Israeli Indifference is Killing People

Andre Vltchek

An Israeli flag flutters near Israeli youths as they protest atop the roof of a synagogue in the Israeli settlement of Givat Zeev in the occupied West Bank, near Jerusalem November 4, 2015 REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

In the past, whenever I went to (or more precisely, ‘through’) Israel, it was for some antagonistic purpose: to write about the brutal suppression of the intifada in Gaza or Hebron, to comment on the insanity of the land grab around Bethlehem, or to report from the eerie and de-populated Golan Heights, which Israel occupies against all international rules and the UN resolutions.

You name it and I worked there: Shifa Hospital or Rafah Camp in Gaza, ‘Golans’, border with Jordan, Bethlehem.

I used to arrive at Ben Gurion Airport, sleep one night in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Haifa, meet my contacts (my left-wing friends), hastily, and in the morning, dash towards the ‘front’, or towards one of the ‘fronts’ that the so-called ‘Jewish State’ sustains for decades at its ‘peripheries’.

But this time I decided to do exactly the opposite.

As it became evident that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lost all his restraint and shame, as it has got clear that the United States will take full advantage of his madness, and as I was convinced that Europe as well as most of the Arab countries will do absolutely nothing to defend Palestine, Syria or Iran, being ‘in the neighborhood’ (Egypt), I bought my tickets to Tel Aviv, for just a 48 hour ‘visit’ and for one simple purpose: to observe Israeli citizens, talk to them, and to try to figure out how and what they think and want; how they see the world, and particularly how they perceive the region where they live, fight and kill.

And so, I flew to Israel, from Cairo and via Amman. Once there, for two days I commuted between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in a brand new, fast and elegant double-decker train. I talked to many people, provoking them to describe the conditions in which they have been existing; to describe their political system, and the apartheid which most of them keep upholding through (as they constantly point out – ‘democratic’) elections.


Of course, the more ‘democratic’ Israel really is, the more shameful the state into which it reduces the Palestinians, other Arabs and in fact, the entire region. Israeli citizens are continuously voting in the governments that are locking millions inside the camps. They are electing those who are igniting wars and military conflicts in various countries of the Middle East.

Naturally, if you live in Beirut or Aleppo, it is easy to imagine that all this horror is happening because the Israeli citizens are simply ‘evil’; in fact, a bunch of blood-thirsty Rottweilers who have been let off the leash by their North American masters.

But when one interacts with Israelis, he or she quickly realizes that, bizarrely, this is not the case.

Many Israelis appear to be slightly confused, shy, and introverted.

They are ‘into themselves’. It appears that they ‘don’t give a damn about the world around them’.

The most shocking thing is not their brutality, but their detachment, indifference and selfishness.

But all of this is not ‘because most of them are Jews’, but because they are Europeans.

In fact, very little is known about the fact that most of the non-European Jews living in Israel (those originally from Morocco, Yemen, Ethiopia and elsewhere) are treated like second-class citizens, or even worse.

Israel is a European ‘outpost’ in the Middle East. The mindset of most of its inhabitants is predominantly European. Talk to people in Tel Aviv, Haifa, even Beersheba as well as in the non-religious parts of the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and you will most likely come to the same conclusion.

The ‘political awareness’ of the white, European Israeli Jews, is precisely on the same level as that of the Europeans, meaning near zero:

The U.K. may have more military bases and outposts abroad than any other country on earth. The British military is involved in several ‘projects’ – military occupations and attempts to overthrow foreign governments. These ‘projects’ are killing millions of innocent people, annually.

But go to Tate Modern or the Covent Garden Opera House, or just to one of those countless funky nightclubs in London, and try to engage people in conversations about their nation’s murderous legacy. They will laugh at you, or confront you, or simply would not understand what are you talking about, and why.

Do the same in France, and most likely, the results would be identical. France is involved in the neo-colonialist projects in Africa, and millions of ‘lower humans’ are being ruined in the process. But how many French people know, and if they do, how many of them care, let alone try to stop it. Look at the Yellow Vests: how many of them are demanding justice for the French neo-colonies?

The mindset of Israelis is very similar.

Take Tel Aviv – the biggest city in Israel: it is one of the richest places on earth, with infrastructure better than that in North America or the United Kingdom, with cultural institutions like the Museum of Modern Art, a masterpiece built by the architect Preston Scott Cohen. The green areas of Tel Aviv, public spaces, all this could rank it as one of the most livable cities on earth.

But for whom? At what price to the enslaved, exiled and exploited people of the region?

Does it sound familiar? Like all those museums, cathedrals, parks, public hospitals, universities that Europe constructed on the bones, on the corpses and misery of the Congolese, Indonesian, Indian and other people. All for the benefit of the Europeans, but paid for by the slave labor of “The Others”, as well as by the looted resources of “The Others”.

Talk about all of this in Madrid, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon or London. The chances are, you will not be understood. Chances are, you will get confronted: thrown out of cab or a pub, insulted, or even physically attacked (it happened to me in London, for instance).

Talk about it in Haifa or Tel Aviv, and the outcome would be similar; a bit milder (in Israel there is greater number of self-critical people than in Europe), but those who may disagree with you could be extremely unpleasant, and sometimes even violent.

And then, when all the other arguments are exhausted, the Holocaust would almost certainly be mentioned.


