Discuss: The Coup in Venezuela

There is a coup happening in Venezuela. Not the rather sad, fizzling, slow-motion coup that has been beavering away behind the scenes for months, if not years. An actual violent attempt to overthrow the government by force.
Juan Guaido, a Trudeau-ish non-entity picked by the US as “their guy” based on his total lack of personality or values, made a statement on his twitter:
En el marco de nuestra constitución. Y por el cese definitivo de la usurpación. https://t.co/3RD2bnQhxt
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) 30 April 2019
Not long afterwards, violent incidents broke out. It was always going to end this way.
Guaido has no domestic support, is recognised by less than one-quarter of the globe, has no democratic mandate and no grip on power at all. If he wants the Presidency, or rather, if his US-based masters want him to have the presidency, he was always going to have to take it by force.
The trouble, up to this point, has been his total lack of support from the military. Donald Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton, the man at the vanguard of the Venezuelan coup, has been almost literally begging for the Venezuelan army to switch sides for months.
The US “aid convoy”, which evidence suggests was actually a method of smuggling weapons into the country, was also a massive failure.
As such Guaido has no guns. He has no soldiers. He has nothing.
In an apparent misreading of one of Teddy Roosevelt’s most famous quotes, rather than speaking softly and carrying a big stick, Bolton and his cronies have spent the last six months speaking loudly and pretending they have a stick.
Video footage shows a few dozen, maybe a couple of hundred, protesters hurling Molotov cocktails at police vans:
Water cannons used as Guaido’s circa 300 thugs start throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks at armored cars, in Caracas.
Guaido’s attempted Coup is a complete failure.
It has no support among the domestic population nor Venezuela’s military.#VenezuelaCouppic.twitter.com/Isz7SQdOtL— Ian56 (@Ian56789) April 30, 2019
That seems to be it, right now.
But the coup has got to happen right now, or it’s over. In fact, part of Juan Guaido’s desperation is probably a realisation that he is rapidly approaching the point where he becomes more valuable to his CIA handlers dead than alive. Once it’s apparent he’ll never be President, the CIA could easily decide to “Nemstov” Guaido and lay the crime at Maduro’s feet.
The Western response has been fairly predictable, totally organic and not-at-all contrived “demonstrations” have sprung up outside the Venezuelan embassies in the US and a few other countries.
The media are picking out the party line and fighting it hard, as usual. Bloomberg are refusing to even call it a coup:
Here’s why we’re not calling today’s events in Venezuela a coup: https://t.co/kmlnAkeKOd
— Patricia Laya (@PattyLaya) April 30, 2019
While The Guardian are calling it a “momentous day in Venezuela’s history”:

This comes as no surprise. The Guardian has never met a war or coup it did not like and Tom Philips, The Guardian’s Latin America correspondent, has made no secret of his support for the US coup in the past:

So the question’s arise:
- Will the coup be successful?
- Will the military side with Guaido?
- If not, what next for Venezuela and Guaido?
- At what point will the calls for “humanitarian intervention” begin?
- Will the US actually start a war in Venezuela this time?
- Will Russia provide military aid to Maduro’s government? Will China?
- Will sanity prevail?
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I’m constantly struck by the clumsy and amateurish character of US aggression and imperialism.
They have a lot of very capable and intelligent people in a country the size of the Yew Ess Ayy, but somehow it’s in the nature of the place that the cream never rises to the top. The shit always rises to the top – Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams, the Orange Baboon himself.
Policy is characterised by an inimitable brand of arrogance, venality, corruption, irredeemable ignorance, ideological bigotry, and crude thuggery and criminality.
If the Neocons had half a brain cell, instead of backing a third rate puppet like Gweedo, they would have found a more credible alternative figure like a disillusioned former Chavista, who was not a complete nonentity and could attract some measure of support within the country. But they are nothing if not consistent – Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine.
Bolton: …“Venezuelans have made clear that the
current path toward democracy is
irreversible. Venezuela’s military has a
choice: embrace democracy, … …, or face more man-made
suffering and isolation.”…
Bolton is right with more man-made suffering and isolation if the US send a military intervention in Venezuela. But what has this act to do with democracy? Did the Venezuelans vote that the US send troops to their country?
