What “community standards” did this comment breach? #18
The following comment – posted to twitter by Craig Murray – was censored by The Guardian. Which of the well-publicised CiF “community standards” did they breach?
Removed comment, posted under this live news feed earlier today:
Screen shot of where it used to be:
For those of you unfamiliar with the video Craig linked to, or the story connected with it: In 2017 Joan Ryan MP was secretly recorded having conversations with employees of the Israeli embassy, in which she appeared to be accepting large amounts of money in order to influence other MPs.:
This recording was released as part of the Al Jazeera documentary The Lobby. In the same documentary is this clip where an Israeli embassy employee discusses a plan to “take down” Jeremy Corbyn.
Seven of the eight (so far) Labour defectors were members of the Labour Friends of Israel. Joan Ryan was the chair.
But back to Craig’s comment, and its removal: Which of the Guardian’s “community standards” did it break?
- Does it “misrepresent the Guardian and its journalists”?
- Is it “persistent trolling or mindless abuse”?
- Is it “spam-like”? Or “obviously commercial”?
- Is it “racism, sexism, homophobia or hate-speech”?
- Is it “extremely offensive of threatening?”?
- Is it “flame-wars based on ingrained partisanship or generalisations”?
- Is it not “relevant”?
If none of the above – why was it taken down?
See our archive of censored comments. And if you see any egregious examples of the Guardian censoring its “free” comment sections – email us at [email protected], and send us screen caps if possible
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They are so keen lately at the Guardian to tell readers to learn to breathe properly (and deeply), however, never in the same article, do they mention the worsening air pollution in all urban areas.
They are really on a mission to divert people’s attention towards inane pursuits!
An excellent skewering of the Guardian by Darren Allen.
Stunning take down – compulsory reading in my opinion, especially this; ‘Monbiot and Jones’ absence of integrity then is not so much in what they say (e.g. Monbiot’s shameful smearing of just about every genuine voice on the actual left), but in what they don’t say. On criticism of the ‘left-liberal’ end of the media spectrum, on opposition to criticism of the genuine left (particularly from their own paper), on the propaganda model, the Overton Window and Huxleyan thought-control, on Clinton and Obama (socialist Jones actually endorsed Clinton), on the inherently destructive nature of professionalism, on their own paper maligning Jeremy Corbyn, Nafeez Ahmed and Julian Assange, on the ruinous horror of wage-slavery, on the denial of death, on the reality of the coming collapse, on the inherently reality-warping nature of market-driven journalism — nothing, or next to.’ And this; ‘About forty or fifty years ago, around the same time as women, ‘people of colour’, the disabled, members of the ‘LBGTQ’ community and so on began to gain important social and ethical advances, the middle and upper classes realised, with great moral-delight, that the previously excluded could be put to professional work, in upper management, and that ideological conformity is far more important than racial or sexual equality anyway. Totalitarian corporate organisations and media outlets could then proudly proclaim themselves to be feminist, pro-gay, equal-rights and so-on, coating themselves in a lovely veneer of equality and open-mindedness and appeal to the ‘left-liberal demographic’, while pursuing precisely the same corporate-establishment goals as before – perpetually expand, honour corporate clients and profits above all else, kow-tow to upper and middle-class groupthink, deprive ordinary people of their intellectual, social and aesthetic autonomy in the name of ‘professional’ care, police the eradicated commons and so on. In other words institutions, corporations and elite-run organisations… Read more »
Thanks for the link. A really good article and a very interesting website – now bookmarked! 🙂
It is depressing when seeing a fair, reasonable and extremely relevant writing like Craig Murray’s comment gets censored and removed.
“What “community standards” did this comment breach? #18”
Indeed, why was it removed? Time to give the plebs clear and frank answers. The answer(s) must be published and distributed widely.
Yep, the zionist propaganda machine rolls on and begins to appear in unexpected places. Herewith a choice example.
