YouTube’s Latest Purge
Video sharing platform enforces new rules against “extremist content”
Kit Knightly

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YouTube has just announced they have changed their “community standards” to combat “extremist content” on their platform. This is just the latest step in the war against free speech online.
This move comes as no surprise – the press have been laying the groundwork for this for weeks, even months.
Three weeks ago Buzzfeed reported that YouTube’s monetised chat was “pushing creators to more extreme content”, and just yesterday it was reported that YouTube’s recommend algorithm was “sexualising children”.
You cannot move for stories about how bad YouTube is.
Given that, it comes as no surprise that the mainstream media are celebrating this latest “purge”.The Guardian reported:
YouTube bans videos promoting Nazi ideology
Whilst the Financial Times went with:
YouTube to ban supremacist videos
Both these headlines are wildly inaccurate, deliberately playing the racism/white supremacy angle in the hopes that people will clap along without reading anything else.
Vox was a little more truthful in its headline, reporting:
YouTube finally banned content from neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and Sandy Hook skeptics
The Independent likewise:
YouTube to delete thousands of accounts after it bans supremacists, conspiracy theorists and other ‘harmful’ users
However, even these headlines – though a touch closer to the whole truth – leave out some really important information (I’m sure entirely by accident).
As much as the media are playing the neo-Nazi/hate speech angle, there’s far more to it than that.
To really dig down into what this means, we need to ignore the media and go straight to the source. This is YouTube’s official statement on the matter, posted on their blog.
The bans, contrary to the media headlines, are not about racism. They are far more incoherent than that – they are about “supremacist content”.
YouTube’s delightfully vague description of which, is as follows:
videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status.
Honestly, almost any video you wanted – that expresses a political position – could be twisted into fitting that description. But it doesn’t end there:
Finally, we will remove content denying that well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust or the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, took place.
What does “well documented” mean? It’s a deliberately ambiguous phrase.
The cited examples, the Holocaust and Sandy Hook, are chosen for shock value – but they are only examples: “Like the holocaust”.
What other examples might there be? The Douma gas attack from last year? The poisoning of Sergei Skripal?
You can’t deny people the right to ask simple questions. “Did that really happen?”, “Is the government telling the truth?”
These are the basic questions of journalism. You can’t simply pass history off as “well documented” and put it beyond question. Don’t let them cite the Holocaust as an example to bully you into silence. Free speech applies to all topics, and all opinions, no matter how “well documented” they are.
In an increasingly fake world, where government actions are routinely narrative-based rather than reality-based, outlawing the ability to simply say “that didn’t happen, you made that up!” is incredibly powerful.
It doesn’t stop at that either, “violent incidents” are just the start. There are other kinds of “harmful content”:
harmful misinformation, such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, or claiming the earth is flat
Again, note the use of extreme examples – flat earth and “miracle cures”. It’s manipulation. What they’re talking about is “well documented” science. They mean the big three: Climate change, GM crops and vaccinations. Questioning any of those will become “harmful”.
People will say “obviously people shouldn’t be allowed to question vaccination”, but they’re wrong. People should – people must – be allowed to question everything. That’s what free speech means. Imagine this was seventy years ago, corporate consensus then was that smoking was good for you. Studies saying otherwise would have been described as “harmful misinformation” that were “shaking public confidence in our industry”.
Whether censoring lies or censoring truth, censorship serves the same agenda – protecting authority. What is “harmful content”? Harmful content is anything that attacks the “well documented” official consensus.
For that matter, what is hate speech? The phrase is used half-a-dozen times in the statement, but it can mean all kinds of things.
Critics giving bad reviews to Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the Ghostbusters remake were described as “misogynists” just because the main characters were women. Will poorly reviewing films with a female, or ethnic minority, main character be hate speech too?
This might seem a trivial example, but it hands enormous power to film studios to shut down negative opinions on their films, and Hollywood is a huge propaganda outlet for mainstream ideology. Besides, the triviality is the point.
This blanket term can be applied anywhere and everywhere, and with the increasingly hysterical tone of identity politics, almost anything could be deemed “hate speech”.
As we have said many times, “hate speech” is a term which can mean whatever they want it to mean. YouTube are expanding on that though, creating a whole new category called “almost a bit like hate speech”.
Yes, you don’t even have to actually break the rules anymore:
In addition to removing videos that violate our policies, we also want to reduce the spread of content that comes right up to the line.
See? YouTube will ban channels, or at least suppress creators, who “bump up against the line”.
Meaning, even if you’re incredibly clever, and work seriously hard to keep anything that a dishonest mind could potentially twist into “hate speech” out of your content…they’ll just ban you anyway and claim you “nearly did hate speech”.
Another way they’re combatting all this “dangerous misinformation” is by “boosting authoritative sources”:
For example, if a user is watching a video that comes close to violating our policies, our systems may include more videos from authoritative sources (like top news channels) in the “watch next” panel.
For example, if you watch an alt-news interview with Vanessa Beeley, your next “recommended video” will be a piece of western propaganda mainstream news from a massive corporate interest an authoritative source telling you to ignore everything you just heard, and/or calling Beeley an “apologist for war crimes”.
It’s a beautiful system, really. Very efficient and not-at-all Orwellian.
Don’t worry though, you can still use the platform, as long as Google trusts you [emphasis ours]:
Finally, it’s critical that our monetization systems reward trusted creators who add value to YouTube. We have longstanding advertiser-friendly guidelines that prohibit ads from running on videos that include hateful content and we enforce these rigorously…In the case of hate speech, we are strengthening enforcement of our existing YouTube Partner Program policies. Channels that repeatedly brush up against our hate speech policies will be suspended from the YouTube Partner program, meaning they can’t run ads on their channel or use other monetization features like Super Chat.
