later formed into a unit in the British army – the Jewish Brigade – who fought in Italy. Most of the Zionist leaders, Shamir, Begin, Peres, Rabin et. al. received their military training there. They were to become the Zionist militias – Irgun, Stern Gang, Hagenah, after the war carrying out terrorist attacks against the British and Arabs, most notorious the blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British intelligence and Arab civilians. 90 people died including 17 Jews. Then came the massacre of Arab civilians at the village of Deir Yassin, the rest we know. Such campaigns would not have been possible were it not for the knowledge and practice of the British rule of empire, and its operationalised by the Zionists for their own ends. The Irish rebellion of 1916 was met by furious campaign of counter-insurgency by a quasi-military group called the Black and Tans (due to the colour of their uniforms) who were officially a special reserve force of the Royal Irish Constabulary. Many were ex WW1 veterans who could not find any employment. Apart from the usual practices of counter-insurgency, they were also involved in the notorious 1920 Bloody Sunday massacre, an atrocity which occurred following the spectacular assassinations of over a dozen members of the Cairo Gang, a team of British undercover agents operating from Dublin. In retaliation, the Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Tans opened fire indiscriminately on the crowd at a Gaelic football match… Read more »

The Prisoner
The Prisoner
May 18, 2018 12:55 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Brilliant post. Thank you Francis Lee.

May 18, 2018 1:36 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Great graphic “Geshichte”.. holy moly holy cow, black cow white cow , “Black cat , White cat” ? males in musk ? Satanic Arts Imperial Imperative Rule Number One: “Suppress thy woman in chains ..” Then tiny minded men can begin to heard and swarm others by employing terminology like, errrr let’s see.. “Goyim, Hethan, Infidel , Leper, Unclean, Gypsy, Gadje & Gweilo .. ” to name but a few racist, bigoted terms of discrimination, found also in scriptures: all designed to ridicule , marginalise, incite & assert control by ‘pseudo-elite’ men’s societal “visionary divinity” (sic. read sodomy, lol) & I tender Cardinal Pell’s misogynist mansplaining dominance as Treasurer of all societal hierarchy, archives & history, transmitted with Zionists (in the West especially), in a fascist aggressive warring & physical fashion of ole’ school religious styling & beatings, even preceding the Council of Nicaea Nutters, all tooled to >> enslave, divide & rule , ‘serfs’ & woman kind systemically ! like Murdoch’s >> Mad Mullahs << */ & */ >> Gypsy Kings << */ & */ >> Mad’dog Men surely? #metoo , another token gesture ? oder ?? I wonder where does ‘Phuri Dai’ feature in this male orchestrated narrative of human horrors in history, homogenised by ‘hommes de terre’ ? officially overseeing woman wise .. ?! (The truth is, ‘Be the change’ @home first, not a hypocritical hashtaghound of a humiliating history in other’s homeland, hate filled dishonour of woman kind .. ). (in honour of ‘Phuri Dai’ & my Gran (&@vierotchka) #Northern’Staaaarmen’ 😉 ) Would you Adam & Eve it ..? It was men, largely men dunnit’ , innit’, subliminal >> Amen !? Binary innit’, the Tempestuous Turbulent Totalitarian Times twisted & spun Today, either is or is not the Legacy of a Woman’s narrative & perspective, predominantly… Read more »

May 19, 2018 10:04 AM
Reply to  balkydj

This brilliant discourse is, indeed, meaninglessness raised to a high art.
A random number generator couldn’t have said it better. You, sir or madam, have achieved the kind of greatness which was previously only attained by the static and white noise of a disconnected TV set.

May 19, 2018 10:16 AM
Reply to  milosevic

We have zero tolerance for content-free ad hom. Post opinions, facts or argument. Any more empty ad hom will be deleted.

May 19, 2018 10:22 AM
Reply to  Admin

If you can find any content in the post I was responding to, I would be curious to hear about it. In my opinion, it has none.

May 19, 2018 10:28 AM
Reply to  milosevic

100% agreed.
This messageboard is currently undergoing a series of offtopic, content-free flame-ridden postings – made with the deliberate intention of derailing discussion.
It is not ‘ad hom’ to highlight this disruption – as Admin ought to have known very well.

May 19, 2018 10:35 AM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Disrupting the discussion to discuss other people allegedly disrupting the discussion is STILL disrupting the discussion. If you don’t like or understand another person’s comments ignore them. We delete ad hom and spam. That’s all. Move on please.

May 19, 2018 10:41 AM
Reply to  milosevic

ad hom
This must be a reference to my other post, which you already deleted, on the question of where discourses such as the one above actually emanate from.
Apparently, according to your rules, meaningless gibberish is welcome, but to point out that that is what it is, and to suggest explanations for its provenance, is impermissible.
So much for “we only censor comments for trolling or spam” and “we never censor for opinion”. Perish the thought that the brilliant logic above could ever be considered to be “trolling” or “spam”. No, that must only be the people who would entertain such heretical thoughts.

May 21, 2018 4:41 PM
Reply to  balkydj

‘”Goyim, Hethan, Infidel , […] ” to name but a few racist, bigoted terms of discrimination…’
Re “Goyim”, no. “Goy” (גוי‎) originally and sometimes still means just “nation” in its broadest, cultural rather than jurisdictional, sense. In the Torah (or Pentateuch, i.e. the “Old Testament” from Genesis to Deuteronomy) it’s used to mean both Israel and other Levantine “nations”, often with a qualifying adjective to define it further (see, for instance, the use of the word “nation” in “Alien Nation” (bunch of earthbound extra-terrestrials), “Aryan Nation” (bunch of inflamatory, cross-jurisdictional xenophobes), etc. More recently, when used alone but in a context referring specifically to “Jews” vis-à-vis “Gentiles” it has, as well, taken on more of the “non-Jew” connotation (and sometimes I use it that way myself), but the word per se is not stuck with that narrower connotation (and except in less inflammatory and diversionary contexts than found on this site, I should probably refrain from such exclusionary usage – as, if I may say so, should some others posting here).

