Capt. Paul Barril: “We know who killed Alexander Zakharchenko.”
In this interview Captain Paul Barril, ex-GIGN officer and counter-terrorism expert, who was allegedly making plans for a visit to Donetsk to meet its leader, Alexander Zakharchenko, makes some shocking claims about the latter’s murder (translated from the French).
NOTE: we originally published this article last week, but then removed it pending authentication that Barril had spoken the words attributed to him. We’ve recently been sent confirmation that this does indeed come from him. The interviewer has asked for their identity not to be revealed at this time
26 September 2018
INTERVIEWER: Many thanks, Captain Barril for this opportunity. Could you first tell us a few words about your important public service for the French Republic? You were one of the co-founders of GIGN (the elite counter-terrorism unit of the French National Gendarmerie)?
CAPT. BARRIL: Yes indeed, way back in the past, at the very beginning of it’s activity in the 1980s.
INT: You also worked for some French Presidents?
CB: Yes, I worked for President Giscard d’Estaing and President Mitterrand.
INT: This September you were going to meet Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, to share certain information with his protection service. Do you know (or have any idea) who killed him?
CB: I know who killed Alexander Zakharchenko in Donetsk. This was done by the 3rd Special Operations Regiment of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. Training was provided by US instructors at the Khmelnitsky Training Centre, one of their bases in Ukraine.
It is important to understand the context. Donbass is a very sensitive zone, where NATO in engaged in a proxy war against Russia. Ukraine serves as a NATO stooge, but Donetsk is on Russia’s side. The Head of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) Alexander Zakharchenko was pro-Moscow and Putin’s close supporter. You need to know that since 2014 various western intelligence services have been operating in Donbass. In April 2014 the CIA chief John Brennan came to Kiev using a fictitious name to give instructions (for Euromaidan). And now they have CIA instructors over there, Canadians too. They undertake specific action to crush the Donetsk Republic.
INT: Thus, you claim, Canadians, Americans and British are connected with the Ukrainian secret services – with the SBU & Ukraine’s Military Intelligence?
CB: All forces that oppose Russia are now present in Ukraine. Actually, by committing the murder of the Donetsk leader they struck a painful blow to Russia, albeit not directly.
INT: How did they commit this murder?
CB: The murder was undertaken in the “Separ” cafe which is in a very well protected zone in the centre of Donetsk. They hid a tiny smart bomb above the entrance in the lobby, undetected by sniffer dogs. When the leader walked in, the bomb was activated from a long distance and exploded. The blast killed Alexander Zakharchenko and his bodyguard, critically injured a lady and left his deputy, Alexander Tashkent (who was a second target), badly burnt and shell-shocked.
INT: British and Americans, as a rule, use bombs to remove “objectionable” people?
CB: In recent history, during the war in Chechnya US instructors trained terrorists to mount explosives in lamp-post bases. They used the power supply network as an electro-detonator. When the Russian Army and tanks entered the road, the terrorists pushed the button. The explosions would strike Russian equipment and personnel within the radius of a few meters. That caught the Russians off-guard, because those hidden bombs are just not in Russia’s military “DNA”. But they are very much so in America’s.
The CIA and Green Berets have the world’s most advanced boobytraps, and the one in the “Separ” restaurant is a “signature” British or American job.
Even Gaddafi’s explosives’ specialists were trained and armed by former CIA operatives. They helped them to disguise booby traps as lamps, alarm clocks, vases, radios and even ashtrays. So, those who installed the bomb in Donetsk were US-trained, these smart bombs are their signature.
Americans and Brits favour bombs when they want to kill somebody. Obviously, in this case, they also used a local mole who helped the group which actually set the booby trap. So, while France is working within the Normandy Four contact group trying to bring about an end to the civil war in Ukraine, the Anglo-American Deep State foments a new war there.

The bomb was so “smart” and directional, these glasses at the bar remained intact (click for larger image).
INT: Can you provide more details? Did you get this intel from your sources at DGSE (the French external intelligence agency)?
CB: Details are secret, I have said all that I can. But I am still going to Donetsk, where I’ll meet the new Head of the Republic, Mr. Denis Pushilin. We will share all information with Denis Pushilin.
INT: Thank you very much for inviting us, Captain Barril.
