WATCH: Israeli Diplomat offering MP £1 million

Video proves NEC member was suspended for telling the truth


The Labour Party have suspended Pete Willsman, a member of their National Executive Committee, for being “antisemitic”.

The charge is that Willsman was recorded claiming that the antisemitism charges against the Labour party were all lies, and that a member of the Israeli embassy staff had been caught covertly giving money to Labour Friends of Israel, as well as planning to “take down” anti Israeli MPs.

The recording was released to LBC radio. It sparked outrage in all the predictable places.

Tom Watson, who has previously described Willsman as a “loud-mouthed bully”, tweeted this:

Whilst former Labour MP Joan Ryan, now a Change UK MP (and the worst motivational speaker in the world), went with this:

There is just one problem, of course: Everything Willsman said was true.

Whilst making a documentary for Al Jazeera, an undercover reporter recorded Embassy staffer (and former Israeli Naval officer) Shai Masot discussing “taking down” Alan Duncan, “creating pro-Israel groups” and giving money to the head of Labour Friends of Israel.

None of the media covering Willsman’s suspension have mentioned this, of course. Despite reporting on (some) of the story in the past.

Joan Ryan’s response is particularly galling…since she was the leader of LFI at the time and appears on film discussing the transfer of the money. Clearly, Ms Ryan either forgot this happened or hoped everybody else did.

Well, we didn’t.

Since the release of The Lobby Shai Masot has “resigned” from the Israeli embassy staff, and left the country. You can watch the full documentary here.


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Categories: Israel, latest, UK
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Jun 4, 2019 3:09 AM

It is NOT antisemitic being against Israel’s annexation of Golan or similar abuses of power.
BDS – yes.
Meddling in the US elections is oh so bad, meddling in London not?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 2, 2019 8:12 PM

‘If you knew the punishment for lying to me now were for a firing squad to blow your children’s brains out, would you agree that Mr Willsman was telling the truth on this recording?’

That is the question you have to ask strident MPs lying for Israel….

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 2, 2019 5:19 AM

And probably the 4794th reason not to bother reading any mainstream ‘media’ papers. Lies and bullshit and obfuscation over and over, ad nauseaum. As for utterly craven, boot licking slugs like Watson and Ryan (and all the rest of the fifth columnists in Labor) what vile vile creatures. I wanted to say turds, but that may’ve been a bit strong. Yeah, and I watched The Lobby a while ago. Very enlightening.

Frank Poster
Frank Poster
Jun 1, 2019 3:48 PM

Don’t blame the Israelis for influencing our “for sale” corrupt politicians, nor for Trump to do the same, nor Putin, nor the Saudis, etc.
Thatcher put the whole country up for sale, but I never thought it included the politicians especially Labour, but how wrong we were.

Jun 4, 2019 3:13 AM
Reply to  Frank Poster

Indeed – it always takes two to tango.

It’s been a worldwide phenomenon. When corruption was investigated in the German Parliament Bundestag, the late Helmut Kohl said ‘I do not have to tell you the truth here because I am not under oath and you cannot put me under oath’.

Corruption is not a victimless crime, I lost my land in the former East Berlin, my brother his life.

Jun 11, 2019 11:17 AM
Reply to  Frank Poster

You didn’t think labour MPs were up for sale. Then why is there a group called labour friends of Israel. And more than 75 percent of labour MPs are red tories. They are conservatives, using the labour red rosette.

different frank
different frank
Jun 1, 2019 2:46 PM

Imagine if the UK had in its statutes, and the USA had in its constitution measures to ensure only white people had the right to immigration [one of Israel’s basic laws is only Jews have the right to immigration into Israel 1950]. Continuing the analogy with Israel’s recently passed ‘Nation-State’ [basic law]. 1. “The states of the UK and the US are the nation-states of the ‘white people”. 2. “The actualization of the right of national self- determination in the states of the UK/USA is unique to white people” 3. “The UK/USA will labour to ensure the safety of sons of white people”. 4. “The UK/USA will act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious legacy of white people among the Diaspora”. 5. “The UK/USA views ‘white’s only’ settlement as joint national values and will labour to encourage and promote its establishment and development”. Now let us look at one of the IHRA examples which many members of the Labour Party, some of Jewish origin, some not, have incorporated into the Labour Party rule book: “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination – e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor”. Who could deny that examples 1 to 5 above if incorporated into UK and US law would prove 100% that the UK and US were inherently racist and that their ‘existence were racist endeavors’ and that anyone in the UK/US [including Jeremy Corbyn] who disapproved of 1 to 5 above, and said so would fall foul of the IHRA definition, be accused of being Anti Semitic and drummed out of the Labour Party and possibly ostracized from society for life. This Israeli Nation State Law makes Israel inherently racist. Apartheid in South Africa was bad but Israels version is a lot… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 3:42 PM

Excellent post. Thanks.