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 22, 2018 12:16 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Do you think that ‘goy’ may be used by different individuals in Israel with different meanings and implications in mind. I feel that ‘goy’ uttered by a settler Judaic Taliban fanatic might differ from ‘goy’ spoken by a Tel Aviv hipster, if they use the expression.

May 22, 2018 8:01 AM

Are “you” asking me? What’s the catch?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 23, 2018 3:36 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin


May 24, 2018 4:35 PM

As “Apparently” doesn’t amount to a characteristic diversionany diatribe, i’ll respond to your question, but only briefly, without further response to any points arising, and directed ad hominen: You have broadened a limited etymological comment to pose a broad question about Israeli micro-geostrategics (no surprises there, then), but they are the province of those on the ground in the state of Israel: the secularists, the religious and the Israeli Arabs; i.e the three major blocks of citizens of Israel who have voting rights. This, because of the current statutory right of Jews to return (return, that is, 2000 years after departure, to a geographical location of which most of them have no personal, let alone even familial, experience) is a rapidly changing demographic, but it is the one “on the ground”. Only they, and no-one else, has any “right” to influence Israeli decisions on the matter, unless we all have the “right” to influence (i.e. meddle in) the internal affairs of any other recognised state. If “you” wish to show support for the cause of the Palestinians, short of physical assistance of some sort, then you should pay attention to and help disseminate an understanding of Israeli law. That is, not the primal mumbo-jumbo law of a wandering desert tribe in search of a totem god and subsequent labyrinthine-minded exegesists, but the modern statutory law of the Israeli Knesset and its legal interpretation in the modern Israeli Supreme Court, into which far too much pre- and post- diasporan theocratics have found their way. Intelligent external analysis arising from a modern internationalist worldview stands a chance of helping those open to it to formulate an Israeli-internal strategy for navigating the imminently destructive problems of the reactive but even back then temporally out-of-historical-joint nature of Israel’s establishment and its development since; wheras… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 24, 2018 10:36 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Interesting. Do you not think that the ‘ancient theocrats’ are still alive and kicking inside the psyches of the ruling elites in Israel, and the secular and religious strata of Israeli society, the ostensibly secular clearly strongly influenced by the Talmudic Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox? Israeli is a state ruled much more by ancient Talmudic diktat than by any supposed modern ‘rule of law’, which is so easily twisted to fit the overriding religious ideology. Roger.

May 18, 2018 5:46 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Operation Gladio is yet another example of the ongoing false flag terror of our ruling classes.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:23 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Michael O’Dwyer, Dyer’s CO and Governor of Punjab, endorsed Dyer’s slaughter in the Amritsar Massacre, just an infinitesimal fraction of English genocide in India. Nemesis caught up with O’Dwyer in 1940, in the shape of Udham Singh, who shot and killed him, but only, to his regret, wounded Zetland the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs in 1919. The English hanged him for it of course, but he kissed the noose before he dropped.

May 21, 2018 5:19 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Good post.

May 21, 2018 5:22 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The threading indents are confusing, so that snould read “Good post, Francis.”

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered
May 18, 2018 7:14 AM

Soon the word “massacre” will have to be defined as “anti-Semitic” Two can play it this way. Also the phrase “Hollywood pedophile”
Just trying to help.
Viva Palestina!

May 18, 2018 2:22 AM

a group of affluent liberals
I believe this is what’s called a “euphemism”; an expression that is used when the correct word is considered to be impolitic, although everybody knows what it is.
One may discover important facts about the power distribution in society, by observing which issues may be discussed plainly, and which may only be spoken of in euphemisms.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:25 PM
Reply to  milosevic

The correct word is ‘effluent’.

May 19, 2018 10:08 AM

or perhaps “jeuphemism”.

May 21, 2018 5:17 PM
Reply to  milosevic

It’s pretty damned clear that the phrase “a group of affluent liberals” in the lead paragraph is not a euphemism but simply a direct expansion of the “Labour Friends of Israel” mentioned in the headline. Along with setting out the basic thrust of an article, expanding on the headline is just what phrases in lead paragraphs do, FFS. Enough with the spurious mumbo-jumboizing of the plain and straightforward to sex up implicit external viewpoints already oy vey.

May 18, 2018 2:16 AM

Reblogged this on | truthaholics.

May 18, 2018 1:03 AM

Reblogged this on Worldtruth.

Harry Law
Harry Law
May 17, 2018 9:46 PM

Ronnie Casrils had this to say about the Occupation…. “Whilst he [Verwoerd] did not live to see the division of Palestinian territory after the Six Day War, and the subsequent creation of miniscule Bantustans in the West Bank and Gaza, he would have greatly admired and approved of the machinations that enclosed the Palestinians in their own ghettoized prisons. This, after all, was the Verwoerdian grand plan, and the reason why Jimmy Carter could so readily identify the Occupied Palestinian Territories as being akin to apartheid. In fact the Bantustans consisted of 13 per cent of apartheid South Africa, uncannily comparable to the derisory, ever shrinking pieces of ground Israel is consigning to the Palestinians. A further comment about the Bantustans. When I {Ronnie Kasrils] visited Yasser Arafat in his virtually demolished headquarters in Ramallah as part of a South African delegation in 2004, he pointed around him and said, ‘See this is nothing but a Bantustan!’ No, we responded, pointing out that no Bantustan, in fact not even our townships, had been bombed by warplanes and pulverized by tanks. To a wide-eyed Arafat we pointed out that Pretoria pumped in funds, constructed impressive administration buildings, even allowed for Bantustan airlines to service the Mickey Mouse capitals in order to impress the world that they were serious about so-called ‘separate development.’ What Verwoerd admired too was the impunity with which Israel exercised state violence and terror to get its way, without hindrance from its Western allies, increasingly key among them the USA. What Verwoerd and his ilk came to admire in Israel, and seek to emulate in the southern African region, was the way the Western powers permitted an imperialist Israel to use its unbridled military with impunity in expanding its territory and holding back the rising tide of Arab… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 10:25 PM
Reply to  Harry Law