And Holocaust is one word that is, when pronounced, simply supposed to end all arguments and criticism of Israel. It is like a password, to shut everyone up.

The Holocaust is then connected to the exodus of the Jews from Europe to the Middle East, after the end of the WWII. “Millions of Jews were killed, therefore they had full right to move, or to be moved, to the Middle East”, the argument goes.

It is bizarre, and powerful proof of how intellectually obedient and ‘shy’ the Western, as well as the Israeli public, has become.

Mentioning the Holocaust should not be ‘the end’: this is precisely where the discussion should begin!

The Holocaust was committed by the Europeans (Germans, but also by several of its allies) against the Jews, the Roma and Communists. Millions of people died atrocious, unimaginably terrible deaths.

And then?

In a typically cynical and sinister British colonialist way, the perpetrators got rewarded, and then new victims created.

Germany got fully rebuilt, while Palestinians (un-people in the British minds), were singled out as those who were supposed to pay for the European crimes.

Why not award the Jews with the entire Bavaria? That’s where Hitler came from. That’s where his early supporters were living. This is where some terrible killings were perpetrated.

Bavaria, Germany, Central Europe, is where millions of Jews felt at home, before the Nazi madness began. For example, the greatest writer of the 20th Century – Franz Kafka: he often described himself as a Czech, of Jewish origin, who wrote in the German language.

Before they realized the gravity and monstrosity of the situation, most of the Jews in Germany simply felt ‘betrayed’. As far as they were concerned, they were Europeans, not any less than that perverted freak Adolf Hitler, or his beer-guzzling buddies.

So, why not Bavaria, as compensation? Why Palestine?

The unpronounced truth has been: because the UK and US wanted that mighty Middle Eastern outpost, and because they wanted a powerful, industrialized Germany again, precisely where it was before and during the war.

Because the Allies knew: in terrible pain, full of outrage, the European Jews would come to Palestine and almost in unison declare: “Never Again!” “We will fight for our survival right now and right here!”

The sad reality was, however, that it was not Arabs, not Palestinians, who burnt the Jewish people in the concentration camps. The Arabs were actually fellow victims, suffering from different horrors – the horrors of European colonialism.

Instead of uniting the two groups of people, two victims, against European racism, colonialism and imperialism, the Brits and others succeeded in ‘dividing and ruling’ them; a horrid imperialist tactic they have been using all over the world, for the long centuries.


Of course, after the horrors of WWII, many Jews went to the Middle East as Communists, or anarchists. They wanted to build a new world. They wanted to turn deserts into gardens, and to live in harmony with the Palestinians and other Arabs, in a wonderful and tolerant state. This dream never came through. Communism in Israel was defeated, and so was internationalism.

Militarism, nationalism and religious extremism (conservative religious parties in Israel are always a political minority, but no government, it appears, can be formed, without taking them into a coalition).

Then came the tsunami of the anti-Communist Soviet Jews, (and those who claimed to be Jews, but often weren’t). Accepting them was clearly a political decision of the Israeli elites – they moved Israel towards the right, and ‘rejuvenated’ “the Israeli struggle for ‘exclusive Jewish rights’, and against the rights of the Arab population. Cynical; tremendously cynical, but it all worked perfectly well – for the nationalists and the conservatives.

For the Palestinians, it was yet another disaster; the end of all hopes.

Like in Europe and North America, the Israeli political landscape has become fully re-defined: extreme right, right, and center-right. The left – Communists, internationalists and real socialists – can only be found in a few avant-garde theatres and at the ‘margins of society’.


So, back to the Israeli life. Its Human Development Index (HDI) is the 22nd highest in the world, above that of France, South Korea and Italy. Not bad, is it?

The question is again – for whom?

The interesting thing was that whenever I tried to discuss Palestine, Golan Heights, Syria, Iran, I encountered no anger. Do the white, European Israelis really hate Palestinians, Arabs, Iranians? My conclusion is: no, they don’t! They don’t, because these people do not exist.

You cannot hate what doesn’t exist, can you?

The bombing of Syrians, shooting at Palestinians – it all has become like a video game. Nothing personal – something that ‘has to be done’ in order to preserve privileged status of European Jews. The same as building the settlements.

You know, when I was there, Tel Aviv was obsessed with new electric pushbikes. Bicycle lanes were full of them. Who gives a damn about the Palestinians?

The museums were packed, people waiting in lines for hours for the latest exhibitions. Concerts everywhere. The best stuff. Syria? Screw Syria! Falafel fusion has reached new heights, in countless cafes. Classical musicians were practicing, in front of the public, on grand pianos, at the new train station in Jerusalem; a station so deep that one could have no doubt – it is a posh, high tech nuclear shelter.

Another, even newer station will soon be called “Donald Trump”, as a big thank you for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

In Israel, hardly anyone practices religion, yet on Shabbat, the entire country comes to a standstill. And that is just a few hours after those countless pubs, bars and clubs were regurgitating drunkards, until the wee hours.

Iran? Israeli politicians are professionals. They know what the West wants. And they go out of their way to please. Same as the Saudis, great allies of Washington, and secret cohorts of Israel.

After one day, everything began to feel extremely familiar. I couldn’t help it: I felt that I was in Europe. The same cynicism, opportunism, indifference.

As long as we live well, we will do anything to keep it like that! If millions ‘elsewhere’ have to die for our wellbeing, who cares? Let them die!”