See? If you’re a “trusted creator” you still get your ad money. Just don’t break the rules – or even come near breaking the rules – or the money stops.
This is about creating an environment free of hate, and NOT enforcing a state-backed consensus using vague threats to people’s financial well-being. Shame on you for thinking otherwise.
Now, how will YouTube decide which stories “come up to the line” or “spread misinformation” or “hate speech”? How is it determined which users are “trusted creators”?
Well, simply put, the government will tell them. YouTube freely admits to this. Outside of its wishy-washy definitions, its incredibly vague buzzwords, and its platitude filled “reassurances”, the most important part of YouTube’s statement is this:
As we do this, we’re partnering closely with lawmakers and civil society around the globe to limit the spread of violent extremist content online.
“Partnering closely with lawmakers” means “working with the government”, essentially an admission that YouTube (owned by Google, in turn, owned by Alphabet Corp.) will remove any videos the state orders them to remove.
Something we all knew already, but it’s refreshing they’re admitting it.
So, some questions arise:
- Will this be the death of youtube as any kind of source for alternate information?
- What will be classified as “conspiracy theories”?
- What about, for example, people questioning the official story of the Douma “attack”? Or MH17?
- How long before there is a mass migration to rival platforms?
- Will those platforms be allowed to exist?
If you know of any good channels that are being shut down, let us know below and we’ll see if we can put together a list.
In the meantime, we suggest migrating to other video platforms, such as or bitchute. We will be embedding/linking to non-YouTube videos wherever possible. If you have any other alternate platforms to recommend, post them below and we’ll add links to them as well.
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I just clicked on and and neither responded, with “This site can’t be reached.”
Do others have the same issue? It would be scary if they also have been deplatformed from the global internet protocol!
The link works fine for us, but I’m pinning your comment here for a while, see if anyone else reports the same
Most of these ‘so-called’ ‘alternative’ media blogsites are mere CIA collectionsites; this site is no exception!
Good riddance to YouTube. Maybe with their video addiction turned off, people will finally begin reading the written word again. One virtually stopped writing because absolutely nobody reads any longer. I have no sympathy for people with attention spans too short to read a well researched and well written article. If they’re left stranded high and dry by YouTube, that’s all right with me.
Threedawgs – Isn’t that a bit cruel to the hogs?
Kill em! In a 100% Corrupt, Inverted-Totalitarian, Police-State Government, at least 3-5% of the citizens, the percent that’s worth a shit, must organize into guerilla armies, and first of all kill and defeat the police/military personnel–the state’s enforcement-defensive component. Then destroy the infrstructure with ease; then kill all the perps, first torturing the top 30-35%. These perps associated with the censorship/propaganda arm of the state would fall in the 30-35% of the perps that need tortuding before being fed-alive-to-hogs. Do it now, or quit commenting, blogging, bitching, whinning.
One thing we DO moderate for is incitements to violence. Anything else in this vein will be removed.
In respect to their age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status and intelligence, Off-Guardianistas are clearly superior to On-Guardianistas. Let’s all go to the movies.
In purges Off-Guardian is in close competition with On-Guardian and Youtube:
simply try to write anything critical of the “religion-that-cannot-be-named” and off you go!
Absolutely not true – which is proven by the fact that we also get attacked for being “anti-semitic .”
We are seeing continued attacks from many different directions atm, limiting our outlets and at the same time trying to undermine our – truly free – comments section.
Hopefully you aren’t another example of this.
“simply try to write anything critical of the “religion-that-cannot-be-named” and off you go!”
That is patently untrue. All you need to do is look back through the comments to see that you are talking absolute balls re Off-G.
On-G, of course, but then that’s nothing new. Off-G is a welcome sunlit pasture of free speech compared to Graun et al
What if you are nearly caught speeding you can get a speeding ticket for doing 29 MPH in a 30 MPH. If you walked passed a house, you can be done for nearly being a burglar. These are the Orwellian standards, you might have to follow in future. It’s like for nearly being a holocaust denier, or nearly a vaccination denier, you’ll be banned from Youtube.
There have been times when I was so mad at somebody that I nearly killed them! I think, perhaps, the government ought to nearly execute me as a punishment.
Well, James Corbett has for plenty of time recommended not to use Youtube, as other alternatives exist.
Rather than trying to change closed minds, target what they really care about: advertising revenues. The more people who simply stop using Youtube, the less control they will have to control humanity.
As for questioning vaccination, there is a very simple reason why you should and that is this: human beings’ response to vaccinations are different, sometimes radically so. I worked years ago on a project where HSE regulations dictated we all needed HepB vaccinations. Blood was taken to test our immune responses and two of us had huge titres of antibodies and two had none at all. So there is no simple uniform response to vaccines…..
So blanket statements that vaccines are universally safe are unwise at best, knowingly inaccurate at worst.
If you believe a small percentage of children have adverse reactions to vaccines, well let me tell you something totally acceped by the pharmaceutical industry: very low percentage adverse effects to licensed drugs led to several of them being withdrawn, despite them benefits hundreds of thousands, if not millions of patients. These Idiosyncratic Drug Reactions have been known about for decades so my view is that if chemical drugs can induce adverse reactions in 0.01% to 1 in a million people, then why cannot the same occur during vaccination protocols?
Is the link below conspiracy theory, investigative journalism, propaganda, anti-semitism or the truth? I don’t know.
9-11, Trump and the Israeli Connection.