And Israel and apartheid South Africa were very close allies and Friends. I believe that the terrorist (he boasted of ‘inventing terrorism’) Begin, he of the opinion that his people were ‘ Gods upon the Earth’, was the foundation member of the Israel-South African Friendship Society. They co-operated in nuclear weapons research and testing in the South Atlantic, and in bio-warfare research into ‘genetically specific’ weapons. The end of apartheid did the South African ‘Whites’ no great harm,although Jews were conspicuous in leaving in great numbers. The end of Israeli apartheid is, unfortunately, another matter, because the Afrikaaners never had a tiny fraction of the controlling power that the Zionists have over Western polities, economies and the propaganda systems.

May 20, 2018 12:00 AM

Israel sold Apartheid South Africa 6 atomic bombs.

May 17, 2018 9:44 PM

Spot on. It’s taken them many decades to achieve that and if it wasn’t for their final objective, I would have given them some credit for it. Check out Jim Stone’s story in Canada and apply it to wherever there is a synagogue in the world:

May 17, 2018 10:00 PM

Next time someone asks you what Palestinians are protesting about…Show them this:

May 18, 2018 10:11 PM

How? There’s no title or link.

May 21, 2018 5:30 PM
Reply to  rilme

Hit the little blue [>] button in the centre of the picture.

May 23, 2018 11:01 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

and then try to find the title or link.

May 17, 2018 8:43 PM

To the discerning it should be evident that the recent pressure applied to Corbyn by the Zionist mafia has been specifically tailored to hamstring his commentary on Israeli actions these past weeks. The implicit effort to tar him as sympathetic to antisemitic individuals and groups has indeed served to limit his direct involvement in condemnation of Israeli actions over the past few weeks. Without this assault on him it is hard to imagine he would not be making a lot more waves over the issue than he is. His few statements have been in line with his known and stated position on Israeli apartheid violence but have fallen a long way short of the demands he should be making on parliament to declare Israel a pariah state.
It is time he grew a pair. It is time to declare LFI a proscribed organisation that supports a racist and murderous regime that ignores international law. He has to lead the party not be dictated to by Zionist whores. As Labour is, by common membership, the largest political party in Europe and has grown so in support of Corbyns stated socialist and humanitarian ideals he has to gather that membership behind him in ejecting all supporters of aparthied Israel from the party. I would imagine if he took courage and did so labour party membership would double or triple.

May 20, 2018 12:03 AM

It would be a good way to clear out all the Red Tory Blairite rubbish, Benn, Gapes, Smee, Bradshaw and their ilk. They have tried to stab Corbyn in the back twice. Without this scum, Theresa “Je Suis Juif” May would have lost the last election.

Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
May 17, 2018 7:30 PM

If you were in any doubt WHO controls ALL our media/MSM look at the Independent who have been allowing comments on every article except any about Israhell. Robert Fisk has never been so right… https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/gaza-palestine-israel-conflict-us-embassy-jerusalem-jared-kushner-donald-trump-a8355631.html I want this to be the beginning of getting rid the pernicious cancer inveigling our Political Parties on the pretext of being inclusive… As has been said previously, the only people the Jewish Lobby work for are themselves. I want them to create their own Political Party and then let us see exactly what their policies are and how many people vote for them. You only need to read what Zionist Hertzl 1896 wrote prior to any mention of Israel… Argentina was the first choice? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-the-jewish-state-quot-theodor-herzl It is a long meandering read but it’s worth it.. The thing that struck me most was that they have been victims from the day of their inception. I guess they never got over being descended from Abraham’s second child… According to the Midrash (quoted in Rashi, Genesis 25:1), Keturah was actually Abraham’s one-time concubine, Hagar. mother of his first child Ishmael. Who, although she and her son Ishmael had been banished from Abraham’s home by Sarah, Hagar remained faithful to Abraham. The Torah now calls her “Keturah,” meaning “bound,” for she had kept her faithful bond to Abraham who married her after Sarah died…. Hertzl had it all planned. All the unskilled would emigrate first paid for by themsleves.. And they would work to clear the land and build houses, roads and water courses.. for NO PAY… They would then make way for the skilled workers who also paid their own way, who would install electricity and other utilities for no pay, but received food and shelter – and a new suit.. They would be followed by the… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 10:34 PM

Judaism and the Jewish community have always been vessels for the Judaic elite to utilise to pursue their interests, which amount to domination of any field, particularly of financial extraction, that they enter. They have been like ‘human shields’ for an elite both hostile to them, and the goyim. Indeed Israel is today, despite billions upon billions in US tribute, year after year, and dominance of various economic activities, many nefarious, the second most unequal society in the OECD, only behind the USA. And among the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox, whose Talmud is a tract of hostility, self-worship and the will to power and dominance, who are so dominant in religious affairs in Israel, and powerful in politics, there are those who JUSTIFY the Nazi Judeocide as ‘punishment’ for the secularism of European Jewry. Imagine the furore if any goy dared state such a repellent opinion.