I watched the video at the Guardian that alternated clips of Maduro and Guaido speaking. The Guaido one was really weird — I have a feeling his American backers dropped him when he couldn’t make it happen earlier and this was his Hail Mary pass. Guaido’s clip was incredibly poorly lit, a high school YouTuber would do better.
Kathleen you are picking up the cues that are essential to interpret modern news because the facts are never the facts anymore. You can’t even blowup skyscrapers without people suitably attacking the official narrative. The genesis of this site, was engendered by the ritual prevarication characterizing the Fraudian, and its systematic contempt for the readership, the truth and the basic principles of a free press. This site may represent a landmark when viewed in the years to come..
Indeed the comment censoring could be expanded by systematic analysis of the topical nature of censored content, if we did not already know that from experience. Or alternatively, the editors may wish to consider replacing the analysis of inappropriately and scheming comment censoring (the point has been sufficiently made) with analysis of selected Fraudian stories, interpreting the meaning of the language used, the juxtapositions, the backdrops, even the lighting. This is nowadays more fruitful I think than debating the facts which are increasingly what the Fraud, Murdochs and networks want them to be, or rather what they want you to think they are. They test the waters for what they can get away with, daily.
Judging by the images on the news, the support for this coup does not look important, but the crisis is latent, since the Venezuelan workers, like many others around the world, are disorganised and headless and so easy prey to deficient and useless politicians on both sides. The Bolivarian immigrationist and thirdworldist regime is, deservedly, sinking, but the opposition, that represents those who created the conditions for the underdevelopment of the country in the past, is as bad or even worst and can only summon the support of, relatively, small sections of society. That is why the opposition is launching new attacks, in the hope of mobilising bigger and bigger sections of the country, in support of a ‘nebulous’ cause…
Au Contraire,Gezzah Potts,we are large,truly enormous,of gigantic proportions!What evidence have I to make this claim? My heart has told me,& my ears have confirmed it.
Gotta love that statement “Juan Guaido, a Trudeau-ish non-entity ” . As a Canadian ,I find Trudeau an embarrassment for my country .Poor judgement is an understatement .
Not sure who Trudeau’s advisors are but they are continuously making bad decisions.
Turdpump the swamp-dredger has finally ceded power to the bolt-on braincell who has unleashed a desperately unhinged Putsch attempt against democracy in Venezuela. The death throws of the Empire are ugly, and don’t make for family consumption so the MSM has effectively painted an illusion of freedom using sanctimonious bilge around this story.
Of course the Graun [because being on the wrong side of history is sacred?] has been cheering on this fascistic attempt to overthrow the legitimate Venezuelan government in yet another spigot point on the failing hegemonic trajectory of the US of A.
Hopefully today there will be a huge Labour Day turn out in the streets of Caracas and elsewhere in Venezuela in support of Maduro!
It would be supremely fitting this May Day for the masses to drive the Guaido/Lopez supporters off the streets and back into their rat holes.
It seems Lopez has “taken refuge” in the Spanish embassy, breaking his bail conditions. Maybe he should be treated just like Julian Assange, threatened with arrest and forced to stay there for years, and jailed when he comes out.
Spain says asylum can only be applied for on Spanish soil and not in an embassy – which seems unusual? Is it true? It’s richly ironic that Lopez takes the place of Assange while far more people are injured in protests in Paris than in Caracas. And now we have ‘Paper Tiger Trump’.
Personally I’d just have guaido executed on live tv. And who is egging this on: Jews
I would have to say that in such circumstances the Israeli government would have used live ammunition from the get go and not water cannons.As the US would probably do also on their streets ,but they would get their militarized police force to do it. Insurrection would not be tolerated and this is exactly what this is .Insurrection against a duly democratically elected government with over 60% of the popular vote.