”There is no doubt that Corbyn’s Labour has a serious anti-Semitism problem, as evidenced by the vile abuse Jewish MP Luciana Berger has received from party members. Under the sway of identity politics, which dictates that what you are counts for more than what you think, left-wing criticism of Israeli and Zionist politics has often descended into outright anti-Semitism, with the Jewish State singled out for condemnation. It is hard to imagine why any Jew would want to support Labour.”
I like it. ”left wing criticism has often descended to outright anti-semitism, with the Jewish state singled out for condemnatation.’
Yes, unfair to Israel who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Of course when the IDF gets in some target practice on Palestinian kids, that doesn’t count, and anyone who suggests that it is responsible for crimes against humanity is – what for it – an anti-semite! Yes, Palestian kids approach the borders of Israel armed with deadly kites and balloons pose an existential threat to Israel’s security.
It leaves one speechless.
Mick Hume, Spiked 19/02/19
The BBC seems to be even worse than the Guardian. I was listening to Yesterday in Parliament this morning and even though we are five weeks to a No Deal Brexit, the entire slot was about ‘anti-semitism’. To be followed by – yes, you’ve guessed it – a piece about antisemitism in France.
These people have seriously lost the plot – or else are deliberately trying to antagonise the British public
The whole concept of community standards at the Guardian is risible. What community are they now referring to? Comment is free does not exist anymore; what is left of it is mere tokenism. Their funding strategy is purely a business model based on deception.
Rushbridger was ousted because of the Snowden revelations and Viner whose background is in trivia journalism and lightweight lifestyle puff pieces opposed his bid to be chair of the board following this. If you can [bear it] read this:
And if you can hold back the vomit you will see that her role has been to turn the Guardian into an in-house publication for the Integrity Initiative which is more desperately needed now as their cover has been well and truly blown.
She describes the current trajectory of the organ as “a pioneering business model” and it’s community is its readers, so we can safely assume that means NOT commentators or a CIF community. So when you read “contributions” you understand it means cash, not comment!
The current strap line for their funding model is both patronising and odious ” Free for those who can’t afford it. Supported by those who can.” Which clearly harks back to her privileged upbringing at Ripon Grammar…
Govern/ment means rule of the mind and the Jewish lobby has control of the government.
Joan Ryan is in BIG trouble…
The truth is anti-semitic. Even pointing out that the truth is anti-semitic is anti-semitic.
Zionist under your bed; Zionist inside your head; get treatment.
Or are Jews REALLY the Chosen People and can do Kabbalah with their few numbers?
The status quo.
Revered by the quislings.
re Atzmon and the blockheads actually he did play with the blockheads dressed as Father Christmas.
What leaves me scratching my head is why nobody challenges them to produce a single scrap of evidence to validate their claims? Joan Ryan is a dangerous and pathological manipulator of reality as was revealed in The Israel Lobby.
If these MP’s are so thoroughly and completely convinced that institutional antisemitism exists in the Labour Party and that Jeremy Corbyn is himself an antisemite, then, please, for the good of the country and political system, provide evidence that would stand the same scrutiny as if it was being presented in a court of law.
Our legal and judicial system does not, and should not, rest on conjecture and hearsay, particularly by those who are under the influence of a foreign power!!
Meant as a reply to Haltonbrat.
In today’s Indie:
“Labour MP Joan Ryann joined seven other colleagues including Chuka Umunna and Luciana Berger in leaving the Labour Party to the new grouping.
The former minister and chair of Labour Friends of Israel said that Jeremy Corbyn was not fit to be prime minister, adding the party had become “infected with the scourge of anti-Semitism” under his leadership.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme following her announcement, she said: “[Mr Corbyn] has introduced or allowed to happen in our party this scourge of anti-Semitism.”
Says it all doesn’t it?
Of course it was taken down. Suggesting Israel might have done something wrong? definitely a no-no. Can’t have that.
The Guardian of Zion
“Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by Israel!” – hate speech or reasonable proposition?
Apparently said by Derek Hatton ……. 7 years ago.
Needless to say he was immediately suspended from Labour, a party now devouring itself because of levels of antisemitism not seen since kristallnacht (if we believe the endless litany of accusations from the Blairite wing).
