News and Propaganda by Omission: The Suppression of a Major Spy Study
Edward Curtin

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
George Orwell – Animal Farm
While there is much talk these days about “fake news” and an enormous amount of claptrap following the collapse of so-called Russiagate, omitting important news is perhaps as widespread and egregiously harmful to an informed public.
The following report tries to remedy the way the mainstream media (MSM) have for years ignored one of the oddest but more important news stories of the last sixty years. I will call it Pig-gate for short, and will try to explain it in language less abstruse than the MSM’s obfuscating explanations for so much. Its implications are momentous, especially in the light of the exponential growth of spying and the loss of privacy. There are eyes everywhere these days. That we are being watched is beyond dispute; but by whom and why? We know our electronic devices are watching us. What kind of pigs would peep at us through omnipresent small eyes meant to intimidate us? This is the real story that the mainstream media have failed to address. Their failure to do so is truly laughable.
So let me tell it to you straight.
Extensive scientific research over fifty years has concluded that pigs that stink and grow larger as they age have small eyes and tend to stare at people. I have previously reported on these startling studies, but they have been met with a blind eye. Researchers across the world continue to replicate and confirm the findings of the original research done in 1953 in Kansas by Dr. Wilfred Jeffred Eftie. Yet the mainstream media, as is their wont, keep failing to report these extraordinary studies or slight them as worse than fake news. Averting one’s gaze from their import won’t make them disappear. Surveilling pigs may not be obvious, but the fact that they’re not makes them triply dangerous.
While seemingly insignificant on the face of it, these replicated studies in abnormal autology have led to new insights into our osmological understanding of the place of egoism in political life. The epistemology of egoism has long perplexed scientists, but Eftie’s brilliant counterintuitive insights have led to some major breakthroughs. However, the story of Eftie’s original discovery, ignored for years, deserves renewed attention. But I will get to that in due course. It is best to proceed backwards. Looking back will allow us to see if we have learned anything from the past and if something is gaining on us.
So let’s first take a look at a few of the significant follow-up studies that have added so much to our understanding of human animal behavior. It’s surely an understatement to say that in the world of science we stand on the shoulders of giants such as Eftie. It allows us to see so far.
One study that was replicated 789 times found that small eyes in humans tended to result in marked elevations of dopamine and diminished activity in the frontal cortex, the same results that were found in pigs. When translated into the political arena, researchers found that politicians with small eyes tend to stare at people as a power tactic, and such body language is
correlated with a tendency for them to grow larger as they age – i.e. get fat. Their small-eyed stares seem to intensify the power differential between them and those stared at, but this was not conclusively proven. Not yet, at least.
Unlike the pig studies from which this research emanated, no correlation was found to body odor. However, one eminent New York City based researcher, Dr. Wilbur Shoat, made the startling discovery that smell is very subjective, and therefore in the human samples an intervening variable, such as the number and consistency of nose hairs, may be a factor.
Shoat did find a possible link that demands further study: In the politicians and celebrities that comprised his sample – seemingly different from the original pigs – there was a significant probability that the sulfuric whiff they gave off came from their mouths when they talked, unlike the small-eyed fat pigs that stank all over; that, at least, was what some researchers felt they smelled when working with pigs. Ironically, pigs have an acute sense of smell far superior to that of humans, which may explain why non-scientists might think otherwise. Then again, it may not.
But Dr. Shoat, coming from a long line of swine scientists, had presciently hypothesized that finding, though common sense would have us expect the exact opposite. But then again, common sense often over-exaggerates its ability to grasp the nuances of science and understand its processes. Perhaps this is because so much science reporting is written in jargon-filled prose and not clear, non-redundant language understandable to the average normal person. Unlike today, reporters and doctors once wrote clearly, as the following quote from Dr. Eftie exemplifies.
In one of his follow-up studies, Dr. Eftie put it this way:
Without resorting to value judgemnets, it is the intent of this research project to substantiate an empirical relationship between the small size of the medium swine eye (as intensified through the pig smell/eyelid blink factor) on the one hand, and resulting intrafamily behavioral oddness on the other…
…Animals in the control group progressed, without exception, from small to large size as they matured, thus creating the impression that they could both see more and take increasingly decisive action in response to visual stimuli.
An ingenious researcher, Dr. Edward Edwards, an amphigorologist known for his deterministic determining twin studies, took the small-eyed pig studies and applied their methodology to self-promotion among well-known people – i.e. celebrities.
He reviewed thirty-five books they had written, including autobiographies and political memoirs, and concluded that those with the smallest eyes (based on optical scans of book jacket photos) tended to have the largest egos. While his sample size was admittedly small, so were their eyes, and he thought intensity of gaze was more important than size.
He reported that in a eureka moment he realized that they all seemed to be looking intensely at him. What his subjects had in common – aside from money and having been mentioned in the gossip columns – was that they considered themselves to be “somebodies” (his term, based on their notorious egocentricity). As a good researcher does, he operationalized the term “somebody” to mean “not nobody,” making sure to be precise. What else, if anything, a “somebody” is he left hanging until his follow-up study when he plans to interview the thirty-five and ask them. He expects they will gladly answer, and that those answers will buttress his empirical findings.