Why is Trump given a pass in this whole affair ? I see a lot of invective directed at Bolton, Abrams and Pompeo. I understand that some on OG view Trump with some sympathy when contrasting with the array of enemies he has within the DC establishment but the escalation of events in Caracas is surely a policy choice by his admin. Whatever hope one may have reposed in Trump “draining the swamp” ( yeah right!) and turning Washington’s gaze inwards, it appears to me that he has simply leveraged America’s global dominance in all areas more ruthlessly. Venezuela (massive oil reserves, a weak economy and political class crippled by swingeing sanctions, basically low hanging fruit), Cuba diplomatic relations torpedoed, anti-sandanista policy (an 80s do-over because the US efforts failed there the first time around) that has worsened life in Nicaragua, NATO -US relations, recognition of J’lem as Israel’s capital and now, Libya, again with their cached support of Haftar. So is Trump a stooge and a deep state lackey or does he get to shape his foreign policy as he wants it ? Perhaps I should ask Jared. He seems to have all the answers….
Try this explanation on for size: http://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tit-for-tat-why-did-mueller-let-trump-off-the-hook/
Perfidious Bolton still trying !!!!!
Well if we go by Goerge Orwell’s paper of choice The Guardian gee Britain the bastion of western humanity and the antlantacist self agrandissement one would think that the random Guydo dodo bird is the man.
Yes he is one hell of a clown.
Rumours have it that Blackwater will be the next step. Yes mercenaries will be the Perfidious neo-cons and co /pax-americanas next move.
The bolivarian movement has 60 percent support in Venezuela . Note that 60 percent are all meticcio people not the white privilaged upper middle class people of Venezuela.
Bolton still thinks that repeating lies will get the job done. How ill prepared are the plutocrats in Istarel /USA/ECC and NATO for reality bites at the core of there failing flailing paradigm
That sums up the Bolivarian revolution.
Next Blackwater and CO:
The Bay of Piglets looks like it is all but over. My worry is that the US will double-down and actually invade or bomb, otherwise this paper coup will be seen as a failure of their power.
If the weakness is exposed, there will be a chain reaction across Latin America. I hope this is what will happen. I hope Venezuela’s allies deliver air cover and sea outreach to make the US think before it acts. The curtain needs to be brought down of this destructive empire, the risk factors go up for everyone as the used-by date itself ages.
I am going to go out on limb here Greg and state that your hopes have already been fulfilled .Russia and China have both stated that they will protect their investments in Venezuela .They don’t need to repeat it everyday and the Americans know it .
Bay of Piglets is the word indeed. How the mighty have fallen, hilarious. The Keystone Kops are running the Death Star. As for the MSM, everytime I think we must have hit rock bottom now, it can’t possibly get any more pathetic, they prove me wrong. Quite a feat, actually.
News just in is that Guaido’s puppet master Leopoldo Lopez has requested and been given asylum for himself and his family in Chile’s embassy in Caracas. No news as to whether Guaido has also requested asylum.
It looks as if Lopez has abandoned Guaido and Guaido’s usefulness to his US regime-change masters is rapidly coming to its expiry date.
The other possibility is that this “coup” was planned precisely to get Leopoldo Lopez out of Venezuela and Guaido is just a convenient dumb patsy who has been told nothing of the plan’s original aim.
…and Pompeo has stated publicly that Maduro was all set to board a plane to flee Venezuela but was forced by the Russians to remain. Maduro has refuted this as utter nonsense. I haven’t heard an explanation from Pompeo or Bolton as to why Lopez would have felt the need to abandon the uprising with the prospect of success presumably within their grasp.
One wonders of Pimpeo is creating this stuff or is delusional enough to believe what he is told by conspirators….are there CIA on the ground in V….plus secret services from Russia.. China?
Pompeo’s lie about Maduro leaving is pure psychological warfare.
Pompeo is a liar , he said so himself see video:
Pompeo appears to be a pathological liar who even believes his own lies. Usually delivered with an arrogant smirk.
If I was Venezuelan I’d back Maduro even if I hated everything he stood for because this is nothing more than a takeover of my country by a foreign power. (That power might allow us the semblance of democracy provided we choose the leaders and form of government they approve of.)
The irony in this is that our (US) media is still chattering on about Russian meddling in the 2016 election but somehow doesn’t seem to notice that we’re not so much ‘meddling’ as full on interfering with another country’s government. We’re very sensitive about our ‘democracy’, though –. we’ve jailed a student (Butina) for 18 months for the vague offense of, “being an unregistered foreign agent” although apparently she wasn’t representative of her government or government sponsored organization. (Our media openly referred to her as a ‘spy’.) Might is obviously right.
