The BBC and transgender children

by Sarah Cooksley, via Liverpool Resisters, August 16, 2018

Over the past few years, many parents have begun to take note that the BBC is becoming ever more blatant with publicising and encouraging the transgender ideology amongst children. Where has this come from, and why?

In January 2012, the BBC funded a Trans Camp, directed by All About Trans. There was considerable input from the CEO of Mermaids, Susie Green.

In 2013, All About Trans met with the BBC Editorial Policy Department.  These meetings were described as “interactions” and the result has been several programmes specifically geared towards young people.

All About Trans has several aims as a professional media organisation, but the first and foremost is to increase the public’s awareness of the existence of trans children.

A year after these “interactions”, CBBC produced a TV series entitled “My Life: I am Leo”. Leo, aged 13, “always knew I was really a boy” because girls wear dresses and have long hair, whereas boys wear different things and have short hair.

CBBC is a BBC channel aimed at children aged 6-12 years old. The documentary has been shown several times since it first aired in November 2014.

There is a distinct bias in this programme, as outlined in the link above. The programme offers very little evidence to show that there are other options for children who feel “different” from other children of their sex. Gender questioning or gender non-conforming children come away from watching this documentary thinking they “must” be transgender, too. It explains gender norms as true and immutable, rather than stereotypes and social constructs that have no basis in biology and scientific fact.

Also in 2014, BBC Radio 4 produced “Just a Girl”. Mark Davies Markham acted as stenographer for Susie Green and Mermaids. The programme encourages the use of puberty blocking drugs, which are always used off-label without any clinical evidence of efficacy. This, clearly, is a dangerously biased opinion being presented as fact.

Another Leo, aged 10, was interviewed by BBC Radio 4 in 2016. The programme highlights a family that – over the course of a few short months – helped their child “transition” from female to male. The child is described as having interests outside of society’s gender expectations for girls: not liking princesses, not playing with dolls, had more male friends and role models. Leo doesn’t have any strong dysphoric feelings about his body, but his parents are putting him onto a medical pathway anyway.

Also in 2016, Victoria Derbyshire presented a programme entitled “I don’t want to grow a beard”. It is uncritical in its approach to investigating the dramatic rise of transgender children under the age of 10. Why are these young children unhappy with their bodies?

In 2017, BBC Look North featured an 8 year old boy who is confused about his sex. He thinks he has to choose between being a boy and loving dancing. He is quoted as saying:

My mind pulls me to one side and my other mind is pulling me to one side. The one on the left is saying be a boy and the other one is saying be a girl. I don’t know which one to pick.

November 2017 saw an episode presented by Louis Theroux entitled Transgender Kids. The claim: “pioneering medical professionals help children who say they were born in the wrong body” in order to transition “at ever younger ages”.

It would appear, from these productions, that the BBC is glamourising transgenderism for children – telling them that any confusion can be easily swept away with the magic of changing clothing and hairstyles, using different pronouns and taking a few pills.

Research shows that approximately 80% of gender non-conforming children will grow out of it before puberty. The programmes mentioned above rely on gender stereotypes that somehow “prove” that they are transgender. They minimise the harms of transitioning and peddle the ideology of being “born in the wrong body” which has no basis in fact. The stark realities of transitioning such as amputation of healthy body parts, sterility and loss of sexual function have no mention.

Of course, when reading about the negative sides of transitioning, one might think, “Hang on, these programmes were for and about children, weren’t they? Discussing surgical procedures and sexual function wouldn’t be appropriate!” And I would agree. But if the truth is inappropriate to bring up in a children’s programme, is it acceptable instead to peddle comfortable lies? Of course not!

The BBC’s Children in Need funds many different projects. The following table shows the amount given to various projects last year:

bbc children in need

There is obviously a significant amount of money being funnelled into pushing the transgender agenda into public consciousness via children’s charities.

The message to teenagers, on radio and online, is similarly on-script:

iPlayer radio Advice

Newsbeat: transgender terminology

BBC Taster: Transgender

These sites link to sites such as Mermaids and GIRES to go to for more information and support, and in return Mermaids recommends BBC programmes such as ‘I am Leo’ to the young people consulting their site. It’s all very cosy and circular. Teenagers get enough encouragement and support for trans identities from social media today without having the BBC reinforcing it too. The BBC should be aware of the impact of social contagion. 1

Parents who question the transgender ideology are told they are wrong, backwards, bigoted and even abusive. Children and teenagers are increasingly dependent on the internet for their emotional support, and are told by strangers to eschew parental influence and turn to their “rainbow family” for support instead.

Children in Need supports Allsorts Youth Project, whose Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit  states, “Pupils and students have the right to access the toilet that corresponds to their gender identity” and  “no pupil or student should be required to use [single stall toilets]” thus disregarding the need for female students to have access to single sex facilities in school. This guidance completely flies in the face of recent investigations by the BBC itself:

“In September 2015, a BBC investigation revealed there were 5,500 sexual offences recorded in UK schools between 2011 and 2014. Among these were nearly 4,000 alleged physical sexual assaults and more than 600 rapes, figures from Freedom of Information requests showed.”

The BBC’s Children in Need financially supports other organisations such as Gendered Intelligence, whose sexual health booklet for transgender teens states “A woman is still a woman, even if she enjoys getting blow jobs. A man is still a man, even if he likes getting penetrated vaginally.”

grants listings

Educate and Celebrate, an organisation that trains schools on becoming LGBT+ friendly, provide resources that introduce the idea to very young children that they may need to medically alter their bodies to “match” their personalities. Educate and Celebrate is funded by BBC’s Children in Need:

books and lesson plans.jpg

What is the basic message being told to gender questioning and non-conforming children? They are told they have been born in the wrong bodies. We are our bodies. Our brains, our limbs, our skeletons, our endocrine systems, our reproductive systems, and so on and so on – all of these join together to form our selves. If we are telling our children that their bodies are “wrong”, we are telling them that they are wrong. In any other context, this would be classed as emotional abuse.

Parents of children with gender dysphoria want to help their children, but they often don’t agree that medicalisation is the answer. A “watchful waiting” approach has traditionally been the solution to helping children through turbulent teen years, but current thinking is now comparing that to “conversion therapy.”

Why is the BBC complicit in this one-sided representation of transgender children? Why is there no discussion of the reality of medical transition and the impacts this will have on young people? The real discussions are not taking place.

The BBC has a responsibility to report the full breadth and scope of the transgender issue, but is instead sugar-coating it to make it palatable for parents and children alike.

Perhaps this bias comes from the fact that 2% of BBC employees are transgender themselves – more than four times the national average.

There is a clear trend in the BBC, with an undoubtable focus on transgender issues and as shown here, in transgender children.

Children deserve to be loved and cared for regardless of their so-called gender identity. They don’t need to be told they are wrong for liking different toys or wearing different clothes to the ones society imposes upon them. Gender expectations constantly change over time and space. There is no scientific reasoning behind being “born in the wrong body”.

Our children deserve better than what the BBC is telling them.

With thanks to @AlfredBelpaire and @cwknews on Twitter for their original research.


