UPDATE: New Site Launches This Weekend

After months of work OffGuardian is making the switch from being hosted on wordpress.com to self-hosting. As such you can expect the site to (hopefully) briefly, be out of commission this weekend. Likely late Sunday night/early Monday morning. During this period visitors should expect to see a “Coming Soon” holding screen, but if it is blank or displaying an error do not panic. We have not been hacked to taken down, it’s all part of the switching-over process.

Transferring and reformatting ~3000 articles, 100,000 comments and 10,000 images has been a long, drawn-out and fiddly procedure, and retroactively fixing our archive will be a long-term project. But the swap should be relatively painless. Minor complications (a comment missing here or there, a link breaking or an image not showing up) are expected and we’ll have an open thread up for people to report issues and give feedback.

We’re confident the major changes will improve the experience for all of our visitors and contributors and look forward to making this step.

We also have other potential developments we’re keen to discuss with our readers, that will be announced once the change is complete.

All the best
OffGuardian Team

UPDATE: We are closing ALL comment sections. This is temporary while the switch over takes place.


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For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.

Categories: OffG
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May 6, 2019 4:50 PM

5 4 3 2 1

May 4, 2019 5:19 PM

Please can you start raising awareness about 5G and all of its nefarious implications? 5G is something we should all be screaming from the rooftops about before it’s too late. One month from now could be too late. This is much more important than climate change, because we can prevent it from becoming a reality, by spreading the FACTS about this evil technology and protesting directly to power (MPs, councillors, doctors etc). 5G is a nefarious surveillance/communications/weapons network rolled into one. It will increase surveillance to nightmarish levels – one small example, they will be able to 3D map the inside of your home in real time from outside. It uses military technology to opetrate, the same millimeter wave frequency band the military uses in weapons of crowd/psychological control. So, do you want military weapons installed right outside your house, which could be used on you, especially if power falls into the wrong hands/the network gets hacked etc? If not, you won’t like 5G. 5G TECHNOLOGY HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY. However, millions of 5G antennae are to be installed absolutely everywhere, because 5G waves only cover a small area, albeit at an extremely high and dangerous frequency level. This is why it will require an enormous amount of hardware to be installed……military grade weapons hardware right outside your house. How stupid do you have to be to think this is a good idea? Watch Senator Blumenthal as he questions captains of industry at an official hearing for 5G, where they confirm that ZERO dollars have been spent on health and safety testing. This tech is being rolled out before ANY testing has been carried out, yet hundreds of doctors and people working in science capacities have signed petitions against this rollout. You have to be crazy/brainwashed to think… Read more »

May 4, 2019 5:36 PM
Reply to  Mucho

5G is an experiment in radiation. We will all be subjected to a huge jump in radiation levels if it is rolled out. Do you want to take part in a radiation experiment whereby you will be exposed to a huge amount of extra radiation with untested, serious health implications? That is what 5G is, an experiment in radiation, where the public are the guinea pigs. Are you happy to be that guinea pig?

Mobile operators are ALREADY WARNING INVESTORS that a growing wave of litigation is EXPECTED in future as more people become ill due to wireless radiation exposure. End this madness, throw your phone in the river and tell the mobile operators to eff off. Re-connect with your God-given spirituality and soul

May 5, 2019 5:23 AM
Reply to  Mucho

“Transferring and reformatting ~3000 articles, 100,000 comments and 10,000 images has been a long, drawn-out and fiddly procedure…”


May 5, 2019 5:48 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Misplaced as a reply to 5G, but if it were Ob5G: common assault and grievous bodily harm to individuals, society, the biosphere and the planet, en masse. Don’t arrest the CFO of Huawei, lock the whole damn board up, throw away the key and pump in the Xyklon B. Then consider that a pilot for going after the rest of the rapacious fuckers, from the CEOs, down the smallest investors and even unto the last voluntary purchaser of the smallest most innocuous 5G device.

May 4, 2019 12:11 PM

May the Fourth be with you, Off-G.

(Sorry. Couldn’t resist it).

Internet browser
Internet browser
May 4, 2019 6:33 AM

Today, Firefox internet browser, running on Windows, decided that a myriad of add-ons (extensions that are already installed) are no longer compatible with the latest version of Firefox. Meaning, all add-ons including AdBlocker have stopped working.

Firefox said it’s a glitch in the system and they are working to fix it:


Frankly Speaking
Frankly Speaking
May 4, 2019 3:41 PM

True, but it’s not really relevant to the Off-guardian site migration. Mozilla have royally f’d up this time, everyone is affected, Reddit and other forums are going wild.

I have all my bookmarks and addons synced with the Firefox account. That allowed me to completely uninstall the latest Firefox today after experiencing this problem, removing all folders / files containing the FF profile.

I then rebooted and downloaded and installed the much more stable ESR version of FF which is an extended support vesion for organisations not requiring the latest bells and whistles, rather needing stability.

Rebooted again, then reconnected the Firefox acocunt, rebooted a final time, all addons etc working fine now.
If anyone is interested in the stable ESR version, here is the official link:

Internet browser
Internet browser
May 5, 2019 5:00 PM

I’ve just realised with Firefox malfuntion how important add-ons are to view webpages smoothly.

Good to know about Firefox ESR option. Thanks.

May 6, 2019 4:47 PM
May 4, 2019 6:02 AM

Good luck with the new site. Keep up the good work it’s much appreciated.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in Article 19, that:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Is this one in the Graun’s sacred [secret] community commandments?

Answers on a postcard please to Auntie Sally at Beeb House, Somewhere East of Rockall.

Cue shipping forecast music…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 4, 2019 2:19 AM

To the entire OffGuardian team: your work is greatly valued and appreciated by myself and many others who comment here. It is an oasis of truth amongst the sewerage of lies pumped out by the propaganda pimps in the MSM. Look forward to the new site.

May 4, 2019 12:05 AM

Thank you for all the hard work, articles and uncensored comments policy.

May 3, 2019 11:30 PM

Thank you for the fine reporting you have done over the years. Reading your articles and people’s comments has broadened my view of what is possible in a world that seems to be shutting down and cannibalizing itself.

There is so little that is genuine these days and so much that’s empty and shallow. Your website is one of a very small number of sites that have any substance. Keep doing all what you’ve been doing! All best wishes for the move!

May 3, 2019 8:50 PM

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: thanks, Off-G team, for doing what you do. It’s very much appreciated.

I hope the move goes well for you.

Jules Moules
Jules Moules
May 3, 2019 6:45 PM

Good luck!

The Idiot Savant
The Idiot Savant
May 3, 2019 5:13 PM

Thank you for the update – I look forward to reading more articles – and the comments made by all here

May 3, 2019 4:52 PM

Best wishes for a smooth transition.

May 3, 2019 2:22 PM

Looking forward to it.

Some Random Passer-by
Some Random Passer-by
May 3, 2019 2:15 PM

Hope it goes smoothly for you.