Opera performances, top notch public transportation (German), luxury cars (mostly German), and classical music (big chunk of it, German again). Top European brands at local luxury boutiques. Cute pet dogs in public parks.

Palestinians do not exist. Arabs exist mainly as a nuisance. Non-European Jews are good for cleaning latrines.

Seriously, have you heard about a Moroccan or Yemeni Jew commanding a battalion, giving orders to open fire on Palestinian women and children? Then ask a question: is it really about ‘Jewishness’ or about European colonialist legacy?

Actually… Really familiar, isn’t it? The only difference between the UK or France and Israel, is that the distance between London, Paris and the devastated neo-colonies can be counted by thousands of kilometers. From Tel Aviv to the ruined lives of the Palestinian people, it is often just a few minutes’ drive.


Before the holocaust in Europe, Germans perpetrated their very first holocaust in their colony – in Southwest Africa, what is now called Namibia. They murdered over 85% of the native people there, including the Herero tribe. Almost no one knows about it. I went there to investigate, wrote and published reports.

German doctors like Mengele, those who tortured and experimented on Jews in the concentration camps during WWII, were trained by the doctors who previously murdered and beastly tortured African people.

‘Holocaust-deniers’ hate this information. It totally contradicts their ‘discoveries’ that ‘the Holocaust did not happen’, or that “humiliated Germany, after the unjust peace after WWI, just went ‘overboard’.”

No, Germany had proven that it could easily exterminate almost an entire population. But African people do not matter to the Europeans, do they?

Holocaust is only what occurred on the European continent (although Gypsies/Roma somehow do not qualify as victims, either. In Czech Republic, extermination camps for Roma have been converted to pig farms, with no monuments). They – non-European victims – do not matter to most of the Israelis, either.

When the Holocaust in Europe began, most of the Jews could not believe that their good neighbors – Germans – could commit such barbarity. They did not know their own history, obviously. Germany and other European countries have been committing holocausts all over the world; on all continents. For centuries. The victims, however, were not white, and so they did not qualify as fellow victims.

After WWII was over, and after (mainly) the Soviet Union defeated the German Nazis, many Jews who survived, went to Palestine. As we mentioned before, the murderers were never really punished. Those who had to pay for the German slaughterhouses, were the innocent Palestinians.

But who were those Jews who arrived first? Most of them were those who at the beginning of WWII ‘could not believe that Germans were “capable of committing such crimes”. Let’s face it; they were Europeans, maybe more European than the French, Italians, Dutch, Czechs or even the Germans.

Like Kissinger, who ended up in the United States, instead of Israel. His “Jewish blood” is totally irrelevant. What matters is his “culture”. And his culture is that of a European colonialist, imperialist bigot!

The suffering apart, European Jews were earlier, before WWII, educated in Europe. Their cultural references were those of the Europeans. Most of them saw Arabs with the same eyes as the Europeans observed Arabs in the late 1940’s. Should I say more?


And now, 64 years after the fall of the Reichstag, Israel is an inseparable part of the “Western civilization”. Which means; it is obsessed with its complex of superiority. It is fully convinced, fanatically, that the only truth is the European and North American truth.

It would not hesitate to sacrifice millions of non-Western/non-Jewish lives, for the advancement of their own cause. Justice exists only for the white Jews, as well as for the Europeans, and North Americans.

Israel is not a ‘fascist country’. But it is an apartheid state, the same as the West, which treats the entire planet in an apartheid-style manner. It is what it is. Apartheid is used in order to guarantee a great life for its own people, and to hell with the rest.

Israel is fully integrated into the horrible imperialist adventures of the West, all over the Middle East, in Africa and Kashmir, in the Philippines and many other parts of the world.

And, like in the West, its people know nothing, want to know nothing, care about nothing except themselves.

Vacation in Australia, Thailand or Mexico? It can be discussed for long hours. That matters. But not the lives of conquered and colonized people.

I did not like what I saw and heard in Israel. As I do not like what I see and hear in Amsterdam, Hamburg, Paris or Madrid.

The same self-righteousness, hypocrisy, arrogance and brutality:

You do it our way, or we will break your legs. We can bomb your cities, steal your land, but you shoot back at us, and we will bomb you back to the Stone Age. Why? Because, we simple can, because, we are part of that omnipotent Western world. Because you know what we can do if you start defending yourself! Because you are scared, frightened into submission. And above all: because our people are only ones who matter.”

Yes, this is the way the colonies were controlled, first by the Europeans and then by the United States. Israel learned; it learned quickly. From the victims, people can swiftly convert themselves into victimizers.

The Laws of any country are clear on this: Just because many of your family members and relatives were brutally murdered, does not give you any right to start beating, robbing and killing totally different groups of people.

Just because you were victim of racism, does not justify your colonialist behavior towards others.

Yes, as always, I was impressed by Israel’s infrastructure, but not by whom it serves. South Africa, during apartheid, built some of the greatest highways in the world. For the whites. Others were forced to live in the gutter. Israel does the same.

To make it worse, Israel’s Prime Minister is behaving like a war criminal. And he has been re-elected by his own people as a reward.

I believe in collective guilt. The indifference of people, who tolerate theft and murder committed on their behalf, becomes terrible crime itself.