Despite human rights abuses derogatory remarks about the neocon axis is off-limits and I suspect it is only a matter of time before people are accused of hate speech should they challenge the wisdom of military operations in Venezuela, the Ukraine, Syria or any other theatre where abuses might be constrained by any form of meaningful scrutiny.
Are there some things we’re not allowed to talk about in the ££UK?
Again. Re. criminal behaviour of “MP”.
Instead of a trolling thumbs down, would anyone care to discuss the shilling combination of virtue-signalling whilst censoring comment on his own website (Craig? Anyone?) ?
Or is our attention diverted by a greedy, warmongering not fit for purpose “MP”; also the child abusing, Racist Tory psychopath in the £HO?
Wood for the trees and all that.
Molloy – I accidentally upvoted your comment. An egregious error on my part. In my defence, I was momentarily discombobulated by your use of the term ”virtue-signalling.” I honestly had no idea that people still used it.
I found a place to comment on the Goniad today – football, of course. So I did my bit for the day and duly commented:
“For what it’s worth, I’ll consider supporting the Guardian when they allow comments on controversial topics again.
This fear that someone might see through their political smokescreens and make a critical comment has gone beyond a joke.
Only sarcasm can make a point sometimes, so here I am, trying to remind the Graun that its readers actually know a thing or two.
Now, back to sport.”
(Okay, I lied about supporting the Guardian)
Here’s a puzzle for you.
The Russians are so cunningly smart that before the last Presidential election seventeen US Security Agencies fail to spot them destroying the American democracy by infiltrating every very nook and cranny of every US institution, and virtually single handedly elect the Donald.
The Russians are so amazingly stupid that they use Novichok to poison a man in Britain they could have finished off on many an occasion when he was in their custody, do so few days before the Russian Presidential election, and few weeks before the World Cup (only to be ‘rewarded’ by the democratic West with more sanctions).
Are these the same Russians?
If everybody were as logical as you all this russians-are-coming-help-help shit would have vanished before it even started.
All on a budget similar to Italy’s
So clever are the evil putinbots they can influence the US presidential election with Facebook posts that ran AFTER the election! Is there no end to their cunning?
The saddest part about the Graunds love affair with the zionist extremist, rogue apartheid state of Israel is that it is offensive to many decent Jews in this country who have to live with the consequences of people conflating criticism of Jeremy Corbyn who are claiming to be Jewish(as opposed to being zionist radicalised extremists)with genuine Jews of the real faith of Judaism. Many of these British Jews are fully aware that the wealthy Zionists funded Hitler’s rise to power in exchange for being allowed to leave Germany with their family and wealth leaving “ordinary” Jews who did not support Zionism to suffer the horrific consequences. Furthermore, when a brave Rabbi managed to secure a deal with Hitler for release of the Jews left behind for more funding, the Zionist Lobby refused to cough up any of the donated cash and told him “their deaths will serve the (zionist) cause” I can’t imagine a more heinous attitude to the plight of those Jews left behind or the response the Rabbi related to them from the Zionist traitors when they were given an opportunity to leave. It must be quite dreadful to have the Guardian trashing and dishonouring the many Jews who died by it’s obvious devotion to the lie and more importantly, the truth, it is determined to conceal. As a consequence of people confusing the issue which the Graund has managed to bury, regarding the dysfunctional and unrepresentative Israeli state, too many people still cannot differentiate between being a Jew and being a pro Israeli Zionist as if the two were still somehow related and that is why Israel’s murderous and thieving activities are the reason anti-Semitism is, to some degree, more prevelant(criticism of Israel’s apartheid regime is NOT anti-Semitism)and more people want to see the “Jews” punished for… Read more »
Well Murray has wiped out all of mine Stalin / Guardian style clean off, never existed.
He is not as innocent as he pretends……
“Murray has wiped out all of [my comments] Stalin / Guardian style clean off, never existed.
He is not as innocent as he pretends……”
Don’t worry, darling. We all know you‘re not as guilty as you pretend, so it’s a fair swap.