Jun 1, 2019 8:05 PM

Ah, but if the UK was declared to be the unique homeland of the White Christian Gentile People, I’m sure the Board of Deputies wouldn’t mind at all.

harry law
harry law
Jun 1, 2019 12:13 PM

Telling the truth, it would appear, is incompatible with Labour party membership, as an example, saying that Israel is a racist state could get you expelled, yet Israel ‘is’ a racist state, from its ‘Jews only’ immigration policy [a basic law, 1950] to over 50 laws [in Israel proper] which discriminate against Palestinians, to the blatantly racist ‘nation state law’ [recently enacted] which gives Jews rights which are denied to other groups. The whole of the Labour Leadership is fearful of the Jewish Labour Movements accusations, when they are not apologizing for the nonexistent anti Semitism in the party [ Jenny Formby said just 12 members out of approx 550,000 have been expelled, that is .002%] Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell answering questions from ‘Jewish News’ as to why his friend Jeremy Corbyn had spent many decades traversing the country on speaking engagements supporting the Palestinians, McDonnell answered …. “ You have to look at why he was sharing platforms, it was not to endorse them, it was to try and engage with them.” So his friend did not agree with the Palestinians, Corbyns political opinions through his whole life reduced by McDonnell to “It was not to endorse them”, some friend, and a bigger betrayal of his friend is hard to imagine. McDonnell is a craven lick spittal with almost less credibility than Jess Philips. Then we have Deputy Leader Tom Watson here singing to a Jewish Friends of Israel meeting. Nothing more needs to be said…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvUtuzoHgCg I would like to know how accusing the Israeli embassy of infiltrating the Labour party can be called Antisemitic, Peter Willsman told the truth, former Labour MP Joan Ryan [LFI] is on record saying one million pounds is available to fund certain projects and Ella Rose left her job working with Shai… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 8:11 PM
Reply to  harry law

You can’t appease these people. Jesus Christ himself couldn’t manage it when he walked the earth, so what chance has Jezza got? Give Israel $10 billion and you’re anti semitic because you haven’t given them $50 billion. Fight 5 wars for Israel and you’re anti semitic because you haven’t fought 10 wars for Israel. Nothing is ever enough.

Jun 1, 2019 9:37 PM
Reply to  mark

Well said.
Looks like basic greed is the issue here.
The Scribes and Pharisees have reincarnated and taken over, still waiting for their “Messiah”, whom they will only recognize if he is carrying a machine gun.
And they seriously lay claim to spiritual knowledge…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 2, 2019 4:40 AM
Reply to  harry law

Exactly correct Harry. Corbyn should have come out swinging, and called them out for the bullshit they were spouting right at the start. We all know why these slugs hurl the anti semitic canard, and as Mark points out below, you cannot reason with them, or appease them. You’d have more luck appeasing a brick wall.

different frank
different frank
Jun 1, 2019 10:36 AM

A former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) has called for Jeremy Corbyn to be ‘sacrificed’.
“Sacrifice him”
I don’t suppose the Graun etc reported this.

Jun 1, 2019 12:50 PM

Disgraceful. The level of hypocrisy on display here is truly shocking.

Jun 1, 2019 12:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Is this not hate speech and incitement to violence?

Jun 1, 2019 1:49 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Yes it is incitement, but some minorities get a free pass to do that.

Jun 1, 2019 1:48 PM

They may be “Livestreemed” but what has been said can never be undone, and I think that gentleman’s words speak volumes about the attitude of a certain minority towards politicians and leaders of political parties in this country.
How about we suggest that he should be marched through traitors gate?

Jun 1, 2019 7:42 PM

”I must remind you that you are being live streamed” What a fucking cretin! He was only saying what ALL the Jewish League have been saying ever since JC was elected Leader. Margaret Hodge as much as said the same thing and she is still a member of the Labour Party!!!
I can’t get my breath for the hypocrisy of ‘these people.’
And they say JC is anti semetic?
What the hell is this called?
It is exactly what happened prior to WW2 when the Jews declared war on Germany. It began with the rantings of a senile old man…

Jun 1, 2019 9:46 PM

Sacrifice anybody who seriously tries to instill a little morality into the working population and stand in the way of the corrupt accumulation of obscene wealth and the lust for obscene power.
” ‘Give us Barrabas!’ cried the throng.”
And Pontius Pilate gave them Barrabas.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jun 1, 2019 9:26 AM