For long awful centuries, Jews were tortured, humiliated and killed by the racist fanatic Europeans. Now, instead of joining internationalist, progressive forces, Israeli Jews of European origin, have changed their identity, and firmly joined the ranks of the imperialist oppressors. They joined their former torturers.

Now they are committing crimes against humanity not because they are Jews, but because they are Europeans.

Originally published on New Eastern Outlook


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Will Freemen
Will Freemen
Jun 10, 2019 3:41 PM

“I believe in collective guilt. The indifference of people, who tolerate theft and murder committed on their behalf, becomes terrible crime itself.

In most parts this article is accurate. But by the above quote, the author, a Russian, condemns previous generations of Russians for all the atrocities committed by the USSR in and outside of Russia. Even Russia before the USSR was an empire which means that it conquered neighbouring countries with people of other ethnicities. So a clear example of a colonial power.

He points out the killing of Herero’s in German West Africa. That is a genocide not an example of a concentration camp. The Brits started concentration camps in the USA in the wars against the Native Americans. And allowed many woman and children to die due to disease and starvation in concentration camps in South Africa in the 2nd Anglo Boer war.

And what about the Soviet Ghulags? Are they not the same as concentration camps? How many Russians were murdered in the Ghulags and the Russian Revolution? Are the generations of Russians.that supported communism all collectively guilty? Are all Russians who did nothing to stop the Bolshevik revolution and lived in fear for most of their lives collectively guilty?

The author needs to do some serious self-reflection. And investigate the operation of oligarchic control in more depth. It works the same in most countries. Usually a small group at the top who ensures that there are enough beneficiaries to their rule to ensure compliance. The same happens in the “democratic” West. The mass media manufacturers consent on behalf and for the benefit of the ruling class. The “Collective guilt” label is in itself a propoganda tool

Allan Davis
Allan Davis
Jun 5, 2019 2:21 AM

Excellent article, with one glaring exception, the discussion of the holohoax. I note that the author claimed that some totally unrelated events in Africa authenticate the hoax, while ignoring the reality. I’ll mention a few items that should make you think – for more visit holohoax101.org. 1.Following the Nuremberg trial a plaque was placed at the entrance to Auschwitz stating that 4 million had been murdered there. In 1990 the plaque was replaced by one stating that 1.5 million had been murdered there. Why the change? The Soviets captured the Nazis Auschwitz records including death certificates for each prisoner that died and monthly summaries. They hid the records for 44 years and released them in 1989. You can now buy the ‘Death Books’ on Amazon. 2.This (picture) is the door into the Auschwitz gas chamber. It is a typical unsealed wooden office door with a large glass window. In the book ‘Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present (2002)’ holocaust scholar R. van Pelt reveals that the gas chamber was ‘reconstructed’ after the war by the Soviets, although it was presented to the public as being it its original state for fifty years. 3.An Oprah /Elie Wiesel Special program showed six horrific pictures like the middle one above. This picture was taken at Belsen after the war and shows British soldier bulldozing prisoners who had died of typhus at the end of the war into a mass grave. The third picture (women and children resting in a field) above if from Yad Vashem’s ‘Auschwitz Album- ” the only surviving visual evidence of the process leading to the mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau.” 4.Elie Wiesel received a Nobel Peace Prize and was the first director of the US Holocaust Museum. He was a prisoners at Auschwitz when the Nazis were killing 10,000 Jews per… Read more »

Jun 2, 2019 11:58 PM

The U.K. may have more military bases and outposts abroad than any other country on earth. The folks quibbling over Andre Vltchek’s statement about the UK having more military bases and outposts than the US should read it again carefully: he included outposts as well. If Vltchek considers Israel to be an outpost of Europe in the Middle East, then his definition of “outpost” is very broad and when he speaks of the UK having outposts, he may have in mind former colonies, current colonies and other places that have had some association with Britain in the past and might still carry vestiges of an Anglocentric mindset with regard to geopolitics or global or regional issues. In this respect, Hong Kong, Singapore and various other places around the planet notorious as tax havens (as detailed in Nicholas Shaxson’s book “Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who stole the world”) count as outposts of the UK. Wherever British individuals, corporations and other organisations have stashed income that should be subject to taxation, and their monies have become the mainstay of the tax haven’s economy, that tax haven has become a British outpost – even if its own citizens think they have no connection, historical or cultural or linguistic, with Britain whatsoever. (Hello to some European countries.) Even Australia, Canada and New Zealand – because they retain a form of government which still acknowledges the British Queen as their head of state – remain outposts of the UK. Some South American countries like Chile especially might count as outposts of Britain because in the past Chile considered working with Britain to defeat Argentina during the Falklands War and Chile was the country where the first experiment in neoliberal economics took place (with disastrous results – a financial meltdown in 1981 –… Read more »

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 2, 2019 8:21 PM

If this author thinks the UK controlled 1945 diplmacy, he is need of reeducation. In 1945, the US controlled all post-war settlements, including ensuring that the UK had to repay with interest all debt incurred in defeating Hitler, whereas Germany would get Marshall Aid to rebuild it. The USA determined the peace, even if Churchill had a voice at the table.

The UK does NOT have more overseas bases than the US.

This author trying to imply that all bad things post 1945 were caused by the UK is being duplictious, scheming and unethical.

We had our role, but Truman and Stalin had far greater influence.