What i do know is this is exactly the sort of thing they don’t want us to see because it questions the narrative they give us. Whats clear is some one took far more time compiling this media than most MSM journalists do there own propaganda.
Oy vey! The truth is anti semitic!! Shut it down!!!
Very well done video .Looking forward to part 2 .
Thanks for the link.I have been following the 9/11 event very much along the same lines but this video connects a lot of events that have been scrubbed from the internet.
Get part 2 whilst its still available..
9 11, Israel, Trump Connection CASE CLOSED 2
Thank you.
Should this video not be turned into BitChte or something as it is worth while saving.
I unfortunately do not have the savey to do that .
I’m afraid that’s not something i could personally get involved with, I wouldn’t sign up to either utube of bit-tube/bitchute due to their invasion into my privacy. I don’t agree to their T&C’s
However its a fairly simple thing to do , if you have say firefox anyone could use an browser extension like “youtube video & audio downloader” to download from youtube & uploading is relatively simple to another platform, just follow the instructions.
With 7+ billion people on the planet, there needs to be control of the masses, otherwise chaos reigns.
The self-appointed governors have decided that social media has created too much chatter, conspiracy, even revolution.
In the real world they enforced smoking bans and allowed cheap booze in the supermarkets which directly let to the closure in the UK of Public Houses, now just places for affluent people to mingle after a “hard day” at the office. This has stopped the working classes from sharing experiences, being unhappy, and revolting against the Establishment (well, until Brexitcame along!)
In the virtual world, they have banned “extreme” political views, de-platformed people like Tommy Robinson, Alex Jones, and many others. These latest measures are yet more tightening of the totalitarian screw.
Returning to my first point. The world has been carved up, but there are still disagreements amongst the controllers. The East is controlled by China. The West by the US. Russia used to control the bit in between.
Now the West is trying to grab the whole control of 7+ billion, a very dangerous project, and to achieve it they must shut up those of us of greater awareness and who are off-message. They have tried for quite a few years, but now they are “upping the anti” against the Truthseekers.
We MUST resist, peacefully, skillfully, audaciously, tenaciously…
Long live OffG.
Says the person that doesn’t understand a self organizing system…
Nobody wants to live in eternal chaos do they? As a result, they do not. When chaos is created, it’s created externally, like in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Soon it may happen in Venezuela, and Iran.
Guess what you’re not allowed to do anymore? Advocate NOT creating chaos.. The same people creating the chaos are the promoters of censorship. Assad wasn’t gassing his own people. Qaddafi wasn’t about to cause a humanitarian crisis. Saddam Hussein didn’t have a secret weapons of mass destruction program. Maduro WAS elected, and Juan Guido wasn’t, Libya isn’t a threat to the United States, or even Israel.
These TRUTHS scare the mafia that has seized control of our government, and as a result, cowardly vermin like you claims there “needs to be control of the masses”. No – there needs to be consequences for criminals. Criminals run the United States. Most people aren’t criminals, but the people that run the United States certainly are.
Good points except you are way off target with the sniping at “cowardly vermin”. It’s perfectly obvious that the earlier comment is ironic.
The consequences need to be 100% eradication by violence and subsequent torturing of the top 30-35% of the perps involved with the tyranny of mankind!
This is a blatant attempt by political elites (neo-liberals) to take back control of the narrative to maintain control & forward their agenda. The irony is there is no more divisive, harmful, extreme & dangerous political ideology than centrist liberals. Liberals are the greatest threat to all life on this planet with their warmongering, denial of natural processes & cold hard facts!
Liberals even have me doubting the authenticity of global warming, perfectly credible science discredited because liberals push it beyond reason.
So once again we see the MSM winding up the propaganda machine to facilitate censorship & natural freedoms (whats more natural than critical thinking?). Whats so terrifying is how people swallow this in the likes of the Guardian & independent, claiming it protects people from “hate”, that’s when it becomes clear why liberals have adopted the anti-antism & hypocritical ‘mr nice guy’, that is until they get a milkshake in their hands!
Liberals = corrupt, lying, deluded hypocrites…
For the mods; your comments section is much better, but how about a preview (for editing purposes & a text box that can be enlarged by dragging the cursor in one corner so the whole comment can be read before posting.
The whole comment, however long, is displayed automatically during editing (here at least); the preview function was here, seemed to cause problems, was removed, may return.
For “during editing” read “during entry”. The preview function was incorporated in an editing function. Getting too late, must horizontalize.
YouTube’s policy change sounds very much like the British government’s “Online Harms” White Paper. If it had been in force in 2002/3, it would have censored any dissent from the WMD narrative, which would have been construed as authoritative. The fact that the ruling elites, who all claim to be committed to freedom of expression, are determined to censor any and all dissent from their narratives shows just how sacred they are.
Freedom to express authentically who we are and how we contribute to the society/environment around us is such a deeply rooted need, or even part of what it is to be alive, that it cannot be extinguished without extinguishing all life. Life is not robotic. Life cannot be controlled, perfected, fine tuned. One way or the other, this insane control freakery will backfire on the perps.
Excellent article, Kit. Thank you for your continuing high-quality reporting and courage.
Dan Dicks of Press for Truth has been demonetised and some of his videos are being removed. Most worrying a video about Pedosexuals and the dangerously young age at which children are being sexualised was removed because it’s content was deemed hateful. Bonkers.
“Most worrying a video about Pedosexuals and the dangerously young age at which children are being sexualised was removed”
one has to ask why that is. If you read the Clinton/Podesta emails on Wikileaks you may get an idea. It has nothing to do with protecting anybody from “harmful content”
”…authoritative sources (like top news channels)…”.