Of course Watson is a paid up (or paid in reverse would be more accurate) of the Labour Friends of Israel who voted in favour of the war against Iraq. Figures! Watson is very typical of that ultra-right tendency which has always been present in the Labour Party. How well I remember those gentlemen in the past, particularly the right-wing union bloc of Sidney Green National Union of Railwaymen, ‘Lord’ Carron of the AEU, and Arthur Deakin of the Transport and General Workers, who together with the political faction of Hugh Gaitskell, George Brown et al who consistently blocked anything like socialist policies at Annual Conference. Of course even then the Labour party was pro-Israel and given the political orientation of most of the membership probably always will be. One of the characteristic features of the LP and a trait of all social-democratic parties is their craving for respectability and approval from the PTB. There is nothing the LP will not do to appear ‘responsible’ ‘reasonable’ or ‘harmless’. A secondary feature is the existance within the party of two blocs who want entirely different things. This of course makes the party unviable. Corbyn’s embrace of the discredited Blair–Brown Labour right is the closest—makes his political stance contradictory. His first instinct was to invite them into his Shadow Cabinet: warmonger Hilary Benn as foreign minister, Atlanticist Maria Eagle at defence, Andy Burnham—with a scandalous record as Health Secretary under Brown—for the Home Office; Rosie Winterton retained as Chief Whip. And of course membership of NATO is to be retained. But getting back to zionism. In 1962/3 there was something of a resurgence of fascism in the UK. There was a particular rally in Trafalgar Square called ‘Free Britain from Jewish control’ by the British National Party. On the plinth stood the… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 8:58 AM

Joan Ryan says the answer is in your hands. Is she encouraging nationwide wankery?

Jun 4, 2019 4:48 PM
Reply to  George

Change UK has just split up. Half of them including Chuka and Berger have jumped ship. They’ll probably try to form the People’s Popular Change Front or worm their way into the Liberals. The other half, including Loudmouth Soubry and that repulsive poisonous Zionist toad Gapes are staying put. I didn’t think Change were big enough to split.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jun 1, 2019 8:09 AM

Well, well…fancy Joan Ryan, she of the one million pound money-talk with Israeli embassy’s Shai Masot, professing to be ‘appalled’.

Still, I suppose truth-telling is appalling to Israel’s battalion of supporters in the political and media classes.

As for opportunist Tom Watson, he knows on which side his bread is buttered….or thinks he does.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jun 1, 2019 10:49 AM

What’s up with the Labour administration? Haven’t they learned by now that when you give in to witch hunters, they don’t go away, they just come back demanding more? Isn’t there somebody there with enough guts to start pushing back?

Jun 1, 2019 12:18 AM

Oy vey! The truth is anti semitic!! Shut it down!!!

Not if but when
Not if but when
Jun 1, 2019 12:18 AM

Netanyahu has trouble governing in Israel, and yet, he’s so popular and adorable in the [US] congress and among UK parlimentarians. Would he accept becoming the UK prime minister? He seems, he is already running the politics in the UK.
Perhaps ‘running the politics in the Western hemisphere’ would be a more accurate description of what Israel is doing.

May 31, 2019 11:26 PM

Anti semitism shmemetism

May 31, 2019 10:36 PM

This article doesn’t put Willsman’s resignation into perspective (recent Israeli hacking stories, the tech revolution in Israel, wider pro-zionist legislation and exclusivity, Trump’s presidency – http://www.unz.com/article/the-hidden-side-of-the-mueller-report/)…

Any political entitity that hopes to challenge the system and trajectory of our current society, must in fact challenge Israel, zionism and Jewish elite networks that span the globe.
I think the fact that these are intrinsically linked is becoming plain to many people, even if they are not prepared to voice the realisation or to consider what this might practically mean.

Labour cannot shrug its zionist shackles without confronting the reality of Jewish power – something that it is ideologically incapable of doing.

May 31, 2019 10:38 PM
Reply to  crank

sorry, delete ‘resignation’ and paste ‘suspension’.

[edit, editors, what happened ?]

Jun 1, 2019 12:20 AM
Reply to  crank

Yes, as Adam Green recently said in one of his shows, you have to call a spade a spade. Jewish power is real, and Jewish power is a problem……for all of us……Jews and Goy alike.
For example……

Jun 1, 2019 7:37 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I wonder how many people here at OffG would watch that, and if so what they might think of it, and indeed what they might say of it…?
Adam Green is so far from where I have come from in my life, yet, weirdly, I now think he is at the forefront of truth telling (-or at least an honest attempt at it).