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Categories: latest, Media Criticism, UK
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Oct 18, 2018 2:18 PM

Lords, MPs, and leading LGBT+ campaigners have signed an open letter condemning anti-trans media coverage in the UK, saying hostility has led to a “significant decline in the mental health of many trans people.” The letter is signed by MPs including Jo Swinson, the Liberal Democrats’ deputy leader, and ex-shadow secretary for women and equalities, Sarah Champion. It demands that British media revise their coverage of trans issues.  The document, published by PinkNews in full below, calls on the media to look at the detrimental impact anti-trans coverage has on the mental health of trans people, urging publications to apologise for the psychological damage caused over the past year. Other people among the 41 signatories are Lib Dem peer Liz Barker, Labour peer Lord Cashman and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. It’s also backed by Susie Green, CEO of Mermaids UK, Jay Stewart, founder of Gendered Intelligence, Christine Burns, author of Trans Britain: Our Journey from the Shadows, and trans campaigners and non-binary film makers Owl and Fox Fisher. The open letter was organised by Helen Belcher, chair of the LGBT Consortium and co-founder of Trans Media Watch. Belcher told PinkNews: “We have just had a relentless series of scare stories around trans people…that narrative largely goes unchallenged.” “I wanted to show that there are people in influential positions who didn’t share that view.” Belcher continued: “For my own mental health, I felt as though I needed to do something. “It was something to do, which I thought would benefit myself, benefit trans people at large, and actually would benefit the media and society to get a few facts out rather than all this fear-mongering.” The publication of the letter comes ahead of the end of the public consultation on Friday (October 19) on the government’s proposed reforms to… Read more »

Sep 19, 2018 10:20 PM

I couldn’t get past the first few words of that BBC report:

“More than 300 transgender children a year …..”

The blasé assumption that these children ARE transgender. I cannot see how prepubescents can possibly decide what sexuality they are. As for feeling different and uncomfortable etc., those are normal feelings that most kids and indeed most adults feel most of the time. But if a child identifies with some label being pushed through the media then you have to ask if the child fully understands the label and, more to the point, what the child associates with the label e.g. if some prepubescent children decides they are gay, are they genuinely going to grow up gay or is it just that the media portrays gays as having lots of fun, a warm camaraderie, and generally a much more appealing life than most others?

Sep 19, 2018 10:28 PM
Reply to  Makropulos

The BBC is at the forefront of cultural Marxism in the uk they contribute considerable towards the Globalist goals of destroying family, religion and natural bisexual relationships by their constant propaganda of anti nationality and pro multiculturalism a good Marxist resource

Sep 20, 2018 7:53 AM

I think the label “cultural Marxism” is a complete misnomer. What it designates – usually the gobbledegook accumulating around various cultural products (TV programmes, films, pop music etc.) is something that Marx would never have acknowledged. To him it would be like saying, “Let’s not have a revolution. Let’s just talk about this tune everyone’s whistling”.

As for that other bugbear of the right – multiculturalism – we live in a multicutural world anyway although ironically the various cultures are merging together under the force of capitalist consumerism. Of course it benefits the ruling class as always to divide and rule. And I suspect that all this guff about childhood sexual orientation is just another method of causing divisions at a more fundamental level.

Sep 20, 2018 2:46 PM

So you are arguing, it seems to me, that those who see the Capitalist class behind globalisation which is to say the establishment of a world wide capitalist system, are wrong and that in fact imperialism is a Marxist project, with Marxist aims.
Is that right?
Or are you simply employing slogans that you barely understand because they have an educated ring about them?
And you have learned that if you blame Marxists nobody in authority minds what you say, you having indicated that you are on the right side, along with the fascists who came up with the term in the first place. Although, in case you didn’t know what they meant by Cultural Marxist was Jewish.

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 22, 2018 10:35 AM
Reply to  Makropulos

See my comments below. The rate of gayness has probably not changed since before the television era. The notion that lifestyle ads sell beer is supportable. But orientation? Not a shred of evidence.

Oct 4, 2018 5:57 PM
Reply to  Makropulos

Biological basis for gender dysphoria

Australian scientists believe they have made a major breakthrough to one day proving there is a genetic link to being transgender.

Scientists from Melbourne’s Hudson Institute took DNA samples from 724 people over 15 years, 342 of them were men, and 380 transwomen (male-to-female transgender people).

Focusing on 12 genes that produce and process sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, the study showed there were “small but significant differences in the genetic makeup” between men and transwomen.

“We think that when it comes to gender identity – that is what you think you’re a male or a female – that the sex hormones have a role,” lead researcher Professor Vincent Harley told SBS News.

“Based on these variants that are over-represented in trans-people, we would suggest that the masculinising pathways are reduced and the de-feminising pathways are also reduced.”

Biological basis for gender dysphoria

The results reveal a potential biological basis for gender dysphoria, the stress felt by someone who identifies with a sex they weren’t assigned at birth. It is estimated to affect anywhere between 0.1 to one per cent of Australians.

A possible role, but far from proven – with Professor Harley saying this study is being seen as that all-important first step.

“We know so little about what makes us feel male or female and our gender identity,” he explained.

“We don’t know what part of the brain participates; you know what region in the brain or what processes it participates yet. So we’re a long way away from that.”


Oct 4, 2018 11:43 PM
Reply to  Nat

“We think that when it comes to gender identity – that is what you think you’re a male or a female – that the sex hormones have a role,” is sciency bafflegab for ‘we don’t have a fucking clue but will speculate anyway’. Or in other words, a statistical correlation does not equate with a biological causation.

Sep 19, 2018 4:05 PM

The BBC is beyond the pale. Blatant social engineering, bias and government propaganda. Made me laugh/incandescent with anger to hear Kirsty Wark describe RT as a ‘state-sponsored’ propaganda outlet – WTF is the BBC? Injury to that insult is the £150 a year I’m forced to pay towards her over inflated wages. Now that is redolent of state control!

Sep 19, 2018 2:28 PM

Thanks for posting this Vaska. The ‘trans’ ideology is being aggressively promoted here in the US too.

Here it isn’t just through Public Broadcasting – our BBC – but also through the commercial press, public schools and universities.

People who question the ethics of physically maiming children in the interest of humoring kids with some confusion about who they are are denounced as bigots and haters. Women who don’t want men to join them in the women’s restrooms and locker rooms are derided as Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, who … something or other.

This propaganda has been effective. Tens of thousands of children have been started on HRT by mentally infirm parents. This is Munchausen syndrome by proxy, pure and simple.

Sep 19, 2018 12:05 PM

Why all the misinformed anti-science hysteria? Simply stating the existence of medical options, that some people – but not all – have chosen, does not equate to forcing young vulnerable children involuntarily into “amputation” of working body parts, nor is making such information available “encouraging the transgender ideology amongst children”. Do we speak of cancer treatment as an “ideology”? No. So why pick on transgender and gender non-conforming people, who are part of the intersex spectrum, where multiple complex interactions between genes, hormones, anatomical morphology and the environment all play a part? Get over it.

And please ffs stop obsessing over non issues like access to segregated public toilets – why go to all the effort of gender reassignment when anyone can simply dress up to commit violent crime in a segregated public toilet? Attacking trans and intersex people will not reduce such crime; surely there are far more pressing issues to pay attention to? http://www.isna.org/faq/what_is_intersex

Sep 19, 2018 4:35 PM
Reply to  Nat

“multiple complex interactions between genes, hormones, anatomical morphology and the environment all play a part”.
Not sure how this categorical statement squares with Psychology Today’s statement that “The cause of gender dysphoria is unknown but hormonal influences in the womb are suspected to be involved.”