I would like to read more about this … especially the part in quotation makes about their deaths serving Zionism.
RE: “Many of these British Jews are fully aware that the wealthy Zionists funded Hitler’s rise to power in exchange for being allowed to leave Germany with their family and wealth leaving “ordinary” Jews who did not support Zionism to suffer the horrific consequences. Furthermore, when a brave Rabbi managed to secure a deal with Hitler for release of the Jews left behind for more funding, the Zionist Lobby refused to cough up any of the donated cash and told him “their deaths will serve the (zionist) cause”
Actually the “brave rabbi” was not a rabbi at all but a Hungarian Jewish journalist called Rudolf Kastner (Kasztner in Hungarian).
Kastner made a deal with Adolf Eichmann to rescue x number of Hungarian Jewish people at the expense of others from the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex. I think at the time Kastner was working for the Jewish Agency in Istanbul that acted as an embassy for the Zionist movement in Palestine. The dilemma for Kastner was that the Jewish Agency was not interested in helping Kastner rescue people who were not fully supportive of Zionism and who might not want to settle in Palestine.
In the end Kastner saved a smaller number of Hungarian Jews than he hoped for and most of those were wealthy people who could buy their freedom.
For his pains, Kastner was accused of being a Nazi collaborator and was found guilty as such in a later trial in Israel. He was shot dead in Israel in 1957 by hitmen who believed he had betrayed his people.
When the Guardian’s opinion monitors asked in homage to Big Brother – “how many fingers it was holding up” – Mr. Murray gave the “accurate” answer, which of course was the “right” answer, but, uh, also the “wrong” answer precisely “because” it was the “right” answer. As P.C. Roberts has observed: “reality itself has become a – ‘conspiracy theory.'”
It’s been known for some time now, that reality is anti-semitic. It’s a basic structural property of the universe.
Reality is also anti-Danish, anti-musician, anti-politics and anti-Catholic.
I fear this will get us nowhere…
Say it – reality is anti-matter!
Asked why they voted with the government on a no-confidence motion just a few weeks ago, Soubry says: “The last thing this country wants or needs is a general election.”
It is a coup – pure and simple – we are NOT to be ALLOWED a general election.
How dare she tell us our vote is not NEEDED as they rearrange Parliament?
One million for a few candidates? Kids play compared to the Arab princes and kings who spend billions in London buying everything including candidates and new voters. Just see the population numbers in the UK: number of Muslims rapidly increasing, number of Jewish people going down from little to near nothing.
But you still agree that a spy captured paying a member of parliament should be charged under espionage laws, right? Just as we would expect a Russian, American, or a Saudi.
You surely agree that it is wrong of the Guardian to remove such important information from its comments section?
Corruption, whoever is responsible or guilty of it, is plain wrong.
97 cents worth of Russian advertisements were enough for endless hysterical US investigations.
£1 million will buy a lot of these 30 shekel whores. They come cheap.
Churchill was bought with the equivalent of £1 million in today’s money when he lost all his money in the 1929 Wall Street Crash. He was in the pocket of Zionist interests as their best shabbos goy ever afterwards.
Hitler todies keep smearing Churchill’s WWII legacy till today, like the family of Amin al-Husseini from Jerusalem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini or the offspring of part of the British Establishment https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-british-high-society-fell-in-love-with-the-nazis
@ Antonym. Lets have a bit of balance here eh?
Show me where the Muslims are screaming anti semite every time their Mosques and homes are damaged? And their women spat at in the streets DAILY! Then show me the Palestinian lobbyists offering to take down our Democratically Elected Politicians.
My problem is that this video was exposed TWO YEARS AGO and the guy supposedly was removed? So who is now in his place – spewing the poison and keeping up the ”anti semite” tropes. I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about it. There are more disabled people abused every day than any jew. WHERE are those headlines?
We have been had over a barrel for 70 years now, blackmailed into silence with the holohoax and their 6,000,000.
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.
Billions in compensation has been paid. And a very lucrative business has been built on the back of this.
And why can’t we read books that have researched this?