Jun 1, 2019 10:59 AM
Reply to  crank

Jewish power is real: but Adam Green at the forefront of truth telling. If truth reared up before him and kicked him in the b#####ks he wouldn’t recognise it. That is because truth is absolute: and cannot be relativist.

We’ve had this conversation before: so I won’t go into any depth. You have said we live in a relative world: I say we construct a relative world. Then we compound our error by taking the construction as ‘real’ and ‘true’. It is not, and cannot ever be. It is imaginary – vikalpa: taking the unreal as real – and all the while we do that, we are in Samsara …cycles of inter-racial tension and destructiveness that manifests as dead Palestinian children. But also dead Yemeni, DRC, Zaire, Chilean, name a country, and their children are dying from relativistic materialism and imperialism. Them and us: the basis of all suffering and planetary destruction. The only solution is to stop with the them and us: the problem is universal.

The solution is personal: the only person that can heal the world consciousness is us – me and you …only with the insight that they are us. We split our consciousness on a moment by moment basis (vijnana): we can heal it on a moment by moment basis …transforming the Samsaric separationism into Nirvanic nondualism. That is the truth. Green expounds ‘vikalpic’ untruth …which should not be taken as ‘true’.

Jun 1, 2019 2:31 PM
Reply to  BigB

For the sake of this thread… If you want to move on from a ‘created relativism’ of world politics, you have to address the motherlode of the ‘them and us’ ideology, I would say. What are the stories embedded in the past that lead to this moment? You previouisly said, “focus on the present”, but you know, Barak Obama said that too. Taken to the extreme, there is no point in discussing anything in a politics of the personal….just sit on your meditation cushion and remain silent. To engage politically is to engage with a relativistic world (whether one thinks that relativism is ‘created’ by us, or ‘interpretted’ by us). This is why so few liberal middle class Buddhist/ mindfulness adherents find their chosen spiritual path so appealing – they don’t actually have to confront any discomforting truths about their lives and the branch of relationships that spread out from them. You clearly are not of this denialist mode in a general sense. Yet, if influential religious clerics and cultists in Israel, the US, the UK and elsewhere are motivated by a domination plan, and have the wealth, links to power to enact it, and are legally silencing voices critical of them, and basically nobody ont the Left is pointing this out – then is someone like Green not to be acknowledged for the integrity of pointing out what is true, but also taboo ? I say he is. Green doesn’t really present an ideology himself, but merely pieces together various stories from Israeli and Anglo media to make the case that, yes, elites in UK,US and Israel envision a cybernetic empire with Israel at its heart, with all the religious paraphernalia necessary to make that happen. Nobody is really denying this factual argument, only calling it out as some… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 5:02 PM
Reply to  crank

‘…so *many* liberal middle class buddhist…’
[that is a bad typo].

Jun 2, 2019 11:14 AM
Reply to  crank

For the sake of humanity… Do we want to address the motherlode of ‘them and us’ political ideologies by picking a few leaves, maybe cutting back a branch or two: and topiaring the tree …or do we go to the root and cut it off from ground level – to make sure that the pernicious roots never produce again? Radical means root: I said months back that you can never, never deal with the proliferation of beliefs that make up the socio-politcal constructivist imaginary …and you cannot deconstruct the meta-system of beliefs predicated on beliefs predicated on beliefs. But anyone, anytime, anywhere can go to the root of the root of belief …and cut it off, transforming the world. As an individualistic action, this may be deemed futile …but if a million or billion turn to peace …all of a sudden you have an irresistible force. A force that can never emerge from thinking relativistically about thinking relativistically about thinking relativistically …in infinite recursion. Perception is action: transforming consciousness from conceptual to real is a fundamental evolutionary act …perhaps the only evolutionary act we can perform in this recuperated corporate and country captured world. A world the developed while everyone was thinking relativistically, from a first person self-interested POV: the entire socio-political system was captured and routed ‘elsewhere’ and ‘offshore’. Relativistic thinking, creating the socio-political imaginary, did nothing but enable this. Why: maybe not you or I – but a majoritarian part of the plebeian precariat had skin in the materialistic game. Many still do believe in a relativistic dialectical materialism: one which is prohibited by entropy …on which we both agree. So, if relativistic dialectical materialism is the basis of the ‘Jewish Power’ fallacy: it is because they are supposedly ‘hoarding’ and ‘leaching’ off everyone else …denying the materialist… Read more »

Jun 2, 2019 5:50 PM
Reply to  BigB

Link me to who else is exposing the dominance plans which underlie the subject of this article ?