That aside, you’ve omitted another crucial factor (and arguably, in my opinion, the second most important consideration after anatomical morphology) in someone having feelings of gender dysmorphia and that is state of mind. That should be the first avenue explored thoroughly and discounted before consideration is given to medicinal therapeutic treatments or, ultimately, surgery.

Sep 19, 2018 4:43 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

…Sorry, ‘gender dysphoria’ not ‘gender dysmorphia’.

Sep 19, 2018 9:27 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

My statement “multiple complex interactions…” is not “categorical” … you do understand English, no? Plus I included the word “hormone” which accords perfectly well with the Psychology Today’s statement you quote.

And guideline for access to medical interventions exactly as you describe are routinely followed now, in the UK, by medical professional care givers – I fail to see your point?

You seem to be trying to set your self up as some sort of genital morphology gatekeeper? What business is it of yours? Do you have a professional role to perform? Do you have any idea how repulsive and ridiculous such immature concerns with the genitalia of people you haven’t and never will meet are?

Get to your point, please? What exactly are your objections to proposal that sex – and therefore gender expression – is not a rigid biological binary? And that assignment errors at birth are sometimes made because legally and culturally a binary choice has to be made? And that legitimate routes in a civilised just society should be made available so that those very few indeed people who wish can change their binary designation legally and under full medical supervision – without suffering persecution from the baying crowds of bigots who deny biological reality?

Are you trying to protect some who regret changing designation? Is this based on hearsay from e.g. “Miroslav Djordjevic of the Belgrade Centre for Genital Reconstructive Surgery in 2014 … who carried out seven reversals that year…”

Instead I invite you to celebrate the vast majority that are very happy, and haven’t committed suicide “the transgender population represents about 0.3% i.e. 700,000 American adults”.

And “3,250 operations to help people physically confirm their genders in 2016 — a 19% increase compared to the previous year in the US.”

Sep 19, 2018 10:09 PM
Reply to  Nat

“Do you have any idea how repulsive and ridiculous such immature concerns with the genitalia of people you haven’t and never will meet are?”

Perhaps you should ask yourself that question.

Sep 20, 2018 12:38 AM
Reply to  Nat

I do not intend to indulge you in any further exchanges on this subject beyond this post. I find your baseless inferences insulting in the extreme. I must however make the following points: My previous comments consisted of two objective but important observations which I considered had been overlooked in your original remarks ie. that even medical science is unable to identify the causes of gender dysphoria, and that psychological assessment is an important part of the gender dysphoria assessment process. I am not clear as to why you have taken such offence at these uncontroversial observations which did not imply that I have no understanding or acceptance of people who are genuinely affected by it. You presented your list of ’causes’ in a finite form. To be non-exclusive you should have written “…where multiple complex interactions INCLUDING THOSE between genes, hormones, anatomical morphology and the environment all play a part?” Yes, you mention ‘hormones’ but my point is that your list of other causes conflicts with the Psychology Today statement that “the cause of gender dysphoria is unknown”. With regard to your offensive comments about ‘immature concerns with genitalia’, presumably you are alluding to my view that anatomical morphology should be the first issue considered by physicians in the process of establishing a cause for the gender dysphoria in individual subjects. The NHS guidelines on gender dysphoria state that ‘it may be the result of rare conditions such as intersex conditions which cause babies to be born with the genitalia of both sexes (ambiguous genitalia)’. This is a condition which a child or their parents may not be aware that the child is affected by so it has to be discounted as a possible reason for the gender dysphoria. Clearly a physical cause such as this is easier to… Read more »

Sep 20, 2018 12:53 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Starting with his condescending put down “Why all the misinformed anti-science hysteria?” then descending downhill from there I find it mildly amusing to note that this sort of argument is much used by the professional skeptics community. From the Psychology Today article link I posted earlier it seems that psychologists have no consensus regarding the causes of gender dysphoria, but people still find it comforting to assert that science confirms their POV. Ok, then.

Sep 22, 2018 10:09 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Just because aetiology is uncertain or even unknown does not diminish the claim that gender dysphoria is ‘a biological reality’ @JudyJ just as much as is the emergent property of psychology is a “biological reality’

As you write yourself: “The NHS guidelines on gender dysphoria state that ‘it may be the result of rare conditions such as intersex conditions which cause babies to be born with the genitalia of both sexes (ambiguous genitalia)’.”

Claiming gender dysphoria is ‘a biological reality’ it does not “…conflict with Psychology Today and the NHS guidelines, both of which describe the assessment process for gender dysphoria which primarily comprises considerations of a psychological nature.”

“primarily” because the aetiology is unknown

Sep 22, 2018 11:11 PM
Reply to  Nat

Er, primarily because there’s a bleed through in language describing gender dysphoria? From ResearchGate
Medical differentials with potential behavioral manifestations https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5481953_Medical_differentials_with_potential_behavioral_manifestations

Boundaries between behavioral conditions and medical differentials are likely to blur more rather than less as we learn more about genomic, cellular, and subcellular effects on common conditions. These changes should lead to better treatment but may also require a paradigm shift in how we view behavioral conditions and the mechanisms that contribute to them.

Sep 25, 2018 5:19 PM
Reply to  manfromatlan

Er. primarily because you believe being transgender is all in the mind, and post links hidden behind a paywall mistakenly thinking they support such (one-sided) opinions !

The idea that here is a “bleed through” in language (nature vs nurture) does not conflict with my statement ” “primarily” because the aetiology is unknown ” since all that’s happening is people are trying to describe the unknown !

Meanwhile transgender people exist – whatever the aetiology – get over it.

Sep 25, 2018 9:57 PM
Reply to  Nat

Er, no, and please don’t assume you know what I believe or ‘feel threatened by’. You don’t need to go ‘behind the paywall’ to see based on the abstract and other links I posted that psychologists have already determined that gender perceptions are based on a complex mix of psychology, neurological and other biological factors.

Sep 25, 2018 5:02 PM
Reply to  Nat

Astonishing! Why are ‘Off Guardian’ readers so threatened by the existence of transgender people, when according to the NHS they’re just a sub set of intersex conditions? Perhaps this research explains:-

“Across the three studies, they found that, in general, participants reported liking gender conforming and cisgender individuals more than transgender and gender nonconforming individuals (e.g., masculine women, feminine men). Participants also viewed transgender and gender nonconforming individuals as more threatening to the boundaries defining what it means to be a man or a woman (i.e., greater distinctiveness threat). However, it was gender-conforming transgender individuals (i.e., feminine transgender women, or masculine transgender men) who were viewed as being the most threatening towards gender boundaries. As Broussard put it, “it is likely that conforming transgender individuals (because they can ‘pass’ as their authentic gender) are especially threatening because they provide some evidence that there are more than two binary genders, or that [one’s] binary gender can be changed.” ”


Sep 25, 2018 9:43 PM
Reply to  Nat

Odd that research that confirms your views are based on self reported perceptions of gender. GIGO applies to psychology as well 🙂

Sep 19, 2018 10:53 PM
Reply to  Nat

“Simply stating the existence of medical options, that some people – but not all – have chosen….”

“some people” being the adults.

“…..does not equate to forcing young vulnerable children involuntarily into “amputation” of working body parts…..”