It is time that this subject was opened up, discussed in detail, and put to rest once and for all….
Tell me what I am not allowed to know, and I will definitely investigate why, and what is being concealed……
Muslims are being preached antisemitism quite frequently inside mosques in Arab, Turkish or other foreign languages you don’t understand from their koran. Outside it is they who spit on Western dressed girls.
Palestinians are Arabs just like the Saudis, the ones who are bribing the West into importing loads more Muslims.
That was a million to spend corrupting the membership of the Labour party. An enormous expenditure that would almost certainly have been used to make large bribes to key individuals.
This is an entirely different matter than campaign financing and, in every sense, including Israeli law, illegal.
I live in Italy where the problem of political anti semitism doesn’t exist or is sometimes a minor temporary problem.
Why does it seem such a powerful problem in Great Britain.?
it isn’t. it’s the corrupt bought & paid for uk media and politicians who present it as being the case. it’s a pile of horseshit.
It isn’t.
There is no evidence in police records.
‘I live in Italy where the problem of political anti semitism doesn’t exist or is sometimes a minor temporary problem. Why does it seem such a powerful problem in Great Britain?’ – I’ve tried to answer that question myself.
According to the MSM the level of antisemitism in Corbyn’s Labour is more or less on par with a busy SS Einsatzgruppen conducting operations in the Bloodlands of Eastern Europe while on the other hand it is virtually impossible to find any examples of antisemitism amongst the landed gentry or higher echelons of the tory party.
Senior tory figures dressed in nazi uniforms are just having a bit of fun according to off-shore media barons who control so much of our cultural discourse.
There may be a flaw in the theory but so far I haven’t been able to work it out.
Because you probably don’t have any prospective leaders like Corbyn who support Israel and cannot be corrupted.
Sorry, misplaced this reply.
It doesn’t exist here either Lynette only in the minds of the Jewish Lobby who will move heaven and earth to stop us objecting to what ISRAEL HAS DONE TO THE PALESTINIANS. But it is going to backfire on them because now people are beginning to investigate WHY they are so evil, and what is their problem.
I have friends who are Jews who are baffled by the increase in anti Semitism, because neither they, their children nor their grandchildren have EVER been the recipient of any abuse at all, and believe as do I that it is the behaviour of Israel toward Palestine that started the criticisms, and the cynical witch hunting of pro Palestine politicians by the Jewish lobby that is creating problems
I meant ”are baffled by the ”alleged” anti-semitism.”
I had an amusing little exchange recently after I’d responded in mocking fashion to a BTL comment at the Guardian which claimed that ”Russian bots destroyed democracy” in Britain by influencing the Brexit referendum. I sat back and laughed as I was rounded on and called ”a dim man”, ”a halfwit” and ”a troll” by various readers. I was also told (by someone who said they admired ”the quality journalism of the Guardian”) that I had my head in the sand and was unable to accept the truth when confronted with it. That part REALLY made me laugh.
Another thing that cracks me up is the message that sometimes pops up which explains the importance of the Guardian in the quest for truth. It’s difficult to imagine anything more self-aggrandising, pompous and deluded.
The problem is, of course, that so many people take their cues from that miserable and sinister excuse for a newspaper. Some people’s gullibility seems to have no limits.
Remember being surprised about 15 years ago to see a headline in the Guardian that there were no such things as Jewish pressure groups. That started me thinking.
Incidentally who among the owners has the most influence?