Sadly, the first pigs observed by Dr. Eftie are long deceased. They stare no more. Absurd as it may sound, we owe them a great debt. Since a pig’s life is a brief prologue to bacon in a country devoted to devouring the evidence of its crimes, most researchers have had to study the children and grandchildren of Eftie’s pigs. But their offspring have flourished – thank God for that. Pigs seem to reproduce rapidly and in great numbers, and researchers today have a wide assortment to choose from – across species.
One of the most intriguing aspects of all this ground-breaking research is how it sheds light on the need to replicate studies and repeat inconvenient truths that people wish to avoid.
Repetition, repetition, repetition – that’s the key – a sine qua non of the scientific method and the best news fit to print, as Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew and mentor to a certain German leader, instructed our finest opinion leaders.
Of course the news of Dr. Eftie’s important work can’t be repeated by the mainstream media since they have never reported it. Their focus on fake news reporting has diverted our attention from this censorship by omission. One might reasonably conclude they have no interest in autology or pig gazing, and that is a god-damned shame. You can see I’m getting emotional, but the findings about pigs reported here need wide and ceaseless publicity, and we depend on our mainstream media to do that. Keep hammering the same point; that way truth will emerge. People need to hear things repeated before they sink in.
Not just the research into political pigs with small eyes and big egos, but what they say, and what we say about what they say, and what the media repeats about what they think about what they say.
We need the straight truth, and I think that if we compulsively repeat ourselves, we will be marching toward the light. I am sure of that. But it takes perseverance. If we stick to our guns, remain humble, and keep repeating ourselves, this writer believes we will perhaps discover that even pigs with large eyes stare at people. That may be shocking, but it should wake people up.
After all, Dr. Eftie’s dazzling insights had humble beginnings, but he kept after it. The roots of his genius lie in his childhood, as his first observational study makes clear. He was a brilliant and precocious child. When he was seven years old and just starting the second grade, his teacher, Mrs. Schmidt, had the original idea of having her students write about what they did on their summer vacation. Wilfred’s scholarly career began with that essay. Here it is:
My Sumer Vacation
by Wilfred E 2A
I spent too to weeks all sumer at my Granpa Efties on a farm in Conzu Canz Canzus. i saw many pigs their. Sum of the pigs saw me too two. With there tiny eeis eyes. The Big pigs were very big.
While this childish writing is humorous, it became the inspiration for Dr. Eftie’s scientific breakthrough years later. In 1973, the writer Tom Koch wrote a fascinating article describing Eftie’s step-by-step maturation on his way to his Ph.D.* It reads like a case study of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development or Dr. Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance (DABDA); I forget which. Scholars from across the disciplines should study it since they tend to like stages.
But little news since has been devoted to the advances made by Doctors Shoat and Edwards in their follow-up studies. After all, studies replicated 789 times demand attention, especially considering their findings. It is hoped that this update will convince the skeptical that there is more truth in a pig’s eye than seems to be the case. News like this is often overlooked by the mainstream media that prefers what they call “real news.” It behooves us to stand with Dr.Eftie and the importance of his insights into pigs, especially those with small eyes, since they are looking at us.
The surveillance state has arrived.
*Dr. Eftie’s lifetime work, including “My Sumer Vacation,” is comprehensively presented by Tom Koch in the April 1973 issue of Mad magazine, perhaps this country’s finest research journal.
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Fair enuff LOL, ROFLMAo etc, but of course the issue Curtin raises is a genuine one. Probably the worst example of media either ignoring or glossing over a subject that cannot be completely ignored occurs with stories concerning Africa.
This morning’s al Jazeera news informed us that people were being driven off their lands in Niger by ‘cattle rustlers’ at least I think it was Niger today. Anyone who studies news out of North Africa and I’m sorry to say I rarely do will be aware that Mali, Niger, Kenya, and Nigeria are all enduring ‘unexpected raids’ by mysterious cattle thieves who are well armed, extremely mobile and appear in large number. Check it out yerself rather than follow links I prepared earlier and you will be horrified at the number, frequency and large geographic area these attacks have been occurring over for the last 6 to 9 months.
All these raids which began against nomadic Tuareg but now include raids against settled rural villages of farmers, have one common effect. They drive humans of land their families have lived on for centuries. So?
Well, since the birth of the US interfering empire building Africom it has become apparent that one of the primary objects of Africom has been to ‘liberate’ sub-Saharan Africa from those interferring sovereign entities known as nations. A plan is afoot to greatly ruduce immediate sub-Saharan Africa’s population, driving the people into huge urban areas, mega cities then use the now ’empty’ land to develop huge agricu7ltural enterprises free of the requirement to grow food crops for locals.
African politicians have been bribed blackmailed and bullied into going along with this foul scheme, I strongly suspect the Gates Foundation as being the bagmen while US advisors train Africans who have no tribal or familial links to the farmers being driven out. In addition regular US troops are used to secure high value targets such as uranium prospects in Niger.