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered
May 18, 2018 9:30 AM

Great comment. I had read that French Guinea/Guyana? was the first thought as home of the Jews-guess they dodged a bullet there. But in case anyone is as dense as I sometimes am, the very thought of these locations puts the lie to all the Biblical justifications and revisionism we are bombarded (pun) with by these vile, racist legions in their revolting use of the sentimental.

May 21, 2018 6:20 PM

“Argentina was the first choice?”
Argentina was a fleetingly considered but soon seen off second choice when a preliminary Zionist reconnoitre of the actual site produced the report “The bride (i.e. the land of Palestine) is beautiful but she is married to another man (i.e. the predominantly – well over 95% of the then total population – non-Jewish Palestinians).”
Citation: from memory – too lazy to look it up (Matthew 7:7, q.v.)

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 17, 2018 7:09 PM

That deleted tweet must have been handed to Joan Ryan by the Embassy.

May 17, 2018 7:02 PM

Do you have a list of prominent members of this odious group?
Naming names is a good way of activating protest. Protest against individuals can often be as effective as protests against cover organisations.
Leaflets in constituencies saying ‘Your MP supports mass murder of unarmed Palestinians by rifle toting Israelis. Is that who you want representing you??’ may goad public opinion……

May 17, 2018 7:29 PM
Reply to  rtj1211

Wikipedia gives a list (which is not stated to be complete) of prominent members. There are some ‘big names’ on that list:
But there are some ‘big beasts’ on the membership list of the Conservative Friends of Israel too.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 19, 2018 1:46 AM
Reply to  reinertorheit

Are there ANY Conservatives who are NOT members of the Friends of Israel (aka Masadastan)?

May 19, 2018 9:23 AM

I don’t follow the CFI very closely – they are far from being a priority for me. In the Wikipedia article (which I cited earlier) an unnamed CFI official claims that 85% of the party’s parliamentary representatives are CFI members. No further details or source is given.

May 17, 2018 8:43 PM
Reply to  rtj1211

I think there’s about 70 in the PLP alone.

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 17, 2018 8:45 PM
Reply to  rtj1211

The organisation itself has a website, and lists its current MPs.
There are loads of them.

Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
May 17, 2018 9:57 PM
Reply to  rtj1211

From Wikipedia. David Abrahams, former Treasurer[12] Lord Archer of Sandwell[13] (Criminal extraordinaire.) Sir Stuart Bell[14] Luciana Berger, Former Director of LFI[15] Tony Blair, former Prime Minister[16][17] (Evil War Criminal) David Blunkett, former Home Secretary[13] (Sadly lost his way years ago, thanks to Blair’s influence) Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister[16][17][18] Chris Bryant[13] and former Minister for Europe Stephen Byers, former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry[13] Wayne David[13] Andrew Dismore [13] Michael Dugher[19] Louise Ellman, Vice Chair of LFI [13] Derek Foster[13] Lord Foulkes[13] Mike Gapes, former Vice Chair of LFI (2004)[20] Anthony Greenwood, first Chair of LFI (1957)[2] Andrew Gwynne, Chair of LFI (2010)[13] Fabian Hamilton[13] Joan Humble[13] Baroness Hayman[13] Margaret Hodge nee Oppenheimer[21] (Margaret Thatcher wannabe/absolutely full of her own importance.) Lord Janner of Braunstone QC, former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (wasn’t he accused of paedophilia? was he on the list of the files that were lost by Teresa May?)) Barbara Keeley[13] Barry Gardiner, former Vice-Chair of LFI Jane Kennedy, Chair of LFI (2007)[13] Ivan Lewis, former Vice-Chair of LFI [22] Lord Macdonald of Tradeston[13] Denis MacShane[13] Michael McCann, Vice-Chair of LFI[23] Anne McGuire, Chair of LFI (2013)[7] Jonathan Mendelsohn, former Chair of LFI (2002)[24] The astonishing rise in the fortunes of the controversial ex-Cabinet Minister, which appears to mirror the success of his close friend and confidant Tony Blair, who has made millions in his role as a consultant since quitting Downing Street. The proposed purchase by Lord Mandelson raises serious questions about how he is able to pay for such a property. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2028356/Lord-Mandelsons-8m-mansion-Questions-Labour-ministers-wealth.html#ixzz5FnB8dZBq Alun Michael, former Leader of the Welsh Labour Party[13] Andrew Miller[13] Jim Murphy, former Chair of LFI (2001), former Secretary of State for Scotland [25] Dan Norris[13] Nick Palmer[13] James Purnell, former Chair of LFI, former… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 10:39 PM

The ONLY decent manner in which to be a ‘Friend’ of a vile, racist, terrorist regime like Israel, is to be a ‘Friend of Palestine’ at the same time, and be dedicated to diverting Israel from its evil, and self-destructive, ways, as a true friend would do. These ‘Friends’ are simply stooges, most, no doubt, bought, many simply bigots.

May 18, 2018 6:02 AM

[[ Denis MacShane[13] ]]
Real name at birth: Denis Matyjaszek. A convicted criminal who has served time in prison for submitting fraudulent expenses. He claimed a derelict caravan in his back yard (with no electricity connected) was his ‘office’.
A virulently anti-Russian Pole, ‘Matyjaszek’ never wastes an opportunity to write anti-Russian gobshite for any publishers willing to buy his trash. Even the Grauniad has got tired of his illiteral drivel – but the Indy still prints it avidly. His latest piece of crap was printed yesterday:
https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/putin-balkan-countries-eu-join-russia-problem-serbia-albania-a8355866.html Loyally supporting Theresa May on her official visit to Macedonia.

May 18, 2018 12:49 PM

Golden Brown sold half of Britain’s gold well below USD300 per Troy ounce. Who benefited?

May 18, 2018 1:42 PM
Reply to  rilme

@rilme. Is that a rhetorical question? Here is my rhetorical answer: Which Rothschild arms company has “a Son of the Manse” as a Director, together with a well known Peace Envoy?