Green doesn’t present himself as an ideologue or teacher or someone with ‘the answers’. He is not calling for any roots to be chopped.
He calls a spade a spade though, and I am sorry to write that your only reply to that is to endulge in psychobabbling verbage. You may say that a spade is form of ‘pernicious autophagical cultural cannibalism’, but I think, the conversation is over.

Jun 3, 2019 12:25 AM
Reply to  crank

You do this: ask for an opinion – then shut down the conversation if you do not like the reply. You also make an exorbitant claim for Green: so he is at the forefront of truth telling for you Well OK, but his ‘truth’ appeals only to a narrowing bandwidth of consciousness. You only have to read some of the comments to see exactly who he appealing to. Surely you must see exactly who the target audience are? If that is to be conflated with truth – relative or absolute – there can hardly be any wonder why the world is as it is, can there?

Jun 3, 2019 7:36 AM
Reply to  BigB

I don’t think you have answered the questions though BigB, rather you avoid them and hide behind philosophical obfuscation. It is in fact you who has stepped away from the conversation. Who, amongst those who speak in ‘the public conversation’ and who are committed to challenging the structures of power around us, make the case that Green does? He is not alone, but there are few, even among the radical fringe. Does he make a coherent ‘joining of the dots’ ? Are there people at the heart of zionist politics who are motivated -not just by imperial reach for middle eastern resources (as hypothesised by most of the Left)- but by a vision, a domination plan to make Israel and Jews the centre of a New World Order – a much steeper hierarchy ? If you think that Green (and others) fail to make any evidential case for that proposition at all, then it would make perfect sense to dismiss it all as the ramblings of someone motivated by racism, ‘othering’, or a ‘them and us’ mentality etc. You are quite prepared in much of what you have written to point out other ideas which deserve the fiercest criticism, and even to make a stand against those (‘others’) who are motivated by sentiments which run counter to the universalist ethic that you celebrate. However, when it comes to Jewish power, you step back into denunciation of ‘othering’ and, really, of all political struggle, preferring to retreat into the ‘yogi’ end of Koestler’s spectrum. This approach only serves to enhance the exceptionalism of Jewish power though, which relies almost entirely upon silencing criticism of itself. Green may be a dyed in the wool white supremicist, (I don’t think he is) he may attract lunatics and trolls to his comment section, but… Read more »

Jun 3, 2019 10:01 PM
Reply to  crank

Crank I fear that you completely mischaracterise my POV as being “philosophical obfuscation” and from the “‘yogi’ end of the Koestler spectrum”. Over the months, and not just with you, I have made many ‘obfuscatory’ arguments – from cognitive neuroscience, biology, and neuropsychology – to establish a sound epistemological basis for the universalist POV. To recap: every person is unique and individual – right down to the functional and structural neuro-anatomical level. Categorising any group by traits and particularities is 19th century bad education: based on outdated biology and evolutionary psychology. I’ve also argued from cognitive science for ’embodiment’: a paradigm for which there is a growing scientific consensus. The ‘soft’ version of this is well supported. I won’t digress: but the current Cartesian paradigm is entirely ‘disembodied’. Following Lakoff and Johnson: I’ve shown that the entire disembodied ‘objective’ paradigm – championed by Rand and an integral part of the Enlightenment – is, in fact, flawed from first principles. So I established a sound epistemological basis from the latest science and empiricism before I went off the “yogi end”. I came from the relativistic and conventional, long before I made any absolutist allusions. It is hardly my fault that virtually no one seems to want to accept the latest research: which supports both the universalist and nondual paradigmatic shift to dynamic systems ecology and holistic worldview. Cognitive neuroscience et al is only “philosophical obfuscation” for those who want to stay stuck in the past. I do not. So we are stuck doing 18th century politics with stone age minds. And getting 18th century and stone age results. If anyone has tried to move on from this: it has been me. If anyone has been obfuscating – contra the latest systems science and empiricism – I fail to see what more… Read more »