I read that Butina organised dinners where she tried to promote friendly relations between the US and Russia. SHe is obviously a spy and should be shot – 18 months’ jail for organising dinners is much too lenient.
Yes, even that sinister beluga caught in Norwegian waters with the harness and the tag that reads “Equipment St Petersburg” (in English, no less!) should be shot. Being imprisoned in a fjord will be too lenient.
Yes, the Made in St Petersburg label was such a giveaway!
I wonder when Theresa May and her cohorts are going to be charged with “being an unregistered foreign agent” for dining with Lubov Chernukhin! No, sorry, that’s not the same scenario and not at all ‘dodgy’ as Mrs Chernukhin had paid £135k to the Tories for the privilege. And according to Tom Newton-Dunn on last night’s Sky paper review, without any suggestion of irony “I don’t know why this is news…They [the Chernukhins] are obviously good people because they are enemies of Putin”. Seriously?? It’s as black and white as that! Profound analysis from someone who, no doubt, would claim to be a serious journalist.
Or more seriously charged with interfering in the 2016 election against Trump vis the SIS and Mr Steele’s urination dossier which was deliberately leaked (sic) to the media before the vote. Steele told American TV he would do anything to stop Trump becoming President – and this from an ex Senior Agent! Having jumped onto the CIA-Democrat bandwagon Britain’s subsequent attempts to ratchet up Russophobia (look at Douma and Salisbury). Just a week ago we had some wonderful headlines saying Trump had made ‘fantastic false claims’ that GCHQ spied on him. Britain would be sensible to have a customs deal with the EU so they don’t have to get a kicking on a US Trade deal in which Trump has already said requires agriculture and the NHS to surrender to US buisiness.
Sauce for the goose – how many Americans are there in other countries, poking their noses into civil society there? Seems to me it’s about time a few Exceptional And Indispensable People ended up in the slammer.
As the Russiagate enquiry showed you only have to scratch an American politician cum lawyer to reveal massive fraud, tax avoidance and money laundering. What would the tax havens do without them?
Will sanity prevail Kit? With blood drenched creatures like Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams, et al pushing hard for another notch on the Empire’s belt, I greatly doubt it. You’re spot on about the co ordinated media response. Here in Aussie, checked ABC News this morning, and their coverage on the coup was not just predictable, but they stated: “There Is No Evidence Currently Showing United States Involvement In The Activity”. Just straight out lies. What would you expect from mouthpieces for Imperialism. And not just Venezuela, but Iran is very much in the crosshairs as well, in fact any country that maintains a dignified independence. Independence is now Verboten in this Brave New World. Very turbulent times Kit.
The Australian Bullshit Corporation.
Their anti China diatribes have fooled a lot of folks.
Quite right.
Sweet Lord, what our mainstream media have become…
The On-Guardian wouldn’t even have mentioned this “coup” unless it was going the way their owners wanted.
So sad for the people of the Earth who still recognize their own souls and the difference between right and wrong.
If anyone hasn’t seen it yet…
“A new paper from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), by economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs, finds that economic sanctions implemented by the Trump administration since August 2017 have caused tens of thousands of deaths and are rapidly worsening the humanitarian crisis.”
Released five days ago, and yet still no coverage in Western media, including The Guardian.
Just like in the buildup to Iraqi invasion in 2003, The Guardian have little respect for law and civilians, just cheerleading for more war and violence.
Yes, and where is the sabre-rattler-in-chief Nicholas Cohen? I guess within the vast Guardian department of War Promo, Venezuela falls to another operative. They can’t all be pimping for Israel, it wouldn’t look good.
The Guardian would have you believe Tommy Robinson, or Scottish comedians who do jokes about Hitler are more of a threat to democracy than John Bolton or Elliot Abrams.
What on earth made them become the PR wing for death squads?
But give them a Hitler metaphor and they might even let you say some men are as good as some women.
Guaido does not have a snowball in hell’s chance of bringing this off.
99% of the police and military are loyal and Chinese, Russian and Cuban specialists are on the ground in Venesuala.
That is all you need to know.
