“Who Will Testify to Kosovo Tribunal?”

Asks the Man who Exposed Organ Trafficking

Justice Info Net
Former Swiss prosecutor Dick Marty this week spoke publicly for the first time in years about his explosive December 2010 report on illegal human organ trafficking in Kosovo. He was speaking to a “Carrefour de Sarajevo” forum at Neuchâtel University, attended by a numerous public. 

In his report Marty (who is also on the board of Fondation Hirondelle, owner of JusticeInfo.net) pointed the finger at current President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, accused of being “one of the most dangerous sponsors of the Albanian criminal underworld”.

The report says that the Kosovo president and his close aides “ordered, and in some cases personally oversaw a certain number of assassinations, detentions, attacks and interrogations in various regions of Kosovo, notably at the time of UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army) operations on Albanian territory between 1998 and 2000.”

Dick Marty, who was mandated three times to investigate for the European Council on secret CIA prisons in Europecrimes in the northern Caucasus and organ trafficking in Kosovo in 1999, got to view in the process the cynicism of Realpolitik and interests of State.

This Wednesday evening he admitted he had been “shaken” by the production of these three reports which “destroyed many of the illusions and hopes that I had in justice. I discovered that governments lie and manipulate information, that people say one thing and do another. They talk about human rights on Sunday and on Monday they violate them.”

With regard to the report alleging organ trafficking by UCK leaders including the current President of Kosovo, Marty said he was astonished that former Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Carla del Ponte only raised the issue in her 2008 book Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humanity’s Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity, i.e. four years after her office had failed to shine a light on these allegations.

Marty says it was even more astonishing when in 2010 he asked to see the evidence that ICTY prosecutors had gathered on organ trafficking and was told that “this evidence had mysteriously disappeared from the Office of the Prosecutor”.

For Marty, justice on this issue is an illusion. “The Americans have given priority to short-term stability,” he says. “Along with the Europeans they closed their eyes, although they all knew perfectly well about the crimes committed in Kosovo and who was responsible.”

In a few days, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers should become operational, with a mandate to prosecute those responsible for the organ trafficking revealed by Dick Marty. But he does not expect much from this first tribunal created by the European Union. “In these conditions, who will be mad enough to testify, 20 years after the crimes were committed?” he asks. “Many witnesses have already been assassinated.”


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Jun 6, 2019 11:49 PM

Dick Marty is payed from Srbian loby to desinform and to demage a KLA activity .
Nothing from that that he says in his reoport is not proved .
And when he says that testimons are killed he has to give names who are those peples that they were killed and not just talking like that without ani prove .
Its to bed for us in Kosovo that peoples who are in lead dont know they international rights bicose they had to sue him for these lies .

Jun 4, 2019 3:32 PM

Anything to say on the wrong messages about commenting and voting, Admin?

Jun 4, 2019 4:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, we posted about it yesterday in response to JudyJ in another thread. The voting issue seems to be resolved.

Your abrasiveness is not appreciated. We work incredibly hard in order to keep this site functioning so you and thousands of others get to use it for free. A little politeness is not too much to ask in return is it?

Jun 4, 2019 10:03 PM
Reply to  Admin

My sincere apologies for appearing abrasive. That was definitely not my intention.
Perhaps by keeping things brief, as I usually try to do, I run the risk of having the “tone” of my comments misheard, or misunderstood.
I assure all of you at OffG that I truly have the highest respect for what you have created here, and you always have my best wishes, with very positive vibes behind them.
I will certainly take your perception that I was abrasive seriously, and do whatever I can to avoid creating that impression in future – especially since I am really quite a nice, polite person, albeit with a dark-grey sense of humour at times : )
Glad to know the voting issue seems to be resolved. Thank you.

Jun 4, 2019 9:33 AM

Question for Dick: why is he escaping debate with Bardhyl Mahmuti?

Jun 3, 2019 9:57 PM

The entire “intervention”, the simplistic labelling of Serbs=black hats,Croats= white hats- the people with their own murderous SS battalions. Then the “recognition” of Kosovo as “independent” when way back then it was known that organ harvesting was big business for the “elite”. This is the world we have long lived in; hunt down black African “murderous dictators” reward those who further the desires of “the west” in this case the break up of Yugoslavia. Batista, Somoza, Reza Pahlavi, the entire Saud family, Suharto and a long list of other useful bastards down through the years. It’s surely not possible for anyone with an open mind and no “agenda” that it’s crocodile tears- in the case of Israel’s ongoing slow strangulation of the Palestinian people, ” shoot and cry”- for the poor benighted of some country with valuable resources and a blind eye to those which further the neocon project.