Jun 3, 2019 10:02 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Webster Tarpley alleges the US empire is merely a continuation of the British empire with a change of address

Jun 1, 2019 10:37 PM

To be honest, I find Andre Vltchek’s article distorted in that he equates the Israeli public’s apparent indifference to the Palestinian issue to their “European outlook”.

The reality could be that Israeli people themselves have been brainwashed by their own governments and news media over the years to think of the Palestinians as somehow living in another country, and therefore not their responsibility to care about, especially when the Palestinians supposedly have their own self-government and the Palestinian Authority seems to go from one stumbling block to another. On top of that, Israeli people have been subjected to austerity programs carried out by successive Israeli governments over the years, at the same time that a small minority in the country has been enriching itself. I should that for most people, commiserating with other people’s problems is hard when they are worried about their own immediate future prospects, whether they will still have jobs in another year’s time and if they will still have a roof over their heads and food on the table as well.

The issue is that change is not going to come and the situation for the Palestinians won’t improve until and unless the Israeli public and the Palestinians themselves can be convinced they have a common enemy, and that enemy is the Deep State behind the Israeli government that owns them all.

To say that ordinary Israelis don’t care about the Palestinians because they identify as “Europeans” is insulting to them.

Jun 2, 2019 1:12 AM
Reply to  Jen

The key factor, which is somewhat neglected here, is Talmudic Racist Supremacism. Hatred of all goyim is inculcated from an early age. Suffering of goyim is of no concern, because they do not matter. Goyim are not human. Only Jews are human. They are animals. They are insects. They do not matter. These ideological underpinnings are mirrored in the public pronouncements and behaviour of Zionist figures. “All children of the goyim are animals.” Yebamoth 98a. “All gentile women without exception are menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and whores.” Sanhedrin 81b. “The goyim are not humans. They are beasts.” Baba Mezia 114b. “If you eat with a goy it is the same as eating with a dog.” Jebamoth 94b. “Even the best of the goyim should be killed.” Soferim 15. “Sexual intercourse between the goyim is like intercourse between animals.” Sanhedrin 74b. “The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has exposed their money to Israel.” Baba Kamma 57b. “When a Jew murders a Gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile, he may keep.” Sanhedrin 57a. The whole faith is an extreme racist doctrine. You do not care about the suffering of insects. They do not matter. This doctrine is elucidated and fully implemented by religious, political and public figures. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world. – only to serve the People of Israel. Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets along life, to work well for this Jew. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plough, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi, and eat.” Ovadia Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Israel. “It is in the Jewish… Read more »

Jun 2, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  mark

One can add that the majority of American Jewish people at least, if not Jewish people in other lands outside Israel, would count as goyim … because as Reform Jews or Conservative Jews, they don’t count as Jewish under the Israeli definition of Jews (which admits only Orthodox Jews).

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 2, 2019 1:58 PM
Reply to  Jen

Israel’s right of return is nowhere near as strict as you think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return. For example, few if any of the Soviet Jews who moved to Israel in the 1990s were Orthodox, yet they were granted citizenship just the same.

Jun 2, 2019 2:14 PM
Reply to  Jen

I agree with your comment Jen. I have many relatives. (including my kids) who have some Jewish lineage but we would be very much seen as goyim. Ironically, some of our very own relatives would (and probably do) refer to us as goy. Mark’s comment is spot on as this chit is foisted by the talmudic priestly caste. Three summer’s ago prior to the 2016 election I sent my daughter to NYU for Summer School. On the first day of classes she befriended a nice girl from her floor and the 3 of us went out for pizza near Washington Square. My daughter and I were flabbergasted that this girl, who was raised in a very talmudic family from the Silicone Valley area, insisted that if “Donald Trump is elected then all American Jews will end up in gas chambers”. I literally had to have her take a deep breath and then I assured her this would most decidedly not be the case (please note I did not and still do not support Donald Trump). Sadly, this is the type of brainwash nonsense that the modern talmudic priestly caste spreads. My daughter ended up attending UVA and she enrolled after the completely BS astro turf made for TV event that was staged in Cville (as another note I am not open to debating this as I worked in Cville and nearly all of us saw the paid protestors from BOTH sides bussed in and out of the area!!! Sloppy, sad work on the part of whoever staged that). All this being said this chit really, really needs to end. Andrew Yang has it right in that this really is a war on normal people whether they be goy, jew or whatever.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 3, 2019 5:28 PM
Reply to  Jaime

… if “Donald Trump is elected then all American Jews will end up in gas chambers”.

Ha, ha! ‘Brainwashing’ is indeed the right term. After all, if this statement were correct, Trump’s own grandchildren (who are Jewish) would be gassed as well.

Jun 2, 2019 11:44 AM
Reply to  Jen

The vast majority of Jews in apartheid Israel regard Palestinians as vermin whose genocide should be ongoing.

Jun 2, 2019 12:48 PM
Reply to  Jen

Anyone with a functioning brain who understands history can see that Jew’s have been running “Europe” for a LONG time. The depth of their control and the length of their rule can be debated but the fact that the elite class of the West is/was largely jewish really cannot be debated. This is basically another “gatekeeper” article. It is not too dissimilar from something Chris Hedges would write, i.e. it’s your fault you stupid plebeians. Sadly, reality doesn’t work the way these gatekeeper’s insist it works and therein, lies the reason many of us become withdrawn.