Well actually it does if the adults are making the decisions for the children.

“…..nor is making such information available “encouraging the transgender ideology amongst children”…..”

Well again, it actually does if the children, being prepubescent, have no idea of their sexuality and are getting all this curious polysyllabic waffle.

“Do we speak of cancer treatment as an “ideology”? No. So why pick on transgender and gender non-conforming people, who are part of the intersex spectrum….”

The transgender issue is related to cancer treatment????!!!! And note that you have a tendency to talk about “people” without drawing the vital distinction that the people concerned are prepubescents.

Sep 20, 2018 11:45 AM
Reply to  Nat

@ Nat.
INTERSEX is ‘not’ Transgender.

I had two friends born with intersex children when I had my Son. Both of them were assigned boy, though it was clear as a baby that one was definitely a girl, and grew up with body dysmorphia and serious psychological problems from the drugs he was forced to take. He joined the Army to try and reinforce his masculinity… but then we and they moved house and we lost touch.

The fact is that children under eight are not obsessed with their ‘sexuality’ – adults are.

It is adults who promote this agenda and cause confusion in children, who are quite happy to be whatever they are.
It is adults who propagate racism, bigotry, greed. hatred and difference, Children are totally unaware.
It is adults who set the agenda for Education, TV content and Advertising. Not children.

Time now for Adults to take responsibility for the mess they are creating, and stop driving the agenda to ‘pervert’ our children.

Sep 20, 2018 2:29 PM
Reply to  Maggie

The use of children to substitute for our own unlived life is our dream – not theirs. The use of children as victims by which to leverage power is pour ‘power struggle’ not theirs. The denials we are unaware of may often manifest through our children – in fact family exclusions persist in embodying their patterns down through families, and collective denial and exclusion persists in embodying through society at large. The unseen power of denial is that it operates as shadow power, but in the projection of shadows that we then suffer, fight or seek to deny, we miss the opportunity to recognize and reintegrate and therefore undo the pattern that was unconscious to a conscious capacity for choice. Children (young beings), are highly aware in terms we may have covered over and ‘forget’ in the mask of an adaptation to conflicted self and world. The ability to discern neediness or manipulative intent in others from an extension of true appreciation is always with us – but often overridden by social conditionings of a fearful (denial based assertion of self protection) society. Neediness in extremis is desperate and overlooks and subordinates everything and everyone to a means of support, validation or ‘self-reinforcement’. A true self-sufficiency is a truly connected relational awareness and not an ‘autonomous’ defence or denial of others. Modelling an honesty of being is the contextual field of any educative intent or activity. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is teaching that self-deceit is the way to live in the world’. But self denial under persistent ongoing conflict teach sacrifice and suffering as ‘adult life’ so why should they want ‘in’? The idea that joy can be got from others is the reversal of the extension of our wholeness of being TO our relationships. Neediness… Read more »

Sep 25, 2018 5:44 PM
Reply to  binra

It you @binra – and practically everyone who’s posted here including the author of the article – who’s promoting “enforced thought, speech or ‘choice” in your straw-person monologue above. As Psychology Today reports:-

“Finally, it is important to emphasize that the connection between a transgender individual’s gender expression is not responsible for eliciting the prejudice of others. Rather, transprejudice stems from an internal process in which the person holding the prejudice experiences a threat to an aspect of their own identity, and thus lashes out against trans individuals as a means of trying to reaffirm the boundaries surrounding important aspects how they define their identity – in this case, their gender.”

Sep 25, 2018 8:55 PM
Reply to  Nat

I don’t get your point at all Nat. I am not at issue with people NOT conforming to stereotype of social norms. I don’t conform to such norms either – being engaged in releasing socially acquired and fearfully defined identity for the relational being in which love identifies truly.

I see the political USE of the transgender issue as taking power by stealth; a proxy attack on traditional cultural values and upon freedom of speech and association.

Social engineering works political agenda in the guise of victimism. Take people as you find them and become aware of prejudice when it is triggered in ourselves or in the company we are engaged in, so as not to deny in others the freedom you or I want for ourselves. I see the ‘law’ against hate-crime as being no less hateful than its targets – particularly in its incitement to mob vitriol.

Nothing so blind and unfeeling as self-righteousness, and no one is so easy to induce to engage in hate as those who are fearful and , conflicted and confused. Now they have self-certainty by joining in hate!
Or become a target by refusing…

Sep 22, 2018 10:31 PM
Reply to  Maggie

According to @JudyJ “The NHS guidelines on gender dysphoria state that ‘it may be the result of rare conditions such as intersex conditions which cause babies to be born with the genitalia of both sexes (ambiguous genitalia)’.”

Simply answering children’s questions is not in and of itself “driving the agenda to ‘pervert’ our children”. As you say, its adults – like you – that hold these sorts of hysterical misunderstandings, as you write your self: “The fact is that children under eight are not obsessed with their ‘sexuality’ – adults are.”

Sep 25, 2018 6:16 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Dr. Cary Gabriel Costello is a sociologist, scaler of boundary walls, and an intersex gender transitioner. “I believe we must consider trans issues to be our issues. Firstly, because the portion of the intersex community that gender transitions is much higher than the proportion of nonintersex people who gender transition. There are a lot of intersex trans folks–like myself, like my spouse–who are active in the intersex community.”

Sep 19, 2018 9:23 AM

How do you publish a controversial article like this and somehow avoid the controversy of mentioning Zionism?

Bluntly, there seems hardly any point in posing the question if there is a conscious effort to ignore the answer.

Sep 19, 2018 11:58 AM
Reply to  FS

Perhaps ‘Zionism’ is not the most helpful term for a power that seems like Jewish power – but it manipulates Jews and uses them and the Jewish identity. Whereas national power factions can capture and gain influence over key spheres of influence, international factions or alliances that are not only concentrated in political process but also in a broad spectrum of influence, can both self-protect and further their own purposes in ways that undermine or subvert any due process of communication. If people accept their government and mainstream media for information, they will believe all kinds of stories that are designed to shape their perceptions and reactions to support the power class that effectively dictates the narrative in which decisions are taken. One of the symptoms of a blind egotism, is the drive to raise an image of the ‘enemy’ and kill them – and this works also for disease vectors. It also sets up the ‘Protective’ symbol of anti-evil that NOT complying with or NOT conforming to invites or attracts association with evil and thus denial and attack for being a ‘denier’ of the ‘true cause’. For a top down terrorism to operate it has to assign victims, affect and elicit sympathy, and direct accusation and hatred to the assigned perpetrator as a righteous justification of vengeance in attacking or denying them. This pattern of wanting and focusing in grievance, pain, limitation or loss as a means to get power is pervasive to the masking of our truly human presence beneath asserted presentations of learned defence and masking offence. The mask as protector becomes as one with our self and defended with all the resources of our self. Everyone has their own version at some level of what is seen in the world – but it may seem relatively… Read more »

Vlad the Inhaler
Vlad the Inhaler
Sep 19, 2018 12:33 PM
Reply to  binra

A fascinating response, thank you. I recognise the truth of what you are writing. I’m not a writer/academic/journalist, just a humble IT bloke who spends his life behind a computer reading an awful lot online of what others write, comments like yours are helping to educate me, having dropped out of academia for all but technical training in my job which helps me earn a living but doesn’t otherwise float my boat intellectually. Please point me in the direction I need to go to discover more about the themes you’ve written about, I am truly fascinated by these sorts of ideas. Many thanks.