Jun 3, 2019 11:30 PM
Reply to  Antipropo

Organ trafficking is very widespread amongst western sponsored terror organisations like the KLA and the alphabet soup of cannibal throat slitters in Syria. It rivals drug trafficking, child trafficking and sex trafficking, as a source of revenue for them. It is conducted on a large scale. The UK taxpayer funded head choppers routinely kidnap civilians and murder them to harvest the organs. The same is true of the Zionist Regime. They frequently refuse to return the bodies of murdered Palestinians, because the organs have been taken. As the world turns, is it degenerating into a new barbarism before our eyes. Doctors are of course essential to this trade – people with the required knowledge are required to do this.

Frank Poster
Frank Poster
Jun 4, 2019 6:34 PM
Reply to  mark

So only the west and our friends are into organ trafficking on a widespread scale?

Jun 4, 2019 7:49 PM
Reply to  Frank Poster

No, a lot of countries are involved.
Places like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan. They supply most of the live donors/ victims.
But anywhere like Kosovo/ Syria is the favourite. Locals are rounded up by the UK taxpayer funded head choppers and killed. There’s normally an Israeli doctor to do the surgery on hand and an Israeli dealer for the business side of things. Israel is the world hub of organ trafficking, though it can’t claim a monopoly. Their trade probably took off when a leading rabbi gave a ruling that it was okay to kill a goy to take their organs if it was being done to supply a Jew with a replacement organ. A lot of children are being kidnapped and killed for their organs now. Of course there’s a ready supply from West Bank Palestinians as well. They probably haven’t been able to do much harvesting in Gaza unless they get their hands on the bodies.

Jun 5, 2019 1:27 PM
Reply to  Antipropo

Interesting to note that not long before the NATO invasion of Serbia, the BBC had a program showing how the minority Serbs in Kosovo were being attacked by the terrorist listed Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA terrorist listing was removed by the USA. Blair was gung ho for bombing Serbia.

Jun 3, 2019 7:02 PM

People like Kouchner and Levy in France were behind a lot of these atrocities. Typical handiwork on their part.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 3, 2019 7:00 PM

Meanwhile our vaunted Western “human rights” organizations like Amnesty International can’t quite summon up the rather minimal level of moral integrity needed to designate either Chelsea Manning or Julian Assange as “prisoners of conscience” – though both most certainly are just that – by any meaningful definition of the term. Were such dissident figures being detained in Russian prisons Amnesty would of course insure they were a cause célèbre here in the West. Such moral corruption and hypocrisy is quite amazing, but at this point totally expected.

Jun 3, 2019 4:48 PM

Dear Admin, twice today, “You’ve already voted for this comment” –
Except I haven’t…

Jun 3, 2019 7:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Seems to be a common problem, WD. Tried to vote for your post and couldn’t.

Jun 3, 2019 8:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Now it’s, “You are not allowed to vote for this comment” …

Jun 3, 2019 8:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Wardropper & Mark

Me too – I’ve had both respective messages on another thread when I tried to vote for two different posts; and when I tried to ‘up vote’ your comments here. I put a comment on the other thread for Admin’s attention.

Andy Sweet
Andy Sweet
Jun 3, 2019 9:55 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Just tried voting – looks fixed to me

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jun 3, 2019 11:44 AM

Please be careful Marty, as you know, there are many Kosovans in Switzerland. Brave man, may God protect you.

Jun 4, 2019 12:30 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Kosovo is Serbian land and is always going to be, under occupation at the moment from the Albanian terrorist and NATO. Well done to this man but I don’t expect ant good from the court.

Jun 6, 2019 11:43 PM
Reply to  Ivan

Kosova was a land occupied from Serbia from 1912 until 1999 and now is free country and independent state .

Jun 6, 2019 11:40 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I dont know howe you compare the thausand masacres that Serbians had done in civils in ex Jugoslavija with 5 or 10 peoples that are in these layer Dick .
Who knows for sure that peoples mascred in Bosnia and Kosovo are not removed they organs for treading from Serb criminals and they was not 1000 ore 2000 but more than 100000 in Bosnia and more then 10000 in Kosovo .
Only criminals can conpair crimes .