Jun 1, 2019 8:30 PM

I’ve spent long periods in Israel over the past two decades and if I may offer my perspective, I think the author is correct in most of his observations, however I think he is missing the mark in one very crucial aspect (which is central to his perspective)

I fully agree with the author that Israeli society on the whole has become very ultra-nationalist, right wing and religious (much more so in the last 10-15 years) and the culture in general is highly conditioned by a very biased one-sided media that bombards them with nonstop nationalist and militaristic viewpoints, and is almost entirely blind to the Palestinians’ perspective and life experience, 

However, I think the author missed the mark in his dichotomy of European/non-European (with European equals bad and oppressive while non-European equals good and oppressed), because, at least from what I’ve observed of Israeli society, it is actually the non-European Jews (called ‘Mizrahim’) who are far more hostile towards Palestinians, far more rabidly nationalist, and far more supportive of Netanyahu and far right parties than European Jews are. In fact, the more left wing groups in Israel and those who oppose Netanyahu and are actively working to bring the Palestinian plight to Israeli society’s attention, are made up almost entirely of European Jews (called ‘Ashkenazim’). 

So in this case, it seems that the author’s dichotomy is perhaps not entirely accurate. 

Jun 1, 2019 10:08 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I have heard of this paradox before, of Mizrahi Jews (Jews who emigrated to Israel from Middle Eastern / North African countries half a century ago, under “aliyah”) being the most hostile towards Palestinians. From my own past reading, I believe this phenomenon arose because in the early decades of Israel’s existence, Mizrahim themselves were treated badly and discriminated against by Israeli institutions. Some Mizrahi Jewish families still have an issue with the Israeli government over the disappearance of their children in hospitals in the 1950s and allege that the hospitals adopted out the children to Ashkenazi Jewish families. These families apparently never received the death certificates they should have got and years later suffered another blow when they received Israeli Army draft call-up notices for the children who were supposedly dead. Other Mizrahi Jewish families allege that their children were subjected to unnecessary X-ray treatment for the eradication of head lice and that the purpose of such X-ray treatments was to use the children as guinea pigs for medical experiments, the aims of which remain unknown. This issue has periodically surfaced in Israeli domestic affairs but deems to remain at the level of “conspiracy theory”.

The grievances of Mizrahim Jews, ignored by governments, and their discrimination were picked up and exploited by politically conservative and religious parties like Shas, who then had a ready audience to brainwash with an anti-Palestinian narrative.

This phenomenon parallels similar developments in Western societies, in which the poor and the most exploited classes are captured and convinced by the most extreme neoconservative and fascist political parties to fear and hate other scapegoated groups, and to vote for policies that you would think run counter to their own best interests.

Jun 2, 2019 11:54 AM
Reply to  Jen

The Australians, another example of colonising and racism like the Israelis, adopted out children stolen from aborigine families.

Jun 2, 2019 10:23 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Certainly Australia has had some pretty bad periods in its history and its historic treatment of its indigenous people is inexcusable. The stolen children episode and the genocide in Tasmania are two egregious examples of which we are ashamed. And even today’s attempts to make amends fall below what we ought to do. But Australia’s immigration policy permits people to come here regardless of race, religion, or country. Our largest immigrant groups currently come from India and China and they are coming in large numbers. We have significant immigration from East Africa and Middle Eastern countries. So please do not for one minute try to equate current Australia with Israel. Our attempts at equality for all people in this country never achieve the level I would like to see but, compared to, say, the UK, which I know well, we are doing amazingly well. I was at a wedding on Saturday of a first generation Australian lady of Filipino descent with a first generation man of Italian descent and the two communities sang and danced together with no barriers. A wonderful evening. If there is a serious issue with discrimination in this country, it is the attempts by various populist right wing politicians to stir up Islamophobia. But usually they are met with massive rejoinders from the public. As to support for Israel by Australia, it is largely because of control of politicians and the media by a few powerful people. The advent of independent news sources and their improved accessibility via the internet has changed my understanding of Israel, but most Australians get their news from a free-to-air TV channel or a newspaper. That is changing as young people turn to alternative sources and become more aware, but it will take time. If Australians knew what kind of country… Read more »

Jun 2, 2019 10:33 PM
Reply to  grandstand

Australia supports any war as ordered by the USA, such as Kissinger and the Indonesian invasion of East Timor; remember the Balibo Five. Pilger says that the East Timorese gave their lives to defend Australians retreating from the Japanese and were told that Australia would always take care of them.

Jun 3, 2019 12:12 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

No – the Australian Government and media support any war ordered by the US. But that’s not the Australian people. We are never given a vote on this – the agenda at all elections is about how the two major parties will handle the economy -marginally different – or asylum seekers. In fact, you may not recall the massive anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Australia.


Everything you say is true but of successive Australian governments not the Australian people. Read Malcolm Fraser (a “much improved person”) on an independent Australian foreign policy. But where is this debated in Australian media? Well I found one in the Guardian of all places and apparently in an op-ed by Penny Wong on Fairfax (Sydney Morning Herald and the Age).

I talk to ordinary people who tell me that we do not want Australia to fight wars in the Middle East. But we will – once again – be told that Syria gassed its civilians, or that Iran attacked Saudi Arabia and that we must support our “allies”. Most Australians are unaware that we probably have military personnel now in Syria – because their media do not tell them – well they do but sotto voce (so they can avoid blame when the SHTF).