I burst out laughing at this preposterous idea.
OffG Admin, can you please stop your site being hijacked by Mucho posting all the myriad of off-topic links? It’s trolling. I would not be surprised if it’s a deliberate attempt to have OffG classified as a conspiracy / fake news site.
“I would not be surprised if it’s a deliberate attempt to have OffG classified as a conspiracy / fake news site.”
^^ this
Hmm interesting comment on a article about censorship & free speech! Ban someone in case it puts the site disrepute, really??
An easier way would be add an ignore button so if you don’t like what some one writes just don’t read it!
Trolls, idiots & liars should have the same rights as everyone else, after all the guardian is allowed to publish its bile every day.
Deliberate attempts by agent provocateurs to discredit a site and have it shutdown is free speech in your book? Then there will be no sites left for us to comment on!
Wait what..
I’m sorry whats your definition of free speech again, only speech that isn’t potentially harmful? Sounds remarkably familiar. Who chooses whats harmful?
Whats the point of existing if you live in fear of not existing? This site is beginning to resemble its nemesis in more ways than I thought. It’s getting very ‘cliquey’ !
We can all see where this is going, and the future is looking pretty bleak from where I’m sitting. All voices challenging the status quo, challenging the Empire must be snuffed out. I see an intensifying of attacks on Independent news sites, and blogs, and any group deemed ‘terrorist’ by, of course, the real terrorists and mass murderers of the World. Just watched a couple clips of Hassan Nasrallah on YouTube before commenting here. How much longer will people like Nasrallah appear on YouTube, or say Roger Waters, or Subcommandante Marcos, or Michael Parenti, for example. They want us all as fully brainwashed automatons, believing whatever the stenographers or Govt tell us. Its like we’re in a room, and the walls are slowly closing in on us, and no one can find the key to get out.
You can go to prison now just for looking at a website the establishment label terroorist!
Even the saudis don’t hide the fact they are brutal dictators, so what does it tell you when these neo liberals (our own governments) sell them the means & expertise to enslave & kill its citizens?
You’re right to be very afraid of the future.
There needs to be a non-US hosted and owned alternative to YouTube ASAP.
but when the DNS root servers are controlled by one party (whoever that may be) having alternatives is only a temporary stop-gap solution..DNS blocking and injection attacks will become the next means by which our alternatives are foiled.
What we need is a public debate around what “freedom of speech” actually means in real terms i.e it’s only the speech you don’t like or want to hear that will need protecting. Most “liberal” minded people can’t get their little heads around that part
Like bit-tube or Dtube you mean? But who knows how long they will last, the issue isn’t developing an alternative, its about an alternative with the means & will to resist political interference. You-tube (recently renamed they-tube) is to big & powerful to shut down but being a corporate entity much easier to corrupt.
There Should be numerous alternatives to Google, Android, MSN, facebook, etc., etc., etc., etc.,
WHen I grew up many, many years ago, ‘I was taught that sticks and stones may break my bones but names cannot hurt me’. Flying in the face of such folk wisdom, the concept of ‘hate speech’ turns the world of common sense on its head because hate speech is in the eye of the beholder and ignores the motivation of both parties. As if that isn’t corrosive enough of any possibility of conviviality within society, now large corporations are able to use the concept to justify censorship.
This initial cave inoccurred within 3 days of the US government announcing anti-trust investigations against Alphabet, Apple and FB, the full extent of the censorship will roll out over the next year.
Initially I thought the pressure was over Google’s and FB’s and Apple’s call to only take their apps off of new Huaweis and leave existing ones alone but even though in the fullness of time that will occur, I was a mug not to deduce it is about much more than that. I do repeat tho that Apple and Alphabet’s ‘investigation’ is in the hands of the Department Of Justice while FB’s is the bailiwick of the less awful, less competent Federal Trade Commission.
Hush now, I am sure there will be an innocent explanation for this – perhaps Prez Trump has already ditched his Alphabet and Apple stock but the family hasn’t divested Facebook yet.
As for average Jo/Joe waking up to this and going elsewhere, I’m sorry to be the purveyor of bad tidings but I do not think so.
Contrarian views have been censored off network television and hollywood movies for several generations yet the sky failed to fall. It will be the same here, people lack the time let alone the interest to resist the poisonous drip of propaganda.
They only pay attention when it gets down to resist or starve – while we will get there eventually, remember that the masses have adjusted to huge homelessness with barely a demur, and ‘normals’ starving is still a way off so there is no reason to suppose anyone apart from us sort of a mob will say much let alone do anything.
Get ready for taunts of” Terrorist Lover” etc from the slimebots when anyone does point out the censorship.
All the usual neolib media outlets lined up to spank the Oz government with a damp bus ticket yesterday after the Oz Feds raided the ABC and NewsCorp tracking whistleblowers. Both outlets acquiesced & threw open their files – their colleagues around the world tut tutted but that will be all.
They’ve perfected the means to brainwash the majority over the last few decades, now so few people are able to think critically..
Just mention the word anti vaxxer in a sentence in the guardian comments section & people go apoplectic, & they are supposed to be educated science following middle class liberals .
The real problem is even people that have woken to the propaganda machine still appeal to the establishment to fix the machine the establishment designed!
I know I’m going to get lambasted for this, I don’t care though, because freedom of expression is a right. It is very interesting how they cite flat Earth as harmful content. If the Earth is flat, it means we are not an accident, that we have a creator. The evil scum that rules us want to and to a very large extent have succeeded in persuading people they are an accident, just a random blob of cells, formed form nothing, that we are one of a septillion galaxies, with no special place in the universe. This is very powerful.