I just had this removed on the same feed :- Jeremy Corbyn, the anti semite 😨 1. In October 1936, Jeremy Corbyn’s mother participated in the battle of Cable Street indefence of British Jews after British fascists had staged an assault on the area. Corbyn was raised in a household passionately opposed to antisemitism in all its forms. 2. In 23rd April 1977, Corbyn organised a counter-demonstrationto protect Wood Green from a neo-nazi march through the district. The area had a significant Jewish population. 3. On 7 November 1990, Corbyn signed a motion condemning the rise of antisemitism in the UK 4. In 2002 Jeremy Corbyn led a clean-up and vigil at Finsbury Park Synagogue which had been vandalised in an anti-Semitic attack 5. On 30 April 2002, Corbyn tabled a motion in the House of Commons condemning ananti-Semitic attackon a London Synagogue 6. On 26 November 2003, Jeremy Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion condemningterrorist attacks on two synagogues 7. In February 2009, Jeremy Corbyn signed a parliamentary motion condemning a fascist for establishing a website to host antisemitic materials 8. On 24th March 2009, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising British Jews who resisted the Holocaust by risking their lives to save potential victims 9. Nine years ago, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising “Jewish News”for its pioneering investigation into the spread ofAntisemitism on Facebook 10. On 9 February 2010, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion calling for an investigation into Facebook and its failure to prevent the spread of antisemitic materials on its site. 11. On 27 October 2010, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising the late Israeli Prime Minister for pursuing a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine question. 12. On 13 June 2012, Corbyn sponsored and signed a motion condemning the BBC for cutting a Jewish Community… Read more »
& the BBC. 21. On 28 February 2016, five months after becoming leader, Jeremy Corbyn appointed Baroness Royall to investigate antisemitism at Oxford University Labour Club. 22. On 27 April 2016 Corbyn suspended an MP pending an investigation into antisemitism. 23. A day later, Corbyn suspended the three times Mayor of London after complaints of antisemitic comments. Party. 24. On 29 April 2016, Corbyn launched an inquiry into the prevalence of antisemitism in the Labour Party. In spite of later changes in how the inquiry was reported, it was initially praised by Jewish community organisations. 25. In Corbyn’s first seven months as leader of the Labour Party, just ten complaints were received about antisemitism. 90% of those were suspended from the Labour Party within 24 hours. 26. In September 2017, Corbyn backed a motion at Labour’s annual conference introducing a new set of rules regarding antisemitism. 27. In the six months that followed the introduction of the new code of conduct, to March 2018, 94% of the fifty-four people accused of antisemitism remained suspended or barred from Labour Party membership. Three of the fifty-four were exonerated. 28. When Jennie Formby became general secretary of the party last year, she appointed a highly-qualified in-house Counsel, as recommended in the Chakrabarti Report. 29. In 2018, Labour almost doubled the size of its staff team handling investigations and dispute processes. 30. Last year, to speed up the handling of antisemitism cases, smaller panels of 3-5 NEC members were established to enable cases to be heard more quickly. 31. Since 2018, every complaint made about antisemitism is allocated its own independent specialist barrister to ensure due process is followed. 32. The entire backlog of cases outstanding upon Jennie Formby becoming General Secretary of the Labour Party was cleared within 6 months of Jennie taking… Read more »
Well done for your efforts. That kind of post would have had an intern in tears over at the Guardian.
With a member of staff offering comfort, saying, “There, there, what’s the problem?”, and the intern replies, “Someone just posted some facts!!”
Unfortunately, they’re ‘hate facts’. 😀 😀
In December 2018, the Labour council in Islington banned Gilad Atzmon, a former Israeli, philosopher, musician and supporter of Palestine in his books and writing, from playing his saxophone with the Blockheads in Islington. They spent £136,000 of taxpayers’ money in the process. The ban came after a complain from a director of Likud regarding apparent antisemitism by Atzmon. The Councillors claim that they were not responsible and that the decision to ban was made by the Finance department. A petition was raised gaining thousands of signatures including Williamson MP, who later removed his signature saying that he did not know that Atzmon was ab antiisemite. Apparently an unnamed spokesman in the Labour party said that Atzmon was an extreme ant-semite. Where was the MP for North Islington when this was happening? Why have Labour accepted the full IHRA definition which will mean that any right thinking person is an antisemite. This definition has been accepted by UK governent, including the police. Has anybody in the UK been charged under the IHRA definition or is it just there to scare people from criticising Israel? It seems that the Labour party has given in to the zionists attacking Labour and Corbyn, maybe to make life easier. But it is not making life easier for Labour members who are accused; perhaps they should sue Labour as Ken Livinstone threatened to do? Livingstone’s threat resulted in his charge being changed to “Bringing the party into disrepute” Then the Labour party were in no hurry to go ahead with the charge so he resigned to save embarrassment for the party. Who could have any confidence in such a cowardly political party. One MP has said that 600+ members have been cited, including 200 by her alone and that there must be many more. Why… Read more »
The Blockheads could’ve shown their punk credentials by smuggling Atzmon into the building regardless and have him come on at the end for an encore of Hit Me With Your Rhytmn Stick, which was his star turn with the band, as I recall.