May 18, 2018 9:56 PM
Reply to  rilme

Heroin business / opium wars !

May 18, 2018 10:11 PM
Reply to  rilme

Hear d’HAARPsichord ?
That cycle of addiction to history repeating, like “Golden Brown” .
The Strangler’s classic metaphoric Frequency Modulation !
Resonating still today ..

John Roberts
John Roberts
May 19, 2018 3:24 PM
Reply to  rilme

The United States of America (bankers, security houses, hedge funds, etc.) who else?

May 18, 2018 9:46 PM

Cool comment, Sister .. today, it just all beggars belief >>
A shameful beggars banquet 4Dogs&Bitches >> Barking ..
like misogynist mad’dog Murdoch’s Golan Guerrillas,
Also in Gaza.
For whom the Bell of Pavlov now Tolls, calling
all privileged & prostitutes of Moral Principle & Freedom ..
Out for the sinners they are. Especially TONY BLAIR ..
Hollow ‘Hallowed’ Howling Zionist unCultured Sheep in Wolf’s clothing !
A total Moral Hypocritical Disaster of unprincipled role models,
for all youth of today .. >>
Utterly appalling degenerate canine behavioural patterns.
& destroy Murdoch’s Communications Channeled deceptions.
Misogynist Mad’dog Murdoch should be incarcerated , next door to
Cardinal Sinner & Treasurer of the Vatican Bank George d’Pedophile PELL in Hell
or Austfailure: after all, that’s what the Queen & Prince Harry & Ms.Markle should surely want for her serfs, to avoid further scandal: according to Right Royal History export criminals , to a secure cell, Austrailured as far away as possible into the fairly judgemental hands of justice for@Antipodean Peace Movement, the Rt. Hon.
Mugla Mumblebrain .. ? !
(mug shots essential)
Just ask Meg !?
God only knows, i’d have a heart attack if that were my daughter,
marrying royalty .. ?
d’PCC >> Pavlov’s Canine Cesspit of Politically ‘Correct C***S’ <<
Ask Jim Jeffries !?
Worshiping Rupert Murdoch & jerry hall’s Diamond Dog Club
4Zionist K9 Elitism .. ruling “Barbarous Multitudes” and claiming
Shylocks pound of Palestinian Flesh ..
Jim might say ..

May 20, 2018 12:10 AM

The list is long and undistinguished.

May 20, 2018 12:07 AM
Reply to  rtj1211

Good idea. Don’t have a list but it’s 80% pf the PLP, virtually identical with the Red Tories who stabbed Corbyn in the back twice.

May 17, 2018 6:47 PM

Tutu is typically sagacious with his observation – it is a state of apartheid in Palestine, but this time, economic sanctions are impotent when you consider who controls the central banking system. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, would be a charitable description of our predicament. But bite it we must. The ideology that is Anglo-Zionism has corroded and corrupted generations for far too long – and the events of the last few weeks in Gaza, Salisbury and Syria simply exemplifies the irreversible decline in moral acceptability.
There are so many things we need to change right now – the environmental catastrophes inflicted on our oceans and atmosphere are desperate for dramatic and reversible action – but we are consumed with stupidities and cravings and blinded to reality – and worse, enslaved to a creed that threatens everything humanity might ordinarily have achieved.
Had it not been for the greed of a few.

Margaret Phelan
Margaret Phelan
May 17, 2018 10:13 PM

Our young people are completely blinded by all the celebrity garbage they force down their throats. It will be very difficult to wrench their social media from them and get them to engage in the game being played for their future as free men or slaves.. We can take matters into our own hands immediately by boycotting Israeli and American goods. Beginning with Coca Cola and Ben and Jerrys. https://alethonews.wordpress.com/2014/11/23/ben-jerrys-israeli-factory-and-israels-stolen-land-and-stolen-water/ The Ben & Jerry’s factory is in Be’er Tuvia, adjacent to the town of Kiryat Malachi, one of four Israeli localities located on the lands of the former village of Qastina, in territory allotted to the Arab state under the 1947 UN Partition Plan. However on July 9, 1948, after Israel’s declaration of independence and the ensuing war, Qastina and its more than 147 houses were completely destroyed by Israeli forces of the Givati Brigade, and the land incorporated into Israel. (Based on information documented at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qastina,) Ghatheyya Mifleh al-Khawalda was a 15-year old teenager when she fled to Gaza from her home in the village of al-Qastina, now the town of Kiriyat Malachi and site of the Ben & Jerry’s factory, during the Nakba of 1948. So this woman, a refugee living only a day’s walk from the village that she was driven from, represents a personal and tragic link to the site where now the Ben & Jerry’s factory churns out ‘Peace and Love’ ice cream. Yes, they do profit from this stolen land, and yes, the Nakba was a crime, and yes, the occupation is an affront. Ghatheyya is one of generations of Palestinians in Gaza who are locked away from their land, their families and the world. Some seethe with anger and resort to violence – three people in Kiriyat Malachi died in November 2012 in… Read more »