Jun 3, 2019 10:57 PM
Reply to  BigB

We are going to accuse each other of making straw man arguments. I am not saying that Green is the sole source of wisdom on all things relevant to today. I am saying that he is focusing on the theory that Jewish elites share domination plans and that the unfolding of these coincides with a silencing of criticism of zionism, Israel and all things relating to Judaism. I think the rarity and circumstance of his focus might explain the singularity of it. Obviously, if you only viewed Green’s work as a window on the world, it would give a very distorted viewpoint. But neither I nor he is suggesting that, so your criticism in that respect is off target I would say. You say that there is nothing exceptional about Jewish exceptionalism. That is the key point though. In our culture, Jewish exceptionalism is the only one that remains protected from open critical enquiry. American exceptionalism is not protected in this way. That has come in for wide ranging criticism from the anti-imperial Left over the past century. If you follow the theological arguments which relate the religous culture of the US to Protestantism and the Old Testament, then it might become clear as to why that is the case. American exceptionalism and Jewish exceptionalism are closely related, and Israel politically controls the US, which in turn is the unipolar power in today’s world. As Israel is the self proclaimed Jewish state, we should all be examining the power dynamics and religious ambitions of those in power in Israel. This doesn’t happen though, often because people make arguments like those you make (that scrutiny of Israel- Jewish politics is racist). You compare examination of China and US bids for the mantle of tech supremecy with that of Israel, but ignore… Read more »

Jun 4, 2019 10:04 AM
Reply to  crank

I’m glad we are having this conversation: because there is not too much to disagree on. Everything you say is more or less true: but still, the focus is not. Analysis of the world system on a state structuralist basis is defunct: and has been for some time. Real power and wealth moved offshore and transnational decades ago. Globalisation grew from illicit black market money flows – the eurodollar (euro$) markets – centred on London: and radiating from there. Wall St’s power and influence grew from this: and their surplus capital flowed into Israel: which makes Israel a sub-imperial outpost …not a main centre. When the two exceptionalisms are nearly identical: which is the tail and which is the dog? Neither: both owe supra-national allegiance to ‘offshore’ – usually referred to as the Trans-National State (TNS – by William I Robinson, for instance). Does Netanyahu or Trump answer to Adelson: or does Adelson answer to them? The TNS is globalised and contains exceptionalists of every nationality: not just Israel. It is protected because it does not exist socio-politically: neither does the euro$ market – which almost certainly funds Israel. The TNS has totally re-ordered the global market into tiers of capital accumulation and division of labour. I am only sketching: but the unipolar power lies with the TNS – roughly the 2,200 international billionaires; the 140 or so main TNCs; and the transnational financial institutions (banks and shadow banks) – which all but controls the global economy. No one talks about this because no one knows about it; it is socio-politically taboo. Attention is drawn to the nation states: which is a category Green (I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt) of inadvertently servicing. Focus on inter- and intra-state tensions – and the TNS operates freely raping the world.… Read more »

Jun 4, 2019 11:27 AM
Reply to  BigB

As I wrote, if you do not regard 9/11 (at least the WTC component) as a plot of Israeli intelligence, zionist sympathisers and ‘shabbos goyem’ then we are on a different page.
Ditto the Kennedy killings.
I am persuaded by the evidence, simple as that.
The concept of Israel as ‘imperial outpost’ (tail or dog/tail) seems flatly ridiculous to me in this era.
No other client state comes even remotely close in terms of controlling the discourse or buying up legislatures, or has such vociferous supporters/ apologists amongst the liberal-left seam of political debate.
You ignored the central argument again : that discussion of Jewish exceptionalism, Jewish power or the ethical implications of Judaic doctrines puts one beyond the pale. It is the exceptional exceptionalism. Masters of the Discourse are masters of all.
I’ll leave it there as I am busy next few days.

Jun 1, 2019 2:48 PM
Reply to  BigB

Truth may be absolute, but the ability of two individuals to perceive any given truth is not.
The Earth was once thought by everybody to be flat, but that didn’t make it flat.
Just pointing out what is a matter of principle for me.

Jun 1, 2019 12:42 PM
Reply to  crank

I treat him like all online truthers……with suspicion, but he appears to be motivated by his disgust at things like 9/11, how this event has ruined our world, and how we must expose those who are responsible for it, wherever that may lead us. He is human so he can be wrong or not to everyone’s taste. The problems of the world, the fact that we are living in such dark times, especially with the impending rollout of 5g, (an omnipresent, always firing weapons system which can be hacked and maniuplated by anyone for all manner of nefarious purposes), mean that it is time for the people to say “enough is enough”, and begin a process of insisting that these horrible, evil, out of touch, aged people with their sick souls, step down and stop fucking up the world. The British establishment, the Vatican, Washington DC, Moscow, Beijing and yes, those of Jewish power…..the whole lot, is totally rotten, they are nothing but poison to our God created, divine, beautiful world. It is high time for everyday folk to re-connect with their souls and demand that this tiny minority of twisted, Satanic scumbags, fuck right off

Jun 1, 2019 3:03 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Wicked people never “step down”.
They have to be removed.
They don’t understand stepping down because that is a moral stance based on understanding that you were mistaken.
We tolerate wicked people today.
That is the problem.