We should know by now not to underestimate the appalling influence of our mainstream media.
THEIR attitude is that all the ignorant masses need to know is that Guaido has been crowned Emperor of Venezuela.
If that costs nuclear war with Russia and China, well, to paraphrase Madeleine Allbright, “We think it was worth it”…
That’s how bad it is. Seriously.
Psychotic people rule us today.
Jeremy Corbyn is too busy planning a ‘national climate emergency’ to show solidarity with his old buddy Nic. As I just said on the other forum, his previous supposed support was actually a betrayal, anyway. So who needs friends like that?
Comparisons with the climate emergency, the XR Extinction Rebellion, and today’s attempted coup by NATO sock puppet Guaido may not abound …but they are there.
It’s all about the oil. Wikileaks, Pompeo, and the Gweed have all confirmed that. The why might no be readily apparent: if we are to believe America’s own hubristic lies about the amount of oil it exports. It may be the ‘world’s biggest oil exporter’ – but not for long. Production has been scaled back at Eagle Ford and Bakken – due to lack of profitability. All eyes are on the Permian – which may or may not have peaked already. There is a technical reason they need Venezuela’s extra heavy crude – the Gulf Coast refiners have too much light oil. They need to blend it with the bitumen – but sanctions mean they can’t. And sanctions mean a ban on naphtha – a much needed diluent. So sanctions are harming US production ,,,can’t have that can we.
There was a bit of an oil shock today – that has almost certainly passed you by. Unless, like me, you have bronchitis and have been flicking through the net for ten hours. Saudi Barbaria has been over-reporting the oil they pump …and they’ve been doing it for 40 years. The first time they have reported actual figures – they can only pump 3.8mn b/d – against an industry standard guestimate of 5mn b/d. I’m no good at maths – but 40 years of under-reporting …and 20+ years of overestimates based on a faulty assumption …that’s a lot, right? And that is the good stuff. All eyes on Iraq, trying to find a replacement Ghawar field.
So, they need that oil. And we, humanity, do not need that oil. This is the bifurcation point between humanity and statist insanity. If you understand EROI, it is of no use at all to humanity. It is only fuel for a certain way of life we have become accustomed to. The struggle to maintain that way of life entails climate injustice, climate racism, climate imperialism, climate materialism, and climate militarism – proxy coups and hybrid insurgencies …and perhaps the real thing.
We have become addicted to oil, and the filthy lucre it represents. But with it comes every injustice in the world. It’s all about the oil. And when Jeremy calls for that vote tomorrow – it is all about the oil. It may not seem like it, but all the anti-solutions contained in the ‘net zero’ psyop are predicated on oil. And war, and racism, and species extinction, and austerity, and imperialism …keeping the global poor poor …so we can have champagne socialism and neoliberal globalism for a little while longer. And it will only be an exponentially entropic little while.
We need to connect the interdynamics of capital accumulation, debt-deflation, resource entropy, climate degradation, pension fund raiding, the privatisation of nature, and the behavioural climate change tactics employed in an ersatz ‘climate emergency’. They are exactly the same dynamics that put Gweedo and Lopez on the streets today. Together, we can stop this. We are all Bolivarian chavistas now. If we reject the phoney lifestyle of debt, death, and the accumulation of accumulation – for no purpose or value for humanity …we can save Venezuela ,,,and save ourselves in the Bolivarian process.
¡Viva la Revolución!
Our leaders have betrayed us. The solutions entailed in a national climate emergency betray us, betray the children, and betray Venezuela. There is an easy solution: to reject tout court the climate racist, imperialistic, and militaristic personal materialism afforded by looted and corrupting filthy oil lucre. The least we could do is demand that the spoils be put to proper use: used sparingly – treated as the precious resource it is – to downshift and transition to a real decarbonised climate …one that is also post-capitalist, post-imperialist, post-racist. What we decide in the coming few years decides the fate of humanity. The revolution starts tomorrow – are you ready, comrades?
¡Viva la Revolución!
BigB, At last a post I understand and it is EXCELLENT and I agree with every word.!
Can’t thumbs up the rest of you comment, B, because the Corbyn ad-hom is simply wrong.
Venezuela is where the rich protest, not the poor.