Don’t equate Australian foreign policy with the views of its people. You started by accusing Australians of racism – you seem to have shifted tack.

Jun 1, 2019 8:14 PM

The white European Jew is actually not Semitic according to scientific DNA testing and results.
So the antisemitic meme is just a tactic to change or evade the topic of discussion .Always.
Andre is well traveled in most if not all of the world hotspots .He is spot on about Israel .I have arrived at the point where I can’t read about the brutalities that are happening in the Middles East due to this apartheid regime in Israel.It is beyond depressing.
Hello from Canada Andre and hope toy see you soon once again.

Jun 1, 2019 7:47 PM

It is no different here in America. Native Americans do not exist. Palestinians do not exist. Any indigenous tribe, group, survivor anywhere in the world does not exist. The indifference and ignorance is appalling.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 1, 2019 5:13 PM

Zionism predated WW2 by several decades; the idea that the latter justified the former is just Zionist propaganda. The reason why the Zionists weren’t given Bavaria (or Pomerania or anywhere else in Europe) is largely because they didn’t want it. They had had their hearts set on Palestine for some time already. Even before the First World War, they were already trying to buy land there from the Ottoman Empire. Of course, as soon as the Turks were defeated by the British Empire a few years later, the Zionists put significant pressure on London to turn Palestine into a ‘homeland’ for European Jews. But almost immediately after arriving there, they started forming terrorist groups to attack British soldiers–witness the activities of the Stern Gang in the 1930s. It is clear that, from the start, Britain was simply used as a tool by the Zionists to help them achieve their goal of a homeland in the Middle East. The British Empire didn’t benefit much from Zionism, and the ordinary men and women of Britain never got anything out of it at all … except for a few murdered Tommies.

Please note that I am not defending the role of the British Empire in Middle Eastern history generally, which was overall quite negative; nor am I defending Britain’s shameful pro-Zionist elites (then or now). I just want to add a counterpoint to Vltchek’s seeming assumption that Zionism somehow ‘serves the interests’ of the peoples of the West, or that Israel has been a net gain for the Western imperialists. Far from it! By subsidizing and patronizing such a murderous entity in the bosom of the Arab World, our elites have only managed to ruin their own image in the eyes of the Arabs, the Persians and anti-imperialist types everywhere.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 1, 2019 5:38 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

One more thing I forgot to add, just to clarify why this point about Zionism is so important: even if he doesn’t realize it, what Vltchek is saying here is actually the same thing that many Zionists themselves say in order to win more support for Israel in the West. They claim that supporting Israel is in ‘our best interest’ and that the fight against ‘terrorism’ is a shared civilizational struggle. Not only do the Zionists claim this, but so do their Neoconservative (‘clash of civilizations’) and Rapture-Christian (‘end-times’) surrogates. We need to be fighting against this narrative to help turn the peoples of the West against all the wars in the Middle East and against all of this subsidizing of Israel. Israel is a great big parasite–it is not our friend.

Jun 2, 2019 2:08 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

9/11 is key. It is the event we can all relate to, and it was an Israeli/Zionist operation, with the co-operation of top level US/UK MIC/intelligence. They did it, their cover story is nothing but lies with zero evidence, and this can be proven beyond all reasonable doubt. The ongoing genocide and destruction in the Middle East was all brought about because of 9/11. The West is now awash with military hardware, everywhere you go. CCTV, facial recognition, NPR, mobile phone towers, all wifi, smart phones (stupid c**t phones more like)……and of course the incoming 5G network….it’s all military equipment. We’re living in paradise and furnishing it with military hardware, because, ummm, terrorism. What stupid people we are.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 3, 2019 5:32 PM
Reply to  Mucho

9/11 was indeed a Zionist false-flag. If there’s anyone here who still doubts that, here’s a link that will change your mind: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it

Jun 1, 2019 8:53 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Israel is a bottomless pit, the biggest and most ungrateful welfare recipient in history, which leeches untold trillions from any bunch of stupid goys it can victimise, the US, Germany, Switzerland, France, Poland. It exerts a poisonous stranglehold over their political life and media, and perverts and degrades the public space in those countries.

Whether it is identified as European is largely irrelevant. It is a millstone around the neck of the rest of the planet, and “white” countries in particular. Washington, London, Paris, Ottawa, are Occupied Territories no less than Hebron or Nablus. The infrastructure AV admires so much was wholly paid for by Germany and America. Every Israeli household is subsidised by foreign goy tribute to the tune of $23,000. Who knows what Palestinians, or anybody else, could have built with such unlimited largesse? Give me millions and I will impress you with my opulent lifestyle. It is easy to live at the expense of others.