Jun 1, 2019 8:57 PM
Reply to  crank

Thank you Mucho, This video is Unbelievable… from their own mouths?
Everything that anyone has ever said about them being vampires, the elite and wanting to control the world… and been labelled anti-Semite for saying so is HERE in their own publications and videos, and is true.
The Zionists are evil incarnate.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 31, 2019 9:42 PM

The Labour party is riddled with infiltrators, most obviously the various zionist front organization such as the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) who push Israel’s interests as a priority as opposed to the interests of the UK. This happens also to be true in spades of the Conservative Party, a political party bought and paid for. Additionally, various marginal groups and individuals hankering for a career in politics and/or journalism (if that’s the right word) see these parties as a stepping stone to their own career prospects and advancement. This has been either the cause of outcome – or both -of Labour’s shift to the right, and is particularly evident in the Parliamentary Labour Party, a party within a party and Blairite to the core.

And the same is true of the US where orgnizations like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Jewish Institute for the National Security of America (JINSA) determine what US foreign policy should be. Woe betide anyone or any organization draws attention to this lopsided relationship. The can consider their career in politics, academia or the media to be terminated.

This shift to the right is replicated around Europe and even the Greens (particularly in Germany) and NGOs like Amnesty International have joined the right surging bandwagon.

Jun 11, 2019 11:42 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

My gig what a great comment. The Green Party here in Britain are 100 percent Globalist. That why the Love The European Union. There leader said in 2016 on questions time, not long after the EU referendum. That the result has to be over turned in a second referendum.

George Cornell
George Cornell
May 31, 2019 9:35 PM

Russiagate and the few dollars Russia spent on the American election are baby potatoes compared to the systematic attempts by Israel to warp our democracy. Everyone should leave the Labour Party, except for the mad dog Zionists who can then call themselves whatever they wish. I would suggest the Sedition Party.

Jun 1, 2019 3:26 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

But how many of the overall self identifying practicing jewish population vote Labour and Tory over the years?

I’d guess many were ‘naturally’ conservative?

Jun 1, 2019 4:30 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

I disagree that ‘everyone’ should leave the Labour Party George. What should happen is that all those squealing anti semite at anyone who criticises Israhell should be expelled, for bringing the party into disrepute. Then they can toddle along to their new Party run by their own supporters…. ”Change?” And we could see by the last election just how much support they had…. And all those expelled to suit the Zionist agenda should be reinstated.
Onward and upward to victory. Ignore the carping of the chosen ones.
Anti semite used to refer to people who hated Jews. Now it refers to those that Zionist jews hate.
By the way.. why would Russia have any interest in spending money on the American Elections? They know they are about to implode, all they have to do is sit and watch as the dogs all eat themselves.
Sadly for the plebs… they deserve all they get. Just as we will here if we even consider voting Con, Lib or Green.

May 31, 2019 8:17 PM

Shocking stuff. Is our whole political system corrupt with bribery, collusion with mass murder and child sex abuse?. It would appear so.

650 MPS – seems most fall into one of the above.

Jun 1, 2019 12:24 AM
Reply to  Loverat

“Is our whole political system corrupt?”
Is the Pope Catholic?
Does river water flow downstream?
Do bears s*it in the woods?

Jun 1, 2019 2:53 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Again, I am reminded of a professor of psychology who maintained a few years ago that it is fundamentally a psychotic condition to want to control other people, and, therefore, to want to go into politics.
Once you realize that there is something wrong with people who want a political career, everything else falls into place, including your first sentence.

Jun 1, 2019 2:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

As an example, let me just mention “war”.
Today, nobody wants war, except one group: Yes, politicians and their corporate owners.

May 31, 2019 7:47 PM

Hilarious, The Labour Party, home of the poor, the disadvantaged and the abused. And the Tory Media accusing them of anti semitism. If I don’t give a shit about muslims why should I give jews?

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
May 31, 2019 6:57 PM

Israeli benefits enormously from a fearsome propaganda machine that never ceases to frame criticism of human rights abuses (perpetrated by them against Palestinians) as a form of antisemitism.

This tactic is so effective (with the world sitting on its hands while Israel has its way with defenceless protestors ) that it has become part and parcel of right wing ideology that now defines Israeli politics – in other words truth has become antisemitic.

Things are so bad no-one is in the least bit surprised that Netanyahu has formed alliances with some of the other worlds most egregious regimes including KSA and Brazil.

Watson must be well aware of the harms Israel has inflicted in places like Gaza yet no matter how many children have their heads blown off by IDF snipers all he ever worries about are Facebook postings by socialists – the man is a complete and utter twat.