Sep 19, 2018 8:26 PM

Your are welcome. A recognition of resonance is a felt quality rather than just an agreement of self reinforcement. So as a just and humble man, you have no need to limit yourself in definitions that do not serve you. While I picked up more than I realised from a state education, my sense of learning was awakened outside of any formal or institutional setting. Learning in life of life. I pointed out the direction – did you notice? Following and aligning in the felt quality of true a recognition – which is not simply parsing information but an active listening and looking within at the same time as engaging in our relations, our world, our ‘ordinary’. This is aligning in joy rather than under joyless definitions and that is the other facet; to notice the definitions you accept and act out as if true so as to reevaluate if they truly serve you. And also to be curious about the definitions that must be active to result in the experience that you have which of course may be unwatched or unconscious ‘habit’ of old programs that no longer serve, and run within nested programs. But no one can change what they are are unwilling to own – and our psychological defences are ‘hidden’ ways of not knowing what we did not want to know or own. I ‘lost’ my first response somehow but perhaps that prepared the way for this one. Everything in the world is a teacher for the willingness to learn, and the purpose we hold is the determiner of what we learn. I like the idea of learning as a transformed and more aligned perception – as a learning result from which to act or live, rather than stuffing our mind as if to build a… Read more »

Sep 20, 2018 12:40 AM

Perhaps it would help if instead of asking the author to write “a controversial article and somehow avoid the controversy of mentioning Zionism?” you wrote a comment explaining your POV? We’d be interested 🙂

Sep 20, 2018 12:07 PM
Reply to  manfromatlan

manfromatlan, I defer to Maggie below if you seek elaboration.

Sep 20, 2018 8:11 PM
Reply to  FS

Hi, FS, and a very excellent comment it is too. From my deep diving into various psychological and occult movements concur with the assessment of them being mind control psyops. My response to a Jewish supremacist on a discussion website in 2009: Education vs Psychology I think that in trying to understand Jews we end up buying into certain myths, one of which might be that they’re smarter than we are. A debatable point perhaps, but not because the Jewish educational tradition is superior to any of ours. The Indian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese tradition of education is inculcated just as much in their young, yet we do not see such self-defeating psychological patterns, neuroses, lack of ethical behaviour (to a markedly higher degree than any other society) and sexual and spiritual dislocation as that of the Jewish people. I’m not sure that I would agree either that their attitudes towards sexuality are any more enlightened, since rape, incest and child molestation are quite sickeningly covered in both Torah and Talmud, with Kabbalah to fill in the gaps with sexual magic that quite often veers into the perverse. (The Indian texts are more enlightened, but matching it to current Indian pruderies and tendencies towards celibacy becomes that much more difficult; I prefer the Way of Tao myself) Yes, Jews aren’t castrated, but they are circumcised, which trauma explains much of their subsequent embittered behaviour, in both men and women, and their psychological complexities. (Muslims are circumcised too, but they at least have a far more rigid code of ethical and moral conduct, which some may not appreciate, but I think causes far less psychological trauma than in other societies) I also think the mass hysteria associated with the Holocaust and other manifestations of permanent victimhood might have something to do… Read more »

Sep 21, 2018 3:16 AM
Reply to  manfromatlan

I’m not sure that I would agree either that their attitudes towards sexuality are any more enlightened, since rape, incest and child molestation are quite sickeningly covered in both Torah and Talmud, with Kabbalah to fill in the gaps with sexual magic that quite often veers into the perverse.

Yes, Jews aren’t castrated, but they are circumcised, which trauma explains much of their subsequent embittered behaviour, in both men and women, and their psychological complexities.

Sep 21, 2018 5:17 AM
Reply to  milosevic

Or in other word’s, “Portnoy’s Penis” 🙂

Sep 20, 2018 10:09 AM

Hi Vlad, Here is a snippet:-), explaining the bones of what you /we all need to know.. Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg… What we really want to know is – WHO GAINS! That answer is for another post…. It is well worth your time to open the link and read the whole article. http://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/health/transgenderism-endocrine-disruptors/#sthash.fxfGYE2s.dpbs ‘The latter end of the 1940s presented a platform from which everything learned during Two World Wars would be converted into the means to coerce and control the devastated populations. The concentration camps are well enough understood to have been medical and scientific laboratories, from which the knowledge of the human biological system, chemical and electrical, was be collected and correlated in order that they could use such knowledge against the populations to shift human behaviour away from natural law and into a more acceptable corporate vision for the future of mankind. As such we can deduce that the Third World War has been a quiet war with the battle lines drawn between the Financial Elite and the Global Populations. The following report highlights the agenda to disturb the natural hormonal balance of humanity via chemical disruption of the endocrine system in order fixed sexuality be undermined. Creating Homosexuality and Confused Gender There exists a group of chemicals which to science are known as endocrine disruptors, these chemicals have been mapped and carefully selected to perform a dark and sinister agenda, they are quite literally bringing about the biological destruction of humanity, with the main intent to disrupt the male hormone function to satisfy the eugenics and technotronic program. These ubiquitous chemicals, which are found in a host of products from tap water, cans of beer, plastics, condoms (birth pill), ,processed food, female sanitary implements, cosmetics, has the end result of… Read more »

Sep 20, 2018 11:26 AM
Reply to  Maggie

It is vital that WE educate ourselves if we are to stave off what ‘they’ have in store for us. Please – open the links I have posted and ‘follow the money’. THE TAVISTOCK METHOD OF BRAINWASHING AND SOCIAL POSYCHIATRY. From 1930 to 1933, Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) studied psychology and sociology at the University of Frankfurt (aka The Frankfurt School) in Germany and became director of Tavistock Institute in 1932. Drawing on the quackery of Freud, Lasswell, Leonard Doob and others, Lewin examined the psychology and power of suggestion created by stimuli and stimulus situations. Tavistock’s projects were a followup on the work of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, which focused on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Sigmund Freud [see “Sigmund Fraud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and Neurotic Charlatan“]. Freud (1856-1939) believed that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood. David Bakan, in “Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition,” showed that Freud was a “crypto-Sabbatean” (Conspiracy School, Livingstone)- also [see “The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World“]. Lewin came to the U.S. in 1933 as one of Frankfurt school’s “Jewish refugees” — the first of many infiltrators — and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic that originated the Propaganda Campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve the U.S. in World War II. In the period before the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, Roosevelt sent Gen. William Donovan to Tavistock,London for indoctrination before setting up the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the CIA. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA, has always worked by guidelines set forth by the Tavistock Institute. Levin, then at MIT, partnered with Tavistock. Toward the end of the war, Tavistock personnel took over… Read more »