While you can still review this content, I will post some of the more credible flat Earth docs, so people can watch them and understand why this issue deserves a lot more credit than it gets. No name calling please,watch the content and criticise the content, not me for being inquisitive. People get very childish about this subject, which for me is a red flag, as this is nothing but programming. There is also a LOT of controlled opposition in Flat Earth, another red flag……if it’s so crazy, why the need for controlled opposition? The Flat Earth Society, for example, was always controlled opposition. This may just be the biggest lie of them all.
The Science Of Flat Earth
History of Flat Earth
NASA lies…….
Moon lander fabrication analysis
NASA Admits They “Lost” the Technology, Telemetry Data, and Original Footage from the Moon Landings
There’s lots more, but that will do, and certainly enough info here to raise genuine, legitimate questions. We should be able to view this content, but now they are banning it. Very strange, another big red flag.
I also recommend watching this, Neil Armstrong, a good man, being force to lie through his teeth about what he had just “achieved”. He comes across terribly, not as someone who has just completed mankind’s greatest ever feat. They’re lying, it is clear
This guy waykiwayki has some interesting content too
Sorry this is from waykiwayki
And this one is good about geology, from waykiwayki
Flat Earth Advanced – Geology Revived Documentary#
So, very predictably, people assert that it’s all crazy, yet not one of you can put forward any solid counter arguments to the hours and hours of footage I posted. Weak.
and BOOM! you’re doing exactly what I said (and “they” want) conflating the obvious and real questions surrounding the Moon and Apollo programs with FE..and yes, I think we went to the moon (and probably never stopped but it became a mil program), but no, I don’t think the pictures we see/saw are what we are told they are. And I still know the earth is round.
The info is totally relevant in proving that NASA are nothing more than bunch of shady charlatans. You know, NASA, the multi trillion dollar company which has convinced you they went to the moon, proven liars, who you have faith in. And BOOM!, you admit they lie, too, and you still have faith in them. Comical
Off topic. Are you trying to deliberately have OffG classified as a conspiracy / fake news site by your trolling?
5 thumbs down, not one attempt at discussing the content, NASA saying in their own words they have lost the technology to go to the moon, hence why they never went back (LOL), that they have lost all the telemetry data and footage of the moon landings. All gone, NASA themselves saying this, and people just thumb it down. Hahaha, very open minded
Off topic.
So people (at least the 5 thumb downers) are comfortable with NASA sending space craft to the moon which are made out of grey paper, baking trays, sticky tape and gold foil. What geniuses I find myself confronted with, hahaha!
Off topic.
More intelligent replies….!
there is no “science” to flat earth. All you have to do is watch the number of rebuttals offered by real scientists to your “science”. If you say they do not rebut, you either haven’t watched them or you are being wilfully ignorant. Why not turn your need to know onto issues that are real and much more pressing.
And remember: just because NASA lies about a lot of stuff (which they clearly do), does not mean the earth is flat.
And no, I will not debate this with you at any level. Sorry. AGW, 9/11, Mars..all of those I’ll debate. FE, not worth my breath.
You’ve been suckered. Ever wonder why? Look at what’s happening now and you’ll see it, about 5 years ago FE was foisted en masse on you tube and a load of gullibles cottoned on. Now you are being used as whipping boys to remove our freedom of speech. Way to go
The last para is indeed demonstrably true. The anti-rational ‘flat earth’ movement was an intel-created psyop designed for just this scenario.
But, ironically, we have to defend flat-earthers’ right to be heard, precisely because they are the intentional thin end of a wedge
“But, ironically, we have to defend flat-earthers’ right to be heard, precisely because they are the intentional thin end of a wedge”
I couldn’t agree more, I just won’t be part of that debate.
Buddhists have been teaching that nothing exists independent or separate from the mind for centuries. Science in the form of quantum mechanics is just starting to catch up. Buddhism is not religion in the sense that it has faith in an external power or creator.
Absolutely true, I watched a doc on flat earther’s a while back (could be the one posted) which showed people actively crating experiments to prove their flat earth theory.
Whatever you think of flat earther’s or religion (its not for me) you have to respect the fact they were using scientific method to explore their thoughts.
We should question everything & explore & investigate the consensus to gain the truth.. its true science.
Some scientists argue that nothing really exists. Everything is just a hologram or we are just part of a big computer programme. A lot of Quantum Physics is seriously weird shit, so far as anybody can understand it. Like you can change the nature of physical objects just by looking at them. These are theories that are aired and may even be true for all I know. They are far more weird than David Icke’s ideas. Flitting around between different dimensions.
It seems to be mainstream now that the universe kicked off about 14 billion years ago, and before then the whole universe with its billions of galaxies and planets, everything that has ever existed and ever will exist, including us, was concentrated into a single tiny speck of matter you could fit on a pin head. Compared to all that lot, a flat earth is small beer.
Quantum physics is way over my head i struggle with basic physics. But what i do know is we should always keep an open mind, never accept anything simply because someone else told it is so.
So far as science is concerned i conduct my life according to the laws of nature, i find my truth in the natural world & i know for a certain fact no primate species has the ability to morph into a different sex by wishful thinking.
We have free will & the ability to dream, but psychology can’t change the physical. If anyone knows better please let me know how to change my keyboard to a lump of gold. Until then i’ll stick with good old pure biology & chemistry 😉
No, no, that’s completely wrong. You’re obviously homophobic and transphobic and need to be re-educated in a Birmingham primary school with the 4 year olds. Should be ashamed of yourself. Anyone can self identify however they wish. I’m going to be a zebra next week.