How I despise Channel 4, the news team and worst of all Lindsey Hilsum, International editor reporting the Venezuelan coup live from Washington.
Will the coup be successful? My guess is no.
Will the military side with Guaido? My guess is no. Maduro commands too much respect and was Chavez’ heir.
If not, what next for Venezuela and Guaido? Guaido? An affair with Madame La Guillotine or a one way ticket to the US.
At what point will the calls for “humanitarian intervention” begin? Have they not started already?
Will the US actually start a war in Venezuela this time? My guess is no. War is unpredictable and messy. And Venezuela is uncomfortably close to the US. A war could end up being very unpopular with the US public close to a presidential election year.
Will Russia provide military aid to Maduro’s government? Will China? Have they not started already? I don’t think the US will want to cross Russia and China, though they like to act tough.
Will sanity prevail? Not while Bolton is president of the United States.
Venezuela has oil. The US covets oil. The US steals oil. You don’t even need to know that Guiado is broadcasting from Washington.
“President” Gweedo has now called for a US invasion of his country, for a violent military coup, and for more sanctions against his country.
He sounds like a real Cnut….If he really is in Venezuela, he’s going to look kind of funny, swinging in the breeze by his neck when his Coup is over.
And, as for John Bolton, he needs to be hung in Washington.
What is most stunning in all of this is the total complicity and/or silence of the rest of the Western nations. The U.S. (where I live) is an amoral criminal terror state by any meaningful definition. But how on earth does the rest of the Western world sit by and either openly support America’s complete criminality in this matter, or remain silent and complicit? We might as well be right back in the middle of the openly Colonial era for all the good our vaunted international institutions like the U.N., the International Criminal Court and international law itself seem to matter to Western “leaders.”
Are readers of sites like OffG the only one’s experiencing some rather off the charts levels of cognitive dissonance on this matter – or do most citizens of the West simply not care about their fellow human beings and their welfare? I’d really like to know – because our collective future survival depends on it – and it is quite clear that our Western “leaders” are a collection of amoral psychopaths and narcissists.
Most people in the west (the rich west) simply do not care or they buy into the shit they are told by their goverments…not because is true or lack of disonance… but because Venezuela (Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia, Yemen) are far away places which doesnt count. Bombs, and killing are not happening in their neighborhood, that does not affect their food, their livelihood…is just safer not to get involved on these things ..
We are in an openly colonial era! The US Empire rules the world. Or tries to.
It cleverly avoids being openly labelled in this way by “allowing” weak governments and small nations to exist so long as they obey.
Step out of line, show too much independence of US hegemony and it’s Libya, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam …
The US will always seek to instal “democracy” in countries it disapproves of.
Venezuela already has a legitimate Democracy. It’s the USA that needs to restore its “Democracy” by getting rid of its Dual Citizens who have bought American Democracy with their “Donations”.
The American people vote, and then, the Donors buy the winners…..Too Easy!
Intergenerationaltrauma: sadly, we here at OffGuardian, and other sites like Moon Of Alabama, The Saker, The Greanville Post, etc, are in a very small minority. I repeat….very small. The large majority in the West couldn’t give a rats shiny tinker about Venezuela or Iraq or Yemen or Palestine or anywhere else. They are too busy shopping. And acquiring more ‘stuff’. Most in the West are trapped in the propaganda matrix – they believe the bullshit in the mainstream ‘media’ and also coz they are not willing to put their overseas holidays and new cars and fancy outfits at risk, so they bury their heads in the sand. Don’t care. Don’t want to know. We’re all good, its not happening to us. Very sad and frustrating. I fully concur with Ramdan’s reply to you also.
Yes mate, totally agree about lack of numbers …said so myself yesterday. But a small can group can be heard, if we make a big enough noise. We know people, who know people, who know people …it only takes a spark. I believe the threshold is 11%, after which a memetic idea or ideal goes viral and becomes mainstream. Even if the majority of the network reject the meme, they still know about it. Changing circumstances can lead to a shift in opinions, perhaps even an ‘aha’ moment. I’m not bigging myself up, but I’m back on Twitfeed and linking to Cory’s work wherever I can.