Would’ve been well worth getting banned by Islington Council for.
But he played anyway! lol. So Islington wasted all that money for nothing….
Labour accepted the IHRA definition ‘with caveats.,’ just to be clear.
Williamson MP?
Who is that?
i *love* a good list. bravo!
Instead of the relentless clarion bleating of “anti-semitism” as a way of keeping political threats on the back foot, let’s see some evidence that it is playing role in minimizing the income of Jews, of impeding their professional aspirations, or of hampering promotions. They seem to be thriving by any measure. How many Jews have been murdered compared to Muslims? Geordies? If no good evidence exists, there are surely much more important issues to deal with in our society. Child abuse for one. It is finally time to challenge the unverified meretricious claims of ever increasing Anti-semitism. And those who lost parents or grandparents in WWII find the popular trend among Jews to describe themselves as grandchildren of Holocaust “survivors” tiresome and inappropriate, when speaking to people whose ancestors did not survive.
‘Does it “misrepresent the Guardian and its journalists”?’ – what the fuck does this even mean; political reality is now defined by journos who can’t even get basic facts right?https://www.globalresearch.ca/what-is-the-guardian-afraid-of-when-attacking-honest-syria-reporters/5623451
Needless to say the Guardian has been at the forefront of pushing the antisemitism trope as a means of deflecting criticism from the burgeoning extremism of the neocon axis.
The Guardian used this rule, in an email to me, against one of my posts when I said that several of the guardian reporters were related to establishment figures. This is actually true – so any misrepresentation was, presumably, a guilty conscience?
How very helpful. It demonstrates the utter moral bankruptcy of the Fraudian. It could be argued that it is no longer necessary to point this out, it is just too obvious and maybe even well known enough? Nah, I just heard someone yesterday say “even a left wing rag like the Guardian” – as if! Rag, yes.
(sighing)… the same obnoxious “elite” censorship as used by Craig on his own site.
When I politely pointed this out to Craig his response was gaslighting and undermining; also ad hominem attacks. Very spooky.
Occam’s razor = one establishment shill/useful idiot virtue-signalling to another establishment shill.
I will be posting the documents re undermining i.e. false justification of censorship on tw****r
Conclusion… Gurn = rotten/corrupt.
Craig = rather opaque “curate’s egg” rather pompous = rather suspicious.
Hey ho!
what does that have to do with the fact that this woman was caught on camera being bribed by the very same people directing this nonsense anti-semitism hysteria?
Simply… integrity is not a sliding scale.
(1) Murray complains (accurately; well done him too) re Gurn elite censorship re Israeli spy.
(2) Murray himself (or his GCHQ helpers; I’ve spoken to them) – deliberately or otherwise – censors perfectly accurate comments re WMD’s & re fake democracy on his own “Craig Murray” site.
(3) Occam’s / discourse analysis (elephant in the room whatever)… suggests at least two useful idiots enthralled by their own status and self-importance within the UK “establishment”, 1% telling the rest what to do, call it what you like = divisiveness and distraction.
i.e. blame the shop assistants, so-called MP’s, for the venality and greed of the shop owners.
Sotto voce…
(Little do I care… I posted a comment about the smoke and mirrors of fake democracy at 0042 this morning. Lo and behold and shiver my timbers, that fake dem comment was in fact deleted by… Murray.)
“. . .the majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power.
To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth – even the truth of their own lives.
What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed.
Instead of a trolling thumbs down, would anyone care to discuss the shilling combination of virtue-signalling whilst censoring comment on his own website (Craig? Anyone?) ? Or is our attention diverted by a greedy, warmongering not fit for purpose “MP” ?