Jun 1, 2019 4:27 PM

Spot on analysis, but of course such a call to self-reflection in the West is met even by many otherwise “progressive” and thoughtful people with discomfort, and as perhaps a form of heresy, given our unchallengeable self-image regarding our “always good intentions.” Looking in the mirror is never easy, but rather indispensable if we are ever to change our path. As an American the fact that my nation’s foreign policy actions, overt and covert, just since the end of WWII, have collectively brought about the deaths of some 20 million of my fellow human beings, along with unimaginable torture and suffering, is simply unmentionable in polite company here. The standard response is the brain dead one: “why do you hate America?” What is one to say when the simple recitation of the historical record is met with complete and utter denial, repression and rationalization? What is “mentionable” of course are things like ‘Stalin’s camps’ or the ‘Hitler’s atrocities.’ Those few in the West who have actually taken the effort to really learn about the history of Europe’s colonial era realize that what makes Hitler’s brutality so unique and special to we the citizen’s of the West isn’t it’s brutal genocidal nature, but rather that such unimaginable brutality and slaughter was exhibited toward “other Europeans,” rather than the ‘traditional targets,’ the indigenous peoples of the world, killed by the tens upon tens of millions by Europeans and their colonists century upon century up until that time. Vltchek’s sin to some is that he refuses to collude with our deluded Western self-perception that we are lawful, generous and well intentioned, no matter the mayhem we have historically wrought upon humanity. Any honest reading of current events shows that we Americans, along with the governments of the U.K. and much of Western Europe… Read more »

Jun 1, 2019 8:11 PM
Reply to  GMB

Of good intentions (and “exceptional” and “righteousness”) is paved the road to Hell.

Jun 1, 2019 9:21 PM
Reply to  GMB

How many people actually know of the western global genocides from 1500 onwards?
The whole planet has been drenched in blood.
They would make the Mongols look like choirboys.
The Native American Genocide with its 100 million plus victims.
The Belgian Congo Genocide from 1890-1910, 10 million victims.
Just one of countless genocides in Africa, French Algeria, Italian Libya, Portuguese Angola, German East Africa, German South West Africa being routine and typical examples.
The scale of Nazi atrocities seems fairly trivial by comparison.
The only difference is that the victims were “white” and politically powerful.
How many Congo Holocaust Museums are there?
How many Spielberg Congo Holocaust Epics are churned out of Hollywood on a mass production line?
How many countries are required to commemorate Congo Holocaust Memorial Day?
Every country in the world should acquire WMD in the shortest possible time. It’s the only way to protect themselves from western aggression, imperialism and barbarism. If they don’t want to suffer the fate of the Native Americans and Africans, or more recently, the Palestinians, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, to name but a few.

Jun 1, 2019 10:45 PM
Reply to  mark

‘western global genocides from 1500 onwards’

Yup…crimes against humanity by ruling elites did not just started….
No one becomes warmongering and deceiver overnight….it takes time to achive such heights….

Jun 2, 2019 12:01 PM
Reply to  GMB

Why does Assange reveal little about Israel? Does he fear the consequences?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 3, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Well, for openers, somebody would have to leak documents about Israel to him first. Remember: they’re called Wiki-leaks, not Wiki-hacks.

Jun 3, 2019 8:42 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig


Something weird is happening again. I tried to ‘up vote’ this comment but received a pink message saying “You are not allowed to vote for this comment”. To test the system I selected another recent comment above that I hadn’t previously seen, tried to ‘up vote’ and received the message that I’d already voted.

Conversely, when I ‘down voted’ a comment it registered.

I see that other posters have had similar problems on other threads.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 3, 2019 10:06 PM
Reply to  Editor

I tried voting and it works – but the edit function is only there intermittently

Jun 1, 2019 2:33 PM

For long awful centuries, Jews were tortured, humiliated and killed by the racist fanatic Europeans. Now, instead of joining internationalist, progressive forces, Israeli Jews of European origin, have changed their identity, and firmly joined the ranks of the imperialist oppressors. They joined their former torturers.

Now they are committing crimes against humanity not because they are Jews, but because they are Europeans.

Without asking the question ‘Why?’ this above statement effectively becomes a perfect inversion of the truth.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 1, 2019 4:25 PM
Reply to  crank

Of course Vltchek isn’t going to ask that question. The purpose of this piece is simply to blame everything Israel does on ordinary Europeans in the street.

Jun 1, 2019 4:56 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Where’s the critique of the ‘them and us’ thinking on display here?

Jun 4, 2019 11:22 AM
Reply to  crank

Lots of thems everywhere. I propose sterilizing at least 80% of the thems so us’s have a chance to catch up.

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Jun 1, 2019 1:33 PM

The U.K. may have more military bases and outposts abroad than any other country on earth.

…if you ignore the U.S. that might be just about true.

Jun 1, 2019 2:01 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Exactly, I found that a very inaccurate claim. The US has known military bases in between 70 and 80 different countries.
The UK has military bases (most of them outposts) in 15 different countries, the largest being in Germany.

Jun 1, 2019 12:08 PM

This kind of one-sidedness got me back to glancing at the Guardian again: between a rock and a hard place.

different frank
different frank
Jun 1, 2019 10:42 AM

The Holocaust’s visit to Yad Vashem

Jun 3, 2019 12:06 AM

@ Different Frank
Amazing video. Can’t believe that there are only two upvotes…
I doubt any of the Jewish ‘League of Gentlemen’ will have seen this, or if they have they will be hoping that we haven’t.

different frank
different frank
Jun 3, 2019 7:50 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Thanks Maggie.
Check out her youtube channel.

Denis O'hAichir
Denis O'hAichir
Jun 3, 2019 9:17 PM

Depressingly prophetic.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 1, 2019 10:18 AM

The smug ‘educated’ middle class.
They slither and slink over every major city on the planet.
Their day of reckoning is coming.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jun 1, 2019 9:47 AM

A powerful piece,its anger is palpable and completely justified.