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Is Barril suggesting that FUKUS is over?
He appears to so well placed to have abandoned his Establishment.
I should like some independent investigative journalists and bloggers to give their take on him before accepting his view.
Maybe the Frogs and Germs are fed up with UKUS’ interminable confrontation with Russia at the expense of Europe…der….
Dozens of Georgians likely killed by US toxin or bioweapon disguised as drug research – Russian MoD
A US-funded biomedical laboratory in Georgia may have conducted bioweapons research under the guise of a drug test, which claimed the lives of at least 73 subjects, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
The question of what really might have taken place at the secretive US-sponsored research facility hosted by Russia’s southern neighbor was raised by the Russian military on Thursday after they studied files published online by a former Georgian minister.
“The documents showed many lethal outcomes among the patients. Despite the deaths of 24 people in December 2015 alone, the clinical trials were continued in violation of international standards and the wishes of the patients,” Kirillov claimed. “This led to the deaths of 49 more people.”
This is a frightening development. Though not random, or unexpected. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has been reporting on bio-weapons since she exposed “Air NATO” (Azerbaijani Silk Way Airlines – a likely CIA proprietary ‘state-owned’ front) running arms from Baku, into Afghanistan and Syria.
The Richard Lugar in Georgia (unnamed in the RT report, but a likely source, nonetheless) centre is one of a number of Pentagon bio-weapons centres worldwide. We’ve got our very own at Porton Down, who are not averse to experimenting on unwitting military personnel, and the unwitting public (what were DSTL doing on the London Underground over a three year period (2011-14)?)
Anyway, I’ve never been able to piece the whole story together, but I suspect that Dr Kelly’s death is linked to his extensive knowledge of the Pentagon’s program, not some dodgy dossier. Ditto Dr Richard Holmes, and Vladimir Pasechnik. Suffice to say, Salisbury is a dangerous place to be, particularly if you have in depth knowledge of bio-weapons.
The links go back to the AMERITHRAX case, however, the sole source is Gordon Thomas (Kelly’s prospective biographer). I prefer two sources, as an absolute minimum. So, it’s all a bit tenuous, but my gut instinct is that there is a story there – for someone with a very good insurance policy!
Another story for the memory hole. This will never see the light of day in the propaganda bullhorns of the MSM. Most people I know will never hear this story.
Jesus said the truth will set you free. The opposite is lies enslave us. It is up to the individual to save himself. I’m not sure we have time what with the doomsday clock now hitting two minutes to midnight. We live in perilous times.
Tom: every word you said is true, and sadly, the way things are going, our days may be numbered. Since Trump hurled missiles at Syria in April, I have friends who ask me ‘have you built your nuclear bunker yet’? Or ‘Putins a monster, how can you defend him’? Stuff like that. They completely swallow the mainstream propaganda bullshit. These people are all University educated by the way. They just unquestionably accept what they hear on ABC or in The Guardian. What can you do…..
It is surprising that Paul Barril has not been “neutralized” given that he revealed that the Litvenenko assassination was carried out by Western security services and now this revelation about the killing of Zakharchenko.
He has written several books and been interviewed numerous times on French TV. To “neutralize” him would only confirm what he has stated, in my opinion.
Barril’s dentist implanted a smart filling which will explode when he eats caviar.
Didn’t you post this interview a while back?
I was right:
“Cet article est d’abord paru sur le site anglais Off-Guardian avant d’en être retiré. Pression des autorités ?” (This article first appeared on the English site Off-Guardian before being removed. Pressure from the authorities?”
Source: Le capitaine Paul Barril : « Nous savons qui a tué Alexander Zakharchenko. » published on September 30, 2018
Yes – we discuss that in the intro above.
Sorry, I missed that. I spooled down and recognized the text. 🙂
So inured have we become to the official employment of political assassination that none of this is surprising. Like the confessions of the Georgian snipers, employed to kill both demonstrators and policemen in Maidan Square- snipers who were also under US command- none of this will reach the Intelligence Services media.
The implications of these adventures are horrifying- Skripal’s cat, like the ‘lady’ in the cafe and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki are just a few of those sharing the fate of the residents of the apartment block in which Sheikh Yassin lived and died.