I firmly believe the tide is changing. Only, people don’t know it yet. In every country globally there is a reserve army of unemployed, marginalised, disenfranchised, people who have been left behind by globalism. Brexit, Trump, the return of populism and nationalism are all symptomatic of this. The Gilet Jeunes are the authentic expression of anti-globalist oppression. In other countries, globalism never penetrated very deeply. The whole country is anti-capitalist, anti-globalist. Globalism is anti-humanist and credit-repression of humanity. It leaves us behind in the AI-highspeed march to financialisation. But you can’t financialise everything, you have to have some production somewhere. So it technologically supremacist and globally racist.
You cannot financialise consciousness. All you can do is colonise consciousness with a dream imaginal of techno-theological progress and ersatz material prosperity. But: not everyone wants that (ask any Aboriginal First National); and it is just not physically possible for all. So globalism is systemically repressive – the elitist endocolonisation of credit imperialism.
All of this is felt, consciously and subconsciously known – but the only channels available are morbid, hybrid theories – including a shift to the far right. Which no one wants. What I have to believe, for my own sanities sake, is that a credible alternative – universally inclusive of all humanity – can emerge from the rejection of globalism. And it can. Enter the networked Dreamtime and dream big. Dream big, keep in touch, and pass it on. (Even if the first replies are “why are you sending me this shit!”).
BigB: much appreciate this, aye. Been crook as a dog recently, and also got pretty down lately about the whole surreal, dystopic bullshit this World has become, and just the level of political apathy I sense, and the hungry ghosts binge shopping and hedonism I see (espec among those under 30, viz – those who have only ever known Neoliberal propaganda) Your words lift me. Thank you. Yeah, Cory Morningstar is brilliant, tho only complaint is Wrong Kind Of Green dosn’t post articles that often, but when they do – the detailed research is excellent…. erm, think I just answered my complaint. There’s another site I go on called ‘Neoliberalism Softpanorama’ literally thousands of pages, and many hundreds of links. Has subsections such as ‘Neoliberal War On Reality’, ‘Ayn Rand and her Objectivism Cult’, ‘Casino Capitalism’ ‘Role Of The MSM’ in fact, too many to mention here. Check it out. Hope the South Downs is providing you with a gorgeous vista today, Cheers.
I know it’s not a competition: but I’ve been crook as two dogs! I know exactly where you are coming from. Thanks for the heads up about “Neoliberalism Softpanorama” …it’s new to me. Hope you are feeling better – the future needs everyone ‘all hands on deck’ now. In the last few minutes Corbyn launched the neoliberal net zero psyop in Parliament – in a motion to declare a national climate emergency. The neoliberal XR Extinction Rebels, neoliberal manipulated children Climate Strikers, and neoliberal Momentum are outside cheering on. What a dark, dark, dystopic world this can be. But that can change. They haven’t laid their cards on the table – but actual science can show they are dealing from a bullshit deck. The only way to decarbonise by 2050 is to decapitalise as well. Zero has to mean zero: and not net zero. And that is a stone cold fact!
On CO2 from NASA, 2016 site
Much along the same lines as you stated .A link for a PDF for further reading, by an acquaintance on the web , John Scott .
For the most part it does not even register in any significant way.
I live in the Netherlands, and we were and are locked in with US/NATO messaging and policy.
Liberaton Day is approaching, and I am well aware that my government supports terrorism in Syria
and the neo-nazi rulers in the Ukraine. It is a farce, a nonsense ritual.
Fifth of may: A big FU in our face.
Bolton, Abrams, and the rest of the ‘old Latin America hands’ have been dismal failures without brute force. Venezuelans are not partial to brute force. There will be no popular backing for a coup. Only the anti-Chavistas and the US idiots do not know this. It’s invasion or nothing.
Perversely, there was plenty of anti-Maduro sentiment that the US could have cultivated, but no, the idiots wanted to force it. So, the idiots have FUed once again. Nice try fellas, but obviously your learning curve is flat.
I hope you are proved correct. At the moment it does seem as if the rabble running that well known “news” site, you know… the one that can’t publish a page without whining “price of a cuppa coffee guv”, are trying to spin up a pretty flimsy story. But ‘the fog of war’ and all that…
Hoping Guaido rots in Hell very soon