There has been some resistance from determined locals and/or mining corporations who were left out of the initial divy up but this has been dealt with by dubbing any resistance as “Boko Haram’ a somewhat memorable label which humans in developed countries are meant to reject immediately because “They’re linked to al Qaeda aren’t they?” Yet unlike the US military there are no examples of even genuine elements of Boko Haram co-ordinating operations with AQ.
I don’t know but I do know that there is a real dearth of english language media investigating what is happening in the region and the francophone media failed to cover themselves in glory when France organised a regime change in Gambia.
At the time the world was told this was neccessary because the bloke in charge had been committing atrocities ‘on his own people’. There has been little evidence of such other than the usual, that is seperating members of the regime before Jammu from their earners at the beginning of Jammeh’s reign.
There has been little substantive evidence of crime by the old regime who had dubbed the ICC “‘International Caucasian Court”. Doubtless the attempted stitch-up of Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivory Coast which finally fell in a heap a coupla months back. Jammeh had also knocked back the IMF/World Bank whitefella plutocracy, natch since Jammeh’s ouster both have been all over Gambia like a cheap suit alright one link, but please look for stuff yerself if you care, so that way you know who is saying what. Anyway IMF/World Bank love the joint now see
It is worth noting that back in 2016 before the regime change (Ballot box stuffing failed so the gang hired a couple of agreeable African Armies to do the job) Gambia’s exposure to these arseholes was only a few millions. Now of course the citizenry has been put into the sort of hock that mortgages the futures of their children’s children’s children.
So if you have a mind try to read up on the rape of sub-Saharan Africa and see what conclusions you can draw about the sudden rise in ‘raids’ and the relevant governments’ alleged inability to deal with it.
ps apologies for sp & punc but using a keyboard with one hand & bugger-all eyesight is really a chore.
This is not making my day. I learned in two years of cadetship in the Associated Press newsroom in Frankfurt that omission kills a topic.
Bin that piece of news – and it hasn’t happened so you get your propaganda. It’s a bit of a bitter aftertaste that Ms April First ….. I do not know any more where reality lives.
Well, I’ve just found an April fool myself although it didn’t happen today.
I keep beating my drum about 9/11 being part of a long continuum of false-flag hoaxes reaching – I realised recently – at least as far back as Pearl Harbour (but no doubt longer – possibly even millennia) right up to Christchurch and what did someone direct me to just now (although I don’t think he’s quite picked up the hoax part)?
Wikipedia entry on Kenneth Feinberg, lawyer who’s looked after the victim funds of some of the nation’s worst tragedies and been involved in a whole host of other activities.
My favourite: the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund (HSMF) set up by the Virginia Tech Foundation in the aftermath of the April 16, 2007, shooting attacks on the Virginia Tech campus. The Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. Are they April fooling us or what?
Feinberg worked for 33 months entirely pro bono. The magical 33. Why on earth would he work pro bono?
Feinberg personally presided over more than 900 of the 1,600 hearings. At the end of the process, $7 billion was awarded to 97 percent of the families. 900?
Charles Wolf, whose wife died in the north tower, renamed his highly critical Web site called “Fix the Fund” to “The Fund is Fixed!”. At first he called Feinberg “patronizing, manipulative and at times, even cruel.” He later remarked, “To have one of your sharpest critics follow through on a promise and not only join the program he was criticizing, but promote it to his peers, says a lot about you and the way you have adjusted both the program and your attitude…Today, I have complete faith in you.”
Does the last sentence even make sense?
Special Master for Executive Compensation
On June 10, 2009, Feinberg was appointed by the U.S. Treasury Department to oversee the compensation of top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance.[12] As part of his policies, he has suggested to many bank executives that they emphasize long-term stock compensation rather than cash payments.[13]
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in a statement about Feinberg’s rulings on executive pay, said, “We all share an interest in seeing these companies return taxpayer dollars as soon as possible, and Ken today has helped bring that day a little bit closer.”[14][15]
Doncha love it?
I see that the Virginia Tech mascot is “HokieBird” so my inference that using Hokie in the name of the fund was a sly way of saying “Hokey” was mistaken. Nevertheless, those who created the fund no doubt smiled over the name.
A source, who cannot be named, informs me that the Empress of Blandings is the real author of this article.
It’s a rash report, some might say a rasher of bacon or two? Always makes for a good day. Happy AFD!
Looking for the inevitable fake story in today’s journal for those with a sense of entitlement, there were so many credible choices it’s hard to know where to start. The final triumph of the US backed coup in Ukraine in the shape of joker Volodymyr Zelenskiy is as good a place as any. The fact that Petro Symonenko, the Communist Party candidate, who won 37.8% of the vote in the 2nd round of the 1999 Presidential election, was barred from standing because the name and symbol of his party are illegal according to the Decommunisation Law of 2015, attracted not a mention in the Graun, on the BBC, nor indeed anywhere else I looked. April Fool indeed.
Small eyes and insatiable appetites.
A cataclysmic (for us) combination.
April’s fool