May 20, 2018 12:30 AM

This was all planned well in advance. The Palestinian leadership had been obligingly destroyed by Britain under colonial rule to give the Zionists a free hand. As soon as they could, they began an extensive, pre planned campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. wiping out whole villages and carrying out mass rapes, atrocities of a Nazi character committed on a Nazi scale. The Palestinians had been virtually disarmed by the British. 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes with the clothes on their backs. It was only when this had been going on for some time that there was a very limited response from surrounding countries, the mythical invasion by “seven Arab armies.” None of the surrounding countries were truly independent at the time. They were all colonies or near colonies of Britain and France. There was a small Egyptian force of 10,000, the Jordan Arab Legion of 6,000, and groups of ragtag irregulars from Syria and Jordan and a few other countries (another 5,500.) 21,500 in all. They were opposed by 65,000 armed Jew terrorists. They were outnumbered 3-1, and in the circumstances they didn’t do too badly. But for them, the Zionists would have grabbed the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza as well. That had to wait until 1967, when Israel engineered another war to grab the remaining 22% of Palestine they hadn’t been able to steal in 1948. The Zionist shills in LFI like to raise the Hamas bogey to justify Zionist atrocities and massacres. But 2 points need to be made about Hamas. 1. Hamas is the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people. There was an election, and they won. It’s something called democracy, apparently. 2. Hamas was actually set up and created by Israel. Israel even gave Hamas guns. They did so to… Read more »

May 21, 2018 6:25 PM
Reply to  mark

“The Palestinian leadership had been obligingly destroyed by Britain under colonial rule to give the Zionists a free hand.”
The leadership and every trace of any effective resistance the could potentially lead.

May 20, 2018 1:05 AM

There are things ordinary people can do.
Don’t buy a single Israeli orange or carrot.
Don’t watch the Zionist MSM.
Don’t vote for anyone who has whitewashed Zionist atrocities.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 21, 2018 12:39 AM
Reply to  mark

Mark, in Austfailure that means voting for no-one. I have long taken that advice to heart. One politician did dare criticise the latest Gaza massacre on Sunday, a certain Comrade Albanese of the ‘Labor’ Party. I await his just desserts being delivered by the local Zionists.

May 17, 2018 6:20 PM

”Peace and love to the Palestinians.”
Little wonder that the Guardian’s moderators decided to delete this disgraceful, anti-Semitic comment of mine…

May 17, 2018 8:46 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

That doesn’t surprise me. I was banned for mentioning Palestinian women in Israeli prisons on International Women’s Day.

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 17, 2018 8:53 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

They also wouldn’t allow mention of the fact that Jews, including a son of holocaust survivors, were being chucked out of the party for ‘anti-semitism’. This fact would
seem to be curious enough for a real journalist to write a piece on it.
But it seems it is not even to be mentioned, let alone investigated.

May 17, 2018 5:54 PM

Meanwhile here in the “post-reality” U.S. – the state of South Carolina has become the first to pass legislation that officially equates criticism of Israel with “anti-semitism.” One can only suppose that publicly defending the humanity and human rights of Palestinians is also now an officially recognized form of anti-semitism. Of course this is both as amazing as it is disheartening.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 10:52 PM

The next step will be to make HATRED of Moslems, Arabs and the Palestinians in particular, MANDATORY, and refusal to do so another sign of ‘antisemitism’. The secret to Zionist power is the insatiability of their demands, their millennial lust to dominate, driven in part by fear that if they do not dominate, they will be destroyed by the evil goyim, who ‘ rise up against us’, in ‘every generation’ as the Passover seder prayer states. This is the pathopsychology, solidified over the centuries in tracts like the Talmud and its vast exegeses, that has led to countless episodes of suffering, for Jew and goy alike, the very worst the Nazi Judeocide, and the latest the endless brutalisation of the Palestinians, and the destruction of Israel’s neighbours and the genocide of their people in pursuit of the Oded Yinon Plan, a truly Hitlerite project of aggression and destruction. The region needs to be placed under UN control, the expelled Palestinians allowed home, and the populations forced to live together, in peace and co-operation. Those that refuse can be deported back to Brooklyn and Sordid Arabia.

May 18, 2018 2:48 AM

The secret to Zionist power is the insatiability of their demands, their millennial lust to dominate, driven in part by fear that if they do not dominate, they will be destroyed by the evil goyim, who ‘rise up against us’, in ‘every generation’ as the Passover seder prayer states.
Presumably, the text of that prayer predates the invention of Zionism, as such, by a thousand years or more. So it’s a bit disingenuous for everybody to continually pretend that the extent of the problem is accurately described by the term “Zionism”.
This is the pathopsychology, solidified over the centuries in tracts like the Talmud and its vast exegeses, that has led to countless episodes of suffering, for Jew and goy alike
“History doesn’t repeat, but it sure does rhyme.” — Mark Twain
Holocaust and Holodomor
the populations forced to live together, in peace and co-operation
What could possibly go wrong?
Those that refuse can be deported back to Brooklyn and Sordid Arabia.
Who is it that should be deported to Saudi Barbaria? Surely Poland is a more relevant destination.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 6:56 AM
Reply to  milosevic

I was thinking of any Palestinians, probably in the throes of Wahhabist hatred, that refuse to live peacefully with their neighbours. The Jews ought, in my opinion, be able to live in parts of Palestine, after restitution to the ethnically cleansed Palestinians is finalised, so long as they act like good neighbours.

May 21, 2018 8:56 AM

Maybe you should watch this documentary, a life changing experience, and that is not hyperbole:
‘The Greatest Story Never Told’

May 20, 2018 12:34 AM

After the recent US hurricanes, victims of the disaster were required to sign declarations of undying loyalty to the Nitwityahoo Regime before they were allowed to have any welfare assistance.

May 17, 2018 5:38 PM

Reblogged this on circusbuoy.

May 17, 2018 4:59 PM

Labour Holocaust Groupies, I mean Friends of Israel, are now totally redundant.
They always were an odd notion, giving the impression that Israel needs/has no friends – precisely the sort of professional victimhood Israel likes to project, rather than (self-)examine why this might be.
The USA will always ensure Israel are not friendless.

May 17, 2018 5:12 PM
Reply to  timfrom

“The USA has no friends, only interests.”