Sep 20, 2018 8:44 PM
Reply to  Maggie

The structure of human consciousness is the ‘template’ from which all else follows. Within a split and divided mind is a world of manipulative entanglement, limitation and loss. The template is like the idea of the Matrix, and the idea of a priesthood or indeed moneylenders ‘guarding’ the Temple is part OF the template. The archetypes of emergence from and the setting of ‘order OVER perceived and believed chaos as an order that yet hearkens back to a lost or ‘Golden Age’ – and seeks to regain it, are deeply ‘conditioned’ learnings of a pre verbal consciousness – just as the replication of this in each life is experienced as the compulsion to dissociate into masking persona. Indeed without the development and adaptation of the personality construct, the human or virtual reality experience could not be participated in. But that is not to say the Template is true, and a different sense of self and world come from a true foundation. I write this sketch to underscore that whatever humans have endeavoured, has been FROM predicates of self definition relative to world that inevitably or logically unfold that idea. We learn by what we teach and while we teach division, we learn it as the development of a fragmenting self and world under a narrative identity that seeks to ‘order’ its own chaos. The moral sense in truth is firstly our own integrity or thought, word and experience, and through that the discernment of truth in others. (To thine own self be true..). A unified or integrated coherence of meaning is then embodied in the acts and expressions of its shared appreciation. The loss of awareness of integrity to guilt and shame led to the hiding of guilt and of fear of penalty, in fig leaf thinking – that is… Read more »

Sep 24, 2018 12:46 AM
Reply to  Maggie

You’re completely misreading Adorno’s tone and intent here. The phrase “to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter” is the dead give-away of what Adorno’s attitude towards and his judgment of the new medium actually was.

Sep 28, 2018 11:29 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Maggie, I agree with Vaska. It seems you are completely misreading and misunderstanding Adorno. He was EXTREMELY critical of the role of Television and other popular culture in brainwashing and dumbing the masses and impoverishing the spirit, yet you present it as if he was supporting it.

Oct 1, 2018 5:47 AM
Reply to  Dan

Dan, if you read some of Adorno’s early essays on music, especially jazz, then you go hmm. On the one hand he was right in saying popular culture could dumb down the masses, as you look at the latest manufactured (and talentless) pop star climb the charts. On the other hand popular culture can inspire mass movements as well, so maybe it’s a matter of discernment?

So while I appreciate that Adorno warned us of the dangers of oh, one type of fascism, I note he and his fellow psychologists wrote the blueprint for another type of fascism? Just saying 🙂

Sep 19, 2018 7:50 AM

I clicked on the link to the BBC’s one-sided representation of transgender children and while I was glancing through the article I noticed a link at the side to an obituary of Denis Norden which I read. In the midst of this Brave New World we’re entering, it cheered me up.

Sep 19, 2018 1:10 PM
Reply to  Jane

Humour may yet save us all.

Sep 20, 2018 8:12 AM
Reply to  Jane

Among the barrage of fake news we can at least assume that Denis Norden really has died.

Sep 19, 2018 12:51 AM

A Psychology Today article
The Gender Reassignment Controversy
Nigel Barber Ph.D.
Mar 16, 2018


blockquote>These differences may be shaped by how children are raised but gender reassignment, even early in life, is difficult, and problematic. Reassignment in adulthood is even more difficult..

The first effort at reassignment, by John Money, involved David Reimer whose penis was accidentally damaged at eight months due to a botched circumcision.

The Money Perspective

Money believed that while children are mostly born with unambiguous genitalia, their gender identity is neutral. He felt that which gender a child identifies with is determined primarily by how parents treat it and that parental views are shaped by the appearance of the genitals.

Accordingly, Money advised the parents to have the child surgically altered to resemble a female and raise it as “Brenda.” For many years, Money claimed that the reassignment had been a complete success. Such was his influence as a well-known Johns Hopkins gender researcher that his views came to be widely accepted by scholars and the general public.

Unfortunately for Brenda, the outcome was far from happy. When he was fourteen, Reimer began the process of reassignment to being a male. As an adult, he married a woman but depression, and drug abuse, ensued, culminating in suicide at the age of thirty-eight (1).

Money’s ideas about gender identity were forcefully challenged by Paul McHugh (2), a leading psychiatrist at the same institution as Money. The brunt of this challenge came from analysis of gender reassignment cases in terms of both motivation and outcomes.

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 19, 2018 12:37 PM
Reply to  manfromatlan

Money dined out for decades on this one case and he grossly misrepresented it. Such is the power of ego and faith, and gender biology is even more susceptible to these.

Sep 20, 2018 1:49 AM
Reply to  George cornell

The University of Toronto professor (and later Ontario Deputy Minister of Education) Ben Levin who introduced the failed 2010 sex ed curriculum was convicted of three counts of possessing child porn https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/former-ontario-education-deputy-minister-pleads-guilty-to-three-child-porn-charges

I remember the controversy at the time when Muslim parents in Toronto protested the curriculum and thought they were being reactionary.

Now eight years later I see the advocacy directed at children and go hmm.

Sep 19, 2018 12:47 AM

Seems to be a long term plan: Please stop breeding so we can justify increases in compliant slave workers from elsewhere

Sep 20, 2018 8:16 AM
Reply to  Beknow

I used to laugh at that kind of comment. Now I don’t. I wouldn’t put anything past our lords and masters. As I mentioned above, this transgender issue may be another case of divide-and-rule sown at an early stage. Also another case of mind bending to confuse and disorientate.

Sep 20, 2018 12:45 PM
Reply to  Makropulos

As you set or accept your purpose, so is your lord or master.
The fixation upon deceit as if we are not complicit is itself a deceit is it not?
That others can believe and behave manipulatively – that is exploitively toward others is not a rule that say “Thou Must Do Likewise!”. But of course if you break with a habit addiction, you may seem to ‘threaten’ those who persist in the identity habit.

It’s all very well to sit as if on some fence and describe the world – but are we ‘seeing’ only what our mind dictates or lets us see?
The identity in ‘control’ runs deep, as both a power of protection from fear (of loss of self possession) and as the idea of judgement upon and power over others, and world – in the extension of the same judgement upon our self.

We CAN be very wrong in our judgement and never wholly right.

Sep 19, 2018 12:06 AM

From the Corporation that brought you Jim’ll Fix It…

Sep 20, 2018 8:17 AM
Reply to  WeatherEye

Jim was one of their biggest fixers.

Sep 20, 2018 4:33 PM
Reply to  Makropulos

After a bit more reflection, I realised with a chill that Jim may have been one of their smaller fixers.

Sep 18, 2018 11:18 PM

A couple of links which might be of interest:

A documentary shown on RT entitled “I want my sex back” featuring three middle-aged people who, having undergone sex changes years previously, realised that – for them – they had made a mistake and were now questioning whether sufficient counselling and psychological assessment is carried out before carrying out sex change operations. Their basic contention was that they thought a sex change would resolve the doubts they had at a young age about their birth gender but after having the operation they found that they still had the psychological challenges and insecurities that led to them having the operation. It makes for very interesting and enlightening viewing.

An article on the refusal of Bath Spa University to provide a researcher with funding to look into the number of people who regret undergoing transgender surgery. There are a number of articles on line about this.

Sep 18, 2018 11:15 PM

When are medical science and the BBC going to help people like Bob Dylan, who has said he was born of the wrong parents?