I was the uptick. Just like ex CIA “isn’t allowed”, ex-Establishment isn’t either.
Oops… my bad, as the colonials say!!
Memo to self, must make more effort not to step on the totalitarian vipers’ nest.
Errmmm… The Woman Caught On Camera Is A Product Of Fake-Democracy, The Rigged System.
Does this help you?
Apologies, that reply intended for “Yarkob”.
Hope it helps.
Yep. Par the course.
Not only does the Guardian restrict the number of articles open to comments, those open to comments are often puff or lifestyle pieces. They even employ ‘pre-moderation’ on some articles that they consider ‘delicate’ (you can tell an awful lot about that rag’s ethos by the subjects of these ‘delicate’ articles).
So, comment all you like about women’s vaginas but may the gods spare you if you wanted to comment on industrial policy, Politics (except Brexit, of course), Foreign policy, Palestine, and the range of foreign wars and interventions this country supports.
Kath Viner is probably the worst editor ever in the Guardian’s history. And that’s saying something.
She was also, I believe, the first ever elected by staff, and that tells you something too. Although, to be fair, her opponent was Freedland.
A Hobsons choice for the staff suffering Stockholm Syndrome.
I actually think Matt D’onkey has plenty of editorial control, just as he does at the Standard.
The msm s daily more openly co-ordinated. Just like the BBC and LBC as proved by the egregious performance of Jack (paymee) Straw and Eddie (Shady) Mair yesterday.
But Freedland’s slimy hand is ubiquitous in today’s Guardian and I can’t see much, if anything, that suggests the Fraud is any different than it would be under Freeland. Neocon to its evil core, all the pro-Israeli news that fit to print (everything that is) and jingoistic neo-American drum-beating for war and invasion, of real or imagined enemies of Israel. Their offices might as well move to Tel Aviv.
Now that’s quite anti-semitic. You should know better. It’s ‘Jerusalem’. Denying Jerusalem is a serious offense. On the other hand, it might be ‘Jerusalam’ on the first place, since it belongs to the Arab speaking Semites. On second thought, ‘Salam’ is Arabic for ‘Peace’ and that is a No-No. So they changed it to Jerusalem. But it still has the USA in it.
When and why has life become so complicated?…
‘Their offices might as well move to Tel Aviv’
I think it is Jerusalem now!
Elected by MI6, more like!
Apparently…. the reply/comment below addressing Reality was blocked/deleted (my email cannot find it?!)
The comment via my email was this (my adjusted by accurate ££ signs)…
“in response to bevin:
She was also, I believe, the first ever elected by staff, and that tells you something too. Although, to be fair, her opponent was Freedland.
Elected by ££MI6, more like! ”
Anyone remember receiving this via email from OG?? Thanks.
The ‘vagina’ thing seems to be a “laugh at the reader” challenge to see how many ‘rude’ words they can put on the e-front page. Over the last six months, they have used all the scatological words, the ‘f’ word (they used clusterfuck); male anatomy, and now they are working through the female anatomy – today’s offering being clitoris. They also seem to be seeing how much ‘nudity’ and ‘sex’ they can show, through art, of course.
We used to do this in the presentations when I worked for a computer company. We would give each other phrases which had to be woven into the presentation given to customers – alcoholic rewards, obviously.
Watch. See how many other of these words they use over the next few weeks.
Have they arrived at ‘rectum’, yet? That would be so fitting and actually a very Freudian Slippah.
Once in the long distant past the Manchester Guardian as it was once called, under the stewardship of one C.P.Scott, took a brave stand against the British war against the Boers in South Africa (1899-1902). For his brave stand Scott’s home was attacked by jingoistic mobs as were the offices of the paper. He and his family needed police protection. ‘Facts are Sacred’
Compare this to today’s Guardian and its editorship and political stance. We no longer have a media worthy of the name. We have a state media outlet – the BBC – and a private media which has become an outsourced channel of propaganda for the Anglo-Zionist elites.