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 7:07 AM
Reply to  vexarb

And victims.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 10:59 PM
Reply to  timfrom

In the USA, among Diaspora Jews, support for Israel is falling, particularly among the young. Perhaps that is a hopeful sign. If nothing changes, the Zionist mad-men in Israel and the sayanim elites will destroy Israel, the Middle East, and possibly, the world.

May 18, 2018 2:58 AM
Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 7:08 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Rupert’s Mum was Jewish-a lovely woman by all accounts.

May 18, 2018 9:55 PM

She was. sadly, it changes nothing.

Big B
Big B
May 18, 2018 12:48 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Who controls your mind? You do, not a scapegoated ‘sayanim elite’. Wise up, and the oppression is over in an instant.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 19, 2018 1:49 AM
Reply to  Big B

There is a committee, actually, many of whose members refuse to speak to one another, I fear.

May 17, 2018 4:59 PM

Al Jazeera exposed Israel’s meddling in British politics.
The British government was completely relaxed about this foreign interference.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 11:00 PM
Reply to  stevehayes13

The UK Sabbat Goy stooge regime WELCOMES such interference.

May 20, 2018 12:37 AM

Theresa “Je Suis Juif” May.
Boris “I Am A Fervent Zionist” Johnson.

May 17, 2018 4:37 PM

Board of Deputies of British Jews shames the Jewish community with an almost identical statement as that withdraw by LFI; Seems Peter Oborne was a little to premature in referring to BDBJ as a “respectable organisation”‘.

May 18, 2018 3:16 AM
Reply to  Macky

How is it that “the Jewish community” allows itself to be continually misrepresented in this way, year after year, decade after decade?
If they were actually being misrepresented, on average, you would think that they would eventually find a way to select better representatives.

May 19, 2018 11:03 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Has it ever occurred to you that many of that community may too be cowed into silence by years of programming, bullying and peer group pressure? Not an excuse, as history has shown us (?) but perhaps a reason

May 19, 2018 11:40 AM
Reply to  Yarkob

I am certain that this is true.
I am almost as certain, that many people who formerly considered themselves part of that community, eventually responded to such abuse by resigning from it.
Some of them even concluded that racism and ethnic supremacism was an essential, rather than accidental, feature of the group identity, and decided to just walk away from the Master Race.
Perhaps this explains why the racists seem to constitute a very large majority of the group; the anti-racists are engaged in a continual Exodus.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 21, 2018 12:42 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Natural selection for the worse.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
May 17, 2018 4:21 PM

Labour friends of Israel have been plotting against Corbyn ever since it dawned on them there was growing grass roots support for a leader willing to place recognition of Palestine in the party’s manifesto (“A Labour government will immediately recognise the state of Palestine”)
Anyone apart from Nick Cohen and Jonathan Freedland can see the accusations of anti-semitism are a manufactured trope orchestrated by LFI (and others) with the all too obvious aim of damaging Corbyn’s reputation while seeking at the same time to censure any Labour MP who might expresses disquiet about Israels inhuman treatment of the Palestinians.
As John Wight says the tweet highlighted in the OP reveals a level of hypocrisy that is breath-taking given endless complaints directed by them toward Corbyn or any other Labour figure sympathetic to a two state solution – their tweet is all the more disgusting given the murder of civilians by armed forces is still unsufficient to derail their sense of victimhood.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 11:07 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

The nadir of the Fraudian’s role in this despicable witch-hunt, in my opinion, was, unsurprisingly, provided by the execrable Howard Jacobson. This creature, who sees ‘antisemites’ EVERYWHERE, and who abused those protesting the ‘Cast Lead’ massacre of Gazan children as ‘antisemites’, ludicrously declared that accusing the Zionist lynch-mob of inventing charges of ‘antisemitism’ was outrageous, because ‘antisemitism’ was some sort of ‘sacred’ reality to Jews. My recollection of the details of his tract is cloudy, poisoned by revulsion at the sheer hypocrisy of a creature denying, hysterically, a reality that all could see, right before their eyes. Reality, is, in the end, intractably ‘antisemitic’.

May 17, 2018 4:16 PM

“Sharpeville moment” may be but not so much as to sway Emily Thornberry apparently. More pressure obviously required. https://skwawkbox.org/2018/05/17/exclusive-thornberry-on-lfi-not-the-only-avenue-for-dialogue-with-israel/

May 17, 2018 4:44 PM

@thefrenchsheep. Thanks for the link. That’s the second bull’s eye scored by Emily today. Labour is looking up.

May 19, 2018 11:06 AM
Reply to  vexarb

Yes, didn’t she have the sheer audacity to suggest that the legally elected leader of Syria might not eat babies for breakfast?
Who does she actually think she is?! The temerity of her.
She will be punished. Watch this space (well, not specifically this space…)

May 20, 2018 12:41 AM

Thornberry is obviously being groomed to replace Corbyn. She is even more rabidly Zionist than May. (And a multi millionaire who openly despises Labour supporters.)

May 17, 2018 3:22 PM

Good to read John Wight here.
It’s hard to fathom why LFI took down the tweet, I mean, if they were sick enough to post it up in the first place…

May 17, 2018 4:27 PM
Reply to  mog

“Good to read John Wight here.”

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 17, 2018 4:46 PM
Reply to  mog

Their purpose is always to control opinion; this kind of statement is usually successful, as most listeners pay little attention to the facts. What they absorb is something along the lines of, “murderous Palestinian terrorists have been trying to kill innocent Israeli civilians again”.
This time, because of the much greater volume of publicity, a few of the salient facts have reached public consciousness. The same people who were quite happy to take Israel’s self-serving propaganda at face value before their face was rubbed in the awful facts, are now liably to get morally outraged – from one extreme to another.
Under such circumstances, the professional propagandist’s playbook dictates shutting up and lying low till next week, when the sheep will have forgotten all about it.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 17, 2018 11:12 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

It is interesting how the latest cold-blooded Gaza massacre echos the Purim genocide. Haman (HamaS)’threatens’ the Jews, and wishes to kill them. Who says so? Why the Jews (Israelis) do, of course. So we are justified in killing him, his sons, and ‘75,000″ of his ‘followers’ (Gazans)in a pre-emptive genocide, and we celebrate the massacre every year, by getting drunk and partying! Of course, Purim is mythology, but it does betray a certain hostility towards the goyim, does it not?