Sep 18, 2018 9:56 PM

The Chinese Cultural Revolution reached directly to the young as a way to undermine and eradicate the old. I don’t see this issue as primarily for children or about children but targeting the family and the remnants of any traditional cultural identity. It should be noted that many who once showed some independence of thought are now doing or saying what they are told. Who or what is the primary social engineering agenda that operates internationally through various sectors of influence -some of which are under the banner of aid, medication, education, infrastructural developments, and confer ‘rights’ that actually deny natural rights – ie free speech in questioning, criticising and calling those entrusted with power to account. This is via the cultivation and use of victimism. Unless the use of victimism can be called out, identified and left without support, there will be no freedom, no waking to a true self-responsibility and passive compliance to becoming slaves under those we will not be allowed to speak of. In this respect Jordan Peterson is holding a true witness to true human right by exercising it – regardless whether we agree with his style, opinion or apparent political stance. There are some lines that cannot be crossed without a total abnegation of integrity. Is your mind, your own? I tell you that what we take for freedom is slavery and what we fear and avoid as slavery is freedom – but under the spell of the belief our thinking IS our own and that we ARE as we think and the world IS as we engage in – are we framed in thinking that is somewhat like the small print of contractual agreements. Such is the nature of deceits. The issues that such a top down mimicry of grass roots activism chooses… Read more »

Sep 19, 2018 8:29 AM
Reply to  binra

Excellent. Thank you for that.

Vlad the Inhaler
Vlad the Inhaler
Sep 19, 2018 11:31 AM
Reply to  binra

Brilliant perceptive post, thank you for that.

Sep 18, 2018 9:47 PM

What exploding Neoliberalism wants is to commercialize sexuality and reproduction!

Frankly Speaking
Frankly Speaking
Sep 18, 2018 8:15 PM

It’s not at all surprising. The UK moral and social landscape has undergone massive transformation in the past decade or two.

I’m all for equality, but this is nothing to do about equality, it’s all about pushing specific agendas and preferring certain groups over others.

Real socialism treats every one as equal, and gives them equal opportunities, and indeed these people profess to be socialists, however, they are anything but that. They are more accurately very dangerous idealogues and provocateurs and they use the media usch as the BBC and Guardian to get their way.

My reading on this is that they are in fact what’s best described as neo-Bolsheviks who are attempting to overthrow society and create a revolution, a century after their ilk did it in Russia with disastrous consequences. They are backed by the same people too, do I need to elaborate further? I think not.

Sep 19, 2018 1:59 AM

The bolsheviks wanted an end to feudalism and the monarchy and implementing socialism they weren’t trying to teuren people gay or into transgenders

John hacket
John hacket
Sep 19, 2018 1:22 PM

No need to elaborate further ? The people who backed the Bolsheviks are now changing boys into girls and vice versa ? Please Continue

Michael Cromer
Michael Cromer
Sep 18, 2018 7:57 PM

Everything seems to be loaded against our kids in the UK – Modern day Pan European Genocide using social and financial weapons instead of guns and gas.
Pairing of same sex couples on a grand scale has the same result as forcing white kids to sleep in shop doorways.
The Kalergi plan at work?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Sep 18, 2018 7:37 PM

Hard to know where to start. But surely pretending that there are not fundamental differences biologically between males and females of any species is absolutely ridiculous and flies in the face of mountains of evidence, including chromosomal, hormonal, epigenetic, and gene expression studies.
Having spent several years studying a small corner of these issues, I can say they are complex and none will likely fit anything but layered multifactorial processes.
I continue to be amazed at how many people seem to deny pleiotropism, heterogeneity, phenocopies and many other biological concepts readily ascertained in the plant and animal world.
I once had a post deleted from CiF because I said that every nucleated cell in the body is different systematically between males and females. No matter that I had cited the then recent paper in Nature Genetics showing this in human brain tissue.
The many unanswered questions leave open opportunities for the non-cognoscenti to insert their fervent data-free wishes. I am a harsh critic of the BBC but keep in mind that what is being addressed is the hurtful biases perhaps biologically based which damage those who are different. It has been a bad card to have been dealt to be gay, to be transgendered, and to gender misidentify. Taking a doctrinaire position on these matters because they are in opposition to a single individual’s personal experience seems foolhardy. But tolerance is the goal, which might well come before understanding. Why interfere with attempts to achieve it?

Sep 18, 2018 11:57 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

The real issue is that the promotion of transgenderism in mainstream culture in a sense represents a failure on our part to achieve real equality between all groups and real tolerance in society generally.

We can’t overcome social and cultural stereotypes (such as blue for boys and pink for girls) as companies continue to push these down our throats so instead of changing the stereotypes and giving more freedom to parents and children to choose what suits them, we instead brainwash families and force the children to change – physically and hormonally if need be – to conform to the stereotypes.

The BBC attitude seems to be no different from the attitude the Islamic Republic of Iran takes towards male homosexuals, in encouraging gay men to undergo sex reassignment surgery which the government there even subsidises.

This transgender brainwashing also has an additional benefit of silencing women on insisting on having some public space for themselves for their security.

We have to ask what is the hidden agenda behind transgenderism when it has the potential for setting back women’s rights and their participation in public arenas such as sport and particular sports like women’s mixed martial arts where there are already transgender female athletes.

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 19, 2018 3:16 AM
Reply to  Jen

There is a bigger picture both biologically and socially than to make this about women’s rights, although it surely encompasses them.

Big B
Big B
Sep 19, 2018 9:40 AM
Reply to  George cornell

George: I would be genuinely interested if you could expound your view of the “bigger picture”, at least in brief. Also, I’d be similarly interested in following up your main comment. Could you please post a link or two for the lay reader? Many thanks.

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 19, 2018 11:57 AM
Reply to  Big B

I can try but anything feasible will be a simplification and will invite dispute but maybe that is a good thing. Reproduction is after all, the focal point of most evolutionary processes. Similarly, nothing in biology makes sense except in the context of evolution said ?Spencer. Sexes and separate chromosomal makeup for the sexes and sexes themselves antedate humans by millions of years. All this must have had advantage for it to have developed, and for it to have been maintained. How it developed is hard to study. The capacity for two-parent contribution to the offspring increased diversity. There is no design in Naure but it sure seems like there is, there has been so much time to carve and polish. If I had spent several lives I might be able to break 80 in golf even though I am a hacker. The development of a human is super complex. The determination of external gender is tightly tied to internal gender but not synonymous with it. This means they can be dissociated, although Nature does not favour it. In fact it does in a way. Consider the large reproductive disadvantage of the gay male. Despite producing less offspring, the frequency of gay males is remarkably consistent among populations, implying this has some kind of advantage. Lots written about this paradox but my take is that gay males provide some kind of herd advantage through their capacity for nurture and family harmony but no one really knows why. Many such processes leading to gender development have a default pathway leading to one phenotype or sex, and an active process leads to the other. And like all, there can be variation. Most of it is hard wired and very resistant to change. But as she so often does, Nature always allows for… Read more »

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 19, 2018 12:30 PM
Reply to  George cornell

It was Dobzhansky not Spencer.

Sep 19, 2018 12:49 PM
Reply to  George cornell

The point I was making in my original comment was that the cultural stereotypes long associated with men and women or boys and girls, regardless of whether those cultural stereotypes were actually derived from or had anything to do with actual biological sex – after all, what is it about male biology determines that boys should prefer the colour blue over pink and what in female biology determines that girls should prefer pink over blue? – still persist in Western society because there are political, social and economic forces that benefit from their continued existence, even though they may be harmful to both men and women, and restrict opportunities for both men and women to make the best use of their abilities and talents.