I keep telling the bank manager I’m a billionaire, he still wont advance me a poxy million, does that give me grounds to sue for discrimination?
“The anti-rational ‘flat earth’ movement was an intel-created psyop designed for just this scenario. ”
Proof please.
Sorry I haven’t been suckered at all. The docs I posted put forward many, many stong argument points which should be assessed and discussed by honest people, sans emotion. Shame you are not capable of that. Once I became aware that there is no scientific evidence for gravity (it fails the scientific method), the force which underpins the whole ball earth model, that we cannot measure or quantify a force so strong that supposedly keeps trillions of tonnes of water stuck to the underside of a giant ball suspended in a vacuum, that gravity is nothing more than a THEORY, loud alarm bells started going off.
Instead of assuming what you think you know, why not watch the material I have posted, then refute it? Your weak, predictable, standard issue response, which consists of nothing more than a wild assumption that the doc I posted might be one that you have already watched, (I very much doubt that because that one is quite hard to find, even if you know the title of it), then an inaccurate reference to flat earth being foisted onto people 5 years ago (I posted a doc detailing an extensive history of flat earth, which I recommend you watch, it’s fascinating), is a great example of why I am very happy to entertain this info, use my own mind, be THE JUDGE. Judges are well known for their intelligence (I know they’re corrupt blah blah blah). When a judge sits on a case, does he or she simply look at one side of the argument and then give the verdict? No. They weigh up the arguments put forward by both sides. This is how I approach things like this, with an open mind. Given the scale of brainwashing and lies we are subjected to, that NASA are so provably fraudulent and deeply connected to Freemasonry, a secret society, this is reasonable. When you do this with flat earth (play the Judge), you come to realise that the flat Earthers have many perfectly sound, logical, easy to understand arguments on their side (water sits flat, it does not bend or stick to spherical objects, just one example) which stand up to scrutiny. Many such arguments.
Nevermind, you have reached your conclusion having only assessed one side of the argument. Hilariously, you also admit that NASA, the organisation which provides all the so called “proof” we live on a giant ball, is full of shit, you seem to know that they specialise in psyop campaigns, but despite knowing this, you are STILL happy to take their word for it, that what they say is true. R O F L! Ok, fine, stay ignorant, keep believing proven liars.
Apologies I got part of my response wrong, you did not mention that you may have seen what I have posted
I do not believe that just because NASA lies that means the Earth is flat, but it does raise serious questions and means that we cannot take their research seriously. They are the psyop kings
Here’s one of your celebrated scientists, rebutting a serious flat earther.
Flat Earth – Brian Cox is a fraud – 100% PROOF.
Another one of your scientific geniuses promoting the globe
Neil deGrasse Tyson Exposed | Hollywood Actor
And another one, Bill Nye
Bill Nye Indoctrinates the World | Why Flat Earth Matters
You went to the trouble of changing the links i posted? Riiiiight……
No one is changing your links, if they aren’t the links you intended to post that’s down to you.
You are getting close to spamming this thread though.
This is my final comment on your nonsense, because you are putting words in my mouth and attaching relevance to myself and my comments which is total bullshit:
None of those scientists are “mine”, nor do I watch them at all. Not at all. get it?
I don’t need pop-science to tell me anything I can test myself.
There are fully rational explanations for all of your “questions” explained by non-pop scientists and lay scientists (which is what every single FE proponent is – a charlatan – show me a *real* knowledge on planetary mechanics who agrees with FE), you just choose not to read/listen/believe and that is your right as a free human.
“I do not believe that just because NASA lies that means the Earth is flat”
Good. At least we agree on something. Correlation does not equal causation.
Ever heard of a “limited hangout”?
Bye! /waves
This answer is riddled with problems, but it’s pointless speaking with you because YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THE CONTENT!……..none of it! You have no idea what is discussed or presented in the clips I posted, because you haven’t watched them. You have not challenged a single issue raised in more than 6 hours of what I would describe as, on the whole, decent, credible, compelling material, which I have posted. And whether you like it or not, those “scientists” I linked to are very much the individuals the MSM pushes as the reps of the globe model, the “in the know” scientists who sell NASA’s story, endorsed by BBC and US mainstream, establishment puppets basically, the ones the public identify with, and very much ones you must have faith in and agree with, by default. If you disagree with their views and claims, please elaborate.
For you to sit there, all high and mighty, assuming you understand what I have posted, to the point that you develop a superiority complex and label what I posted as “nonsense”, when in reality you are 100% ignorant of the content, is laughable. For me, it’s just a big yawn, another chat with another hypnotised human, totally incapable of grasping the extent to which they are under a spell, you cannot bring yourself to view content which shatters your hard wired belief system.
I have presented other disciples of proven liars some of these clips, but they always get angry and refuse to watch, they don’t want to see them and have their fake world exposed for the pile of smouldering plastic trash it truly is.
Planetary mechanics. The scientists who claim to know planetary mechanics, you know, they’ve got all God’s work licked, they know how it all works. Sure. Well those same scientists put a lot of faith into and get a lot of their info from this company called NASA. NASA has been involved in many suspected hoaxes, and they have strong links to the OCCULT, including the use of a large amount of occultist symbology in their company designs. If we are to believe in NASA, we are expected to believe, that purely by chance, there is an image of Pluto the dog, on Pluto the planet. Don’t believe me? Well, allow NASA’s own imagery to explain.
Have fun on your merry go round!