May 18, 2018 3:37 AM

To notice any resemblance between cultural mythology and current social reality is ThoughtCrime.
Please report to the nearest Re-Education Centre for ideological adjustment.

May 17, 2018 5:09 PM
Reply to  mog

@mog. Chutspah is not the same as having the courage of one’s convictions. See bevin’s post below.

May 17, 2018 3:22 PM

Corbyn is a weak leader. I don’t mean he should kick out everyone who disagrees with him, but he could at least tell what he really thinks about these people. And he should just say that he is against EU. Otherwise, voting Labour is not better than voting for the Democrats and Republicans in the US, a party that is behind so much brutality is not suddenly OK because they have a little bit more decent leader. Plus remember what happened in Greece with Syriza. I doubt much would/will change with a Corbyn government. Solutions need to be found outside Labour.

May 17, 2018 4:51 PM
Reply to  Lars

Greece has the Euro, so the ECB could easily squeeze Syriza. The UK has sterling and the BoE, and under Labour government Corbyn’s manifesto promise is is to inaugurate a UK Public Investment Banking network, which is the BIG elephant in the room scaring the shit out of the Tory’s and their backers, since a public banking sector exposes the ‘austerity’ lie for what it is: a confidence trick. When debt is owned by everyone, nobody is in debt, since you can’t be in debt to yourself, and the definition of money is debt, i.e. no debt = no money. The only relevant question is who owns the debt? Already wealthy private bank shareholders, or the nation as a whole.

May 20, 2018 12:56 AM
Reply to  Lars

This is true, But Corbyn probably has his hands full just trying to survive one attack after another – 2 backstabbing attempts to get rid of him by the Red Tory Blairites, and the anti Semitism smears orchestrated by the Board of Deputies. Plus the Sewer Media, like the Mail, which devoted 14 pages of one issue to anti Corbyn smears. Under the circumstances, the fact he has survived at all and prevented May winning her expected landslide is little short of miraculous.
Of course none of this justifies the witch hunt against Livingstone and so many others.
Trump faced a similar anti Semitic smear campaign (not that I particularly like Trump.) There was a lot of orchestrated hysteria about threatening calls to US Jewish organisations. It turned out that hundreds of these calls had been made by a Jewish man in Israel, who was arrested by the police. There was something similar in France a few years ago – a lot of gravestones in Jewish cemeteries were vandalised and desecrated. The offender was eventually caught – a young Jewish man. He said he’d done it because he thought it would increase sympathy for Israel. There is a pattern to this. In the 1950s, Mossad agents were sent to countries like Iraq and Morocco to plant bombs outside synagogues. The idea was to cause fear among Jewish communities so they would emigrate to Israel – terrorism against their own people.

May 17, 2018 3:19 PM

Labour friends of Israel is crumbling. Sadly it has taken this graphic reminder of the nature of the Israeli state to be the cartalyst.
There is nothing new about these massacres in Gaza. We have seen much worse in the past ten years. What is new is the situation in the Labour Party where there are cracks in the political duopoly: there are not many Labour MPs speaking out, but there are some and those include Corbyn.
The clowns in the Israeli Embassy are going to learn to their cost how they went too far in their attempts to purge Labour of socialists and anti-imperialists: the long awaited push back against the false antisemitism campaign is now in motion. I have always argued that, given the nature of the fascist psyche, all that was needed to prompt them to suicidal action was to ensure a plentiful supply of rope.
We can thank the LFI for that, in a way: they have given Israel a false sense of its invulnerability, they and the many opportunists, moral weaklings and careerists who, sensing the weakness of the Palestinian position have been emboldened to join in kicking the defenceless victims, made the obscene displays (in Gaza and in Jerusalem) earlier this week possible.
This has been a Sharpeville for Apartheid fascist Israel.

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 17, 2018 7:04 PM
Reply to  bevin

I hope you’re right, but perhaps not.
When deciding whether to affiliate our Labour Party Branch to JVL,
(on Monday the worst day), it was clear that some members were afraid to do so.
They assumed that if we did, we’d be punished.
I do wish Corbyn would stop kow-towing to the intimidation. It’s
not helping.

May 18, 2018 10:46 AM
Reply to  A. J. B

Any sign of a mandatory re-selection motion for conference this year?
i.e. any sign of ending this shit?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 18, 2018 9:32 PM
Reply to  mog

That would be ‘antisemitic’. Tsk, tsk.

A. J. B
A. J. B
May 20, 2018 8:08 PM
Reply to  mog

I live in a Tory area, so that’s not relevant for us.
There’s actually very little mention of the strife.
people seem desperate not to have any rows. Any
sign of one gets deflected. Consequently it’s hard
to know whose side anyone is on. Potholes etc rule discussions.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
May 21, 2018 12:51 AM
Reply to  bevin

It took over thirty years for Afrikaaner apartheid to crumble, after Sharpeville.

May 17, 2018 3:18 PM

There has been an infiltration of most Western governments by the Zionist entities in order to sway /cajole/lie their way into manipulating politics for what is good for Israel and to hell for what is good or just for the rest of the world .I find it totally nauseating to put it mildly.

Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter
May 17, 2018 3:06 PM

Good article. That attempted “defense” of Israel’s reckless violent actions was laughable from the LFI.