So because these stereotypes continue to exist, society has taken a different path: if a girl dislikes girly things, is discontented because she is expected to like girly things, expresses a desire to play with or like the things that boys like, and sometimes wishes she could have been born a boy so she can play with the boys, we straight away decide she is suffering gender dysphoria, persuade her that that is what the problem is, and start her on a program resulting in invasive surgery that will turn her into a boy.

We do nothing to challenge or change the social / cultural stereotypes that restrict girls / women in what they can or can’t do, and which also restrict boys / men in what they can or can’t do.

Are we any better than those societies which deny the existence of homosexuality and which deal with homosexual men by forcing or persuading them to undergo male-to-female sexual reassignment surgery and treatments?

Sep 20, 2018 9:59 AM
Reply to  Jen

Conformity and compliance to social dictate, stereotype or social engineering is a choice not to use choice, except to ‘follow’ others – at least in expressed thought and behaviour. Honouring being, is not a forced worship unto specified forms of presented behaviour. And in a world-mind predicated on an image or form-based sense of self and reality, the sacrifice of being to forms made idol, is the nature of its/our conflict. Do you be true to yourself in being? – or adopt the mask of survival in terms that the mask sets? – and sets to become your face, your mind and world? This to me is the essence of what ‘giving unto Caesar and God as is truly due unto them’ is all about. To that which is truly honouring – GIVE honour to know you have and share it. But to that which is blind to honour give nothing of your heart’s allegiance – or you give power to that which refuses to share it because it seeks or thinks it has it for itself. The idea of demanding rights of a state or ‘higher power’ is different than asserting right to be seen or heard. The conferring of worldly power always has strings attached but to a sense of having been denied, that can so easily be overlooked in the taking of the bait of privilege or favour conferred. The issue under much or all of our conflict IS identity conflict, that is first a split and divided self, that then perceives and reacts to a split and divided world. Natural divisions are not a loss of wholeness but an embrace of a richness of diversity of expression and experience. Unnatural divisions are a loss of wholeness to a split minded sense of alienation from (and fear… Read more »

George cornell
George cornell
Sep 20, 2018 11:42 AM
Reply to  Jen

Most if not all stereotypes are true to a point. If you doubt this go to the source. So Chinese mock their own driving frailties, men mock their own multitasking deficiencies and Jews mock many things about themselves. It is just not palatable to hear it from others because such comments associate with prejudice.

There is very little forcing. The pendulum is swinging, perhaps too far but it is mostly well intentioned. Overcompensation is a ubiquitous phase in social change. It is important to call it out when it happens, as you have.

Sep 20, 2018 12:19 PM
Reply to  George cornell

You may come to rue your choice of metaphors.

If Chinese mock their own driving frailties, and we were to apply the reasoning behind transgenderism’s targeting of children through BBC programs to that stereotype, then the Chinese would be advised to construct ever more railway lines for high-speed trains. Which they are already doing without much prompting from us …

Men mock their multi-tasking deficiencies so they are best advised to keep specialising in whatever it is they specialise in and just turn super-geeky.

Jewish people mock themselves so they should just … er …


George cornell
George cornell
Sep 21, 2018 10:27 PM
Reply to  Jen

Now Jen, most everything you do is based on your perceived probabilities of their impact. No one has suggested Chinese should not drive. Or men not multi-task, as if you could do that. Nothing prevents anyone from compensating or as often the case, overcompensating for their weaknesses. Similarly, most Western societies try hard to prevent discrimination based on things which are usually beyond the individual’s control, with a spectrum of success.

The transgender issue is a byproduct of frantic attempts to correct the injustices of the past. I see no wish to promote transgendered frequency, just a desire to improve recognition so that more children do not suffer in silence. Yes, some of it is OTT.

Finally you really would find interesting the long and sordid history of trying to influence orientation. Nothing helps or hinders that I can see and think about the implications if this were vulnerable to whim or fancy.

Sep 24, 2018 1:29 AM
Reply to  George cornell

Nature does not know “internal gender” and “external gender”. In fact, nature does not know gender at all, which is a linguistic category subsequently turned into a metaphor and generalized to name the phenomenon in which different cultures create and maintain different regimes of what behaviour and appearance are “natural” and “proper” to the two sexes.

All nature and biology know, speaking of mammals in particular, are the two sexes our species comes in. [Intersex conditions are recognizable aberrations.]

This is not hair splitting or mere semantics as the terminology we use directs our thinking along certain lines and in certain directions, and it is crucial in this and other contexts to select the language that names reality as accurately as is humanly possible.

Sep 24, 2018 10:24 AM
Reply to  Vaska

The nature of manifest nature is of a quality of communication that is always total – in terms of ever shifting charge relations within and embodied of a wholeness or totality. The manifestation is not the agency of communication so much as a vehicle of expression through which non-physical Self-Awareness opens experience of ‘all that is’ – as Self – but not as A self in terms of the dissociated and subjective ‘minding’ that forms the basis of what we take to be our unique and self-special nature – even in asserting its own insignificance. The translation of ‘knowing of being’ to a virtual replication of a self-definitional reality-construct is like parenthood, both impossible and necessary, where the ‘child’ of a dissociated consciousness, becomes polarised against its own source-nature in being, as a defence of its own identification the idea of becoming ‘different’ than it is. The conflict between a nested identity of personal, within a social ‘self-sense’ and actual relational being, is the primary conflict from which the sense of self arises as a ‘self-consciousness’, but as a ‘self-inhibiting’ mechanism interjecting or rather overlaying the unconflicted Self Awareness that simply Is Being. The being does not fight back against the expression of a sense of self in oppositional freedom, but the sense of self in opposition interprets its experience through the developing consciousness of oppositional and polarising archetypes, and so it projects its own identifications of intent to possess, block, limit or force its self-experience onto its true nature and its relational co-creative beings – and engages in struggle to survive against externalised symptoms of unrecognised internal programming. The mutually exclusive sense of self in polarity is the ‘separating’ or segregative force and desire to a creative agency. Never truly is there a ‘meeting’ or a unity experience but… Read more »

Oct 18, 2018 2:15 PM
Reply to  Vaska

No. The most up to date science tells us that sex in humans lies on a spectrum – no matter how hard you try to convince your self that the world can be neatly divided up into black and white categories..

Which exposes this comment “[Intersex conditions are recognizable aberrations.]” for the pure bigotry it is

Sep 18, 2018 7:36 PM

I did get notifications after all, sorry (wrong folder 🙂

Sep 18, 2018 7:25 PM

Thank you for highlighting this. It’s terrifying what they are doing to children.

Sep 18, 2018 7:18 PM

Children are vulnerable to propaganda. The BBC seems engaged in various forms of psychological conditioning. BTW, is your “Notify me of new comments via email” feature not working today?

Paul X
Paul X
Sep 18, 2018 7:12 PM

Thank you for bringing this up. Is it part of the liberal agenda to promote identity politics, all the better to split a majority?

Sep 19, 2018 12:30 PM
Reply to  Paul X

It seems to be part of the conservative power elites way of getting liberals to be associated with the made up issues and then tarnishing all liberal democratic politics with it.

They don’t just make it up as they go along you know.

I am waiting for the edifice to be brought down as Esther Rantzen is revealed to be a evil fairy godmother peddling kiddies and protecting the abusers via her child helpline. Any numbers on how many investigations, arrests, trials have originated from the calls made to that number by victims?