Last one… one of your scientists, Neil De Grasse Tyson, telling us that Earth is an oblate spheroid, that it is pear shaped. All NASA images show a perfect sphere. So which is it? Because……science!
“rebutting a serious flat earther.” LOL
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Take your stuff to people who care – clue: not here
The video-sharing website, which is owned by Google, said on Wednesday it would ban any videos “alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status”.
That must include Israel with its ‘Jews only’ immigration policy [basic law 1950], its over 50 laws which discriminate against Palestinians and its recent blatantly racist ‘Nation state law’ [also a basic law] which favours Jews over any other group in Israel.
Then the dozens of earlier declared Islamic states should must be included first. A very supremacist bunch.
Obvious to 97% of the world but not here…
And Islamic exclusiveness started waaaaaay before 9/11 or even the Balfour declaration. From Indonesia till Nigeria to Southern Europe: it was prescribed in their Manual, just read it.
Keep on ignoring this guys!!!
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the People of Israel. Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plough, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi, and eat.” Ovadia Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
“Our Race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. Other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin.
“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is nig enough to take the hit, so we can do it again and again and again. That is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” Netanyahu.
In my opinion Apartheid South Africa, and some Islamic states who are, or were as racist as the Israeli state, should ALL be included in the groups google wishes to exclude from its video sharing platform, without exception.
Can’t get or bitchute: safari cannot find server can someone help?
I did reply to this with the two URLs but the post has been deleted (spam?) Change your DNS server to (google’s DNS server ironically lol) and try again..who is your ISP?
Bitchute is registered in Britain, can’t see it lasting long without censorship.
The thought police are determined to freeze the world into an epistemological straightjacket where the existing order of things must never be questioned. Anyone who did question the status quo – heretics and hate merchants – will be hunted down and vaporised. Like John Stuart Mill said:
”It is a piece of idle sentimentality that truth, merely as truth, has any inherent power denied to error of prevailing against the dungeon and the stake.” But, he goes on. ”The real advantage which truth has consists of this: that when an opinion is true, it may be extinguished once, twice, or many times, but in the course of ages there will generally be found persons to rediscover it, until someone of its reappearances falls on a time when from favourable circumstances it escapes persecution until it has made such headway as to withstand all subsequent attempts to supress it.” (J.S.Mill – On Liberty – On Thought and Discussion)
It doesn’t seem to have dawned upon the MSM dimwits that the questioning of existing knowledge and beliefs is the source of new knowledge and beliefs, Kant, Galileo Newton and the Enlightenment would never have changed the world if the practise of dissent were banned. This process was well understood by Thomas Kuhn in his seminal work: ”The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” whereby he identified ‘paradigm shifts’ in terms of new knowledge and understanding. One would have thought that this was common knowledge, but the modern inquisitors and obscurantists are doing everything to stop human evolution development. In todays world questioning the order of things is not some option it is absolutely imperative. Turning back to Mill:
”He who only knows his side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no-one may be able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so know even what they are then he has no ground for preferring either opinion. The rational position of him would be to suspend rational judgement, and unless he contents himself with that, he is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the side of which he feels most inclination. Nor is it enough that he should hear the arguments of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them; who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. He must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; he must feel the whole force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of … ” (Mill – Op. cit.)
One cannot feel the sheer power of Mill’s integrity and intellectual honesty. Would that we might have leaders such as that today instead of the toadying rascals and scallywags who set themselves up as our leaders. But I suppose Mill was writing when the world was on an upward trajectory with the Enlightenment; unfortunately the modern world is on a downward trajectory a new Endarkenment.
Herewith some hate speach/extremist views – according the MSM line. These are flat facts. Not propaganda.
Civilian losses in Israel’s war against the Palestinians, ‘Operation Protective Edge’.
Total Fatalities (of whom children):
Israel 73 (1)
Palestine 2200 (550)
Civilians (% of total casualties):
Israel 6 (8)
Palestine 1,560 (70)
Combatants (% of total casualties):
Israel 67 (92)
Palestine 640 (30)
Direct damage to civilian infrastructure (in US$):
Israel 55,000,000
Palestine 4,000,000,000
Civilian homes destroyed, rendered unhinhabitable:
Israel 1
Palestinians 18,000
(Norman Finkelstein: Gaza)
Pretty much a days work for the IDF. Flat facts. But would this be interpreted as ‘Hate Speech’ I wonder.
@ 1:30 seems to cut 6 minutes of the broadcast while talking about an article in Express that’s now unavailable, full video available on bitchute… Hmmm
Everyone must be used to the label “Holocaust denial” but “Sandy Hook denial” is new to me. As the article above notes, will this lead to e.g. “Skripal denial”? “Russian cyber denial”? “Labour anti-Semitism denial”? “Corbyn is evil denial”? How about “the NHS-must-go denial”?
“It is undeniable that………………………….” Fill in the gap.
Margaret Beckett wanted to make Global Warming Denial a criminal offence.
wtf Guardian?? Why aren’t you taking youtube’s side???
Thom Yorke will not be pleased…
Thanks for this update and listing some alternative video site options. I currently rely on Youtube to view Jimmy Dore’s work, but it seems clear that he will eventually be axed from Youtube for his stellar work outing our totally corrupt U.S. media and our completely psychopathic political class. Oh, wait, but he’s not supposed to talk about that kind of stuff right? Yeah, “community standards,” I almost forgot.
For hundreds of years our Western “community standards” required that we publicly claim we were “saving souls” and “bringing civilization” to you when we slaughtered you, enslaved your children, and pillaged your society. Today our “community standards” require that we publicly claim that we are concerned about your “human rights” and are only bombing you, starving you, killing you and plundering your nation because of our “duty to protect” – therefore necessitating our “humanitarian interventions” – which admittedly can easily be mistaken for outright illegal invasion, mass civilian slaughter and war crimes that violate international law.