May 31, 2019 8:39 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

What do you expect from Tom “I Am A Proud Zionist” Watson?
Any criticism of Israel, bankers, Soros, globalism, is now “anti semitic” and has been criminalised.
Even Nigel Farage, who constantly sings the praises of Israel, is now apparently “anti semitic.”
The Board of Deputies and the Israeli Embassy demand and expect the right of veto and the right to demand the instant dismissal of anyone who “offends” them. They have both expressed their intention to drive Corbyn out of public life.
This is part of a global campaign to suppress any and all criticism of Israel, no matter what it does and how many times it does it.
Every politician and public figure knows that if they dare criticise the precious Zionist Regime, it means the immediate end of their career, as Marc Wadsworth and Ken Livingstone have found to their cost. Or not even criticising Israel in their cases. Just criticising an MP who happens to be Jewish, for colluding with the Daily Torygraph in its smear campaign against Corbyn. Or stating something that is historically accurate. Because the Board of Deputies declares itself to have been “offended.”
The US situation will soon prevail here, where the Zionist Lobby have a complete stranglehold over the political system and media. Where the only priorities of the bought and paid for political establishment are Israel, Israel, Israel. Where ordinary people are required to take loyalty oaths to Israel on pain of losing their jobs.
Or France or Canada, where the situation is virtually identical. Where the thugs of the “Jewish Defence League”, classed as a terrorist organisation even in the US, are given free rein to beat up anyone they dislike. Where youngsters are criminally prosecuted for wearing BDS T shirts.

May 31, 2019 9:13 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Fully agree with you Harry. Tom Watson is the rattle at the end of the snake. He thinks he is important and is going to step into Corbyn’s shoes and be Prime Minister. ha ha. What a joke.. look at his background. The guy who attempted to to out all the Westminster Peados… then ‘suddenly’ had his mouth sewn up???? IMO a bought and paid for stooge. Sold to the highest bidder. Whilst researching for this post I happened upon an article by Phil Butler, and have borrowed a few paragraphs: >>Without bombarding you with 9/11 theories and anti-Israel rhetoric, it’s completely fair to say hard liner Zionists in Israel, America, and across EUROPE have played a major role in brewing conflicts in the Middle East. If we can admit that Greater Israel is part of this chaotic stew of destruction, then it is far easier to show “Average Joes” everywhere just what the costs of American and Israeli policies is. For the sake of this argument, here are some even more amazing figures. Since the so-called “War on Terror” was launched, experts claim that the United States has squandered in between $3.2 and upwards of $5 trillion dollars. I think it’s fair to assume that it’s costs Americans more than $4 trillion since 2003, so let me run with this figure. Yesterday I was on hold with the Social Security Administration for 47 minutes on an international call to solve my initial retirement payments. While I waited the robot in charge of held calls kept telling me, “We provide benefits to over 50 million Americans, so there are very busy times. We are sorry for your long wait”. At that moment, this article was on my mind. I thought to myself over and over, “fifty million, fifty million into… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 1:06 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Dear Maggie, You’re actually short changing yourself. As of today, the GWOT for Israel has cost a bit over $4.8 trillion, so you are actually down $96,000 plus (so far.) It will inevitably rise to at least $7 trillion to cover the existing costs of past campaigns, even assuming our Zionist friends don’t dream up further wars that the stupid goys have to fight for them against Iran and other people. So consider yourself short changed by at least $140,000. Of course that doesn’t count all the hundreds of billions in free weapons to our Zionist chums. The entire cost of the Zionist military is paid for by Joe US Taxpayer. And those fancy planes and the fancy bombs and missiles they drop on kids in Gaza all cost plenty. The US paid for the entire cost of the Merkava tank programme. Like it paid for the entire cost of the Iron Dome and Arrow missile systems. Joe German Taxpayer paid the entire cost of the advanced Dolphin nuclear missile submarines given to Israel completely free of charge. Joe Shlomo in Tel Aviv doesn’t have to put his hand in his pocket for a single shekel. Of course that’s just the military side. It doesn’t count the hundreds of billions in straight cash tribute that is handed over to our Zionist masters. Every household in Israel is subsidised by Joe US Taxpayer to the tune of $23,000. This “aid” is all paid in advance to Israel so that they can claim further interest on it before they actually collect all the loot. And those splendid folk in Congress, when they weren’t busy giving Netanyahu standing ovations, enacted laws making all this tribute compulsory and protected from all eventualities. It cannot be altered under any circumstances, like the US experiencing severe… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 3:20 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Ah, but American troops are “happy” to die for Israel. Their general in charge of US troops in Israel says so.

Jun 11, 2019 11:21 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

I only wish I would have said that.