Maybe we’ll have to go back to the old – “bringing you civilization” shtick and try recycling that one – I mean at this point when any American (or Western) politician starts talking about “human rights” the non-Western world knows that’s the cue the bombs are about to start dropping on them yet again.
Yes, planet earth has had 500+ years now of the West’s genocidal – “community standards” – to learn from and we no longer require an Orwell among us to tell us what the phrase “community standards” actually means in terms of real-world terror, torture, mass murder and human suffering all in pursuit of profit.
Sorry, people are only allowed to think about criminal conspiracies while watching thousands of episodes of fictitious crime dramas!!!
The fact that FBI never charged Usama bin Laden with the attacks of 9/11 doesn’t matter…
The fact that FBI named their official 9/11 investigation PENTTBOM (PENtagon Twin Towers BOMbing) doesn’t matter.
The fact that most people don’t believe the Official Story which the government and media have fed us is the full truth, doesn’t matter…
Extremists like Kit should probably be banned. I should definitely be banned as well. Why can’t Facebook ban us? What’s so special about all these others they’ve banned? Everybody should be banned, to be on the safe side, then Zuckerberg can go back to selling bagels.
These people are like a man sawing through the branch he is sitting on. Corporate toadies like Facebook and Youtube are shredding their own credibility and will soon be sharing the same fate of the presstitute MSM hacks. They will be treated with a mixture of contempt and derision, like the Guardian and Rachel Madcow.
One should absolutely be able to opine (ludicrously) online that Putin and Assad are selfless humanitarian, utterly incapable of doing harm to their citizens….
It can be taken for granted that the two gentlemen have the same commitment to free speech to within the borders of their respective countries.
Compared to the tens of millions slaughtered, starved and immiserated by Uncle Sam and his satraps over the years, Putin and Assad are a pair of choirboys.
It amuses me that the admiration you and many others express, for what many consider as tyrants, is never consummated to the extent of emigration… It is enough to worship from afar 😉
Aha, Billy the Kid no less. So, you think there’s no democracy in Russia, (I can’t speak for Syria). I am afraid I will have to disabuse you on that point old chap. Not only all television cable and network stations – CNN and MNSBC – are available on Russian TV, as are the Washington Post and the New York Times. Also, interestingly enough the Moscow Times The Moscow Times is an English-language weekly newspaper published in Moscow, with a circulation of 55,000 copies. It is distributed free of charge at places frequented by English-speaking tourists and expatriates such as hotels, cafés, embassies, and airlines, and is also available by subscription. It is more importantly the opposition house journal of the Russian liberal classes.
I wish the reverse regarding the media in the US, were the same but alas they all speak with one voice.
The Russian political system is composed of a number of political parties including most importantly, United Russia, the party of Putin and Medvedev. But there are a number of other parties in leftist (most importantly the Communist party) and Right-Wing nationalist parties led by the likes of Zhirinovsky and Dugin. Elections for the legislature and Presidency take place on a time measured basis.
Like any other modern state there is cronyism and corruption, but to argue that somehow that Russia is somehow different from other states, including the US, is to engage in an outdated Cold War ideological paradigm. Moreover, US NGOs have always openly operated in Russia, much to the chagrin of nationalist elements therein. Times have changed since 1954, it might be a good idea to adjust yourself to the new reality.
That just proves how fiendishly crafty and cunning the evil Vlad is.
do you work for the Atlantic Council? Or Media Matters? Or Bellingcat?
Full disclosure please. Your comments mark you out as either someone who is supremely gullible, can’t read, or is a paid troll.
We already live under an authoritarian criminal terrorist regime. Why go elsewhere to live under another one? You can just stay put and save yourself the price of a plane ticket.
Oh do tell how you have suffered under the repressive regime of the UK government. The decades you spent in British gulags… You clearly are Britain’s answer to Solzhenitzyn
The only ludicrous thing here is your childish attempt to conflate doubt about the Douma incident-you must be asleep, the OPCW’s OWN ENGNEERING REPORT states that the only viable way the two “gas bombs” could have got where they were found is to have been MANUALLY PLACED THERE; further the final OPCW report stated: ” no organophosphate traces or their degradation products found in environmental samples or samples from alleged victims. Or to put it simply for your simple mind, there was no gas attack. As for Skripal, so many holes in that story it would sink in seconds if it was a ship. Putting the lie to obvious concoctions of the “western democracies” in no way-for a functioning adult- implies fawning approval of the leaders of countries opposed to “the west”. Put simply, grow up mate or find a kiddies platform to spout garbage on.
But they are partnering with Civil Society! That guy is the best. Wise and twinkly and he totally has a great sense of humour. I trust him 100%. If he were not involved I might be worried but whew everything is going to be okay.
Just to say.
Ole Dammegård – “Terror” – are you kidding me?
It’s stuff like this they don’t like.
Ole’s account was binned a while ago.
That was quick… browser (chrome) does not recognise any of the video formats…. If google does not recognise something it must be some deep dark web shit from a different dimension…..not some alternative to censorship obviously. :-/
I am banned from youtube for posting videos about the Lee Rigby fake event.
The One Per Cent are nervous.
The sand is shifting under their towers of LIES.
It’s a pathetic spectacle of paranoia.
I expect to be banned because my name implies that I am not in favour of war…
I am banned from youtube for posting videos about the Lee Rigby laughable fake event.